Home World Politics El Salvador – “It’s a Miracle”

El Salvador – “It’s a Miracle”


Introduction by DM

My very good friend has just visited El Salvador. She was there for the second inauguration of Nayib Bukele as president of El Salvador which took place on 1 June 2024. The inauguration marked the commencement of the four-year term of Bukele as president and Félix Ulloa as vice president.

I was surprised when my friend called excitedly and said, “Dee, this is a place we could live — away from the tyranny of the west.”

I then listened to Tucker’s interview with President Nayib Bukele who proudly emphasized the positive outcomes resulting from creating PEACE and turning El Salvador from one of the most dangerous place in the world into the safest country in the entire Western Hemisphere. He describes how achieving “peace” turned a basket-case into a shining light.

Bukele also refers to satanic rituals and satanic organisations that disrupted society. As I’ve described the spiritual war in Australia against our children, Bukele describes the spiritual war in El Salvador that had to be won.

What’s going down in El Salvador?



  1. No longer on RT TV network, since the Ukraina blowup, Max Keiser bought bitcoins when they were about a dollar each and has been singing their praise ever since, resulting in him moving to El Salvador a couple of years ago, as a rich guy. Since then his broadcasts have trailed off to about one a month if you’re lucky.
    It would appear Bitcoin is a viable alternative to CBDCs, but you still get rich gringos moving in to live it up on the sweat of others. What will the BIS do to El Salvador, well it’s an easy guess, they will eventually bribe somebody and convert the bitcoins to CBDCs. “Nothing lasts forever”

        • At 15:00 in the Bukele video Tucker Carlson says the real battle is not between good and evil, it is between those who are lying and those who are trying to tell the truth

          • On the TV just right now they said only 15% of parents are getting their kids flu-vaxxed and the doctor said it’s really hard to push them past their “vaccine fatigue”, well not many parents would want their kid growing up and saying “why did you do _____ to me

        • Joe – you’ve become probably the foremost candidate for Trump Derangement Syndrome on this site – but you may have some competition with Sandra after seeing some of her recent posts.

          You’re not brother and sister are you? Never mind, just a thought.

          Do you know where Bitcoin originated from? Would it be the CIA who were once controlling the Chinese Communist Party to be used as a faux currency issued to avoid stringent oversight, especially when it was applied to Human Trafficking and Drug and firearms running?

          But the worst aspect of all that Bitcoin is involved in, is the trafficking of children into all the horrors of what you will be soon be exposed to.

          Are you aware of any of the history of Bitcoin at all?

          Which is why I chose to warn you.

          Would it have been put out to

        • Why don’t you, just answer the question? Do you know anything at all about the origins of Bitcoin, or what it is being used for?

          It is a simple question, and one that could possibly save you a whole lot of heart ache later.

          • Crickets chirping as usual from Joe who studiously goes out of his way to avoid answering any questions at all that may cause him to re-think some things he believes he knows everything about, but may have the benefit of actually waking him up.

            Joe, you,are your own worst enemy.

          • And Joe – I have again responded to you last comment, on What Happened To Lock Her Up.

  2. El Salvador – one of the first countries to be now be living in the New Earth – the Old World is finished, soon, we will all be moving to the New World.

    • BRICS – El Salvador applied some time back to join, if not already, will soon become part of the BRICS trading system, where every country taking part is able to trade on a one to one basis, with other BRICS nations using whatever commodity is acceptable in which to trade with, and that has equal value via a system of payment based on Blockchain.

      BRICS trades on a token system, where every nation’s set currency has the same value as all the other BRICS nations – so no nation is able to ride economic roughshod over others, as the West over centuries, has been culpable of.

      In effect, one dollar has the same value in every other BRICS nation and as a result, there is no longer a difference of the exchange rate that under the Central Banking System, was used to keep poor countries poor.

      We will all be part of BRICS soon which will usher in the Quantum Financial System that will be of much economic, technological and spiritual benefit to all of Humanity.

  3. Thanks Dee – The Miracle–yes waiting for the miracle to come. And believe me we need Miracles and yes I pray and I 100% support the first part of “The Plan”–which is guided by God’s Wisdom and wise words ” There is Spiritual War and Physical War — Spiritual Warfare reflects onto Physical War.”

    I managed to watch the fellas talk– only half way so far — time is of the essence– my task when Miracles occur is always to Follow the Money Follow the Power. I hear El Salvador is the murder capital of the world– I also know of many places that have that “title” notoriety– from my personal experience there are several in Australia.

    ( I know Scott Morrison also believed in Miracles.) so let’s focus on Australia – well Melbourne will do – for now. Re Gangs Ngdragnah ?? will check spelling– born into it — they are Satanic???- “but they didn’t start as satanic that came from USA -Started in US ?? ” mmm

    so I share

    Open Society Foundations’ Response to Comments by President Bukele
    September 25, 2020
    +1 212-548-0378

    “We were surprised by President Nayib Bukele’s references to the Open Society Foundations’ work in El Salvador in his press conference on September 24, 2020.
    The Open Society Foundations have been working in El Salvador since 2006, supporting civil society organizations and independent media working to address corruption.”

    I have recently been alerted to a recent partnership in Guatemala– which gives me hope


    “The Exhibition was launched at the Chancellery, Guatemala Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 15 April 2024 and will be open to the public from 16 April 2024 at the Museo Ixchel, Guatemala’s Museum for Indigenous Textile Heritage. Visitors can journey through the Great Sandy Desert of Australia, experiencing the Walmajarri seasons – makurra, parranga, yitilal and jutalkarra – as revealed through Jimmy Pike’s art and intimate relationship with Country.”

    I also note
    The billionaire philanthropist George Soros has handed over the leadership of his $US25 billion ($37 billion) empire to his 37-year-old son.

    “Soros’ business holdings include his non-profit Open Society Foundations, which is active in more than 120 countries and funnels about $US1.5 billion annually to groups such as those that back human rights and promote the growth of democracies around the world. It controls the majority of assets managed by Soros’s family office.”

    • I first became aware of George Soros during the gun non-debate. He imported Rebecca Peters into Oz to build up the gun control agenda through the Coalition for Gun Control organization. Peters was, and the last time I checked, still on the Open Society payroll.

      Peters was given free reign in the media and access to parliaments. When I was approached to run a case on gun control in NSW, Peters was quickly given an audience with the NSW Bar Association where she convinced the Bar to work against any such case and several members volunteered to work ‘pro bono’ against such a case.

      Gun control is not about guns, it is about CONTROL. The Open Society has testicles into a lot of issues.

  4. Bukele says the success of his policies mean large numbers of El Salvadorians are coming back from the USA and there is a housing boom, they need 20% more houses but it seems to be no problem, the construction companies are on the job.
    In Australia we also have a housing shortage and instead of a boom we have all the builders going broke and the housing starts slowing down to a trickle.
    This is because of our bungling incompetent governments, especially those in Canberra, who have given too much to the banks and wrecked the non-mining economy with too much tax and regulation, so that now nobody can afford a bank loan to buy the over-priced housing. Our governments are so awfully bad, in the same sense as a Hitler, Ceausescu, Quisling, Mandela, Pol Pot etc who wrecked their own country, the only difference being that our governments started off with such a bountiful country and they are struggling to wreck it but wreck it they will, from Canberra, a place that should never have existed. All that emanates out of it are streams of lies, as they sabotage the states daily with their useless bungling.

    • Joe,
      Good, or maybe not, you mention builders going bust. Materials have doubled past three years, with “professionals” (archs, engineers and certified) charging like wounded bulls – $500 for a half hour site visit. Councils, well that depends on area rating with fees and bribery pushing things through. For example, $500 for a one hour permit allowing concrete and pump in front of house. Basically, home buyers pay the guys that actually do the work 25% of total expenditure, materials another 25%,
      and professionals with councils suck the remaining 50%. Then the banksters take their cut, 150% interest on the amount borrowed. Oz the most unaffordable housing market in the world. And they won’t have it any other way.

        • Doesn’t matter, we import third world and build accordingly, with a twelve months warranty.
          When Europeans built Oz, it was strong affordable and cheap, that’s when everything was made here.
          Now it’s layers upon layers of bs that crack before completion.
          Banksters and councils have it all stitched up, with 5G CBDC at the door.

          • Concrete slab, brick and tile went up quickly with no issues, and now there is every damn thing going on, experimental ideas and materials, regulations going ballistic, committees all over the place and as you say no shortage of experts siphoning out as much as they can even before the first drain digger turns up.

  5. 3.5 trillion in Oz super and if the economy crashes its gone. As we have Whalley’s running the show into the ground I think this should be our greatest concern. Many spruik safe alternatives but they still involve banks unless you stack it in gold under the bed. Fiat collapse is looking more likely as China dumps its US dollars and BRICs.

    • Too bad politicians like TV star Charmers ( education: political science as I recall ) are selected on their media presentation skills, they must be tested under all sorts of duress and owned in ways I cannot imagine, since I don’t think Charmers has anything useful to say or perhaps even in his head to do with fixing the economy, which as we all know by now is like the coyote in the roadrunner cartoon, already off the cliff, hanging in mid-air. Charmers has been a little too good following his economy-wrecking brief, we were not supposed to have CBDCs ( own nothing ) until 2030, I guess they can bring the date closer though and we can still own nothing by 2030, coming up fast now !!!

  6. Choosing honest leaders is not easy, most get corrupted along the way, by the time they get up the ranks they’re absolute traitors to common wealth. Solution is simple, bomb the masonic halls and shut down the 5 bio weapons factories (the only industry left in Oz), making freemasonry a crime against humanity. Secondly, make sure the leader goes to a Catholic Church on Sundays, practising Jesus Christ’s 2 commandments.
    We don’t need fake compromised greedy pagans (the wolves are everywhere), but leaders with real honest goodness from within. There is salvation in faith, all people need is JMJ, just like JFK expose the banksters.

    • Well, you have outlined many of the problems we all face – so what are you prepared to do about it?


      Have you visited that website yet and signed up?

      No doubt you will ignore me, just like you do whenever I respond to any of your comments. But, when it comes down to actions from those who can see the many problems we all face, I am seeing some very unwilling folk to even shift themselves, let alone be prepared to do something about remedying the many problems.

      • Terrence,
        Pardon me for not responding too much to great articles and comments here at GS, writing doesn’t do me many favours (credit points). We live for better days, no matters what creed, all children everywhere blessed. Yes, every life a miracle thanks to the Almighty.

        • Thanks ant56. Although a response to my question would have been much appreciated.

          Seems to me, that many on this site see the problems, but few are prepared to do anything about rectifying those problems.

          • We have a weapon they can’t resist, the Rosary, the battle spiritual within. Our Lord says He is not of this world. Makes sense as we witness the suffering of innocent children, for no reason other than greed. It’s beyond guns now, the beastly mark is in the jabs.
            To oppose them with their own hardware is a waste of lives, they’re loaded on all bases and we’re sitting peking ducks with krown kabal komunizm entrenched in Oz.

            Yet, all we have to do as a Mass is pray to Our Father, with a decade of Hail Mary’s.
            When people come back to the Sacred Heart, enemy doesn’t stand a chance. They’re doomed to fail, and they know it.

          • Throughout Human history it has always been a spiritual battle.

            We are now in the final battle – I hope you can see that.

            And nationalaustraliastrike.org is about taking away the money they need to keep lording it over us – cut their funds off, and they all topple.

            When you look back over the history of this country it has been ‘strikes’ that has given us what ‘they’ are now attempting to take from us.

    • Ant,
      Look up the ‘Marian predictions coming True as we speak? Amazing details with Xavier Reves-Ayral’ at rumormillnews.com posted by jensingr – sat, 8/6-2024 21:51:10.
      I noted first few mins, been around while, but I am on the ABC radio classic music (God forbid) and the Messiah alleluia chorus by Handel) is coming in the popular selection at about number 10 of 100……..” And peace’s shall reign for ever ….. and ever and ever alleluia…… Prince of peace…
      Never despair!
      ‘God’ wins ultimately, enjoy the testing.

      • Jesus Mary Joseph, since primary school, top right hand of page – Marist Brothers. We do what we can, keep in’ the faith simple and true. I’m a sinner 🙏, God bless common wealth.

    • I just looked up a US patent number shown on a bitchute video and it was not as described on the video “First published at 00:42 UTC on June 9th, 2024”. The patent was published or updated in 2021. Designed to confuse ?
      Having said that I think a lot of resistance type of people get appropriated by the DeepState, they can extract more value by coercion than simple murder.
      https://thelightaustralia.com/ is full of stuff like this in the new issue 12 not up on the website yet but in hard copy around the place. The Globalist controlled governments are releasing their AI filtration along with all the Ministry of Truth stuff. The best way to test the truth of something is still who is paying them, how, how much, what for etc.
      Your video says “you never hear him go after those bagel biters” but Jones got the young Rotschild on once and gave him a hard time, which is also neither here nor there. Now thanks to DeepFake videos we can’t even believe our celebrity villains like Gates and Tedros when they come on, we are left with a lot of pre-2020 material which as commenter Schulze is fond of mentioning, gets modified from time to time.
      Recall, “What school did you go to, who’s your daddy” to filter out a whole bunch.

      • “The Light Australia” also has another funny headline, “World’s largest reef secretly recovers and has record high coral cover two years in a row”.
        According to the graph it has rebounded from years of pollution / agricultural runoff etc and Cyclone Hamish about 10 years ago and “the corals are thriving”.

  7. It is the 8th June in the US, remember the Treachery from those with historic form
    At http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – new
    Jun 08 – O9:03

    • The USS Liberty WAR CRIME AND CRIMINAL COWARDLY COVER UP also reported at WRH at:
      Jun 08 – O6:34.
      Never forgive or forget TRAITORS, LIARS AND COWARDS.

  8. For some serious real fun, note rumormillnews.com reading room at 8/6 12:38:47.
    Seems that there could be a hush mistrial …. Judge writing to jurors..
    I noted a report elsewhere this morning that the WHs had a plant in the jury…… some claims of one (or more) boasting about getting a ‘bonus’.
    This movie has more plots than an any Asian rice grower.
    The ‘black sheep’ has come in at 9, missed the title to 8 but it is a beautiful orchestral.
    In other news …. Bird whatever is on the wing hovering…..seems we are going to be pooped upon.

    • I came in with the fisherman captained by Bizet with the Pearl Fishers duet in third place.
      Beethoven scored first with his Ode to Joy. Says something about a optimistic public.
      Well, third out of a hundred was not too bad for a billion dollars and the interest.

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