By James O’Neill*
The United States has recently marked the 20th anniversary of the events of “9/11”, the 11th of September 2001 when were told four aeroplanes were hijacked, with two of them flying into world trade centre (WTC) one and two in New York and a third flying into the Pentagon building in Washington DC. The fourth plane supposedly crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, apparently the result of a rebellion by the passengers who took over the plane. It crashed, preventing it from flying into its fourth intended target.
The events of 9/11 traumatised the American public who raised little resistance to President George Bush’s call that the planes had been hijacked by followers of Osama bin Laden, and that the Afghanistan government, where bin Laden was living, had to hand him over to the United States “justice”.
The Taliban, not unreasonably, asked for proof of bin Laden’s culpability, which the Americans refused to give. The invasion of Afghanistan followed shortly after, with Afghanistan’s shielding of bin Laden being cited as a principal reason.
Now, 20 years later, with the Americans finally forced to leave Afghanistan, the truth about the events of 9/11 still has enormous difficulty in penetrating the fog of deception and lies that surrounded the event itself.
Let us start with the alleged involvement of bin Laden. It is a feature of terrorist attacks that the perpetrators are always quick to claim credit for their actions. In bin Laden’s case he denied any responsibility for the hijacking of the planes, their crashing, and the deaths of thousands of people that were an immediate consequence.
Needless to say, the United States rejected his denial and went ahead with the invasion of Afghanistan, which as noted has now only finally ended. Bin Laden was a sick man. According to many accounts, he died of natural causes in December 2001.
The United States never accepted that version of events, although his obituary was even published in the New York Times. They pursued him and finally, in 2011 he was allegedly captured. The man they captured was never given a trial. He was instead summarily executed and his body dumped at sea. Among other things, that action prevented any testing of the United States claim to have captured him was correct.
Notwithstanding the death of the alleged perpetrator of 9/11, the United States continued its occupation of Afghanistan for a further decade. This raises the obvious question as to why they were there at all. The answer to that question lies in two principal parts. The first part is geography. Afghanistan is surrounded by seven other nations, most of whom are at best cool in their relationships with the United States and several, including China and Iran, actively hostile.
Possession of Afghanistan gave the United States border links with those nations and a relatively easy means of creating trouble across the border. This has been especially true of China where its Uighur region has been the constant object of United States’ troublemaking for the past 20 years.
The second part is drugs, a topic the western media have studiously ignored for the whole of the 20-year occupation. The earlier Taliban government (1996 –2001) had virtually eliminated the heroin trade for which Afghanistan was notoriously known. One of the earliest consequences of the United States invasion was a rapid restoration of that trade, an amazing consequence apparently unworthy of western media comment. Apart from providing the CIA with billions of dollars of illicit income of which they are now deprived, the fate of the heroin trade is currently unknown.
Given Russia and China’s attitude to the heroin trade it is likely that their economic and political support will be conditional upon the Taliban exhibiting the same zero tolerance for the heroin trade as its predecessors in the 1996–2001 government.
The other major consequence of the 9/11 attacks has been the willingness of the bulk of the United States population to suspend their disbelief at the official version of events. Critics of that version are labelled conspiracy theorists with the claims being subject to ridicule, indeed every response except rational appraisal and debate. It is true that the events of 9/11 have been a bonanza for wacky theorists whose efforts have made it much harder for rational questions to be asked. And there are a lot of such questions.
An obvious question is how was it possible for WTC1 and 2, the two hit by aeroplanes, to collapse at freefall speed. This is literally only possible if the floors below where the collapse commenced do not offer any resistance to the collapse of the higher floors. This is only possible in one circumstance; where the floors below are removed to allow the unimpeded collapse of the higher floors.
This can only be done by explosives, the sounds of which were heard by multiple witnesses. Yet that is a question that has never been addressed by any official inquiry. The public have instead been given a totally implausible explanation that the mainstream media has been too afraid to question.
The great question is how did WTC7 collapse, as it did, and again at freefall speed, just after 5 pm on 11 September 2001. WTC7 only had minor fires and it had not been hit by a plane to give even a whiff of an excuse. WTC7 remains one of the great unanswered questions about the events of 9/11.
These questions have been asked by serious critics of the official story now for 20 years. They still await a serious answer. Given that the events of 9/11 started George Bush’s “war on terror” an event that has caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of persons, and is used as a justification for the United States rampaging through at least four countries thus far, it is way past the time that the serious questions raised by critics were given a proper reply.
The speeches of public figures are not promising in this regard. We remain wedded to the mythology that has given the United States license to rampage in four countries with little or no serious questioning of the basis on which that behaviour is justified. The issues are too important for this silence to continue.
*Geopolitical analyst. He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com
Thank you, James. Clear as a bell.
I second that.
For all the ‘despondents’ worried about the continuing lies on 911, you will find some optimism
In the interview of Michael Jaco by Nicholas Veniamin at beforeitsnews.com plus much more.
Nicholas seems to be on telegram @nicholasveniamin.
Sorry I do not have cut and paste facilities presently.
But a very worthwhile interview😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Btw…… the bankers!!!!!!!!! Inside job 6 min mark and later 👌👌👌
More Good news developing ….. see X22Report.com.
Report 2575
The picture above reminds me of an old article I wrote back in 2014 about BONES
You see, just like the impossibility of Building 7 being brought down by fires — a fire has never caused the total destruction of a steel skyscraper (as discussed on ae911truth.org) — so is it equally impossible that fires and collapsing buildings have ever pulverized people like those who were killed in the Twin Towers. EVER. Those who try to confuse the 9/11 Truth Movement with bunkum about structural abnormalities, no planes, whistle-blowers on meds, or who twist words and theories to suit the official theory – go ahead. It doesn’t count here. Supported by evidence of Nano-thermite and molten metal, many people were turned to dust – pieces 1/16-inch small, thousands of pieces – including firefighters (most likely inside stairwells). The forensic logic of the “9/11 bone fragments” is the DNA bullet in the official story, making a mockery of NIST’s document. These bone fragments from the firefighters burn any official theory to ash – and make the entire concealment of all the other evidence a fraud.
Controlled demolition of the towers does not fit the evidence-Dr Judy Wood-Where did the towers go?.No seismic signal for the collapse of two 110 storey buildings was recorded-the bathtub in which the towers stood could not be damaged otherwise all of lower Manhattan would have been flooded.
The debris from towers barely reached the height of the vestibules,people survived in lower stairwell B of WTC1,an ambulance parked at the base of one of the towers prior to the collapse remained undamaged, only one filing cabinet was ever found and there were NO bathroom fittings found at all-Dr Judy Wood’s explanation-DEW=” dustification” (famous picture of one of the spires virtually turning to dust and blowing away.Nikola Telsa,John Hutchison confirmations.
This book is a brilliant forensic scientific investigation and a must read for anyone seeking insight into the destruction of the WHOLE WTC site.
Agreed, well worth the read.
Looks like the UN is getting in on the gig in Afghanistan end everyone is pouring money in now, the opium trade is in safe hands I would say, directly connected to Geneva and Swissy, who is going to do the rug-pull on USD hegemony soon … soon …
Meanwhile the evidence for the assertions (above) that the WTC was simply a controlled demolition is very clear, all you have to do is look at the 2nd building prior to collapse, you will see the windows blow out UNDER the fire zone, the whole floor is taken out UNDER the fire, look at any video you please but in this one it happens at 3:33
I hat to tell you, but this tune contains the words “Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just.”
On Afghani heroin, the word I hear is that the Chinese took over the trade, on behalf of the Taliban. Apparently, the Chinese adopt the view that this is historical justice in light of the Opium Wars, which is a pretty compelling argument under the circumstances.
Of course, if one’s ideology demands that China has to be the good guy in all things, this cannot be admitted. But the heroin trade leaves an unmistakable chemical foorprint, so the truth will emerge quite soon.
And will I be gross enough to say I told you so? LOL>>>
Taliban leaders, seeking international acceptance after seizing power in Afghanistan, have told farmers to stop cultivating opium poppies, residents of some major poppy-growing areas say.This has caused raw opium prices to soar across the country. In recent days, Taliban representatives began telling gatherings of villagers in the southern province of Kandahar, one of the country’s main …
Some thoughts on the way of the world –
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.” – Michael Ellner
Government origins
Mesopotamia Thrived With NO Ruling Elite*
By Gregory Sams
There is a remarkable discovery that has not yet emerged from our renewed interest in ancient civilization. Yet few remark upon this glaring omission from the relics and records we dig up and discover. I first recognized its absence at a visit to the British Museum, and made a point of going back a few years later for another check. Their Mesopotamian rooms begin at 6500 BC, and as you wander through the exhibits and look at the artifacts and depictions of their culture there are none depicting warriors or warfare, chariots or combat, clubs or swords – for nearly four thousand years. As for kings and rulers, there was a single image thought to be a king because it looks like he’s wearing a crown. And what is this king doing? He is feeding flowers to sheep.
Around 2700 BC the first inter-city state dispute turned into what could be termed a war. Little is known, other than that the Sumerians made off with the weapons of the losing Elamites. Things went downhill from there and within a few centuries a psychopath named Sargon of Akkad murdered the existing king, seized power, and conquered 21 thriving and successful cities in Mesopotamia, cities that had operated without top down control by a ruling elite, but by bottom up organization – something at which people naturally excel. He obliterated the city of Kazalla when it resisted, encouraging total compliance from the rest, and called the process “unification,” titling himself Sargon the Great. He started an unfortunate trend……………………….”
Want a laugh? Some truthers got together to do a blitzing of a radio show. They had to be silenced. (It’s like the Jon Faine/Kevin Bracken thing, but these don’t get angry.) Watch:
When a pay cheque depends on the lie.
I like the guy who says “What more can the government do to stop people from going on google and looking up building 7 9/11”, this is the type of thing everyone should be asking the MSM and government, “How can you better censor everyone so they stop questioning the official narrative?” The NWO requires that everyone simply comply with the official narrative regardless of whether it is absurd or even destructive to the individual. Let’s all ask our politicians, “How can we better comply with “LockStep”?”, “When should we get on the euthanasia waiting list?”, “Is there anything we CAN’T inject ourselves with?” etc.
A long video of Mein Trumpf talking to cops and fire dept about 9/11 anniversary, pays out on Biden, at exactly 16:00 says to the crowded room, “If I catch Covid, I’m blaming you”, pointing at one guy. This is the Covid threat in NY, nobody even cares. But the Demonrats are bringing in all sorts of regulations. And Australia is pretending it is a big thing, the propaganda here is RELENTLESS just as the banning of medicine is CRIMINAL. We are governed by insane maniacs, who will lie to our faces tirelessly all day, they will call black white and up down. They are the worst lying scum I have witnessed since actual 9/11.
( If you watch this on spewtube it is loaded up with toenail fungus ads, talking about pus and so forth. )
Protesters in the US have a new 3 word slogan, “#@&% JOE BIDEN”, interestingly they are using the black slaves “call and response” style of chanting. This chant is being picked up at sports events etc too,
The 3 tiered government building that showed up in some takes reminded me of the Popes 4 tiered Tiara.
The pope’s hat may refer to: Papal tiara, a jewelled three-tiered crown used at papal coronations from 1305 through 1963. Mitre, a high liturgical headdress made …
The Crown of Ba’al, also known as the Papal Tiara and Triregnum is a three-tiered jewelled papal crown and symbol of claimed papal supremecy since the 16th …
But, when Pope Paul VI left his Tiara on the Altar of Saint Peter’s during the closing of The Second Vatican Council, no Pope has worn the Three-Tiered Crown.
The government building I mentioned above is apparently Capitol Hill which is a representation of the Temple of Jupiter and which is believed by the pagans to be the god of gods and god of everybody
Re the Popes 4 tier tiara, sorry an error, I meant 3..
Pyramid capstone originally looks like it was meant to show the sun god in his boat or chariot but probably later morphed into an eye. These things reportedly were made out of gold in old Egypt. Where did they go ?!?!? Probably melted down into ingots as enemy forces advanced. Original “tomb raiders” were probably the pharaohs themselves. cleaning out the bank.
Another throwback:
ANZ bank Melbourne
Masonic Temple Chicago
Anyone in Collins St Melbourne can look in the basement of the ANZ building, quite interesting if you’re still allowed in there.
All is fair in love and the drug war Tony
I have been following the headlines from RT for the past few years and will occasionally dig into an article. In addition to the stream of headlines, there have been some excellent presentations including shows, podcasts and documentaries.
Then just last night I dived into this:
• Have we learned the lessons of 9/11?
The first thing I noticed is that RT has moved its comment handling system to Disqus (must have been quite recently) when most trustworthy sites are moving away from Disqus for good reason.
But then I read this from the RT article:
“Two decades ago, hijackers commandeered several airplanes and flew them toward high-profile targets to spread terror across the US. These attacks resulted in thousands of deaths with the collapse of the World Trade Center. It also resulted in a disastrous attack on the Pentagon, near Washington, DC.”
And now this just in by the way…
Putin to self-isolate after Covid-19 case confirmed in entourage, Kremlin says, as Russian president moves major meetings online
911 is certainly the litmus test for the integrity of any news or blog site. I am afraid RT has declared its hand – possibly under new management?
Positive COVID articles confirm that we are indeed in the post-truth world (CGTN is even worse).
Next to zero time right now, but I blame CERN. = ) If you want to get down a deep rabbit hole, then you could look into CERN knocking us into a new reality, which can leave your head spinning for days.
Honestly, I am kidding about blaming CERN; however, those theories are kind of fascinating to dwell upon and seem to start the clock just before 9/11.
This is becoming an oldie but a goodie (in fact my favourite)
• Bartender: “Hey! We don’t allow no faster-than-light neutrinos in here!”
• A neutrino walks into a bar.
“Last September [2011], an experiment called OPERA turned up evidence that neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light (see ‘Particles break light speed limit’). Located beneath the Gran Sasso mountain in central Italy, OPERA detected neutrinos sent from CERN, Europe’s premier particle-physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland [Those bloody Swissys!!] . According to the group’s findings, neutrinos made the 731-kilometre journey 60 nanoseconds faster than predicted if they had travelled at light speed.”
And you thought you would get away with that CERN reference … not so fast (pun intended]!
The physics anomaly no one talks about: What’s up with those neutrinos? – Sabine Hossenfelder
Oops wrong video from my clipboard – Brian Berletic (The New Atlas) is recommended as off topic.
Who wears the Crown? –
When people say that the Vatican controls everything just remember that the Vaticans Pope is no longer coronated with a Crown. The void has been filled by Rothschid’s Crown City of London.
It apparent to me that Romes papal authority over the world, symbolised by the Popes 3 tiered crown has moved its statutory authority from Vatican Hill to Capitoline Hill, Washington, D.C.
“In 1968 after touring the United States, the crown was presented by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States, to Msgr. William McDonough, the shrine’s director.”
Pope Paul VI and the Abandonment of the Tiara
The Coronation of Pope Paul VI
Pope Paul VI was the last pope to use a tiara at his coronation. However; after the ceremony, he donated it and introduced the use of a simple miter representing the fish god Dagon. He gave the tiara to the poor people of the world, with an official statement saying:
The Roman Catholic Church has always shown its charity toward the poor. Pope Paul VI has wanted to give new proof of this charity [after hearing] the many and grave words expressed in the council on the misery and hunger of these days.
He then removed the tiara from his head, placing it on the altar as a picture of the “renunciation of human glory and power” and as “the new spirit of the Church purified.”
The tiara went on tour to raise funds for the poor, before coming to the Basilica, where it is displayed today.
The tradition of wearing a miter was adopted by subsequent popes, and the use of the tiara was discontinued. The coronation ceremony was also renamed and is now known as the solemn inauguration of Petrine Ministry.
………..Vicar of Christ (Vicarius Christi) and Antichrist have exactly the same meaning. The Pope substitutes himself in place of God on earth, and that is exactly the meaning of Antichrist.
The pope’s hat may refer to: Papal tiara, a jewelled three-tiered crown used at papal coronations from 1305 through 1963. Mitre, a high liturgical headdress made …
The Crown of Ba’al, also known as the Papal Tiara and Triregnum is a three-tiered jewelled papal crown and symbol of claimed papal supremecy since the 16th …
For more than a thousand years, the Papal Tiara was as symbol of the authority of the Papacy. But, when Pope Paul VI left his Tiara on the Altar of Saint Peter’s during the closing of The Second Vatican Council, no Pope has worn the Three-Tiered Crown. However, subsequent Popes have received Tiaras, but have not worn them publicly (or likely at all.)
On 16 May, during an audience with Trajko Veljanoski, The Speaker of The Assembly of The Republic of Macedonia, The Holy Father was presented with a beautifully ornate Tiara, handmade by the Nuns of Rajcica Monastery, with Pearls from Ohrid Lake. Up until this point, Pope Francis had not received a Tiara.
So the void created by the Vatican was filled by its near mirror image, the pagan authories in the Israeli controlled United States and Britain.
Jews and Catholics in partnership –
The Talmud created at the Babylon Yahsiva (Academy) by BalKhan (Baal Priest) Baba Rabban is properly called the “Babylonian Talmud” and was the only version of Talmud created until the 16th Century when the Venetians through the Jesuits created a hybrid document integrating the Mithraic-Iudaic laws of the Septuaginta to create the “Jerusalem Talmud”.
Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
What does the word Vatican mean?
The word ‘Vatican’ literally means “Divining Serpent,” and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. The Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. …..
Vaticans’ schisms caused by Romes siding with the Jewish narrative –
Quis Custodiet Traditionis Custodes?
Who watches over the guardians of tradition?
E. Michael Jones • September 8, 2021 • 12,200 Words • 3 Comments • Reply
Washington D.C. ( District of Columbia )
“Columbia” is a name for “Goddess of Creation, War, and Destruction” better known as the goddess of death and pain. She is derived from the imagery of Semiramis, wife of Nimrod, and Queen of Babylon.
The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld. She is crowned with pentacles (pentagrams–stars with five points). When someone stands on something, it is usually an indication of ownership. Therefore, she owns the facility she stands upon. Although the dome on top of the Capitol building was not finished until 1868, the final installation of this statue on top of the dome took place on December 2, 1863. The original Capitol building, without the dome, was completed in 1826.
Columbia and Persephone are seen as other statues around Washington D.C. area.
“……….When it came time to pick a name for the new capital that was being moved from Charleston to its present site, Senator John Lewis Gervais, whom the present day street is named after, in 1786 said, “in this town we should find refuge under the wings of COLUMBIA.” It is from this speech that people rallied to name it Columbia, beating out the name Washington in an 11-7 vote in the state senate.
It is clear from Gerais’ quote that Columbia, South Carolina was named for the goddess Columbia and not Christopher Columbus.
Anti-Christ –
The statue on top of the Capitol building called the Statue of Freedom is actually Persephone, meaning “She who Destroys the Light”. She is the queen of the underworld.
John 8:12 (NKJV) 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”
And the United States looks much like ancient Rome.
Washington’s Capitol Hill –
“…….Capitoline Hill: The Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was located on the Capitoline Hill in Rome.
When designing Washington, D.C., George Washington and others very carefully chose symbols to convey their ideas. It was with this mindset that they desired to have America’s lawmakers to meet on a hill they chose to call Capitol Hill in honour of Jupiter’s Capitoline Hill. As described by Pamela Scott:
“The iconography of the panels decorating the south (which was to contain the House of Representatives) is derived from the most powerful ancient god, Jupiter, and the strongest ancient hero, Hercules. In the central panel, a single standing figure (representing either collective American patriots or Washington) takes an oath before the seated Jupiter … king of the gods in Roman mythology, … Oaths in ancient Rome were taken at the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, located on the Capitoline hill. (emphasis added) [16]
“…………..But even before the founding of Washington, D.C. – and even before the founding of the United States – there were already some links between the ancient city of Rome and this remote bit of farmland destined to become our nation’s capital.
The area that L’Enfant called Jenkins Hill was actually known as “New Troy,” dating all the way back to the original Maryland land grant in 1663. In Roman mythology, the ancient city of Troy was a precursor to Rome.
And the area around New Troy included a 400-acre farm that its owner had actually named Rome. He even renamed the modest Goose Creek, which flowed from the Potomac to the base of what would become Capitol Hill, the mighty Tiber Creek, after Rome’s Tiber River.
And his name – Francis Pope.
So there you go – even before its founding, Washington had a Rome, the Tiber, and a Pope.
Ciao, my work is done for the day.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Protocol No.7
WE HAVE LONG PAST TAKEN CARE TO DISCREDIT THE PRIESTHOOD OF “GOYIM,” and thereby to ruin their mission on earth which in these days might still be a great hindrance to us. Day by day its influence on the peoples of the world is falling lower. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE HAS BEEN DECLARED EVERYWHERE, SO THAT NOW ONLY YEARS DIVIDE US FROM THE MOMENT OF THE COMPLETE WRECKING OF THAT CHRISTIAN RELIGION: as to other religions we shall have still less difficulty in dealing with them, but it would be premature to speak of this now. We shall act clericalism and clericals into such narrow frames as to make their influence move in retrogressive proportion to its former progress.
When the time comes finally to destroy the papal court the finger of an invisible hand will point the nations towards this court. When, however, the nations fling themselves upon it, we shall come forward in the guise of its defenders as if to save excessive bloodshed. By this diversion we shall penetrate to its very bowels and be sure we shall never come out again until we have gnawed through the entire strength of this place.
Bulletin (some more History)
Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind “The Bad War” By M. S. King
Book review and discussion by Dr Peter Hammond facilitated by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
Part 1
Part 2 just in – more to come