J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
The earth is boiling, pilot whales are beaching, emperor penguin chicks drowning, Antarctic sea-ice disappearing, Somalian fishermen taking up piracy, forests on fire all over the world, houses on fire but trees not on fire, fake weather statistics coming from black-top car parks in the desert, what do all these have in common?
Not global warming is the answer.
Letβs look at some of this from a more realistic angle.
It is claimed the Antarctic sea-ice is receding at an unprecedented rate, but given the speed of glacial flows this would suggest the weather was very hot a decade or so ago, and in fact this was the case. A stretch of hot weather from about 2005 to 2015 came to a sudden end in the cold southern winter of 2016 and the climate has been colder ever since. If itβs true that penguins are struggling for want of sea-ice, then this is just a natural fluctuation, and a die-off is the natural response. These penguins can probably raise about ten chicks in a lifetime so they can easily double their population in one generation, under favourable conditions. Smaller fish at the extreme south of the southern ocean should be reasonably abundant because the food cycle starts with sea algae which grows from carbon dioxide. The story that emperor penguins would be extinct by the end of the century seems to be simple hysteria. Nonetheless, here is the substance of it, from RTHK:
βIn mid-February, Antarctica’s sea ice extent shrank to two million square kilometres, about 30 percent below the 1981-2010 average.
The five colonies covered by the study β Rothschild Island, Verdi Inlet, Smylet Island, Bryan Peninsula and Pfrogner Point β were all discovered with medium resolution satellite imagery over the last 14 years, and their populations were counted using high-resolution imagery.
The colonies are visible from space thanks to the distinctively pink-brown hue of penguin poo, or guano, which covers a broad area over the course of the nine months penguins are in residence, even if the colonies themselves are not always visible.
Only Rothschild Island has been visited by scientists, and of the other sites only Smylet Island has been seen by aerial survey.β
Rothschild Islandβs main feature is the Desko Mountains which are about 1000m high, surely enough to generate glacial flows in multiple directions, if the weather was cold enough a dozen years ago, to actually generate the ice and snow load.
East African fishermen canβt make much of a career out of piracy, they are sitting ducks for the industrialized countries who are plundering their fisheries. The Exclusive Economic Zones generally extend out to 200 km, providing an incentive to take as many fish as possible before they migrate into a contested or prohibited area. With sonar and factory ships the fish donβt stand a chance, let alone those traditionally further up the food chain. This can only end when fishing becomes unprofitable, probably in terms of resource scarcity vis-Γ -vis fuel prices. Some companies have an edge, as we see with airlines such as Qatar, Emirates and Malindo who can undercut, with their national product being oil. The fish wars therefore have a number of fronts, eg. geopolitical, energy resources,Β urgency relating to weather and competition, fish stock location and resource scarcity, the seafood market price vs. price of money, etc. The traditional fishing grounds will inevitably be raided if not defended vigorously. A national defence system is something poor countries canβt seem to achieve. So the media gives the disenfranchised fishermen the full pirate treatment with no right of reply.
Pilot whales are just a type of oversized dolphin. About 70 pilot whales recently beached near Albany, WA to the distress of local residents. Nobody seems to be able to circulate sensible theories about beaching, what is provided is that bad weather and navigation errors (!) contribute to beachings. These whales normally produce about four or five calves in their lifetime, so under favourable conditions they can double their population every 20 or so years. What constitutes unfavourable conditions? Could one such be that factory ship trawlers are pulling up everything at such an unprecedented rate that toothed whales canβt find anything to eat? Their behaviour seems to indicate this. They mill around offshore as if consolidating their group decision, saying goodbye to each other and so forth, then take the plunge onto the beach to die, almost as if in protest to the land-based humans who are taking all the food. Itβs doubtful if they share very much of our perspective on death.
A new theory of global cooling has come to light.
In this well-presented, less than one-hour-long documentary from Denmark, another side of the equation is discussed. Not only are the solar cycles a variable, there are also galactic cycles relating to cosmically produced nano-particles, loose electrons (ions) and so forth, these are very tiny. Rocks and space-junk burn up in the atmosphere but these particles presumably just float around. Letβs just think of them in simple lay terms as stardust, in varying concentrations throughout the galaxy.
These concentrations are actually predictable, since the solar system, it is explained, orbits through the galaxy at a speed of one orbit in some hundreds of thousands of years. When we transit through an arm of a spiral galaxy we are inundated with particles which go on to form the nuclei of clouds. It is claimed clouds will not form without at least one nano-particle to start them off. In this sense clouds are a form of crystal, yet another variation on the potential states of water.
Clouds reflect the heat, so more particles producing more clouds produce cooler climates. If the few premises provided are accepted, the logic is clear and simple.
βThe Cloud Mysteryβ is presented in a very calm, rational and cool headed manner.
However, it is also clear that our authorities prefer not to propagate these ideas.
Nasa image of the Milky Way galaxy
We are told the Solar System is now passing into a minor arm of the spiral galaxy so we can look forward to cooler weather for the next few decades. How much cooler could plausibly be mapped with the knowledge that exists today. This would be a climate model worthy of attention, unlike the vast majority of conventional models, funded by the interests behind the various global warming industries. Potentially, the climate could go on cooling for the rest of the century. Most likely, this scenario has already been calculated, but will not be revealed to the public.
Perhaps we are to be dealt a sharp global cooling on a scale not seen for 10,000 years, or as likely, just since the 1300βs when Europe experienced six famine periods in one century. It may be that this solar cycle (typically 11 years) holds up relatively well but the next one fails, in combination with increased cloud cover.
Depopulation is therefore not just a psychopathic obsession, it may be an imperative, as billions of empowered individuals, armed with every type of implement and weapon, swarm across the globe in search of basic necessities such as fuel and food. This would explain why rural communities in Canada are being destroyed by co-ordinated arson at an unprecedented rate. It would appear the desertification of Arabia and the Sahara may have occurred during the last ice-age. Arabia is full of oil so originally must have been well forested for a very long period.
We have seen disaster and end-times scenarios many times in science fiction stories but it seems they may finally be about to materialise, and the well-resourced, such as the notorious Bill Gates, obviously know well in advance, everything revealed to the rest of us only by chance, through the benevolence of the 21st-century internet.
While we were mentally prepared by Hollywood for global flooding, robots taking over, fuel running out, nuclear holocaust, burning up etc., nobody seems to have covered the dull alternative, crop failure and freezing slowly to death.
Speaking of crop failure, other cycles may also be worthy of attention.
The Mayan calendar was much discussed earlier this century as the potential beginning of the end.
The “GMT correlation” places the start date at 11 August 3114 BC and the end date of bΚΌakΚΌtun 13 at 21 December 2012.
The 13 baktun Mayan Long Count calendar spans 3114 BC to AD 2012; each bβakβtun being 144,000 days.Β
βEvidence from the chemistry of the American GISP2 ice core may provide a simple explanation. GISP2 yielded records of ammonium (NH4) and nitrate (NO3). Plotting a combined index of NH4 plus NO3 against the original GISP2 timescale the two highest NH4/NO3 indices in some six millennia β between 4558 BC and 1427 AD β occur within a year of two bβakβtun transitions in the Mayan calendarβ.
Ammonium nitrate is better known and applied artificially as fertilizer, the explosive type.
Presumably, its use was discovered by finding it naturally occurring. This would have been an item of great interest to agrarian societies of any era.
The entrenched assumption of our contemporary culture, that all cultures before this one knew nothing much of any value, is so brash and presumptuous it defies comment, especially while the television turns so many brains to useless pap.
We are given to believe that science took over at βThe Age of Reasonβ approximately 100 years ago in Europe. But with hindsight perhaps the demise of orthodox religion was the main social characteristic. With religious communities gone, what holds dwindling and fraying societies together now, if resources fail at the end of a centuries-long era of ever-increasing growth? The role of religion is taken over by television and media, which are weaponised against us.
The master plan is being revealed: mysterious mRNA injections, bio-war GMOs and Direct Energy Weapons are just the latest part of the solution.
Starts about 24 min
“NO one is prepared for what’s coming and they are LYING about it”
“THEY are not prepared for what’s coming because they have taken too many lies on board” would be more to the point
Malnutrition is a killer in the best of times. Couple that with a compromised immune system from the ‘jabs’ and a COLD environment, it looks like the depopulation agenda has just begun to start.
Do the elite know how to survive the Grand Solar Reset ?
David Dubyne also discusses the Gas Giant allignment in October 2024 and the events of April 2025.
“Hungry people are unpredictable and do strange things …”
Around here they mostly seem to be stabbing passers by and bus drivers
Henrik Svensmark “The Cloud Mystery” (52 mins)
backup on rumble
backup on bitchute
( Take out the XXXX )
This is a great video in another way because it unites us into the cosmos, the whole galaxy is flowing through this planet and even ourselves in various ways. We are not just enclosed in an exclusive bubble as commenter berry would have it, with demons swooping around and God playing tricks on us. The sun adjusts the heat and the cosmic particles create extra clouds and all the creatures of the world live and die according to the season. Reminds me of Biden talking about seasons when he was channeling something Reaganesque at election time. When is Joe Biden’s season coming, yawn yawn, waiting. They are saying his impeachment is coming up, they will have to get a fake Kamala who can handle the demands of the job. How do Americans put up with it.
Global warming is utter bull shit 100%. Yet another lie like the millions of others we have been force fed by the Evil Elitist shite who believe they rule as they have for thousands of years. In that regard the heliocentric universe model is yet another lie, the work of Satanic Masonic pricks who are hell bent on enslaving us all and worse removing billions of humans from Earth.
We donβt live on a spinning globe we live on an undulating land mass with level oceans in a contained world surrounded by an ice wall – the Antarctic circle – our far more intelligent and spiritually aware forefathers from all civilizations knew this.
So how the fuck can we model our climate correctly when we donβt even know the truth while most believe we live on a bull shit blue marble spinning in infinite space which doesnβt exist?
The problem is obvious itβs the evil 1% and always has been – time to expose and cull those Satanic evil pricks who love to tell us how we need to reduce our carbon footprint the WEF shitbags who wish us nothing but pain and suffering – fuck you and fuck you Agendas!
If the earth is flat why can’t I see the “Ice Wall” from here
You could if you got close enough – our vision only works over a certain distance to the vanishing point – but you canβt go near the ice wall as βTheir Militaryβ stops you passing the 60th parallel all designated by the Antarctic Treaty of 1959!
Now ask yourself WHY what are they hiding!!!!
My vision stops at the horizon unless I go up higher, for example here in Perth I can see Rottnest Island on the horizon which locates the horizon about 20km away but the higher I go the further the horizon is. So tell me is the moon flat too ? And if so what makes the tides go around ? And if the earth is flat the Singapore to New York flights should go straight over the North Pole, why the detour to Hawaii ? I watched a flat earth video once and I was amazed to see the people actually believed what they were talking about. So would you say we are in the milky way galaxy or is it just painted on the dome ? If so why can you see meteors in the sky out in the desert ?
Who built the dome, what is it made of and how much did it cost ?
“Despite what the flat-earthers across the globe might say, the Earth is round and this knowledge is not a modern discovery. Many ancient cultures were aware of this fact β you donβt need satellites or lasers to demonstrate that our planet is spherical.”
Time you used your own senses instead of relying on and quoting crap articles from the Matrix – Space Correspondent cough bull shit!!!!
The Ancients knew we live on a flat plain – do you really think water bends around a ball????
And as for gravity another Masonic lie and btw still only a theory – wake up you really think we a spinningπ
Well lots of people still believe the injections and masks story so I suppose it’s possible you believe what your’re writing
For someone commenting in writing on a site questioning the narrative and the Matrix you sure sound like a sheeple Bogan Mate.
Bet you even think that man has been to the Moon which btw is a two dimensional plasma entity the same size as the local sun!
You should not be able to see all of Rottnest from the beach at South Cott if we were on a globe just the top of the lighthouse, while the higher you go the further the horizon (as in horizontal and flat no curve visible) will rise up.
How about you have a go at some lateral thinking instead of trying and failing to be a smart arse?
For instance you would know that civil aircraft are not allowed to fly over the Arctic or the Antarctic but thatβs yet another fact you glossed over.
If the earth is flat then why is it autumn in Europe and spring here, and if there is a huge ice-wall all around then it should be cold all the time in Australia but instead it’s hot. You can’t answer all these questions so my next question is where do you get your material and are you controlled opposition ?
What if the Sun has a βclock cycleβ
The Causes of the Ice Ages and Geomagnetic Reversals (Polar Reversals).
“Most scientists agree that hydrocarbons (oil and natural gas) are of organic origin. A few, however, maintain that some natural gas could have formed deep within the earth, where heat melting the rocks may have generated it inorganically.1 Nevertheless, the weight of evidence favors an organic origin, most petroleum coming from plants and perhaps also animals, which were buried and fossilized in sedimentary source rocks.2 The petroleum was then chemically altered into crude oil and gas.
The chemistry of oil provides crucial clues as to its origin. Petroleum is a complex mixture of organic compounds. One such chemical in crude oils is called porphyrin:
Petroleum porphyrins β¦ have been identified in a sufficient number of sediments and crude oils to establish a wide distribution of the geochemical fossils.3
They are also found in plants and animal blood4 (see sidebar Porphyrins).
……………………………… The only consistent explanation is the catastrophic sedimentation that occurred during the worldwide Genesis Flood. Tons of vegetation and animals were violently uprooted and killed respectively, so that huge amounts of organic matter were buried so rapidly that the porphyrins in it were removed from the oxidizing agents which could have destroyed them.”
Sorry, that was posted in the wrong place
I got as far as Saudi Arabia must have been covered in trees as it has lots of oil. What is the relation between trees and oil? One does not beget the other.
Reply as above:
“β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦β¦ The only consistent explanation is the catastrophic sedimentation that occurred during the worldwide Genesis Flood. Tons of vegetation and animals were violently uprooted and killed respectively, so that huge amounts of organic matter were buried so rapidly that the porphyrins in it were removed from the oxidizing agents which could have destroyed them.β
“According to the World Coal Association, the process responsible for the formation of coal began 360 to 290 million years ago. With this in mind, it would seem absolutely impossible for any human artifacts to be found within this ancient substance; but incredibly, many items have reportedly been found in such deposits, either buried inside the coal itself or found buried deep down within coal veins found in mines which have been tunneled out far beneath the Earthβs surface. OOPArts found in coal and stone are some of the strangest of unexplained artifacts.
On June 11, 1891, an Illinois newspaper reported the unusual discovery of a modern artifact found embedded in a lump of coal that had originated from a South Illinois mine, which the Illinois State Geological Survey said had formed between 260 and 320 million years ago, at some time during the Carboniferous Period. The bizarre report printed in The Morrisonville Times went as follows:
‘A curious find was brought to light by Mrs. S.W. Culp last Tuesday morning. As she was breaking a lump of coal preparatory to putting it in the scuttle, she discovered, as the lump fell apart, embedded in a circular shape a small gold chain about ten inches in length of antique and quaint workmanship.’ ”
No guesses as to why the MSM & “secular educationalists” have continued to chant the billions of years” mantra regardless
“The entrenched assumption of our contemporary culture, that all cultures before this one knew nothing much of any value, is so brash and presumptuous it defies comment, especially while the television turns so many brains to useless pap.”
Amen & amen
“Experts told Reuters” ( fact checker ):
The term βfossil fuelβ was not created by American businessman J.D. Rockefeller to induce the idea of scarcity for oil. The earliest occurrence of the term features in a book published in 1759 by German chemist Caspar Neumann.
Reuters of course owned by Rotschilds.
Well, Rockerfellas would never lie to increase their wealth anyway, and they own all the oil so they should know if it’s a fossil fuel or not.
If oil is made under pressure then that could presumably also be lateral pressure from earthquakes. Now we all have mini video cameras there are lots more disasters in the world. We can imagine earthquakes over a period of millions of years squishing organic deposits as well as pure carbon hard enough to make diamonds ? According to a guy in the drilling business the oil is mixed in with sand into a slurry and has to be extracted not just pumped. It is mixed up all over the place down there at the bottom of the wells, and you get all kinds of grades. Looks like they go down to about 10km maximum
Another good reporter at Maui
Illegal immigrants in New York. The ‘Blue’ states are beginning to reap the harvest of their ideology. – Karma is a bitch.
Heck, just wait until the collapse of the US dollar, you think it is bad now?? – Crikey, get out while you can.
Abiogenic Deep Origin of Hydrocarbons and Oil and Gas Deposits …
Introduction. The theory of the abiogenic deep origin of hydrocarbons recognizes that the petroleum is a primordial material of deep origin [Kutcherov, Krayushkin 2010].This theory explains that hydrocarbon compounds generate in the asthenosphere of the Earth and migrate through the deep faults into the crust of the Earth.
Is this what Big Brother looks like?
Josephine Cashman
Sep 9
This week’s exposure of the Canberra UNi-party is a stunning and sobering revelation. The LNP, now UN-ashamedly in tandem with the ALP, are collaborating to surrender Australia into a dystopian ghetto archipelago of UN 15-minute Smart cities in preparation for the world’s 0.001% wealthy families to strip our assets.
UNi-party’s ugly face is revealed as both parties vow to override the right of Australians to reject the voice referendum. Uni-party attempts to hoodwink the public by claiming Dutton and Co, always supported constitutional change, as failure becomes apparent.
The Government wants the Australian taxpayer to pay an additional $300 million to repeat the Uluru Corporate Voice Con. Thanks to a troupe of useful circus idiots. Dutton has pledged to batter Australians into submission as he announces that taxpayers will be forced to pay for the rerun of this grand deception.
The LNP, Dutton and Price dig themselves deeper into lies as they rush into Plan B. Where Price descends into incoherent confusion, as a result of Dutton’s bumbling.
Jacinta Price is the chosen circus performer to deliver to the Australians a big lie, that this is the no campaign. The Australian people can smell a rat. Dutton is still supporting the Uluru Voice. It is a Yes campaign disguised as a No campaign. They are putting Price forward to sell the unsellable lie.
There is no doubt that the Voice referendum will fail.
Despite the fact that Australians will vote No overwhelmingly against it, both sides have decided to incorporate the Uluru Voice into legislation. Going against the Australian peopleβs Voice.
Now we find out Peter Dutton is committed to holding another referendum. What’s the point of a $300 million referendum when they’ve already agreed to it? We know now it is not for the Australian people. It is a charade, a billionaire-choreographed show.
Read on –
Klaus Schwab urges world leaders to give WEF full control over countries
September 10, 2023
“……………Klaus Schwab said he believed it would be a system of shareholder capitalism.
βI believe state capitalism is short-term,β he said.
βIn the short term it offers certain advantages, because you can mobilize many resources in a concentrated way to achieve a specific goal.
But I don’t believe that state capitalism or shareholder capitalism is the future, the future is what I call stakeholder capitalism, combined with social responsibility.β
Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism is a system where companies pursue long-term value creation rather than short-term profit, and governments work with them.
In other words, the unelected leaders of for-profit corporations are in charge of society.”
911 and itβs aftermath has failed to reveal the perpetraitors of mass murder, with deception now in coming from all angles 24/7.
Whatever has been written has unfortunately come to pass cause satanists rule. In dystopia these days, consumers are steered like stock through cashier-less checkout machines, with robots that beat ping pong champs about to be introduced. Hell compared to just two decades ago, resist this AI BS if you can.
More from Henrik Svensmark
The video embedded here:
Bjorn Lomborg
Joe Bogan…Look up at the sky at night, you see the Southern Cross right? I am assuming you are an Aussie.
In 6 months time, when we are supposed to be on the other side of the sun, why can I still see the Southern Cross? If you do the geometry on paper, of the Heliocentric model, do not forget the stars in which you should view, a 360 degree view of the Universe, over 365 nights from the night side of the earth…Heliocentric model is the great big lie…combined with the globe earth BS. I see it for myself.
Now, the curvature of the earth is supposed to be- (x miles squared) x 8 inches. I live in Morwell, Gippsland, Victoria… Traralgon is about 14 km away, which is more than 7 miles. 7miles x7 = 49…now 49 x 8 inches =392 inches. If we divide that by 12 we get the answer in feet. 32.6666 repeating, so 32.7 feet below the curve should be where Traralgon is. I live on a hill with a really good view, its not a mountain, its a hill. There is no odd mountainous regions within this distance, just flat farmland. I can see Traralgon day and night, lots of lights, now it does dip away because of a valley, it has a river flowing through the middle of town…what is the big deal? I can see the other side of that valley too, for a lot further than 7 miles!!!! The world is flat and I can see it out my kitchen window!
Nothing beats doing the science yourself. Observation is EVERYTHING. We live in a world of lies on purpose. (So you do not know who you are, where you are or your purpose here). The Satanic cult is hiding the true nature of the world from you with lies. This is the real awakening.