J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
The Present:
There are now so many systems of law and layers of regulation that finally everything is going into gridlock. Crimes against humanity including mass murder by injection or hospitalisation now go unpunished while legislated crimes such as cocaine use are set to be just ignored, led by the US White House. The picture is bleak. Those charged with crafting the law are mostly either corrupt, incompetent or both with no will to improve systems either through streamlining or by aligning them with the most basic Christian or egalitarian principles.
Justice is only available to the well funded or bitterly determined, at the same time judgments may be limited, tainted or perverted by corruption or built-in dysfunctionality. A ruling can be defeated for good or for ill by a judge who knows the system and how to simply massage it. It takes a long time to learn to play the game and tremendous financial resources to practice so one must stop to wonder how much value this entire priesthood actually contributes to the general good.
The chaos is by now understood to be intentional, it is about ushering in a new system, the 4th Reich. Originating from the ancient Venetian nobility, now relocated to Switzerland, Swabia and such places, the 4th Reich has morphed sideways into the 4th Industrial Revolution and is overtaking the old powers, such as Kings and Presidents, by prior arrangement.
Clearly our systems have become broken almost beyond recognition, viz:
i) Government spread disinformation about safety and effectiveness of experimental injectables for a massively overblown air-germs scenario.
ii) Climate mumbo-jumbo which only makes sense in terms of kickbacks and money laundering, and responses which become more idiotic by the day. Any rational response would be described as βreality-basedβ, a pejorative coined by our masters.
Greenpeace founder:Β https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggr1vEdS830
iii) Barefaced lies about taming inflation, already built in since years ago by outrageous government βborrowingβ, which even by applying their nonsensical theories, they now say should not be tamed by paying off loans from the RBA and elsewhere,
They recommend we should first give the banks all the extra revenue supposedly needed βto break the back of inflationβ as the very shy former PM Keating brashly excused it.
This, having only just stopped parroting the story that the answer to inflation is productivity increases. They damaged productivity themselves with their Covid-19 responses, and anti-enterprise legislations.
iv) Our own Australian βThe Voiceβ hoax, a Trojan Horse which now includes a statement that it will have dual chairpersons, each to be from βdifferent gendersβ.
How many people actually identify as intersex? This is a condition where a person has XXY chromosomes. Surely it could be added above the words βDisabled Toiletβ and we could all get on with something else.
But gender wokeness has already circled the world with the speed of a lie, and screaming queens are popping up everywhere, not just in womenβs toilets.
New rules for limiting free speech, association and movement have all been trialed during the Covid-19 regime and more are scheduled. Etched into minds are the experimental injection mandates, masquerading as proclaimed laws. All of the above controversial Globalist initiatives unfortunately still survive with some level of community support.
The Constitution is to be diluted and overthrown, the mechanism for this is completed by corrupted politicians who care nothing for the future, their kickback deals are signed in ink. Any politician whose family company is awarded multi-million dollar contracts, for example for supply of Graphene, will find it hard or impossible to resist pressure to provide government services. Notice how many useful agents were planted in the Australian government, decades ahead of when they would be used. They were deployed and given years to grow from seed and prove their worth and loyalty. They had the intellectual and financial resources of Globalists at their fingertips. They were put into action in 2020 leaving no thinking person in any doubt that Globalist centralised control was already here to replace the expected democracy. Those in denial have been deliberately cultivated throughout their lifetimes to live stupefied in emotional cocoons.
What is wrong with the United States simply minding its own business?:
Having created the problem, Globalists roll out spokesman Klaus Schwab explaining the new socialist vision to fix the problem:
Technical & Further Education Colleges were subverted by ALP Education minister John Dawkins in the 1980βs, as part of the sell-off of higher education. To qualify to become Universities (including extra funding) they simply had to add a Department of Law and so as many of them as could, did, resulting in a slew of new lawyers and now a superabundance of lawyers which doesnβt seem to have moderated hourly rates but presumably increased the necessity for nepotism. Now there is a surfeit of legal solutions going in desperate search of a problem while real problems are just too hard to deal with. Ordinary police and soldiers in live fire situations donβt have time to check with their lawyer, acts done in confusion are treated to media hysteria, legislators who are sold out or in full-time campaign mode swing into action, the public is divided so many times nobody can count the fragments.
The Past:
Contrast this with any number of successful societies of the past who were lucky enough to be united under a competent monarch who ruled more-or-less by decree. Right or wrong, the reliance on legal means was much reduced and the imbroglios of our contemporary times would have been regarded with astonishment. In fact the singular empire which collapsed as much as anything under the weight of its own regulatory system was Byzantium, from which we get the adjective βByzantineβ.
Byzantium, at the western end of the silk road, had every natural advantage, but was challenged and ultimately brought down by Venice and other factors. Synonyms for Byzantine include intricately involved, highly complex, labyrinthine, convoluted, tortuous and later expanded to include devious. The Venetians presumably by necessity removed everything except the functional and devious from their operation, while the Byzantines endured a blood-soaked turmoil of major, minor and civil wars along with Crusades and finally conquest by Islam and the name change of the capital from Constantinople to Istanbul.
Incidentally, who can say for certain if Byzantine regulation was a major force or simply an embellishment created by the Venetians to assist them with melting into the shadows of history because by the end of the so-called Dark Ages they were well out of sight and the focus was shifted off the Venetian-Genoese alliance and onto Florence, whose gold coin the Florin achieved almost magical success for three centuries, spawning many imitators. From out of the chaos of endless sea-battles and millions of drowned slaves, came banking. The brilliance of Florence cast a deep shadow, where the Venetian-Genoese alliance could go unnoticed.
Weβre undergoing another sort of renaissance now, where like Byzantium we are being destroyed by our own false culture, by yielding to our own base instincts, pride, greed, sloth and the rest of them.
Then, the new Florence will not be determined by democratic means.
The Future:
The rationale behind the dysfunctionality of society and the spaghetti explosion of diabolical and convoluted laws is that they are all to be quarantined and replaced by emergency legislation, with a stroke of the pen from the WHO in Geneva. Those who spent a lifetime playing the games of law from first draft to proclamation and then interpretation, will be able to write off their entire existence as a pointless waste of effort once emergency martial law is imposed, for the next round of smallpox we have been promised. To be handed down to us by Bill Gates, the recently renamed super-bug currently promoted as SEERS-25.
The renaissance is not underway for you or me, this renaissance involves a comprehensive shutdown and meltdown for which βCovid-19β was just a trial run. All assets will be seized, as we have been told. All unworthy will be quarantined, as is known. All the useless, have little chance of surviving 2030 intact. The inevitable lie delivered in the package is βYou will be happyβ. We are collectively suffering from created modern mental illnesses and some of their names are Mainstream Media, Lying Politicians and Fiat Currency. I personally put the chance of breaking the cycle around 10%, however some still have faith and hope and for them, Ricardo Bosi explains the do-nothingβ strategy of following βQβ:
Spot-on analysis of the justice system
“Justice is only available to the well funded or bitterly determined, at the same time judgments may be limited, tainted or perverted by corruption or built-in dysfunctionality. A ruling can be defeated for good or for ill by a judge who knows the system and how to simply massage it.”
Pastor Paul Live outside the Brisbane County Court
postponed to August ?? whats the rally date currently?
They halted the trail of the mother and grandmother (about 12 days in)… I think they knew they could never convict especially the grandmother. Now they delayed the trails … and will start on the mother again in November… then claim to try Pridgeon and O’Dea next year. It’s a complete farce.
The entire criminal justice system hinges on plea bargaining; a right spanner is put in the works by unrepresented defendants who refuse to engage in such a game.
I couldn’t finish watching the video, it brought back too many memories of my time at the Bar.
“I’m not sure whether you’re a judge” 17:10 minutes in
You’d enjoy those 20 seconds Terry
Where did Pastor Paul go wrong?
βCovid-19β was just a trial run.”… Absolutely
Society is suffering …because leaders suffer from mental illnesses and/or hypnosis.
There are many of us aware of the problems of our corrupt system, as there is many of us who know the solution, but lack the where withall to effect this solution, that is revolution, to me is the only way.
Yep, history proves that out 100%. There has never been a civilization that begged/protested their way out of tyranny.
So, when it all starts to go down, who is going to stand up? – Everybody has to die, it is how you live that counts.
Is there any man left in Oz with ‘toxic masculinity’?
I saw a meme where a ‘liberal’ said, “you don’t need a gun” – the reply was “true. you also need ammunition”.
In Western Australia back when we were involved in protests a group from Rockingham and Mandurah caught a train to Perth. There were approx. 15 to 20 of us going up the escalator when I realised I was the only male in the group. All we could muster was one 78 year old to protest on behalf of these two cities.
I could be wrong as others could have travelled at a different time or by different means, but the percentage was not good.
I can see Quarantine camps coming with a big red Q out the front for all the Q followers.
Get in the Queue !!! Where we go 1 we go all.
It’s like a retail mall, there is a shop there designed for everyone and Q is just another customer, like Black Lives Matter, Feminism, Teal flightless ducks and “”P””ayID from your friendly Reserve Bank of Australia who handle passports as well as the money printing and interest rate rises.
As with Sun Tzu and those types, the battle was won before it was started.
PayID which will be welcomed by everyone who already owns nothing, because the RBA jacked up house prices too high.
Dysfunctionality Critical Mass obtained captain Tony, where can I sign on but I do think white gloves and berets could be more inclusive,
seems familiar but where is the good club when you need them,
Jurisdiction is everything. Learn your power to not contract. Website below explains in detail:
Also more specific to Oz is this excellent site:
Off course all bets are off when you are staring down the barrel of a gun so act now whilst you still can……..
The reference to βthe 4th Reichβ serves as a reminder, albeit unwitting, that the popularity the Nazi party was per the type of humanly devised clean-up thatβs being routinely advocated on these pages
What’s looming up ahead
The duration thereof
And the ultimate effect
It’s all dead obvious really
As is the fact that Hitler’s alter-ego is a good deal more likely to occupy the respective temporary throne than some representative of ersatz Christianity:
Off topic – Here’s, perhaps, an example of what may happen with ‘The Voice’.
Not really off topic because “The Voice” is not aboriginal, it’s Globalist, try this:
I have to go to bed and watch something inane. Good luck folks. Sounds like plan A is unfolding in Netherlands; plan B in Oz
off topic too Terry
but timely
Trump is the Trumpeter and the Peace Maker. He tells all who would listen what is coming and that what is coming cannot be stopped, but many still refuse to heed his message.
Discretion is advised since he started telling everyone the injections are good
His words were – get vaccinated – not get injected. He told everyone the vaccine was good. If you had actually listened to what he said – he said he had been vaccinated with hydroxichloroquine.
No he didn’t
Oh yes he did. The Guardian, April 6, 2020 – Trumps Touts Hydroxichloroquine.
Sorry, no link – but if you care to read it?
You are starry-eyed and you have wished your story into your construct. Trump endorsed the va666ines probably well over a year after taking the HCQ ( your supplied date ) and the crowds at his rallies were boohing him fulsomely for that.
Some hydroxichloroquine promo:
Joe – December 14, 2020, was the first roll out of the supposed Covid 19 vaccination in the United States..
Trump already had set his precedent with Hydroxichloroquine as the real ‘vaccination’, earlier that year – so what does that tell you?
Anyone following what Trump states will be much wiser as to future outcomes.
You may think I am starry eyed, but I listen to what is being stated to realize what is being set in motion.
That you believe Trump was promoting the killer jab says much about your own lack of attention to what is actually being played out.
Trump is the Trumpet and the Peace Maker!
Just listen to yourself, you are totally lost
He says he got the booster too, so end of argument, case closed, let’s have no more about this.
Albanese and Labor about to remove the Voice of every Australian with social media misinformation bill – video
The depopulation agenda continues, not only did they con stoopid people into taking the ‘vax’, but now that they are handling the flow at the hospitals. – Give it some time before you go to the hospital, let the dumb-asses expire and there should be plenty of beds available.
Terry – some of those ‘dumb asses’ were given an ultimatum – keep working get jabbed – no jab no job. What would you have done given that ‘opportunity’?
I would have said ‘no’. I dealt with this kind of authoritarian bulldust over in ‘Nam. “Kill those people” – “Fuck you, sir”
The number of employers who were left high and dry per non-compliance must have been significant because a mere few months after the fact the demand was largely dropped together with a number of pre-covid requirements.
No guesses as to why the situation wasnβt flaunted on the 6 oβclock news
the moral of the story is that scabs, blacklegs and knobsticks ultimately never prosper
Geert Vanden Bossche’s final video about preparing for the future COVID-19 onslaught.
His credentials are impeccable and his predictions have all been spot on.
I will have to listen to it again because it sounds quite bad for the injected and especially the multi-boosted.
I know of one who will surely be pushing up daisies before the rest of us are even treated to SEERS25.
For people with 2 or more shots
Pay attention from 3:50 to 7:00 which is only 3 minutes
Because your RNA is altered the injection is the gift that goes on giving
Bill Gates is going to smuggle SEERS2025 into this lot and create mass hysteria
They have created a neverending circular problem-reaction-solution
Force injections, hospitals using wrong treatments overstressed, increase medicare levy (and repeat)
Mafia takeover in Israel
“Israelβs increasingly activist left-wing opposition is demonstrating fiercely and warning darkly of a possible civil war, even as Israelβs mainstream media dangerously incites just that.”
Not that said write-up isn’t seriously flawed but the “mafia” cant is just plain ludicrous
Either way, time is way better spent contemplating the creds of the original judges:
Beast system frm Amazon
The implementation of a βBeast systemβ has got nothing to do with technological advances per se – βbeastβ is just old-speak for βanimalβ
The only thing that anyone needs to look out for is the advent of someone acting in such a capacity whilst claiming to be God:
“Now in regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to meet Him, we ask you, [b]brothers and sisters,
not to be quickly unsettled or alarmed either by a so-called prophetic revelation of a spirit or a message or a letter alleged to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has already come.
Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed], who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God.”
Beast system is a nickname for the mark on the hand or forehead
All the symbols and emblems for modern medicine have one thing in common: a serpent.
The βMark of the Beastβ
Who or what is the beast?
Strongs Concordance 2342 describes it as a venomous dangerous animal.
βMark βStrongs concordance 5482 to sharpen to a point
Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?
‘stauros’ wrongly translated as a cross, is actually a stake or pole as set upright, Strongs 4716; “I” is the first letter of Jesus and “X” is the first letter of Christ
When the ghost claims that “the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown.”
This seems a direct reference to the snake in the garden of Eden, that caused Adam and Eve’s fall from grace.
The Two Babylons: or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife … “was only a large snake; ” * and the context shows that this is the very case here; for what in the third verse is called a “dragon,” in the fourteenth is simply described as a “serpent.” Then the word rendered “Red” properly means “Fiery”; so that the “Red Dragon” signifies the “Fiery Serpent” or in the fourteenth is simply described as a “serpent.” Then the word rendered “Red” properly means “Fiery”; so that the “Red Dragon” signifies the “Fiery Serpent” or …
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
Those freemasons certainly got it all worked out
Video: The Covid-19 βKiller Vaccineβ and the Worldwide Depopulation Agenda
The Planet’s 8 Billion People: To Save Lives, the Covid-19 Vaccine Must be Discontinued Worldwide, Without Delay.
“I personally put the chance of breaking the cycle around 10%” [– Olsen]
I bid eleven percent. — MM
Do we hear it for twelve?
13… going going…gone
Demonic on all bases loaded are enforcing constant snooping of everyone here, an all digital system CBDC of strict social credit scores for survivors with never ending jab mandates. A deliberate attempt into trans-humanism, with bioweapons that enter the bloodstream, infecting and programming minds.
Smart now installed Oz wide with 5G is Secret Military Armaments for Residential Technology. The microwave towers and satellites beaming down 5G need to be destroyed so demonic are starved of energy they need to enforce hell here.
Perpetraitors making trillions $ on mass murder, replacing everything good with evol.
Sooner we wake up and realise some are born this way, sooner we will be able to resist them. All up in Oz, they may be a few million with enforcers, we are over thirty million strong.
5G metaverse hell DC already switched on at Gore Hill. CCC damnation.
Could you post a link to the video please?
https :// http://www.bitchute. com/video/r6M9kuazMADo/
The Elephant in the room.
Thank you both.
Lancet Study on Covid Vaccine Autopsies Finds 74% Were Caused by Vaccine β Study is Removed Within 24 Hours
Jennifer Bilek
Who is behind the TRANS AGENDA?
Yet another nonsensical fracture line to divide societies and weaken them for Globalist governance
The transhumans are coming as everyones blood is getting saturated with nanotech and quantum dots (they are in everything from water to air to food) which use the blood to self assemble into some sort of interface for mind control via emf signalling…..heading for a zombie apocalypse????
Only solution appears to be to detox from heavy metals via fulvic acid and EDTA and add electrons back via high dose Vitamin C (Linus Pauling protocol). Plus disable 5G towers to prevent the emf onslaught.
Note that “fact checkers” employed by AAP / RMIT &/or whomever etc admit to using OPINION to produce their fact checks !!!
This is a new level of dysfunctionality and a sign the New World Order is moving in for the kill. Truth is lies, lies are truth.
We already have in Canberra, Elbow’s Orwellian Minister of Truth Michelle Rowland who is going to be our single source of truth like the recently departed NZ hag.
From UAP
“The subject of foreign interference in elections was hot news when it was suggested the Russians secretly meddled with the US Presidential Elections and the UK’s Brexit vote.
However, right here in Australia, in plain sight, one foreign company, namely Meta (Facebook), has already shown their hand, declaring its intent to fund and ‘crackdown on misinformation’ in the lead up to The Voice referendum.
In THIS AFR ARTICLE [ paywalled ] Meta says it “will give an undisclosed amount to the Australian Associated Press (AAP), RMITβs FactLab and Agence France-Presse to boost their fact checking programs to identify false articles. Meta will warn users about sharing links to those articles, limit how many people see links from those who ignore the warnings, and add a disclaimer to readers.”
Sounds like censorship to us.
You can bet your last dollar that Meta’s focus will be on the NO campaign. With so little detail available on what exactly The Voice will entail, one wonders what reference material will be used to determine what is ‘misinformation’ and what is truth.
By the same thinking, surely the YES campaign will be scrutinised in the same way? For example, if a YES campaign piece claims that all will be well, problems will be solved or a more equalised society will result – and these claims cannot be proven ahead of the referendum – should this not also be classed as ‘misinformation’ and be labelled as such by the so-called ‘fact-checkers’?
Let’s face it, the last time such fact-checkers were engaged to censor content it didn’t turn out too well. Who are these faceless people making arbitrary judgements on what we can consume and what we cannot? And, if in the fullness of time they are proven to wrong again, what consequences will they face for pushing their personal point of view on the entire nation?
We all know the answer to that. Our freedoms are again under threat. Don’t stand for it. “
56 December 16, 2018 at 12:32 pm
Thereβs a tale in folklore , from my small town birthplace in Europe .
A young lawyer , recently graduated , came to his retired lawyer father .
βDad you should be so proud of me . I have just resolved those cases that were unsolved for all those decades .β
His father looked at him and answered ,
βYou fool , those cases financed your education and provided comfort for our family through all these years .β