by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Yesterday at GumshoeNews, I asked “Can They Give Me a Jab If I Say No?” I gave a predictably measured, legal-based answer. Well, it seems the people of Africa and India have gone way past that polite stuff. Here is a compendium of cuss words and cries of Freedom!
It’s not my work. I got it third hand, via Watchman at RumorMillNews.com, who got it from Jim Stone, who simply lifted it from Bill Gates’s Instagram. I cleaned up a bit of the obscenity, but much remains and is, in my opinion, empowering.
After this list of angry comments, we’ll supply another stolen article below, this time from Robert F Kennedy, Jr, who is reportedly ready to strangle Gates in some connection with the boating-accident death of his niece Maeve. But it is aimed at Bill Gates.
Now here are the comments as collected by Jim Stone:
BILL GATES: the world has got your number… and they are dialing it RIGHT NOW. #timesup
Bill Gate’s instagram has exploded with negative comments. He is having a team manage them and delete them but the inundation is so great they can’t keep up.
The comments are coming in too fast to read, so it is pointless for him to have people sitting there deleting them, all you have to do is hit refresh even in seconds and they are all new and all golden. I sat there for about 20 minutes and copied good ones out as they got deleted:
Dear Bill, I hope you’ve packed your bags, because you’re about to enter the gates of Hell. The Hell that you have created for yourself. We are AWAKE! South Africa says FUCK NO to your vaccines and evil plans.
you deleted my comment. I’ll repeat, TELL YOUR WIFE TO STOP LYING ABOUT AFRICA , we are the only continent that has less cases of covid-19.
Who is the hired help deleting all these comments?????
A known eugenicist that wants you to believe the world is overpopulated wants to save you at the same time with his shitty vaccines. Bill needs to be locked up for his committed crimes against humanity!
People are not as dumb as you think they are @thisisbillgates! Would you vaccine yourself or your kids?? Think about that! That’s fucking poison! Quit trying to kill people! We will not stand for your poison!
No to mandatory vaccinations, ID2020 and such eugenecist plans. Thankful for all the comments people are waking up! 2020 the year of awakening baby!!
The world says NO to your vaccines and microchip. Vaccinate your children Bill, first them and stop fucking the humans. We are more and more people who do not believe in you or in Melinda or in your foundation. You know much more about this pandemic and now you intend to control us. NO to your vaccines!!!!!!!!
Thank you to our LORD our Creator for PERFECT IMMUNE SYSTEMS BY DESIGN!! We don’t need YOUR POISON for your engineered “viruses”!!!Keep deleting our comments and we will come back to leave more!!!!!!
May all that you do to others be done onto you!
No consent. You are literally so evil.
Deleting won’t help you…
Bill, time for you to feel all the pain of all the children you have given vaccines to or tortured with demented sexual perversion and everything in between! You are DONE, the real human is fast emerging, stronger than you and all of your buddies and we will take back our rightful awareness of this beautiful earth.
Hey Bill why don’t you stop trying to practice medicine without a license. You don’t give a crap about peoples health you just want a return on your investment.
Well, Bill… you done fucked up.
STOP DELETING THE COMMENTS. Own your shit at least.
the whole world is uniting against you and your masters. We are free! No Vaccine No NWO No 5G
35 thousand people revolting in this comment section. That’s not a tiny army..
LOL now Gill Bates, trying to straight-up LIE on BBC.. “no, we had nothing to do with this, we didn’t simulate this or practice”.. REALLY ?! We ALL know about Event 201 WHICH YOU FUNDED & HOSTED in Oct 2019. We also know about your buddy (fam member) Rockefeller’s LOCKSTEP plan from 2010… hmm.. what a “coincidence”. You are NOT a “health expert”, you are a DEATH EXPERT. Your daddy even ran Planned Parenthood. How clever to promote murder aka abortions and then USE aborted fetal tissue in your vaxx. …You hold the world hostage while you grin from your Ivory Tower (well, it will soon probably be a bunker). All you see is $$$ and less of we “useless eaters”, huh? But then you try to act like a philanthropist. Too late, Billy Boy, even the people who were asleep have woken up. YOU’VE BEEN EXPOSED.
We hate you..you p.o.s
There will be no “new world order”. You going down bill. People are smarter than you think.
Take your vaccines, your satanic mates and your NWO and go to hell. We are many!!!
Thank you but no thanks. Go, now.
fuck this clown he doesnt even vaccinate his own kids…. Were not going down without a fight fuck you covid 19 test and vaccine we do not consent and you will not vaccinate me nor my family…your time will come
We the people are NOT going to allow YOU OR WEASEL DR. FAUCI to mandate this vaccine!! We see the lies and know your agenda!! You are evil !!!
Well Billy Bill… you’ve got half the world stuck at home due to your “Plandemic“… so I’ve got plenty of time to sit here and keep reposting my comments that you and your cohorts are continuing to delete
you are trash bill. Why are you not in jail yet?
Bill Gaytes won’t even vaccinate his own kids he has caused deaths in India and Africa he needs to be lynched
Fuck you psycho
The great awakening is happening. Mother earth has stirred the sleeping. Truth is being revealed for all with eyes to see and ears to hear. God gave man dominion, we are the co heirs and beneficiaries of all that is created. Conscious awareness. Free will to choose.
Tick tock..the clock is running out….can’t wait to see you all hang for your crimes against humanity!
Divide and conquer is your goal, but we will prevail and triumph against the world that is your bubble.
Thank you for working on your strategy? Ha? You are live satan
Organized crime against humanity, Bill gate you will pay dearly for it – satanist
Bill Gates all you do is spread lies!! No sir! You believe in depopulation…you wanna block the sun…and you want to continue to poison us with vaccines that you and your family won’t take!! So happy to see people are waking up and seeing through the BS!
Warms my heart seeing such hate for a humanitarian like yourself. Just a rich guy reaching out to help the world.. #notonmywatch
Here I was thinking the the majority of people were on board with @thisisbillgates and that I was alone with a few to be against ID2020/Covid-19 vaccine but thanks to these comments I feel HOPE that as humanity we just might get through the dark times ahead. So thank you everyone and keep spreading the word.
Shove your inovio dna altering dead baby crap!
This is the best comments page in the history of the world!!! Bill you coward you fucking coward!! Come out you fucking nerd!!
We’re on to you bill
I’m sick and tired of hearing about the coronavirus outbreak, where’s the actual documents that it’s Covid19, where is the actual proof! While we’re all on lockdown they are putting up 5g masts, that’s why the parliament decided to not shut down building companies.
The coronavirus (if you can even class it as a virus) is just a massive cover up for 5g. While millions of people are dying and the entire population is getting wiped out from 5g, Bill Gates and whoever he’s with sit back and watch people die.
he talks about bringing out a vaccine that has all the chemicals he puts in them including a microchip, him and his family will not get the vaccine. Like what’s that all about, we’ve honestly had all our human rights taken away from us. His plan to demolish the pollution massively is called “The one percent elite”.
love it! Stay focused people, he’s only one small part of a systemic problem. go after the lot of them for the sake of freedom!
We will never see the news about all these reactions, bless all of you, greets from holland
I do not consent to a vaccine or anything else that you’re involved in.
Bill Gates, you are the antichrist. God sees everything you have done. He hears your thoughts. You cannot hide behind your billions and just pay off people. You sold your soul to Satan.
I am not interested in any of your vaccines, OR WINDOWS.
Stop deleting my comment you schmuc Billboy. As I was saying.. shut your filthy mouth. You are a corrupt evil, satanic idiot That is a fact!!
You are nothing but pure evil, a computer nerd absolutely obsessed with depopulation the earth. Thanks for your vaccine in India paralyzing almost 500k girls. Fuck You Gates! You and the NWO will not win.
I love that even the hacktivist group Anonymous posted a video of an open letter to you exposing your plans. No one wants your vaccine.
I’m commenting because you are on TV every day in USA, Canada and rest of world talking bullshit. You have shown your hand and we (the people) don’t want to hear it anymore.
Bill are you out of your mind. put your billions to ur asshole.
Bill how can you look yourself in the mirror and now the cat is out of the bag and the world has got your number… and they are dialing it RIGHT NOW. #timesup
Chip your ass first
There was a petition on change.org that had thousands of signatures opposing to ID2020. Why did it get deleted? Oh wait, didn’t you also invest 30 million into change.org Mr. Gates? You will not silence us
He’s erasing every comment as I post lol. Coward ass
Keep deleting Bill…People are awake welcome to the end of your evil circle….illuminate
That said, this looks like something I’d post sans the word “philanthropist”. “Bill Gates, billionaire philanthropist, and Anthony Fauci, the White House’s go-to for shaping the public’s response to coronavirus, have been given some mighty powers in recent weeks — specifically, the powers of influence that have led to the shuttering of businesses; shutting up of citizens in their homes; shutting down of schools around the nation; stalling of the national economy; and of late, shaping of messaging that’s led to thousands of Americans wearing stupid face masks everywhere they go.
Who elected these guys so they could sink America’s freedoms?
That’s right: nobody.
NOW FOR KENNEDY (again, supplied by Jim Stone)
Thanks, Bill Sardi.
“Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy—the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.
Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.
Promising to eradicate Polio with $1.2 billion, Gates took control of India ‘s National Advisory Board (NAB) and mandated 50 polio vaccines (up from 5) to every child before age 5. Indian doctors blame the Gates campaign for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that
paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates and his cronies from the NAB. Polio paralysis rates dropped precipitously.
In 2017, the World Health Organization reluctantly admitted that theglobal polio explosion is predominantly vaccine strain, meaning it is coming from Gates’ Vaccine Program. The most frightening epidemics in Congo, the Philippines, and Afghanistan are all linked to Gates’ vaccines. By 2018, ¾ of global polio cases were from Gates’ vaccines.
In 2014, the Gates Foundation funded tests of experimental HPV vaccines, developed by GSK and Merck, on 23,000 young girls in remote Indian provinces. Approximately 1,200 suffered severe side effects, including autoimmune and fertility disorders. Seven died. Indian government investigations charged that Gates funded researchers committed pervasive ethical violations: pressuring vulnerable village girls into the trial, bullying parents, forging consent forms, and refusing medical care to the injured girls. The case is now in the country’s Supreme Court.
In 2010, the Gates Foundation funded a trial of a GSK’s experimental malaria vaccine, killing 151 African infants and causing serious adverse effects including paralysis, seizure, and febrile convulsions to 1,048 of the 5,049 children.
During Gates 2002 MenAfriVac Campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa, Gates operatives forcibly vaccinated thousands of African children against meningitis. Between 50-500 children developed paralysis. South African newspapers complained, “We are guinea pigs for drug makers”
In 2014, Kenya’s Catholic Doctors Association accused the WHO of chemically sterilizing millions of unwilling Kenyan women with a phony “tetanus” vaccine campaign. Independent labs found the sterility formula in every vaccine tested. After denying the charges, WHO finally admitted it had been developing the sterility vaccines for over a decade. Similar accusations came from Tanzania, Nicaragua,
Mexico and the Philippines.
Global public health advocates around the world accuse Gates of – hijacking WHO’s agenda away from the projects that are proven to curb infectious diseases; clean water, hygiene, nutrition and economic development. They say he has diverted agency resources to serve his personal fetish – that good health only comes in a syringe.
In addition to using his philanthropy to control WHO, UNICEF, GAVI and PATH, Gates funds private pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines, and a massive network of pharmaceutical-industry front groups that broadcast deceptive propaganda, develop fraudulent
studies, conduct surveillance and psychological operations against vaccine hesitancy and use Gates’ power and money to silence dissent and coerce compliance.
In this recent nonstop Pharmedia appearances, Gates appears gleeful that the Covid-19 crisis will give him the opportunity to force his third-world vaccine programs on American children.”
MM — Thank you Mr Kennedy, and any time you feel ready to open up about certain assassinations, we are all ears.
I commented that maybe the gate is closed.
Well censors, maybe the Gate will beenblown.
Matter for you, best of luck.
This may be partly why
7 Children in Sénégal Africa allegedly died immediately after receiving COVID I9 test Vaxxine
More headlines …
Bill Gates’ Cannibalistic Loyalties: Features Narcissist Witch Marina Abramovic In New Microsoft Ad
… continued
Bill Gates Is A VERY SERIOUS Threat to The World Economy And World Peace
Bill Gates Worked with Epstein On A Paedophile Project Involving Children In Developing Countries
Featuring this video
NYT: Bill Gates Repeatedly Met With Jeffrey Epstein | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC (15 October 2019)
MSNBC: “A shocking new report from the New York Times sheds light on the connection between Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the late [sic] Jeffrey Epstein.“
So humorous to watch these cannibalistic, narcissistic vermin turn on each other.
And still our politicians implicitly idolise him in their silence– probably just a matter of his seniority amongst their ranks.
Thanks for link. Brilliant.
One of the comments made mention of this – I did not know the details re the true Fallen Angel of Death’s $30 million ‘investment’ in change-dot-org.
MAJOR: Change.Org Petition With 129k Sigs, Calling On Parliament To Debate Bill Gates Microchipping Proposal DISAPPEARS
All those very eloquent and justice-minded commenters are screaming THE EMPEROR HATH NO CLOTHES!
It seems the Bill Gates has been getting such a bad rap , I thought I’d see if I could dig up something positive in his defence .
This is what Dr Arata Kochi , W.H.O’s former director of malaria research had to say :
” Dr Kochi described the Gates Foundation as a cartel that suppresses diversity of scientific opinion and is accountable to no one other than itself ” .
OK, unable to track down anything positive about Billy’s foundation .
What about vaccines in general. You’ve all no doubt heard of the colossal failure of the HPV Gardasil vaccine & negative reports about the MMR vaccine ( MMR is banned in Japan ) , but surely the other ones commonly administered to our kids must be beneficial ….. right ?
Let’s see :
” In Africa , a study in Guinea-Bissau found that infant mortality was twice as high (10-11%) in children who received the diptheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) & polio vaccines as in children who did not receive the vaccines (4-5%) ” .
Hmmm ….. not much positive to say on that front either.
Meanwhile, those of you interested in Robert F. Kennedy's website exposing the hazards of certain vaccines, go here :
Truth writes: “In Africa , a study in Guinea-Bissau found that infant mortality was twice as high … “
You see, that’s a positive thing depending on whether you are a narcissistic eugenicist or a normal human being. According to Bill Gates you simply need to [use vaccines to] reduce the population in order to also reduce the rates of disease.
Vaccination – to reduce population! (Bill Gates admits)
Listen to what comes of his mouth at 1:18 (referring to Dr Wakefield)
”has been shown [he] used absolutely fraudulent data [gates speaking], he had a financial interest in some lawsuits [gates speaking], he created a fake paper [gates speaking] …”
One can imagine a taxonomist creating a new name for a bird: the silver-beaked fuckbill.
Mary – love your new bird’s name – and thank you for this post because you have further exposed one of the most evil person’s to ever be gifted life in this world, a gift that has been willingly denigrated by him to pursue a course in extinguishing every aspect of human existence,as is now evident in his dabbling in man caused plagues.
Hell, I sincerely wish, will be far too hot for the soul of Bill Gates!
Shame-Faced Bill Gates Pulls Disgraced Ad Featuring Cannibal Witch Abramovic
Gates may try and sliver out of the limelight for the moment but cannot undo his overt intimate association with his fellow cannibalistic, paedophilic, narcissistic occult Luciferian [bill’s spell-check made me capitalise that] cult members.
Meanwhile, we are reminded of another blast from the past by James Corbett (with thanks to him).
Bill & Melinda Gates: An Open Source Investigation – James Corbett
The embedded video How To Become A Billionaire (and what to do with it) is dated 15 Feb 2016
I think the emperor has run out of changes of new clothes.
Dear Gumshoers, try not to get too upset if your access to Comments goes on and off. Mine goes off for a couple of days at a time and then comes back in a slightly screwed up way. (For instance, an hour ago I saw the video Julius gave us re Senegal but now all the comments have disappeared.)
I think everyone had better set up a telephone tree with friends in case we get cut off altogether.
In Shanghai, self isolation is easy. Food from the supermarket arrives at the door one hour after order, so efficient nobody bothers shopping anymore!
In China all payments are made by iPhone. Cash and cards are obsolete, all that is accepted are barcodes.
At all entry points (apartments restaurants hairdressers shopping centres etc.) anywhere coloured barcodes must be presented. Body temperature taken to allow entry.
Schools and industry are commencing again with total spectrum cyber surveillance and cyborgs active in the streetscape.
I may have put too much optimism and hope that China with its thousands of years of history and culture was separate from and stood against the one-world Zionist cabal. I did say that at worst China may be complicit.
Then last night I made a comment expressing my disappointment and concern that CGTN would promote this nonsense with Boris Johnson. My comment was removed.
Boris Johnson released from hospital after COVID-19 treatment
Boris Johnson is the No. 1 patron of ISIS via the White Helmets for goodness sake! Narrows things down a bit, doesn’t it?
This morning I received an email with the quote (just in time)
“All the world’s a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.” – Seán O’Casey
yes Mary the telephone—-
“Psychological operations or psy-ops are planned processes of conveying messages to a targeted audience -( TA-) to promote certain attitudes, emotions, and behaviours-These messages are typically conveyed using a line of persuasion known as a theme.
Psy ops is basically a means of communication to influence behaviour. It is used against their adversaries, their supporters and their potential supporters”.
It is defined by the US army in the following way -quote: “ Psychological operations are planned operations to convey selected information and indicators.They use the words to foreign audiences —(but we all know that the Patriot Act and HR 1955—that it is domestic as well) -Quote “to influence their emotions, motives, reasoning and ultimately foreign organisations, groups and individuals.” Important consideration here is that the target audience can be group or an individual—the Targeted Individual is defined by the Chief of Staff’ s publication “Doctrine for Joint Psychological Operations” -where an individual or group is selected for influence or attack by means of psychological operations”
Elis E rdefers to a book ” New World War Revolutionary Methods for Political Control”—and it is marked M Rich—M is important—— Mark Rich—an amazing reference book.—-(there are 5 different categories)
The term — “Psychological Warfare” is reported to be first used in the English language in 1941as a translation of a German phrase—-meaning “World View Warfare”—“the scientific application of terror and propaganda as a way of securing an ideological victory over an enemy .Some researchers use the term propaganda or psy-ops interchangeably— a military deception that seeks to mislead the enemy by “affecting” information which they rely on to make decisions. This includes all systems, groups and even individuals.—The enemy uses this as a source of information. “—-
Neocortical warfare is a RAND—version a Think Tank- where the psyop that controls the behaviour of the enemy without physically harming them —Rand describes “the neocortical system as consciousness, perception and will. – neocortical warfare regulates the enemy’s neocortical system by interfering with their continuous cycle of observation, orientation, decision and action. It presents the enemy with perception, sensory and cognitive data, designed to resolve in a narrow set of conclusions and ultimately actions.”
Elisa E.: Mind War: Psy-Ops, World-view Warfare, and Targeted Groups
argh got posted– interesting what is happening in Tasmania Dax’s old stomping ground
Apologies for random comments– my neocortical system is at war with the external world
Quotes above from Elisa E; 30-40 minutes
Operation Bluebird:
No apologies needed.
Mary spreads her wings again.
Note the link at the bottom of the article re Dee’s observations of the BBC.
noted Ned–thank you Mary
Come on people, Join Bill Gates’ fan club……. give him a fair suck of the sav.
Speaking of psychological warfare to influence people, today was the first day that I’ve been off the mountain in about a month. I had to take the wife in for a medical appointment and did some shopping after I left her at the surgery.
Crikey, the world has gone mad. What a bunch of sheeple/lemmings all caught up in the hysteria of ‘social distancing’. I found out I could only have two of any item, thankfully I bought a bag of carrots instead of hand picking three carrots.
The weirdest moment was when I was told by the cashier that she couldn’t re-use my re-usable bags. Months ago the shops were beating people over their heads to use re-usable bags and now they tell me it is forbidden…
I had three servings of cat food that were the same flavour. The cashier took one of them away. No problem, after I loaded the truck I went back in and picked up two servings each of two different flavours.
The ‘greeter’ at the pharmacy took my temperature and squirted some hand sanitizer onto my palm, then I got to stand on an ‘X’ and wait…
So this is how Western Society collapses, not with a bang, but with a whimper.
Terry, the world ends with a X ………….X citizen, X freedoms, X education, and then they will then take the X out of “SE-” unless both participants are standing on the ‘X” and need a test tube to breed a X.
What we really need are X politicians and X msm.
Having another go, Bill seems to have blocked comments from his fan club?
if it does not work just scroll down rumourmillnewsreadingroom.com and find the Stone article on Uncle Bill.
Some ugly comments by angry people, sounds like the start of a revolution. Hey, how do you know which people are the enemy? Easy, just check for their special tattoo, the ones that willingly got branded.
OK, own up who(M) from GS joined Uncle Bill’s fan club with a comment? (:-)
Which one is yours?
Language, Mary! It could be against Dee’s Community Guidelines and be Offensive to Someone.
Next time you turn on your Television and watch Netflix or anything from Hollywood the Depraved, just bear in mind that this is what the people get up to, and that Bill Gates associates with:
Are you sitting down … ?
Satanic Spirit Cooking – Marina Abramovic Let Them Eat Cake Event
I am surprised this is not still on Youtube as it certainly meets their Community Guidelines and would not offend Anyone – perhaps a little TOO overt?
To see just how ‘in your face’ they are, this channel ‘Follow The White Rabbit’ highlights some of the blatant symbolism built into some VERY lame and unwatchable movies and sitcoms.
The previous video on that channel features Will Ferrell as a child-beating clown (sickening), and of course you will find Madonna and Tom (Corona) Hanks … et cetera. If you search you will also find an expose on Tom Hanks’ move ‘Lance Crowne’ [translate as ‘Needle Corona’) – predictive programming everywhere – unless you turn off those TVs.
These people are really sick!
Time now to catch up on the virus news………No bat……just Soros and people like Fauci and NWO control freak corporates.
Really necessary for out poor sucked in msms to tell us a few home truths. The mass media prostitutes are going to have to swallow their masks and choke……………good riddance we are awakening.
Listen to a recent X22 report.
Ned, you started your comment, saying no bat, then you mention beings that are bats, morons, potty, insane, whatever……………
This would have been a good one for Resurrection Sunday
but come to think of it everyone needs to be doing the same thing every day of the year
guaranteed to work a good deal better than cussing or seething about sickos in any event
US Army Brought COVID-19 to China with Fake ‘Military Games’ Team, check it out here ;
VT Veterans today web page, dated Tuesday April 14, article by Gordon Duff.
This article will blow your mind, and settles once and for all, who/what/when ect regarding this Corona virus. There’s no doubt whatever, this Virus is a concoction of the U.S. Military biological warfare weapons program which includes U.S. Universities and USAID as well.
Pass it on, everyone needs to see this report.
Eddy – corona 19 will be proven to be less of a problem than it’s predecessor, Corona 17. And the number defines the year of manufacture. Corona 17 was developed in China and was meant to be used in this current pandemic and if that had been the case, there would be millions dead by now.
It is very deadly according to reliable sources. Maybe G5 has an angle on that?
It has been suggested by ‘Q’ that Corona 17 was put into the Adrenochrome supplies, also manufactured in China, for those who live off such evil. Many in Hollywood and other places are now only too aware of this possibility, and have been putting out their own messages to other users, in code of course, as to their probable demise – and many who post certainly don’t look too well.
On that score, Ellen Degeneris – as in degenerate? – and Madonna – what a mockery – seem only to aware.
Maybe the many deaths during this ‘storm’ that ‘Q’ refers to, is just beginning?
What the World s o o o needs now is one more good-boy/bad boy dead-end diatribe re the US & China.
Interesting how it’s always hand in glove with the VICTIMS-ARE-HEROES-VICTORS-ARE-VILLANS ethos
Always and always
I am sure that no cross referencing of those that “died from the Coronavirus” with those that recently received vaccines will happen. In other words did those that died, recently receive vaccinations? It would be easy for governments to achieve such cross referencing as everything medical is recorded. I assume that people travelling by cruise ship would have had some sort of vaccinations before hand.
It is known that vaccines weaken the immune system. Does not matter what type of vaccine. If the above check was done, and those fatalities coincided with vaccinations, the virus had nothing to do with the deaths. This would account for the child deaths.
Remember the CDC instructed medicos in US to record every death as being caused by Coronavirus.
Great news! The “Dark Continent” of Africa has ended its slumber and awakened. When will the enlightened, lucky country Australia, going to awaken?
When are the Australian politicians going to pull their heads out of their own proverbial ar..holes? Surely they can’t really be as stupid as they are seen to be.
Aussiemal – Trump recently quoted that the number of countries on board with his war against the ‘invisible enemy’ has jumped from 150 to 182 – that is nearly the entire Globe.
I don’t doubt that includes our own.
This country missed out on the deaths now being recorded in other places, Italy, United States, etc, because our ‘nursing homes’ were relatively adjusted to better conditions under a recent royal commission. We all need to remember that 90% of the deaths recorded have been of the elderly in nursing homes and who had existing terminal medical conditions.
This current bug is no more lethal than all the other bugs that do the global rounds every year.
There are other agendas at work here – I believe the most obvious is the economic reset from a Central Banking/Petro-dollar system, back into individual free enterprise Banks backed by a gold standard and limited to their available on demand collateral as to what they they able to lend on.
The less obvious is the eradication of the Global Human Trafficking problem that has plagued this world for thousands of years and the awakening of the masses by exposing them to what totalitarian rule looks like.
The longer this continues, the more that will be awakened. Some will never awake.
Indeed N.
i think we are on the same page …… we hope? Otherwise we are ‘stuffed’. (Apols Mary)
It is ironical that the technology Bill Gates stole all those years ago, powers the machines (computers) that are now enabling the uncovering of his evil crimes. Good one, James Corbett.
Crown and Mossad rule. Serco are the enforcers. Pilgrim and Pirbright have a bio weapons factory outskirts of Wuhan!
BOMBSHELL: Taxpayer-funded NIH funneled $3.7 million to Wuhan virus research lab believed to have engineered the coronavirus bioweapon – Mike Adams – Natural News, April 12, 2020
“the taxpayer-funded NIH (National Institutes of Health, where Dr. Fauci is a top official) is now known to have funded bat coronavirus research (SARS-CoV) at the very same BSL-4 Wuhan laboratory that is widely believed to have engineered and release the Wuhan coronavirus that’s now devastating the planet.”
Whatever the truth, key players orchestrating the aftermath plandemic are certainly criminally involved at every level.
A little off topic here… A good friend of mine who was in the cops with me many moons ago went into security and CCP(close personal protection) after we left. He ended up working on a Gates family visit to Sydney about 7-8 years ago. He told me how the residence was fitted with “outs” , specially placed doors and exits that were to be used by the hired help should the family wake up or return unexpectedly. Some of these were hidden behind curtains etc , and the purpose was that the kids were never to see the cleaners and other staff. They were being raised in a bubble and must not see the lower human beings. I think this speaks volumes about his headspace. Ps in this age of information warfare I think we are missing a great opportunity. We should not be referring to covid-19 but covid-1984
EXCELLENT IDEA Stuart. COV-1984 or COVID-1984
‘ARREST BILL GATES’ – Says Every Instagrammer On Gates Account – Baxter Dmitry – reposted on Fort Russ
Meanwhile you can bet that the little 2-shekel minions that have been implanted into our political system will be scurrying to his defence. Probably watching reruns of Miranda Abramovic’s live ‘art’ as we speak.
Julius – I see on that note, that our government is not going to follow Trump and withhold funding to WHO – they’re beginning to expose themselves for who they really support.
One of the counter-narrative specialists we have heard from exposing the fraud of the GF (Gates-Fauci)-1984 virus is Dr Shiva.
I was winding down listening to this – live and still going. He covers several related and intertwined topics including innovation and freedom, racist Gandhi and climate change … Had to share.
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Truth About the Invention of Email & State of Science & Innovation
At one point … “innovation and freedom are so intimately connected” … “Fauci is a prostitute” …
Listen on
Riveting: really cuts to the chase of the nature of everything we’re contending with. Hope everyone takes the time to fully absorb the import
Back in the day my youngest boy was always cranking on about what a two-bit fraud Ghandi actually was. Good to see it being articulated so concisely(around 50 min)
54:50 to be precise
[…] Bombs Away […]