by G5
The fake pandemic turned to genocide as well as economic devastation.
The problem of resource-rich New Britain, in Papua New Guinea, with the locals not allowing extraction, by obstruction, has been resolved. All the tribes have just been vaccinated at gunpoint, to protect them from the fake pandemic.
It won’t be too long now before multinationals will have no one to suffer or deal with concerning their activities, and government partnerships.
Attempts were made in India to vaccinate sectors of the population. The perpetrators were driven out without debate.
There has also been an attempt at the same exercise in Australia, which backfired.
Demonstrations are beginning to mount in Australia, concerning the fake pandemic, causing Australia to be locked down into a police state. The likes of which is reminding the older residents, of experiences in Central and South America, southeast Asia, NAZI Germany, the Soviet Eastern Bloc, Maoist China, and other Communist Totalitarian Regimes, in which America has left its handprint.
The fraud is over, and it’s beyond time that the government addicted and compliant, either return to the real world or step aside. There is little doubt that there are opportunities for legitimate political actors to step forward at this time. But with a genuine ambition to resolve the problems of The Slime Pit, in an unambiguous and permanent manner. As Trump should have acted, but failed and delivered what The West suffers today.
The US of A
The psychopaths didn’t believe they could get a hypersexual, coke dealer, and addict into the White House, to have his insane wife be the first de facto president. They succeeded; and de facto performed exactly as would be expected.
The psychopaths did not believe they could get a virtual retard into the White House with the performing de facto of a captive warmonger. They succeeded, and de facto performed exactly as would be expected.
The psychopaths did not believe they could get a gay bathhouse johnny, into the White House, with a crossdress partner and two borrowed children, even pretending he was the first Black to do so, for the greatest SitCom farce ever perpetrated. A non-American, with a fake education, a property hustler, bathhouse devotee, even collecting a Nobel for nothing. And allegedly voted in TWICE. He performed as would be expected.
The psychopaths did not believe they could fraud away the largest majority ever given to a presidential candidate, and in his place install a brain dead, physically impaired life long corrupt, open child molester, a political actor with open ties through his family’s criminal activities, forming an unparalleled clown show, with a rejected, flawed and failed attorney general state actor, delivering an unimaginable Clown Show. Under the control of a parallel Military Coup, having them locked out of the White House, the Vice President’s House, and The Pentagon. Using fake footages and fake movie sets to pretend that which they are not. With fake aircraft, fake vehicles, and fake press conferences. Having planted actors throughout a fake administration. The control of the militray moved from the Pentagon to Cheyenne Mountain, and the nuclear codes being denied access. With theatrics for a fake inauguration, a fake Pentagon vist, denied access, a fake visit to Arlington, and a concocted meeting with the President of Russia. Where he was delivered his orders; as I have written elsewhere; by the Russian President, concerning cooperation between the real and fake US Military machine to adjust deployments in accord to agreements with Trump as the legitimate President of America.
And this is the Circus, which is yearning for respect for zero credibility.
And to further seal the insanity; a fake pandemic is called destroying The West’s small enterprises, causing unprecedented unemployment and hardship, including the closing of energy industries, compounded through bankruptcy of the Domestic Economy, and with pending rocketing crime rates, over-populated cities with spiraling inflation. Infrastructure resources incapable of supporting health, education, and welfare, with overriding socially related fake protests from proxy gangs.
The complete devastation of America.
Back on form. Thank you.
Arizona audit results are showing MASSIVE fraud. How can the MSM hide the truth forever. So did Trump let the DS win, deliberately to show the world what a pack of psychopaths could achieve in just a few months? “The Scare Event was necessary”
They are saying there is so much evidence in Georgia that Arizona pales, I think they were saying 60% fraud, as we heard some time ago the Georgia Governor and Secretary are both apparently in on it, but I guess may now be considered “busted”.
Why can I see this, but my sister, who runs a chapter of MENSA, cannot?
LOL, great comment Richard. I’ve got a mate that is just like that. A bright individual (former military pilot, lawyer) that is so captured by the propaganda that he argues against anything that doesn’t comply with the approved narrative. Sometimes it is just absurd what he can come up with to resolve the cognitive dissonance in his mind. He loves to quote ‘Snopes’ and use Google to research things. Often times it doesn’t make any sense, but he is unable to see it – truly the victim of mind control.
Oh yeah, I should add, he’s already had both the shots. Nothing I can do at this point.
I just got my hair cut with the local Vietnamese hair cutter, she told me all Hanoi is in total lockdown now, total. And she got injected and I said Vietnamese should be the last to trust anything !!! But as we have seen, even incredible side effects will not stop the mentally conditioned, it’s a type of insanity.
Amazing how many bright people are stupid. Just like most of the medical and legal profession and thick Uni graduates.
It runs through whole families often.
Had the services of a NRMA road mechanic today, of Greek family immigrant decent……. Just a ordinary bloke.
Not long after his arrival we chatted; you taking the vaccine, he asked, do not take it!!!
Well then we really started chatting….. agreed that 911 was a Official government unscientific conspiracy theory, aircraft’s fuel with office fires does not melt steal to form minute steal spheres and building No 7 was also blown up. ( not many I meet have ever heard of building 7)
Kennedy was murdered by insiders,
He asked me how many did I know who were aware of the truth of these topics and that what many believe is BS. How F’n embarrassing? I was ashamed to reply as he appreciated from my ex profession who would be my friends etc, and delayed my reply but pretending to think, swallowed my embarrassment and replied; “about ten”.
Also Howard should be in goal for the bs Middle East weapons of mass deception killings. His parents lived close to young Johnie.
5.7 m for a recent Earlwood home was ridiculous and the migrants of the 50’s and 60’s were really cool and of course I agreed, dad never lost a bank penny for loans to such in those days to finance their endeavours.
So now he has the link to gumshoenews.com👍😜👍 just from a flat battery!
Ok Mr Ryan.
Btw we discussed many other matters, including the purpose of banning cash and the purpose and consequences.
Pity he is only paid by the hour, might arrange a flat tyre next time soon.
The latest x22 reports are good, a and b.
Mr Ryan, you would love ‘A’, the central bankers are still being exposed
Just go to x22report.com for the updates. B is great.
As a matter of curiosity, anyone have any experience with our Greek fellow’s social expanse and the distribution of info to their kin and friends.
From my experience today and otherwise, the Greek community is on to the bs.
I suspect it is quite substantial, so truth has hope.
Uncle Dan in Melbourne, once being the most populace Greek city out of Greece, should be wary.
I like g5’s style here, but it is hyperbole and conjecture. My stock and trade.
I just thought the fake Pentagon and I’ll be deliberately edgey with fake Arlington(y know the DNA is not where it should be under those white crosses), IN honour of the real fallin here.
Why would that need faking, I don’t get it.
Trump is just a divisive card, drop him and find someone worthy. Maybe a New Guinnean that slipped the jab and is doing it easy in that wild place.
IN honour of the real fallin ” here”
there, there, not last word ” here” or at that place, some stuff needs correcting for sure.
I completely disagree. Your assertion presumes that Trump is running the show.
If you have/had been following ‘Q’ from October 2017 you may appreciate why I disagree.
I stopped watching “Q” a few minutes after “it” appeared in the anonymous ether bs. My theory being “social media, just reflected and used”. I had an advantage of how computers or “things” worked looking back.
How did you get I asserted “Trump is running the show.” — because I said the first I knew of operation warp speed came from “”read his lips””.
Hope your right Ned, I’m debious though, so will keep my southpaw stance.
whatta we do now, i’d hug you, you big beluga, or agree to disagree is fine too 😉
Out of all the front-men, and front-women, which one is not a front ?
A short list. Starting with:
QE2 “I know nuffink”.
Gates, son of Gates “revenge of the nerds”.
King of Siam (residence near Zurich).
Kim Jong, son of Kim Jong (leader of NWO utopia).
Any more ?
King of Siam:
whatever you do don’t amazon
Are you talking about Yul Brynner or sumfink
With the information coming from Dr Jane Ruby and Dr Charles Hoffe we now know why the UK Government has put out tenders for large storage facilities of dead bodies, why there is a warehouse full of cadaver bags in US and reports from some time ago of compounds full of mass produced coffins in US. This death operation has been on stream for several years.
We have had reports of FEMA type camps here in Australia for some time. However there is never enough finance for governments to provide much needed housing for the destitute. With the death plan now playing out it looks like within three years there will be no need of the FEMA camps so instead of laying idle why not convert to civilian housing without gates for the needy?
Mal, how are we supposed to spin this wonderful story if those who are supposed to be genocided, aren’t? What will the story be if those who got the jabs live on for another 5-10 years or more? Can we then say “failed attempt at genocide” and cite some critical flaw?
People are asking me, and I really don’t have any good answers.
By the way, if 60% of the politicians and elites around the world are not dead within three years we will know that none of them had the genuine “vaccine”, according to Dr Hoffe’s information.
Jennifer Squires just forwarded their commercial
Well, there you go it is not covid 19, a experienced honest professional medical person tells you and ‘we must follow the science’ and take the medical advice to keep us safe.
Then, it must be just a normal dose of government and mass media deceit and lies.
Now that is a really serious historic and contagious plague needing plenty of bed rest, sunshine, thought and by all means avoid contact with media fakes……..you all must wear efficient and approved ear plugs or industrial certified ear muffs when passing a television or radio and keep a room distance away from such dangers.
Keep safe now, protect your family.
Spot house checkers will be visiting and non compliance might mean a thousand dollar penalty for non-compliance.
Its called “Q Fever” not Covid 19.
Please do your research on Q FEVER.
Q fever! Look it up.. .
Did that, turns up a Vet called Jenner liked cowpox cause milk maids are ****sexy***(they r).
So they banged heaps of “you get a scar’you get a scar, licerense style”
What did your research show
Simon, what’s got into you?
Frustration. You know the feeling(wink)
I throw clique terms around to, try, to involve disparate parties(try to find traction outside the echo chamber).
I do try to avoid “trigger’ words that I have a unwanted knack for, while looking for knake.
I have to ask you Mary, did you get much response for your trigger word request ?
Crikey, this was funny – the future of unvaxed men in America
God, that’s hilarious.
Some do not want to allow their intinctions and intuition to enable the breath of the great life given by Christ. It is therefor difficult to conceive why and how so many humans are seeped in such evil. Even now against their own kind. Unless you can understand this you cannot understand the machinations of Satan’s works.
FOR Satan’s works (now) dwell (inserted) in virtually all established social (especially business) structures
Nor can you comprehend the ‘sign’ of Christs return – Revelation 11:1-7 etc
If u have an interest in GOG u will find him in the SINaGOGue.
If u have an interest in Christ u will find him in the KJV. (King James Version Bible)
What a fantasy for any single fellow now 18 years of age. Problem being how to sort out a few delightful partners. One man is only so good.
I don’t think so, he’s going to get his nuts ripped off
Now that made me laugh
For MIke, just go to the 2 hour 11 min Mark and as he says YOU WILL BE SHOCKED!! there was covid 19, then Delta and ‘Omega’ to come.
(90 m Americans to die?????………….. couple of years.)
AT LEAST LISTEN AT 2hr 15 mins,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to check out Israel ………. for a few minutes on ‘natural immunity’ v injected variants. “the pandemic is being perpetuated by the VACCINE” so you need some booster and your vac certificate is then redundant, so another booster needed and another and another ………….. Get the picture???
2.19 re ivervectim.
Then the South Africa situation > planned starvation?
UP TO YOU!! for the rest.
Take a pill.
Then again? Trump won?
It’s broken the internet
LISTEN TO TUCKER FROM 10 Min mark. (:—}}}}}}}}}}
Used to be you would die and leave your house to the church, who used to be the welfare.
The new system is much more efficient, now you pay for your own welfare via money-printing stealth tax, and leave your house to the medical industrial complex.
Well, you sell it first then you give them the money.
by carinara
Median annual income of $61,937 across the entire United States
Senators and House Representatives
Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico
President pro tempore of the Senate
Majority leader and minority leader of the Senate
so tell me how they earn more than the people they represent?
Congressional pay has been $174,000 per year, which, at an 80% rate, equates to a lifelong pension benefit of $139,200. All benefits are taxpayer-funded. Few private employees have the option to contribute to an employer-sponsored defined benefit pension plan.
OpenSecrets is the nation’s premier research group tracking money in U.S. politics and its effect on elections and public policy. Our mission is to track the flow of money in American politics and provide the data and analysis to strengthen democracy. Our vision is for Americans to use this knowledge to create a more vibrant, representative and accountable democracy.
The Population of Poverty USA
Madyson Marquette interview
Madyson Marquette was a human trafficking victim for ten years. She eventually escaped and was then trained in combat so that she could be part of a team that rescued children. Recently she and the team rescued 27 children. Four were already dead when the team arrived on the scene, and one died in her arms.
She says she was asked to testify before military tribunals going on even now. Some of these tribunals have been held at the White House itself, which explains why it is closed to the public and seems to be empty. She testified in 100 different cases, the last of which was Joe Biden himself. She says that as a victim in past years, she was bought and sold by Joe Biden himself.
She sounds very credible, and she also names a few pastors of mega-churches who are actively involved in human trafficking. Once when she tried to escape her captors, she sought help from one of those pastors, but he returned her to the traffickers. I think that the church will soon experience some divine judgment, and many Christians will soon be traumatized by their faith in these popular ministers.
In practice, this system is not designed to protect us from criminals, it’s designed to protect the criminals from the mass exploited and now discarded. Before AI (artificial insanity) people made things, turning the wheels of production. Heads down toiling in blood sweat and tears, oblivious to the fact that we were all getting fucked in the ass by plutocrats always thirsty for more power and money. The system was designed to keep us busy programmed and stupid, unable to realise our power in mass numbers to take back what the criminals have stolen from us. Now with lethal injections (jabs) and guns, they have enough to kill us all dead and that is exactly what they are doing. Their end game, leading to extinction, survival of the greediest is in full view now for all to see.
We work and produce – they sell and profit.
The General Epistle of Barnabus
That the commands of Moses concerning clean and unclean beasts, etc., were all designed for a spiritual significance.
But why did Moses say, You must not eat of the swine, neither the eagle nor the hawk; nor the crow; nor any fish that has not a scale upon it? Because he comprehended three doctrines that were to be gathered in the understanding.
So he says to them in the book of Deuteronomy, I will give my statutes to this people. Therefore it is not the command of God that they should not eat these things, but Moses in the spirit spoke to them.
He forbade them to eat the sow, meaning: You must not join yourself to such persons who are like swine, who while they live in pleasure, forget their God; but when any lack pinches them, then they recognize the Lord; just as the sow when she is full does not acknowledge her master, but makes a noise when she is hungry, and being fed again, is silent.
Neither, says he, will you eat the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the crow; that is, you must not keep company with the kind of men who do not know how to get themselves food by their labor and sweat, but injuriously steal the things of others and watch how to lay snares for them, when at the same time they appear to live in perfect innocence…………
This morning I watched a bit of the French News, their experts were going into a frenzy of lies about climate change. First they said “[CC] will produce more droughts and more floods” – huh ? Then they said they will get “cleaner fuel for jet planes” – huh ? Then they tried to say the yellow-vests protests in France were caused by climate change – wtf ? Of course all this came up as a result of a mountain village getting flooded because they all built their houses on a flood plain. We see nowadays trees getting removed causing mudslides for example and this is called [CC], we see buildings fall down sinkholes ( caused by leaking water pipes ) and all sorts of failures caused by new materials such as cladding infernos ( hard to pass off as [CC] ) and all of this is recorded on personal phones and by video drones etc providing a feast for the MSM agenda to brainwash their viewing audience. During the SBS ads I saw Biden and wife on a US program looking nice and happy and decent and I saw Fauci amiably chatting to some pop starlet. The MSM where not owned (eg channel 7) has to submit to the program or they will lose revenue from McDonalds etc. Now, EVERYTHING has been subverted to the agendas. It’s utterly relentless. Basically every individual whether totally corrupt or just hanging on for mortgage sake, has gone 100% fake.
You can imagine senior management apologising for putting on a bit of real news. “Oops, OMG we’re so McSorry”.
Dan Andrews must be getting jealous as hell over what Macron in France is doing. The ‘covid pass’ is being rolled out big time with serious prison sentences if violated. Time for a revolution and the guillotine.
That fits with the “kill off independent and small business” agenda. Thailand has been killing off the street food even before the scamdemic with “clean streets Monday” laws. Here, the local councils have killed it off long ago with their dumpster-load of regulations. Only Bunnings nasty white bread sausage and sugar drinks could survive.
The killing off of the independent and small businesses goes even further. Here’s an article from the UK on the ‘pingdemic’.
I was amazed that people would fall for the ‘trace and track’ BS. They can track you and at anytime they want, just say you have been in contact with a potentially sick person. Then, depending on their intentions, perhaps chuck you into an internment camp (for the greater good, you know). Or, if they want to close down your business, just make up a story about some visitor.
If you leave no track behind you, they can’t play the game.
I don’t have an idiot phone, I won’t walk around with a ‘bug’ in my pocket. If some store wants me to scan the QR code, no problem, I pull out my flip-phone and make a big deal out of taking a picture of the QR logo – nobody has stopped me yet. Someone with an idiot phone could also just take a picture and it is likely nobody would be the wiser.
I went to the Woolworths and they had a staff on entry security desk with sanitiser and QR666 enforcement all laid on by management. The globalists’ MSM has created such an echo chamber that average battery humans are completely unequipped to think their way out. A senator Wendy Rogers (AZ) is calling for the electoral council to reconvene, I looked her up on wikipedia and found the globalist narrative being pushed so hard that probably 99% of ten-year-olds would believe it.
“Q Fever” – coxiella burneti. Please watch. Developed in the US for Bio Warfare. Supposedly stopped in the 80’s (I think) but check out the symptoms, testing, spread, etc. looks awfully familiar and of course it’s “Q” fever.
Chronic Q Fever is fatal.
Meanwhile in California, the skies look like milk from the “contrails”…has been a cloudy year but only 6 hours of rain for the whole year. “Watch the water”
I’ll try this again. Thanks for the heads-up Dee on the mega prisons in the UK. I did a search and there are at least 6 in the planning/building stage – they are HUGE.
Here’s a video from a young lady that shows how big these things are, then she notices that the prison in next to a crematorium.
Shit’s getting real…
Boris will say “we’ve taken out the trash !!!”, “We’ve rebooted British manufacturing !!!” and the people will say “Hurrah !!!”, and stand in the drizzle all day to vote for Boris.
Too true. I’m so over trying to explain things to morons. You can show them all the objective evidence, videos, etc. and it ‘does not compute’.
Hey, all you dumbasses that would ask me when I was discussing Port Arthur, “Why would the government want to kill its’ own citizens?” – Remember my answer, “Because they intend to do something in the future that they know you will want to kill them for.”
Wakey, wakey…
I could delve a little deeper if wanted.
Because you brought this closer to home Terry. Beware Robina Queensland.
If you have ever worked a cattle farm this place is a stand out. Concrete races or freeway roads meet rail with razor wire pens. They even built a stadium(should be called Katrina) only a few clicks down(Nerang, Royal Pines) from another stadium that had not been able to service its investment.
No doupt
Unfortunately, Trump is part of the Deep State/Cabal. He let this fake plandemic take hold, played the game – knew he was going to lose and walked off the set with a Mic Drop. We have no saviour people. The powers that be want a Vaccinated, 5G bubble that we all are magnetised to. The non vaxxers will have to live off the land and be self sustainable. Either that or they will be rounded up and locked away aka the Russian Gulags. (50-60 million people died under Stalin – where is the mass movies/books/documentaries on that – huh!! ) We have entered the world of Communism silently like the fox slipping into the chook house. And we all let it happen. Welcome to 1984 people. Now what?
Stop absorbing the inundation of MSM orange bad smear campaigns uncritically for a start.
If you’re looking for something to do it should be pretty easy to come up with a better idea than burning wheelie bins, depending on where you are of course. Just put up a few signs locally for starters.
perhaps some information in the link below might assist your comprehensions.
“aka the Russian Gulags. (50-60 million people died under Stalin … ”
Essential observation and comment, thank you eddie – well done and thanks for your most insightful comment.
To understand the current global Gulag system I found myself reading about the ‘bestie’ of the warmongers Roosevelt and Churchill, good ol’ “Uncle Joe”, aka Ioseb … Jughashvili – self titled “Stalin”.
Most readers and commenters still have not made the connection and still believe all the projections including the kidnapping of German scientific professionals under the codename “Operation Paperclip”. They disconnect from the rape of two million German women and girls, “from the age of 8 to 80”[proudly and gloriously on the instigation of the antihuman Ilya Ehrenberg – a prime inventor of the “Six Million” hoax.]
But I digress.
Here are a few titles on my list/reading in progress:
• “The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II” and “Icebreaker” by Viktor Suvorov
• “Stalin’s War” by Sean McMeekin – see the review published in “The Unz Review” for clarification.
• “The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin’s Russia” by Tim Tzouliadis
• “Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust” by Dolot Miron
The latter (“Execution by Hunger”) covers the period 1932-33, while“The Forsaken” highlights the continued orgy of genocide conducted by Stalin against ethnic Russians, particularly at the height of “The Terror” in 1937-1938. Other readers, please pay particular attention to those dates in the context of WWII which stagger-started in 1938 (resolving the Czech Versailles borders), 1939 (resolving the Polish Versailles borders) and in earnest in June 1941 (pre-emptive strike which at least interrupted turning the entire Western Europe into human harvesting factory for Stalin’s slave labour/death camp Gulags). But don’t investigate any of this – just remember what you have been instructed – the “evil” had not yet begun – this genocide of up to 60 Million Russians up until 1930s and beyond was all above board – that was not “evil” because the victors write ”history”.
More, with illustrative passages, when I can find time …
Here is a link to “The Forsaken”. I will be quoting passages from Chapter 8 “The Terror, The Terror”, Chapter 9 “Spetzrabota” and more for those who want to read ahead.
Government of Western Australia
Department of Justice
State of Western Australia
Serco Australia Pty Limited
read the evol in detail;
ESSENTIAL SERVICES ONLY.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, if we are in the middle of updating a investment property work has now ceased………. $25,000 investment closed, (small self funded retirees stuffed) traders not allowed, no pay or help for self employed and owner’s return from leasing, delayed or sabotaged.
OK we are all in now.
** Media cockroach herds for political press interviews propaganda are not essential……………. Pack up your gear and stay home.
** Politicians and bureaucrats should only do press releases and interviews from their homes or from their beau’s place.
** isolate all media reporters to their homes and only present news with on site reports from locals who happen to be at the scenes.
** ban all media advertising of any non essential services and outlets and suspend all advertising contracts and financial obligations relating to such.
Now that will be a contribution to help keep us safe ……………. surely we can all work together to share the load and do better?
BTW: send all the Premiers and their staff to Japan for the Olympic games ………. have fun and stay there.
“send all the Premiers and their staff to Japan for the Olympic games”. Absolutely. It will be an illuminating (from the Fukushima radiation) experience for them.
Poor Paul, Fiona can have a giggle.
Yes the risk from dying with an mRNA injection within 24 hours is very low
( where low = statistically unclear therefore very low = very unclear)
A reply on another forum about what is going on in Sydney – “The cops are like meat ants on a dead cat. They’re crawling everywhere here. You can’t go anywhere without bumping into them. It’s full Nazi here in Syd, some suburbs worse than others. They fully locked down Fairfield and Bankstown/South West areas because they’re primarily Arab/Muslim and the gangs are getting itchy for a fight against the pigs. But even they’re keeping quiet. The propaganda is overwhelming for most.”
Not the Sydney I moved to in Feb ’82.
Terry, listen to ‘deplorable mcAlister (aka) interview the ‘sarge’. Black military who is a bit way out but has a clue.
Sent you and Dee the link.
Division and hate is their historic modus.
Nothing has changed since the Pharos!!
Understanding their modus and not falling for the hate perpetrators should lead to our freedom.
That is what the ordinary decent citizens should be awakened to.
The cops, the media and the treasonous politicians are conditioned to not understand or they are just complying.. THEY HAVE BEEN bribed/blackmailed to comply. And impose!!
Join the dots everyone.
Do not fall for their agenda.
Peace! Chose!
But be wise and informed, self defence is legal but should be reasonable.
Ignoring them and not complying frustrates them, so just laughing and ignoring them, is the most peaceful response.
You can buy this rubbish test and if it shows you’re positive then you are immune
Immune from scamdemic and immune from quaxxinators
Best to just view this scamdemic as the “warm-up”, get all the procedures in place, get the sheeple used to the system, the timeframe of Swissy runs for decades, the time frame for debt-addicted mortgage sheeple is week by week. Sheeple will expect SPARS 2025 to be over in a year or two. They will have done it all before. They will endure with little complaint. They will pull the rebels into line. They will say, don’t you know, it’s only going to take a year or so and we will beat this !!! Just follow the rules. Or we dob you in. The authorities have everything under control.
And they will, the chipping will be all sorted by then.
Just sharing this here … of geopolitical interest.
• Guardian’s Fake ‘Kremlin Papers’ Bombshell Points to Russiagate Origins – Alexander Mercouris
Julius – you are insightful mate, great comments!! Nice references too, I will be checking out those books. https://www.realhistorychan.com/slandering-hitler—-from-the-far-right.html
Mike King’s books and his website is fantastic. Mike did a great interview on Veritas Radio referencing Hellstorm doco. I am preparing my land to be self-sustainable as much as possible and hold off from any form of a jab as possible (my job is hammering on about the jabs – you are eligible!! I am currently researching what exactly is in the Pfizer jab, any links there?
Don’t you guys have a spare nuke you can drop on DC and help us out a little here? I have had quite enough of tolerating perverts and queers.