Relax, I’m ‘armless
J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
The Cat is out of the Bag: By now everybody should know the Great Reset is gathering speed, the echo chamber is resonating with stories of all types, but we were previously supplied with a reliable gauge to apply to the infotainment handed down to the huddled masses, which is, “everything you believe will be wrong”.
This rule has proven so accurate that every major thing we are told by the powers that be, it turns out must therefore be a calculated and deliberate lie.
What a bloody mess these lies have put our new Albanese government in.
The weapon of choice against the people is the treaty. A treaty between nations overrides the national law.
- The UN-controlled Pandemic Treaty (failed so far).
The preparations to SEERS 2025-2028 pandemic are not going as smoothly as intended largely thanks to the mighty efforts of a few honest and patriotic senators, and also Craig Kelly in the lower house. The Globalists are pushing forward with their Senate Joint Committee on Treaties designed to speed up the processes. Presumably more than half of the parliamentarians are owned in one way or another.
We can easily identify some of the misled or owned or corrupted or dishonest by those who voted down and sabotaged the original senate Covid-19 inquiry.
They were mostly faceless party machine types and may safely be considered damaged goods:
P.J. Allman-Payne T. Ayres C.L. Brown A. Chisholm R. Ciccione D. Cox D.E. Farrell M. Faruqi K.R. Gallagher N.L. Green K. Grogan S.C. Hanson-Young S. Lines J.R. McAllister M. McCarthy N.J. McKim F. Payman B. Pocock H. Polley L.C. Pratt J.E. Rice A.V. Sheldon D. Shoebridge J.A. Steele-John J. Stewart A.E. Urquhart J.C. Walsh L.J. Waters P.S. Whish-Wilson L. White
Senator Hanson-Young performance
Anyone who lost a family member or friend to the forced injections programs should be aware that the senators in the list above collaborated with the covering up of the medical crimes.
Some potentially believe what they’re doing is the right thing, led by their Judas-goat Health Minister Mark Butler, but they are not being paid to be stupid, they only think they are.
Oddly, A.J. Bragg is amongst the “Ayes” even though he is a graduate of Klaus Schwab’s YGL college. How the ALP and Greens got enough numbers to shut it down, by one vote, is astonishing. Did he know in advance the bill would go down by one vote no matter what position he took?
Recall that the politicians, officials and bureaucrats exempted themselves from all the forced experimental injection schemes they devised for the wider public.
- The Voice Constitution changes (failed but aspects still being pursued).
In the backwash of the failed referendum, PM Albanese said he was sick of hearing how he was trying to change the constitution. But that’s what he was trying to do.
The agenda hasn’t gone anywhere, the intent will be to find another way. Opposition leader Peter Dutton has already said he will have another go when it’s his turn.
“The Voice” failed because of the “disinformation”
- Global Warming hoax conversion to UN Climate Change Treaty (presumably being held back for overload reasons). Most people have worked out the story is scrambled beyond recognition. Nonetheless we must assume the Treaty is essential to Globalist World Power ambitions. This will cover aspects such as 15 minute cities, social credit scores limiting travel, rations including electricity and eating experimental manufactured foods as well as bugs; eventually it must be presumed, extending to euthanasia.
Shut Up you, the earth is officially boiling
- Failed Michelle Rowland censorship bill (currently being re-worked).
Censorship is already so intensive it’s a wonder these communists demand more.
Where is the village square, where are the public notices? Everything is owned and nobody is allowed to stand up or post bills anywhere, even protesters in vast numbers are ignored by the legacy media and fired upon with tear gas and rubber bullets by the pre-communist state operatives. The intensive censorship under the Covid program backfired so the intent now is to tighten it. Some just hope to hang on long enough to get a good parliamentary pension.
Michelle Rowland urged to quit over campaign donations earlier this year
- The Government Treasurer abandons his RBA veto, this is absolutely outrageous. He wants the Federal Treasury to act simply as a Santa Claus which hands out little bags of goodies to the marginal electorates. What happened to separation of powers, let alone national sovereignty? This absolute disgrace of a treasurer wants to hand over every last vestige of his powers to Augustin Carstens in Switzerland.
Augustin Carstens, head of the Swiss Bank of International Settlements
We have already heard plenty about the fake interest rate fighting, whereby after petrol prices have jumped up and everything else followed, the RBA claims to be fighting interest rates by making mortgagees pay more, which has the effect of pushing rents up too. In fact, the only thing left to rise is ordinary wages and this is what they are “fighting”. These appalling lies never stop but seem to generate their own snowball effect where every brain-scrambled television presenter repeats them until they believe there is a consensus that is beyond question.
Meanwhile, the RBA which is also in charge of passport ID systems and the mint, has developed a precursor to CBDCs; the sanitised, attractive and innocent-sounding PayID system. This seems to have fallen apart after just a few weeks:
Following on from the fraudulent pandemic and climate treaties, Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ plan to abandon his veto over the RBA is #1 on a list of 51 recommendations.
From Citizens’ Party:
“The Labor government under Anthony Albanese and Jim Chalmers is about to commit the ultimate betrayal of the Australian people and our nation. We must do everything possible to stop it. The issue at hand is who is the real government – our elected representatives, or the private Money Power? Treasurer Jim Chalmers has committed publicly to passing legislation that would implement all 51 of the recommendations of the Reserve Bank of Australia Review, including the first one which says “The government should remove the power of the Treasurer to overrule the RBA’s decisions.” This act of political treachery – if carried out – would surrender any shred of national sovereignty over monetary policy to the banksters.”
We are being set up for 2030, the Great Reset, with a new Reserve bank Governor already in the pipeline:
(Notice that interest rates around the world are falling).
A system which runs on surreptitious extraction and debt leveraged to breaking point in every direction, requires an expert apologist.
- Home Affairs WEF infiltrator
New ALP Alpha-woman and Klaus Schwab Young Global Leader Claire O’Neill replaces the dismembered superstar Katy Gallagher and the failed superstar Tanya Pliberserk in the newly created but already rotted out Home Affairs department. She has sent her deputy minister Andrew Giles out to face the media on the unhappy issues, the Albanian mafia visa scandals and the more recent shambolic detained scandal, involving a homosexual paedophile and a murderer who covered up his crime using explosives, amongst others. O’Neill also has the portfolio of “cyber-security” under which Optus has already had a major data hacking and a service drop-out. Presumably the failing “PayID” is her baby too.
Two more we can well do without
Mike Pezzullo worked for Paul Keating and was also a Kim Beasley head of staff, is paid around a million dollars per year and was compared to a roach: “If there was a nuclear strike on Canberra, only two things would survive: the cockroaches and Mike Pezzullo”. Amidst leaked texts scandals and a million visas being neglected indefinitely, he was finally thrown under the bus in a desperate bid to save the unsavable Claire O’Neill from further embarrassment. It looks like Tanya Plibersek will eventually get another run if she can just find some substance somewhere. Her husband being a former heroin importer is just a temporary setback.
Pezzullo racking up the millions
The new Department of Home Affairs (founded by Peter Dutton) is itself a sanitised cover for the immigration department, which is rolled in.
Here, both sides of politics seem to have so much dirt on each other it looks like a Hollywood-style multiple-car crash pile-on with dead and dying bodies wedged in all around. I cannot recall such a disgusting wreck as the ALP has produced in only a year, little wonder the coalition could not be bothered trying to win the last election.
Peter Dutton one step closer to jail:
Klaus Schwab openly worries:
Brilliantly outlined.
I’ll add one more… extracts from my upcoming book.
The lies about children and child protection:
“The child removal departments use the law, as governments did before them over hundreds of years, to remove children. And, they have the words “protection” and “safety” to guile you.” (as they always do…)
“I contend the Australian Federal and State governments are hooked on the service economy of exploiting children; i.e., ‘child removals’. Put simply, it’s “Jobs and Growth.” It’s now a multi-billion dollar asset to the economy, but I characterize it as a malignancy that erodes the very fabric of society through the destruction of family and father/motherhood.”
“The criminal has more legal standing than a protective parent, and the child has NO legal protections at all.”
I just received this email in my INBOX
It was forwarded to:
Rennick, Gerard (Senator)
Senator Antic
Senator Roberts
Dear Senators,
I bring your attention to the latest article inked today at gumshoenews.com linked below.
Well done, contact the Governor General to be presented with your kookaburra stamp.
(Reverend mother Treaser (or Tressor?) of the convent at Lake Cargelligo issued one on the wrist periodically in the 1950’s to the deserving students in her FOUR classes.)
When the stamp is placed, wear it with pride in the Australian Senate Chamber.
Perhaps a owl stamp would be now more appropriate?
I have spoken many times about Australia’s need to withdraw from the WHO and vote against its amendments to the International Health Regulations and proposed ‘pandemic treaty’.
The WHO is seeking to finalise the International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response by May 2024.
If ratified, the treaty and amendments will pave the way for unelected global health bureaucrats to have more control over our public health policies and will provide for less scrutiny of pharmaceutical companies.
During COVID, the WHO advocated for lockdowns and vaccine mandates which turned out to be disastrous yet they have never taken responsibility for the damage caused by these policies.
They failed to properly investigate the actions of the Chinese government in early 2020, were uncritical of Big Pharma, and exaggerated the deadliness of the virus, yet this Labor government wants to afford the WHO more authority over our public health decision making processes.
Estonia, New Zealand, Slovenia, and Slovakia have all listened to their people and notified the World Health Assembly that they reject the pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations.
The new Prime Minister of Slovakia recently announced that he would uphold the independence of his nation when it comes to making decisions about public health, saying:
“[Slovakia] will not support strengthening the powers of the World Health Organization at the expense of sovereign states in managing the fight against pandemics. I will say that such nonsense could only be invented by greedy pharmaceutical companies…”
The leaders of these nations are resisting this WHO d’etat. Why isn’t Australia?
My office has been inundated with calls and emails from people who don’t want their government to sign them or their children up for a future controlled by the whims of unelected global health bureaucrats, and I’m calling on the Labor government to listen to them.
The harm caused by the pandemic restrictions is being swept under the rug, but people won’t forget the experience, and they certainly don’t want the WHO making these decisions for them.
As I said in the Senate Chamber this week, Australia should reject the pandemic treaty, reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations, and immediately withdraw from the WHO.
Your sincerely,
Well, we have this week’s ‘kookaburra’ stamp award, or is it our wise ‘owl’ stamp?
Suggestions welcome.
To Senators – Antic, Roberts and Gerard. When are you going to tell us about the Human Trafficking that President Trump regarded as the Numero Uno problem and money making criminal enterprise, that was keeping the Globalist Cabal in business, and in control of this entire planet?
Which is why he had made out an executive order to dismantle such evil doing, and which is now in progress.
Why are you not publicly exposing the dependency of the Globalist Cabal and its dependents and supporters, as in, Hollywood, the world’s Royalty, multi-national corporations, military industrial complex, and political class, NGOs and government and its agencies, who are involved in, and actively participating in, Kidnapping, Adrenochrome harvesting, child rape, Satanic rituals, Human sacrifice, organ harvesting and cannibalism?
Why do you remain silent in the face of such evil?
When the world’s normies can take it, perhaps?
I had considered that you might have some idea of a ‘sting’ operation, where have you been the last 5 years?
Look around, observe to see.
Some have to eventually realise, who are to judge who they may be? They are everywhere. … perhaps.🙏
do not try and understand politics or try for the diplomatic corps.
Some like T with his election promises and many others are ahead in the game.
It does not help to abuse the stragglers. They are on a rough road, that they have never experienced.
Just plod on and they will follow. But keep it up.
Explanation for Ogre dTerence
They have their base, you have yours
I tend to call it as I see it – got me a few enemies within the police force, but, also won me some respect – which always has to be earned – and even from the crims that I had to deal with.
I have never trod lightly around those who smell of bullshit – it is not my style.
Those who now parrot what way too many of us realized in 2019, about the so called ‘pandemic, and now, after four years of time has slipped between their fingers, and their thinking, they truly deserve our utter contempt, not accolades, for being well behaved and controlled, mouth pieces.
Alerting the citizenry about any recognized threat to our very survival – if not part of their brief should be part of their humanity – yet, after four years, they are still banging on about the jab while totally ignoring in exposing the wider picture – I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire in the gutter!
What have we all learned via our research since that time?
How many of us had to go through the reality test of what we were learning was actually occurring, most of it, like someone’s worst nightmare come true, especially regarding the children?
The sledgehammer of Truth is coming for everyone. We, who could think for ourselves avoided that impact because we chose to do research while others chose to keep sleeping.
I have shed many tears over the past four years as the impact of how this world has been controlled hit home – including nightmares and many sleepless nights at times. What about you guys? I guess it may not have occurred to you, that the mouth pieces still banging on about the jab are doing so, just to save their own skin?
Where was their learning over the past four years that many of us warned about – what about the two million who turned up in Canberra, during March, 2022, to call out our jailers? How many politicians did that event jar into thinking for themselves, instead of allowing themselves to be ‘whipped’ into towing the party line, rather than what their position and duty should have told them to do, and to think?
Sorry guys, I have no time for scum in high places, and those who still refuse to protect the very people who trusted them enough to actually vote for them.
Traitors – all of them!
“the Human Trafficking that President Trump regarded as the Numero Uno problem”
And the link to said alleged declaration ?
Do some research.
Strange outbust from a fan of Mr Warp Speed but I expect, not the last
Care to elaborate Joe? Criticism is easy – it is providing a reasoned argument that many may find difficult.
I do not think that your attitude is foreign to most commentators here at GS.
You state that you were, (are?) a police officer.
You may note that Nemisis was and had a difficult period.
Joe refers to a difference in style.
A police commissioner overseas numerous and varying styles in investigations that are under the commissioners brief.
My profession required Evidence in every jurisdiction I appeared in.
The crux is the collection of evidence and placed before a court.
You would be well acquainted with long investigations and some that proceeded slowly and undercover.
You would do things differently perhaps, but you are not running the show and neither is the politician or prosecutor.
There are reports that far as the children are concerned, the battles are dangerous and deadly. You would have observed that there is increased publicity and frequency of arrests of paedophiles and related crimes.
Anyway it is not your show ……, I spent two years on one case….a conspiracy and when we were ready, he had no choice but to avoid the consequences of a two month trial. He got three months on the bottom, dead within 18 …. Cancer.
One matter you might be aware of is your uncle Roger. You surely would be aware how long it took to get him and that was not for everything.
So far as the mystery injections…..are your criticisms of those sounding out in parliament valid ….. think of their difficulties and abuse they receive.
One example is in regard to Senator Roberts. Have you ever heard Ray Hadley on 2GB publicly insult Roberts? Continually.
Hadley is a master insults and Roberts must feel just like you….but he has kept to his stand.
If you noted the public parliamentary abuse by colleagues of those you have attacked I am sure you may appreciate that we are lucky to have the few who probably feel just like you….nevertheless they are being heard ….. here at GS.
You can help.
I noted an example of some action … again
13.08 on 1/12 at whatreallyhappened.com
Pentagon official arrested for child trafficking.
If you look you will find numerous arrests under way ….. a lot resulting from patience with sting operations.
I forgot, did you notice that pizza gate is back big time …. Arrests.
Did you notice that despite the fbi cover up of the lap top could bring down many.
Then there is all the financial dealings with China by the pretender being exposed from Congress ….. even the fox is getting in on it.
Patience! Drip drip.
Thank you for posting this Ned.
Ned it is I, Terrence Odgers, AKA, Nemesis. I have reverted to using my own name because I am tired of changing it to Nemesis every time I comment.
The old moniker is now dead.
I stand by every word of the above rant – they’ll all go down every last one of them, even those now attempting to save their own necks.
What a lesson that will show to future folk who fancy a go at being a lawmaker OR law enforcer!
Our entire system is so corrupt it has to be brought down and rebuilt from the ground up, including a new Constitution, from We the People, and for the People, and with a Bill of Rights that echoes much of the safeguards against corrupt and tyrannical government that DJT has been able to use against the Cabal, and the would be destroyers of America.
If not for the American Constitution and Bill of Rights, we’d all be working plots of land as serfs.
I am up on the current sitrep, over at beforeitsnews.com
The words I have been waiting for since early 2018, have made their appearance on the latest restored republic report.
The time is finally here for us all to take back our country
Well Terrence, that is the funniest comment I have encountered here at gumnuts.
Thank god I was not tricked into confessing, to knocking off a cherry ripe, whilst pissed, in about 1967.
By chance, are you Joe too.?
Then again, did I knock off the cherry ripe? Where is the evidence.⚖️⛓️
Oh well, I was curios once a time.
Nemisis: the Goddess of retribution for the sin of hubris, arrogance before the Gods and Helen of Troy as your disputed offspring.
And I thought I was funny.
I have been open with you Ned – you choose to not see that honesty.
Please check with Dee – she can verify the same email address.
And, I seldom put out funny comments – unlike Joe.
Terrence, I am not doubting you, I still think it is funny.
We have been looking at the WHITE HAT ‘sting’ operation for years that has been doubted by some. But not we.
So is it not funny that you have been running a sting, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣⚖️ well you were a copper. ⛓️🤣🤣🤣.
No doubt ‘the stung’ will have the shits, because a example of reality has landed at their feet and it has been stepped in
I had fun with that ‘anonymous’ fool about a year ago.
I put myself in the nursing home on the verandah rocking chair and he paddled all the way ‘up Ned’s creek’. Then he disappeared …… lost his paddle🙈🤣
Well there are more pedos in the news but again that could be a few going under the bus to save the rest. Hopefully they are all ratting on each other and hopefully they make up at least half of the swamp but here’s an item of real news, I looked up a site mentioned by Charlie Ward as providing the complete “Orgy Island” flight records and it only went up to 2006, immediately searched for “Hillary” and “Windsor” and got nothing, though Bill was there.
Of course we hope you are right Mr Plod but we await the hard evidence. In the meantime you should not expect everyone else to mimic your position exactly, this is not marching drill.
Thanks Ned – I do remember ‘anonymous’ – I wonder whose bitch that was? ):
Joe – Restored Republic at beforeitisnews – Mary reads off quite a few Democrat and Republican pedos who have all been dealt with in one or another.
Not a short list either.
At last the Young Global Leaders and failures are becoming household names.
from wikispooks:
Young James formerly of Channel 9, Paul Gilding of Greenpeace and Cathy Freeman are surprise additions, maybe not very surprising.
And to the fullest list I know so far of Klaus Swab government infiltrators:
Bill O’Chee ( youngest senator at the time )
Peter Costello ( leadership not his strong point )
Aden Ridgeway ( still pushing constitution changes )
Natasha Stott Despoja ( thought it wiser to quit )
Greg Hunt ( ordered about 10 injections for each citizen now must be expired )
Joe Hockey ( sidekick to celeb Mathias Cormann the man from Global Inc. )
Sarah Hanson-Young ( never seems to have achieved anything worthwhile )
Kaila Murnain ( already booted out for corruption )
Clare O’Neil ( currently requiring a whole fire dept to put out flames )
Andrew Bragg ( a sleeper !!! )
Andrew Charlton Senator NSW ( working hard for Global Inc. )
Now can we learn who are freemasons, who are “of the bloodlines”, who are of the pedo societies, etc. If they have secret allegiances they are a type of traitor and need to be removed, and repay all of their illicit gains – all of it.
Well said.
Like the 250B in Costello and Co’s Future Fund?
Joe – I think it wiser to simply assume that anyone in high public office or business, Academia, and any government agency to be a Freemason – our country is so infiltrated with this filth as it would be a fools errand in time wasting to attempt to identify all traitors as to their ideological affiliations.
Even our first governor – Philip – was a Freemason.
By their actions, all Traitors will be identified.
We have it all – Q.
By now Gumshoe News just about has it all too.
By Q’s actions, Q will be identified.
But are actions like those of our few good Australian senators part of Q ?
Or is Q just claiming the high-ground while indulging in a lot of fictions.
I guess we have to keep doing what we’re doing and see if Q actually operates outside of the RealRawNews. Fundamental to Q is the idea that JFK jr is living, and personally I think it’s most likely he faked his own death.
But I wouldn’t put it past the establishment to come up with anything at all, like for example that a stumbling bumbling old man with special drugs and an earpiece can be running the country in any way.
Q actually operates outside realrawnews.🙀
Strange, I HAVE NEVER READ RRN. I have seen enough of faxter cited elsewhere so never bothered with RRN….. his hearing reports and ‘hanged’ lists are devoid of corroboration….. excepting a handful of reported arrests and demises with little detail.
BUT, I have read heaps of other reports on other sites referencing the Q posts ……. heaps of analysis’ to take up the clues that become fitting to the overall ‘sting’
Best look around and see…… start with Jan Halper-Hayes.
It is a lot of effort, up to 8 hours a day since March 2018……. Who watches msm? ….. excepting the antique road show, Vera midsummer murders, father Brown and new tricks with Waterman. ( loved Waterman in ‘Minder’ looking after ‘Arfer’ Daley)
Bugger, just noticed that Denis died last year.
Some non-violent mystery Visual Valium is cheaper than the real ‘happy’ stuff.
We’re told the military is doing stuff and people are being executed but with all the stories there is a plausible opposite story. If the swamp is being drained, has someone made a list, apart from RealRawNews who seems to think everyone in the swamp is replaced by a double to “wake people up”, does this make any sense, why not replace the TV presenters if they want to wake people up. Top tier criminals like premiers and federal ministers just step outside without a trace of responsibility, so this is the fault of the courts, who we are given to understand are all freemasons …
Well, I have not all the answers, you will just have to sit back and wait, I am not running the show ……. I did not know when Normandy would have heaps of foreign tourists landing for a biff up.
What should it matter for you to worry about?
Alternatively, you can put in the hours, as many have and try to fathom it out….. have you started? Try Halper, Bosi, Eric Johnson, the Aussie fellow, (Fbc or something)
Dave from X22, Charlie Ward, (“Johnson is not Johnson”… I know his old girlfriend and she should know🤷. Biden is not Biden, “I saw the fake inauguration in Spain …… night before the [Hollywood] production that started before the midday) examine the snips from the Bush snr funeral and watch his sons, surprise us with a discovery of something that we have missed …… what did you think was written on the cards? “Piss up after, at my place, don’t bring Don and Mel”….. you know where!
Oh shit, crawl back through a wormhole to Oct 2017 and play the material for yourself and see, what some have been trying to work out.
Otherwise, take up golf, do a T and go for a hole in one for the journos to record, that would be far easier for you …… and you might win a silver tea spoon, that at least has some use……if you like sugar.
My dear wife just came home, she had to put up with Napoleon for three hours …… do not know how she managed? The period fashion spectacular did the job it seems.
I think I would rather again watch the old “War and Peace” Production….( not the Soviet one); Something grand about heaps of cannons smoke and muskets ….
Now what has Boris been up to that we weren’t told about, he did Brexit (+) and had a covid party (+), good leadership so far, of course must be compromised to get up the tree like that but exactly how, and does his young wife know all about such things. I mean, look at Manlinda Gates, got out in a hurry, what else is a psyop, well I think “it” got some good media training in the meantime anyway, on how to act more womanish.
great article from JGO as usual, but what are you going to do. Vote harder, maybe steal the next election.
You knew I was a spitting cobra when you took me in, ” Hey youse with the Parliamentary privilege, name names so we know who we share the footpath with. “”crickets””.”
None that continue to play get a hall pass, pedo protectors at the very least
Celebrity YGL ex-NZ PM Jabinterya Ardern got a deal to leave the country.
I think some of those maories would have sorted her out without hesitation.
I don’t think she will ever go back.
Jac will be welcomed back by Wynston Peters in a yes vote as the norm
Yeah a few cameos for sure but I should have clarified, “to live normally among the people”. Those maories have a strong sense of ownership over that country and the invaders are tolerated up to a point, I think a scrawny hag with murderous intent has crossed the line of their hospitality.
The case builds
The belief that Covid 19 was “planned” by an elitist global reset crew couldn’t be further from the truth
What it doesn’t take into account is that the World System is wholly reliant on maintaining a sense of societal normalcy that pivots on social contagion and that governmental terror of anything that might upset said apple-cart rests accordingly. What’s been given virtually no press is that the prospect of a genuine pandemic that arose in early 2020 just happened to fit the bill perfectly.
And once panic was invoked like so………….
Was that meant to be a clip from ‘The Boys From Geneva’ series.
Must be absolute bedlam in Switzerland.
Brett Sutton’s sister-in-law Jane Halton at “Event 201” pandemic convention held late 2019
“That research MAY have led to an accidental lab leak,” (my editing/emphasis)
“Zhou’s patent,SUGGESTS he was working on a vaccine for the new virus. at least two months before Chinese officials announced it” (my editing/emphasis)
I’ve had enough court experience to twig that MAY/SUGGESTS-style verbiage translates into plain English as “sitting on a powder keg”
I would SUGGEST that Zhou was the chink version of Jeffry Epstein
But I’m still adamant that none of the players could so much as commandeer a piss-up in a pub
“That research may have led to an accidental lab leak,”
And the assumption that it was accidental is based on ?
The idea that carelessness is less reprehensible than intent ?
Which is based on?
It is apparent that few people bothered to do their own research regarding the so-called Covid-19 pandemic, for if they had they would know that there were fewer deaths in 2020 (the year of the “pandemic”) than in 2019. All that was needed was to look up government death statistics for those years.
The only reason for higher death numbers since 2020, is the killer “vaccine”.
However even health practitioners supposedly on our side of the argument still talk of the pandemic of 2020.
You know they say medsin when they mean medicine.
Probably by pandemic they mean panicdemic.
Don’t forget to take into account those elderly put into hospital in 2020 so that Remdesivir and resuscitation devices could be used to finish them off.
Well said supposed pandemic sure was a complete flop in my neck of the woods
And I seriously doubt that that was due to Mark McGowan’s obeisance
McGollum softened the blow and if you have plenty of vitamin D you would fare better. The scamdemic certainly was largely if not 99% ENTIRELY a scamdemic of TREATMENTS in other words bullshit.
Led by the arch villain premiers in Vic & Qld McGollum occasionally suffered from a rush of blood to the head. The unfortunate thing is that his successor former Health Minister Roger Cook is MUCH WORSE and depending on circumstances, potentially INSANE.
McGollum now has a nice corporate job for one of the big names and won’t be back I would say for love or money. He is not even a sandgroper so when the party’s over he will up and go.
Situation update by Mary at beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
‘Situation update …………….> China pandemic 2….. ‘.
Attention all mass media.
After Col McGregor on your Ukraine LIES, at 1 hour do the Nuremberg grave yard stroll.
Remember that some of your media predecessors are remembered there.
In England, do you know your history? Try Lord Haw Haw. I suppose it depends on who claims victory and that is a risky bet at any time.
Pauline Hanson is still kicking them a week later:
With more than a hundred stateless serious criminals now free to roam the streets after Labor and the High Court set them loose it’s fair to say we’re certainly not any safer, and there’s another 300 or more that could be released in the coming days. Labor’s not even sure who they all are.
We were told these criminals would be very closely monitored after their release, and Labor has pledged more than $250 million for this purpose. It appears this huge amount of money didn’t include a budget for the promised ankle bracelets and the chaotic, incompetent Albanese Labor government has since completely lost track of one serious offender and is unsure where several more are – they’ve gone to ground. Labor’s partners in crime, the Greens, are calling for the peaceful settlement of these criminals in the Australian community (but not anywhere near their own neighbourhoods).
and about treaties.
“This is a nice little treaty” to get you in the mood for some big treaties.
Do any of our politicians, school teachers and media shills realise that in the late 1770’s, that world powers were TRAVERSING the South Pacific looking to colonise and rape for resources for their respective empires and the Dutch East India Company.
As an introduction for the politics, read Cook “Lying for the Admiralty. Captain Cook’s Endeavour Voyage’ by Sydney barrister, Margaret Cameron-Ash. ( & John Howard) July 2018.
If the French had their ways, either the East India Company or the French, amongst other colonialist, may have obtained Australia and indeed, divided us up. We would not be a Nation.
The highest part of Sydney, just a stroll north and up from Botany Bay, is the answer…… notice a safe harbour in a telescope from the highest point in Sydney, do you really think that the Sydney Heads only received a passing reference by Cook in the Admiralty public reports, NOT for a reason.
LIVE WITH IT. Enjoy it …… whilst the globalists have other ideas for us to divide us, get ready for,
Welcome to; ‘their land run by; UN, WEF, DAVOS, IMF, WHO and more, by courtesy of the Australian Government……. And particularly, the mother WEFer’s representatives in our Parliaments ……. and a dumb self satisfied distracted uneducated populace conditioned by a globalist controlled, paid DUMB mass media.
Politicians and mass media should be banned from all ANZAC DAY REMEMBRANCES. They insult our fallen, merely by their attendance.
As an aside for our indigenous lefties (ABlooyC) and divisive supporters.
It is essential that all indigenous spokespersons should identify with their traditions and culture. After all, just appreciate all the cultural histories and culture of all the diversity that has made Australia what we have.
Of course some take time to not leave their hate and conditioning behind them ….. but eventually, even the protestants and Catholics resolved their problem in Australia, after up to 150 years.
Now if our educators put up a few maps and put them in context.
Not much required, just firstly put up a map of South Africa and identify all the divisions of Africa amongst European interests.
Now there the chooks are presently coming home to roost! Have any of our educators heard of BRICS and the French being tossed from the Niger? No? Ask the ABC. (joke)
The border defining map inventors not bothering with and Ignoring the most traditional cultural and survival interests of inhabitants, failed to identify and who depended on what….. they did not give a stuff given about ancient tribal environments …. Lines drawn right across traditional native resources, migrating animals etc., according to climate and animal conditions.
Now recall how Australia was divided up on some map by another insignificant ignorant poser in London.
Anyone noticed the straight lines dividing up Australia. No? Look up a map of Australia distinguishing our states and, later our territories.
Bit of wiggle room for a river or part thereof excepted.
NSW once governed Victoria and NZ. …. And Norfolk Island…… now returned to Canberra. Not sure about Tasmania.
Someone might explain to our educators and the ABC for the benefit of some of our indigenous that, if Phill had not ‘invaded’ Sydney Harbour, then would they now be better off, if not within ONE NATION?
Thereon is a recommendation to new arrivals, either you have allegiance just to Australia, or then piss off and take your past hates with you.
Do our lefty globalist divisive education systems point this out or are we to forget basics of English, maths, science and history…. Balancing all the warts from historic past times.
Of course not, the UN dictates our narrative and future as a nation for its globalist control freak agendas, to our numb nuts in Canberra.
Piss off the UN….we cannot afford you lot together with a billion per annum plus interest, for the ABC and SB’s.
The Papunya School Book of Country and History
Winner: CBC Awards 2002, Book of the Year: Eve Pownall Award for Information Books.
Winner of the single primary title category and named joint overall winner of the Australian Awards for Excellence in Educational Publishing 2002. Winner: 2002
Product Description
“This work tells the story of how Anangu from five different language groups came to live together at Papunya. From the time of first contact with explorers, missionaries and pastoralists, through to the Papunya art movement and the Warumpi Band, the multi-layered text finally leads us to the development of the unique educational environment that is Papunya School. As an example of two-way learning, it is a profound metaphor for reconciliation .
“The book is a collaboration involving the staff and students of Papunya School, working together with children’s writer Nadia Wheatley and artist Ken Searle. Combining many voices and many hands, it was originally produced as a resource to be used for the Papunya School Curriculum. ”
Industry Reviews
‘An extraordinary publication … a restoration, a rebuilding, a rediscovery of vision.’ Magpies’The interface between traditional paintings and Western-style illustration is an integral part of the book’s method and meaning. Similarly, the text combines language simple enough for primary school children with concepts too complex for many Australian politicians.’ The Weekend Australian’A rare artistic achievement.’Panorama’No course in Australian history, at whatever level, will ever by complete now without Papunya School Book of Country and History.’ Australian Book Review”
This is the line I like.
“Similarly, the text combines language simple enough for primary school children with concepts too complex for many Australian politicians.”
History Matters
Does anyone need a treatise as to how the oil companies divided up Persian and other interests, stuffed Palestine?
‘Look up banking on Baghdad’ for up to the mid 1920s. ….. poor Indian troops sent from the English governor of Bombay to Persia for oil interests.
Well we did our part at Beersheba with the contribution of our light horse cavalry clearing out some Turks to occasion a British protectorate who were rewarded with the King David hotel killings.
Has Israel thanked us?
Israel is not even anything, it is a temporary arrangement to put Zion in place.
Palestine was another one, could have been seen as overly ambitious and had to be wound back a bit. Divided and conquered with a Hegelian clean cut straight down the middle. I wonder if the Lords were all pissed-up when they did it, late one evening.
Yeah – pissed up on adrenochrome.
What we are seeing on screens, is beyond way beyond atrocities in all wars previous. In front of our eyes in every room, we are watching the genocide of children for no reason at all. Tears fall seeing innocent survivors suffering wounded and terrorised, as their brothers and sisters fallen are recklessly intentionally bombed and shot dead in the killing fields of Gaza.
I can’t watch this in just ice, genocide of children glamourised and pushed like video games, as we sit and do nothing. Like I’ve said before, good Jews are being set up to take the fall again, their leaders as ours devils roaming raping and pillaging the earth. Demonic have been released from the bottomless pit, way past time sittin’ on the fence. Time to hold St.Michael’s weapon the Rosary and pray with heart mind and soul for all innocent children “terrorists”the Martyrs murdered every minute, whilst we do nothing jabbed up insensitive cold and stupid with astounding ignorance. Realise it may be ours next!
“WHEN I was a young man Don Dunstan seemed a harbinger of the dramatic social transformation that would drag Australia into what we, in the impatience of youth, believed to be a better and more tolerant future. As South Australia’s attorney-general and then, most significantly, as its premier for ten years, he represented a new generation of Labor leaders – Gough Whitlam was the best-known of the others – who helped lay the cornerstones for a more cosmopolitan, tolerant and culturally adventurous country. In postwar Australia, no state premier had a greater impact on the development of progressive politics; during his period in office South Australia seemed an inspiration to the rest of the nation.
Dunstan is also a significant figure in the evolution of a greater acceptance of sexual diversity.”
The great social critic H L Mencken could have been be observing here that the more things change in an empire the more they stay the same. Or he had a glimpse of our times:
‘The worst government is often the most moral. One composed of cynics is often very tolerant and humane. But when fanatics are on top there is no limit to oppression.’
A quote that lines up perfectly with the impending compulsory Beast worship:
At face value it might seem far-fetched, but sooner or later populous dissatisfaction with the reigning Religion of the “free west” is bound to default to a type of “morally upright” monotheism that repudiates the gospels
just as they are being constantly repudiated on these pages
Mr Odgers, …. I presume..
Re your comment on 1/12/23 at 9.41 up near the top.
Try a search of – The ChildProtectionRacket .com
There is a short 11 minute video that may be of interest to you.
Watch that space.
Now go to Dee’s article, today, Sunday 3rd Dec 2023.
T.O. JB.
Tucker and Roseanne chat show for insomniacs