Home News Elon: “Californication, but much worse”

Elon: “Californication, but much worse”


Comment by DM

Elon offers some very interesting discussion (“Strangulation by regulation”) and ideas to random audience questions.

Has this ever happened before?

Town Hall Meeting

“Elon Musk Unveils Bold Political Stances and Personal Insights in Pennsylvania Town Hall. In this enlightening Town Hall episode, Elon Musk captivates a Pennsylvania audience with his diverse perspectives on politics, government efficiency, and societal issues. Musk announces a $1 million daily giveaway to petition signers supporting Donald Trump and underscores the necessity of defending the Constitution. He reflects [taking random questions] on his career challenges, the future of media, and the importance of voter participation in elections. Delving into education, he addresses the need for reform and the dangers of propaganda in schools, advocating for critical thinking and informed decision-making. Musk also discusses the impacts of government overspending, over-regulation, and media bias, advocating for transparency and privacy protections. He takes a firm stand on the need for deregulation and sensible tariffs to bolster U.S. manufacturing while sharing personal insights on family, financial advice, and the role of empathy. Throughout the session, Musk critiques current political regimes, emphasizes the significance of grassroots efforts, and promotes a marketplace of free ideas.”

00:00 Exciting Announcement: Million Dollar Giveaway

03:07 Supporting the Constitution and Trump

06:17 Q&A Session Begins

11:32 Elon Musk on Government Reform and Efficiency

14:36 Concerns About Education and Youth

19:35 Media, Censorship, and Free Speech

54:28 Election Integrity and Voter Encouragement

01:01:32 Impact of Trump’s Election on Technology and Society

01:01:50 Overregulation and Its Consequences

01:02:57 SpaceX’s Regulatory Challenges

01:07:13 Citizen Journalism and Big Tech Bias

01:09:34 The Role of Federal Government in Media Fairness

01:13:05 Trump’s Unique Position in Politics

01:14:30 Advice for the Younger Generation

01:18:29 Promoting STEM and Trade Degrees

01:19:59 The Importance of Free Speech

01:23:15 COVID Vaccine Mandates and Education Reform

01:26:23 Tesla’s Full Self-Driving and Regulation

01:28:03 Resurgence of Marxist Ideology

01:33:28 AI’s Role in Democracy and Society

01:53:01 Concerns About Election Integrity

01:57:56 Final Thoughts and Government Mandates



  1. Don’t shoot the messenger, I like chilli sauce too, not really, I have always hated chilli source

    I feel the need to be cryptic, while I’m still alive

    Aside/reason: I’m going through a very difficult thing, right now as i speak, it not me who i worry for, though I should

      • I have a very similar case right now. The girl has made seven attempts to runaway from her predicament. The judge returned her to her F even though police took out a FVO to help protect the child. Definition of insanity. She’s only 2 hrs away. However, if I were to justifiably rescue her I’d be in the clink in a second. WTF!

          • https://www.australianpeacemakers.com/learning-library/dr-reina-michaelson-testimony
            “AN ANTI-CHILD-SEX campaigner accused an occult religious group of hosting parties at which naked children acted as waiters and at which members had sex with and murdered children, a tribunal was told yesterday.
            The obscure group Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) claims Dr Reina Michaelson and the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program described it in a website article as a satanic cult that sacrificed children and ate their organs and blood.
            It has complained under Victoria’s religious hatred law that Dr Michaelson and her organisation vilified OTO members, causing revulsion, ridicule, hatred and contempt.
            According to OTO’s statement of complaint, Dr Michaelson said it was not a religion but a child pornography and pedophile ring, that its members practised trauma-based mind control, sexual abuse and satanic rituals to discourage its victims from complaining to the authorities, and that it condoned kidnapping street children and babies and children from orphanages for sex and sacrifice in religious rituals.
            The case began at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal yesterday, but was adjourned to today to allow a last-ditch attempt to settle out of court.
            The article, still accessible on a website run from NSW, suggests senior politicians and television celebrities are part of a top-level pedophile ring and have been protected by some police. It says some members of the ring pretended to support Dr Michaelson’s campaign and became board members of her group to subvert it from within.
            Adam Paszkowski, for Dr Michaelson, who was named Young Australian of the Year in 1997 for founding the Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program, said the article was published on the website “without her knowledge or consent or authority”.
            Dr Michaelson last year called for a royal commission to investigate her claims that Victoria Police did not properly investigate pedophile ring allegations.
            Earlier complaints led to a report by the police ombudsman in 2004 that was highly critical of two senior detectives.
            OTO members follow a religion known as Thelema, founded by occultist Aleister Crowley.”

      • I decided to leave California in Oct. 1978, I arrived in Australia in Feb. 1982. I could see it all happening way back then.

        California used to be a paradise, then it started the long slide into degradation and insanity.

        • Degradation and insanity – the inevitable fruit of “psycho-therapeutic” New Age philosophies and practices that took off like wildfire in the early 60s:

          • i’m embarrassed as fuck, my brother did have sequential photographic memory, so only he would know of that. Only after, did, full range memory count. Read dead. He was master, and taught me all I Know, a good ANU fellow and my best friend. I was 5 years younger so not obviously reciprocated. Neither of us grinded

  2. Elon, quote β€œunderscores the necessity of defending the Constitution”

    With particular attention to the import of the1st amendment no doubt
    And what’s bound to happen when it’s altogether absent, like in the UK:

    Rex -v- Lucy Connelly – 3 years in the slammer for getting a tad fizzed up on X

    The key sentencing remark:
    β€œ12. In relation to your culpability this is clearly a category A case – as both prosecution and your counsel agree, because you intended to incite serious violence.”

    β€œyou intended to incite serious violence”
    Well if the ruling had been β€œwhat you SAID could have LED to serious violence” – but a Judge who’s a mind-reader?

    In my view that’s THE issue. Only God is fit to start β€œsifting out the hearts of men before His judgement seat”; mere mortals taking it upon themselves just signifies a Godless society

    Interesting that the Brit judiciary seems to be every bit as oblivious to said fundamental principle of law and order as the Downunder mob

    A word of wisdom from that dinky-di barrister who was debarred for refusing to go with the flow:

  3. β€˜Trumps master plan and the 700,000 indictments exposed’.
    At beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
    THE PLANπŸ™€πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ😎
    I listened to all but every 90 seconds or thereabouts had to get back to it after it continually broke contact….. took a lot of time and my first experience of the persistent interruption.
    I could not resist considering the commentary explaining the plan and where we are at.
    Q has deliberately posted his TIMELINE posts from October 2017 starting with the NOW.
    HILARIOUS! πŸ™€πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

    • Dear MedBed, here it is on rumble
      Sounds like Durham has been flogged to death by now
      Trump said he would save the USD on another video:

      Trump and Lord Muck want to win both houses.
      Then it’s back to satellite track’n’trace, brain chips and all the rest of it.
      Lord Muck wants to save the amendment 1 & 2, then everything will be blocked and flooded with AI propaganda, and hillbillies will be trying to shoot down swarms of micro-drones, nobody can stop the tech, it’s already here, Lord Muck wants to own it

      • Ta Joe for the link….. it really is funny, enjoy!
        MM might do a 5,000 word thesis on the RICO ACT- the TRUMP trapπŸ’βš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈβš–οΈ

      • Keep the American dollar as the reserve currency, like, that train has already left the station. Go ahead, keep threatening and see where people go to get their freedom from coercion. –

        • Exactly my thoughts but probably a better way of targeting countries, look how the CCP punished Scotty FM with the lobsters then rewarded his best friend Elbow by turning on the lobster trade again. Scotty invented AUKUS and bought some subs from Trump getting himself a medal and sticking us with a large bill. Everyone is adjusting to the opening day of TrumpMart 20th Jan. Relax TrumpMart is coming to your town.

    • Trumps master plan and the 700,000 indictments exposed’.
      At beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
      THE PLANπŸ™€πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ😎

      In 2020 G5 wrote :
      And no my dear friend; those hopeful long-sealed indictments, when opened, reveal blank paper. The only solution being Military Tribunals hearing Treasonous Offences. And what transpired in the McCain III and GHWB Affairs. And many to many other unknowns. A big swallow for most. But it doesn’t matter.

    • Is “being for the people” enough when you are under the control of the machine.

      Re Lydia Thorpe’s well staged protest. Dutton shows his true colours–have tracked his story since ABC early childhood franchises– and the rest

      also got coverage in UK and the States

      A statement from a woman interviewed -nailed it
      “There is a complex history with the king that we have to understand”

      Serene, Karen Brewer are two women (many others) who have been trying to get us to understand — yes they are “for the people” —

      Fiona told us – about operation matchbox
      Reina Michaelson told us about The Mornington Peninsula Child Care and Jeff’s Beyond Blue

      I have told you about Tavistock’s Agenda

      And Gabbi Choong has worked tirelessly –interviewing people

      And Dee and Mary–hold the records

      Maybe we get an alpaca and bring truth to power.

      Clif brings that expansive mind– but he never refers to data re the great south land I believe the old ones the ancestral beings hold that knowledge and it is being passed down.

        • ting, ever seen a spitoon, in action. I have, the shocking thing for me was the way the “marabone jelly”, slowly oozed downwards towards the plate, not the immediate soundbite. whose going to clean this mess came to mind, was a pretty earthy and lazy boy back in the 70’s

        • Quote, β€œCalifornia just passed a law making it illegal to require voter or ID in any election at all”

          What he doesn’t explain is how State legislation can be superimposed on a federal process

  4. Bless you Simon you have been in my field all day vey close. something to do with memories of visiting Buckingham palace as small child looking after my brother– Charlies grandmother and my grandmothers good friends
    was proud of Lydia today

    “Does the royal family own property in Australia?

    To coincide with the visit to Australia of King Charles and Queen Camilla, API Magazine takes a look at the royal family’s enormous property portfolio and explores just how much of that is in Australia and overseas.

    When the latest monarch assumed the mantle of King in May 2023, among the powers afforded him is ownership of a vast property empire, but just how much of that real estate is actually at his disposal?

    The bulk of the property now owned by the King is held on his behalf by the Crown Estate.

    The Crown Estate operates as a real estate business to the royal family and returns all its profits to the Treasury.

    The King will, however, receive a 15 per cent grant of total profits earned from the estate.

    The British monarchy has assets estimated at roughly A$40 billion, largely in real estate, including a number of castles and palaces.”

    “Forbes, which has published a list of the world’s wealthiest for years, in 2022 estimated the Queen’s net worth at A$730 million. That value has surged to A$1.18 billion for King Charles, according to the UK’s Sunday Times Rich List.

    Although the King, like his mother before him and his successors after, receives income from many of the assets, the royal family do not actually have personal, legal ownership of those assets, so they are unable to sell them.

    The assets are held by a variety of quasi-public duchies and estates, each with their own executives and boards, with financial reports published annually. The duchies and estates generate income, much of which goes to the government, with a considerable sum given to royal family members.”

    “Crown land and the Commonwealth

    So, while it’s true the King and his investment vehicles do not own property overseas, there is the small matter of Crown land.

    Although we have come to think of the British Empire as being a ghost of its former self, in reality King Charles III owns only 22 per cent less than Queen Victoria did during the height of the Empire.

    The King will continue to, in strict legal terms, own all the lands of Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, 32 other members (around two-thirds) of the Commonwealth, and Antarctica.

    Despite the belief held by many Australian landholders that they own their land absolutely, including anything above or below it, due to the Doctrine of Tenure, the law in Australia holds that the Crown has absolute ownership – not withstanding any native title claims.

    According to Brisbane and Melbourne-based DSS Law, while freehold property ownership (the most common property title granted in Australia) entitles the owner of the land to own it for perpetuity, it is in essence a type of legal relationship landholders are granted with the permission of the Crown.

    All an Act

    While it may sound like largely irrelevant legalese, there are some very real ramifications arising from property rights issues in Australia right now involving Crown land.

    β€œIn Australia, minerals, oil and gas are β€˜reserved to the Crown’ which means Australian state governments retain the rights to these resources if they are found on freehold land,” DSS Law notes.”

    ‘Can the Australian Government exercise control over privately owned land?
    Despite the belief held by many Australian landholders that they own their land absolutely, including anything above or below it, due to the Doctrine of Tenure, the law in Australia holds that the Crown has absolute ownership – not withstanding any native title claims. For example, in Australia, minerals, oil and gas are β€˜reserved to the Crown,’ which means state governments retain the rights to these resources if they are found on freehold land.”

    “Who owns Australia? You’d be surprised to learn that the billion dollar barons of our farmland are a Canadian government worker super fund, a New York teacher insurance fund and an Australian pastoral giant backed by a Dutch pension fund.

    These three groups, the Canadian PSP Investments, the New York Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America and Macquarie Agriculture own a total of 6.3 million hectares of our agricultural land, AgJournal has revealed.

    While the largest owner of Australian land by size is Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting – with 9.7 million hectares – the hectares owned by the top three are worth more than $7.4 billion.

    Country by country, the UK is the biggest foreign investor in Australian farmland, owning 10.2 million hectares, followed by China with 9.2 million and then, each owning two or more million hectares, the US, the Netherlands, the Bahamas and Canada.

    This means that 52.6 million hectares out of Australia’s 385 million of agricultural land is foreign-owned, representing 13.6 per cent.”

    • my research just again and again shows unincorporated land. the Crown land is a phurfey. they just/still own it through a back door, or so they say

  5. β€œYou will own nothing and be happy”.
    [K Schwab]
    We live under the feudal system when all the taxes are added…..
    Note the same applies in the US under the principle of β€˜eminent domain’.
    Land can be taken but there should be compensation. [ref: US CONSTITUTIONπŸ€ͺ]
    Now does anyone understand that to avoid the compensation a weather machine or DEW is used to make the land uninhabitable therefor NO COMPENSATION πŸ’ been to Maui!
    ALTHOUGH THE CAMEL OFFERED 750 for the homeless after Helene did her job. (But reports are that she is not paying it)
    Other reports are that another camel had shares in a company that has shares for the minerals in what now is meant to be vacant due to a β€˜natural’ disaster.
    β€œYOU OWN SFA AND WE ARE STUPID”. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

    • πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’Rumormillnews.com on 21/10 at timeline
      Ref to ex World Bank employee: KAREN HUDES (murdered) short video linked in Ben Fulford preview for this week. (Got the banker picture now?)
      Hi EBπŸ™€πŸ’πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

    • Good to see and hear voices of young people with wise thoughtful informed leaders bearing witness to each others stories -with respect humour faith and hope that comes from the chaos of the times

      I have been wanting to share this conversation for a while—some philosophical wisdom sharing from elders— I met Barry Brailsford in 2004 in “unusual” synchronic conditions – recorded 2012 –a bit of a time warp

      Barry Brailsford 1, The Magic of Waitaha, early People of NZ

      Richard Miller

  6. Receptionus Interruptus
    Lidia Thorpe is echoing around the world, great work
    The first nations need to kick up more about the stolen children, old bones and artefacts are a side issue, who knows what deals were done. In some cases people sell their kids too but I don’t know if the state was ever involved in paying, they just grab them.

  7. “The first nations need to kick up more about the stolen children”— leaves me speechless — however watch this Jo — Colin Ross has gone Full Circle–and technology used within their matrix to bring this all out–NOW

    We -all -you me -Charlie – – need to “kick up more about the Mind Control Agenda”

    Unmasking the Darkness: The Haunting Legacy of Project MK Ultra | Absolute Documentaries

    • First nations includes American and anywhere since it still goes on. Maybe they could form into some type of BRICS global media arrangement. We have this story regularly bubbling up from Q-members that bad things ( and improbable things ) are happening because “we have to be woken up”. Well the way to wake people up is to stop hypnotizing them with the M$M and replace it. Trump has made a good start calling out fake news but the M$M is still pumping fake news out.
      We’re all mentally cultivated in one way or another and “cultivated” used to be a compliment, not all cultivations are equal just as not all cults are equal. Another question is, who is directing the education departments who run our childcare system of confinement which lasts for 10, 12 or more years. The amount of cult conditioning is incredible, resulting in a lot of TV addicted sports fans and money addicted minions. Another bunch fervently believes in “ClimateChange”. The way values change through the generations is quite amazing, we now have all these snowflakes and “Hikikomori” facing an apparent career dead end as soon as they have completed their compulsory schooling. We are just way too over-cultivated now, addicted to the M$M and Woolworths and drugs for our mental and physical and spiritual existence, all this has to be broken. Just imagine a BigPharma exec crawling out of some Gaza-style rubble covered in dirt and dust and having to beg for a bowl of gruel, you will understand what I mean.

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