I [Dee McLachlan] lived and worked in Los Angeles for 7 years in the 90s. I well understood the modus operandi of Hollywood, and that success is directly linked to “who you know”… and who they know, and then who those contacts knew. That’s the way the world works. And this new documentary, OUT OF THE SHADOWS, leads the viewer cleverly through from the control of the media through “tell-a-vision”, and the “programming” of entertainment to Epstein. The documentary explains the elite child trafficking operations to the coded emails of Podesta. Yes, the world is being run by people operating on the “dark side”. And thankfully, it is now being exposed.
The video:
May I note an objection to the practice of referring to criminals and psychos as the Elite.
They are not elite, they are the world’s ‘riff raff’.
To be kind!
Absolutely right !
The term just cedes power to something that would otherwise be unable to survive.
What is WRONG with people, why is he,allowed to walk around, be free?? If i tomorrow stand up and say some sick shit similar to that, I will be locked away….why are all these people free????!!!
Phil had this doco up on a previous thread. It contains most of what I have learned from the advent of ‘Q’ and the taking of the ‘Red Pill’, while ignoring the ‘Blue Pill’ that many still seem averse to. This doco does not go far enough in my opinion, as to what we can all expect to be exposed as to how this world is really controlled.
But, for those who watch it, maybe it will be a dawning for their awakening.
Hollywood is just the one part of a whole, and that ‘whole’ is an evil empire that practises many ancient rituals that many thought were outlawed centuries ago – that is not the case – as we will all find out in due time.
Future proves past! WWG1WGA.
Agree, it only “introduces” how the system works. Part 1. However, I think it is an excellent video for those being introduced into how a cult and pedophile system works.
A message to nine news tat own so much msm bullshit.
Attention Mr Ray Hadly of radio 2 GB (nine)
Do you think just chasing low han
Ok message sent incomplete by error.
Again: nine network, ABC et.al.
For how long are you lot going to distract listeners with the bs prentence that you lot are protecting children by chasing low hanging fruit paedophiles, whilst the top level paedophiles laugh at our controlled msm?
How are our miserable protectors of serial abuse, even with torture, going to be seen walking down the street, everyone has being aware of your evil hypocracy?
Take your money, pay off your mortgage and disapear.
Well said cf Fiona Barnett
I would bet my savings — a few ounces of gold — that the Podesta paintings were originally photographs of real situations. Real young girls waiting to be “dealt with” and tortured. These photographs would then be provided to the artist to replicate into a painting.
If you take a second look at that painting the girls are depicted back-on from the waist up, and front-on from the waist down.
Hardly inspiring or uplifting but I guess it’s no worse than a lot of stuff that gets fobbed off as “art”
MSM et.al., Get a flight to Epstein Island it appears vacant, enjoy the ghosts and suffer for eternity the children screaming. even if you cannot make a wankleys riff raff fellow covern of w…..rs and hypocrites.
Coronavirus: What is really going on?
Gloria Vanderbilt and the Rising of the antiChrist
by cathy fox blog on Child Abuse
“I outlined an illuminati structure and showed how it interfaces with the committees and structure of what many think of erroneously as our democratic society. The FIVE Child Trafficking Networks of the Illuminati [40]”
Freda Briggs AO
Emeritus Professor in Child Development (University of South Australia)
– Dr Marie O’Neill AM Psychologist
(Clinical and Forensic)
Australia is the Headquarters for the Takeover
Thanks Diane. It seems Australians are an easy target.
Excellent introduction for the sleeping masses, as they say nobody likes to be awakened abruptly.
Here’s a link to the microsoft commercial with satinist Maria Abramovich. Nice picture of her with Jacob Rothschild and the painting behind them…
Extraordinary pictures. Says it all. Started watching the video in the article. Not sure if I want to continue.
Sammy Davis Junior, hmm, I thought he converted to Judaism. Oh wait, who controls Hollywood or the media or the banking system – I’m detecting a pattern here.
Once seen, never to be unseen.
Interesting that there were references to ‘critical thinking’ in the video. Go to the end of the video at 1.13.15 and you will see the comments about critical thinking and connecting the dots.
I am so shocked (not surprised though) of how our freedoms are being slowly constricted.
I wrote an article a few days ago on how the BBC and Youtube banned the David Icke video. I posted the LONDON REAL articole with the link to the documentary on Facebook.
Well Facebook deleted it — fake science.
They cannot withstand any conflict to the “plan”. David Icke is so dangerous… more dangerous that an entire army of soldiers.
“So dangerous”, yeah, once the narrative collapses, they’ve got nothing. – In fact, once the narrative collapses, then they have to deal the emerging rise in consciousnesses of the masses.
Pitch forks aren’t anything compared to what could be in store for them.
Dee – your comment reminded me of the ‘other things’ that our governments and their controllers have been hiding from us while squeezing the life out of our liberties. The following, if the link works, provides a good understanding of how ‘free energy’ has been denied us for a very long time. It is hosted by Steven Greer, a man who is very articulate in what he presents and whose sources can be easily verified by those who wish to research further.
It is titled: It Will Be The End Of Energy Companies.
No, of course the link did not work, but the video is still available by simply typing in the title.
Great introductory video – a compilation of several others I have seen and some new ones. A couple of doubts and queries but here are a few thought bullet points I jotted down as I went:
• **At 31:35 – Zoolander – “the ?fashion [sic 😊] industry has been behind every major political assassination over the past 200 years **
* “fashion industry” – hidden symbolism/metaphor? Question for ‘Q’ – who is behind the fashion industry?
What an interesting list that would make – maybe we could collaborate and collate a list into a Gumshoe article. Without dwelling on it here, my mind immediately went to a few names that had come up in recent reading.
• President Abraham Lincoln of course 14 April 1865 (featured in the video)
• President William McKinley 5 September 1901 (died 14 September – which brought 33rd degree Freemason Theodore Roosevelt to Office)
• King Umberto I of Italy 29 July 1900
• Alexander II of Russia 13 March 1881
• Nicholas II of Russia 17 July 1917 (along with his wife, entire family and entourage)
• President John F Kennedy 22 November 1963 reportedly by Lee Harvey Oswald who in turn was eliminated by Jacob Leon Rubenstein. This brought 33rd degree Freemason Lyndon Baines Johnson to office and the Vietnam War was greenlighted to proceed/escalate.
• Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme 28 February 1986. His successor Gösta Ingvar Carlsson is “best known for leading Sweden into the European Union”.
Continuing on the theme of Lyndon Baines Johnson:
• At 45:30 – “USS Mannix false flag to declare war on Vietnam”
See James Corbett’s classic “Debunking A Century of War Lies” from 10:03
Last thought bullet:
• From 42:00 talks about Michael Aquino (US Satanist – weird!)
From PSYOP to MindWar – The Psychology of Victory (1980)
Here is a link I found to a pdf:
Julius – a good question – ‘who is behind the fashion industry’?
I don’t believe ‘Q’ has actually provided any sources that I can recall, however, it would not be such a stretch of the imagination to acknowledge that many within the Globalist system would be behind such a controlling aspect for ‘social change’ – maybe Tavistock – would be a standout here?
As far as I know, The God of Destruction is Shiva. Now it is becoming apparent that Doctor Shiva is the one beginning to wreak havoc regarding the mongrel mob that’s bean causing so much strife for such a long time. Cheers, Kevin Woodman.
Julius, Nemesis- you have diverted me again from my writing, currently the role of Unilevers in setting up Tavistock nodes around the world. So re: fashion Industry–well cosmetic industry actually–what about Helena Rubinstein. My grandmother knew her–my mother often spoke of her–and I may have met her–my grandmother was in the employ of Unilevers and post ww 2, as well as escorting “orphans” to Australia in 1947 she established a Tavistock Node in Geelong/regional Victoria, connections to Tavistock Doctors and Anne Hamilton Byrne Yoga The Brethren and and and—-so you can pick up the threads and connect the spiders web
A Biography of Helena Rubinstein
Cosmetics Manufacturer, Business Executive
The beauty queen who paid for your make-up with misery: How Helena Rubinstein’s success came at a terrible emotional cost
PUBLISHED: 11:02 AEST, 4 March 2013 | UPDATED: 09:16 AEST, 6 March 2013
Diane – I think you can go to many, many names as to who actually set up Tavistock and all its affiliates in the ongoing programming of 20th Century Western culture, and especially female culture and its feminist agenda, and still not arrive at all the answers, the list is so extensive.
Believe it or not, the Salvation Army had it’s role to play as well, especially in the beginning of the 20th Century and the Suffragette movement.
What is the symbol of the Salvation Army, The Red Cross, the Swiss Flag, Western Medicine and military recognition in times of war?
The red cross?
Who were the Nazis International Bankers during World War 2?
Symbols will be their downfall – ‘Q’
I used to sing/lead this song at pubs in the 60’s–didnt get it then but do now
LOL! Great post Diane!
And we all were told Julian Assange was locked up for showing a helicopter war video.
Amazing how “Roseanne” (Barr) was deplatformed for speaking out on behalf of Cathy O’Brien and they bury her on TV by continuing the show without her.
Well they say Rapsinger quit the papacy because he could not overcome the paedophiles without JP2 and I read somewhere about 20 years ago, the next pope after this one would be the antichrist pope, well, how could it be otherwise.
What’s the use of having a your word against mine trial by jury if you can just pay the high court to overturn it. Well, if you have the funding anyway. I wonder how much it all cost. They are doing all these things with “our’ money.
bg – I took the time to read all of the evidence against Pell. Pell should not have been charged, let alone convicted in a supposed court of law.
What you have missed is that in 2014, Dan Andrews (Vic Premier) put a Bill before the Victorian Parliament to upgrade an individual accusers evidence away from the common law principle of evidence to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt and to be simply accepted on face value.
in other words, the escape clause of beyond a reasonable doubt for magistrates and judges to dismiss a case they could not determine guilt on, was turned on its head.
What happened to Pell in Victoria should send shivers down the spine of every Australian who values the principle of innocent until proven guilty, and not to be convicted if beyond a reasonable doubt is raised as to the accused’s guilt, because anyone can now be framed by police and convicted by Victorian courts that have become politicized under Dan Andrew’s Marxist Labor government.
That the High Court found in Pell’s favor 7 to 0 should have indicated to you the seriousness of the Victorian courts and how their system of ‘justice’ has become politicized and subsequently, unreliable for the issuance of justice.
You have misread my comment. I agree there is no direct evidence, that’s exactly the point. Orphans and so forth have no recourse under the law.
I think it’s fairly clear Pell and the gang were at very least covering for others. I would not believe anyone in any high office without the closest scrutiny, in fact, I don’t even like to use the word “believe” in connection with myself. Most of these high office people seem to be very expert liars, it’s a prerequisite, I include the “good” ones with the bad ones. Natural trust is a great mistake.
The orphans are expected to wait for decades until the offender has died.
Not much of a disincentive is it.
Maybe you should watch Andrew Bolt’s interview with George Pell. Nothing in this world is straight black and white.
You have misread my comment. I don’t accept that anyone in a high office is anything except an expert liar. They can tell good lies, bad lies, every type of lie. They can lie in close-up video, they can lie when the truth is clearly the opposite of what they are saying, ergo, the interview is meaningless, the high court decision is irrelevant to the facts of whatever immoral acts which took place in history. The high court decision reflects the fact that THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANYTHING. That’s all, nobody disputes that. But the issue is bigger than that. The jury decision better reflects this.
So, who is at the top of the legal system ? The Queen. What has her favourite son been doing ? He is wanted by the FBI.
But forget about him, look at the Harry and Megan show instead. They’re doing some good deeds every day. All the royals are very busy these days doing good deeds. Hurrah.
Julian Assange exposed the pedophile gang, Podesta, Clintons etc and now gets the Jesus treatment, from whom ?? The legal system.
Have faith, they all tell us.
bg wrote in original comment: ‘What’s the use of having your word against mine trial by jury if you can just pay the High Court to overturn it.’
You deny writing a sentence that is listed above and that stands out like a proverbial?
No, I did not misread you!
“Misread” is perhaps a slightly kinder way of putting “misunderstood”.
I have some sympathy with people who like to have total faith in the institutions such as the Catholics (the Constantine branch of the Roman Empire) and the legal system (descended from WIlliam the Conqueror etc), but I don’t and maybe that’s what you’re missing. People are people regardless of what costumes they put on. I don’t exalt costume people, just because they are descended from the various conquerors. I’m more impressed with Jesus and Andrew Jackson, who both broke the banks, and Julian Assange and Stanley Kubrick, both great martyrs, both crazy-brave people of principle. I don’t see any greatness in Pell or the current pope, I just see the costumes.
The Antichrist Rising – The How, When and Where…
Posted on 2020, April, 16
maybe Bolt is the antichrist
Diane – Obammy was promoted as the ‘Second Coming’ – as for Bolt, I have read his articles for decades, he is no saviour, but a warrior for Truth, which maybe places him in the same company as Christ was THE messenger for Truth?
I watched and it opened my eyes, however there were no links to statistics which verify the facts which were presented. Could you add some links to help me make my point to those who don’t agree?
Much of this is not new information and though it brings up some interesting points it is a very messy “documentary.” As Ashley above me commented, where is the actual evidence? Random screen shots of highlighted wording within a public document is NOT evidence for some of the connections they are trying to make here. The choppy story lines do not help it present the information it’s trying to. Interesting, yes, but let’s apply some critical thinking folks. A very good, unbiased, assessment of the movie: https://www.small-screen.co.uk/out-of-shadows-documentary-youtube-exposed/