Home NWO Exposing the Deep State

Exposing the Deep State



You’ve heard the terms “Deep State” and “Shadow Government”. Jake Morphonios’s  series goes into detail on what these entities are and how they function.

[Editors note: Thanks to Gumshoer Peter for forwarding this.]



  1. How do the members of Deep State overcome the urge for an internal coup? Do they actually feel warm toward the boss? Has the everyday emotion of resentment been cancelled in their corner of the species?

    George Orwell, Animal Farm, Chapter VIII:

    Nevertheless, feeling against Frederick continued to run high. One Sunday morning Napoleon appeared in the barn and explained that he had never at any time contemplated selling the pile of timber to Frederick…

    The pigeons who were still sent out to spread tidings of the Rebellion were forbidden to set foot anywhere on Foxwood, and were also ordered to drop their former slogan of “Death to Humanity” in favour of “Death to Frederick.”

    In the late summer yet another of Snowball’s machinations was laid bare. … A gander who had been privy to the plot had confessed his guilt to Squealer and immediately committed suicide by swallowing deadly nightshade berries.

    The animals now also learned that Snowball had never — as many of them had believed hitherto — received the order of “Animal Hero, First Class.” This was merely a legend which had been spread some time after the Battle of the Cowshed by Snowball himself. So far from being decorated, he had been censured for showing cowardice in the battle.

    Once again some of the animals heard this with a certain bewilderment, but Squealer was soon able to convince them that their memories had been at fault.


    Please consider presenting a show at The Adelaide Fringe — Feb-Mar 2019. It is easy and can cost as little as $250.

    Some venues are free, such as restaurants where you would do a dinner show. I am doing only a one-off show, so the rego is $200 and I am using a community venue (Burnside Ballroom) which will be less that $200 I think. My show is March 17, from 2-4 pm.

    You decide what to charge for tickets and the House keeps 10%. You have only 9 days left to plan a title. Come on, break out in a rash.

    You only need to give a 50 word-description now. Perhaps actors at starnow.com will work for free or for a nominal fee.

    Insurance is a pest. I have to spend $200 on that but if you get a downtown venue, insurance may come with the deal. You can do a musical, a comedy, a courtroom drama (not mentioning any names), a film, or just do handstands and bird whistles.

    In this day of removal of one’s Youtubes and websites, one likesto scrounge around for other ways to communicate. Oh and you can ride a float in the Fringe Parade.

    What CAN”T you do!

    Go to fringe website and register now.

  3. Clearly, there is no application of a democratic sovereign country for Australia.
    Why vote to encumber fascist traitors?
    Even independent candidates ultimately are ignorant and socially controlled.
    Ever heard: Hanson, the Greens or a Hunch and Co question the silly unscientific government 911 conspiracy theory?
    Let us hear a candidate in the Wentworth bi- election on 20th OCTOBER prove that: THEY ARE NOT JUST DEEP STATE TRAITORs AND PROSTITUTES And protecting mass muurderers.

  4. As Christopher suggests, this could be used a template and springboard to link to any number of crimes against humanity in recent years – and those complicit in the perpetration of these crimes.

    For example, at 17:33 (Part 1) Jake talks about Libya

    Most readers will be familiar with Hillary Clinton’s joyous “We came, we saw, he died” cackle on the murder of Muammar Al Gathafi:

    The title of the following video mentions Duterte in but it is actually all about Libya … it is portending a warning to Duterte. You will hear the same atrocity rhetoric against Gaddafi spewed by Obama to demonise an extremely popular and brave leader. When you go into a bit more depth, you learn that it was in Bhengazi that the US helped establish their earlier version of ISIS (just as they did in Mosul (Iraq) and Raqqa (Syria) – and got a foothold in Aleppo but were driven out with the help of Russia.

    We have since heard the same rhetoric from Trump and Bolton directed against the people of DPRK led by Kim Jong-un. Referring to the DPRK and the ’Libyan model’ proposed by Bolton, Trump said: ‘That model … was total decimation. That model would take place if we don’t make a deal’

    On an equally sombre note, this shows the work of true (NATO) psychopaths (very distressing!)

  5. Hey it is all about the bankers.

    Here is more… take the time, you will not see it referred to by our politicians and msm traitors.
    Time to inform your children about the truth. They will not be informed about itby the msm or at University and the internet is slowly being censored..


    ‘Cool Fish’, great to see another again trying to spread the cruel greedy reality of the killer thieves and those who are basically, just stooges of killing thieves and ‘home invaders’.

  6. Mike Rivero’s original radio address ……AUDIO … about 44 minutes.

    Now do you realise why our government is about 4 – 5 billion in debt and we are paying the interest to the bankers………………. get us into debt. simple, Then you and your children are just slaves continually in debt.
    Oops, it has gone up!!!
    Now what is Fridenberg and Co going to do about it?

  7. My McClellan article disparood but I think it is only a tech glitch. Her Bossness is out of town.

    Every American should be forced to watch the bloody show above about Nato in Libya, preferably in a 3-D theatre.

    Thank you, Fish.

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