Introduction by Dee McLachlan
This is a document on the Canadian Government website — Under ‘Justice Laws Website‘. And this is the recent Minister’s Orders from Saskatchewan Province.
It would be good to get some legal minds to comment on the following. Canada’s Emergencies Act — R.S.C., was brought in, in 1985, c. 22 (4th Supp.). Act current to 2021-09-22 and last amended on 2003-07-02.
Why the emergency now? Jason talks to ‘Patricia’ who says she has been informed of events unfolding in Saskatchewan Province in Canada. These events allegedly are unfolding in Lockstep across the world.
On September 13, 2021 a declaration of emergency was made for the province of Saskatchewan which allowed sections 18 and 18.1 of The Emergency Planning Act to provide powers to the minister. It was the issueing ORDERS.
What’s the emergency? These powers have been there for some time… e.g., The original Canadian Public Welfare Emergency Act was a public welfare emergency caused by a real or imminent
(a) fire, flood, drought, storm, earthquake or other natural phenomenon,
(b) disease in human beings, animals or plants, or…
The Declaration of a Public Welfare Emergency (1) When the Governor in Council believes, on reasonable grounds, that a public welfare emergency exists… and could enact (8) Orders and Regulations, which included (1):
(a) the regulation or prohibition of travel…
(b) the evacuation of persons and the removal of personal property…
(c) the requisition, use or disposition of property;
(d) the authorization of or direction to any person…
(e) the regulation of the distribution and availability of essential goods, services and resources; … ETC.
The emergency could Control or direct a police force … 9(1) Nothing in a declaration of a public welfare emergency or in any order or regulation made pursuant thereto shall be construed or applied so as to derogate from, or to authorize the derogation from, the control or direction of the government of a province or a municipality over any police force over which it normally has control or direction. And (10) Parliament may revoke a declaration of a public welfare emergency in accordance with section 58 or 59.
This new document (with ORDERS) was passed in Saskatchewan Province in Canada ON 13 September 2021.
Where is this all leading?
A video of a LIVE STREAM:
The interview is a must for raised heads, listen carefully and THINK🐰🐰🐰🐰
I have been noting reports of Chinese troops training in Canada for winter manoeuvres.
This has been ongoing for a few years per reports.
Particularly from Dave Hodges of the common sense show who has been warning/speculating on this subject.
One must consider the dots!
Is the time now right with China Joe running the show? (Or is he?)
Trump would be on to this matter.
We hope? Those who have been following ( 3.5 years 6/7 for me) would hope there is a f’n plan.
Cliff High has alluded to some imminent developments in the last few days.
Be a lert and have the alarm button within reach.
Well look what just happened in Canada already. The gross and detestable Turdeau had a snap election – after only two years everyone was boohing him and throwing gravel at him so he did this super quick election and APPARENTLY the stoopids supported his socialist vision. It must have been some sort of free-money deal, or else “Dominion Voting Machines” ( made in Canada, HQ in Colorado, remote interference from CHINA, funding from UBS Zurich ) could POSSIBLY have been involved. Here Sidney Powell top lawyer on the case is getting sued by Dominion for $1.3 billion:
I am a Canadian and the only reason he won the election is because the older generation thinks he is ‘cute’. Yea this is where we are in Canada. We don’t vote for a good platform for the entire population – we vote for the most beautiful candidate. YUK.
Very good to see international people following the Australian alt-news.
Now we have Medi-Mafia-Don Fauci flogging his new wonder pill !!! This pill blows away HCQ and IVM, back to the 20th century where the medi-mafia would like them to stay. How much for a course of this pill, I am guessing, a few 1000 ??? And side effects, don’t worry, probably just need some more (new) pills for that. Well BigPharma can keep on gouging their remaining fans because I think they have never lost so many believers as they have in the last year, and people won’t forget in a hurry their friends and relatives who got killed or injured. I bet they are giving us saline here now they are getting so scared. In Deepdene (Melbourne) yesterday a doctor’s clinic gave everyone saline “by mistake” (about 30 people). Maybe someone squealed or most likely it was a genuine mistake and they had to call them all back. You might be able to get a shot of saline and a certificate if you tipped the nurse, this would probably work some places anyway. Why not offer them a tip just to start a trend. Why should only the elite classes be allowed corruption.
Some injections are saline?
How much is our government paying for a few grams of distilled water in some injections?
Hope it comes with a donut and a bag of chips, so the injector gets something for our taxes.
Why are saline injections being mixed with poison?
Give us a break ‘saline Morrison’.
How many in our mass media know what they are being injected with, just for a public relations scam?
Msm village idiots are getting past their used by date.
I think people are getting a little carried away with peripheral issues.
The problem is not this, nor any other document, so much as how it will undoubtedly be abused. All documents are ambiguous and, in fact, the main function of the Law Society is to make sure this is so, because this is how lawyers make their money.
Our real problem is the ruthless people in powerful positions who are delivering totalitarianism, by whatever means. This could all stop now, if we simply rid outselves of these psychopaths. But the perpetrators are relying on our reluctance to depart from normal law enforcement methodology whilst the criminals have no such qualms.
Our second-level problem is that police, judges, police, and doctors are now owned by the rights-repressors and these tools are now oppressors in their own right. Just view the number of doctors who are prepared to lie on national TV. Easily observe how police have become criminal and thug-like.
What really worries me is the number of soldiers who are watching all of this unfold, making them complicit in treason, while they stand idley by. Protecting Australians was their central motivation, I always thought. How do they look at themselves in the mirror and not vomit.
And what has happened to Australian Military Intelligence? Thirty-five years ago they were considering a coup, to restore integrity to government. Now they are silent. And everywhere around me I see head-shaking and talk, and hypothesising and speculating… but precious little action.
Where is Australia One Party? Where is Riccardo Bosi? For the first time in Australia’s history, we actually do need leadership. I repeat, Leadership and Action, not protest.
Don’t be daft, Tony, the only reason to look for a “supreme leader” to combat other “supreme leaders” is if you think that good and evil, truth and virtue are farts from potential winners in the politics stakes.
United Australia Party-Craig Kelly’s No domestic COVID passports Bill 2021
One Nation
Link to Pauline Hanson’s shop if you want some merchandise that says “I’ve got the guts to say what you’re thinking”.
This is not my endorsement of everything PH has ever said, it’s an endorsement of our assumed right to free speech.
Having trouble finding the Craig Kelly link but here is the synopsis from his website
Plenty of chatter on duckduckgo if you cut & paste:
United Australia Party-Craig Kelly’s No domestic COVID passports Bill 2021
heres a look at one of the groups mentioned – just another group of totalitarian cannibals:
I just recall another dot
Did not some australian government bring in a bill to provide immunity for any crimes by foreign troops in Australia?
Now where did I read about that in the last few weeks or so?
Yes I read about it a few times and now it’s on the doorstep already
I suspect that the foreign troops will be under the direction of the globalist fascist UN.
Decent members of our parliaments:
if you are being compromised or blackmailed etc, RESIGN NOW. If not, your families will ultimately know what you are.
Keep in mind that when East Germany fell, the files disclosed the traitors and those who dogged on their neighbours.
Resign, disappear and be never heard of again.
Think of your families.
Easy for the lower house to resign party membership just as Craig Kelly did, but then the government will be turned over to the socialists who will probably sell us out even more, though arguably one blackmailed, owned, sold out MP is much the same as another …
w3, youre hoping for socialists? well that seems better than the alternative, even if they are swiss…
I think that the perversity brigade are particularly targeting ‘Straya (and, perhaps, Canada) because we have an agreed form of government that does not claim that law and social order is a mere whimsical prerogative of fickle “democratic” public opinion. It requires the personal responsibility of a supreme legislator (the Monarch or its delegated agent) to require that social order is conformed to a higher order of nature and purpose that is not subject to ephemeral ideologies. That’s the “onus” inseparable from the office whether they like it or not.
The failure of previous monarchs to adequately fulfil their duties does not stipulate that “democratic anarchy” will not inevitably proceed to secretocracy, plutocracy, corporatocracy, and a diabolically narcissistic “New World Order”.
I just introduced this series via Eva K Bartlett on the previous thread. As I work through somewhat randomly, I thought this talk by Carol Brouillet was excellent (Episode 10 of COVID19/11 series).
Very.good JS.
Those public spivs who covered for the 9/11 mass murders should be charged, tried in a Nuremberg context and when convicted sentenced.
They have enabled the planned tyranny of the world.
After all, at least they would be convicted for indecent acts, pissing on the graves of all our lost comrades dying for our free country.
So coppers; like pissing on the graves, but arresting those who tell you what you are doing?
By any chance coppers, did you have a ancestor, friend, comrade who will piss on your grave for your betrayal?
They will be lining up.
Just saw this one in a Swedish publication.
Good one.
You listening prime Minister Morrison?
Even the world is awakening to you lot.
And the world is for the 99%
You represent a paltry 1%
Here’s the Ron Paul vid…
Dee , I think your concerns are very justified.
This document is constructed as a legal Chapter & Verse nightmare. It has the provision to override ALL existing laws , due to the Emergency Status it holds.
One area of note , is in relation to a chapter out of Agenda 21. Ownership of private property will be abolished .
For those that may not have seen , our government has been working behind the scenes on ” E-Title “.
This is where all Australian Land Titles are being abolished in the traditional ” Paper Format ” and will subsequently be now stored by the government online only.
Some will say great how convenient !!!
However we have to look a tad more sceptical on this, as the old saying goes ” Possession is 9/10 s of the law.
So are we to accept the notion , that the government can be trusted ? as being the legal holder of ALL land titles.
Chapter and verse of Agenda 21 & This new Emergency Act, says otherwise.
For instance , under this soon to be perpetual , constantly extended Emergency Situation , they will be able to seize your land , my land and claim its for any use that they deem necessary.
And don’t forget …WHO IS HOLDING THE TITLE ?
On another note , several hotels in Sydney are and have been for a while now , full of Army Personal. One of note is the Harbor Marriott , it is a $ 600 per night hotel .
My wife is with the Marriott group.
Also see this interesting vid of Military Vehicle’s on the move in the USA.
And Aunty Gladys sold the nsw land titles office to the privates.
So for the Torrens system that I learnt in law school that was at that time confirmation of private title to land.
Good riddance Gladys.
Wake up home owners… your title is now bs.
When the corruption within land titles offices and bailiff services goes into overload the dirty debt just gets passed on to the highest bidder
Although still ostensibly State commandeered, motor-vehicle ownership is another can of worms
Here’s the Australian version posted by “Ally” in a previous story
and the interesting part is senator Steel-John (Greens) has proposed all the amendments, looks like none were passed, all about constraining government to empower foreign forces to use force etc and the last one of about 6 seems to be against “rule by decree”
“(1) Schedule 1, item 2, page 3 (line 12), omit “notifiable instrument”, substitute “legislative instrument”.
[call out order by legislative instrument]
Well this guy Jordon Steele-John seems to be well worth voting for (even if he is a pom) so put aside your distrust of the Greens Party after all, the parties are still made of people, hopefully he has not sold out, he is the wheelchair guy and he is Greens minister for health so he probably knows a thing or two.
From the Greens website –
“We are in a climate emergency. Scientists are telling us that this is the critical decade. We have to halve pollution by 2030 and get to zero emissions as fast as possible or we will face the catastrophic consequences of irreversible global heating. We’re already seeing the effects.”
They were also a key player/noise in the Port Arthur/gun control movement. They no longer have ‘gun control’ as part of their written agenda, but I seriously doubt they would support an inquiry into the Port Arthur Massacre.
Yes I am talking about supporting this individual not the party. However I don’t have a problem at all with tapering fossil fuels. Energy now has become a fashion industry and various countries are now screaming for different types. As for gun control you would not expect a bunch of vegetarians to support the 2nd amendment ??? People are set in their ways and collectively they are basically stoopid. For example look at the punishment they are still taking in Victoria. All they would have to do is resume normal life and stop pretending there was a dangerous virus. By now probably half the people are aware the virus is hardly more than imaginary, at least to them, if they are young and healthy. The danger is the politicians and MSM. The government has quite simply banned the correct medial treatments. The stupid TV supports this ban. So do we see half the population reject the lockdowns and just walk out the front door and resume their lives as they see fit ? No we don’t see, because we have too many sheeple. They are too cowardly, and they are happy with their virus-dole. They can’t be bothered. They’re too lazy to even put signs up. They wouldn’t want to upset anyone. It’s engineered complacence, farmers know how to do that with real sheep, with people the principles are not that different.
Some say the usual life expectancy after blood clots is 3 years so the FinalSolution™ for sheeple is well underway. If you missed this from Kevin Woodman, it’s less than 10 minutes
Just think, peak blood clots will arrive at exactly the same time as SPARS2025™, watch out !!! The 5-year-plan is nearly halfway through.
Why Life Jackets Should Be Mandatory! – Awaken With JP
Safety™ by DuPont Industries ( from the makers of OzoneHole™ )
Tony Ryan, please expand on this;
“And what has happened to Australian Military Intelligence? Thirty-five years ago they were considering a coup, to restore integrity to government. Now they are silent.”
I have never heard of this coup.
Mary, have you seen the death bed confession of a satanist:
what do you make of it, it hits on the intelligence arm as well as others but seems primarily based in sidney…
Strong condemnation of Australia, by 4 Polish MPs, speaking at the Australian Embassy in Warsaw.
Subtitled, reads easily. (Did some one from the Embassy record the speeches + send to Canberra?)
this article hits on all of it:
Talking about Satanism…
Have we got injected satanism in described blood examinations?
(Dr Botha’s findings seem real = tragic. Both Stew Peters and the doctor getting close to tears.)
Kla.TV (Germany) publishes RFK Jr views
Robert F. Kennedy Jr expresses outrage at how the government is exploiting the so-called Corona pandemic “emergency” for other goals.
He points to studies that clearly show: The vaccine does not save lives! Nor does it prevent transmission of the virus; in fact, it may increase it! Kennedy concludes that the government is not concerned with protecting the population.
You could start at 30 minutes, re Assange:
Julian’s justice denied, truth forbidden in this bs hell connecting all to ‘smart’.
Rape, robbery, murder and destruction are the hallmarks of heroism, projected by five eye governments, as we invaded sovereign nations for their resources. Totally disregarding the integrity of all innocent lives, victims murdered for no reason other than profit and selfish greed. Idiots in power, gloat and propagate this barbarism. The guys and girls that actually went there, in the majority, prefer not to speak about ‘liberation’ that is occupation by force. Always been like that here, the slaves work or go to wars while the elites enjoy the privledge of their ‘dirty little secrets’ and andrenochrome.
Julian revealed what our governments actually do, with ‘defence’ (occupation) forces, for speaking truth he is denied ‘freedom’. Big lies deliver big rewards, only for the connected.
yes they claim to live by truth and honor, but only for themselves:
Shame most don’t realise hidden hand in total control here. Lockdown success for them, as masses mask up mimicking idols. System very broken from compromise and corruption. Interesting how three top players in NSW government all resign together. Looks like ‘philantrophists’ are performing blood transfusion, out with old in with new (our little secrets) deals.
All You Need To Know About Merck’s Covid Pill Molnupiravir
by GreatGameIndia
Molnupiravir was developed for the treatment of Influenza. According to whistleblower complaint Molnupiravir has mutagenic properties and may change your DNA. Now, Molnupiravir has been repurposed for COVID-19. Merck has entered into agreements with Indian manufacturers and has also announced $5 million of donations to enter into Indian market. Here is all you need to know about Merck’s Covid pill Molnupiravir.
Read more of this post
viral prion mu
First, thanks and congrats to all commenters in recent days for contributing to
our community knowledge.
Secind, I just cam across an item that helps me understand the Great Divide between the believers and the crtics. It involves a challenge to survival:
From “The Emotional Foundations of Personality” by Kenneth Davis and (the late great) Jaak Panksepp: page 228, drawing on works of DAmasio and Metsulam:
“As the subcortical brain perceives various survival challenges, we experience intense emotional feelings.the subcortical based proximal emotional system may impose “states of mind” over many regions of the cerebral cortex, thereby altering the ‘color,’ ‘tone,’ and ‘interpretation’ of experiences without changing the neocortical processingof specific cognitive content.”
Holy cow. Also: “prefrontal cortex regions [get] activated in service of downregulating negative emotions [mainly, fear and anger].”
Thanks for the new reference Mary – you continue to quote from books I have never heard of. Now on my wish list.
Brought this to mind …
• The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World – Academy of Ideas
A couple of faux pas re image of Hitler and of Tiananmen Square (tank man at 10:46) but some great quotes and sources from Solzhenitsyn and Havel (see example below).
and this
• Eisenhower’s Starvation Order – James Bacque
I do like to look for evidence, and not just rely on “intense emotional feelings”.
From the Academy of Ideas video:
“And the lie has, in fact, led us so far away from a normal society that you cannot even orient yourself any longer; in its dense, gray fog not even one pillar can be seen. Lying has always been used for political purposes. Lies cover up corruption, past mistakes and hidden motives, and they are an essential ingredient in political campaigning. Sometimes, however, political lies take on a much more sinister form. The lies become all-encompassing, embrace all aspects of life and infect every corner of society. This occurrence is a sign that totalitarianism may be rising. For as the political philosopher Hannah Arendt noted, totalitarianism, at its essence, is an attempt at “transforming reality into fiction”.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn The Gulag Archipelago
… and much more in the video
If I relied on intense emotional feelings I would be wearing a mask to answer the phone, turning on the TV to hear how many ‘PCR cases’ there have been today, spruiking about how WT7 collapsed due to office fires and talking about soap and lampshades.
bringing darknesss into the lite gives gloom:
“All You Need To Know About Merck’s Covid Pill Molnupiravir”
Merck makes Ivermectin & the new red pill.
Commenter says,
“………..“Merck & Co, which develops the anti-parasite drug ivermectin, will soon begin late-stage trials for molnupiravir, which could combat viruses like CovidIvermectin has been incorrectly heralded as a potential COVID-19 treatment due to a misinterpreted study from March 2020
Parasite experts say that ivermectin has no virus killing properties and is ineffective against COVID-19
Merck hopes to distribute molnupiravir through out India to help combat the virus while the nation waits for vaccinesThe developer of ivermectin is performing late-stage trials on a drug that could actually prevent COVID-19.
Merck & Co partnered with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics to develop molnupiravir.
http: //www. mr-mehra .com/2021/09/developer-of-ivermectin-begins-late.html?m=1
molnupiravir = viral prion mu
Prion – Wikipedia
[Search domain] › wiki › Prion
A prion disease is a type of proteopathy, or disease of structurally abnormal proteins. In humans, prions are believed to be the cause of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), its variant (vCJD), Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS), fatal familial insomnia (FFI), and kuru.
WHO says it is monitoring a new Covid variant called ‘mu’
Yes its sub-conscious as are so many things we humans can and do do.
90% + of our communication is this way – body language,
Women can ‘know’ (by smell) the dna of a man in relation to hers at around 20′ – proven.
Its why reverse language works as it does.
Its why you ‘sleep on it’ to discover solutions. etc.
Its the main way we make choices – for benefit and survival.
That is why, as Jon Rappoport reminds us – “Your freedom and power emerge when the subconscious tendency is made conscious and can be seen in the light of day.”
OR as I would put it – “where your conscious mind can discover your subconscious tendencies (that is, bring it up to consciousness) it frees and empowers you.” This is so in all areas of human endeavor.
AND because its Sunday –
From The Pastor’s Heart (
In Touch Ministries (
RT appeals against YouTube deletion of German-language channels, as Moscow vows ‘zero tolerance’ stance to censorship by Big Tech | 1 Oct 2021 |
RT has filed a formal appeal with YouTube over this week’s deletion of its German-language channels RT DE and Der Fehlende Part, arguing the action was not only unwarranted, but ran contrary to the US-based platform’s own rules.
…………….The Russian Foreign Ministry echoed Simonyan’s comments, describing YouTube’s move as an act of “aggression” and saying that retaliatory measures against both the Silicon Valley company and German media seemed “not only appropriate, but also necessary” in light of everything that happened. Relevant Russian agencies were instructed to draft sanctions, pending RT DE’s appeal.
Russia’s media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, has already contacted Google, urging it to reverse the deletion. Refusal to restore RT DE and Der Fehlende Part could result in fines of more than one million rubles (about $13,700), and, ultimately, yield a blanket ban on YouTube Russia.
“If the owner of the resource does not comply with the Roskomnadzor warning, the legislation envisions such measures as full or partial restriction of access,” the watchdog said……….
No sympathy for the recently resigned NSW premier –