Home Trump Election Interference Turns Blue To Red

Election Interference Turns Blue To Red


Editor’s note:

Trump’s Wildwood Rally

It seems clear that the Stormy sham trial is accelerating T’s support — and that all his legal issues are election interference to advantage the dementia patient. So Orange holds a rally at the Blue beach and floods it with red supporters. It’s extraordinary, but expected. Anyone who has a brain would see that the democrat cabal is destroying America.

It seems fitting — holding a rally surrounded by roller coasters and amusement park thrills (along a boardwalk in Wildwood). Trump’s ride has been a legal roller coaster, and the thrills will obviously continue up to November.

Below, Trump rally and headlines start 2 hrs 02 min (plus the “parasites in gutters” legacy media). Clinton hypocrisy 2 hr 54 min.

An extract from Paul Craig Robert’s site:

Can a Country as Far Gone as America Recover?

Paul Craig Roberts

“The Epoch Times has acquired official documents that reveal that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2021 had definite evidence that Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines” caused multiple deaths. Despite the conclusive evidence in CDC’s hands, the “health agency” continued to lie for the next two years that there were no adverse effects from the emergency use “vaccines” that were for tens of millions of Americans illegally and unconstitutionally mandated as a condition of employment. 

“We were told by the CDC, FDA, NIH, the monster Tony Fauci, the White House Fool, the presstitutes, corrupt medical boards and university administrators, and our doctors that the “vaccine” was effective and safe. We were told this blatant lie, which every scrap of evidence refuted, over and over and over. … Additionally, a just published peer-reviewed scientific article has linked the Covid “vaccines” with psychosis… The record is perfectly clear: The “vaccines” are entirely downside. Yet, Big Pharma made billions of dollars on the marketing of death and permanent health injuries. And “our” government issued Big Pharma immunity from all liability!

“We are also in line for another deadly threat… a lab funded by Tony Fauci at NIH for the development of the Covid virus, has now weaponized ebola.

Roberts continues:

“This is America today: A country run by lies. Americans celebrate that they are run by lies with their mantra, “USA, USA, USA.” If you tell the truth in America, you are classified as a “conspiracy theorist,” “a Russian agent,” “a Putin dupe,” “a white supremacist,” “a Jew-hater and Holocaust denier,” “an enemy of democracy,” “a domestic terrorist,” “a Hamas supporter.” The list of demonizations goes on and on.




  1. Trump declares himself to be ‘the chosen one’ – The Times of Israel


    Trump — who had earlier approvingly retweeted a description of himself as the King of Israel — said his predecessors had allowed the United States to be taken advantage of on trade and …


    Israel settlements: Donald Trump proves he’s the ‘King of Israel’

    President Donald Trump perhaps more than most.

    “Trump’s a true friend of Israel,” said Haim Rokach, the head of the Golan Heights Regional Council that is overseeing the fledgling “Trump Heights” initiative in Bruchim, a shabby village, population approximately 7-10, that is part of Kela Alon, a larger adjoining community of 80-90 families who are predominantly secular Israeli Jews.

    “There’s no question Trump’s voice on Israeli affairs has been a good thing for us,” said Dulan abu-Saleh, the mayor of the largest Druze town in the Golan Heights.

    H ttps://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2019/09/16/donald-trump-israel-election/2333266001/

    • Interesting times. The saying goes something like this… ‘no presidential candidate has arrived without being backed by elite power structures’….

  2. Fauci has weaponised Ebola – well that should get the cops going if nothing else does, otherwise they will be part of Gates’ 2025 Zombie Parade

  3. The US provides debt traps to subdue nations

    US-China Rivalry Riles Tiny Solomon Islands
    May 13, 2024

    Inside the Pacific power cauldron: Mick Hall reports on controversial allegations of attempted U.S. meddling in the election of a prime minister seen as friendly to China.

    “………..He said the U.S. has built a post-war system with the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in which the U.S. has controlling stakes:

    “Through these, they then funnel money and aid into certain countries but in return, make strong political demands, the neoliberal discourse, basically — you have to open your countries, give us your raw materials.

    This debt trap is then being used in order to demand more structural adjustments in order for debt relief and making these countries dependent on the U.S. dollar. That is a very clever strategy, not a nice one, but a clever one.”

    Lottaz says China gives aid in its own currency and uses Chinese companies to build infrastructure while creating a circle of dependency with the need to maintain these assets’ infrastructure with Chinese know-how.

    “It is always an economical tool, beneficial, usually, for both sides,” he says.

    However, the outcome is qualitatively different from those elicited by Western aid agreements.

    “The Chinese don’t have a history of using this to get political leverage inside the individual countries, just like the Japanese. The Japanese and the Chinese don’t try to get regime change or to get new policies in these countries done through this aid,” Lottaz says. “That’s something that the Americans have been doing a lot, and Europe by way of interacting with that.”…………………


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