by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
At, we know a lot of bad things about cops. This is mainly because they go along with bad court orders. They show up at the home of a good mother and take her kids off to a bad place. I like to blame the judges for that. This is because I always try to find the top person to hold responsible. (Another reason is that judgeship is sacred. Every judge should be way, way beyond corruption.)
Forgive me, Coppers, for not blaming you. I see now that I held you in too low esteem to blame you. My mistake. I assumed that your training at the Police Academy left you with one rule only: Do what the boss says. One almost never hears a cop speak out, such as about the many unjust arrests. But OK, maybe I was just too deaf to hear.
Now there’s Ottawa. Now there’s a convoy. Now policepersons in that city are seeing firsthand, and in huge numbers, that the people support the truckers. Then the cops get an order to harm the truckers. Eeks! Cognitive dissonance! Today’s news, February 10, 2022, is that many Canadian cops have quit, or have taken leave, rather than do the dirty.
I’ll expand on that in a moment, but first here is my proof of good cops, thinking cops. I clipped five statements out of YouTube videos to show you the range of approaches they are taking. One cop from Edmonton (province of Alberta) says her heart is breaking every day, as she sees her former life in a totalitarian country being played out in Canada. Another Albertan, from Calgary, says “We are all part of history right now, [so the question is] which side do you want to be on?”
Above, I said that I like to blame the top-most person. But the top-most decider of what to do in regard to the convoy is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and by now almost everyone realizes he is not his own man. He is taking orders from a behind-the-scenes persons, such as happens in many countries when the IMF runs the show.
Thus, Canadian cops are forced to see that if they don’t decide to do the right thing, there is no one up there who can be counted on to do it. (As I said, in the child protection line we rely on judges to fix things up, but they steadfastly refuse.) In Ottawa, the cops must be figuring that an IMF-type rulership cannot– logically — be interested in doing the right thing. So it falls to the men on the ground to restore humanity.
Strategically, and by luck, it was a help to the humane cause when Ottawa cops were ordered to steal the fuel from the truckers — which would have left the drivers, and some of their families, to freeze in their cabs. A prank-pulling citizen spotted an opportunity. He or she asked supporters to march down the street as though they were “illegally” en route to bring fuel to the convoy camp. But the colorful jerrycans they were carrying were empty!
Nothing could better show the willingness of folks to defy a bad law. “Jerrycan nullification” has made its debut. (I can’t wait for SCOTUS to take judicial notice of that!)
Here are five cops who have “gone on record.” Two of them are Australian. Please give them six minutes of your time:
A word about copyright. I do not own any of the film in those 5 clips. I trust the law of fair use permits me to use them for educational purposes. If any of the photographers wants me to “take it down,” I will. In which case, Gumshoe editor Dee, will have to sally forth, bodycam in place, to a busy spot in Melbourne and invite cops outright to spill their hearts and souls. Surely the trend has begun.
Oh — this just in: Officials are creating roadblocks around Paris and Brussels so that some convoy-minded truckers over there won’t be able to replicate the Ottawa scene. What a hoot!
We win. Yay! WE WIN.
Marching towards Eutopia
This is from Philip Allott’s Eutopia, Paragraph 10.52:
Public power is power conferred on people who are expected to exercise that power in the public interest. It may be physical power (the military, police, prison authorities, and many others) or social power (legislative, executive, judicial, and many others), or it may be legal power. The long history of self-constituting societies demonstrates the great difficulty of controlling the exercise of such powers, (a) in terms of the particular purpose for which the power was conferred, (b) in terms of the society’s values, especially its higher values, and (c) in light of the endemic temptation to abuse all forms of public power and the risk of corruption that attaches to all forms of political power.
God help the cops, their families and their loved ones if the politicians [sic – globalist leaders [ double sic]] prevail.
God help the politicians (Andrews, Morrison, Hurley, Trudeau, Ardern et al) if the cops stay true to their sense of decency, humanity and concern and for very their own loved ones.
This is not about whether we should build a highway, school or hospital, lower or raise taxes on the poor. This is about whether we should let our grandchildren be dehumanised and transhimanised.
It’s already well underway, you can’t have a natural life without a struggle, just focussing on “end of life”, this is now gone, you have to go and have an assisted death in Rockerfealla’s HospitalSystem™ when you exceed your useful life. In old times you would die at home in bed but now you are stuffed with junk food and helped to die about 10 years earlier on average, because you have become a liability, your “credit” is a fantasy, it will be stealthily reduced by all the governmental and economic means.
This will happen to you too, cops. All cops will be injected the same, and their kids, you have no special rights on this planet unless you were born into them, going back many generations. You think being a good little riot-pig or MSM puppet will help you, oh no. They will lie to you right up to the finish, you will suddenly realise, like any little pig being dropped off at the abattoir.
I seemed to recall that Rachel Vaughan had written an article for Gumshoe about a few good Adelaide cops who helped her (despite other cops beating her down). So I’ve just re-read it and was astonished at how much info Rachel provided. You should go read it now. Even if you’re driving. Even if you’re skiing. Anything.
For the record, Rachel’s good cops inlcude Annette Burden and Sue Lock. Rachel’s report is filed within SAPOL and FP as SAI 1900275279. Come on, Aussies, follow up on that for her. We can lick this.
Rachel Vaughan’s article brought forth a comment about the book “The Unforeseen Woman Warrior.” by Pauline Doherty. Here is a recommendation for it at re a used copy:
“1st Edition. 169 pages. The power of the wealthy to stigmatise the poor and to control them though control of the local administrative apparatus, dominated by the Council, the Police and the Catholic Church.The very institutions which were supposed to nurture and support were used by the powerful to subdue, steal and abuse. They were dominated by the powerful, the wealthy, people who make the law and break it in their next breath. With impunity! This is a story of a woman from a family determined not to be dominated, one who educated herself against all headwinds, a Warrior who struggles still for social and economic justice.”
Omigahd — unbelievable. Look at the turnout in Canberra. This is FANTASTIC.
Now listen up, you RCMP’s:
The Covid virus is a lie, yet somehow the Crown holds a patent on it since 2012. Please note, only human inventions are eligible for patent. With these patents they are eliminating all freedom for all people worldwide. The mass lockdowns, quarantines, isolation, surveillance, tracking, tracing, mask wearing and economic destruction for people everywhere, except the ruling elite, are all based on lies.
This BS system now in Oz, is a Serco template for the global krown kabal komunist disorder. CCP is the new ‘rich kid’ on the block, with the winter olympics now being used as a showpiece for the dragon empire. If some still fail to see it, it’s too little too late, all bases are loaded.
ant56, here is an interesting document. I have been asked to deliver it to my local county prosecutor at 3pm tomorow, New Hampshire time. This has to do with a Valentine’s Day massacre, oops I mean a Valentine’s Day civic action thingie, countrywide.
It sets out the fraud of the patent for Covid, and claims genocide.Fauci is one of the “accused.”
When you join the police force or the military you leave your brain at the front office and pick it up when you leave .
Sorry Russell, that’s not entirely true. It’s up to each and every individual to use their brain that God gave them, to consider what they are being “ordered”, whether that “order” is in fact lawful and beneficial to YOU and your well being. I joined the Australian Army at the ripe old age of 17 years. I did my rookie training at Kapooka, then Infantry training at Ingleburn, before being allocated to 6 Royal Australian Regiment on their return from their first tour of Vietnam. The Battalion was severely depleted with many conscripts having served their time, thus opening many vacancies in the Battalion, which was slated to do another tour. I was allocated to 3 platoon A Company, which at that time had no C.O. (Company Commander) we started intensive training in preparation for our departure. Finally the day arrived when our new C.O. turned up, he immediately called a Parade where the Company was paraded in front of him. He stood on the balcony two stories above us, and introduced himself to us all, gave us a speech, which he believed was a rousing speech. Problem arose towards the end of his speech, when he advised us all, and I quote, “make no mistake, I intend to come home with many decorations on my chest and I don’t care how many of you it will require to achieve that,” You could have heard a pin drop. The whole Company was stunned. We were dismissed and returned to barracks. I immediately confronted my Platoon Sargent requesting a transfer from the Company, he hummed and haa’d, but replied he’d pass it on to the Platoon Commander. Eventually the Platoon Commander confronted me, demanding what I was playing at. I advised him I was not a conscript, but in fact a volunteer, volunteered my services for my country, I did not volunteer for some Officer to throw my life away simply for him to get medals on his chest, my life was worth a damn sight more than that. The Commander got very upset, tried to talk me out of applying for transfer and actually FORBID me to apply. He advised me of Military protocol and Standing Orders, should I choose to ignore them, I’d be in serious trouble. Later that day, Iearned there was a vacancy in Administration Company, I walked down and asked to see the C.O. of the Company letting them know I intended to apply for the job. I was called in and interviewed, asked as to why I would wish to transfer. I explained my reasons, he actually LAUGHED, and replied, “You’ve got the job, now go back and advise your C.O. your transfering this day”. Before I got back to A Company, I was called to the H.Q. and fronted the C.O. who was livid. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. When he ran out of breath, he told me “to pack my shit and piss off”, seriously such language unbecoming from an Officer. Moral of the story, despite all the bullshit they like to impose on you in the services, there are MORALS that even they, must adhere to, if you back them against the wall. Sure, my attitude did not win me favors, but on arrival in Vietnam, within 2 months, the Platoon I used to be a member of 3 Platoon A Coy, walked into a mine field, many died and were wounded, even the Medivac chopper which came in carrying the Doctor, as he stepped off the running board straight into a mine, he lost a leg and was blinded for life. I’m now 72 years old, and wonder what Angle was watching over me that day to take on the military system and probably save my life. NEVER surrender your MORAL right that is yours by birth, no one can over rule that.
Thanks Eddy, the “separates the chaff and wheat” I was trying to get across.
The Speaker(our case house of reps).Like’s to use/obey “Standing Orders” too
What Mary said about Rachel, ditto. Given so much insight, she has driven it beyond a book. Now if we could just drive it to “out” those Parlimentrary secret names of the prominent.
Mary, diito, beyond a book. A book is a way forward and back. Just not here and now. Another level “our girls” are on, to be both.
The nature of coppery soon separates the chaff and wheat. They operate in cells. Johnny come latelies need a double dip of scrutiny.Of course good ones are needed for cover, they can’t act coordinated but a week point, both sides of the coin.
The narrative(that i’m sure you absorbed from multiple sources), seems odd to me. The fuel/jerry can, thing. Truckers especially owner/drivers are well aware of distance and fuel consumption. To turn up running on empty, with empty trailers. Its hard to believe.
its behind maybe a paywall from 01/03/2016
Ex-cop front running the narrative 2016, believe it or not
In Thailand some taxi drivers run on a “just in time” basis so you have to stop at the gas station while they put in $10 worth, or however much they think they will need for your fare.
oh, those ones. They have a photo-album typically. Its easy to scam a scammer. Set a price upfront, and nobody has to deal with the state.
No that’s the tuktuk in Bangkok, but anyway they will all go for a kickback given the chance. They don’t have our culture where we always pretend to be morally superior. They just want money.
The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch
Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa
New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents
Read on –
CDC Applied For Secret Coronavirus Patent In 2003
The American CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) applied for Coronavirus patent after the February 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China, to control “100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.”
The information was revealed by Dr. David E. Martin, a national intelligence analyst, founder of IQ100 Index and developer of “Linguistic Genomics” with a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.
Dr.David E. Martin claims that after the February 2003 outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in China, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “saw the possibility of a goldstrike.”
“They saw that a virus they knew could be easily manipulated was something that was very valuable,” Martin said. “In 2003, they sought to patent it, and they made sure that they controlled the proprietary rights to the disease, to the virus, and to its detection, and all of the measurement of it.”
As a result of the patent, he claimed the CDC controlled “100% of the cash flow that built the empire around the industrial complex of coronavirus.” With the patent secured, the CDC “had the ability to control who was authorized and who was not authorized to make independent inquiries into coronavirus,” he added.
“Ultimately receiving the patents that constrained anyone from using it, they had the means, they had the motive, and most of all, they had the monetary gain, from turning coronavirus from a pathogen to profit,” he said.
Martin draws on the patent to conclude that either the coronavirus is man-made or the patent on it is illegal because the Patent Act prohibits patents on “natural phenomena.”
I have a couple of copper friends from church who are reasonable, decent people with mercy and justice in their ethics.
However, we’ve all seen the sadistic, rogue ones who clearly enjoy hurting people. I was shocked to see that these vogonic morons were as prolific as they evidently are. I wonder who is winding them up? Is it general MSM propaganda or commanding officer team talks?
In any event, for me they have permanently destroyed the relationship between public and police. Trust is gone. Goodwill is shot. It feels to me as if my wife has cheated on me. The social contract is permanently dead.
When these bullshit mandates are overturned, and they will be, we must NEVER forget what they tried to do to us. Not just the rogue coppers but the sociopathic politicians, the parasitic public servants and the lying MSM.