by The Zoologist
[Editor’s Note: Mary W Maxwell met “the Zoologist” in Boston last week, by luck. This person, for whose apparent honesty Mary can vouch, has never published this interesting material before.]
The Marathon event has burdened my life. I became a party to it – well, not a participant but a close-up spectator – simply because I live near the action. On the day of the Marathon race, April 15, 2013, I wasn’t ready to doubt what I heard on radio or TV, but when Thursday the 18th rolled around, things were beginning to look pretty dubious. And, like everyone else in the Greater Boston area, I received a robo call from the government telling me to stay home on Friday. That call arrived at 6am on Friday, the day of the manhunt for Dzokhar (“Jahar”) Tsarnaev.
Which would be worse, I now wonder — if the entire official story were true, or if it were false? I suspect the latter. That’s because I believe it probably is a false story — and I feel nervous and discouraged about it. It’s one thing for a criminal to be a criminal. It’s another thing for your persons of authority to be criminals.
New Reports
For those of us sitting at home, the network TV programming was interrupted around 11.40pm on Thursday, April 18th. Local news announced an armed robbery in Cambridge and the shooting of a security guard at MIT. (Later we heard that he died.)
We then heard of a theft of an SUV, a mad chase to Watertown, and the use of guns and explosive devices. But – and this now seems odd – at no time did they say that they were chasing the bombing suspects, shown in the video released at 5pm, same day.
As I recall it, the TV coverage showed one guy spread eagle on his tummy, dressed, alive, looking up and looking around. He looked scared, and he did seem to resemble Suspect #1. At 2am I turned off TV and went to sleep.
When the robocall woke me up on Friday at 6am, I turned the TV on again. This time there was a press conference from Beth Israel, with someone, possibly a chief of staff, reporting that Suspect #1 was brought to ER that morning, almost DOA. They tried revival for 15 minutes, but no response. I’ve now learned the name of #1 – Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who died at age 26.
By my count, it was 5 hours between seeing that suspect on the ground and hearing that he had showed up at Beth Israel, DOA. Two different reasons for his death were circulating: 1) He died in the crossfire during the escape to Watertown. 2) He died when his brother ran over him, while trying to flee in the SUV, dragging his body for a while before bolting from the SUV and disappearing into the night. I heard the Chief of Watertown police give this story to Wolf Blitzer.
Decision To Start a Journal
From this point, stories were wildly spinning in the Mainstream Media and in the giddy population. I decided to create this journal “in real time” to catalog anything that deviates from what seems to be the official story. Here are early comments I jotted down:
- No details have been provided on the circumstances surrounding death of MIT security guard — other than that he was sitting in his car. “Coincidentally”, he is a friend of the officer who was shot in Watertown, now recovering. A photo is circulating of them graduating from police academy together.
- Dzhokhar is now reported with a wound in his neck, cannot talk …the Mayor said he may never talk again. Oh? How convenient. Will he also lose the ability to write?
- The mother said that Tamerlan called her this week, said the FBI contacted HIM, saying he was a suspect in the bombing. FBI denies this of course. The mother said FBI has been contacting them repeatedly for years.
Could the FBI have told them to be on the scene because they were needed to help with a possible hit?
- The driver of the stolen SUV has not surfaced, and he was not killed, on this “one last killing spree” (to quote Chris Wallace).
My Journal for the period April 23-25.
(As written on the day or as recollected a day or two later):
- I heard on WRKO morning radio, a bulletin asking if anyone witnessed the shooting of MIT security guard, Sean Collier. The bulletin provided location and a time window. Remember, Collier’s death has already been attributed to the Tsarnaev brothers, as the kick-off event of theirThursday night violence spree.
My read: they have nothing to link Collier’s shooting to the brothers, OR, they want to make sure no one has any conflicting information that will dispute the “official and original story”.
You can really stir up a crowd by saying “cop killers are on the loose”, and that was exactly the mood in Boston/Cambridge/Watertown last Thurs-Fri.
- The college school records of Dzhokhar were reported, with him failing a majority of courses, including two in chemistry. His college mates regarded him as a party guy, pot head and dealer.
- The video that was released last Thursday at 5pm show Dzhokhar with a GREY backpack, not black, as required to match the detonated backpacks.
Someone reported that a photo exists of him leaving the scene with this backpack. (I have not seen it.) The photo of him placing the backpack near a victim has not been circulated, but is supposedly the key evidence implicating him in the bombing.
Otherwise, everything is still hearsay or circumstantial.

- Yesterday it was reported that the brothers were on food stamps, section 8, scholarships, etc. Today Governor Deval Patrick has blocked release of any more information about public support “for privacy reasons”. But it begs the question, how did they buy all the hardware, and trips to Russia, drive a Mercedes. (Correction: it was not their Mercedes)
- A confession has been reported from Dzhokhar, but there have been no photographs or evidence of his communication. Supposedly he cannot speak. No writing samples have been shown. Message seems entirely controlled by FBI.
- Yesterday it was reported that a judge showed up, unannounced, to “mirandize Dzhokhar”. Judge was sent by Eric Holder
- Today Dzhokhar is being transferred from Beth Israel to Fort Devens, because “the bombing victims are uncomfortable with his presence in the hospital”.
- Both brothers are being lynched in the talk show/web media, called things like “speedbump” and “flashbang”, and worse. I don’t see how Dzhokhar can have a fair trial in Boston.
- Conflicting stories on Tamerlan’s death remain circulating. The official one seems to be he died “in crossfire”. But I heard every word of Wolf Blitzer’s interview with the Chief of Watertown Police who said he was run over by his brother, who dragged him for 40 yards.
A women called talk radio, claimed she was on the scene, and saw a police car run over Tamerlan.
The self-congratulatory police press conferences continue.
I have this to say in regard to the reactions of one’s friends, neighbors, and possibly even one’s family: It is disheartening to feel isolated and be called a conspiracy theorist or some other term of disparagement. I want to ask them: Isn’t it weird that the lone crazy perpetrators (brothers from Russia), would do a perfect job of bombing the Finish Line on Monday, and then manage to make every possible blunder during their attempted escape on Thursday?
Note: I did not keep up the journal after this.
–-“The Zoologist” did not subsequently follow the case very much and was unaware that Gumshoe has been going at it for three years.
Those little white-clad guys at the dump, looking for evidence against the Tsarnaevs. Do they remind you of the yellow-clad guys at Shanksville, PA looking for the “Let’s roll” plane?
Disinformation and mis-direction. Something HUGE happened during the ‘search’ for the living brother that everyone overlooks. In America, the “authorities” cannot just walk into a persons home without a Judge approved, search warrant, yet THAT is exactly what took place.
Thousands of people watched on TV as the police walked down the street, and at gunpoint, forced EVERYONE to leave their homes with hands over their heads, while the police went into, and searched EVERY home.. WARANTLESS! This is HUGE!
A blatant, in-your-face, violation of Americas Constitutional law regarding the rights for its citizens. During this complicit reaction from the people, the brother turned up across town, and not one word from any of the mainstream media.
A trial run? A certain house they needed access to for an illegal search, or perhaps to leave something? Lots of speculation and none of it good. how many years.. and still waiting?
Glen, I wouldn’t exactly say the staff of Gumshoe is “waiting.” But thank you for alerting us to the hugeness of it. I take the tanks-on-street to be an exercise in conditioning.
Still, your idea of searching a particular house is VERY interesting.
The more I see and hear of our “authorities” fabricating evidence, staging false flag attacks and generally stitching up the blue-pilled masses with their increasingly ridiculous and totally implausible explanations with the help of the complicit Main Stream Media,, the more the storyline from “They Live” becomes more credible. (as incredible as that seems).
A few examples come to mind: Port Arthur Massacre, 9/11, (especially Bldg 7) obviously Boston Marathon) Gulf of Tonkin, Bali bombing, Sydney seige, Pulse Nightclub, Westminster Bridge, Sandy Hook, Aurora shooting, Manchester Arena, Las Vegas, Charlotteville, the multiple Syrian chemical weapons attacks blamed on Bashar Al Assad… please add to the list…
At what point does the penny drop for humanity that something is seriously wrong?
Bataclan, Hebdo, Nice, Mumbai
Phil, an oldie but goodie — the Hilton bombing of 1978. Yhis is from FDailyTelegraph, UK:
It was on this day [feb 11] in 1978 that a bomb exploded outside Sydney’s Hilton Hotel where the first Commonwealth Heads of Government Regional Meeting was being held.
Described as Australia’s first terrorist attack, mystery still surrounds the bombing with many unanswered questions and persistent conspiracy theories.
It has never been unequivocally determined who committed the bombing which killed three people.
The bomb was planted in a rubbish bin and exploded when the bin was emptied into a garbage truck outside the hotel at 1:40am.
Two garbage collectors were killed — Alec Carter and William Favell. A police officer guarding the entrance to the hotel lounge, Paul Birmistriw, died later of his injuries. Another 11 officers were injured.
I’d be interested to see a comparison with the genuine article:
I shared a house with John and his wife for a while; knew him well enough to know that he would have done NOTHING to cover his tracks.
Has anyone else observed that, during the past 50 years, every people driven movement has been foiled by some government operative or other stumping in with a counterfeit. Womens lib,gay lib, anti domestic violence, anti smoking etc etc etc. Every liberation movement has been sabotaged to the express purpose of enslavement
Dhzokhar is 100% innocent .
All our government officials are murderers to the core . The ” coalition of the psychophats ” with their military madness have been murdering innocents for a long long time .
We are governed by demonic entities who have been destroying since the birth of humanity .
Have nothing to do with them .
I was with you till your last sentence, 56 — “Have nothing to do with them.”
I say “Have everything to do with them.”
Refer back to a few Gumshoe article ago — was it Ned or Dee or someone else with the all-day pillories in Martin Place.
Yay pillories.
I meant by participating in their crimes against humanity .
” Old pirates , yes , they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I
From the bottomless pit
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty
We forward in this generation
Won’t you help to sing
These songs of freedom ?
‘Cause all I ever have
Redemption songs
Redemption songs
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
‘Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look ? Ooh
Some say it’s just a part of it
We’ve got to fulfill the Book .
Won’t you help to sing
These songs of freedom . . . . .” Bob Marley .
Second that Mary, I do…
Don’t forget Melbourne doughnut guy, Dimitious Gargasoulas and the 3 silver cars following him..
the proof of the brothers innocence is in black and white.
How-a-bout the Bella Vista saga, London Tube 7/7, the Spanish Railway bombing prior to 7/7,
Australian Embassy bombing in Indonesia, the Underpants bomber? How many more fatal incidences do we need to wake up the slumbering masses?
There is no doubt what-so-ever that the brother’s are innocent, but the FBI, (possibly the CIA) and their contractors were definitely guilty of the deaths and injury. In other words, “Big Brother”, or “The Cabal” whichever name you prefer.
Has that got you scared enough to give up more liberty and freedom issues, or do you feel like fighting back?
YOU or a family member or friend could be their next victim or patsy.
Smuggled-out message to Fair Dinkum, 56, and Mal
from Supermax Federal Prison:
“Ta. You guys are m’buddies. Ta.”
Signed, Jahar
All this is achieved with the help of the entire Zionist infiltrated Pseudo/Left and their largely unwitting drone foot soldiers.
It’s my guess, FWIW, that the Zionists are also “unwitting” foot soldiers. I would say that of Menachem Begin.
Not that I have knowledge, it is just my impression.
By the way, Gary, are you the Gary who helped us with the Blue Man?
Jahar is innocent and Boston has to awaken to this fact and scream for justice.
Yes the brotheres victimsthe Fbi, mochile white the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev… JUSTICE FREEDON FOR DZHOKHAR.
Congratulatoin sra Mary Maxwell , The friends support for Dzhokhar Tsarnaevs. Is innocent, Justice… Tanks
Por favor… 1/… Porque motivo teria os irmãos em ir ate o MIT.? Procurar o pocicial Collin e ter tirado a vida d ele? Como tao derrepente aparece a bicicleta , dizendo que viu os dois irmãos? 2/ … Porque nao tem mais cameras envolvidas nas filmagens? 3/… Porque mataram Tamerlan a queima roupa? 4/… O Fbi estava fazendo exércitos nos dias da marathona aos redores, tem video youtube. 5/… Video e fotos só mostram Tamerlan antes e depois da explosão “”durante a explosao nao mostra”” somente correndo6/… Nas varreduras podam a arvore do local de Dzhokhar!! Que de videos dos predios frontal? Obs: Dzhokhar muito aplicado na escola, os irmãos estavam invejados por pessoas influente da Elite de Massachuster que brutalmente envolveram nesta farsa…. porque tanta correria dos actores…Algo realmente foi fantasiado em cima dos itmaos Tsarnaevs… E tem muito Mmais… Obrigado Mary
Karen, new tee shirt: BOSTON SCREAM.
Very good, thank you.
Well that dole-bludger spiel sure points straight toward the “divide & rule” principle.
I can’t help but wonder, does such rot emanate from arrogance, stupidity, or are the authors just plain desperate?
My guess is that a combination of all three is at work
[…] the “the Zoologist” who kept a journal of the events of Marathon week, 2013, and had no way of publishing it until a chance meeting with me in New […]
Notice the congruence of the first-hand reports of what officials and the press was telling the Boston public with regard to the discrepancies noted by the author and my collaborative research on both Boston and Sandy Hook, where I now have books on both at moonrockbooks.com. Here is my first overview of Boston, which you can view because it was uploaded to BitChute after YouTube began taking down my videos: https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=ADK98UKD46YW Please write to me if you think I have anything wrong. An easy address to use is jim@moonrockbooks.com Thanks