by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
It is a non-conspiratorial fact that “The Big Boys” can listen on your personal conversation via your cell phone. I don’t mean your phone calls; I mean if you are yakking with someone in person and your cell phone is nearby, it picks it up.
Today I attended a Candidate Q&A at Londonderry, New Hampshire. Got sunburnt. When I got home to Concord, clicked on YouTube, and asked for a favorite song. As the song came on, so did a sidebar, with the very top item being one from Veterans Affairs that tells of the water problem.
I assume the sidebar appeared because at the Q&A, I met fellow candidate, Ron Dunn (he wants to be a state rep; I want The Hill). From Ron, I learned about the PFAS water contamination in Londonderry. It was caused by St Gobain’s factory that used a chemical that harmed the underground water. I blurted out “Like at LeJeune, where Marines have a class action lawsuit.”
I had never discussed LeJeune with anyone before, so I “speculate” that this very conversation is what led to the sidebar. And oh, dear CIA, for the Record, I was wrong. The Marines do not have a class action; they have an offer of compensation to be paid from our nation’s treasure chest if by any chance we still have a treasure chest.
By the way, what a totally nincompoop idea it was for us to exclude “social costs” when granting charters to corporations. The makers of harmful chemical compounds (remember Teflon?) should have been made to show what effect they would have on Earth’s divinely bestowed Nature. I am ashamed for us.
Anyway, back to the Q&A. A visitor said to me “Are you a Republican or a Democrat?” I said “Republican; look my table has a red tablecloth, the Dems have blue.” Then I looked around and saw that no Dem candidates had shown up. (The person who organized the event — indefatigable hostess Janet Huttula — assures me they were invited.)
Having learned my Party allegiance, the visitor said “All my life I was a Republican but gave it up a while ago because of a certain president.” “George Bush,” I asked? “No, Trump.”
I have some quarrels myself with 45, and figured the visitor may have meant the Muslim ban, Operation WarpSpeed, or whatever.
Until he said “It was about Covid. Trump kept saying the science was bad.”
Knocked me over with a feather, ya could’ve.
Now lets’ move to my next visitor, Debra Paul, pulling her rather magnificent canine on a leash. She told me that she will be arraigned on October 19th for sins committed at her newspaper, The Londonderry Times. What sins? Publishing political advertisements without labeling them political ads. A penalty of $12,00 lurks, or a year in the clink.
Because of this, and because I don’t want to be in the clink due to possible contaminated water (I mean specially contaminated for particular prisoners), I had better state — though it is a tiny exaggeration — that my motive to write this article is to help Ron Dunn. Hence it may be deemed a political ad.
Dunn shows up at some of the events I go to, always has enthusiasm and always helps the cleanup (such as the folding up of the red and blue, or in this case just the blue, tablecloths).
I told his wife I’d like to express my support for him at GraniteGrok.com, if she could tell me some reason why voters should choose him.
Mrs Dunn said “He is one of the citizen members of the Budgetary Commission.” I said “Um, that is not exactly sexy. Anything else?” She said “He gets along with people. He’s a peacemaker. He talks to both sides.” Yup, that’s true. Ron would have diligently folded up some blue tablecloths, had there been any.
And that reminds me, someone at my table said that the reason Debra Paul might get knocked out of business as a press owner is that hers is one of the few surviving Republican newspapers, and the other side wants them snuffed out.
I contributed the info that when Rupe Murdoch took over the British papers in one fell swoop, he got rid of the small papers by buying up all the ink for newsprint.
Note: I don’t consider that funny. If perchance the takeover of small papers in NH is via an attorney general’s decision to arrest Debra Paul, that is a serious worry. However, I don’t know the particulars of the Londonderry Times case, so am gonna shutta mah mouf.
Now let me reveal the favorite song on YouTube that led to my penning this article: Sinatra’s “My Way.” During the Q&A I was advised by a “customer” that I need to have cards to handout and lawn signs.” So far, I have only given out copies of the extremely subversive 1789 Bill of Rights. (That’s the federal one, you should see the New Hampshire one.) I said it was for lack of money for lawn signs but I suspect it’s because I do things my way.
Finally, and with regard to Trump being wrong (or right) about bad science, please google for “Erik Enby, Mary Maxwell.” You will see my obituary for dear Dr Enby who discovered some amazing things when he looked at the Pfizer vaccine under the microscope. Soon after, his pal, Swedish filmmaker Borge Peratt, who video’d the scene at the microscope, died. Then Enby died.
At Enby’ funeral they played Sinatra’s “My Way.” This is because, from a young age, Erik had looked at the human body — and also at plants and animals — to see how they really worked, which of course led to confiscation of his medical license.
Wait, how dare I say it led OF COURSE to that loss of license? In 2013 my book Consider the Lilies was published. I think it is the definitive work, to date, on such things. The subtitle is “A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status.” By legal status, I mean whether or not the cancer curer is in jail. Or has had his/her house burned down, or got into an accident or whatever.
Consider the Lilies is a free download at my website www.ConstitutionAndTruth.com.
Alert: The last two paragraphs constitute a political ad.
“I had never discussed LeJeune with anyone before, so I “speculate” that this very conversation is what led to the sidebar.” – I had to learn about the spook’s abilities the hard way, with lots of ‘coincidences’ and the like. A bit of research way back when started cluing me in (the movie ‘Enemy of the State’ with Will Smith is a good primer). PARANOIA IS YOUR FRIEND.
That is one of the big problems with trying to work with ‘new guys’. They will not only carry around their mobile phones (tracking devices), the morons will get on the phones and discuss what is going on. If you are going to do something you want to be off the radar, you really have to go it alone, otherwise you might as well publish it in the local newspaper.
40 years ago a telephone technician said to me that if had anything to say, so to speak, don’t say it on the telephone.
As I recall, the information about the ECHELON system came out in the late 1970s. The system recorded all communications whether it was telephone, fax, etc. There was a computer system that would scan the conversations for key words then flag the conversation. Later, voice recognition was added to it.
That ‘dirty phone call’ to your secretary is recorded somewhere…
Here’s a link to the movie ‘Enemy of the State’. It was released in 1998, that’s 24 years ago and the technology in the movie was already superseded by newer stuff. The technology available now is far beyond what is in the movie. If you haven’t watched it, it would likely be worth your time (it’s a good movie too).
As a student in about mid 60s I worked for a short period for/in what later became telecom?
I heard many staff gossip regarding reports of the staff down in the telephone entrails listening into the conversations of perverts and psychos regularly.
Just imagine what the coppers were also doing down at their digs at the intel Haymarket ‘exchange’ 😎😎😎😜🤡💁
It was a great lesson in being discreet as to personal communications. I was about 21 years of age🙈🙊🙉
Many years later, as counsel, I had a instructing solicitor who was once a ex undercover copper.
Were his stories interesting ???!!!!…… with names🙉🙈🙊
If one scratched Phillip Street, the whole BS society house would collapse.
As a aside.
Dear coppers and your spouses, the totalitarian globalist fascist agenda and lying msm, that you now tolerate, then your families and grandchildren will have to suffer.
Or is that reality beyond your intellect and conditioned vision?
Paranoia is a condition that takes hold when one is getting closer to the truth than is comfortable for most folk, but there’s still a significant degree of deception
Elapeth, for all I know, YouTube might have sent the Camp Lejeune video to all who have ever pressed the button on ths subject of cancer, environment, military, or words beginning with LeJ.
But as Terry says, once you’ve experienced many ‘coincidences,’ you kinda get the idea.
The deception is that there’s some sort of cohesive human strategy afoot
When most of the time the perceived members are just being played from the 2nd heaven:
I have just noiticed something in yesterday’s Gumshoe article (for which I allowed no comments). Steele had said: “I have personal experience with ‘legalized lying’ whereby ostensible orders ‘from the highest authorities’ mandate lying to the Court and lying to the media and the public, in support of national security objectives.”
Did this remind any Gumshoers of the Marathon affair? The Tsarnaev family in Russia reported that visitor’s from the court in Boston had said they knew Jahar was innocent. I hereby quote p 99 of my book Boston’s Marathon Bombing:
“Judge O’Toole ignored what must be the most startling affidavit ever to arrive in the Moakley Courthouse. It came from the defendant’s aunt in Russia, Maret Tsarnaeva, LLM. Ms Tsarnaeva informed the court that the family had been threatened by none other than the defense team, eight members of which made numerous trips to Russia to advise the family that they and the accused should “not resist conviction” – even though “we know he is innocent.” Also, the parents were menacingly told that the boy’s “life could be more difficult for him if he did not cooperate.” The judge should have halted the proceedings to investigate this highly criminal matter. Judge O’Toole did nothing with the affidavit. It was published worldwide by Paul Craig Roberts.”
Unjustly, players with more money win.
Here the legal system is one way traffic only, in their pockets.
Maybe in the US there is still some hope, Oz is gone. Looking at the new faces projected on the screens, if over fifty all slavemasons.
krown kabal komunizm at the touch of a child’s fingertips, artificial insanity enforced by the select few.
“When there was doubt, I chewed it up and spit it out”
How about each of you ask YouTube for “Sinatra My Way,” and see if you get a Camp Lejeune reference?
First non-“Sinatra My Way” selection was:
“Shadow Communications Minister Sarah Henderson says Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has “completely lost the plot” over his proposed Suburban Rail Loop project.
“This Suburban Rail Loop is an absolute joke of a project, he made it up on the back of a serviette,” Ms Henderson told Sky News host Chris Kenny.
“Daniel Andrews can’t tell you the cost of his project, there is even speculation it could be $200 billion and more.
“All I can say is to all Victorians watching right now, continuing to watch this chaotic and corrupt government, get rid of Daniel Andrews, we have had enough.”
Harsh language but no follow through.
The Hated Quisling on Trial
His Accomplices also Tried
Sentenced to Death
The front-man Quisling was executed by firing squad.
This week Malaysian former PM got 12 years for Development Bank (1MDB) affair.
Oklahoma and Arkansaw clearing the backlog on death row:
The world according to commenter Nemesis:
They did the same to Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein, for precisely the same reason.
I can just see you wringing your hands as you cackle and snivel.
Why should I make any effort to contradict your frequent, ugly personal attacks with a rational response, I can’t be bothered to even read most of your material. Lift your game.
Oh, I do beg your pardon – I thought that is what you were seeking by continuing to post the most obscene untruths, snide inferences, obfuscation and click bait. I just assumed it was a reflection of your self-loathing and the need for flagellation. Happy to oblige while you ponder …
• 911?
• NED?
Afterthought … do you prefer the knout?
Virgin Australia Captain, Glen (Muddy) Waters, talks to Hoody about getting fired on the 20th Anniversary of his career with Virgin Australia. His crime, declining an invitation for an invasive, irreversible, experimental medical procedure. Freedom is lost, if people like this don’t say No!
Poornimah Wagh says that there is no MRNA in the vaccines – that the batches are just various degrees of a toxic chemical cocktail
The Jab – It’s Poison And Will Kill You
“Publishing political advertisements without labeling them political ads”
What ?
ALL advertising, by it’s very nature, is political
“I regard the belief that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone as an important indicium of mental health. In fact, I think there are three things that every serious American needs to believe about our recent history: Kennedy was killed by a lone lunatic, Americans really did land on the moon and the Twin Towers were destroyed when they were struck by two fully fueled airliners that had been hijacked by Islamic extremists organized by Al Qaeda. People who do not believe in these things are, within reasonable limits, entitled to sympathy. They are not entitled to a seat at the table where serious discussions occur.”
• Notes From the Memory Hole: When the Establishment Buries You – ?Russ Baker
Links shown on Alex Jones banned.video are coming up as “404 not found” and showing in the address as “banned.video/error” and displaying “oops sorry nothing here” while they are still downloading and live streaming the show. This is an odd sort of blackout. AJ is showing us all sorts of official documentation from UN and so forth, about food shortages in 2023, “You will eat bugs and you will like it” he says. They are trying to blame ClimateChange and Ukraina but we all know by now it’s Swissy pulling the strings.
One only has to walk past the TV for a couple of seconds to get a dose of their fake news, I just heard on French news some front-man saying “We are all going to have to reduce energy consumption” etc, the Globalist agenda has way too much momentum to stop now, the European fake heatwaves and arson attacks are behind and now they will freeze to death, if they are old and poor, it seems a certainty.
Australia is totally screwed, the stoopids are just way too stoopid and too many of them. Some optimists say : “they are few, we are many” but is this really true ? The stoopids have a working majority which can clearly be seen by the impunity of Grek Hunt, the implementer-in-chief of the scamdemic in Australia. The ALP (supposed opposition party) will not touch him, he is more sacred than even the holiest cow in India. Look at him here picking up “World’s best minister” for doing nothing, he knows he is fully protected :
And look at him here, right down at the bottom of the page, “WEF Director of Strategy” :
Need a job done on your useless eaters ? Grek Hunt is your man.
• One year later, the ‘forever war’ keeps breaking Afghanistan
featured here with a couple other videos – one previously seen here on Gumshoe.
Comment by
MichaelWme on August 29, 2022 at 10:40 pm said:
“Three very good videos today.
Afghanistan. After 9/11, Bush, Jr announced that he’d found Afghanistan responsible, every Afghan had helped with 9/11, so, for 20 years, the US bombed weddings, funerals, schools, and hospitals to teach those Afghans a lesson they’d not soon forget. Then the US figured, ‘The bombing is expensive, American lives have been lost, and starvation is cheaper and more effective at killing Afghans for 9/11.’
So the US pulled out, leaving behind those who helped the US and who had been promised visas, and seized all Afghan funds and banned any help to Afghanistan: no food, no medicine, and the croplands have been damaged beyond repair by 20 years of bombing, so just about every Afghan is now food insecure, and many will starve over the next year.
Not one Afghan had anything to do with 9/11, but the US needed a scapegoat, and Afghanistan fit the bill.”
In the “Wizard of Oz” the “Wicked Witch of the West” was dressed in black, the color that symbolizes the pagan Babylonian king NIMROD, alias SATURN [The original name of Rome itself was Saturnia]. Black is a sacred icon of The Knights Templar, and interestingly the “color of choice” for the robes of judges, priests and the Speaker of the Houses of Parliament .
On “Good Friday,” all the clergy wear black.
The Popes Palace [Pope from Latin papa, literally “father”, Matthew 23:9] is built on Vatican Hill, an old grave yard called a necropolis.
‘Vatican Hill’ in english gematria = 666 as does ‘New York’, the home of the Jewish owned United Nations. [Jeremiah 51:42-44] [ a = 6; b = 12; c = 18 and so on]
Vatican Hill in Jewish gematria =911 , in simple gematria =111
Revelation 13:18, “Here is wisdom. The one having reason let him count the number of the brutish man for belonging to man the number is. And the number of himself is 666.” [ literal Greek ]
“Saturn and Lateinos are just synonymous, having precisely the same meaning, and belonging equally to the same god. Latinus and its Greek form Lateinos and all alike forms come from the Chaldee “Lat”, to lie hid”, or “the hidden one”. He who has his seat on the seven hills of Rome has exclusive and indefeasible claims to be regarded as the VISIBLE head of the beast. [The Two Babylons p.271.]
New York like the Vatican also sits on even hills.
Vatican Financial News
It appears that something big is expected soon. On August 23, Pope Francis ordered all of the financial assets of “the Holy See and connected entities” to be moved to the Vatican Bank before the end of September. This is said to be a clarification of an earlier order last March.
Since the 1800’s, the Rothschilds have been the “guardians of the Papal Treasure,” according to The Jewish Encyclopedia’s section on Rothschild.
So if the Vatican is now regaining control of its finances, what does that say about the Rothschilds?
It says about $5b which doesn’t seem much, but they are taking it out of (mentioned) Switzerland and putting it where, the Bahamas ? Was the Latino pope preselected to disappear this money ? What does Pell know ?
Or are they just transmuting it into gold because of the impending Great Reset.
Definition: COMPANY
The links are no longer available.
From 13th Century Latin companio
A body of (normally) Jewish servants bonded to a vassal of the Vatican under the rules of SERVI CAMERAE REGIS and USURY. Contrary to the deliberately false etymology attributed to the word, it is constructed from two ancient Latin words compes = “fetters, shackles, chained” and ani = “ring” meaning literally “chained to the ring (of the Pope)”. The word first acquired its military meaning in the 16th Century only after it was deliberately used as the official name of the Jesuits (Company of Jesus). From the 17th Century onwards, the word became a key component of title of business ventures as a CHARTERED COMPANY” –with many of the 1st being influenced/created by the Jesuits.
Definition: USURY
From 13th Century Latin usuria/usura “the sin of lending money at interest ” outside the control of the Roman Cult.
From earlier Latin us “foreigners” and orare “to plead, beg, pray”. Prior to the 13th Century there is no comparitive concept as the claim of money lending being a sin was original to the Roman Catholic Cult in devising a plan to control global banking and finance–essential to trade since the beginning of Empires by outlawing all competition, excluding Jewish merchants bonded to the service of the Vatican.
The more Christianity is corrupted from within the less likely that those who call themselves ‘Christians’ will understand or resist the demonic plan to conquer the world with debt slavery, mass propaganda and brainwashing.
In passing – before I close this link …
The Slaying of a Viking: The Epic of Vidkun Quisling