Home Trump Earrings, Lies and Debate Analysis

Earrings, Lies and Debate Analysis


by G5

ELECTION 2024 on X: “KAMALA HARRIS EXPOSED FOR WEARING EARPIECE IN DEBATE * PROOF. She is seen wearing an earring developed by Nova Audio Earrings first seen at CES 2023. This earring has audio transmission capabilities and acts as a discreet ear piece.

She also had written answers to all the questions on her lectern, and a little coke sniff before entering the fray.

Trump on the debate.

HRC had a scaled down lectern, kept camera depth of field away from Trump, had an IPad on the lectern, earpiece, and would touch her nose when needed help through the earpiece or IPad.

Biden was also souped up, had an earpiece and was given answers to read.

Questions again through Donna Brazile, Answers by Axelrod crew, production by Katzenberg (Disney Studios) and Spielberg, with Streep supplying the coaching.

In February 2022, Putin was getting annoyed with the activities of genocide by The American Azov NAZIS, following the American invasion of Ukraine in 2014, and the abrogation of treaties signed by America at Minsk (twice), Istanbul, and ending with Dublin.

The Maidan Nezalezhnosti Kyiv genocide of Russian Ukrainians (also at Odessa), with the aid of UN extermination transport to Lithuania between Kaliningrad and Poland, damming The Dnieper River water supply, attempting to detonate the Zaporizhzhya power plant (as America did to Chernobyl), and the further isolation of Russian Ukrainians for extermination in Dombass (Donetsk and Luhansk) and Kherson, independent Oblasts, prompted the actions. Away from American lies.

Wanting to block the American genocide but also wanting to maintain the suicidal attrition by America, NATO and The UN, Puton sent forces to provide haven to Russian Ukrainians in Dombass, unblock The Dnieper and protect Zaporizhzhya. In Feb. 2022.

Three days before Putin moved to free The Russian Ukrainians, stop the extermination by America, and trap America, NATO and The UN in the attrition; Putin advised his move; America sent Harris to negotiate and threaten Putin. She, Blinken, Austin, and their entourage, were laughed out of the room, and Putin acted.

It is never an issue of cheating with media propagandists to appear to win a debate that has value in reality. That is the world of liars and thieves.

Harris, Biden (ave atque vale), and HRC (former de facto president under Billy Blythe), clearly demonstrated their true worth in the real world.

As did Trump in his term. Even with the incessant; Operation Crossfire Hurricane, Steele Dossier (HRC, DNC, Downer, Stephanopoulos, Haspel, Hayden, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Brookings Institute, fake FEMA warrants et al) Inquiry, Muller Inquiry (he former FBI Director) et al, two impeachments (Brookings Institute, NSC Vindman, Obama, Imperial College et al), and Mueller hearings. All returning zero. As the reality of some 94 plus fake felony hearings, raids, evidence plantings, Contstitutionally false hearings and orders).

So which is it for a future of food, energy and peace. A proven Trump, or a proven DEI Hire.


It is interesting to watch Tucker’s journey and his view on the debate. He then talks to Dan Borgino.



  1. Hardly surprising!
    One can the days even get a discrete hearing aid, place a I phone away on a table, listen to some decent internet articles and plant and fertilise one’s selected weeds at the same time.
    The problem with a diamond earring, one has to secure it with a pierced lobe so it can be not lost in the cow manure and returned to the jewellers who own and provided it AND THEN PAY FOR IT.

    • Last few minutes. Se it seems that the normies have away to go.
      Thanks normies, sorry if you are being distracted by the msm and ABC
      Yep just watch the gold price reach new highs.

  2. “As the reality of some 94 plus fake felony hearings, raids, evidence plantings, Contstitutionally false hearings and orders.”

    The scary part is too many Americans still cannot figure out these things have never been done to Presidential candidates before .

    It’s like they forgot there’s such a thing as the Swamp .

    Was talking to a gentleman an hour ago who has a very loud Trump shirt with stars and stripes and MAGA all over it . He says he has to be weary when wearing it and if he says anything he will have punches thrown at him .

    Make America Great Again has become a national cult in the eyes of some citizens .

    Ugh !

    (visual aid)


  3. If Jim Willie was President- – 13/9 at beforeitsnews.com
    If you really want the cherry on top of the camel🤪💁🙀🙀🙀 – serious STUFF.

    • Who is the Director of the Crisis Management team in Australia ?
      second try to post the question

      In the meantime –I tried to answer it myself- much revealed- will share some
      links below–

      • https://www.crisismanagement.com.au/

        Who Are We
        RCA is a specialist consultancy focused on strategic crisis preparedness, response and recovery. We are trusted professional advisors who work globally across a diverse range of sectors within complex business and operating environments. Our operating experience spans all seven continents, including Antarctica, and over 50 countries.
        What we do:

        For over 35 years we have provided confidential counsel and support to CEOs, Executives, Boards and Senior Management from major organisations and institutions. Our processes have been proven in the field and the boardroom in response to a diverse array of crises and escalating critical issues.
        How we help:

        Tens of thousands of crisis simulations, and response to innumerable real events, give us the experience to share world’s best practice response processes. Our comprehensive database of learnings and extensive experience allows us to provide maximum support to our clients at Site, Executive and Board level.

        two previous links not accepted

        • Trump often mentions, Central Casting, in his speeches – that is what comes to mind for me.

          Central Casting = actors employed to be a part of fake critical incidents or demonstrations.

  4. AustraliaOne Party leader, Riccardo Bosi with SG Anon on Rumble


    If you wish to alleviate yourself of not being aware of what is now in play around this great big world of ours, then listening to these two great Men will inform you of what is occurring, what is about to occur, and how it will all come to an end, which also aligns perfectly with Q, and Trust The Plan.

    • Yes Terry O, a must listen especially in regard to the Middle East.
      Most of the normies have never heard of SG, let alone listened to him.
      Things known that the msm do not acknowledge. Especially placement in 2006 and the control of Hanas and the history.
      He did not mention that Arafat had done a peace deal with the Israel PM who was shot.- Fancy that! Then Nettypsychman took over.
      Our controlled mass media is soaked in blood.
      And people scoff at ‘Q’!
      Well they will not when ‘ Israel IS LEFT FOR LAST”.
      Hate and greed have a special place in hell for adherents and their apologists.

      I am now with Jaco at BIN, I could not be bothered trying to report the facts, except two for MM et.al. Who do not bother to want to know.
      One: Biden was executed before the HOAX INAUGURATION
      Two: It’s the ardrenochrome STUPIDS.
      I have other useful things to do, then try and educate ignorant fools who SHOULD KNOW ALREADY.

      • Australia One – the only political party with a plan, to not only save the country, but to usher in a real Australian nation, that has never been allowed to rise.

        Bosi is leading other countries into their own future – while having very little recognition in his own country, but that will soon change.

  5. https://www.firerescue.com.au/understanding-fire-safety-in-australia-lessons-from-fema-usa/

    written by Ken 16:38

    check out the GALLERY


    The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) is an executive agency of the Australian federal governmentunder the Department of Home Affairs.[1][2] The agency is responsible for coordinating and managing a national-level emergency response to help those affected by natural disasters, including droughts, bushfires and floods.[3] NEMA was formed on 1 September 2022 from the merger of the two major disaster agencies, the National Recovery and Resilience Agency and Emergency Management Australia.

    The formation of the agency was first announced in July 2022 by the newly-appointed Cabinet headed by Anthony Albanese. The agency was originally intended to be named the National Emergency Management, Resilience and Recovery Agency.[4] The name was later simplified to its current name prior to the creation of the agency.[5][6]

    The agency leads Australia’s disaster and emergency management efforts by providing informed strategic oversight and guidance, and by being constantly connected with local communities. It funds programs and initiatives, works with communities, industry and NGOs, gives national leadership, and provides round-the-clock all-hazards monitoring and operational coordination.[citation needed]

    The Minister for Emergency Management, currently Jenny McAllister, holds ministerial responsibility for the agency. The agency is headed by its Coordinator-General, currently Brendan Moon.[7]

    • Diane – my understanding of FEMA is like, Department of Homeland Security, used by the feds to bring about what is required to keep their one world agenda on track – FEMA has figured largely in what occurred in Lahaina, Hawaii, in 2023.

      They’re all criminals. And if our own Homeland Security is taking leads from FEMA, then they too are in lock step with the Globalists.

  6. another segue –well dot connecting historical facts– “The 111 women arrested for entering the site all gave the name Karen Silkwood”


    one msm report

    “In November 1983, over 700 women gathered in the red spinifex country near Alice Springs, and set up camp outside the Joint Defence Space Research Facility at Pine Gap. The Women’s Peace Camp, as it became known, was the first significant national protest against the location of an American Base on Australian soil.

    The camp was part of an international women’s peace movement which emerged during the early 1980s, which saw the creation of women only protest camps in America and Europe – one of the best known and longest running of these was at Greenham Common,in Britain.

    The Pine Gap camp began on an intensely hot and dusty Remembrance Day in November 1983. Over a two week period, women from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds sang and danced their way into the national and international media spotlight”.

    another people who were there report


    “Blockades That Changed Australia # 13: From November 11th 1983 onwards 800 women camped outside the US run military base at Pine Gap, which is used to spy on Australian and overseas communications as well as target nuclear and other weapons. Over a period of two weeks numerous activities in favour of peace and Aboriginal land rights were held including a march to the base with Traditional Owners, site invasions, street theatre, balloon releases, workshops, solidarity protests at the Alice Springs courthouse, graffiti and de-fencing. The 111 women arrested for entering the site all gave the name Karen Silkwood, an American union activist who survived plutonium contamination only to die under suspicious circumstances in 1974 while delivering documents exposing lapses in nuclear safety at her workplace.
    The protest was successful in drawing attention to the base’s then largely hidden role in the US war fighting machine and in showing solidarity with women’s peace camps at Greenham Common in the UK and Cosimo in Italy. It was also part of a broader campaign which invigorated and brought together feminist peace groups from around Australia under the banner of Women For Survival. Branches and affiliates were regularly involved in local actions against nuclear warships, national conferences and regional actions at the Salisbury Defence Centre, Cockburn Sound naval base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor and Roxy Downs uranium mine.”

    My personal lived experience all documented–share before on gs

    1997- I was Principal of Papunya School and I received a fax–3 words “Remember Karen Silkwood” and a few months later after a holiday break I picked up the Education Department’s newly serviced Toyota (Peter Kiddle Motors) and the brakes failed on the dirt road. A mechanic at Papunya called it -sudden death syndrome. I was told by PK motors that the mechanic responsible had been sacked for not tightening the nuts properly.

  7. Trump’s Inelegant Brilliance
    How to win at the ballot box…
    Robert W Malone MD, MS
    Now, what we all know is that immigrants bring their own set of belief systems and mores. These traditions exist throughout generations of people. Some immigrant groups have cultural systems far removed from those in the United States. Haitians practice voodoo, where animal sacrifice happens, there is at least one traditional meal each year – where cat is eaten and this is a country where poverty levels are so high that sometimes domestic pets are eaten. Does it happen all the time? No – but it happens.

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