
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
This is the first of a series of at least three parts. Here I will show how social life evolved in 14 species: three lines of marine creatures (shrimp), one mammal (the African mole rat), and 10 insect species. Don’t go away – you need to hear this (and it’s a fabulous story).
A second part (next week) tells how a 15th species, old man H sapiens, joined and surpassed the aforementioned in a degree of eusociality. In the third part, I ask “So what?” Believe me, the biological facts won’t disappoint! This is spot-on material for today’s crises.
How Did Life Begin?
In the Ash Wednesday service, the priest says “Remember, man, that thou art dust, and to dust thou shalt return.” (Or if you are a diehard Catholic like myself: “Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris.”)
Planet Earth is believed to have started as a pack of dust that formed as a by-product of the sun about 4.5 billion years ago. Can we take such a figure as Gospel? Of course not, but evolution must have taken millions of years. Clearly, it didn’t start a mere four thousand years ago.
After a while, the contents of earth became rock, fire, and water. (The pre-Socratic Greek philosophers, with no science, weren’t far off in their guesswork!) It’s the water part of the creation that matters for the great history of species. Some of the elements in the deep sea combined – maybe only ever in one location (?) – and became microbes that were able to replicate themselves. “That’s life.”
There was water-only, for a long time. There was no “land,” and hence no trees, no birds, no insects. But there were marine invertebrates and crustacea, and later marine vertebrates — fish. When land appeared, some adventurous “fish” crawled up onto it and eventually became reptiles. Some crustacea may have turned into insects.
They needed food and there it was! I won’t describe now how green cells – using photosynthesis – had already started to “botanize” the earth. This was maybe half a billion years ago. I recommend you look at the work of the wonderful Lynn Margulis who died in 2011; she produced the theory of Gaia. I’m rushing the narrative to get to the evolution of eusociality.
Ed’s Ants
Edward O Wilson, at age 90, published a new book in 2019, entitled Genesis: The Deep Origin of Societies. Mind you, I was swaggering around the Johns Hopkins campus 44 years ago, thinking I had captured, from Wilson’s mind-bender, Sociobiology, the essence of human evolution. Wrong!
I had ignored his books on ants. Ick! who wants to talk about stupid insects? OK. I’m now ready. We are going to talk about insects. Here’s the gist of Genesis. It has to do with motherhood but not quite the way you may think of motherhood. Wilson, being an entomologist, refers to the major egg-layer in an insect colony as the reproductrix, better known as the queen.
Without queens, we would be nowhere. Not because a queen turns out a lot of babies (the other females would be capable of that). Not because she is a superb leader – she doesn’t do any leading at all. No. The presence of a reproductrix makes for a division of labor – and thereby hangs the tale.
There are millions of species on Earth, hardly any of which has a division of labor. Since every individual has to look out for itself, why would there develop an arrangement in which “A” agrees to perform labor for “B”? How can such a practice get started, to become part of that species DNA?
Wilson says it occurred in three historical steps. In the description to follow, please don’t think Wilson did all the sleuthing. It was the work of others, whom he credits. I am abridging it from his book Genesis. And I’ll focus only on insects (not shrimp or rat or human) in showing the steps.
Step One. A mother wasp finds the prey that her “kid” will need when it hatches. She stings the prey with a paralyzing venom and lays her egg on it, and leaves the scene. She won’t see her kid again, but probably it will survive (on the provided food) and will carry the genes for that behavioral trait.
Granted, it’s not thrilling, but it’s something, a step in the right direction. Wilson also mentions a later variation that does not rise to the level of a new step. Namely, a mother prepares a nest for her kid. She goes and gets the prey, stings it (or whatever) and brings it to the nest. She lays the egg and leaves. Again, there will be no further nurturing.
Step Two. The mother remains with her brood and keeps bringing food to them as they mature. Once they are mature, they and the mother “disburse singly.”
I hear you say there are loads of bird and mammal species that do that, what’s the big deal? The big deal is Step Three. By the way, these are not steps that occur within the same evolutionary line. Wilson named, as an example of Step One, wasps of the genus Methocha. For Step Two, another type of aculeate wasp was referenced. For Step Three (below), he indicates the ancestors of some species of today’s ants and wasps.
Step Three. “The mother and her offspring remain together, forming a eusocial colony” (page 75). Ah, the origin of colonies. As for the division of labor, one female becomes the queen and others become the workers, for the task of food gathering, cleaning, and defense. Thus, they can get more done than the “ladies” of Step Two. Reproduction won’t get in the way of the workers’ occupations.
As will be stated below, the colony system (I mean a group with division of labor) is the main event. Thanks to group selection, a colony that works hard in opposing a rival will get “selected” by natural selection. Its traits of altruism will flourish. (I’m referring to their altruistic work for the community.)
The Royal Succession
I’ll detour to showcase a discovery in Bangalore, made by Raghavendra Gadagkar and colleagues in their study of the social wasp Ropalidia marginata. Wait till you see the intricate observations that were involved. These researchers must have surveillance cameras on the wasps better than anything the CIA dreams of.
They wanted to find out how a member of the group becomes a new queen if the current one dies. Thus, they experimentally remove a queen from the colony. One of the other females becomes hyperaggressive towards her co-workers. “Her displays and threats are almost never challenged.” (Genesis, p 93-94).
Then, having ascended the throne (pardon me, I get carried away with the analogy to human royalty), this new queen resumes her previous docility. Her ovaries develop and she begins to lay eggs.
(I forgot to mention the king or consort. He does the needful; he has no other assignments. What a life!)
The researchers replaced queens sequentially many times. “The entire procedure appears mediated by peacemaker pheromones.” (Only in India!) “The royal succession is thus manifested as a colony-level adaptation.”
See? This is the biggie. The whole procedure has to be genetically inherited. Just think of how our human behavior is innate, and yet is deferring to an “external” social structure, or even to mere “ideas.” Go over that again, please. It dd not happen for the first time in humans – mere wasps could do it.
Altruism Theory
Charles Darwin, in his 1859 On the Origin of Species, expressed puzzlement as to how altruism could be heritable. Only traits that put you ahead of others should get passed on to your offspring. If a behavior puts you at a disadvantage – such as giving up your place at the front of the cafeteria line for someone in a wheelchair, you are a “chump.”
In the 1960s, the late wonderful William D. Hamilton proposed his theory of kin altruism and Robert Trivers came up with reciprocal altruism. Either one could help us bypass Darwin’s problem. If you help close kin by being altruistic toward them, they gain and survive into the future, carrying your genes. If you make deals with strangers – reciprocal altruism — both parties may come out better than if there had been no deal.
In 1975, EO Wilson brought together heaps of examples from zoology and ethology (remember Konrad Lorenz being popular at that time for imprinting himself on geese?). Ed’s Sociobiology: The New Synthesis consisted mainly of showing how “kin altruism” made all sorts of social behavior possible in animals.
Chapter 26 of Sociobiology was about one species – the one that wears clothes, and thus got him into hot water, or cold water as the case may be. Marxist teachers at Harvard, such as Steven Jay Gould, fought the idea that we had innate traits. We are all tabula rasa’s, they said. Or, at least, biology is not destiny.
That controversy fizzled out and a new science, called Evolutionary Psychology, turned more to neuroscience to defend the basic idea of why H sapiens does what H sapiens does.
Group Selection
Forty years after writing Sociobiology, Wilson (who for much of those 40 years was fighting as a conservationist and biodiversity protector) changed his tune a bit and said group selection, not kin altruism, is the winning theory. In group selection, the presence of altruists makes the group stronger in its competition with other groups. Yay!
So let’s look at how that works. Stick with me in this series, as it will pay off. Wilson says (p 85-86). “In 1953, I had measured species from all of the forty-nine ant genera in the world known to possess more than one subcaste of worker [such as soldiers] …. During the origin of advanced social organization, the added subcastes require [two things]”:
One is additional “decision points” when the larvae are developing. The other is a regulation of them in different stages of colony growth. “[This is like] the division of labor in humans based on different occupations plus cultural regulations on the number trained in each occupation.”
At this point I must introduce the new buzzword: eusociality – true sociality. There is a barrier to becoming eusocial and it has been breached only a few times. Wilson says only group selection is a sufficient force to make this happen. (p 86): “[It] has the power to generate gene-based altruism, division of labor, and cooperation….”
When Wilson says “gene-based” altruism, he means a biological instinct to help one’s group. Two examples of this in human society are soldiers and monks. A soldier gives up his life, if necessary, for the group. A monk gives up reproduction, based on some holy mission.
In short, the new thing here to be excited about in Edward O Wilson’s work is the discovery of the key to eusociality. It was, in a sense, “motherhood” — but not the “Coo-coo, I love you, baby” type. It was the forming of a colony in which one “Mom” did all the reproducing, leaving other females to care for the multitudinous offspring. Hence, division of labor.
That’s all for today. Stay tuned.
Charles Darwin On The Ouija Channel
January 24th, 2010
by Robert David Singer
Note: If you are not up-to-date with the debate over Evolution, Creationism and Intelligent Design, you will want to read the Preface Notes first, identified by a [p] at the beginning of the sentence. Preface Notes will separate fact from fiction and rumor from humor in my prima facie case for Intelligent Design.]
[p1] Professor Richard Dawkins, one of the greatest living “experts” on blind Watchmakers and selfish gene-centric Evolution got out his Ouija Board to channel the spirit of Charles Darwin, author of The Origin of Species and the father of Naturalism and Atheism……………..
Good, pertinent comment
The Mathematical Impossibility Of Evolution
But let us give the evolutionist the benefit of every consideration. Assume that, at each mutational step, there is equally as much chance for it to be good as bad. Thus, the probability for the success of each mutation is assumed to be one out of two, or one-half. Elementary statistical theory shows that the probability of 200 successive mutations being successful is then (½)200, or one chance out of 1060. The number 1060, if written out, would be “one” followed by sixty “zeros.” In other words, the chance that a 200-component organism could be formed by mutation and natural selection is less than one chance out of a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion! Lest anyone think that a 200-part system is unreasonably complex, it should be noted that even a one-celled plant or animal may have millions of molecular “parts.”
Plant geneticist: ‘Darwinian evolution is impossible’
Don Batten chats with plant geneticist John Sanford
Good, pertinent comment
Goodness Mary, are you projecting some sort of subliminal instructions in my direction?
Earlier today I was listening to the audio book Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman (2017)
He was talking about Ask and Embla. (A and E – coincidence?)
“Ask and Embla are the first humans – male and female, respectively – to be created in Norse mythology.”
They were two logs out of which were carved the male and female forms, ears for hearing, eyes for seeing etc. Of course they (humans) are incidental to the Gods and the Giants.
Uncanny …
I can’t slog through all that fanciful drivel again. I have almost drowned in it from childhood to young adult post university.
Looky, Mary, someone should grab you and your nonagenarian hippy mate and try to explain that reality is not created in the dreams of runaway adolescent egoism.
I can well understand that you wouldn’t have a clue about grubby Earth bound reality (like physics, chemistry and all that) because none of that stuff is in any way related to your main interests of “law” and politics.
Anyhow, I challenge you to go to your never-to-be-post-adolescent mate and get him to explain in rational terms just how Nothing can be turning itself into Everything with no power, no order, no purpose.
Let’s start with a simple, commonsense, truism: “A thing that does not exist cannot cause itself to exist” and the obvious corollary: “an effect cannot be greater than its cause”.
That’s enough for now but I’m nowhere near finished.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Yair, XX, that is a familiar sophistry relentlessly propagated by a fairly ubiquitous bunch of organised idiots trying to pretend that they’re smarter than God.
Take a step back and ask why are there chickens and eggs.
According to the Materialistic notions propounded, the most “successful” organism for its own survival and propagation would be one of those bacteria or amoeba that simply divide and multiply. Anything else is entirely wasteful of an assumed ecological perfection.
Good, pertinent comment
Holy Spriggina!
What are the chances of that?
Most intriguing, and most erudite as always Mary – I will certainly stay with you on this series.
As an aside – whether or not you agree with everything he says, Yuval Noah Harari is an exceptional thinker.
• What Happened to Neanderthals?: ‘Sapiens: a Graphic History’ Excerpt
If you’re going to stay with Mary on this one you’d better come up with something more credible than a silly cartoon selling a fanciful speculation.
This silly notion that so-called “primitives” are antecedents of sophisticated “civilisation” is irreconcilable with the fairly obvious human proclivity for degeneration.
I will contend that so-called “primitives” are exiles or fugitives from civilisation and that they are poor people who have been deprived of some of the gifts of the natural order.
There is growing indications that so-called Neanderthals were ordinary, perhaps isolated, people suffering deprivations akin to malnutrition and disease.
Actually, you make a good point David – I agree that this silly cartoon wasn’t Harari’s finest piece (perhaps exposes him) and I was looking for a reaction and insight as to what message he was really trying to convey. Perhaps that “‘species’/races/civilisations come and go – get over it”.
As to …
“This silly notion that so-called primitives” are exiles or fugitives from civilisation and that they are poor people who have been deprived of some of the gifts of the natural order.”
… You mean like the descendants of Ham?
In his thesis “The Ebb and Flow of History” Harold Brackman explains this very clearly from the Talmudic point of view … for example, as to why Africans have curly hair and fat lips … ‘Dr’ Brackman received his PhD for such analysis and comments.
When I read your reply in the email notification I thought “st’ruth! did I say that? This homebrew must be more powerful than I thought”. But reading back I see that you have cunningly misquoted me.
Anyhow, the descendants of Ham may well be poor people exiles or fugitives from the cradle of civilisation.
I expect that the likes of Harold Brackman will have many sycophants in the Zionist, British Israel love fest lavering themselves with their chosenness.
😊Sorry/Thank you for understanding. We are on the same side and I do appreciate your comments, oldavid.
Oh what the heck … (thanks for the trigger)
• The role of Jews in African slavery – Professor Tony Martin
The ‘Hamitic myth’ (aka “The Curse of Ham”) is discussed from around 31:00 – mind numbing and most revealing
Uh huh! But we shouldn’t ignore the role of the Africans in the African slave trade. To my knowledge nearly all the slaves presented to the traders were presented by African looting gangs of one mob or another.
Presently there is still a thriving slave trade in East Africa that must not be spoken of because it does not “incriminate” any obvious Christian agency and it would incriminate Mahommedan and/or Communist rioters and looters.
Trans-Atlantic slaves were mostly POWs of tribal wars (caused by expanding populations) who would otherwise be used as local slaves or put to death, the slave market was essentially a labour market with the workers on subsistence wages, much the same as nowadays.
The original slaves from Eastern Europe would have had it no better. The working classes in Britain, India and elsewhere, not substantially different. Cutting cane, working mines or mills, production lines, entering data, it’s all drudgery for the lower classes. I do not even need to say, upper classes would have none of it.
Look at the Congo these days, they said they had the biggest death toll since WW2, if the slave trade was still going, many of those dead would probably have been transported.
In Mauritania (West Africa) they said the paler citizens use the darker citizens for slaves, similar deal in Asia, if you work in the sun you can’t be in the higher classes.
The peoples of aboriginal Africa may well be beleaguered by a host of devilish traditions:
That doesn’t mean they’re Canaan’s descendants.
Quite apart from anything else said theory fails to counter in the parallel between the biblical scenario in question(GENESIS 9: 25 – 27) and a duplication of the self-same offence committed within the ranks of the chosen/set-apart mob :
“Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign of my strength, excelling in honor, excelling in power.
Turbulent as the waters, you will no longer excel,for you went up onto your father’s bed,
onto my couch and defiled it.”
GENESIS 49: 3 – 4
“So they spread Absalom a tent upon the top of the house; and Absalom went in unto his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel.”
2 SAMUEL 16:22
Overarching moral?
There’s no such thing as racial or religious immunity
Re the engraving:
As God didn’t become incarnate prior to the birth of the Messiah, who’s the robed bloke ?
As Adam & Eve didn’t know they were naked until they disobeyed God, why are they hiding their bits prior to said advent?
If nothing more, both gaffs are fair indication as to why & how the truth was eclipsed by evolution
which, like it or not, is the mother of each & every lie that confronts everyone 24/7
But the good news is that the respective Censors are in such denial a plethora of material has escaped their attention, e. g:
But I don’t quite agree with what he says at 10: 33, i. e. I contend that it was Ham who bought a curse down on his own lineage and that said advent was merely affirmed by Noah
And the pagan-style graphics strike me as being no less absurd than the above engraving
If the robed bloke were not robed, it would cause problems for theologians.
That’s all I’m gong to say.
I guess my point is that the credibility of Genesis has been seriously undermined by such images
Would you Adam and Eve it?
Adam, Eve and the Garden of Eden is one of the most evocative stories of all time but not for its literal meaning.
It was extraordinary when it was first told. It was extraordinary when it first appeared as marks on a papyrus. It is still extraordinary today for its durability and perspicacity about the human psyche and condition.
The point is that temptation is as powerful an impulse as it was then; that morality is an unavoidable challenge; that innocence is impossible to maintain in life’s progress; that good and evil still determine man’s fate and mental state; and an earthly utopia remains an unachievable ideal.
I have put them in an orderly sequence for your convenience and understanding
How can people believe something so illogical as evolution?
Does it mean that if one is a creationist, one must take the Bible literally?
If the Bible talks about Creation and the model seems to support it, then yes you should.
One of the problems people have with the Bible is that it says the earth was created in 7 days. One of the latest theories is that the Jewish word day is imperfect, and that it refers to a day being a thousand years.
You might have some problem with that, because when the Bible wording refers to the sixth day, the use of the definite article always refers to a literal 24-hour day. But beside this, if you look at the sequence of Creation, you can see that the plants were created one day before the sun was created (Genesis 1:11-19). Where would the plants have received their light for photosynthesis if they were made a thousand years before the sun?
Is Creation Scientific?
It might come as a shock, but as it turns out, every major branch of science – astronomy, chemistry, microbiology, etc. – was established upon the work of creationists. A common misconception is that true scientists are evolutionists, but in fact the evolutionists are merely standing on an entire mountain of work that was built by creationists.
While the evolutionist assumes his theory is true in spite of “trivial” elements of science, such as the first two laws of Thermodynamics, Boyle’s Law, and Biogenesis, the creationist understands that science was established by God. A creationist seeks to follow the clues in God’s creation which help him better understand the natural world. To a creationist, science and the Bible were both authored by God. He therefore has no problem accepting the scientific method of observation to further validate that which he takes on faith.
The early scientists, whose ranks include the likes of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler and Robert Boyle, believed in an Intelligent Designer/Creator who laid down, not only laws of conduct for humanity, but also for nature. As they set about to identify and explore these laws of nature, they built a scientific mountain of information and established the major branches of scientific understanding.
So the idea that creationists are not scientific is beyond absurd in that it mocks the great heritage of creationists that modern science harkens back to and upon whose work modern science now rests.
Evolutionists allow Evolutionism to govern their exploration of the natural world to the detriment of science, while creationists continue to merely demonstrate how the God of the Bible is also the true Architect of what we call science.
Creation and Evolution: Is Compromise Possible?
Understanding the Creation Week
Creation to Restoration
The Earth in Time and Space / Genesis Conflict – Walter Veith
The Gospel in Creation
We are, still not knowing how or why?
How the Jewish mind sees things –
The Simulation
“……………Either way, for most people reality no longer exists, and little is being done to resist the takeover. Industry, Finance, Education, and Government are in the hands of the Titans and has been so for decades. Man was seduced and became addicted to everything they produced: their products, their credit, their media, and their welfare and regulations. By the way, the Torah warned us this would happen before the time clock even began with the seduction by the snake that began in verse 57 and ended in paragraph 10 with verse 78, when Adam and Eve stood fully clothed and time and their journey began.
As the Titans centralized their power, they convinced people that Totalitarianism was freedom. We think we have 1000 different sources of news, and that that is freedom, while the truth is all 1000 sources are receiving and recirculating the same state sponsored news-feed of make-believe reality. There are 1000 university choices and private and public education, yet all are spewing the same false narratives. Over decades independent thought and opinion was systematically stymied and removed. In any hierarchical system where rewards, perks, and punishments are doled out from above you just need to control and influence the top echelons and you will eventually control the entire system…….”
I have put these articles in the early first and they are still waiting 4 days later why is that?
How can people believe something so illogical as evolution?
Does it mean that if one is a creationist, one must take the Bible literally?
If the Bible talks about Creation and the model seems to support it, then yes you should.
One of the problems people have with the Bible is that it says the earth was created in 7 days. One of the latest theories is that the Jewish word day is imperfect, and that it refers to a day being a thousand years.
You might have some problem with that, because when the Bible wording refers to the sixth day, the use of the definite article always refers to a literal 24-hour day. But beside this, if you look at the sequence of Creation, you can see that the plants were created one day before the sun was created (Genesis 1:11-19). Where would the plants have received their light for photosynthesis if they were made a thousand years before the sun?
Is Creation Scientific?
It might come as a shock, but as it turns out, every major branch of science – astronomy, chemistry, microbiology, etc. – was established upon the work of creationists. A common misconception is that true scientists are evolutionists, but in fact the evolutionists are merely standing on an entire mountain of work that was built by creationists.
While the evolutionist assumes his theory is true in spite of “trivial” elements of science, such as the first two laws of Thermodynamics, Boyle’s Law, and Biogenesis, the creationist understands that science was established by God. A creationist seeks to follow the clues in God’s creation which help him better understand the natural world. To a creationist, science and the Bible were both authored by God. He therefore has no problem accepting the scientific method of observation to further validate that which he takes on faith.
The early scientists, whose ranks include the likes of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler and Robert Boyle, believed in an Intelligent Designer/Creator who laid down, not only laws of conduct for humanity, but also for nature. As they set about to identify and explore these laws of nature, they built a scientific mountain of information and established the major branches of scientific understanding.
So the idea that creationists are not scientific is beyond absurd in that it mocks the great heritage of creationists that modern science harkens back to and upon whose work modern science now rests.
Evolutionists allow Evolutionism to govern their exploration of the natural world to the detriment of science, while creationists continue to merely demonstrate how the God of the Bible is also the true Architect of what we call science.
Creation and Evolution: Is Compromise Possible?
Understanding the Creation Week
Creation to Restoration
The Earth in Time and Space / Genesis Conflict – Walter Veith
The Gospel in Creation
The Earth in Time and Space / Genesis Conflict – Walter Veith
Curiously, Arlyn, ole Wally Veith presents as being pretty fair in the in the link you provided above.
Now, I had been a longtime subscriber to many of the publications of “Answers in Genesis” and several other Protestant publications long before I had ever seen a computer up close. I still have a link to “Ashby Camp’s Creation urls” on my desktop and I often recommend it to Modernists of every persuasion.
What yous frantic anti-Catholic judaisers purposefully fail to recognise is that this whole “Evolutionary” notion of Faith has been soundly and specifically condemned by Reason and Authority for some hundreds of years.
That is, until your mob invaded the Church with Relativism and Progressivism.
Yes he is excellent as he is a Professor and has many articles, dvd’s and videos.
Your statement below is not being specific and respectfully just another ramble….You have never bothered to answer so many of my questions or posts adequately and replied with some sort of odd distorted reply that is nonsensical. who are you referring to? That is not proper communication by dealing with the right context.
It has been the Jesuits by the way that have distorted so many views as well as distorted biblical and spiritual context and meanings. Keep to your doctrine as it suits your character and attitude and I will keep to mine which is genuine, honest, not distorted or changed, not fraudulent with lies, assumptions and false doctrines. If you are not going to answer my previous posts why start now? Good luck in the future and I guess its hard to for an old dog to learn new tricks but there is still time.
“What yous frantic anti-Catholic judaisers purposefully fail to recognise is that this whole “Evolutionary” notion of Faith has been soundly and specifically condemned by Reason and Authority for some hundreds of years.”
The only thing acceptable to your mob is a capitulating to disorientation and discouragement brought on by Alinsky style “carpet bombing” with gratuitous, arbitrary accusations.
I am reasonably familiar with Church history and the battles with the SoS (covert and overt) and I have access to plenty of information from both sides.
The SoS was particularly alarmed and enraged by the early Jesuits because they were largely made up of defectors from its own ranks who knew the mood and method of the SoS and were an effective antidote in many areas of operation. (The likes of Bro. Nat Kapner, Henry Makow, and many others lesser known come from the same background).
However, the Jesuits were well grounded in the Christian faith and disciplined (see the spiritual exercises of Ignatius Lyola, who was the main founder of the Society) with an emphasis on learning and scholarship.
I am also familiar with the sad degeneration of the Society over the last hundred years or so with the injection of Naturalism, Materialism, Relativism (the synthesis of which is usually called Modernism) and the florescence of which is the arch-prick, pretend pope, Bergoglio and his cabal of crooks.
Anyhow, though I doubt that you can tolerate even a very succinct expose of the popular Jesuit fallacies, I propose to your consideration this:
Goodness me! ole Makow might become a Jesuit Mk II if he continues on this trajectory:
Yes Professor Veith was a Catholic and then he became an atheist and then was converted to Seventh Day Adventism but is a practicing Protestant. He is very influential world-wide and highly respected. Yes Makow keeps up with whats what. On occasion goes off the rails
Genocide Cover Up: Italy stops autopsies (Conspiracy Café) Kevin W
So I take it that you are supporting evolution?
“Planet Earth is believed to have started as a pack of dust that formed as a by-product of the sun about 4.5 billion years ago. Can we take such a figure as Gospel? Of course not, but evolution must have taken millions of years. Clearly, it didn’t start a mere four thousand years ago.”
The Bible say the Earth was void without form
Genesis 1:2
King James Version
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
What does it mean that the earth was “without form and void”?
The First Great Deception
If you want something interesting to put your minds to, go on Google Earth Pro and have a really close look at the CRARY Mountains area a little inland from the Thwaite Glacier which is said to be melting. With all the academia ratshit that gets hurled around on this website, somebody might be able to tell me why there seems to be a bad outbreak of acne next to the mountains mentioned. Cheers Kevin ps I always thank God I didn’t go to university.
“Or if you are a diehard Catholic like myself” So do you beleive in what this pope has been saying on a number of issues?
Intelligent Design
Pope Francis: evolution and creation both right
Evolution and the Pope
According to the Vatican Information Service in a news release on October 23, Pope John Paul II was reported as saying that evolution is “more than just a theory.” This seems to mean, despite the tenuous wording, that he now considers evolution a scientific fact. His written message to his science advisers, the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, speaks of “a series of discoveries made in different spheres of knowledge” which have convinced him to make this bold statement supporting evolution and suggesting that his millions of followers do the same.
The Pope reject Genesis
BLASPHEMY! “Pope” Francis claims Jesus had to “Beg Forgiveness” of Mary and Joseph!
Pope Francis: Jesus Christ did not resurrect physically from the dead
Pope Francis says Jesus is son of Satan! – LITERALLY!
Pope Francis: ‘Relationships With Jesus Are Dangerous And Harmful’
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven
Dear Mary
I know you have to read a lot and you must be terribly busy with research, organising preparing, writing etc and I am no here to badger you or anyone else but are you able to answer some of our questions? Thanks
So I take it that you are supporting evolution?
“Planet Earth is believed to have started as a pack of dust that formed as a by-product of the sun about 4.5 billion years ago. Can we take such a figure as Gospel? Of course not, but evolution must have taken millions of years. Clearly, it didn’t start a mere four thousand years ago.”
The Bible say the Earth was void without form
Genesis 1:2
King James Version
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
What does it mean that the earth was “without form and void”?
“Or if you are a diehard Catholic like myself” So do you believe in what this pope has been saying on a number of issues? Look at my earlier post
Did Darwin become a Christian on his deathbed?
Question: What about the Lady Hope story? Did Darwin repent of his evolution views and become Christian on his deathbed?
Response: In the midst of all the arguing and disagreements about this, perhaps the best analysis I have found is from Malcolm Bowden, as quoted below. Helen Fryman
Quoted by permission of the author from True Science Agrees with the Bible, Malcolm Bowden, Sovereign Publications, Kent, 1998, section 6.6, pp 259-276
Remember Darwin’s Theory was just that a theory or a hypothesis not a scientific fact that has been rammed down everyone’s throats in the education system aka indoctrination apparatus of the prostitute MSM
I think Darwin, like Freud, has been given far to much credit for the deceptions of the Age.
All told, both have simply been elevated per political convenience
Indeed with the help of the lying MSM! Satan has his human agents at work just as God has his on Earth
I would suggest Darwin’s grandfather was a 33 degree freemason and his father along with his wife’s father started something known as the Lunar Association. They would hold their meetings once a month on the night of the full moon. Moon worship. Take it or leave it. Kevin Woodman.
Satan whose symbol is a snake walks the Earth –
Soviet Toxicologist- Covid Vaccine is a Genocide Bioweapon
“Vaccinating the population rapidly (Operation Warp Speed) … is a brilliant tactic with which to take out hundreds of thousands of citizens without firing one shot.”
Aah…explains it all then. Thanks so was Edward Jenner which explains a lot!
Seven Freemasons that changed the World
Erasmus Darwin was the grandfather of Charles Darwin, he was a Freemason, a doctor of medicine, a natural philosopher, a member of the influential Lunar Society, a slave-trade abolitionist and a poet. Darwin conducted groundbreaking experiments with gases and air, and promoted education for women. He also put forward ideas that preceded the modern theory of evolution, a subject that was embraced by his grandson Charles.
The Pilgrims Society – Enemy of Humanity
Pilgrims Society Controls SES-US Deep State
Pilgrims Society Ran the Obama White House
Pilgrims Society
Mary, i like the direction, interesting that you drop this on us then refrain from the comments – great strategy! i can see already the discourse of the commentators (including myself) will fixate on either intelligent design or some sort of evolutionary path. Recently i have had to re-address my belief system so i am dying to get my ego i mean 2 cents in ;} why is water not war-shipped as a god, is it the devil? Tesla claimed that matter is frequency bunched together (summation based on dynamic he is speaking of) i picture a glass of water on the counter and a bubble appears in the center (yes i understand the chemical reaction taking place but please bear) the bubble appears, holds then rises to the surface. during the rise to the surface, other bubbles will mysteriously be appearing to be caused by the original bubble – this is the method i use to picture Teslas frequency squishing into matter. so in the water, tension is being created – almost as if the water knew the bubble would appear. once the tension begins a standing node is created which a very small amount of pressure loss due to other molecules pushing and pulling in the water. in this low tension, a standing node opens up a hole for the bubble to release in – the standing wave (say hi guys). when i 1st heard the gnostic story of creation i realized that i was hearing about this phenomenon. Water truly is our source of biological life. why is water here, was it put here or like a devouring beast – did water migrate here for food. it my theory that water has the ability to do spontaneous DNA imprinting (like deposition of an IC chip) which then creates a shadow copy on the substrate – the substrate being dirt. then water grows the rest. lets remember that water is the best solvent when pure and the great eroder. i believe that water is here to devour this planet, like it did to the planets before – just look at Saturn and Jupiter is liquid methane (mostly hydrogen). therefore the next logical conclusion (in my mind) is that water has grown us to finish off devouring the planet and then will move to the next planet, venus. this means that those colonization strategies are remembered in the water in order to grow the creatures that will finish off the mining of the planet… there my ego is somewhat satisfied to get this story out – it has been building for some time – thank you. i cant wait until your next reveal ;}
Kevx U R A Trip – wherever did U get such a theory from – I dont wish 2 egg U on but – try this experiment.
Put say 2″ tank/rain water in a (heavy) sloping glass in the freezer until the exterior freezes – that is until there is a water cavity inside the ice wherein U will find a bubble (just one largish one) – Next thaw it until U can empty the ice into your hands – now holding it, count – as the ice thaws tiny bubbles will attach to the ‘mother’ bubble – you can count them equally with the drips !!!!!!!
Kevx, meant to add another experiment –
Lord Kelvin’s Discharge
Understanding how large numbers of molecules move and interact, even at the interfaces, say between water and air or water and ice is very complicated and not only that, but water has very peculiar electric properties. The H2O atoms have an neutral electric charge because the two Hydrogen atom each having a + (positive) charge for a total of +2 and the One oxygen atom a – 2 charge for a total of – 2 thus the water molecule has a net charge of 0.
How then, do you explain that if you drip collections of said neutral atoms, as water droplets through two circles of steel, made out of say mums clothes hangers, into two fruit tins with only a few simple minor additions you can produce 100 thousand volts of electricity.?
Called ‘Lord Kelvin’s’ discharge experiment after the bloke who thought it up, it is a true example of just how little we know about this substance that pervades ourselves and our world and that is just one of many almost unknown aspects about water, not just the molecule of water but moles and moles of water interacting.
“Life is water dancing to the tune of solids.
Without that dance, there could be no life.”
Albert Szent-Györgyi, father of modern biochemistry.
Ned (below) & Kevx – Here U go !
Sciences original opinion of water was that it was a simple molecule, after all it had just two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen (Diagram A). Such atoms have an electric charge with the two Hydrogen atoms each having a + (positive) charge for a total of +2 and the One Oxygen atom a –2 charge for a Total of – 2. Thus the water molecule has a net charge of 0 and is neutral. (Diagram B)
Next, to appreciate what else water does, it’s necessary to understand something called hydronium. In a sample of pure water, the hydronium concentration is 1×10-7 moles p/l (per liter – 0.0000001 M). How do water molecules form hydronium?, the answer, by the exchange of a hydrogen atom, so one water molecule now only has one hydrogen atom and is therefore now charged negatively, while the other now has three hydrogen atoms and is thus now positively charged. (Diagram C). (Ed. Note: Really these molecules neither look, nor act (function) any-thing like these diagrams but just go with it for now.)
The equation to find the pH of a solution using its hydronium concentration is: pH = -log [H3O+] or conversely log [H3O+] = -pH. Using this equation, the pH of ‘pure water’ to be 7. This is considered to be neutral. The pH can either go up or down depending on the change in its hydronium concentration, becoming more acidic or more alkaline.
At any rate however they came up with it, it had a severe drawback because when our atom measurer (pretty sure he was French) got out the one meter tape measure and lined up his atom for a measurement it became clear another strategy was needed, and so our atom measuring aficionado, in a flash of brilliance said, I know! we’ll divide the meter by a billion.! And that what they did and so the millimicrometre (or millimicron for short) was born. Then in 1960, the U.S. (being what they are) decided, (their ‘National Bureau of Standards’ decided actually) to ‘officially’ adopt the prefix ‘nano’ for ‘a billionth’ and, as everything in the world has to be done the way the Americans do it, we now know our one billionth of a meter measurement as a nanometer. (10-9)
The advantages of this, to our m atom measuring scientists soon became clear, for as well as only needing an extremely tiny tape measure, he could now measure atoms, molecules, bacteria and whatever else his heart and science fancied. To give the Reader some idea of the size of what he is attempting to measure and an idea how small atoms are:
Think about like working on your tan on the beach in Cairns (North Qld. Aust) and having nothing better to do, you engage your visiting mother-in-law lying next to you, in a casual race to count 100 individual grains of sand. You, of course, let her win, and overjoyed, she immediately declares in memory of the momentous occasion, she shall take them with her when she, luckily for you, is just leaving on the next flight south for Melbourne. Victoria.
Not keen on her returning any time soon, you impress her by promising to try to recount the sand grains from Cairns when she gets there.! From that distance, around 2,300 kilometers away, the grains of sand, even with a BIG telescope and very long tweezers would be miniscule. That is what counting atoms would be like. On your return from the beach it is hot and consequently you gulp down a whole liter of water and imagine, in your joy that you will finally be spending time with your wife alone. What you have failed to realize however is that, were the water molecules in your single liter of water the same size as your grains as sand, you would have to run, but there would be nowhere to run, because you, your mother-in-law in Melbourne and everybody else all around the world as well, in fact the whole Earth would be covered in sand 30 miles deep.! And remember that’s just one liter of water. That’s how tiny and how many atoms there are.!
Luck with your water investigation boys !!!!!
(ps – the mother in law gag is mine !!!)
Opps – Obviously the diagrams from my papers extract don’t show here in this forums format.
Now I am so confused, your first paragraph lost me, no water in my whisky from now on, not even a ice block.
Perhaps a source for dummies to examine, as I do not have a mother in law to explain it all to me.
I never even understood what a ‘ion’ was in chemistry class.
Try this: have a person explain whether they think/ conceive in colour or only envisage black on black. No picture, just a concept of the mind.
When people realise the difference in the student body, maybe they will be able to instruct competently.
I have found it enlightening to understand the varying ability……. as they say, walk a mile in another’s shoes and then one has a knew pair of shoes.
Yair. Blardy dangerous stuff, water.
Many years ago and aged and infirm relative of mine (on his way out) was asked “what’s wrong with you Joe?” He said: “I took to putting some water in m’ whisky and I think it’s rusted m’ pipes”.
Peter, i do know a bit about water and it is obvious there is so much more to learn. fascinating that at 100% humidity the water in the air is lighter than the air due to the lattice structure it takes on. days and days of discussion. your kelvin experiment gave me goose bumps like Marys treatise did – very exciting to see others acknowledge the most under-rated force co-habitating our planet which provides ALL things i consider to be biological life. still wondering why no one has a cult of water… WATER must be the devil, the great destroyer ;}
All very boring until I happened on Kevix and Peter.
Now to spend a month on it! If I can find it all again with time.
A ref paper/s might assist. Then I can entertain the gran c.
All very boring you reckon. Well you could not have clicked onto the post at the very top – “Charles Darwin on the Ouija Channel”. It should if you have a sense of humour brighten up your day.
Just skipped through the original theory and more bored.
Wake me when all the theorists become just as bored and admit that they have no idea and just massage their egos with infinities making a dollar in a sfa blackout.
When I was at a university college, two bottles of port to 1 am resolved nothing with theorists
But that at least was entertaining and 0ver 55 years on nothing has been resolved……… unless one feels it in the spirit and lives accordingly. (No pun intended)
You either have it or you don’t.
Good oh. Now that’s comfortably resolved (cornered) the matter so that it cannot be reasonably investigated.
In the yellow corner we have a bunch of Bible bashers and in the green corner we have the bunch of just follow the mob and the umpire is the scoffing zeitgeist. The rules of the match is “impartial” militant agnosticism.
(Agnostic = you can’t know… or more accurately, the sole dogma of agnosticism is that the only thing you can know for sure is that you can’t know anything for sure).
So then, since there is no immutable reality in that competition, (like natural laws and the rules of logic) it’s all relative and the zeitgeist (the casino “house”) will always win.
Ned, you might as well have another bottle of port and just flake out as you don’t seem to be at all interested in the nuts and bolts of gaining knowledge and understanding of reality.
O D.
Perhaps you did not read my comment at 5.49 above.!
It is :the reality’ I am interested in and as for the slight, it is 60 years since i really shared some port, if you do not mind.
NO worries Ned –
Were this forums format able I could show you and actual – real time image – of a particle acting as both things AT THE SAME TIME !!!! Same as science and religion! (except they don’t currently comprehend it) Christ described it perfectly – I am IN the Father and the Father is IN ME.
Don’t get too excited, Peter. There are lots of things in subatomic physics that don’t conform to what we observe in macro physics… double slit experiments, cathode ray phenomenon, dual properties of EMR, and lots and lots more.
However, no matter how hard the speech makers in ivory towers try to pretend that macro physics is rendered obsolete and irrelevant the whole blardy lot still works perfectly. I dunno about you but I wouldn’t want to be climbing into an aeroplane that was designed by f’n idiots that decided that because known laws of gravity and inertia don’t apply at atomic level they don’t apply at all.
peter, thanks for the ego boost – i enjoy these types of experiments as they help reveal a bigger scope. i dont consider knowledge or new information as egging me on. ‘egging me on’ kinda implies that i am off the reservation, yes? the glass experiment is what i use to conceptualize a still universe coming into motion based on sound – in my opinion (and remember i am a nobody – not funny kevin smith) this is harmonious to the big bang theory. this is MY theory, i developed it from studying religion, studying astronomy AND astrology, from science and pop culture and i work in the industry. What i think i know i choose to believe in – that is it, i am consciously choosing my belief system based on personal EXPERIENCE. in terms of the math, once i realized, early in high-school, that there was something not quite right about our math (we take a circle and measure it with triangles, i kinda gave up on NEEDING to perform the ritual of calculus and decided to use my innate ability to visualize in proportions. if i have to do a proof then i am just not that excited about it. I really appreciate you reading my crap and following up with insight and experiments – cheers to you sir!
” i can see already the discourse of the commentators (including myself) will fixate on either intelligent design or some sort of evolutionary path”
At last read this as it is not what you think it is.. If you skim or just look at headings you will be no wiser of the subject
Intelligent Design
Arlyn, did you just tell me what i think ;} i am very excited about the write up. when ever new true information comes in, it is always exciting to tie it to other theories i have. i read every word, and i have to read it several time due to my dyslexia. i have studied many spiritual paths when the church i belonged to gave me the boot for calling out there blatant hypocrisy – i was true believer. when i make those type of blanket statements, i am mainly talking about me and my multiple archetypes (personalities) my sound is that of the turkey gobble -blblblblblbl
Great to hear that! 🙂 That article is not theories it is based on fact and faith. Enjoy
Pfizer “just like Jesus” says UK Health Sec
Tests show miracle vax 100% safe for those who don’t take it.
The UK Health Secretary, Matt Crocodile, today declared that the pharmaceutical company Pfizer is “just like Jesus”.
Speaking to a hushed and largely servile House of Commons, he broke down and openly wept tears of joy at how Pfizer’s scientists, after minutes of extensive research in which every stone was left unturned in the search for a magic potion that would solve all the government’s problems, had achieved,
“a genuine miracle on a par with turning the Dead Sea into a basket of loaves and fishes like what it says in the Bible”.
The suddenly deeply spiritual Crocodile said through his tears that this is probably the greatest turning point in history on a par with the Second Coming of the Messiah – or even better – that will “undoubtedly prove the salvation of what is left of the human race”.
He went on to detail how enlightened beings with huge brains, suffused with a love of humanity had laboured through the night (last Tuesday) to produce a magic elixir conjured . . . um, miraculously, from dead fecal matter and antifreeze that will:
Spare people everywhere from having to listen to the government endlessly banging on about a fake pandemic whilst installing a dictatorship that will instruct everybody to be safe, or else – which, let’s face it, has gotten quite annoying.
Miraculously boost the well being and longevity of pharmaceutical interests across the world and similar planets.
Not kill everybody and – who knows? – maybe just a small minority of people who were, according to scientists, destined to die eventually anyway.
Crocodile explained how the aforementioned night-long research and the exploration of thousand of press releases have established beyond reasonable thought that the new vax is completely harmless apart from its side effects and proven not to kill any known Coronavirus.
And he added:
“And just to sweep any doubters under the carpet , this has nothing to do with any so-called plans to cull the population and you can trust me on that.”
Read on –
I am not going to read on,
It is either delightful Sarcasm or the fellow is an idiot and those who listened to it should be ashamed to be present with a idiot.
Mr cross, that was an awesome display of correct journalism, no thats funny right there, even Ned got a little chuckle i am sure ;}
“The UK Health Secretary, Matt Crocodile, today declared that the pharmaceutical company Pfizer is “just like Jesus”
These people are deranged insane megalomaniacs with no conception of reality Jesus is the Creator and Pfizer is just another vaccine company that produces toxic and contaminated vaccines that injure and murder babies, children and adults a with the criminal consortium called ‘government’. They will pay a heavy price for the lies and the crimes against humanity
World Vaccine Polls
Meanwhile, seeing as Mary has officially stated that we don’t have to advise when we’re going off topic, I might as well go off on a tangent.
The following is from an article I read today by one of the more outstanding home grown financial commentators (Vern Gowdie) this country has been blessed with :
‘A view of where we might be headed is illustrated by the 2-year sovereigns (Government bonds with a 2 year maturity), listed below:
‘Current Yield
‘U.S. 0.160 %
‘Australia 0.110 %
‘Belgium MINUS 0.735 %
‘Denmark MINUS 0.622 %
‘France MINUS 0.692 %
‘Germany MINUS 0.729 %
‘Italy MINUS 0.406 %
‘Japan MINUS 0.124 %
‘Netherlands MINUS 0.721 %
‘Spain MINUS 0.582 %
‘Sweden MINUS 0.371 %
‘U.K. MINUS 0.031 %
The shorter dated government bonds are showing even GREATER negative yields.
Bottom Line : The Covid hoax has been engineered for a number of reasons and one of which is to convince the rubes that a Cashless Society is the way to go – after all, that way you won’t be getting Covid passed on by the those ‘infected’ banknotes (even though it’s been proven that the virus cannot be transmitted this way).
And, once we’re in a cashless society, all your savings will be stored as digital bits and bytes and you’ll ‘earn’ whatever rate our wise overlords give you – which is likely to be NEGATIVE.
That’s right, you’ll PAY them for the honour of storing your money and get less back than you originally deposited.
Even if we don’t get a cashless society, the unprecented low interest rate environment that we’re in today has been engineered by design.
There was a time when someone could have retired on the superannuation nest egg and lived off the historical average ‘at call’ bank deposit rates of 5 – 7 % (and even more if you locked it into term deposits).
That time is no more.
With ‘at call’ deposits earning under 1 % in Oz and slightly more on term deposits (and virtually zero in the other major western economies), savers have to draw down their saving nest egg and it will be exhausted long before they die – leaving them dependent on their government overlords for the pension in future, which will no doubt be a pittance.
In years gone by, said retirees would live off the interest generated form their retirement nest egg whilst the principal invested stayed intact or even had capital growth.
No more.
Investors are now drawn to the stock market for those higher returns and fully franked dividend streams from the banks and that may work for a while – until it doesn’t and said banks crash (when the Usury Banking Cartel decides to crash world stock markets – and rest assured THEY WILL).
One less than savvy commenter here on Gumshoe has been carrying on about the 15 % rise in bank shares (conveniently chosen coming off the major crash the index had in March).
One can always claim a certain ‘gain’ if one cherry picks the starting point as the trough of a major decline.
Did he buy more shares at the low point ? Rest assured he did not, but he nevertheless likes to crow about his phantom gains after the event.
The following is a graph of the index for the financials for the last year (effectively charting the performance of the big four banks since they comprise well over 90 % of the index) :
As you can see, even after the rise from the trough in March, investors are well below the February high.
Said unsavvy investor may start whining that I’ve cherry picked the last 12 months on purpose which aren’t telling the whole story.
OK then, just click the ‘5yr’ tab above the chart and let’s see how the banking shares have done over that period.
Oh dear, oh dear, it’s even more dismal – just like his record on Gumshoe overall.
I get it! Usury is only bad if someone else is doing it!
Ha, naughty you, you been sneaking a look at the x22 reports over the last two years?
Maybe I have Ned.
Or maybe I’ve gotten it from other sources that X22 also plagiarised.
You decide.
Do not notice much plageurising of Q from other sources.
At least you might consider some credibilty now from zio Dave……. after all, he is just a ‘copycat’ with a opinion similar to your other sources?
Zio-Dave may well have conducted his own due diligence and come to those conclusions on his own.
If so, he is to be commended.
And if you had bought a bag of old silver coins, here is what they would be worth now.
The value fluctuates up and down, but over the years it is a rising trend. When the internet crashes or the power grid goes down, it is always nice to have a REAL coin to trade for some substance.
Had two tablespoons tonight….. loovelie.
Gold up this week from about 2,420’s to 2500 and a bit.
Still 200 to go to be back and comfortable and then ……..? Hopefully q ( with T) will deliver with his golden wand.
Now back to Adam and Eve for the other mystical theorists.
is it a mystery that the theorists discourse changes to money below? What does that say about our thoughts on god?
Nothing. Money provided all God’s houses on earth. He just did not like them being used as banks to tax the poor faithful for the pharisees and who by the that means circumvented what should ‘be rendered to Caesar’.
Seeing that we are all theorists, have a peak at my comment at the end of this thread with the link therewith.
Yeah, gold hit A$2,800 a while back, but things happen with the manipulated market and the exchange rate. Check back in a year…
Some sage advice there from Ned and the Shulze man.
Do not forget pre ww11 threepences for the peasants…….. I even have heaps of farthings and pennies. (Dad was a country bank manager and we went through the safe before he retired……. but I left the Webley (:-} )
Getting back to the 2 year Government Bond returns for the various countries in my post above, all of them have been manipulated to be so low.
But this is especially true for countries like Italy and Spain (Greece and Portugal, although not featured in the listing above also have infinitesimal returns on their sovereign bonds).
As I recall, these countries were those that comprised the acronym P.I.G.S. ie: those countriies that were in financial turmoil and were not able to service the interest on their foreign debt obligations, let alone reduce the principal owed in the wake of the GFC in 2008/09.
Let’s take Greek Government 10 yr bonds as an example.
in 2012 they spiked to over 35 % as Greece was unable to service the interest repayments :
(Click on to the ’10Y’ tab at the bottom left of the graph and see the Greek 10 yr bond yields for the last 10 years).
Investors naturally demanded a higher rate of return to be coaxed into buying said bonds because there was a high risk of default and loss of your entire investment.
Now, 8 years later and with Greece being more indebted than before, are we to believe that Greece has suddenly been made whole and the likelihood of default is no more ?
Judging by the current yield on Greek 10 yr bonds (0.63 %), you would think so.
Bottom Line : The entire western world bond market (and the world stock markets – especially the U.S NASDAQ and NYSE), are an almighty hoax.
Interest rates have been manipulated down by the Zionist Dominated Usury Banking Cartel. This they do by utilising the central banks that they own/control (Federal Reserve/ECB/Bank of England etc) to create trillions of USD / Euros / British Pounds to purchase these Sovereign bonds which increases their value – the corollary of this is that yields go in the inverse direction.
When this Usury Banking Cartel decides, at a time that suits them, to stop these bond purchases, said bond yields will go to the moon, home mortgage interest repayments will go through the roof and the world will go into an inflationary depression the likes of which the history books have never seen.
It might not happen this year or even the next, and the Zio-cabal could well extend it for quite a while, to make sure first we’re all indebted to the gills, with all over our money invested in the stock market, over-leveraged in the property market or in Bitcoin, before they pull the plug.
But pull the plug they surely will.
Yep, the central banker’s money printing fraud with the private federal reserve from 1913 was /IS ending, no doubt, because they could not clean it all out with a lovely world war, but Trump has screwed their lifeboat.
Now for the ‘fiscal fiend fun’ backed up with a coincidental spamdemic with aunty feardemic to destroy small business and profit the corporate globalists.
Next, as suspected by Terry, DESIGNED FAMINE. ( worked for Stalin)
THEN WE ARE STUFFED? ‘Let em eat insects’!
If desperate I think I will prefer banker, politicians and mass media shanks with shock joke gravy.
Then again, I may as well eat cockroaches, tastes the same……… unless Eve still has a apple core left over which is not likely, the bankers have already gorged everything provided to them by the snake.
Yes Vig, well put –
When you comprehend just how they have created FAKE money from NOTHING for 2x century + by mort-guage – raked in the real money and then CANCELLED the FAKE money and transferred the REAL WEALTH they now have gained by deceit – you will have grasped the Demonic money CON in its entirety. (It’s Demon-cratic)
Maybe I should have kept the Webley then?
For all the theorists, have a go at this.
I have saved it for the end, something I have suspected for decades.
Have fun out of the conditioned box!
‘Immaculate conception’ as an example. Nothing knew for those who knew how.