Editor’s note: Glenn Beck breaks down the trail of gain of function research and those involved in facilitating the vaccine agenda. A dot-connecting exercise in how a few players are taking advantage of the many through a medical agenda.
Today (in Forbidden Knowledge) Friar Alexis Bugnolo an American-born Franciscan priest living in Rome who is spearheading a campaign to unseat Pope Francis. Says (excerpts)
“Covid vaxx is not only to kill those injected and is not just to reduce the world population, “But to select those who will live through it and to suppress their natural immunity, so they can be genetically re-engineered, while alive by the Globalists, using dose after dose of the vaccine and eventually, some sort of 5G or cellphone technology.”
He says it appears the Plandemic has been in the works for about 40 years, without anyone realizing what they were up to. “They basically want to totally re-engineer, biologically the human being and they want to exterminate the natural human beings.
Experts have examined the contents of the vials and discovered unbelievably diabolical things. “There’s the hydras, who are genetically-modified so they can live in your blood and in your lymph fluids and meld with your cells and change your genes and they’ll just go on multiplying, unless someone can figure out a medicine that will kill hydras in your bloodstream without killing you and this is why the graphene oxide is in there, because these hydras, in the presence of graphene oxide multiply enormously.”
Bluetooth apps detect MAC address in most jabbed –
Dr. Luis De Benito research –
Excerpts from Bluetooth apps detect MAC address in most jabbed – Nexus Newsfeed
86% of those who said they were vaccinated generated a MAC address on my cell phone. When a patient appeared, often already up the stairs or at the beginning of the corridor, about 20 meters away from the practice, on my cell phone, I could see if one or two devices to connect to with Bluetooth appeared.
It allowed me to know where he is because I knew that someone vaccinated was coming to my office before he showed up.
Detected was a device with a MAC Address (Media Access Control) code. a code that the patient himself was carrying . This is a unique identifier that electronic device manufacturers assign to a card or item that can be networked.
This code is generated in the covid injected as a result of the interaction of what’s injected with the genetic material of the patient. Perhaps not so much with their DNA as with the larger compatibility complex, the HLAs, which are ultimately derived from the genome.
What we are going have to recognise is a desire, on the part of the authorities, to take away freedoms from human beings.
100% of the patients who say they aren’t vaccinated didn’t raise any contact device with my cell phone via Bluetooth.
Covid Jab Placebo and Killshot bottle codes
Vaccine scandal in Slovenia
– bottles have code #’s for Placebo, Vax, or KILL SHOT
Word is coming out of Slovenia that, if verified, will cause an unimaginable world reaction.
On Saturday 20 November, the Chief Nurse of the University Medical Center, Ljubljana Clinical Center, (pictured above, who deals with the administration of vaccine vials and manages everything, quit her job, went in front of TV cameras and took out vaccine bottles.
She showed the gathered journalists the codes on the bottles, each with the final number 1, 2, or 3 in the code, and then explained the meaning of these numbers:
Number 1 is placebo, saline.
Number 2 is the classic mRNA “vaccine”
Number 3 is an RNA stick containing the ONC gene, related to adenovirus, which contributes, among other things, to the development of cancer.
For these who get jabbed from vial whose code ends in the number 3, she says people who received them will have soft tissue cancer within 2 years.
She said that she had personally witnessed the vaccinations of all politicians and tycoons and that they all received the preparation number 1
The media has been told to absolutely bury this story and fierce efforts at containing this information are underway right now.
I noted the report re the three bottles, pick a bottle?
No, you just have to take the one for you sucker.
Now for the subject article above.
I listened to the whole two hours, as a lawyer, it is a extremely strong evidentiary case and I would be proud to prosecute it before a jury, if I was still in the business.
The follow up would be prosecuting those who are presently culpable by ‘forcing’ the injections.
Think of the list of those who should be in the dock!
You should by now know who they are.
Those who have banned proven ‘horse deworming’ treatment etc., or who have vilified such proven and approved treatments in other countries should be indicted first.
Well, you lot are on notice and are less likely to be able to successfully try and defend by claiming that you did not know. No mercy follows. You have been told for at least 18 months.
NSW to appoint Karen Webb as first female police commissioner
By Paige Cockburn
Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021
“It’s now time for a new leader and a new direction,” she said.
“The key focus will be on victims of crime, in particular child abuse victims, victims of sexual assault and victims of domestic violence.”
The incoming commissioner said she would direct police back to their more “traditional role” of keeping the community safe after almost two years of focusing on enforcing pandemic health orders.
She said the first priority would be to re-engage with communities and protect people against crime.
“We will have a zero-tolerance for criminals.”
“We will have a zero-tolerance for criminals”
Tells me all I need to know without the abc factchecking furfies(great word-nothin new under the sun). I have no respect for criminals like this wicked Webb of gaslight.
All the on-line material I’ve seen either depicts Fauci as a devil or an upstanding citizen
But as far as I‘m concerned he comes across as being nothing more than a very frightened/insecure individual
Well so far as spending eternity in hell it’s actually of no consequence if you’re “pure evil” or just a tad inclined.
So perhaps all those who ascribe to such 60 minute-style lingo need to take stock
I kept waiting for Glen Beck to get to the meat of this plandemic. After all, the lead in was ‘it was all planned’. Nope, he danced around it. The issue that all this was in planning for decades as a bio-weapon attack on humanity wasn’t mentioned. Maybe he didn’t want to get completely shut down, he just put out as much as he could without massive censorship.
The voices of Max Igan and David Icke at the beginning expressed more of the truth.
Or losing listeners with a past ‘conspiracy’ historys that the uneducated/uninformed public could not manage or comprehend within two hours, let alone ever.
The old standby.
In this address by Beck, he kept within the realms of about the past 20 years and concentrated on the last six or so, being relevant to the Present experiences.
PLUS the characters, referred to are alive and are within gunshot range.
Not much point ‘prosecuting’ the dead, we need them now alive …… for ‘dinner’ .
Now have you anything to contribute in regard to the EVIDENCE PRESENTED AND IF ANYTHING SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT?
Besides criminal charges. Eg. the very recent change of the definition of a ‘VACCINE’ AND ITS PURPOSE?
Sorry if you missed that FACT., perhaps listen again?
Also note that the injected can pass on the virus💁💁💁
Thanks Hope, your call is worth looking into. Jounro’s get used like everyone else and the larger than life the more scrutiny should be applied.The genuine should not mind and really encourage this.Sometimes I think I can cut a bit into the spin/propaganda, leaving the messanger with standing, sometimes.
Ned, jury members should not lock step but deliberate. Funny this mechanism can be perverted(Bjelki Peterson comes to mind), not perfect but the closest man will get.
Governments these days want juryless closed courts so as to NOT “show us the body”.We all know why, they are corrupted/implicated
Max Igun talks about a “They” commandeering an agenda which, according to his reference to Louis Pasteur, has now been up and running for 140 odd years.
So how, exactly was such specious immortality obtained ?
PedoGate aka Ghislain Maxwell Trial…..don’t look here (Global Pedo Trafficking/Blackmail Ring that runs the world is not your concern)….look its a new scariant!!!
Judge issues media wide gag order: all press and spectators banned…
Lead prosecutor is Maurene Comey (daughter of James Comey ex-FBI head who is probably part of the ring) ……
Guiffre (of Prince Andrew fame) not to be a witness….
I’m shocked (not) just another cover up in the making….
The reason for the Maxwell trial to start today is because it is the first day of Hanukkah and she is of so-called Jewish heritage. It is all orchestrated, not to be believed at all. Not a word. Everyone that is part taking in the trial is either a handler or a mind controlled person. Turn off all media sources and focus on your immediate family, friends and environment.
Hanukkah is not a Jewish religious “holiday” but an eight day cosmic window of opportunity for everyone to See the invisible, to Hear what is not being said and to Understand what we are not being told, all of which is happening on Gumshoe.
Thank you Dee an Mary and everyone who participates in the conversation and debate.
Chag Sameach.
We are coming a full circle. Years ago Chuck Schumer appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO show and said, “I’m not Jewish.” The physical reality and world is a kind of an optical illusion, make believe and “dream works.”
The ultimate law of the universe is “love thy neighbor,” and since the legal and judicial system is about all corrupt and very complex for a layperson to understand, it is better to embrace “love thy neighbor” and live accordingly.
The more we are given, the more is expected of us. What we “ make go around,” will “come around.”
No one, and that is no one, escapes the universal laws of Creation, even if temporarily it appears to be so.
Last night I listened to Rabbi Alon Anava on how to overcome the present darkness and one VERY enlightening thing he said was that “Beit Lavan,” ie Laban’s house from the Torah – not the Old Testament – translates to (the) White House which, as Lavan or Laban of the Bible proved in his deceit and lies with Jacob, is full of deceit and lies no matter who the President is.
Thanks Leena
Everyone that is part taking in the trial is either a handler or a mind controlled person. Turn off all media sources and focus on your immediate family, friends and environment.
No one, and that is no one, escapes the universal laws of Creation, even if temporarily it appears to be so.
The judge in Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial — Alison Julie Nathan — may now be moving up to a federal appeals court. Nathan will be recommended for an appointment to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. How the new role will affect Maxwell’s trial is unclear. “Ali Nathan is an outstanding judge for the Southern District of New York and her experience, legal brilliance, love of the rule of law and perspective would be invaluable in ensuring the federal judiciary fulfills its obligation to ensure equal justice for all,” Senator Chuck Schumer recently stated. Schumer had recommended Nathan for her current job in New York City back in 2011, as a judge in the Southern District of New York.
In January of 2017, after “losing” the presidential election to Trump, Hillary Clinton said in her first post election inter That “the future is female.” Both Clinton and Trump are of Royal ancestry. They are “cousins.” So much for elections and election results.
Hillary Clinton was telling us that our future is going to be full of evil.
Kabbalah and the Zohar (www.Zohar.com) explain that the Biblical interpretation and understanding Of the words”woman” and “female” is the evil inclination in human nature. Nothing to do with physical gender. Again, my reference is the Torah and the Zohar not “the Old Testament” – they are two very different sources.
Believe nothing you hear or see in the media. I would include Glen Beck & co in this comment. They “circle” the truth. We are coming a full circle.
Remember actress, presidential candidate and MKUltra personality Roseanne Barr? She said some time ago that Donald J. Trump is America’s first “woman” President. Google it. Barr was stating the same truth that Hillary Clinton was with her “female future.” Don’t be fooled and tricked by the “two sides of the aisle.” Theirs is only one “woman” and “female” side.
Why the Ghislaine Maxwell trial to start on the first day of Hanukkah:
“The underlying reason is the Kabbalistic doctrine that all war, natural disasters, famine, slaughter, and massacre can be traced to destructive spiritual forces arising from Humanity’s negative sexual acts. Negative sexual acts are defined as those that are not for the purpose of procreation or for the bringing of Light to the world.”
Listen to Rabbi Alon Anava on YouTube about “wasting of seed,” minus religion.
The power to remove illusion is more powerful than the power to maintain it (MSM, most social and other media, etc.).
“The Zohar revolutionizes our consciousness, enhancing both the
quality of our daily lives and the evolution of our souls. For the
kabbalist, the Zohar is nothing less than a time machine and a
teleportation device all in one; by replacing doubt with certainty and
darkness with Light, it erases the limits that the physical world
places on us. With it, we see where we are, where we’ve been, and
where we are going – the future, the past, and the present, all as
“All of history is nothing but the Soul’s all wardrobe,” Heinrich Heine.
We are the past, the present and the future. It’s us. Throughout “time.”
We have been here from The Beginning of time, incarnation after incarnation, Lifetime after Lifetime, that’s why it feels like “history repeats itself” but only as long as we allow it to do so.
Nes Gadol Chaya Sham
Live love thy neighbor, help those in need according to your ability to do so, to disarm all enemies of unconditional brotherly love, good and kind deeds, no-strings-attached generosity, sharing with and caring for our Fellow Man, to render THEM powerless with their deceitful policies and illusory aisles.
Chag Sameach
Roseanne Barr was deplatformed for spruiking Cathy O’Brien and also Candidate Trump, I don’t think her positions would have changed, I think the humorous element is obscured because Roseanne just can’t help herself, she has a big mouth and uses it. Look her up in connection with Cathy O’Brien and being deplatformed but I don’t think there will be much left on spewtube.
NOVEMBER 28, 2021
Chapter XXXII Part S – The Cosmic Wheel
By Jeffrey Meiliken
I went on the bus this morning, something I almost never do, saw a teenage schoolgirl in uniform get on with a little (non-electric) scooter, quite drowsy looking, got off at the bus stop and I saw her out the window walking, her legs were sort of drooping, like she was almost falling down.
Also saw a couple of other ladies with medi-walking sticks (a sort of aluminium adjustable thing), one was a bit old so not suspicious, but the other was only late middle age.
Three cases in one bus ride.
Wow that was great – but still I don’t feel we are getting the full, true picture.
Just digressing for one moment …
What did Glenn Beck mean when he said (tongue in check) at 1:03:30
“It was a conspiracy theory when I said [in 1999] that Osama bin Laden is going to be responsible for buildings, bodies and blood in the streets of Manhattan – and he means it and you gotta pay attention to it”?
“… When I gave the conspiracy theory that the Middle East was going to melt down and that it would spread – there would be an Arab Spring that wasn’t so good.”
That was a little bit awkward, no?
Anyway it made me go back and watch these videos by Nathan Rich because I do not recall Glenn Beck mentioning Fort Detrick. I reckon we need to combine the presentations to get a fuller picture … both provide very impressive research and timelines.
• Nathan Rich – The Coronavirus CONSPIRACY – Did COVID-19 Come from America?
• Nathan Rich – Fort Detrick Coronavirus Conspiracy 2021 UPDATE
• Nathan Rich – Still think COVID-19 Came From China?
With over 60 bio weapons labs globally, it’s common knowledge CCP scientists are working at Doherty Institute in Oz, and other franchises in Britain Europe and North America, proving we have one world government. Nationalist flag waving ‘ceremoney’s’ for sport and wars only these days. There were five eyes personel at Wuhan, and after all, it is krown kabal komunizm. The victors met closing ww2, Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin, today it’s kabal, six eyes and ccp. Same banksters that started ww1, still conducting their final solution. Unless satanic masonic ‘hoods are shut down, it’s business as usual and getting worse day by day.
Heading towards new year downunder, hopefully they won’t enforce lockdown over 2 ‘cases’ from South Africa. Business must be bad for vaxx makers over there, especially now ‘they’ want everyone marked with lucifer jabs for digital slavery. Seems that Africans, like people in Solomon’s want no part of the BS.
If Covid-19 does exist it is covert and not overt amongst the many crowns in the Corona range.
COVID-19: “It means possession by an evil spirit,” Hebrew divoc/dybbuk
19 stands for slaughter in the kabbalah.
On the occult meaning of the term COVID. A succinct incursion into pattern recognition.
Dybbuk – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dybbuk
Dybbuk, by Ephraim Moshe Lilien (1874–1925). In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk, from the Hebrew verb meaning ‘adhere’ or ‘cling’ is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its …
We are more than flesh blood and bones. Every one is spirit within all generations past. Loaded with greed the demonic possessed are mocking the Creator of all things.
However deceptive artificial insanity blinds all users, up till now there has been choice in switching off, even if temporary. With implants via the spike into the bloodstream, choice is over. Our times these days are governed by inequity, in just ice and lies based on lies propagating further lies, the beast system. Only creations changed here are people, and that’s because all power is absolutely corrupted hellbent, disregarding future of all children. Solution simple, turn off TV computer virus goes away, problem everyone hooked. All they’re pushing 24/7 on every ‘news’ channel is jabs jabs and more jabs, for nearly two years now. When will our Mass realise it’s not us but them hiding behind puppets all compromised.
This beautiful paradise has been taken over by blinded face nappies, living in darkness needing artificial illumination to be. Looking at earth, forbidden to most now, there is only true faith being the words spoken by Isus Krist, simple and everlasting.
Bill Gates’ flu must have been created for purpose and for security reasons done offshore, some sort of GMO which has now reverted to normal form with the omoronicon variant. Some say it is not powered by the air-germs and maybe it isn’t. Imagine a huge landscape with forests, swamps and the rest and consider it got “infected” and you had to guess whether the infection was spread by fish or fowl or mice or mosquitoes or tadpoles or fungal spores and all your equipment and analysis was defective and even deliberately sabotaged.
When I see “science” blindly blundering along I am always reminded of the theory of “phlogiston” which was the precursor to the discovery of oxygen. They got totally bushwhacked on this idea.
Solomons Islands’ citizens have trashed the place one month after Australia dropped off a million shots of made-in-Australia AZ blood clots therapy and now MSM would have us believe there was NO REACTION to pushing the serum and the rioting was entirely the result of nebulous international trade arrangements already in train for several years. The same va666ine rioting stuff happening in (French) Guadeloupe, where the MSM blackout is also almost total.
Politicians, journalists, academics, all would have us believe the va666ine was not even in the equation !!! Well I have news for you, red / blue & green politicians, academics and journalists, I would not believe anything any of you said about anything, if I did I would be as stupid as you think I am. Enjoy your stupid censorship / blackout, it just confirms what I already think of you.
Nov 29, 2021
15 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 13
Kim Usbourne Part thirteen of Monday Morning MemesTM comes around. It might be unlucky for some, but who? With this most unfortunate of digits coinciding precisely with the Moronic variant…
Read more…
No stoopidity is too stoopid for Resident Biden, the omoronicon variant was spread exclusively by va666inated travellers but everyone still needs to get va666inated to save the world. Dr Coetzee is now part of yesterday’s news cycle and today it’s our hero Tedros, chosen to lead the WHO for his ability to tell lies without blushing ( a little racist joke there, I am basically of the category “white” after all, so anything I say must be founded in racism ). https://nationalfile.com/video-biden-stresses-vaccines-in-response-to-omicron-variant-despite-first-four-cases-being-recorded-in-vaccinated-individuals/
Ursula von der Leyen the figurehead boss of the EU (“president”) is descended from old Euro aristocracy and tells everyone the answer is boost, boost, boost. Her policies seem to be to obliterate national identity and turn everyone into a new race, “European”. Along with all the other globalist stuff. She won’t be seen blushing because of the makeup ( sexist joke there ), but her delivery is more than a bit shaky. Well, inheritance people all got to have their inheritance. https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/president_en
Notice how they are all “soft cop” these days since the stumbles of the NWO takeover in Australia, the removal of Gulag Gladys, and the outing of Mental Health Hazzard and his hideous NWO sidekick as deranged psychopaths. Everyone knows the soft cop – hard cop routine but now the hard cop has been replaced by invisible forces of authority, so we have for example soft cop Elon Musk screwing “internet of things” implants into transhumanist people’s skulls while at the same time his company Paypal silently deplatforms dissenters such as “whatreallyhappened.com”. Jack Dorsey the hipster lefty boss of Twitter has stepped down and the new guy says all whiteys are racist. They seem to be positioning for the Trump version of twitter which is due maybe after Resident Biden’s “state of the union” address. The story goes that Biden passed his medical according to the MSM but according to the alt-news he skipped the “cognitive test”. There is a 25th amendment already in place to deal with this circumstance. Vultures are circling for the new position and VP. By now the popcorn has lost a lot of its flavour and is basically an exercise in chewing.
Scotty FM is rumoured to be shifting the budget date to March which means the federal election can be in May. Budgets used to be in about April I thought but they moved them to about September some decades ago I think. If you’re reading this in the PM & Cabinet Dept., I want my super back, this time hike it up to $30k please, it’s all getting grubbed out by fees. Surely we need to get our super out to kickstart the economy, or for medical expenses. Otherwise I will probably be injected and boosted to death before I see any of it. A quick one-off to enhance the upcoming early budget. You know it makes sense.
Today (in Forbidden Knowledge) Friar Alexis Bugnolo an American-born Franciscan priest living in Rome who is spearheading a campaign to unseat Pope Francis. Says (excerpts)
“Covid vaxx is not only to kill those injected and is not just to reduce the world population, “But to select those who will live through it and to suppress their natural immunity, so they can be genetically re-engineered, while alive by the Globalists, using dose after dose of the vaccine and eventually, some sort of 5G or cellphone technology.”
He says it appears the Plandemic has been in the works for about 40 years, without anyone realizing what they were up to. “They basically want to totally re-engineer, biologically the human being and they want to exterminate the natural human beings.
Experts have examined the contents of the vials and discovered unbelievably diabolical things. “There’s the hydras, who are genetically-modified so they can live in your blood and in your lymph fluids and meld with your cells and change your genes and they’ll just go on multiplying, unless someone can figure out a medicine that will kill hydras in your bloodstream without killing you and this is why the graphene oxide is in there, because these hydras, in the presence of graphene oxide multiply enormously.”
Bluetooth apps detect MAC address in most jabbed –
Dr. Luis De Benito research –
Excerpts from Bluetooth apps detect MAC address in most jabbed – Nexus Newsfeed
86% of those who said they were vaccinated generated a MAC address on my cell phone. When a patient appeared, often already up the stairs or at the beginning of the corridor, about 20 meters away from the practice, on my cell phone, I could see if one or two devices to connect to with Bluetooth appeared.
It allowed me to know where he is because I knew that someone vaccinated was coming to my office before he showed up.
Detected was a device with a MAC Address (Media Access Control) code. a code that the patient himself was carrying . This is a unique identifier that electronic device manufacturers assign to a card or item that can be networked.
This code is generated in the covid injected as a result of the interaction of what’s injected with the genetic material of the patient. Perhaps not so much with their DNA as with the larger compatibility complex, the HLAs, which are ultimately derived from the genome.
What we are going have to recognise is a desire, on the part of the authorities, to take away freedoms from human beings.
100% of the patients who say they aren’t vaccinated didn’t raise any contact device with my cell phone via Bluetooth.
Covid Jab Placebo and Killshot bottle codes
Vaccine scandal in Slovenia
– bottles have code #’s for Placebo, Vax, or KILL SHOT
Word is coming out of Slovenia that, if verified, will cause an unimaginable world reaction.
On Saturday 20 November, the Chief Nurse of the University Medical Center, Ljubljana Clinical Center, (pictured above, who deals with the administration of vaccine vials and manages everything, quit her job, went in front of TV cameras and took out vaccine bottles.
She showed the gathered journalists the codes on the bottles, each with the final number 1, 2, or 3 in the code, and then explained the meaning of these numbers:
Number 1 is placebo, saline.
Number 2 is the classic mRNA “vaccine”
Number 3 is an RNA stick containing the ONC gene, related to adenovirus, which contributes, among other things, to the development of cancer.
For these who get jabbed from vial whose code ends in the number 3, she says people who received them will have soft tissue cancer within 2 years.
She said that she had personally witnessed the vaccinations of all politicians and tycoons and that they all received the preparation number 1
The media has been told to absolutely bury this story and fierce efforts at containing this information are underway right now.
I noted the report re the three bottles, pick a bottle?
No, you just have to take the one for you sucker.
Now for the subject article above.
I listened to the whole two hours, as a lawyer, it is a extremely strong evidentiary case and I would be proud to prosecute it before a jury, if I was still in the business.
The follow up would be prosecuting those who are presently culpable by ‘forcing’ the injections.
Think of the list of those who should be in the dock!
You should by now know who they are.
Those who have banned proven ‘horse deworming’ treatment etc., or who have vilified such proven and approved treatments in other countries should be indicted first.
Well, you lot are on notice and are less likely to be able to successfully try and defend by claiming that you did not know. No mercy follows. You have been told for at least 18 months.
Hi Ned and all , have you come across this. Dan being served court papers for “Misprison of Treason and Fraud at Common Law”.
Skimmed the summons.
Seems like a great December show, ‘for Shaw, for Shaw.’.
Beware the white van, ‘for sure for sure’.
Nurses are saying the va666ine requires a 2mm needle, but the politicians were getting injected with a 1mm needle, which indicates saline
Respectfully suggest you read on further.
The traitorous Masons specifically will need much more than a jury trial.
Mick Fuller done gone.
Great, now we can arrest him for the Lindt Cafe siege.
Mary can you tell more re Fuller
Yes, the first hurdle would normally be EVIDENCE.
NSW to appoint Karen Webb as first female police commissioner
By Paige Cockburn
Posted Wed 24 Nov 2021
“It’s now time for a new leader and a new direction,” she said.
“The key focus will be on victims of crime, in particular child abuse victims, victims of sexual assault and victims of domestic violence.”
The incoming commissioner said she would direct police back to their more “traditional role” of keeping the community safe after almost two years of focusing on enforcing pandemic health orders.
She said the first priority would be to re-engage with communities and protect people against crime.
“We will have a zero-tolerance for criminals.”
“We will have a zero-tolerance for criminals”
Tells me all I need to know without the abc factchecking furfies(great word-nothin new under the sun). I have no respect for criminals like this wicked Webb of gaslight.
“traditional role” – wow, straight out of the box with threats and intimdation for all.
NT being traditional.
All the on-line material I’ve seen either depicts Fauci as a devil or an upstanding citizen
But as far as I‘m concerned he comes across as being nothing more than a very frightened/insecure individual
You left out ‘extremely dangerous’ and ’liar’.
Listen to the full two hours.
Berry , Fauci is Pure Evil.
Well so far as spending eternity in hell it’s actually of no consequence if you’re “pure evil” or just a tad inclined.
So perhaps all those who ascribe to such 60 minute-style lingo need to take stock
I kept waiting for Glen Beck to get to the meat of this plandemic. After all, the lead in was ‘it was all planned’. Nope, he danced around it. The issue that all this was in planning for decades as a bio-weapon attack on humanity wasn’t mentioned. Maybe he didn’t want to get completely shut down, he just put out as much as he could without massive censorship.
The voices of Max Igan and David Icke at the beginning expressed more of the truth.
Or humanity’s penchant for lawlessness has been unsealed so as to pave the way for a faux messiah thereby putting Everyman to the test?
Sorry, should read:
“all this was in planning for decades as a bio-weapon attack on humanity”
Or humanity’s penchant for lawlessness has been unsealed so as to pave the way for a faux messiah thereby putting Everyman to the test?
Or losing listeners with a past ‘conspiracy’ historys that the uneducated/uninformed public could not manage or comprehend within two hours, let alone ever.
The old standby.
In this address by Beck, he kept within the realms of about the past 20 years and concentrated on the last six or so, being relevant to the Present experiences.
PLUS the characters, referred to are alive and are within gunshot range.
Not much point ‘prosecuting’ the dead, we need them now alive …… for ‘dinner’ .
So sorry mass media, shock jokes and ABC, I overlooked you lot.
Glen Beck sponsored by a Trumptard – how oxymoronic.
Now have you anything to contribute in regard to the EVIDENCE PRESENTED AND IF ANYTHING SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT?
Besides criminal charges. Eg. the very recent change of the definition of a ‘VACCINE’ AND ITS PURPOSE?
Sorry if you missed that FACT., perhaps listen again?
Also note that the injected can pass on the virus💁💁💁
Do not give up, hope, try again and be a ‘jury member’ and harkan (alt: hearkan) to all the evidence presented.
Dear Hope; careful your oxymoron is showing. Did someone write it for you. Try: Trumptards One; Fcktards Nil
Thanks Hope, your call is worth looking into. Jounro’s get used like everyone else and the larger than life the more scrutiny should be applied.The genuine should not mind and really encourage this.Sometimes I think I can cut a bit into the spin/propaganda, leaving the messanger with standing, sometimes.
Ned, jury members should not lock step but deliberate. Funny this mechanism can be perverted(Bjelki Peterson comes to mind), not perfect but the closest man will get.
Governments these days want juryless closed courts so as to NOT “show us the body”.We all know why, they are corrupted/implicated
Max Igun talks about a “They” commandeering an agenda which, according to his reference to Louis Pasteur, has now been up and running for 140 odd years.
So how, exactly was such specious immortality obtained ?
Facetious aside, the “cabal” theory would have to be THE badge of a fundamentally atheistic(spiritually naive) culture
A culture that embraces a series of half-truths that are actually the most pernicious lies of the Age
PedoGate aka Ghislain Maxwell Trial…..don’t look here (Global Pedo Trafficking/Blackmail Ring that runs the world is not your concern)….look its a new scariant!!!
Judge issues media wide gag order: all press and spectators banned…
Lead prosecutor is Maurene Comey (daughter of James Comey ex-FBI head who is probably part of the ring) ……
Guiffre (of Prince Andrew fame) not to be a witness….
I’m shocked (not) just another cover up in the making….
The reason for the Maxwell trial to start today is because it is the first day of Hanukkah and she is of so-called Jewish heritage. It is all orchestrated, not to be believed at all. Not a word. Everyone that is part taking in the trial is either a handler or a mind controlled person. Turn off all media sources and focus on your immediate family, friends and environment.
Hanukkah is not a Jewish religious “holiday” but an eight day cosmic window of opportunity for everyone to See the invisible, to Hear what is not being said and to Understand what we are not being told, all of which is happening on Gumshoe.
Thank you Dee an Mary and everyone who participates in the conversation and debate.
Chag Sameach.
We are coming a full circle. Years ago Chuck Schumer appeared on Bill Maher’s HBO show and said, “I’m not Jewish.” The physical reality and world is a kind of an optical illusion, make believe and “dream works.”
The ultimate law of the universe is “love thy neighbor,” and since the legal and judicial system is about all corrupt and very complex for a layperson to understand, it is better to embrace “love thy neighbor” and live accordingly.
The more we are given, the more is expected of us. What we “ make go around,” will “come around.”
No one, and that is no one, escapes the universal laws of Creation, even if temporarily it appears to be so.
Last night I listened to Rabbi Alon Anava on how to overcome the present darkness and one VERY enlightening thing he said was that “Beit Lavan,” ie Laban’s house from the Torah – not the Old Testament – translates to (the) White House which, as Lavan or Laban of the Bible proved in his deceit and lies with Jacob, is full of deceit and lies no matter who the President is.
Chag Sameach.
Thanks Leena
Everyone that is part taking in the trial is either a handler or a mind controlled person. Turn off all media sources and focus on your immediate family, friends and environment.
No one, and that is no one, escapes the universal laws of Creation, even if temporarily it appears to be so.
The trial judge recently got “promoted” too…..
The judge in Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial — Alison Julie Nathan — may now be moving up to a federal appeals court. Nathan will be recommended for an appointment to the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. How the new role will affect Maxwell’s trial is unclear. “Ali Nathan is an outstanding judge for the Southern District of New York and her experience, legal brilliance, love of the rule of law and perspective would be invaluable in ensuring the federal judiciary fulfills its obligation to ensure equal justice for all,” Senator Chuck Schumer recently stated. Schumer had recommended Nathan for her current job in New York City back in 2011, as a judge in the Southern District of New York.
“Schumer had recommended Nathan for her current job” – that says it all..
This was aired on American TV in 2009.
Note: The woman who told the Female Dr , was Hillary Clinton.
In January of 2017, after “losing” the presidential election to Trump, Hillary Clinton said in her first post election inter That “the future is female.” Both Clinton and Trump are of Royal ancestry. They are “cousins.” So much for elections and election results.
Hillary Clinton was telling us that our future is going to be full of evil.
Kabbalah and the Zohar (www.Zohar.com) explain that the Biblical interpretation and understanding Of the words”woman” and “female” is the evil inclination in human nature. Nothing to do with physical gender. Again, my reference is the Torah and the Zohar not “the Old Testament” – they are two very different sources.
Believe nothing you hear or see in the media. I would include Glen Beck & co in this comment. They “circle” the truth. We are coming a full circle.
Chag Sameach.
Remember actress, presidential candidate and MKUltra personality Roseanne Barr? She said some time ago that Donald J. Trump is America’s first “woman” President. Google it. Barr was stating the same truth that Hillary Clinton was with her “female future.” Don’t be fooled and tricked by the “two sides of the aisle.” Theirs is only one “woman” and “female” side.
Choose to be all Good.
Chag Sameach.
Why the Ghislaine Maxwell trial to start on the first day of Hanukkah:
“The underlying reason is the Kabbalistic doctrine that all war, natural disasters, famine, slaughter, and massacre can be traced to destructive spiritual forces arising from Humanity’s negative sexual acts. Negative sexual acts are defined as those that are not for the purpose of procreation or for the bringing of Light to the world.”
Listen to Rabbi Alon Anava on YouTube about “wasting of seed,” minus religion.
Chag Sameach
Last post today I promise,
The power to remove illusion is more powerful than the power to maintain it (MSM, most social and other media, etc.).
“The Zohar revolutionizes our consciousness, enhancing both the
quality of our daily lives and the evolution of our souls. For the
kabbalist, the Zohar is nothing less than a time machine and a
teleportation device all in one; by replacing doubt with certainty and
darkness with Light, it erases the limits that the physical world
places on us. With it, we see where we are, where we’ve been, and
where we are going – the future, the past, and the present, all as
“All of history is nothing but the Soul’s all wardrobe,” Heinrich Heine.
We are the past, the present and the future. It’s us. Throughout “time.”
We have been here from The Beginning of time, incarnation after incarnation, Lifetime after Lifetime, that’s why it feels like “history repeats itself” but only as long as we allow it to do so.
Nes Gadol Chaya Sham
Live love thy neighbor, help those in need according to your ability to do so, to disarm all enemies of unconditional brotherly love, good and kind deeds, no-strings-attached generosity, sharing with and caring for our Fellow Man, to render THEM powerless with their deceitful policies and illusory aisles.
Chag Sameach
Roseanne Barr was deplatformed for spruiking Cathy O’Brien and also Candidate Trump, I don’t think her positions would have changed, I think the humorous element is obscured because Roseanne just can’t help herself, she has a big mouth and uses it. Look her up in connection with Cathy O’Brien and being deplatformed but I don’t think there will be much left on spewtube.
NOVEMBER 28, 2021
Chapter XXXII Part S – The Cosmic Wheel
By Jeffrey Meiliken
Here is another interesting one , from April 2021
Note : This is Alex Jones in 2021 , same guy that is in the 2009 video above.
I went on the bus this morning, something I almost never do, saw a teenage schoolgirl in uniform get on with a little (non-electric) scooter, quite drowsy looking, got off at the bus stop and I saw her out the window walking, her legs were sort of drooping, like she was almost falling down.
Also saw a couple of other ladies with medi-walking sticks (a sort of aluminium adjustable thing), one was a bit old so not suspicious, but the other was only late middle age.
Three cases in one bus ride.
Dr Coetzee goes mainstream
One person right place right time
Wow that was great – but still I don’t feel we are getting the full, true picture.
Just digressing for one moment …
What did Glenn Beck mean when he said (tongue in check) at 1:03:30
“It was a conspiracy theory when I said [in 1999] that Osama bin Laden is going to be responsible for buildings, bodies and blood in the streets of Manhattan – and he means it and you gotta pay attention to it”?
“… When I gave the conspiracy theory that the Middle East was going to melt down and that it would spread – there would be an Arab Spring that wasn’t so good.”
That was a little bit awkward, no?
Anyway it made me go back and watch these videos by Nathan Rich because I do not recall Glenn Beck mentioning Fort Detrick. I reckon we need to combine the presentations to get a fuller picture … both provide very impressive research and timelines.
• Nathan Rich – The Coronavirus CONSPIRACY – Did COVID-19 Come from America?
• Nathan Rich – Fort Detrick Coronavirus Conspiracy 2021 UPDATE
• Nathan Rich – Still think COVID-19 Came From China?
With over 60 bio weapons labs globally, it’s common knowledge CCP scientists are working at Doherty Institute in Oz, and other franchises in Britain Europe and North America, proving we have one world government. Nationalist flag waving ‘ceremoney’s’ for sport and wars only these days. There were five eyes personel at Wuhan, and after all, it is krown kabal komunizm. The victors met closing ww2, Churchill Roosevelt and Stalin, today it’s kabal, six eyes and ccp. Same banksters that started ww1, still conducting their final solution. Unless satanic masonic ‘hoods are shut down, it’s business as usual and getting worse day by day.
Heading towards new year downunder, hopefully they won’t enforce lockdown over 2 ‘cases’ from South Africa. Business must be bad for vaxx makers over there, especially now ‘they’ want everyone marked with lucifer jabs for digital slavery. Seems that Africans, like people in Solomon’s want no part of the BS.
Jewish evil spirits –
If Covid-19 does exist it is covert and not overt amongst the many crowns in the Corona range.
COVID-19: “It means possession by an evil spirit,” Hebrew divoc/dybbuk
19 stands for slaughter in the kabbalah.
On the occult meaning of the term COVID. A succinct incursion into pattern recognition.
How TV has embraced dybbuks, golems and other Jewish lore
By Esther D. Kustanowitz | May 21, 2021
Dybbuk – Wikipedia
Dybbuk, by Ephraim Moshe Lilien (1874–1925). In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk, from the Hebrew verb meaning ‘adhere’ or ‘cling’ is a malicious possessing spirit believed to be the dislocated soul of a dead person. It supposedly leaves the host body once it has accomplished its …
We are more than flesh blood and bones. Every one is spirit within all generations past. Loaded with greed the demonic possessed are mocking the Creator of all things.
However deceptive artificial insanity blinds all users, up till now there has been choice in switching off, even if temporary. With implants via the spike into the bloodstream, choice is over. Our times these days are governed by inequity, in just ice and lies based on lies propagating further lies, the beast system. Only creations changed here are people, and that’s because all power is absolutely corrupted hellbent, disregarding future of all children. Solution simple, turn off TV computer virus goes away, problem everyone hooked. All they’re pushing 24/7 on every ‘news’ channel is jabs jabs and more jabs, for nearly two years now. When will our Mass realise it’s not us but them hiding behind puppets all compromised.
This beautiful paradise has been taken over by blinded face nappies, living in darkness needing artificial illumination to be. Looking at earth, forbidden to most now, there is only true faith being the words spoken by Isus Krist, simple and everlasting.
Bill Gates’ flu must have been created for purpose and for security reasons done offshore, some sort of GMO which has now reverted to normal form with the omoronicon variant. Some say it is not powered by the air-germs and maybe it isn’t. Imagine a huge landscape with forests, swamps and the rest and consider it got “infected” and you had to guess whether the infection was spread by fish or fowl or mice or mosquitoes or tadpoles or fungal spores and all your equipment and analysis was defective and even deliberately sabotaged.
When I see “science” blindly blundering along I am always reminded of the theory of “phlogiston” which was the precursor to the discovery of oxygen. They got totally bushwhacked on this idea.
Solomons Islands’ citizens have trashed the place one month after Australia dropped off a million shots of made-in-Australia AZ blood clots therapy and now MSM would have us believe there was NO REACTION to pushing the serum and the rioting was entirely the result of nebulous international trade arrangements already in train for several years. The same va666ine rioting stuff happening in (French) Guadeloupe, where the MSM blackout is also almost total.
Politicians, journalists, academics, all would have us believe the va666ine was not even in the equation !!! Well I have news for you, red / blue & green politicians, academics and journalists, I would not believe anything any of you said about anything, if I did I would be as stupid as you think I am. Enjoy your stupid censorship / blackout, it just confirms what I already think of you.
Sasha Stone with David Lurnpa Cole, Gunhambadi et al on new video platform OFT
well done Julius
Nov 29, 2021
15 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – Part 13
Kim Usbourne Part thirteen of Monday Morning MemesTM comes around. It might be unlucky for some, but who? With this most unfortunate of digits coinciding precisely with the Moronic variant…
Read more…
No stoopidity is too stoopid for Resident Biden, the omoronicon variant was spread exclusively by va666inated travellers but everyone still needs to get va666inated to save the world. Dr Coetzee is now part of yesterday’s news cycle and today it’s our hero Tedros, chosen to lead the WHO for his ability to tell lies without blushing ( a little racist joke there, I am basically of the category “white” after all, so anything I say must be founded in racism ).
Ursula von der Leyen the figurehead boss of the EU (“president”) is descended from old Euro aristocracy and tells everyone the answer is boost, boost, boost. Her policies seem to be to obliterate national identity and turn everyone into a new race, “European”. Along with all the other globalist stuff. She won’t be seen blushing because of the makeup ( sexist joke there ), but her delivery is more than a bit shaky. Well, inheritance people all got to have their inheritance.
Notice how they are all “soft cop” these days since the stumbles of the NWO takeover in Australia, the removal of Gulag Gladys, and the outing of Mental Health Hazzard and his hideous NWO sidekick as deranged psychopaths. Everyone knows the soft cop – hard cop routine but now the hard cop has been replaced by invisible forces of authority, so we have for example soft cop Elon Musk screwing “internet of things” implants into transhumanist people’s skulls while at the same time his company Paypal silently deplatforms dissenters such as “whatreallyhappened.com”. Jack Dorsey the hipster lefty boss of Twitter has stepped down and the new guy says all whiteys are racist. They seem to be positioning for the Trump version of twitter which is due maybe after Resident Biden’s “state of the union” address. The story goes that Biden passed his medical according to the MSM but according to the alt-news he skipped the “cognitive test”. There is a 25th amendment already in place to deal with this circumstance. Vultures are circling for the new position and VP. By now the popcorn has lost a lot of its flavour and is basically an exercise in chewing.
Scotty FM is rumoured to be shifting the budget date to March which means the federal election can be in May. Budgets used to be in about April I thought but they moved them to about September some decades ago I think. If you’re reading this in the PM & Cabinet Dept., I want my super back, this time hike it up to $30k please, it’s all getting grubbed out by fees. Surely we need to get our super out to kickstart the economy, or for medical expenses. Otherwise I will probably be injected and boosted to death before I see any of it. A quick one-off to enhance the upcoming early budget. You know it makes sense.
Weather in Istanbul yesterday, hopefully Constantine’s temple is OK
• Covid – The Spell Of Magik Manipulation
(nothing new for Gumshoe readers but a great compilation demonstrating how pure evil veils itself in absurdity.)