by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The concept of eusociality refers to an animal species acting in such a coordinated way as to be like one giant organism. In the list of 17 eusocial species discovered so far, there is only one mammal species, the African mole rat. I won’t stop to discuss the lifestyle of this ancient rodent other than to say that if mole-rats had license plates, they would not desire to sport a license plate like that of New Hampshire which says “Live Free or Die.” A creature within a eusocial group does not crave freedom.
The closest any human comes to feeling eusocial may be the soldier in battle. This article will describe the irrational situation of the soldier. One time, when I made a remark at Gumshoe about the biology of the killing instinct in war, a reader named Eddy gave me a swift reprimand. He had been conscripted into the Vietnam war and was sure he had no killing instinct. I will credit Eddy’s view below.
Today, on top of all the personal stress being suffered in all countries, thanks to the Covid pandemic, there are rumors of war. Possible participants are the NATO countries, with Russia, Iran, and perhaps China, on the other. Please consider this article an anti-war piece, even though I am going to describe the DNA we inherited which makes it relatively easy for men to sacrifice their lives when the tribe or the nations calls for it. I will also argue that our war instinct is being manipulated for the benefit of a few — another biological trait of ours!
Gen. George Crile’s Book
George Crile’s “A Mechanistic view of War and Peace” was written in 1915. The US did not enter the Great War until 1917, but Dr George Crile was there in France, as a US Army general, providing hospital for the wounded. He was 50 years old and had a background in working with lab animals to see how various stresses caused changes in the animal’s kinetic system — thyroid, adrenals, and liver. So it is not surprising that he soon saw the battlefield as a laboratory.
I will first, however, walk you through Crile’s analysis of the suffering of the Belgian nation, which Germany had recently conquered. It will ring a bell with you as to how everyone is now under stress, with “Covid,” as is seen in number of suicides, depressions, and loss of ambition.
“The purpose of Germany was to strike down the armed and unarmed resistance of Belgium with massive and overwhelming force. [They had] to terrorize and subjugate the whole people.”
Note: double quotes means it comes from the book Mechanistic View. If no double quotes, it means I am paraphrasing that book. Nothing in this Crile section is from me.
Man is much more cruel to his own species than when he deals with animals. Millions of cows are killed for beef but without sustained suffering. Lab animals are dealt with under anesthesia and are cleanly killed.
“Examination of the organs of patients who have died demonstrate that insomnia, physical injury, physical exertion, fear, anger, grief, homesickness, produce lesions in the organs of the kinetic system.”
(Crile’s book actually shows section of those organs, in photos, comparing a suffering person with a normal one.)
“The woman who has seen her husband assaulted or killed, her home burned, her daughter outraged, her children starving, is herself permanently modified.” Owing to lengthy strain, one of the kinetic-system organs — thyroid, adrenal, liver, will breakdown and a disease will appear.
“Belgians had their contact ceptors hurt by bullets and bayonets, and had their distance ceptors stimulated by threatening aircraft, by the confiscation of their possessions, by the destruction of their art and their institutions of learning.” [Does this sound familiar?]
Crile on the Phylogeny of War-making
Now I will discuss what Crile sees as the human animal going to war. He is referring to ages past, so don’t be thinking “It does not apply today in a trumped-up war.” In due course, we’ll get to that issue. “Patterns of action” is Crile’s term for the musculature response to a stimulus — such as the two just mentioned: bayonets or confiscation, i.e., theft, of your goods. You fight.
Part of these patterns is innate and part is learned. Crile compares fish, which have never known any parent, with birds that receive a lot of care and training, and then humans where we pick up our society’s thoughts. But even in humans the innate part is still working.
“Lying on the ground for the first time, while waiting for orders to charge is perhaps the most trying ordeal for the soldier, as his instinct urges him to face the on-coming enemy. He is under extreme emotion; his heart pounds, his knees shake, his body is flushed with heat.”
Crile’s mechanistic theory is as follows: The soldier’s brain is activated by the approach of the enemy. The activated brain in turn stimulates the adrenals, the thyroid, and the liver. This throws into the blood more than the normal quantity of thyreoiodin, adrenalin, and glycogen. These activating substances are for the purpose of facilitating attack or escape. But as these secretions aren’t being utilized in attack or escape, heat and the muscular actions of shaking and trembling are produced. Also, the rapid transformation of energy causes correspondingly rapid production of acid by-products.
“The law of continuity holds from the savage grappling with wild beasts to the present grinding struggle of competition. The savage stalks or ambushes his enemy or his prey in direct personal effort, and settles the issue by physical prowess. Civilized man stalks, ambushes, and attacks indirectly through trade and commerce.”
Whether in the field or in the shop, the man is exerting his strength to get the yield of food, shelter, and clothing.
“The descendants of the cave have captured and domesticated lightning; they have enslaved the world with a copper nervous system which enables them to activate the action patterns of, and in turn be activated by hundreds of millions of the human race. A slight change in the chemistry of a human brain cell may wreck a bank in India, or fire the first gun of a great war.”
Man is hurling his energies against his environment to the end that he may live. From the simple laborer to the head of the greatest enterprise, the transformation of energy is made in accordance with the same principle, by the same organs, and for the same reasons as the transformation of energy in animals.
“There is no difference between the orderly struggle of man to supply their material needs and the brutish attacks of the carnivora upon their prey.”
“The instinct of self-preservation in the acquisition of food is nowhere more clearly evidenced then in the persistence hunting instinct in man. How suggestive it is that man, possessing vast fortunes and surrounded by every luxury, frequently yearns to hunt and to fish, to be dirty and hungry and will stalk and kill, carrying not at all for discomfort. And when the trout is hooked, what a display of excitement over the conquest! It is as if a life were at stake.”
The same is true of play. A child’s phylogenetic history is revealed by the game of hide-and-seek. As children become adults, they play games progressively more intricate; but in all periods of life games consist of contest, of struggle, of attack and defense. Whether in card games, chess, billiards, tennis, or football, the spirit of fight is ever present – not only for the players but for the spectators.
“Under this conception of man as mechanism, every reaction of man in the survival struggle is inevitable and is determined by the forces employed in the struggle.”
Modern War, per Gen Smedley Butler
Now we have to switch gears. Although Crile has given a brilliant comparison of man and animal, he has explained fighting as plain old fighting. Of course he knows that when one group fights another, soldiers have different action patterns than laborers in the field.
But in modern times there is an additional problem: one’s nation may not be warring for the benefit of the population. Soldiers may be called up for a purpose that is not publicly admitted to. General Smedley Butler of the US Marines, produced a pamphlet called “War Is a Racket.” He wrote, in 1935:
“In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War….How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle?….The general public shoulders the bill.… Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds…. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out.”
He also said:
“I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism.”
I cannot sketch the physiology of such a soldier as General Butler, who had started his career as a Private. He can’t have felt the same high from defeating an enemy who was not really his enemy. (He specified Nicaragua as a place where he performed military feats for Wall Street.
Eddy’s Issue
So now we come to the matter presented by Eddy. He did not want to fight in Vietnam. You may recall that the public, by the late 1960s, was holding rallies and vigils to oppose the US and Australian presence in that country. The hostilities between North and South Vietnam could be seen as a fight against Communism but may also be interpreted as a people’s war of liberation.
Again, I cannot figure what this must have done to the emotions of the reluctant soldiers. If Crile is right (and I’d bet my house on Crile), the very naming of a group as “enemy” would bring out the old action patterns. Yet here, there were man opposing what they were told to do. What a mess! Some of it was channeled into fragging.
And what of the covert and wholly immoral practice in Vietnam known as Operation Phoenix? Captured enemy Viet Cong were tortured, allegedly for the purpose of extracting information. But information can be extracted by sodium amytal or hypnosis.
The same is true of the massive torture that went on in Iraq at Abu Ghraib. And consider this: the United States did not have any plausible reason to be in Iraq. The photo of “shock and awe” shown above stems from the 1991 “war” where you could possibly find a justification, in the alleged preparation by Saddam Hussein to attack Kuwait. In 2003 the US invaded Iraq for no reason.
(Thank you, Eddy.)
Who Makes the Decisions?
In this series of articles on eusociality, I am playing with the idea of a society acting as an organism (perhaps like an ant colony). I want to see if we measure up. Above, I said that a soldier — in the olden days at least — was physiologically tailored to make the ultimate sacrifice for his group. But in the 21st century it is visible to the naked eye that the military of, say, NATO, is performing various stunts to shift power hither and thither.
Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor’s 2014 book, Hidden History, has revealed that even in World War I, the decision makers were not as advertised. I personally have been on almost a fulltime mission, for 16 years, to find out who makes decisions on many events, and cannot report success.
Listen to Eric Bogle’s song and you just get the hint:
Now when I was a young man, I carried me pack
And I lived the free life of the rover
From the Murray’s green basin to the dusty outback
Well, I waltzed my Matilda all over.
Then in 1915, my country said, “Son
It’s time you stopped rambling, there’s work to be done.”
So they gave me a tin hat, and they gave me a gun,
And they marched me away to the war.
And the band played Waltzing Matilda,
As the ship pulled away from the quay,
And amidst all the cheers, the flag-waving and tears
We sailed off for Gallipoli….
Who Has the Authority To Declare War?
In 1939 in Australia, Prime Minister Robert Menzies went on radio and said:
“Fellow Australians, it is my melancholy duty to inform you officially that in consequence of a persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland, Great Britain has declared war upon her and that, as a result, Australia is also at war.”
I don’t think that was even correct at the time. And why didn’t Australia’s monarch make the announcement?
In the US, there is, at least on paper (parchment, I mean) an instruction that no war will be entered into without the will of the people. What a joke. Starting with the “Korean conflict,” Congress jettisoned its responsibility. In that one instance, SCOTUS came to the rescue, at least by saying that a war was happening. (See the Steel Mills case.) After that, even SCOTUS would not play ball.
I have gone to court twice over this (Maxwell v Bush, 2006, and Maxwell v Trump 2018), and at least 22 others have gone to court including 53 Congressmen, in Dellums v Bush, 1991, and a state, in Massachusetts v Laird, 1970. No joy.
The Newest, Most Radical War — the Great Reset
I think — I hope — that the Bozos have blown it. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (as in “A funny thing happened to me on the way to the forum”?) has openly stated that he, almost singlehandedly, is conducting a great reset of the economy of all the peoples of the world.
How far does one have to go to advertise that one is doing something that people don’t want and that makes no sense? (Unless you are a Bozo.)
Tell me if I’m wrong here: I interpret Schwab’s declaration to be a declaration of war. Against whom? Against us. All of us. Therefore, the sensible thing to do is to take up the challenge and go to war against him.
According to an extremely smart doctor, whose praises I have not yet begun to sing — Dr George Crile (1864-1943) — our savage brain, which never leaves us, knows the proper action pattern. In fact we can’t escape using the action pattern that has come down to us through the kinetic system, over the eons.
We are biologically tailored (Crile does not use the word tailored) to preserve our life. We do this both individually and for our whole group — our group being the basis of our economic survival.
War, anyone?
Who dunnit?
A Russian super bomb was wot dunnit, so it is reckoned by some who are itching for a war.
I think Mary the real problem is that people, even people who try to, do not understand how the world really works AND worse than that, the closer you get to the truth of that the more the enormity of the evil involved overwhelms.
While commendable your eusociality and George Crile analysis it appears is one of those logic based attempts to fathom mankinds psyche which is doomed to failure for just that reason.
This is why our relationship with God through Christ is so vital as without it the more you think you know the less it makes sense. Unless you have spiritual insight it cant be fathomed adequately.
Hapatia – i wonder what she would say to peter about a religion based on the victim-perp-savior relationship? that grand ole story of haman and the re-enactment of the purim. that religion seemed to have killed the good ones and left the morally inflicted… I know that story gets me a little criley…
Had never seen this younger version:
Excuse me, what are we waiting for?
“Sexual humiliation.” Now isn’t that clever?
Proof of the Dumbing Down of America:
Remember when Michael feigned care for the kidnapped Nigerian girls …?
Some appropriate responses
Great article Mary – did you say Menzies took Australia to war on the basis of “a persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland”? Wow – I wasn’t aware of that specific link in wording. More on that in due course.
The tribe would love to find a way to provoke Russia into invading Ukraine as they did with Germany.
Julius’s girlfriend:
A good war is a quick war (??)
• Deterring Putin – U.S.-Ukraine Foundation
Robert McConnell (facilitator/host)
John Herbst
Gen. Phil Breedlove
Debra Cagan
I am amazed at how these people can talk so much and say so little … a toxic echo chamber of hawks if ever there was one.
Blast from the recent past …
• Victoria Nuland: Ukrainians Deserve For Respect From Their Government
referenced here
• American and Israeli Zionists behind Civil Unrest in Ukraine
By the way, thanks for the Crile reference. I had not heard of him and now have the PDF.
Prime Minister Robert Menzies:
“Fellow Australians, … in consequence of a persistence by Germany in her invasion of Poland … “
But why did Germany invade Poland?
This has to be answered in several parts – context is important.
You really have to go back to the Balfour Declaration and the Diktat of Versailles which arose out of WWI, which itself was contrived by “The ((London-Based Elite Globalist Banksters))” to destroy potential rival empires or nation states that challenged their money-generating usury and debt-enslavement schemes.
So with reference to the cited ‘Hidden Truths’ by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor:
Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor
• Jeff J Brown with David Pear On Who And Why WWI Was Started, Then Prolonged. MSM And Your Textbooks Are All Lies.
Here is the co-author himself, Gerry Docherty in an interview with James Corbett.
• Gerry Docherty On The Hidden History Of World War One (James Corbett Interview)
James Corbett produces an excellent three-part series which can be found here
• WWI Conspiracy
Part One: To Start A War
Part Two: The American Front
Part Three: A New World Order
Import complementary reference:
• Ponsonby Arthur – Falsehood in War-Time (1928)
Ponsonby writes:
“Facts must be distorted, relevant circumstances concealed and a picture presented which by its crude colouring ill persuade the ignorant people that their Government is blameless, their cause is righteous, and that the indisputable wickedness of the enemy has been proved beyond question.“
“Departments have to be created to see to the psychological side. People must never be allowed to become despondent; so victories must be exaggerated and defeats, if not concealed, at any rate minimized, and the stimulus of indignation, horror, and hatred must be assiduously and continuously pumped into the public mind by means of “propaganda.”
“… the injection of the poison of hatred into men’s minds by means of falsehood is a greater evil in wartime than the actual loss of life. The defilement of the human soul is worse than the destruction of the human body.”
Parts 2+ TBC …
At 24:44 Jeff J Brown with David Pear:
“… they did it against the Germans – they lied about the Germans – they lied about everything – about the Germans, about Germany. And it works – unfortunately it works – you know, I mean when you … own the media you can make people believe anything you want them to want them to believe and that’s what they did in World War I and you can see it happening with Russiagate and Xinjiang and China and … Cuba and Iran and Syria. It’s just non-stop incessant – you know, I call it the Big Lie.”
“… when you own the media you can make people believe anything you want them to believe”
Yesterday Crisscross posted this article.
• The Formation of Reuter-Havas-Wolff News Monopoly and Cartel
Part 2 – Why Did Menzies Declare War on Germany? {or Why Did Germany Invade Poland?]
• Polish Atrocities Against the German Minority in Poland
• What Hitler Said about the Danzig and Bromberg Massacres of ethnic Germans by predominantly Jewish-Bolshevik terror gangs, known as Bloody Sunday. The Real Reason Germany Invaded Poland.
“Just three days before the start of the history-altering genocidal tragedy that was World War II, Adolf Hitler pleaded for peace with Britain and France. His sincere overtures were ignored as the Allies, under the phony pretext of “protecting” their aggressive and militaristic Polish ally, declared war first, leading to the subsequent half-decade long world war.
Supported from ‘behind the scenes’ by elements in the UK, France and the US, Smigly–Rydz, Commander-in-Chief of Poland’s armed forces at the time was encouraged to ignore Hitler’s sincere and generous proposals for resolving the bizarre and hated partition [Versailles] that had caused tension ever since the end of World War I.
At one point, Hitler had even agreed to give up claims to western Prussia in exchange for the return of Danzig and a one-mile wide highway–railway passage linking Germany to eastern Prussia.
Underestimating Germany’s resolve, overestimating Poland’s power and foolishly trusting in the western intriguers who were manipulating his bloated imperialistic ego, Smigly ignored Hitler’s offers and ratcheted up the abuse of Germans trapped in western Prussia and Danzig. The suffering of the Prussian Germans is not ‘Nazi propaganda”. It is historical fact which the West’s “court historians” have purposely edited out of their Orwellian history books.
Believing that the western powers were truly behind him, the cowardly Smigly ‘stood down’ and allowed predominantly Jewish-Bolshevik terror gangs to attack innocent Germans; both within “Prussian Poland” and inside of German border towns as well. These gangs of Red “Partisans” as well as other Polish ultra-nationalists had been salivating at the prospect of triggering a Western [sic] “holy war” against Germany ever since 1933. [see https://rense.com/general84/declare.htm%5D
The brutality of the mass killings gives an indication of the type of abuse that innocent Germans trapped in Poland had been suffering while Smigly “looked the other way”.
Hitler: “I must also mention, however, that this admitted valour of Polish units stands in contrast to the dirtiest deeds committed throughout the past centuries. As a soldier in the World War who fought only in the West, I never had to witness such deeds. The thousands of slaughtered German people. The brutishly butchered women, girls and children: the countless German soldiers and officers who fell, wounded, into the hands of the enemy and who were massacred, bestially mutilated with their eyes gouged out. And worse yet – the Polish government has openly admitted this in a radio broadcast. There are moments when one has to ask oneself: under these circumstances, should one exercise self-restraint? I have not heard whether any of the democratic statesmen found it worth their while to protest against these acts of barbarity. Tens of thousands were abducted, abused and murdered in the most gruesome manner. Sadistic beasts let themselves go and allowed their perverted instincts run free! And the pious democratic world stood by without batting an eyelid! It is most difficult to exercise restraint here, and I would like to stress on this occasion, the democratic states ought not to be so vain as to believe this state of affairs could continue forever!”
Full speech here
• Hitler Speech Danzig Bromberg Massacres Ethnic Germans
This topic in 6,500 words by John Wear:
• Why Germany Invaded Poland – John Wear (republished on The Unz Review)
“Let’s Go Menzies!“ “Let’s Do War!!”
Part 3:
• World War II Was Stalin’s War – Paul Craig Roberts (republished on The Unz Review)
And here from Ron Unz himself in 20,500 words:
• American Pravda: Understanding World War II – Ron Unz (American Pravda series)
• “The Myth of German Villainy” by Brenton L. Bradbury
• Interview with Brenton L. Bradbury about his book
But let’s not put all the blame on Churchill …
• Roosevelt Conspired to Start World War II in Europe – John Wear
The winners write the narrative, but it’s certainly not ‘history’ – no more that Fauci is ‘science’.
Thank you for bringing much to the table, Julius. Fact is, you have inspired several of the Parts in this Eusociality series, including thissa one.
Boy, am I pissed off that I can’t show this article to my buddy “EO.” Missed my chance by less than a month, after 43 years of friendship. (He died on Boxing Day.)
I took his Natural Science core course in a building blandly named “The Science Center.” Harv-harv had better hasten to rename it “the EO Wilson Building.” What a guy.
I didn’t even get to send him “Part 1 “Adam and Eve and EO Wilson,” which he would have loved, as his sense of humor was second to none.
Mary, did you mention ‘Colonel’ Edward M House?
• Covert Agent Edward Mandell House: The Enemy Within Wilson’s White House
After a quick search, my mistake – maybe it was Harry Dexter White – I know you’ve brought him/them up before, and they are certainly topical here.
• Harry Dexter White: An Enemy Within
Funnily enough, Fish, several hours ago I went back and added the Col House stuff to my Communism piece (Eusociality, Part 13), which is where House belongs. I said:
“mary maxwell January 18, 2022 at 12:16 pm
I forgot to include this in my communist inventory: During the reign of Woodrow Wilson as president, 1913-1921, he had as his housemate Col House. The said Colonel, who was no a colonel of anything, published, anonymously, a book about a nice socialist takeover in America: Phiilp Dru, Administrator. Whadda ya bet the NY Times gave it a great review.”
As for Crile, he has never got the honor he deserves. He was greatly valued within his field of surgery, but mainly for his invention of surgical instruments! I recommend his 2-volume Autobiography, which his wife wrote for him. Note: If you gargle for “George Crile” you will propbably get his son — same name but not same talent.
Just think, Crile composed his mechanistic theory more than a hundred years ago. And it has fallen on deaf ears.
But Eric Bogle’s song has penetrated many a heart. When I hear the line “as the ship pulled away from the quay,” I go nuts.
Mass murder, ordered by Churchill in 1915. Just like today — “And the band played Waltzing Mathilda, as the needle went into my arm….”
“The Turks buried theirs, and we buried ours, then we started all over again.” Oh please.
I thought I had finished my brain dump then this popped up … (comment by ‘Nicks87’ on …)
• Operation Keelhaul: Britain’s Repatriation of Anti-Communist Russians and Ukrainians to Stalin and Certain Death – Thomas Müller on Winter Watch
“At this point is anybody still arguing that WWI and WWII were NOT depopulation operations carried out by banksters and political con-men? I mean c’mon people, time to throw your high school and college history books in the trash because all that stuff is just obfuscation and cover for criminality.”
Yes, let’s not forget Operation Keelhaul. That reminds me – stay tuned (tomorrow) …
How about the Great Fire of London as a depop strategy. How about autism and Alzheimers. How about the Grenfell Tower.
Let’s try to put this in Crile’s framework: Ya do whatja gotta do to prevail.
Poor Churchill, thinking he had to do Keelhaul to prevail. He was really messed with as a child.
HMMMMMMM. OK, Julius. Part 15: Pedophilia
Rabbi quotes – WHALE
Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” ~ Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869 “Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism.”
Buyer Beware!
Published on January 15, 2022
Yesterday, someone inquired that the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variant are commercially available, so why do people say it has not been isolated?
If the virus has not been isolated, what are they selling in vials for $1200 a vial?
Please consider reading the description carefully. It is not the (isolated) virus but the lysate/isolate, i.e., soup from “culturing” the swab sample. For example, see here
Heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2, Delta variant (link)
Under Detailed product information/Comments
“This isolate is lineage AY.24″
“The following mutations are present in the clinical isolate:”
(Note the word “isolate,” which is cell culture/gunk, not the isolated virus)
Under Shipping information:
“Each vial contains approximately 0.25 mL of heat-inactivated, clarified cell lysate and supernatant”
(note the word “lysate,” which is the soup from the breakup of cells in medium/culture, not the virus).
For $1200, what’s the customer really buying? A diluted human mucus/phlegm/mucus from swab samples with all kinds of added chemicals (30+), including African green monkey kidney cell (Vero cells) broth.
In short, they are faking it and lying all the way with confidence and authority!
No wonder Costcos-, Walmarts, Amazons, etc., of the world, do not sell this stuff. They will be behind bars the following day for making such false claims and marketing. Remember Theranos (link)
The fact remains, no one has isolated, purified, and characterized the virus. Therefore, it is not available from anywhere. Sorry!
See more here: bioanalyticx.com
The British Crown and the CIA teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group PLC controlled by the Monarch Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins. Coronavirus was created and patented (US.Pat.No. 10,130,701.) by Pirbright Institute, Woking, Surrey.
A coronavirus manufactured to lie idle until it’s triggered by radio frequency, with nano-tech mRNA device ‘things’, hiding in vaxxxines that invade within, using 5G technology on command from Corbett Hill Earthstation – Direct Energy Weapons.
SERCO given infinite billions to build bio-weapons at Pirbright Institute Wellcome Trust Astra Zeneca Crown Agents Senior Executive Service (SES).
They’ve been stealing and weaponising patents since 1880’s. The patents being stolen are vaccines, wireless technology, communications, computers, propaganda, mind control and educational delivery systems.
Virus – naughty pictures!
There’s a war on for your mind –
OF Vs. WITH: What the MSM Aren’t Reporting
Make peace and love – not war!
[Instr.] V. Monti – “Csardas”, P. Sarasate – “Gypsy Airs” (Moranbong Band) {DPRK Music}
This is getting up towards 24 million views –
BESY Choir – He hideth my soul
.. And one more*Like – sensational. Shared.
Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar (2004) – This Book Will Give You Nightmares –
Featured here
Surprisingly frank
When international jewry wants the goyim of Australia to fight against the noble Germans of The Third Reich, Australians were stupid enough to simply obey and fight for jewry. When a short while later, USSR under bolshevik jewish rule invaded Poland from the east, how come Australia did not declare war on USSR?
That international jewry rigorously prohibited because it interferes with their genocidal plan to destroy Germany and kill all Germans.
And please look at Katryn forest massacre when this communist jewish power rounded up tens of thousands of Polish intelligentsia to torture and finally put a bullet through their heads and then fall into mass graves which was later discovered by the Germans and openly presented to independent investigation for the world to see. Hey, but that’s OK but this unsubstantiated lie about Germany’s brutality in Belgium is front page news.
On Katyn:
This three-part article written by Dmitry Bavyrin is a very biased piece by a very pro-Soviet/anti-German author, and translated by the host of the blog site (yalensis – Awful Avalanche). In disclosing the true culprits (the Soviets) the author’s main regret is that it provided Goebbels with ‘propaganda’ material which had to kept hushed.
Bavyrin: “Goebbelsian propaganda” is usually a synonym for “lying”, but in this case it was actually the truth.”
Grover Furr has been trying to rewrite history and rehabilitate
Grover Furr on the mystery of the Katyn massacre
The Mystery of the Katyn Massacre: The Evidence, The Solution – Grover Furr
Déjà vu the rapist and murderer Leo Frank …
The same mob are obviously still in control of Australia’s parliament. Hanna.
First Torah Completed in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra
More than 150 people attend the event, followed by a joyous procession in the streets
By Faygie Levy Holt October 23, 2017 2:35 PM
Comments by ‘Eddie’ on Winter Watch https://www.winterwatch.net/2022/01/operation-keelhaul-the-repatriation-of-anti-communists-to-stalin-and-death/#comment-25310
According to British documents, located in the British Public Records Office at Kew Gardens in London, over 500,000 Croatian civilians and 200,000 soldiers were handed over to Tito’s Yugoslav Partisan Army in May of 1945. Based on eyewitness testimony and independent documentation, we can only estimate that the vast majority were slaughtered.
May 15th 2014 marks 69 years since the days after WWII ended hundreds of thousands of innocent Croats (disarmed soldiers, civilians including women and children, fleeing communist Yugoslavia into promised freedom in the West found themselves slaughtered over the ensuing two months by Tito’s communists; the field at Bleiburg in Austria marks the central point where the slaughters began as the fleeing refugees were turned by the British forces into Yugoslavia, into the vicious and murderous hands of the communists, who dare to call themselves antifascists, under the pretence of forced repatriation.
Bleiburg British 8th Army Massacre Confessions.
Bolshevik Veteran Recalls Their Crimes In Germany.
I can’t help thinking that “eusociality” is an ideological “softening up” process preparing the ground for a “Great Reset”. Of course, as with all the proponents of eugenics based on Darwinist speculations, they say “I never said that” but their purpose is not to say it but to make you think it.
That “Yowie”, if nothing else more sinister, was a cunning proponent of a new Man to suit a new stage of “Evolution”. I am not the only one deeply suspicious of his insinuations.
Is our Mary ideologically linked to other notorious Maxwells?