By Dee McLachlan
As many readers might know, I have made the long journey up to Brisbane to attend the trial of Dr Russell Pridgeon, Patrick O’Dea and a grandmother. On route I visited Gumshoe legal contributor Terry Shulze. It was great meeting Terry after so many years of communication, and it was a reminder on why Terry, as a retired barrister, wanted to leave the law in his rearview mirror. But I would like to inform Terry that I was witness to justice unfolding via two excellent barristers.
After 5 years and 5 months of being charged with ‘a conspiracy to defeat the course of justice’, Monday morning (day one of the trial) became all too real for the defendants. Despite their actions many years ago that clearly demonstrated they were protecting and supporting 3 children that had disclosed sexual abuse they were facing a possibly lengthy prison term if convicted. It’s a long story and over the last 5 years many articles have been published on Gumshoe about the case. (HERE)
I was supposed to be up here for a scheduled 4-week trial, but this what transpired (my notes were in present tense):
No Court Entry to Supporters
So here I am in the District Court of Brisbane (Monday, Day 1) . As I approached Court 35 the security officer advised that I was not allowed in. I presented my old MEAA (Media pass) which is blue, but the security man at the door said, “Only authorized media are allowed in… you need a green pass.” The green pass is a special court allocated media accreditation pass issued by the courts. I then said well ok I would just like to watch the proceedings as a member of the public anyway; he tells me the courtroom is closed to the public, however I am free to watch the proceedings in an allocated overflow room (the empty courtroom 34 next door) with about 30 other supporters. I briefly mentioned my concerns about open justice, but the young security guard was almost apologetic saying I just have to do what I’m told.
So here I am in courtroom 34 next door watching the proceedings on a number of video screens just like you would do if you watched the court online, but I had already been told that the court had made it very clear to Dr Russell Pridgeon’s Barrister that they would not provide any kind of audio link for people to listen who couldn’t attend. Judge Vicki Loury is sitting over the case and stated that the court was open — open to journalists, school tours., etc. — but not open to the supporters of Pridgeon, O’Dea and the Granma. She said something along the lines of “…people who’ve come here to support Dr Pridgeon or Mr O’Dea have been ordered to sit in the court next door.” This action was initiated by Judge Clare before her. In the end, even the school tours shuffled through the overflow room — and for all intents and purposes, the main court remain a quasi-CLOSED court — allowing only a few court-accredited journos. Wow, did they screw up? More on the accredited journos later.
Day One
The first surprise before the day started was that Patrick O’Dea (pronounced O’Dee) discovered that in addition to the two conspiracy charges, he was also going to be tried on the additional six other charges, three alleged breaches of section 121 of the Family Law Act and 3 of using a carriage service to harass and offend — for allegedly publishing names of children involved in a family court case and three for allegedly abusing one of the fathers that two of the children had stated had abused them. He had been previously told by Judge Clare and the CDPP that he would have a separate trial for these other 6 charges. But Judge Loury wanted to proceed, saying O’Dea had a few days to prepare and did not want to entertain the jurisdictional and constitutional issues brought up by him (they had occurred in NSW not in QLD).
Judge Loury flatly refused to consider Pastor Paul Robert Burton as a Mckenzie friend or a support person for Patrick O’Dea (despite Pastor Paul having provided legal support for him over the last 5 years). Another issue mentioned by the defendants was a recent Courier article that was recently published — an interview with the prosecution’s key witness. It had quotes such as “mother abducts children…” Even Mr Hannebery, the Crown’s new barrister, said it was extraordinary that the article was published.
Her Honour, Loury J, stated that the previous decisions and rulings by Clare J were to be followed and could not be challenged. This further opened up O’Dea’s argument that Judge Clare had ruled that he was to have two trials — but struggling with CPTSD (Complex PTSD) as a consequence of his time in the Rhodesian Army and being profoundly deaf, he could not locate the transcript, nor remember the dates when this was brought up in court. (He was not provided the transcripts of the hearings.)
The CDPP agreed to remove the word ABDUCTION from their opening address, and the jury was empaneled. (As a note: the nonsense charges of stealing children (s363), unlawful stalking, and proceeds of crime were crushed a long time ago.) The prosecutor (Mr Hannebery) gave his opening address and then Mr Robert Size, Barrister in law representing Dr Russell Pridgeon, gave his response. With the jury excused for the day, there was discussion whether the defence of self defence, and defence of another, and sudden and extraordinary emergency could be used; plus, the judge then went through the opening addresses of the two self-represented defendants as under the QLD rules the right to a response to the Crown Opening can be decided by the Judge. She was given the two drafts the defendants and their support person had drafted she began to strike out anything that was evidence as opposed to what she determined as a legal issue (as per a defendant’s response opening). In the overflow room we watched the Judge striking out points of evidence of the children’s disclosures of sexual abuse and references to where the police had hidden those disclosures and where legal representatives in the family court had hidden those disclosures. The opening address is about issues not evidence, but it meant that both the Judge and the Crown barrister had viewed the damning evidence of police corruption that would be later put before the jury by the defendants.
Day Two
The CDPP began by advising the court that they had found that there was little basis for Patrick O’Dea to believe that he was going to have separate trials. Patrick held ground that Judge Clare had informed them all of two separate trials and stated that he believed these charges were included at the last minute to disadvantage and unsettle his defence. After some time, Judge Loury quoted the considerations about whether Patrick would suffer prejudice. The judge was placed in a difficult position and considered that this could lead to an unfair trial. She sent the defendants and the CDPP out to consider whether the trial was to continue. Eventually it was determined that Patrick was to be tried with the Granma (GA) and Dr Russell Pridgeon on the 2 conspiracy charges and have a trial for the 6 other charges in a separate trial — as Judge Clare had ordered previously.
This meant the jury had to be discharged and a new trial was ordered for day 3 — with a fresh indictment and what was later discovered as broadened elements of the offence of conspiracy. I think court struggled with a self-represented defendant standing his ground in very difficult circumstances.
Day Three
A new trial was to start with empanelment of a new jury, but then Mr Robert Size (representing Dr Russell Pridgeon) sought to make an application for a Permanent Stay of the Trial on basis of an application to re-open a Pretrial Ruling pf Judge Clare. He stated that the prosecution had in effect broadened the elements but notwithstanding that the charge of conspiracy to defeat justice as it stood in this instance was not known to the law.
From the adjourning room we were watching the feed. I had on day one determined that the new barrister for the Crown, from Victoria, was a good man — a man of law. And we now were watching two excellent barristers deal with the conspiracy and legal logic. What unfolded was judicial poetry. Mr Size, the young barrister, delivered the most extraordinary explanation of the case — summing up 5 years of legal mishmash. This argument had been brewing for a few years, but the prosecution had previously ignored early versions.
Timing is everything. Mr Size explained that in December 2021, Judge Clare ruled that the Crown case had a tendency to pervert of defeat the course of justice … being “potential contravention proceedings”. He was applying to reopen proceedings as the Crown relied on a hypothetical. He summed up the case by saying that the actual charge should have been contempt of a family court order (with regard to the mother) and that 70NAE would then be the defence — i.e., allowing a person to break a family court order in order to protect the children from harm.
As a junior barrister in his mid 30’s, he summarized the argument with this wonderful analogy: he said if a burglar went to rob a bank wearing a balaclava to disguise himself it was like saying he conspired to defeat justice by wearing that balaclava. But you could not do that because wearing the balaclava was part of the crime; however, if he later tried to steal the CCTV footage that would amount to a conspiracy to defeat justice.
He completed with the statement that the prosecution was in effect trying to bash a square peg into a round hole.
Having read many transcripts over the years and having listened in on some proceedings, it was like listening to a moment of profound legal logic.
The judge concluded the day by chastising the press.
The Press
The (accredited) press listening in on the case had published the grandma’s name. Actually, we discovered later that it appears one journo called Cheryl Goodenough had by far done the most damage as her article was syndicated all over the country with the grandma’s full name — which of course is a direct breach of section 121 and a crime similar to that alleged of Patrick O’Dea. The Judge was furious. She said the journalists should have known better — printing the name of the grandmother which then identifies the grandson. She said this transgression is exactly what Patrick O’Dea is charged for. But of course, no action will be taken against her.
The day was adjourned giving time for the prosecution to respond.
Day Four
We all assembled in the adjoining room. Mr Hannebery asked the court for more time as he had to further discuss the matter with the CDPP. The matter was adjourned to 2:00pm
At 2:00pm were all settled. The judge entered, taking her seat, “Mr Hannebery…?” Mr Hannebery stood up and said (along these lines) “Your Honour, on the counts 1 and 2 (the conspiracy charges) we discontinue.” In less than a minute it was all over. With the s121 charges for Patrick still afoot, the judge said, “Dr Pridgeon and Ms GA, you are free to go. Leave the dock.” It had all happened so quickly, and the Granma had not really heard what was said and called out, “But Your Honour, I’ve done nothing wrong. Judge Loury responded very loudly with ” “You are free now leave. Leave!” Russell dropped to his knees in thanks (which we could not see) and the judge kept on “LEAVE…”
It was suddenly all over.
Social media will be announcing ‘victory’. BUT… there are no winners in this game.
The surveillance and building the largest brief in Australian history has cost you — the taxpayer — tens of millions of dollars.
The defendants suffered five plus years of trauma, ankle bracelets and harsh bail conditions. They have suffered tremendously.
The public servants involved in this case were discredited as were the CDPP. But the evidence of the misdeeds was not aired. At some point the misfeasance by police officers etc., will be exposed.
The real losers were/are the three children that had disclosed abuse to many — and were let down by EVERYBODY (except the protectors on trial). The abuses were not considered in family court (as is so common) — and they were ordered back to live with the very persons they disclosed sexually abused then.
One has to thank Mr Robert Size for taking the case pro bono, and for applying the law so skillfully and with such dignity. Credit has to go to Mr Hannebery for being a barrister seeking the law and being fair. And credit to a very small team of paralegal minds behind the scenes — the legal brilliance of Graeme Bell a Fruit Picker and Can collector somewhere near Griffith, and to Pastor Paul who has supported the defendants so tirelessly for years to ensure they had everything they needed and that their voices were heard. And for these two men for finding Robert Size and securing his support. There are three others that provided invaluable legal support.
Russell’s Message
On Monday night I listened to Russell’s explanation as to why he felt morally, ethically, medically and legally obligated to help those children. It was truly profound and moving. It would have stirred any jury into changing their lives. It would have changed them — and every Australian should be prepared to act with fearless compassion as Dr Pridgeon did — to stand up for the vulnerable. There was no way the CDPP could ever have won — and shame and disrepute would have been brought upon those public servants that had lied about the abuses, and all those that had ignored the children’s predicament. It proves Australia has a culture of abandoning its children.
The government had a lucky escape this time but the feeling from all those present was that there will be a roll-on domino effect… when one falls, you know others will follow.
it is now only a matter of time.
Update from Pastor Paul Robert Burton:
Thank you, Judge. Thank you, Prosecutor. Thank you, Law.
It is a new day for Australia.
I’ll do an article on the Judge at a later date.
Two most beautiful words in the English language:
Get out.
Good to hear you are well, alive and kicking, hope you have some luck with getting the “green pass” sometime soon, “the law” needs more scrutineers at the very least
Dee when you do the article on the Judge could you include a similar story that I have shared on Gumshoe (in part)-will try to locate-it runs parallel to this case. It is of course linked –to the psychological warfare department -Tavistock Agenda–always feel I need to apologise for my expertise –knowledge -lived experience– MK’d– the holographic universe etc etc
In —?? will need to check dates–I was the nominated support person for the biological mother of a beautiful child born 2013 ( I knew all players and I held the generational history and the medical history) and 2 days before what was to be a 10 day event (with witnesses arriving from at least 4 states and territories to reunite mother and child, it was wrapped up by the Judge in less than 2 days with only the biological mother being held to account–put on the stand– as to why she could meet the needs of her daughter ) I have it all documented.
I was told not to appear, I was not wanted/needed. The mother was told that her “new lawyer” said she would win the case and that she did not need any support-aka me. I had heard from insiders-good and not so good- that her child was already been given to a woman (who I also knew) who had legal custody until the child reached 18 years old–possibly extended to 21 years old.
Yes a few days before the hearing they changed her lawyer -insiders knew she would not win. I got advice from her maternal family that they wanted me there to bear witness-the mother also approved but told me she could not talk to me. – So I went . I was terrified I remember contacting you Dee.
All witnesses had been told to not appear -flights cancelled etc-at the last minute. One did but was not able to give evidence or enter the court. He is the most highly regarded acclaimed Law/Lore man of the Central Western Desert
I was allowed in but was warned by: the mother’s newly appointed lawyer; and the people who had asked me to be the mother’s support person for cultural and language connections- for over a year, involving hours and hours of work.
This particular Judge-newly appointed -was very powerful and I was warned if I so much as sighed or objected or spoke-he would have me for contempt of court –removed or worse arrested.
I salute Dee Pastor Paul and hundreds ( thousands )of others
I got wind of the outcome –the “victory” from an insider a day or so ago.
I replied: “I needed to hear that thank you. Bless them both. I was told –“They are Free” by a comrade in arms–I replied
“FREE ?? When we have seen what we have seen and we know what we know and been through their torture and evil are we ever free. I prefer the word liberated- fait accompli- mission accomplished
congratulations and strength to all- “ the tipping point” there is a major shift
I was told recently by top legal team there is no justice – only the courts- the courts of law – grandmother mulara also knows a thing or two about that-
And much has happened in the courts this week – timing the key- as Gough said – “god save the Queen because nothing will save the governor general”
Yes never ever give up just keep going and may the force be with us all.
I hope Wilfred Wong and Angie and the youth -everyone gets to hear of this victory.
Justice must not only be done it must be seen to have been done
Go tell it on a mountain ahh Marco’s liberation army-that’s another story
Only Truth will set us Free
Proud Mary keep onturning
Aishe Spark for the Conglomerate”
Dee I located the article I referred to above- late 2019 see below. (comments of interest particularly relevant for me-Rachel Vaughan’s late comment early 2020)
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
realise this is not keeping the focus on
“Everybody Will Know — Justice Was Served in Brisbane”
great work Dee and thank you and all the team -great effort
sending prayers and much heartfelt love and healing to all
yes Everybody Must Know
I wept and wept when reading your Conclusion and your eloquent recognition of the young Barristers who listened gave me some hope for real change in our legal system.
“One has to thank Mr Robert Size for taking the case pro bono, and for applying the law so skillfully and with such dignity. Credit has to go to Mr Hannebery for being an honest barrister. And credit to a very small team of paralegal minds behind the scenes — to Pastor Paul and Graeme Bell for finding Robert Size and securing his support — the legal brilliance of Graeme a Fruit Picker and Can collector somewhere near Griffith, and to Pastor Paul who has supported the defendants so tirelessly in the courts for years to ensure they had everything they needed and that their voices were heard. There are three others that provided invaluable legal support.”
Will do
You will note the copy of my letter forwarded and realise I may not add anything here.⚖️⚖️⚖️😇👍👋👋👋
One thing that’s been at the back of my mind for a while:
According to this site disobeying an order re a Family Court dispute is a civil matter, the onus of remedy being on the aggrieved party:
Doesn’t that mean the Po could only get involved at the behest of said party/parties?
If so when did that happen ? Where are the details ?
The MSM’s coy allusion to“allegations they conspired to avoid the law” sure doesn’t cut it:
“allegations they conspired to avoid the law” What law exactly ?
It depends.If you contravene an order than that is civil.But if a group got together and said HEY lets do this to stop them making more orders then that would be a criminal act of conspiracy.In this case they simply had no evidence to say it was a conspiracy to defeat.
One thing that’s been at the back of my mind for a while:
According to this site disobeying an order re a Family Court dispute is a civil matter, the onus of remedy being on the aggrieved party:
Doesn’t that mean the Po could only get involved at the behest of said party/parties?
If so when did that happen ? Where are the details ?
The MSM’s coy allusion to“allegations they conspired to avoid the law” sure doesn’t cut it:
“allegations they conspired to avoid the law” What law exactly ?
What law exactly ?…. Exactly …. yep
One thing that’s been at the back of my mind for a while:
According to this site disobeying an order re a Family Court dispute is a civil matter, the onus of remedy being on the aggrieved party:
Doesn’t that mean the Po could only get involved at the behest of said party/parties?
If so when did that happen ? Where are the details ?
The MSM’s coy allusion to“allegations they conspired to avoid the law” sure doesn’t cut it: What law exactly ?
Exactly what prompted the 2018 investigation has never been explained
There must have been more than one tip-off person/complainant even if the above corner was cut
The identification bar doesn’t account for the secrecy
It’s a very long story… we’ve covered it many times over 5 years
As I understood, this matter was a federal prosecution in state courts.
Perhaps it may be appropriate for a federal represenative based in Queensland, to inquire as to how much the taxpayers have suffered over the many years.
Ben Fulford – geopolitical update for Feb at Bin. With Q and A.
Harold Holt P M of Australia murdered by the bankers? Well at least we were not bombed like Libya, Iraq and the rest for the same reasoning.
Also, the Putin interview is up.
Many more, take your pick.
All I can see is dangerous, rabid, and incohearant(my word) Family Law Court, caught in a conspiracy.
I also see that the children were protected, not that Loury would care given the few law things(DPP) you can grease from “approved “”state””media”.
The state jumping over reach, seems Federal Circuit FLC
“trying to bash a square peg into a round hole.”
Classic !
But like you say, zero chance of being awarded any form of compo
Only bonus being that the same clumsy heist is unlikely to be tried on anyone else
“The surveillance and building the largest brief in Australian history has cost you — the taxpayer — tens of millions of dollars.”
I wouldn’t have thought it was THAT much, but as the self-same blunder takes place habitually and across the board………………..
In a functional society the officials concerned would be compelled to personally cough up by having their assets seized and having the balance taken out of their paychecks for the rest of their working lives
By “the self-same blunder “ I don’t, of course, mean the same charge re the same circumstances
But I’ve seen principally identical stuff-ups in relation to a range of nefarious court actions
To the extent I’m convinced there’s some sort of spiritual principal at play
Easily tens of millions.5 years of investigations and 5 years of court with many hearings.I would estimate between 30 -50 million dollars was spent.
What hope does the ordinary person on the street have in this system????
I am specifically holding all the children and families caught up in the Child ‘Protection’ insanity in my heart.
They are all lambs to the slaughter.
It is both tragic and appalling.
A good win – though from the verbage of the Judge – there were some who did not agree, but, I will await Dee’s reporting of the Judge before casting any further aspersions.
And good reporting Dee – you did not allow the bastards to sidetrack you from witnessing proceedings as they occurred.
We must all remember that we play in a closed and controlled system, of what many still refer to, as justice.
It is by their ‘rules’ and ‘legal’ definitions, and that the greater majority of the population have not clue to, that we allow ourselves to be ‘judged’ by those who pretend to be fair and balanced, when in actuality, their behavior for the most part is neither fair, nor balanced.
This win was not played out in any real Court of Law, but in a fictional and unlawful, entity (Family Court) that has no real lawful (Constitutional) or common law jurisdiction in adjudicating any family matter. Abusive parents, guardians or caretakers, should always be committed to a real court of law, under criminal codes to receive criminal sanctions if found guilty.
Lionel Murphy’s body should be exhumed, and then hanged, for the criminal that he was!
LIONEL Murphy.
I knew him well, I recall filling out a federal voting ballot form…..how many decades ago….for the Senate?
I spent time in the booth filling in every candidate with a number for their preferences.
There were 56 names on the ballot paper and I placed number 56 alongside his name.
I have made this comment within 50 mins of the TO comment.
I did not need to look up history to comment. I have a reasonable recollection of crooks and those following….. to the present.
Actually, I have been busy listening to the latest situation update by Mary at beforeit’snews news.com people powered news.
Try the last few minutes watching, the part Putin making idiots of our lot here.
The section Q is essential for gullible dumb normies on the khazarians … I recommend it for the edification of every sucked in Christian and Jew.
Either listen to it or go watch MAFS or something as stupid on tv OR THE ABC.
He was a good High Court Judge though.He used to say he couldnt sleep for thinking of new implied rights in the constitution
Anyone whose self-serving ideology, put into practice, that in turn destroys the lives of children and those who would protect them from harm, is not a good individual or, makes a good judge.
Murphy was an Australian Traitor, that if still alive today, would eventually pay with his life, for what he has done.
Here we get just ice where the system is overloaded with deviants and perverts camouflaged under wigs in pompous overpaid ceremonial bs, disregarding issues at hand and referring to events that are precedents. Why waste so much time and money, benefiting nomenklatura only.
Having been to court twice for no crime, and seeing how nine tenths of proceedings have nothing to do with facts at hand, even if you win you’ll never see the money and will still have to pay costs or worse end up behind bars for no reason.
In woke society pedophiles are referred to as “minor attracted persons”. Spare me the bs. Our reality is declining back to feudalism since emergence of the iPhone spiders web, pulling people away from face to face contact into a fantasy world of clicks on computer screens sucking all in. What’s next virtual courts?
With AI we have entered the era of deep fake, disciples like Harari re-writing the Bible. Here in Oz, players with most money trump every time, and losers even if they win get sfa.
All the more reason for a National Strike to occur, so as to bring all governments and their agencies down.
Shunned Amish Woman interview-Mary
for those with some time
a beautifully shared personal reflection some powerful yet gentle thoughts from a woman who has been “shunned” now “Living her life out loud and in colour” on her terms.
Makes me think of Sarah Moore and other whistleblowers after they have taken right action– as Wendy Hoffman wrote she now has a brain and a life of her own.
So many yet to be awakened.
Speaking of trials here’s our favourite freemason enduring trial by media
I stuck the wrong link
It really is amazing how Mein Trumpf can be framed by M$M then charged for the frame-up then go on trial by M$M and people still believe the M$M
“I was communicating with Pastor Paul sitting next to me in the overflow room as we watched the Judge striking out all the evidence of the children’s disclosures of sexual abuse and references to where the police had hidden those disclosures….”
Dee, do you mean that your screen showed a large copy of the pages (submitted by the two unrepresented defendants) which the Judge was editing? Or did she speak the deletions out loud?
The most important story not being talked about……
The beginning of the end of the EU.
My tractor will be ready to go once Australian farmers wake up!
Sandra – I believe there may have been a trial run done in South Australia last week?
Freemason control over the farming sector, in this country, has to be addressed urgently.
Thank you, Sandra. I’m a foodie. (Who isn’t?) and I am dreading the empty shelves. Is there any reason we won’t be skin and bones like the inhabiatants of Yemen?
To prevent this, y’all gotta act now.
I’ve placed an extra couple notches, for tightening, in my belt – just in case.
My garden is coming along just fine. When Dee was here I showed her the ‘Hopi Blue’ corn kernels fattening up. The next dry day that comes around I’m going to harvest them. I’ll make some blue corn bread with some and then offer packets of seeds to our community center for other locals to plant.
The ‘seed’ potatoes that I gave to the community center last year has resulted in a number of small patches of potato crops this year. Those small crops of potatoes will now be ‘gifting’ seed potatoes to other people. Hopefully, the blue corn kernels will have the same trajectory.
Fairness and justice at last.There is a God after all.
And, I hope and pray that there will be a roll on domino effect. When one rogue official falls others will follow- every single lawless one of them !
One of the Biggest travesties of justice was that the same argument that the barrister used that had the charges dropped was the argument I formulated some two years before and the court and cdpp continually ignored it.It was a simple argument.Ny taking and hiding the children ,which would allow for a potential contravention proceeding could not therefore be the thing that prevented the contravention proceeding from being heard.This was what the prosecution alleged and it was circular and nonsense.Yet the court simply ignored this and other proper arguments.The judge said that Mr ODea should get a barister instead of listening to the people he listened to as though we are just uneducated shite.However the REAL issue is that the court is a club and we are not invited and they pretend they are all brilliant judges .Yet it is a biased system because that argument was run 2 years before and set out in detail by the unrepresented people and was simply ignored.
Absolutely concur, as I intimate above, I’ve personally encountered the very same issue thrice and witnessed the same number played out re 3 prosecutions and a civil dispute re my own family, all matters that took place in the 90s and early 2000s
The proof of the pudding being those concerned weren’t prepared to pursue our refusal to pay the respective legally ungrounded costs – which in one instance were just short $100, 000. Interesting that
Yeah they have their mates, if you go up against insurance, the judge sees the insurance guy all the time and gives him preferential treatment. If you want to hire a lawyer it’s like trying to find any tradesman, 50% are below average and 50% are above average but referring to the bell-curve, the bulk are “very average”.
I have quite a good lawyer now, he always tells me, “go away it’s not worth my time”, keyword is “time”, if you want to DIY you need to spend some time learning their game, it’s a bore.
A good parody song on the ‘Just Stop Oil’ idiots.
Graeme, what is a contravention versus a potential contravention? It’s all Greek to me.
Graeme, I have just looked it up on austlii.edu.au to no avail. The US crime of obstuction of justice includes all the Blackstonian stuff. Very straightforward. See:
In the U.S. there actually seems to be some repercussions re official malfeasance particularly when it extends to a wrongful incarceration.
Not so in Aus, as proven by the aftermath of the Andrew Mallard stitch-up:
“In May 2009, Mallard was offered a payment of $3.25 million as settlement, though the premier of the state, Colin Barnett, said that were Mallard to take civil action against those he held responsible for his wrongful conviction, the government would support any servant of the state in that event. “
Pastor Paul Robert Burton laments the fact that so few are doing something and so many are sitting on their arse waiting for the white hats or their paycheck. Well, it’s so easy to print off A4 size notices and a gluestick is about a dollar to use to affix notice to lamp posts, MPs offices, tram stops and other such public places but do we ever see anything, no not much or is that closer to nothing.
Worse than that there is a whole contingent which is resolutely determined to know absolutely nuffink.
I hope Pastor Paul Robert Burton is wrong about eternal life, whatever happened to Rest In Peace, one’s enough for me
Joe – this ‘case’ is just one in a million wrongs being committed against We the People on a daily basis throughout the Western world.
It is not possible to even begin to counter all of the wrongs, but there are projects in place, via some very active folk, who target those institutions that in the bigger scheme of the systemic corruption, alert many who simply choose to look.
Stop the Rot, and AustraliaOne people are out there doing their duty to this country and its people daily – all you need do is to tune in to see the activation in progress.
Project Matilda and AustraliaOne, now doing what others think should be done.
Please address your incessant directives to the public
It’s not my job to deal with your fanaticism and shallowness
You take to complaining about lack of action, while I attempt to point you in the opposite direction, and that activity is already on the move, and has been for some time.
And I even give you two examples of that action?
But you choose to attack me instead?
LOL! You really have it bad, don’t you!
Well done crew, think it was good to watch them scramble. I don’t know but the little scrutiny you got with the criminal proceedings, I hope, put the pressure on the “professionals” to not allow further abuse of the children. I have watched these professionals just cut and paste, but they never see real scrutiny of their expert opinion.
Unfortunately a lot of people are above the law, but below par. AG is and can name anyone to be above the law, with approval.
Section 121 – exemption – or they just do nothing, run the clock
*The publication to a person who is a member of a profession, in connection with the practice by that person of that profession, or in the course of any form of professional training in which that person is involved, or
*A publication that the court has approved.
The reporter has a lot of experience(over 20 years) and AAP stamp, and would have some followers in southern Africa. Another closed shop, so its hard to tell what she passes on to cadet journos. I don’t think this was an accident, lets see if she takes a bullet for the team. Someone has too, Fairenough.
Bendigo bank, well, dating scam, these people are in bed with everyone that hates cash or provides dubious charity tax loopholes. How many slave kids operations are the ANZ bankrolling these days. I did a NYP(know your provider) turns out…. They get your super money and they buy shares so as to control the listed companies(and other banks). Ask the gov how long it will take to get your insured $250,000 from a bank failure, have a 50,000 dollar coffee while your waiting
Its in the best interests of the children that the family assets be removed from the family.
Family law court is doing what it was set up to do, must be, because if you go to court. There are no rules in there, none, because there is no jury and no transparency. People watch to much TV, but not you crew, much kudos
Simon – evil has to eradicated – not given another opportunity to further its ambitions.
The ‘people’ who are actively involved inside the corrupted systems, will never surrender their power, or admit to their wrongdoing.
There can only ever be one outcome for those who choose to propagate such evil.
Terrence – evil can not be eradicated, it can’t even be defined except as an opposite of live. Most of those people seem dead already. Other peoples children are not my children, although I would, if faced with a clear and present danger act similar. I would be less reactive and therefore more tactical. I do watch, like a parent, and have intervened with way young kids playing in a shore dump and not some crazed swearing parent dishing up corporal punishment.
Like the vac (any of them), I don’t intervene, try talk maybe. Try and shove one in me or mine…
My fathers wife, Leslie was just so trusting and getting it and recommending to family. I tried to tell her and now she is dead. She was a fit and great wife, mother, grandmother but not evil.
“The ‘people’ who are actively involved inside the corrupted systems, will never surrender their power, or admit to their wrongdoing.”
They can’t stop, and we can see a lot of them. I think most Doctors are morally and philosophically ignorant but really think they are gooddoing. Wonder what they talk about to each other, golf. Everyone talks shop if they are into it. I’ll happily talk of propriety technology to another.
AMA sure did a number on a lot of them, patient privacy, but then they bang that privacy onto systems they know has suffered cyyiber attack. TGA can go to birth, death and marriages with the medicare/fund db and you know look as they have privileged access
“1 May 2023 — The Medibank hack began with the theft of credentials belonging to an individual with privileged access to Medibank’s internal systems.”
Spoiler alert, the Russian hackers did it, sources say.
“16 Oct 2023 — Make sure your myGov, Medicare, Centrelink and Child Support accounts are protected if you’re affected by a data breach.”
Going to cost a few roubles, but Vlad can check
There are so many Roe V Wade women up here, some have 5 children, are they evil?. Ursula Von Der Leyen, is one crazed evil retard, but at some point her extremism has to be a warning. If you must Gitmo her, fine, I would not intervene but this is a very slippery slope.
Only whistleblowers can turn this around, just need them to realize their heads are on the block too. Damned if they do or don’t, so why not Doctors. Do you think Doctor Pridgeon is happy about his lot, doubt it, doubt he would change even with hindsight though. I could possibly teach a more covert path but why. There can only only be one outcome when men stand by good woman with children needing help. Respect, Honor non Honores(Barker College Motto-they never got it really, just pomp and bs)
Simon – You are not seeing the bigger picture. A clue: Freemasonry has a lot to answer for. Are you aware of what Freemasonry is really all about?
We have been witness to, over the past five years, how evil has manifested itself in so many of our once trusted institutions. There can be no compromise when evil is uncovered. There is good or bad, and right or wrong, but when a person goes from being bad to embracing evil, then that person has become way past any form of redemption.
You can reform bad, but evil cannot ever, be reformed.
One can still be a ‘good’ person who is employed, unknowingly, in an evil system – as is now the medical profession has turned out to be. But, if that person knowingly aids and abets that evil system to continue, then they too are guilty of participating in whatever evil is allowed to accomplish.
How should those who call themselves, ‘doctors’ and who have been witness to what has now unfolded at their hands, over the past four years, be treated?
Should we forgive their activity in promoting a fake pandemic while enjoying a fatter Bank account, as other more moral doctors, who began warning about the jab, lost their livelihood and their profession?
Ever seen video of Willam Bay – de-registered GP – clear a room full of so called, ‘doctors’ by simply calling them out for their immoral, and criminal behavior, during the fake pandemic?
Why do they run when the Truth about them is being exposed?
What do we do with so called professionals like that, who, even after four years of in your face evidence from the harm the jab has caused, still continue to jab the truly stupid with more boosters?
It will be those who have willingly embraced the evil within the system, so as to advance their own self-interests, who will find themselves at some point in time, answerable before military tribunals.
In fact, and as many will soon find out on this site, some very evil people have already been dealt with under military tribunal.
My sources tell me, that over ten million criminals across this planet will need to be dealt with, in one form or another, before all this is over.
What has unfolded over the past four years, and is continually being exposed as to our real history, goes well beyond just being bad, it encompasses pure evil.
Heaps of fun. News and expectations reported by Mary at the latest situation update at beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
Do not complain if young panic sooon.
Note Putin at 37 mins🙀🤪 and then the interview timeline.
The interview will not be on our ABC or mentioned by a globalist news service.
Wakes ,,,, why not?🙉🙊🙈🙀🤪💁
Remember you are just like the cats.
Just as a matter of note, perhaps the naysayers can explain, in known later history, who did nor have doubles?
Enjoy the popcorn ….. last scenes at situation update🤣💁🏼
such awesome work – everybody.
The Trust Fall: Julian Assange | Coming Soon | Trailer
“Despite being detained, silenced and hidden from public view in maximum security Belmarsh Prison, multi-award-winning Australian journalist and publisher Julian Assange has become one of the loudest voices for free speech of our times. The disclosures of WikiLeaks from 2010 ignited a firestorm of controversy and a relentless ongoing pursuit by the most powerful state on the planet.”
Ned replied wanting the VIDEO POSTED
Journo locked up for exposing
The Iraq murders shown are old but that is why Assange is where he is.
John Winston Howard and colleagues, why do you do not demand that Assange be released……. Oh, he reported the truth, is that it?
How many more were killed by our governments?
P M Albanese…. NO MORE, STAY OUT.
Well, great movie, great shooting, all fun was it not , Mr. JOHN WINSTON HOWARD PM OF AUSTRALIA and colleagues?
Beats Hollywood. But our globalist mass media can make heaps from their advertisers to sucker their viewers.
Want in P.M. Albanese for the final quarter…. Ukraine is fun.
Ok, send in the scoutmasters and more of our borrowed money from the bankers.
Just send us your invoice.
Well, history tells us who really controlled our government 25 years ago and the disasters that followed.
Moving on, PM Albanese, Dreyfus, Wong and Co, who is the current boss.
Let’s guess, the UN, the WHO, the WEF et all, unelected and corporates based in Geneva and like places, excepting the WEFers, teals and sundry fifth columnists planning to destroy Australia from within and enforce a totalitarian world government by making us dependant, deplorable feudal peasants.
Whilst on the matter of courts and judges.
Note THREE reports TOGETHER on Assange at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com
last on 11/2 at 8.02 timeline and the two immediately under……earlier time line.
Seems that the judge has granted 96% of extradition applications in her time.
Assange has been imprisoned since 2019 0n a breach of bail charge but he is respected so much that he is the only prisoner housed in his prison that is there for a breach of bail. Nice to be treated like Royalty in the UK.
I would like to comment on the next article by MM but the comment box seems to have fallen into some dungeon…….. seems to be a common problem for even the court system.
So here it is Mary.
I too cannot comment on Mary’s post, as the comment section is out for some reason.
So here is a question to you, Mary:
Why is it that you cannot see that ALL western institutions have become so corrupted that the only remedy available, is a complete rearrangement or demolition, for all of them?
QUEENSLAND is going thru a crime wave… and there is talk about getting some of the worst young gang members on ankle bracelets. On the news I heard only 5 were in use…
In reflection it is so shocking that they “ANKLED” the good doctor, Patrick and the granma.
They use them a lot the trackers, think they must mean on juveniles only 5.
They are GSM so having it strapped close to your body could have health repercussions over time.
They did it to humiliate them, no other reason. Its a disgusting abuse of power and is a profane action, on these people for only this purpose. I believe the court approved coverage too, the words could stick and because of s121 a documented rebuttal impossible, and abroad. Lumbered in with operation tie me kangaroo down sport, AFP gets 1.7 billion a year and sometimes they get images that smash pedo rings, sometimes they run them
Leave Leave, how dare you, you paying the rent. I’d be worried as soon as the doors closed your ODPP buddies might “recontinue”. I mean learned pier coffee drinking bar colleagues.
Hardly DFAT material, what a meal, thank-you.
Cops are pathetic, well-resourced idiots and it looks like Queensland is going to get the roughest treatment in the next 5-year-plan, though of course they are hell bent on injecting everyone in Australia. Cops will stand by and do nothing unless asked to shoot rubber bullets and drag targeted individuals away.
At 6 minutes on Paul Robert Burton vid:
“That journalist hasn’t been charged”- because such “blunders” are routine and the MSM is evidently covered by some cosy/covert little immunity deal; a conclusion I reached years ago re an encounter with the Australian Press Council
Justice is finally served in the “criminal colony”.