[Editor’s note: China built military-run station in the Patagonia region of Argentina. It was to be for space exploration, but in 2016 China failed to explain why its powerful 16-story antenna was directed in a horizontal orientation, rather than the vertical position — the position most suitable for “deep space” purposes. G5 emailed and called today and said his source in Argentina notified him that the US had warned Argentina to pull its forces back from protecting the Chinese bases. And that we were the first in the world to hear this news. We provide no commentary or assumptions on this report.]
by G5
From an Intel Colleague:
In the Argentinian side of Patagonia, China has constructed a massive Intel and Military facility greater than N.W. Cape and Pine Gap combined; and much more. Nothing to do with the Moon or Mars. My associate visited and maintained the Argentine FIA – National Directorate of Strategic Military Intelligence File.
There are currently 10 bases in the complex; operational from 2007. Ignored by the stupid GWB the bought Cheney, and the criminal Hayden.
(Hayden attempted murder of Melania Trump in Scotland, and is currently enjoying his Methyl Iodide ‘retirement’, courtesy of a Target Team. Brennan and Clapper are back in their holes).
Because of vague interest from territorially shared Chile; Argentine forces, due to corrupt activities in The Argentine Government, currently guard the facility.
The US has just warned Argentina to withdraw its forces.
There is a problem landing Chinese Regulars.
One of the issues is the US Prime Intel Bases in Australia being on First Strike.
Only Russia has the most advanced military technologies. In which case it is necessary for Russia to protect Australia; with the US; against strike by China.
Another reality that cannot be delivered to the herds.
Only Russia can detect Point of Launch, and only Russia has Hyper-velocity Missiles. [At about 6km/sec or more]
Don’t expect an engagement between Russia and China, and the expunging of N.W.Cape and Pine Gap in exchange for Patagonia, to be of concern.
The problem is the follow on bastardized strike on Sydney, Melbourne, and Canberra. But of course that’s just fancy. And we well know the controllers of China to be most moral and ethical.
Australia cannot defend itself and the US cannot defend Australia. Only Russia can protect Australia.
What an astonishing and cringe fool was Abbott, poncing the Dem Narrative Line at the Brisbane G20. The option was to ignore. Look at the legacy of the mega-fool puppet Howard reading the WMD Script. [the Weapons of Mass Destruction]
An indication of how ridiculous Howard made Australia; apart from the denigrated sane who always knew; is The Chilcot Report concerning the criminal Blair.
And they wonder why.
[From discussions with G5, the Chinese bases in Argentina are used for surveillance of the US, and not for space exploration.]
More from G5:
Fauci Fired
Criminal Fauci fired as I predicted. The career of this little sh*tbag is gone.
I am advised that Orange [Trump] had made the decision at the first opposition by Fauci on the podium, well before. Don’t forget Orange was advised by Giroir.
Deep State Fauci; from the days of the CIA GHWB Drug Wars; since at least 1984; became insufferable and corrupt. (Video)
Hastened by the extraordinary YouTube propaganda push to make the corrupt fool, locked to Trump and the big hero for the next Trump Impeachment Hoax.
The Release of ‘Seven’
[Editor’s note: I questioned G5 on this report. He indicated there is a connection between the convicted child molesters and sex offenders to people higher up. I looked through the seven people arrested and released. I would guess that if high-up connections were asking for the release of specific prisoners, they would probably release others to diffuse preferential treatment. And now for the report.]
Between 7 April 2020 and 22 April 2020; appointed County Commissioner Joseph Dane released seven men convicted of Sexual Battery and Child Molestation. Registered Recidivist Sex Offenders, who also removed their tracking devices. It depends on how they are fitted.
Dane absurdly advised he did so to make room in The Orange County Gaol because of The COVID Pandemic. Then good old Sheriff Don Barnes; who also distanced from Dane; advised that The County Gaol had an existing 45% vacancy.
It’s part of the Culture Wars. Love the US Dems and UK Labour. Hate Trump and Johnson. But can only regurgitate tutored MSM narratives as rationale. And of course syllogism doesn’t come into it.
Southern California DA Todd Spitzer has no idea how Dane suddenly ordered the release; without telling him; of the magnificent seven, as Time Served. Two of whom having further charges pending. You can file them.
Orange County Sheriff Don Barnes regrets not making a phone call. But then Public Servants can’t quite question orders from above. Civilization would crumble and come to a halt without robotic culture. Which is how Deep State appointments from above, came into existence. ENJOY.
Perhaps Joseph Dane could be investigated. But then California Dem Governor Newsom is Nancy Pelosi’s nephew.
And Dianne Goldman Berman Feinstein née Dianne Emiel Goldman, and Nancy Patricia Pelosi née Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro, both have interesting families that would not hold water in a background check.
Then we have Weinstein and the California Mafia Elite.
Weinstein to go the way of Epstein, Savile, and Louise Mountbatten, in due course. As I predicted for the others. Must polish that crystal ball.
And of course at least one of the Magnificent Seven has a connection. Lost in the flood of course. No GPS, not loitering in Southern California, and the New Orleans Levy Break of 29 August 2005 allowing new identities (The Dead Irish in The Welfare and Bank Loan UK Trick. Not to mention a grand Dem Vote Early Vote Often Trick). A simple question of what is The Daily Picayune.
Only fingerprints being the clue; for the next guaranteed offence. Which brings us to the cleansing of past files. Now why would that occur.
These seven are real. Like good old Uncle Joe and Bubba Blythe. Not Thomas or Kavanaugh. They are recidivists with new identities floating the US. And not an isolated story.
In this video, the author says we are having a coup (COVID). He says China is “the Lee Harvey Oswald,” Fauci is “John Foster Dulles (as member of the Warren Commission).”
So who is “the JFK”? why, all of us.
Look everybody! “Lee Harvey Oswald” is now coming after you all – so you all now need to change costume and become “Jacob Leon Rubensteins” – you know, to do the right thing and all will be well. We’ll deal with you Jacobs once you have done what needs to be done …
Actually, Allen Dulles, not his Bro John Foster, was on the Warren Commission.
“Only Russia can protect us”
Get Russian – Caitlin Johnstone
What a nuisance – now I have to go through all those memes and replace ‘Russia’ with China’
This will take a while – all those clips featuring Rachel Maddow for starters …
I have spent nearly two hours listening to a discussion by Kerry Cassidy and her interviewee.
Before I comment I will give GS the link.
Before you start just go to the 1 hour mark and get the message. (:-
May I explain why I listened to the whole discussion.
In the first 4 minutes or so the commentator referred to the start of why he commenced and what followed. Then we get to Trump being informed and then comes Q
Has anyone remembered that in the UK parliament a member stood up and asked….what happened to the FIFTEEN TRILLION. Well I do, about ten years ago. What is not mentioned in the discussion s that the member mentioned it went to Scotland. Bet it went to a bank, but from whom and to whom? Do not Know.
Ok. that explains why I persisted with the discussion.
Now you may listen,
Now my dear Colleague Mr, James O’Neil and your article just published at GS.
With all respect James may I comment on your beliefs and I wonder whether you spend as much time as me examining developments. (I am retired)
I do it in bullet form.
*whilst you rely on China’s past absence from invading humanity. You rely upon the past. (but that is even BS)
*Mao murdered millions. So did Hitler, Stalin and others.
*the US has done similar horrific acts….. by making war as you report.
*What interests have the US represented? Who has really controlled the US?
*What same interests now use China as per a globalist communist agenda. You recall the Bolsheviks taking over Russia no doubt.
*Whilst by design US controllers transferred production to China causing dependence upon the communists, who gained and do you recognise we suffered…..Who controls the UN?
*You are no doubt aware that under the UN dictate the Australian LABOR government signed the *Lima declaration in 1975 transferring our manufacturing out of the country, sabotaging Australian workers. Who gained? Try China.
*Whilst the Deep Sate has embroiled the US and the West generally in ridiculous wars, as designed before 911, who gained when billions have been spent INVADING (REDUCING) the resources of the West……
*Who owns much of our dairy etc.? Why will not our government tells us what China has bought up in Australia?
*Thinking of the Deep State, who are they? They are globalist fascist who have no concept of sovereign countries and free people….Because they represent Authoritarian slavery. Call it Collectivism. socialism communism, Zionism or what ever, same coin. (can you Say CHINA?)
*I presume you have researched GS a bit and have read Dr. Day’s forecast of the Globalist, fascist bankers plan. Therefore you would be aware that they intend to destroy the family, as it is competition for controlling children. (sound like what the Nazis did) What about banning religion? In that regards what do you say about the Chinese communists persecuting anyone who dares have a religious belief. Try the Fulong ….. whatever. What you say about that?
*Infiltration. I have being watching reports from the US for years about Chinese infiltration. Ok just a conspiracy theory? You have of course heard on this from the interview linked above toward the end. Then we have the Chinese females ducking into the US to give birth and create a Chinese US citizen with all the rights following. Why do Chinese travel to the US to have children and then return home?
*let us not forget the Chinese getting control of US ports and ours in Darwin. How is it that we allowed the Chinese to have a base in Darwin and airports associated with their mining presence.
Ok I can think of much more, but perhaps you might reply seriatim to the above and let Australian’s know if you think we should be a Chinese colony/mine or stick with what we now tolerate to survive and not be subject to a Chinese communist system?
If you think we should be really independent and sovereign, let us know how that can be maintained.
Speaking of Kerry Cassidy
Kerry Cassidy Interview 22 July 2019 – The Cabal and Extraterrestrial Beings – Truth Is Out
From around 1:00
“The main parties that are involved in controlling the planet are ET and human, so it’s a combination. There are various groups vying for control at the top that includes the Illuminati or the black magicians […] apparently led by the black Pope […]and there are many levels of that group and then of course the Vatican itself which is run by reptilians underground and you also have what we call the deep state or the secret government which is basically run by the United States and with their partners which are called the five eyes […] and then on top of that you’ve got the Russian U.S. Alliance which is part of the secret space program and as far as ETs go you’ve got Anunnaki who have been here since very early days – thousands and thousands of years ago – that were involved in putting in a frequency fence in our DNA to block us from developing too quickly and to keep us as a relative slave Society and then you’ve got reptilians some of which are Anunnaki but there are also reptilian-human hybrid race called Reptoids and then you’ve got the grey – basically it’s called the Luciferian rebellion made up of the Draco’s greys reptilians – it’s an alliance – so […]there are a lot of dark basically forces and entities attempting to run the planet and on top of that we now have artificial intelligence which has been created in large part in partnership with the some of these ET races and then you have some incoming AI that are also invading at this time so it’s a very big picture and rather complex. [3: 30]
I listened on because crikey it is riveting …
White anting BS?
Whit anting bs and obfuscation?
Julius – Look up William Tomkin and the Secret Space Program. Someone or something is flying around in craft that are not man made, and that I have seen too many of in my lifetime to just dismiss out of hand as not being relevant to our time.
Beware trolls who do not direct comments demonstrating that they have not considered the opinion and history of the interviewee.
Their purpose is to distract from the particular subject being discussed in the interview.
To clarify a error.
Beware trolls who comment on other matters, but not the subject and opinion of the INTERVIEWED person by Ms Cassidy as I linked.
It is his opinion and history that is the subject.
Then wonder why they do not address the content of the interview and their purpose.
Not at all Ned – just demonstrating for the legally sharp minds:
“Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus”
“At common law, it is the legal principle that a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter.”
And you can demonstrate any falsity by the witness being interviewed?
Your legal sharp mind is not that sharp it would appear.
Ned,thank you for the link.
Ned – excellent post. James, and some others, would learn a lot if they chose to watch it.
and follow up with a reply to information and comments to explain and defend, as any decent advocate of a expressed public opinion should.,,,,,if able.
(We been there! They scarpered off without offering assistance or explanation to the dying and injured from their own acts)
By the way James,
Did you bother to spend a few minutes listening to this link I posted a article or two back.
Do you recognise the history of those controlling the communist useful idiots…….THE BANKERS?
“Fauci Fired” – let me know when this bombshell becomes a reality.
This is based on the linked video The Moment Trump Decided To Fire Fauci (Body Language Analysis) by The Charisma Matrix
What I read is that Trump merely retweeted someone else who included a hashtag #FireFauci, and that this bickering as really only about ‘whether the US acted quickly enough’. But then Trump also said that Hilary should/would be put behind bars and that we would find out who did 911 (“they have secret papers – and you will find out”}.
There has been nothing about firing Fauci for his biowarfare crimes against humanity over the last few decades.
But see what is happening? The narrative of the discussion has been engineered to “should we have done this – should we done that” – and all about a virus which is almost certainly a complete hoax. The only places it exists are in the patents and thus in the vaccine$ themselves, waiting to be rolled out. There has been no evidence that The Virus ™ otherwise exists – but rather mounting evidence that the tests are all fabricated and the (comorbid) deaths deliberately misreported, while hospitals become ghost buildings and health care across the globe grinds to a halt. All this while our government shares and promotes the view that talking about health lifestyle, healthy immune systems and vitamins A, C and D in particular are ‘problematic’.
I digress with a bit of Corona Maths to further illustrate the point:
There are a ‘countless’ number of tonsillectomies and adenotonsillectomies performed every day/week/month because they are clinically indicated by objective medical guidelines and recommended/prescribed by very qualified professionals (ENT specialist). One of those clinical indications is recurrent tonsillitis.
“Tonsillitis is when the glands are inflamed, usually caused by a virus. There may be other cold symptoms, such as a runny nose, cough or sore eyes. Younger children may have nausea, vomiting or stomach pain.”
Today, VIRTUALLY NO tonsillectomies or adenotonsillectomies are being performed because they are ‘elective’ procedures (there may at best be a tiny trickle of absolute emergency cases)..
So, the next time that child presents with their inevitable bout of recurrent tonsillitis because they have not been treated – they will, by non-medical government decree have ’COVID’? How convenient.
Fauci Fired – Click Bait
Much needed “obfuscation” to counter the “clarity” of the official narrative, in my opinion.
G5 writes : ‘ It is necessary for Russia to protect Australia , with the U.S , against a strike by China’.
Now, I actually believe that Russia would likely help Australia in the event that one of the other hegemons sought to attack it. ( Just like the Soviets/Russians came to the aid of the USS LIberty in 1967 ) .
That said, Russia will not support the U.S over China.
Why would they ?
When the U.S isn’t demonising China , the corporate controlled media ( hello Rachel Maddow & the rest ) & the Democratic Party are carrying on about Russiagate & Russia that .
How stupid do you think the Russians are to TRUST anything the lying American administrations , (either GOP or Dem) , tells them ? ( Recall the deal struck between Reagan & Gorbachev whereby with the coming down of the Iron Curtain , the U.S promised not to expand NATO by enlisting former Warsaw Pact nations).
At the end of the day, any promises coming from ANY U.S administration are WORTHLESS .
The Russians are not stupid & are now joined at the hip with China courtesy of long term resource agreements :
The article above speaks of a $ 400 billion GAS deal.
Yes, just gas .
Add to that whatever deals Russia has done to supply oil & all manner of other resources , & you have a marriage made in heaven.
The fact of the matter is , whatever funding the U.S military has gotten over the years ‘ on paper ‘ does not translate to reality on the ground. ( Remember the $ 2.3 trillion that Rumsfeld said was unaccounted at the Pentagon the day before 9/11 ? Well, now that’s blown out to at least $ 9 trillion & some sources say a lot more ) .
The fact of the matter is that most budgeted ‘ military expenditure ‘ goes directly into the pockets of the Zio-owned military contractors .
Add to that the disintegration of morale in the U.S armed forces since 9/11 ( they know that these wars are all B.S bankers wars & U.S presence in Afghanistan is all about protecting the CIA’s drug trade – not to mention what happened to Pat Tillman , the Seal Team that allegedly killed Bin Laden in 2011 all died in an unfortunate helicopter crash ), & you have a U.S military that would easily be swept aside in a conventional ground war :
That’s no typo in the article above. The Rand Corporation , a neo-con aligned organisation , state that Russia would defeat NATO in 60 hours in a land war.
Russia does not need to align militarily with anyone. But, to the extent that brainless U.S administrations have constantly demonised Russia & China & renegged on agreement after agreement thus forcing them into a union , the combined Russo-Chinese goliath will rule the future of planet Earth.
The sooner Australians wakes up to that reality & abandons ‘ Yesterday’s Man ‘ ( the U.S ) , the sooner this country can establish a working relationship & build alliances with the two great powers of the coming centuries .
If our planet survives the coming decade, it will be a miracle. As for communists ruling for a hundred years or more, may God save people from these inequities. Nothing good in paganism, look at where it has lead us – a dystopian cyber surveillance gulag.
‘ 56 ‘ I hear what you’re saying.
But, just as Putin’s Russia can in no way be compared to the Soviet era , similarly China today is infinitely better for the average man ( not just economically but also in terms of lesser governmental tyranny ) than his forebears in Chairman Mao’s era.
The people of Russia & especially China , are travelling throughout the world & hearing other points of view / seeing how things are done in the west & bringing said ideas & philosophies home to influence their peers .
That being so, the Communist Party may still exist in 20 or 30 years time , in NAME ONLY , but ‘people power’ exerted by Chinese citizens will necessarily tone down the authoritarianism from above & I’m optimistic that their system will be greatly liberalised by then.
My ‘ U.S – bashing ‘ is not a reflection of how I feel towards the American people . I’ve been to the U.S on numerous occasions & have friends there .
It’s a reflection of my disdain for the U.S power structure – a society that’s OF, BY & FOR the benefit of criminal oligarchs who will callously sacrifice the lives of anyone on Earth (including their own countrymen), for personal gain.
The sooner the Petrodollar system unravels – thus precipitating a U.S dollar collapse , & the U.S economy collapses as the financialised house-of-cards economy is exposed , the greater will be the diminishment of America’s capacity to pursue their endless war / sanctions doctrine that has killed tens of millions since WW II .
Also ‘ 56 ‘ , in relation to your ‘ nothing good in paganism ‘ comment , bear in mind that once America’s demise plays out , we will not be living in a unipolar world , where China is the sole hegemon.
Both Russia & China will be great powers. China may be economically dominant but Russia will still be superior militarily for decades to come.
Secondly , freed from vassalage to the U.S under NATO , the Euro-bloc will be another counter-balancing Christian stronghold – with a collective GDP at least equal to that of China.
Meanwhile, Russia is presently THE great Christian nation on Earth under Putin & no doubt will continue on that path long after he’s gone :
Europe a Christian stronghold? I guess you haven’t been reading the papers….
Sadly, nation states are a fascade just like hollywood westerns. Trump’s and Putin’s advisers are Chabad. Same here for Scott and Josh. I dare write, probably CCP also.
the photo shows a satellite dish without the white golfball cover familar from pine gap.
james bamford writes in his books on the nsa that these are precisely to make it impossible to see what work the dish is doing, that is, where it is pointed.
so how likely is it that this dish was uncovered or am i to believe that it was exactly because they did not want to raise suspicion that the chinese left it without a golf ball and merely had a little horizontal look now and then, hoping that us satellites would not notice.
g5 writes:::::::My associate visited and maintained the Argentine FIA – National Directorate of Strategic Military Intelligence File::::::::
but how can i both visit and also maintain such a thing, if i merely visit i cannot maintain it.
One has the feeling the word “maintained” was not intended. Maybe he was “paid maintenance.”
During W’s presidency, his daughters went to Patagonia and bought a huge tract of land for the family. Remember that?
Somewhere down there with heaps of water.
Not the only family from memory!
one of the reasons that g5 s texts require buckets and not grains of salt is the slapdashness.
he writes of louise mountbatten, who was queen consort of sweden 1950 to 1965 but means lord louis mountbatten, see link above.
this makes me suspect his quoting ostensibly accurate dollar figures for this or that black op or other expenditure all the more.
The first comment under this video on youtube is: “Terrifyingly close to not being a parody.”
Well, thanks I guess for the video link Mary, I remember there was one of those Hollywood pranksters doing all the parodies and then was involved in bashing someone over a parking spot (?), he seemed to slip out of sight after that, I didn’t find his caricature very compelling,,, it’s hard to know what interests me these days … oh I know ! Why isn’t Biden being asked more about his bagman son carrying $1.5b (?) home from China ??? Well I guess I’ll have to wait. Sounds like Joe is really expensive,,, but they seem to be backing a real dog there, I wouldn’t put $5 on it.
Mary , that parody is a beauty & mimics Trump’s mannerisms to a tee .
Meanwhile , you’re right about Europe not being a Christian stronghold – at the moment anyway.
But, European culture has strong christian roots which , following the example of the epicentre of Christianity in the Eurasian land mass ( Russia ) , will once again be resurrected .
If you look on the Google maps you will see China has done a big highway pointing straight toward a huge harbour in Burma (it stops at an indentation in the border), next to where they are evicting the Rakhine people from. There’s only one conclusion, it’s the the one-road-one-lane thing, they are going to buy all of this from Burma, watch out Christmas Island etc., probably is part of China according to some 500 year old map.
But our military doesn’t seem overly edgy, after all, we have all these submarines, what else are submarines for except to deliver weapons of mass destruction on big cities around the place ?
If not enough submarines and bombs, we have good credit around the place, who else has such good credit. So if you want to take Australia, you have to take out the submarines first, a virus could be handy here, but we’ll be moving to drones soon enough I would have thought.
It would distress a lot of lefties to think, but maybe all the atom bombs and delivery systems have actually bought the peace. Hence asymmetric tactics such as viruses. What will they think of next ! You know the old kings used to go into battle with suits of armour until the crossbow was invented, after that they led from the rear. Things keep changing, but one thing hasn’t changed yet, which is a matter of great curiosity to me. When one state makes a war on another, why is not the HQ of the leader the first target, why is it always the last target or not a target. Why did Hirohito, for example, survive the war and pretend he was not in charge? Why is the Berlin Reichstag still standing ? Why are Westminster and Hanoi both intact, I have been to all these places and they look in original condition to me. It always seems to be, that huge masses of civilians are incited to butcher each other for the pleasure of the royalty, then the royalty usually pretends that they weren’t involved, and then, the civilians believe it !!! Mystifying.
Hardly mystifying, they arrange it so.
nice post !
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