by Dee McLachlan
As I write Part 2 this evening (November 21, 2018), there are now 64 responses.
This Part 2 concerns a “numbers game“. How many people did the child tell? How many people believed? How many cases involve the child being believed and yet help was not forthcoming? And how many were preventing the child being helped?
I regret not asking another number: “How many politicians did you try write to? And how many responded to help?”
But first, where do the responders live? They replied from all across Australia — from major cities and rural areas: NSW (22), QLD (16), VIC (11), SA (6), WA (7) and TAS (3). Of the 62 people who disclosed their State, there is no one from NT.
The Sexual Abuse
The Survey was all about sexual abuse. So, before we talk numbers, what did the children have to endure?
I was reluctant to ask this question, but I did (near the end of the survey).
I asked: “What abuse do you believe occurred — or was disclosed in some way?” [multiple choice]
7 replied that their children did not want to say. Understandable. I wonder how many children never disclose because they hold internal deep shame — or are threatened to hold “their secret”.
- 33 touching, fiddling
- 12 ‘milking the cow’ etc
- 10 photography, camera flashes
- 16 penetration
- 9 bleeding rectum
- 25 injuries, scars
- 23 rashes, swelling, medical issues
- 7 descriptions of sex toys
- 7 rituals
- 6 Urolagnia (pee on), fetishes
- 29 other (I wonder what they were? I’m sorry I did not ask)

And now for one of the most revealing answers from the Survey.
Countless Disclosures – The Numbers Game
I asked the question: “How many people has your child disclosed to so far?”
I expected most people would say between 1 and 4. I had heard children are sometimes extremely reticent to speak out. But the answers were a surprise.
About half of the people said that their child disclosed to between 3 and 7 people. The other half said their child disclosed to 8 or MORE people. Some examples:
“disclosed witnessing the oral sex to more than 10 people…,”
“Approx 20 re: sexual abuse. 30 plus re: physical abuse”,
“fourteen people”,
“To many to count.”
One written response was about a child that was still pre-verbal, but was smelling of semen. A doctor thought the smell, redness in the vagina and bottom region, including a creamy discharge, was consistent with baby thrush. But the tested sample came back Negative for thrush. God help us!
There was another alarming response. A child had disclosed abuse to a number of people in the family, and a doctor — but because the child would not go into formal interview room ALONE with JIRT staff, the case was CLOSED.
I hope outside readers are getting the picture. I’d say this is worse than the Church cover-ups exposed in the Royal Commission.
Believing or Not believing
The next part of the Survey asked four simple questions:
1 – Who DID believe your child? Did someone (even one person) from the categories below believe your child?
Lots of people believed the child’s disclosures. Family mostly believed (48), and so did doctors (26) and the parent’s psychologists/psychiatrist (36). Others (16).
So far, only one ICL (independent child lawyer) believed the child, and one judge did. What the hell is going on here?
Is someone, or some organisation training certain people NOT to believe children?
We know the court-appointed “expert”, Rikard Bell, stated that 90% of these disclosures and claims were “UNFOUNDED”. (Lies?) He said this in an ABC interview, along with other views.
Where did this culture of disbelieving the child and the protective parent arise? Much of it was prescribed to parental alienation (now discredited), but it seems the same view has morphed into new terminology.
2 – Who did NOT believe your child? Did someone (even one person) from the categories below not believe your child?
There is a broad spectrum of disbelief. The most disbelieving people are:
- 43 – The Judge
- 41 – ICL – Independent child lawyer
- 35 – Court reporters, supervision services
- 34 – Court appointed experts
- 31 – Police
- 31 – Child protective Services
Court appointed psychiatrists (19), social workers (19), and even family get a mention (10).
The judges are the most disbelieving. Extraordinary. Maybe the prime minister should give them a talking to.
Prime Minister Morrison said in his National Apology to victims of Institutional abuse:
“…we can promise a country where we commit to hear and believe our children, to work together to keep children safe, to trust them and, most of all, to respect their innocence.”
That must truly sound like a sick joke on those children in the Family Court system.
So why did the Judge not believe? Maybe it was because he prevented people from speaking or testifying in the first place. Judges have discretion to declare anything “inadmissible” in court.
Next we go to the third question.
3 – Who DID BELIEVE your child — but was/were PREVENTED from speaking or testifying in any way?
In 37 of the cases (of the 54 who responded to this question), family members were prevented from testifying — or speaking out for the child. About two thirds. In 21 cases the responder’s psychologist or psychiatrist was prevented from putting in their opinion. (Maybe it would conflict with the Dr-Bell-type-experts appointed by the court.)
Doctors or nurse (17) were prevented from helping the child. So to were social workers (10), police (7) and Child Protective Service officers (7) — and 14 ‘others’.
I’ll quote the Attorney-General’s site, regarding a fair trial or fair hearing:
“The right to a fair trial and a fair hearing applies to both criminal and civil proceedings, and in cases before both courts and tribunals…
“…the procedures… should respect the principle of ‘equality of arms’, which requires that all parties to a proceeding must have a reasonable opportunity of presenting their case under conditions that do not disadvantage them as against other parties to the proceedings.”
It appears the judges are circumventing that principle.
But now to the forth question.
4 – Who DID BELIEVE your child — but did NOTHING TO ASSIST?
Well the police win the gold (22).
Child Protection Services officers (CPS) get the Silver. (18). The Bronze goes jointly to “A doctor, nurse, medical personnel” (11) and “Social workers , supervised visit personnel” (10).
Other categories got a few ticks, including family (9)
Also 9 responders said “the judge/the court.” That is, 9 Judges believed the child — but did nothing. Granted, this conflicts with the first question, where only one Judge believed. I regret I did not formulate the survey with an eye to possible confusion.
It is too early for me to make deductions (read: accusations) about the meaning of this “who believed/who did not act” stuff.
Could it be that the police were instructed not to assist, as it was a Family Court matter? Mary Maxwell assures me there is no such law saying police have to hold back out of deference to the court. “There could never be such a law!”
As for CPS officers, is it that they were worried about losing their job? If so who indicated to them that helping a helpless child would get them sacked?
The Survey didn’t categorize whether these people were: nervous, falsely-instructed, or just plain spineless.
And how many politicians ignored the letters requesting help, and just turned their back?
Let’s face it, whatever the reason, BY THEIR INACTION, they acted against the child.
The Royal Commission informed us that many of those abused at institutions were abused on outings, or maybe Sunday school. They were able to go back to the safety of home. But many of the children associated with these cases have been sent to LIVE with their abuser. Go figure!
The beginning of the article reminds us what abuse they might have been sent back to.
I think it is fair to observe that by not listening to the child, or by not believing the child, various officials have put countless children in harm’s way — maybe affecting them for life.
How can we stand for such atrocities in fair Australia?
[Another two responses just in.]
Hey wait a minute there, Dee. Just hold your horses. I remember reading the Magna Carta in high school and I’m pretty sure it says “Every judge is innocent until proven guilty.”
15 minutes ago:
“The New South Wales child protection agency has directed that children in its care maintain their connection with a group that a Supreme Court jury has branded a “socially harmful cult”.
Key points:
Child protection plans in Lismore set down links with “cult” group, Universal Medicine
Lismore FACS office acting manager Karoline Pearson has publicly promoted UM
FACS directive to staff banned referrals to group after ABC’s inquiries
An ABC investigation of links between Universal Medicine (UM) and the Family and Community Services (FACS) office at Lismore in far northern NSW has prompted the department to refer the matter to the Office of the Children’s Guardian.
My guess: the UM cult was brought into being so the media could cover it this way as a distraction. I mean they don’t cover the real cuts, do they? Ask Fiona.
Why was the excellent movie “the Family” shown only for a few days at select theatres? (It is a documentary about Anne Hamilton-Byrne, “mother” of 14.)
One hour ago:
“A “crisis” in Australia’s child protection services is forcing government agencies to resort to glossy advertising campaigns and mass hiring sprees in a desperate attempt to attract staff to key frontline roles.
An investigation by The New Daily has revealed child protective services across the country are battling to attract new talent and combat staff attrition in crucial positions.
From the gruesome discovery of a nine-month-old dead baby on a Gold Coast beach this week to the damning findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, there’s a glut of evidence suggesting Australia is in the midst of a child abuse and neglect crisis.”
Over the five years to 2016-17, the number of official notifications, investigations and substantiations of cases of child neglect and abuse increased dramatically in Australia:
by 39 per cent for notifications (from 272,980 to 379,459)
by 45 per cent for investigations (from 122,496 to 177,056)
by 27 per cent for substantiations (from 53,666 to 67,968)
Government spending on child protection services – including out-of-home care and family support services – rose 8.5 per cent in 2016-17 to $5.2 billion according to a productivity commission report on government services.
The numbers of substantiations alone in those bottom figures is astounding. What sort of moral decay has happened in Australia? Is it because of the number of people allowed to immigrate from different social backgrounds? (Improbable) Is it because of all the immoral junk fed to the population by TV, movies and magazines? (Probably) And has it been a deliberate program by the Cabal to bring human morals to the lowest common denominator? (Most certainly)
Are there cases where the child dies due to sexual depravity, that are not included in the above figures? What about persons killed that have been sexually attacked before murder, or even after? These questions are usually not thought of, until studying the subject of sexual abuse.
Dee, you appear to have pricked the conscience of certain newspapers at last. Will they now help to round up the elite criminals around Australia? Will the appropriate investigations by reporters and the results of those investigations of these heinous crimes now be printed?
Will one of those newspapers take up the lead from “Gumshoenews” of the story of the Beaumont children’s disappearance to force a proper investigation and prosecution of those who delayed previous investigations?
That is unfolding… in process.
This is quite a long read but well worth it:
The only bit that strikes me as being unrealistic is the notion(spelled out in the last paragraph) that the justice system is still redeemable.
And as “Lucy” was 18 as of the time of writing I’d have to ask why she wasn’t properly identified.
And did her (unidentified) father go to jail ?
And is the (unidentified)Judge who gave the access Order still practising ?
Why so many gaps ?
Sorry, there wasn’t any access Order. Should have asked:
“And what about the (unidentified) lawyer who told her Mum she would lose custody if she didn’t grant access? Is he or she still practising?”
Bit of a Freudian slip I guess
In the Australian Family Law Act, section 121, parties to the proceedings including witnesses and the subject children are never allowed to be identified. This means that the whole system operates without the benefit of any public scrutiny.
“The judges are the most disbelieving. Extraordinary. ”
What needs to be understood is that, since the mid to late 60s, judicial officers have been hand-picked for their squeamishness across the board, that there’s nothing “extraordinary” about the Family Court in that regard.The impact might well be more disturbing than that presented by other areas of “law” but for the purposes of cauterizing the respective power that’s beside the point.
Dear Berry, please say more about cauterizing.
Parents need to take hold of the fact that, as the Family Law Act doesn’t bind the Crown it has no legal power over anyone, that the henchmen are naught but a bunch of common thugs.
From what I can gather the bubble’s already been burst; the purported reformation speaks for itself (“ Oh shit, our cover’s been blown to smithereens. Quick, do something before too many people notice”)
It’s really up to every aggrieved party to strike while the iron’s hot. No one can turn back the clock but everyone has the power to turn the tide.
Interesting that you write that the FLA has no legal power over anyone, yet I’ve witnessed (on more than one occassion) a 14yo being physically dragged away from the Court by 6 Federal Police Officers!!! The police (usually only the Feds) DO uphold the FLA. Who has the money & brains to make them accountable if they are breaking the law? Yes, lets turn the tide!!!
“Power” doesn’t necessarily mean “legal power”. Most cops know zilch about the law and as for Judges it’s all about going with the biggest perceived fear in the room.
As I’ve probably said before, judicial officers are not mandatory reporters – unlike teachers, police etc. Not that THEY report either or are believed if they do. Until Family Law and child ‘protection’ are centred on the child and children are taken out of the adversarial system nothing good will happen. Thanks for your great coverage though Dee!
The more I am educated by people contacting me — the WORSE IT GETS.
Just had a long call exposing the deeper elements of this puzzle. Contracts, foster care etc., etc.
I had always wondered why the person revealing the NWO plan did so to pediatricians. Why Dr Day. Well the dots are joining. Why was the pediatric society at the pointy end of the plans to come? Always puzzled me. No longer.
Well the plans have unfolded — and that profession remains key to the NEXT STOLEN GENERATION. (Wonder if they understand what has happened?)
Dr. Richard L. Day, retired professor of pediatrics at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan, In 1986 he received the American Pediatric Society’s highest honor, the Howland Award, for being ”the quintessential skeptical inquirer.”
Dept of Children & Families toxic, repressive, say staff
Alice Springs’s DFC:
“Yelling at staff, imposing unreasonable workloads, isolating staff, spreading rumours, encouraging them not to engage with particular workers who are a ‘bad influence,’ putting people down, talking to them like to a school-child, rolling eyes, dressing someone down in a public forum, wagging finger, eye glaring” are all in the arsenal of the “oppressive clique,” says the source.
is vital that the case workers build up a relationship of trust and understanding, the 400-odd children in The Centre who have been taken away from their families are faced with three or four different case workers in a year.
Payments of up to $1000 a week per child are being made to carers, says our source, money that could be spent on helping parents to set up a functioning household.
Almost all clients are Indigenous but are placed with non-Indigenous carers which, by law [Care and Protection of Children Act 2007] should be a measure of last resort…
(My guess: the staff burnout is purposefully engineered. — mm)
Off-topic. Excuse me, Parents,but I want to record this on the day it happened. As I am concerned about the Cal. wild fires (wild my arse).
At about 3.45 pm, Wed Nov 21, 2018, I noticed the temp sign on the Merrimack Savings Bank in Concord NH said 39 degrees (F). Sun shining, no wind. I then walked about 200 meters to Marshall’s Dep’t Store and shopped for maybe 15 mins. Came out and it was snowing and blustery! I slunk into Sal’s Pizza and sat for 15 mins looking out their window. Seemed like the snow was falling at about 45 degree angle (southerly) because it was being blown by the wind. I then went to adjoining supermarket for max of 20 mins. Was dreading a windblown walk to the bus. Came out — no snow, no wind!
That’s a lifetime first for me — a quickie blizzard.
Could be a practice for tomorrow when it is supposed to be wild all over New England for Thanksgiving? Far be it from me to suggest that this is meant to wreck the biggest family day of the year.
Far, far be it from me.
What most people don’t seem to grasp is that any sort of injustice “handed down” by a Judge or Magistrate will invariably be convoluted with multiple transgressions of Rules that “bind the Crown” and that any corresponding “Court Order” will therefore not be legally enforceable. It might sound simplistic but there’s really no need to say anything more to the A. G.
Problem is that, due to the so-called “education system” most people just aren’t practised in looking too closely at any sort of technicality.
I’m in the United States but have been following Dee’s articles on this topic. The identical same thing is going on here in the US and has been for decades, as far as I now know. My own daughter made a total of nine sexual abuse allegations against her father, and he was then awarded sole custody of her (10 years ago) and I was denied most contact with her for two years (no visitation for more than one year, then supervised visitation for 1 hour a week), and the telephone communications were monitored by my ex (her father). This was all to ensure that no further sexual abuse investigations be initiated, and we were both punished for her allegations by depriving us our relationship. As the studies state, there are almost always several forms of abuse occurring when incest and/or child sexual abuse is evident, and there definitely were in this case. No only was she violently abused, but was severely neglected and even deprived of food for two years (my ex is wealthy). My daughter was academically gifted and a vivacious, healthy, confident, super person when custody changed hands over to her father after her abuse allegations. She is now learning disabled and suffers severe PTSD and severe depression. She was suicidal, self harmed, turned to drugs, sex, and juvenile delinquency for about 4 years, but appears to be somewhat stable now. She will never reach her full potential, and will be lucky to find peace and some form of contentment in her life. Our relationship was greatly sabotaged by her father, and I rarely speak to her today. She is now 18. I do my best to cope, but there will never be any happiness in my life and hasn’t been since she left my care and custody.
Thank you Dee McLachlan for covering this crisis that appears to be pandemic worldwide. Please consider contacting any of your US media people who would also be courageous enough to cover our US crisis.
It is heartbreaking. I’m not sure why society is causing it’s own implosion, but I got a few clues from a caller today.
Yes, I have heard of cases like these occurring in the US. I agree with you – great coverage Dee.
Is Pilger right on the movie recently on Aboriginal children being sexualy assaulted as propaganda against the Aboriginal culture as a step as I understand it genocide?
The outback must have all sorts of crimes of cruelty, recently seeing cows horns cut off whilst being fully conscious, as a a nervous system similar to ours with bolt cutters, possible the only country that has individuals which delight in such cruelty? are these people part of the human race?
After hearing details of these countless Family Court cases, I wrote to one reader the other. “When homo sapiens becomes extinct, we will have deserved it…” We are, as a society, unable to nurture our children in these circumstances. So many people have turned their backs.
Hey hotartglass,
Speaking of John Pilger, you’ll never guess who I bumped into on a Parramatta River ferry today. The great man himself. Had to shake his hand and thank him for his service to humanity. Asked him how Julian was. Wasn’t sure.
6 degrees.
If this pandemic is worldwide, as Suzanne suggests; and I do not disagree with her assessment, then it implies some kind of international agenda is being rolled out.
The question that then arises is who by and who for?
This explains somewhat. But kevin, yes. Who are they? Why?
Don’t miss this everybody. She is the Darlene of Canada. A perfect summing up of the problem.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I’m the last persons to be quoting the bible, but hey, sort of seems appropriate.
Get over it Mary……(you know who I’m talking to)
Acts 26:14
“And when we were all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking unto me, and saying in the Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks”.
I can’t do better than that, Phil. Gumshoe is a prick-kicker but so far we have low participation. Nevertheless it is increasing.
Australian young women now sent to the front lines in overseas wars of occupation .
This has been going on for over a hundred years continuously .
Freemasonrs have placed their own in all positions of influence in our society .
Don’t be naive to think that judges will make fair decisions , especially in family courts cases .
From my past experience they never have and never will . I won two cases , in district court , never saw the money stolen from building but still had to pay legal fees of over 70k thirty five years ago .
Look at everything around us , the collectors just take and impose suffering on people all the time .
The banksters and their associates rule here , until that changes its business as usual .
And how might it change, 56, pray tell?
By all of us living the two commandments Jesus left .
To answer your question – Is someone, or some organisation training certain people NOT to believe children? Yes, the ICLs are trained not to bring allegations of child sexual abuse (CSA) to court.
Thanks for clarifying that Bonny.
Now to expose the “trainers”
An advocate has diligently provided evidence of this.
[…] Family Court Survey, Part 2: A Numbers Game — The Believers vs Non-Believers and the Spineless […]
[…] in November and December. They are: Part 1: Would You Throw Away $750,000 for a False Allegation?; Part 2: A Numbers Game — The Believers vs Non-Believers and the Spineless; Part 3: Threats to the […]