Home Conspiracy Exposing Parallels

Exposing Parallels


by G5

Strawberries grow well in Washington. The place is loaded with chickenshit and the arseholes who generate it. Wray is now desperate.

He joins Garland and Mayorkas, linked to attempts to murder Trump.

Zuck is on notice from Trump. He told him, if he finds he interfered in an election, he will spend the rest of his life in gaol. I prefer the Military Tribunal method. Swift hearing today. Dead tomorrow.

The garbage know full well what happened to: GHWB, McCain III, and big Joe. That is the fastest way to reform America.

War and Jabbing the Economy

There are parallels with JFK and Trump. JFK was going to end Vietnam. Trump will end Ukraine. Both to act on; CIA, FBI, Fed, DOJ, IRS, and Treasury. The Oil Depletion Allowance to be ended by JFK, is the criminal fraud of Green and Renewable Energy and Climate Change for Trump.

We are able to determine that Pfizer ran away with well over a hundred billion dollars from The Covid Fraud. There were other accessories and collaborators. 

Extra take apportioned to the health, legal, media, government, and political assets paid for their complicity. A monstrous Commo-Fascist attack in the alleged Free West. Sociopathic collaborators and psychopathic policing, well displayed.

When government orders and insane obey: all the answers are exposed. 

Manipulation by the US of The Helsinki Accords, is an external observance to maintain The Ukraine War, after The US invasion of Ukraine in 2014.

As The Inflation Reduction Act fuelled inflation, The Affordable Care Act forced healthcare out of reach, The Treaty of Versailles (an Armistice pause of hostilities, not a treaty) caused WWII as part two, and The Potsdam Agreement was actually the surrender of NAZI-UK-US to Soviet Russia, so too The Helsinki Accords; to maintain the status quo after Potsdam; has been manipulated by America as it containing Russia. 

Intellectualised as America-NATO-UN fighting Russia in Ukraine.

Albeit that America agreed NATO would be disbanded as The Warsaw Pact. But then every arms agreement signed by America with Russia was abrogated by America on the basis that America never ratified them.

America destroyed itself in Korea then Vietnam. Not comprehending reality in a mania of the fixation or world policeman: America invaded Iraq (the Qatar pipeline) and Afghanistan (American drug fields). 

Still not understanding attrition after being vanquished from Vietnam, it enters Ukraine, to be played as a fiddle by Russia.

The socio-economic and military devastation of America is solely its own fault. Nothing has saved it, and nothing will.

In America now: a fast food worker at $20 an hour ends 25% better than someone with a college degree. Instead of lying someone through Affirmative Action and DEI, to failure and nowhere; people should be trained for what they can accomplish and to live a peaceful life. Nonsense college loans and their nonsense forgiveness is as sound as Bidenomics Inflation and Obama Healthcare.

The American Domestic Economy has failed under Commo-Fascist Democratic Dem Zoo Socialism. Sucked in by fringe dwellers as Australia. These issues are advanced on the mental disorders of; Race, Gender, and Climate. Unless core economic sanity is forced back into these destroyed economies, find a cave and some animals to hunt.


English Legal System

The English Legal System; now no longer able to contain itself; has broken all bounds of rationality.

People are being gaoled for social media comments, articulating reality and the depths to which The UK has fallen. There are very many wonderfully entertaining aspects of codifying that which would better have been untouched.

Fantasyland crosses over with Zimbardo Syndrome.

Apart from the very many very tragic events. In King’s Lynn, a well meaning police lady gunned down a gentleman from the back, walking the footpath, carrying a samurai sword, because he would not answer her. The sword was a walking stick. He was almost blind and deaf.

When Johnson prorogued The Commons pending a snap election; the less intelligent on the Left and Cross Benches, ran to their bench dwelling equals in London and Edinburgh. No. No said the bewigged.

Deluded by the mysterious. Back sit The Commons, whereby he again prorogues with two additions. The AG has a quiet chat with the bewigged, and the recall is struck from Hansard.

The weight almost as onerous as Popy’s infallibility. Such a responsibility being gatekeeper of the hereafter.

Excommunication as a sport, reversible by rehabilitation. While still avoiding institutional paedophilia and genocides. And why not saint the protagonists on the journey. Nothing like a good dose of propaganda, proof texting, forgiving iniquities, and the ever welcome indulgence coin.

Rowan Atkinson video

There’s a space to the right side of Lincoln for Trump on Rushmore.

If Wray, Mayorkas, Garland, HRC, Pelosi, and Obama succeed in their desperate mission: Vance will bring up J. and Gabbard as joint VPs, and position Mattis and Kelly for swift military tribunal action as exterminators in Washington.

Public executions would be very helpful to recapture America.

The reopening of mental asylums would be of great assistance for the management of wokism. As would an El Salvador gaol system, specifically for public servants.

Either that or the matter left in the hands of the people with a very swift and decisive civil war.

I had advised at the time of Butler that it was about the eighth attempt on him. Another shooting attempt occurred earlier today while he was golfing.

No attempts on Harris. She musn’t pose a threat to anyone or anything, apart from herself.

I wonder who and what Trump threatens.

It wouldn’t be food, energy and freedoms. Perhaps it’s Commo-Fascism that’s under threat. Now who or what want to protect Commo-Fascism.

Don’t forget the lone crazed gunman story wore out with the JFK lie.

Nonsense Economics

In 1981 George Gilder published a tome of nonsense economics. The unelected classes, believing it has merit, roll it out for the fools. Without them even aware.

All the stupidities of the fake economics of woke, hidden away.

Gilder as Alinsky et al, transform the ridiculous to appear as an intellectual moralism, which if could never be.

An entire generation of intellectualized buffoons become experts and moralists to the herds of fools, who know no better, in the fantasyland of Arguement from Authority.

Of course Climatology would be saluted up the flagpole and balloons would be gassed.

How dumb?…….


Another Email

Obama invades Crimea. Thrown out in 24 hours. Leading edge, stealth, USS Virginia approaches Murmansk. Thrown out in 24 minutes.

Blackwater-Academi threatens Russian pipelines in Afghanistan. Thrown out in 24 hours.

CIA blows NordStream. Leave it broken for 6 months.

Harris threatens Putin in Feb. 2022. Russian forces enter Ukraine in 3 days.

CIA pays Wagner to invade Russia. All executed.

A recent release of Pentagon files of the 1980s reveals a pathetic ineptitude, in stark contrast to the propaganda of the era. Video

Glocks are garbage. When police forces jumped from revolvers to Glocks, the garbage tag was confirmed for all. Revolvers are not great.

Police forces used them because they could not shoot auto and cops are dumb to the point of unable to clear jams. 

There are many handguns around. Glock remains at the bottom of the pile.

They never learn how to hold a handgun. They can’t clear jams. Suitable for police. Video



    • A very worthwhile follow up to Clif’s previous.
      Makes so much sense that I have felt and wondered about for decades, but I had no patient audience. For some ‘heretic’ theories
      So encouraging to note reports from the same paddock.
      Anyway most will not bother to listen and consider the fundamentals and suffer the shock and psychological consequences.
      As for Joe’s reference to Mr. Thor, I note he supports the general concept reported by Mary at SU if people note the press reports of space ships in EVERY EPISODE over military bases.
      There is much to have a beer over with some fun around life’s mysteries….. commencing with a foundation that I often advise people: “practically everything you believe is BullTits’🙈🙀💁🤷‍♂️🤪
      I note that he has not to my knowledge EVER rubbished the concept of the life after a material demise.
      Being of a conspiratorial mind I have a question of our politicians.
      1- we have been controlled by bullshiters for eons.
      2- leaders, societies and uninformed politicians etc., have been the agents for all the BS.
      3- When the matters raised by Clif hit the fan, the 2 lot are seen as either complete idiots and/or are superfluous to society, DEFUNCT AND USELESS.
      4- as many of the 2s know 3 then they Now feel threatened and finished.
      5- as in the past, their knowledge-able puppeteers are desperate and want to continue a totalitarian control to maintain their role and existence.
      6- they have applied many policies to maintain 5 … including wars, book burning, PROPAGANDA, LIES AND…… ‘CENSORSHIP’ of any threatened exposure.
      SEVEN-💁🤪NOW!!!!!!! they are legislating to censor and punish DEEMED MISINFORMATION💁

      WORK IT OUT FOR YOURSELVES BY NOTING CLIF’s last five minutes,
      The poor political idiots HAVE NO CLUE. Lobby interests will try to squeeze their……. In an attempt to maintain the old control system.
      What is the bet that, in a short time as all this blows Clif will be for the High jump if he ever seeks a visa to speak in Australia and his published thoughts are deemed CRIMINAL……. And who will be the principle lobbyists.?💁 …… those who have presently the hidden control!🙈

      As Dr Day stated in 1969 as reported by “NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER” (reported here at GS and at ‘rense.com’) in affect, the POLITICIANS ARE TOO DUMB AND STUPID TO RECOGNISE THE ULTERIOR PURPOSE OF THEIR POLICIES AND LAWS AND DO NOT RAISE THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, (they are idiot normies as defined by Clif early in his report) .

      All fun, but per the movie plot they are finished!? Relax as suggested by Clif.

  1. Sorry to get off topic , but the true nature of UFO’s has been known for a long time .

    The U.S. shelved Project Blue Book long ago , and Roswell was faked in 1947 , complete with suspicious government behavior to solidify the hoax , to advance some sort of agenda .

    It’s a big universe , but if I look at the big picture I see Jesus saying , ”

    And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”

    Matthew 28:18

    That could seem to denote there may nothing yet out there that needs authority to rule over it yet .

    A case could be made from Scripture that we will colonize the universe in our next lives .

    God is much more fond of man and has given him much more than he realizes . It’s likely we are His premier species .

    In the 1970s aliens visited Americans usually stationed in corn fields . The backgrounds of these people always had occultic related practices , and aliens always communicated telepathically ,never by radio .

    Aliens typically are never hungry and thirsty and never ask for refreshments nor do they ask for gas after their long treks thru space , or even where the facilities are located .

    I have seen enough spectacular footage of brilliant bright lights combined with very out of place audio of men ranting and cussing and sounding downright unfriendly enough times to be sure I am in reality watching a satanic manifestation .

    This “preacher” has most wanted posters in more than one country and plenty of footage of parlor tricks masking as “miracles”.

    I’m fairly certain these are demons masquerading as angels of light , but notice in the second clip how easily they could transition over to aliens .

    Since Adam & Eve have contaminated us from our original intended creation on that fateful forbidden fruit tasting day ,
    it’s doubtful God would allow us to hobnob with other life forms and run the risk of contaminating them as well .

    Never say never , but for now I say nope .



    Now back to our regularly scheduled rants .

    • UFOs may be on topic if Lord Muck’s latest invention is included in US defense, his mach 10 aeroplane with microwave EMF pulses to zap anything anywhere.
      I won’t post a video, they are available
      As for the ETs they came here in “The Apocrypha” but were deleted out, not before altering our DNA, you see everyone seems to want to alter DNA, whatever is wrong with humanity I’m not sure this is the answer. Whatever the case we have less DNA than monkeys and we have Rh- blood which apparently proves we were altered

    • “Roswell was faked in 1947 , complete with suspicious government behavior to solidify the hoax , to advance some sort of agenda”

      “there was, in fact, no UFO crash with dead alien bodies. What really happened on that fateful day is much more sinister. The persistent rumors surrounding the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, are part of a bigger conspiracy—one orchestrated and fostered by the government itself as a smokescreen to bury a truth that is much darker, and disturbingly, far more believable.

      Now, through never-before-revealed testimony from military whistleblowers, eyewitness intelligence reports, and an astonishing body of corroborative evidence, Nick Redfern lays out a shockingly plausible new theory on the Roswell incident: that the crash-site discovery of prototype military aircraft would expose a damning secret—a highly confidential, U.S. government-sanctioned program to conduct medical experiments on deformed, handicapped, disfigured, and diseased Japanese POWs, exploited as “expendable” victims by their captors.”

      Same explanation from 5:39 minutes on this vid:

      • Thanks for the tip . You win “Post of the Day”.

        We probably shouldn’t be surprised at such a ghastly possibility .Apparently there’s nothing or no one off limits to these cretins .

        Hope someone can figure out how to stop it .

      • EB, I prefer your Old Testament citations. Especially the one about Jona and the whale that I raised with you way back with no response.
        Put in a pre-order for three months supply of Prozac. You will be able to share some with your followers.

  2. United Nations General Assembly votes to demand Israel end Palestinian occupation, Australia abstains
    The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly voted in favour of a Palestinian resolution demanding Israel end its “unlawful presence” in Gaza and the occupied West Bank within a year.
    Yes: 124 | No: 14 | Abstentions: 43 | Non-Voting: 12 | Total voting membership: 193
    NZ the only one of the 5 eyes to vote YES, US of course NO with the remainder abstaining.

  3. Bugger, writing a quick message and my phone froze…. Lost the epiphany. Well at least it did not explode.
    So in short Mary at situation up date at 50 mins and more on black rocks and assassins.
    People powered news – beforeitsnews.com
    When are people going to listen?
    Oh well, I have dinner to attend to…. BBQ WHOLE FISH AND …….

    • Attention Dianne,
      Recently you suggested that you were mocked ….. presumably by me.
      Well here is a mocking exercise for you to consider.
      Whilst awaiting a visitor I have skipped items to the end of Mary’s situation update referred to above.
      I challenge you to continue from 50 mins, if you do not consider and opine on the reports, then I WILL CERTAINLY MOCK YOU …. and all commentators who ignore some of the reports FOR YEARS HERE AT GUMSHOENEWS.COMMIT IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING THAT SOME CAN ONLY GIND MR THOR REFERRED TO BY MARY and ignore the evil reported. e.g., referred to by Mel Gibson.
      I do not hold back, there are some here who for some reason sit on their ARSES AND DO NOT CONSIDER WHAT IS IN THRIR FACE. WHY IS THAT?
      Guest just arrived so good night. No proo reading crap, wear it.
      Wake the F up DO SOMETHING!

      • Old friend Guest has left. What a challenge?
        If only I have made a little crack into a slab of granite?
        Academic, spent almost 20 years lecturing priests/students on history and the bible (New Testament) etc in Rome.
        We shall see.
        The one agreed road map – Christ
        As for current political events! -ZERO, Ray Gun scores more..

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