by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Erik Enby MD is a one-off. There are many one-offs in Medicine, thank God. I’m starting this series about Enby , as he has just come out with fantastic incriminating information about Pfizer, and I want to be sure the reader understands how trustworthy he is. I’ve known of Erik’s work since 2012. Below is a video in which he is interviewed. You MUST watch it.
In a nutshell, Enby, age 84, was given a vial of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. He says they are strictly controlled and hard to obtain, “even the ones scheduled to be discarded.” He put some of the contents of the vial under a microscope.
Maybe others would not notice what he noticed. That’s because he is Erik Enby and has been noticing for decades that we have certain particles in our blood that are associated with illness. “The National Health [of Sweden] will not mention them.” I will call them “Enby particles,” just as the large-bodied microbes discovered by William Rusell in the 1890s are called “Russell bodies.”
Immediately I inject some good news here. Enby showed (in the video below, a clip of microbiologist Luc Montaigner saying that the vaccine will lead to the person’s death in a couple of years. Not necessarily, says Enby — you can be helped by ascorbic acid (Vitamin) C and Vitamin D.
Enby studied under Prof Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968) in Germany and then became his exponent. Enby’s medical license in Sweden was revoked, which –as I am fond of saying — is always a good sign. This is beautifully explained in my book Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their Legal Status(2013).
In Parts 2 and 3, next week, I will further explain Enby’s science, and what should be done about the intenional contamination of the vaccines — as shown in the video at the end of this article.
The rest of this article is a quote from pages 36-37 of the Lilies book, followed by the video.
Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return — Genesis 3: 14
Decomposition is not to be despised. We come and we go. The greats of previous centuries have gone, but they are still with us. Also, as Arthur Kendall says in his 1923 book, Civilization and the Microbe, we depend on microbes to recycle waste. They turn over the soil; without them we’d never have had agriculture. (He wrote that book for his daughter Alice when he heard she was being taught in high school that microbes are out to get us!)
Just think, a few millennia ago before the Egyptians got the zany idea of building pyramids and the Romans decide to knock up a colosseum, there was hardly anything that bacteria couldn’t break down and recycle. And there were no man-made chemical compounds until very recently in history. I hear you ask: Where is Boss Cocky in all this? Who organizes the decomposing work of the zillion microbes? I do not know, but a thoughtful source on this is Antoine Béchamp. He believed a pre-animal, the “microzyme” is living everywhere and can develop into any organized body.
I quote Béchamp:
“After death, it is essential that matter be restored to its primitive condition, for it has only been lent for a time to the living organized being. In recent years (1870s) an extravagant role has been assigned to the airborne germs [a la Pasteur]. The air may bring them, it is true, but it is not necessary that they should do so.” — A Béchamp, The Blood and Its Third Element.
The spokesperson for putrefaction today is Erik Enby, MD, of Sweden, who learned it from Günther Enderlein, his mentor, who, in turn, credited Béchamp. Like Enderlein, Enby sees how bacteria break down the chemistry of the cell, as a result of which new life can then arise. Our blood is like the soil, he says, microbes thrive there. (See website enby.se)
As it happens, scientists have recently discovered that our blood is not sterile; it’s teeming with microbes. Enby appears to be validated by new work called the Biome Project.
Watson and Crick cracked the genetic code in 1954, discovering that DNA is made up of certain amino acids. We may think Béchamp must therefore have been wrong in his ontology. But don’t put your life savings on it, OK? Also there may be certain “scholars” in circulation today whose covert job is to ridicule the old-fashioned views of Béchamp and of Charles Creighton.
Please consider this feisty approached to death, penned by the great sociobiologist Bill Hamilton ere his demise in 2009:
I will [ask in my] last will for my body to be carried to Brazil and to these forests, to be laid out in a manner secure against the possums … and this great Coprophanaeus beetle will bury me. They will enter, will bury, will live on my flesh; and in the shape of their children and mine, I will escape death. No worm for me nor sordid fly, I will buzz in the dusk like a huge bumble bee. I will be many, be borne, body by flying body out into the Brazilian wilderness beneath the stars, lofted under those beautiful and un-fused elytra. So finally I too will shine like a violet ground beetle under a stone. — William Hamilton
The October 11, 2021 Interview of Erik Enby
Here is the video, pubished at the Brendnewtube account of DUBsential, on October 11 2021. Borje Peratt interviews Erik Enby in Swedish. Translators Mayne and David Hopkins give us the English subtitles. (Enby is fluent in Swedish, German, and English.) Note: I have no idea as to whether the other Covid vaccines, such as Moderna and AstraZenica, have “Enby particles” in them.
Behold, and BE AMAZED:
This video is unbelievable… No one can get hold of a bottle of vaccine. The heading is spot on MM “Vax Malice”
Where this is leading — we will eventually discover. This is so outrageous that no fair-minded person / average Joe or Joan in the street could comprehend what the vaccines might be doing.
Dee,I have sent this piece to Dr Richard Fleming(who as you know has just done a light microscopy examination of Pfizer vaccine)for his opinion.
In all fairness, we were told these vaccines were to be stored at very low temperatures. To carry a vial of this stuff around in your pocket then, would not be a good idea, and it stands to reason the contents therein would then break down, and what we see in this video, could very well be that result. Unless the proper precautions were taken with this sample to ensure it was not exposed to higher temperatures and thus degraded, I for one, cannot accept any of the details discussed as a consequence.
Dear Eddy, I suppose it will be possible to get a properly-temperatured vial and check it out. Yay!
Eddy, I wonder if they’re meant to be stored at low temperatures exactly so that no one could see the organisms before injection. But your body is not a cold storage unit so if they’re alive or moving or whatever at room temperature, your nice warm blood is probably Eden to whatever is in there…
When they showed Pfizer boxes arriving from overseas on tv, it seemed like normal freight (maybe in cool room) Then just being shunted around on palates. Yes what with the -70d
I think it’s more like a cryogenic phase -70’C keeping the living organisms dormant and then once at body temp 36’C not degrade like you say but come alive and replicate in design along your own living cells. Are they there for good or something else? Not an experiment I will be part of yet.
I just posted this on the previous thread …
“Thus we may know that there are five essentials of victory …
“He who knows the opponent and knows himself need not fear in a hundred battles. He who knows only himself and not the opponent will lose one for each that he wins. He who knows neither will fail every time.
Sun Tzu “The Art of War” Chapter III, paragraph 17 and 18
Much to add, but for now this excellent piece by Matthew Ehret just came in.
• Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
“[Google Engineer Ray] Kurzweil and [Yuval Noah] Harari even predicted the date 2050 to be the magical moment [The Singularity] which the new age of human-machine unification will be consolidated, as artificial intelligence, bio-engineering babies with CRISPR technology, and interfacing our brains with microchips in the ‘internet of things’ will finally see the birth of a new species.
“In a 2018 WEF sermon, Harari said:
“We are probably among the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us, than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. These will be the main products of the 21st century economy.”
Sorry Julias. During my lifetime, I have heard thousands of such predictions for the future, and would you believe, we are living in that predicted future right now ? I look around trying to find where all these predictions are, and they’re nowhere to be found. Rest easy mate, it’s not gonna happen in our lifetimes, and after that, who cares.
Dear Julius, I don’t think the noosphere of Teilhard de Chardin, SJ, required any, um, material assistance. It was all “up in the air.”
But I think he was not exactly on the level. Let’s deal with him later.
Julius –thanks for above post—part of our beliefs and lived experience—good to find in the chaos– on my reality
At the end of the day all that really matters is that we make some sort of effort toward fulfilling what we were originally created to do – which.of course, incorporates meeting the challenges of the hour. Speculating about stuff that’s beyond our control is the antithesis of such endeavour
but why do you think those Muslims “attacked us” on 9-11?
I am so relieved.
I like vegemite.
But thought I had better check what is in the jar,
I did and have it in hand.
Never looked before but I really appreciate that it would seem that there is a requirement to list the contents on the label.
I just thought it contained just vegemite.
But it has a list of about ten stuffs with numbers and quantities.
I feel better now that I now know what is not in it…….. supposedly.
So if they tell us what is in vegemite, why can we not know what they are injecting people with?
Must be a secret and we are not to be told.
I think I will stick to vegemite, it has survived about 70:years of testing by me, even including all the morning booster shots. I feel happy little vegemite ………. ((Search the vegemite advertisement from the government archives)
Perhaps our politicians and shock joke spivs could tell us what is in some of those Covid injections.
Graphine perhaps by any chance, as found in Japan. No matter, just test them on the 5-12 year kiddies to see what happens. ( ref:to the monkey comment column in last article here at GS)
After all, if it was on a supermarket shelf, it would have to list the ingredients on the label, easily detected through a jeweller’s eye glass, would it not?
No flies on this experimental Fauci beagle😂😂😂 (ref: reports, beagles being eaten alive by flies)
Wonder how Fauci will pass on when his time comes.
There is only one way to be absolutely sure if has grown up in Australia.
They put too much on so of course they’re not gonna like it. Really needs butter to complement. Try it on a well-made croissant, not the kind u buy at woolies.
One other little bit of trivia about ingredients – the order in which they are listed is the order of greatest to lowest in quantity of the specific ingredient on the label. Regulative requirement.
Excellent translation! Pl. note, I do not doubt Dr Erik Enby’s findings. We have previously seen Dr Madej’s and the polish Dr’s similarly strange findings.
No explanation was given as to: Where did the Pfizer vial come from? Was it still within used by date? How long had it been out of recommended temperature range – if at all?
The narrative you usually hear from MDs and other health professionals, even ordinary blood-assay pathology lab employees is not coming from this fellow, even allowing for translation. They will use technical terms, and they will talk about the conditions of the sample they’re speaking of, the amount of magnification, any stains used, and what sort of microscope and lighting. They’ll give extensive narrative about where the sample originated from, if they can.
For the entire video they’re going on about “we don’t know this, we can’t know that”. I’d expect something more like: “This is very unexpected, I’m going to get others with more microbiology experience, with better tools, to look at this and do better tests, and tell you what I find.” I find it almost impossible to imagine that this fellow doesn’t have colleagues with complementary skills to his own to consult with.
As you mention, we don’t know the lot numbers or dates, chain-of-custody, or temperature regime. Phizer is absolutely temperature sensitive. It could be something as simple as mold or fungus, or a colony of one-celled-animals in the sample. The actual biological parts of the vaccine should be much smaller than can be observed with a light-based microscope.
Like many organisms this stuff could be dormant in the cold and when warmed up have a certain shelf life so its actual operating temperature is 38 degrees and its shelf life is maybe a week or two before it dies without a suitable environment to continue in.
Let’s say the vial was nicked, and given to the doctor after a day or two, what more would you need to know. It’s like use-by dates, a can of beans is the same, the day before use-by as the day after. All this special language and obsession with barely relevant details is designed to obfuscate. The purpose of BigPharma always was to make money. But now, there’s an extra dimension.
“All this special language and obsession with barely relevant details is designed to obfuscate”
What in God’s name are you talking about, w3?
For example the “medical” fraternity generally uses a convenient assumption that everyone is physiologically the same when clearly they are totally different. Instead of looking at an individual and working out how to improve their health, they are fixated by technicalities, which are designed to create a mystery atmosphere around money extraction.
They use a type of academic snobbery as a defence.
The operation is run like a priesthood.
It was done the same in the Church before that, the Church has all sorts of words and special language to conceal the fact that they don’t really do much of anything. Proof is that everyone walked out some decades ago and life basically goes on without much reference to them. The fact that the TV now controls our thinking and dictates morality etc is a different question, relating to the owners of the channels.
So, a vial of Pfizer is what it is (unless it’s not). If people want to test for some unknown substance, first a test must be developed. We see all these things being found in the serums, totally weird moving filaments and so forth, they are what they are, if you want to get down to atoms and quarks you don’t read the breaking news.
well stated W3
foffa, wow, you picked up my thoughts too on this vid. Cool.
Thanks Joe, w3, Mary and Edgar, I will do some research on Dr Enby and let you know. I am not a vaxxologist, however if Dr Madej found Hydra (Vulgaris?) and Quinta Columna found Graphene in their microscopy, why are there no traces of these substances in Dr Enby’s findings?
(Also still ‘pure blood’)
They said “Pfizer” has 12 different mixes, maybe someone else here can remember who was saying that. I was saying long ago they would have 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 etc., naturally they would. They might have 12 in the US, different for Africa where they are safe from lawyers, looks like they are now trying out all sorts of ideas they have been working on for years. It just gets crazier and crazier but hey, that’s mad scientists for you.
W3, i agree that the test cases are probably area specific, i suspect the actual goal is as it has always been for those not wanting to go back to the dust or water – transhumanism, and we are their petri dishes
Thankfully, I am still a ‘pure blood’. However, those that have taken the ‘vax’ are vulnerable to the degradation of their immune systems. The Grand Solar Minimum and decrease in food availability will increase the incident of malnutrition. I expect that was the plan of the Kabal all along.
As people experience malnutrition, the components of the ‘vax’ will begin to exercise their abilities and start eliminating more and more people from the gene pool.
Looks like with every passing day, Oz is ground zero. Here, they practise strategies and see if they work. Traditionally easy going, our compliance so far, now rendering us sittings ducks to their advantage. Half the nation is living in two cities, where Australians have the biggest personal debt in the world. In Melbourne premier Dan has made a deal with CCP, with globalist oligarchs calling the shots. This has.nothing to do with health care, on the contrary, it is deception by demonic entities that have crippled Oz economy like never before. When the global workforce, sleeping 10 to a room on the floor with feet touching at centre, install the 5G cables and most here are up to third or fourth jab, it’s all over.
Pray for Divine intervention.
Sorry Ant, I don’t believe in some for alleged diving intervention to fix our own stuff ups. It’s up to US, we who stood by and allowed this to happen, doing nothing, to fix the problem. Not some divine figure in La La Land. Problem is, have we got the ticker ??? As one politicion recently said.
I admire you’re courage and agree, we outnumber them 10 to 1. Problem being, we are freaks in the scheme, within our families, friends and others. Everyone is hooked on to BS, awakening the ‘smart’ mass beyond our capabilities. With the Almighty we have faith, hope and strength, otherwise forget it. I look at our children and theirs, it is there where our hope should be. If the two simple and true teachings of Jesus are denied, repeating, it’s all over. Spirit is not ‘la la land’, it is eternal.
Keep the faith and pass it on, if you can.
my research shows that the pedos and cannibals seem to have their home base in Australia. which is how i ended up on this site years ago. It is my belief that turning the other cheek is what got us here to begin with. the male archetype is supposed to be the protector of the planet and the feminine the nurturer – look around, is this what we are seeing?
Focus of my work at the moment–for those on the same page
Tjukurpa Law and Cultural Rights – Murray George Videos
“In respect of mental harm to the group, we know that our people suffered deeply from the modern psychological term called solastalgia – in short, the feeling of homelessness when you are still at home. This caused so much mental harm that the suffering was very difficult to bear by many of the Elders and families, who fretted for their Country and despaired at the destructive actions of the colonialists, from then to now. This impact is much more prevalent today than it ever was.”
“Assimilation is using genocide to deceive people into enslavement.”
Ghillar Michael Anderson
That’s terrible, Diane. Every human deserves to feel at home when at home.
Some people ‘get it’, however most don’t. Plenty of people have discussed it over the years, but still the sheeple disregard it. It is now happening before our eyes, we are witnessing it, yet many just continue to believe the comforting lies in the media.
It can’t be true, if anything, it must be ‘incompetence’ from our esteemed leaders. Clowns like Dan Andrews are just an anomaly, like Ardern in NZ, or Gladys Bejerkoff in NSW, or POS in Queensland or Turdeau in Canada or Maroon in France or …
Wake up morons, you haven’t got much time left.
If indeed we still do have a chance, it will come down to the wire. Which might mean, what you do now until then, will help. But that means you now need to fight for every last inch.
Well well I always thought he was a smart guy but those were his thoughts from about 7 years ago, or earlier.
But we still can’t hear anything of that on the crooked, lying MSM.
Now the only thing we can hear is va666inate and “climate crisis”.
The Climate Crisis debate needs more focus on Emi$$ions Trading, this is the driving force, vast sums of money shifted around for nonsense reasons leading to another bogus global fiat currency (at national level), inspectors will be going around measuring dirt for carbon content, engineers will be designing “Carbon Capture and Storage” systems which are basically as absurd as perpetual motion machines, and what for ? Just to dupe us into being even more stupid and wasting our own efforts on nonsense. The whole “Climate Change” is a smokescreen for all the other environment problems which ARE important. Well at least globalists are tackling overpopulation even as they keep pumping chemicals and plastic everywhere for our amusement. I’m no longer convinced the world population data is true since everything else is a lie, but I guess they have too many in Yemen anyway and places with no water. Now the great cull of expensive baby-boomers is here. Soon the biggest remaining demographic will be brainwashed echo-boomers or millennials, total believers in Climate Change, when they all wake up in a year or two they will probably all turn into anarchists. This great cull is just so mad it’s as if the designers were so arrogant they could never conceive of failure and subsequent blowback. Well the blowback can’t come soon enough. If a guillotine operator is required for plutocrats and crooked leaders, I will be available to perform the duties if nobody else wants to. It’s only morally equivalent to spraying cockroaches.
Had a pesticide man here recently, w3. He did not spray. He inserted white putty in all their secret hidouts. Can you do something along those lines?
W3, the carbon capture is their identified method for capturing the internal lite we all posses. to live as transhuman they need ‘extra’ lite/life’ force as that energy we all contain within us finite – hence the circle of life. Once they ‘contain’ the carbon, they have the plants – the symbiosis is then broken.
Can anyone translate
I’m getting error 404 file not found today
Testing the censorship.
You all don’t seem to be aware that Erik Enby (he is not a Doctor!) was recorded on Swedish TV2 saying that “the jews are poisoning the world’s blood supply so they can make more money” and that he is responsible for the unnecessary suffering of several terminal cancer patients he treated with calcium and magnesium … the Scientology CalMag concoction.