
by F William Engdahl
Editor’s Note: William Engdahl is the leading intellectual on seeds (See his Seeds of Destruction). In April 2020, he laid out the problem of the pandemic’s breakdown in agricultural supply chains. He wants you to circulate this article freely.
Over the past decades, the organization of the entire world food supply from farm to consumers has been reorganized into a globalized distribution known as agribusiness. With most of the world in lockdown … that the global food supply chain is in danger of catastrophic breakdown.
The imposition of unprecedented mass quarantine, school and restaurant closings, factory closings across most of the world is putting the focus on the alarming vulnerability of what is a global food supply chain to severe breakdown. Before the lockdown, an estimated 60% of all food consumed in the United States today was consumed outside the home. That includes in restaurants, fast food places, schools, in university cafeterias, company cafeterias and the like.
That has now been all but shut since March, creating huge disruptions to what had been a well-organized supply chain delivery. Large restaurants or company cafeterias receive supplies of everything from butter to meat in entirely different volumes and packing than a retail supermarket. A major vulnerability exists in the mammoth agribusiness concentrations known as CAFOs or Concentrated Agriculture Feeding Organizations.
CAFOs At Risk
On April 12, one of the largest pork processing plants in the USA, Smithfield Foods, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, announced it would close indefinitely after several hundred of its 3,700 employees tested positive for coronavirus, COVID-19. The closing of that one plant will impact some 5% of US pork supply. Smithfields Foods is one of the world’s largest agribusiness concentrations.
In 2018, Smithfields, the world’s largest pork producer, was forced to pay almost half a billion dollars in its Tar Heel, North Carolina plant for massive and unreasonable pollution. That one plant, the world’s largest processing plant, slaughters some 32,000 pigs daily. The animal fecal waste, mixed with massive doses of antibiotics to control infections, was cause of the lawsuit.
Smithfields Foods has facilities in Mexico, Poland, Romania, Germany, and the United Kingdom, mostly countries where regulations are lax. And the Virginia-based group today is owned by China. In 2013 the largest meat producer in China, WH Group of Luohe, Henan, purchased Smithfield Foods for $4.72 billion. That made the Chinese company one of the largest foreign landowners in the United States and owner of the largest pork supplier in the USA. Given that China suffered a devastating loss of its pig population in 2019 from African Swine Fever by as much as 50%, today there are huge competing demands on the pork production from Smithfields.
The COVID testing at the South Dakota plant is just the tip of a very precarious iceberg of infections and sickness, not only coronavirus strains, that is endemic to the huge concentration of agribusiness in North America and globally.
Another giant meat processing conglomerate, Tyson Foods, on April 6 was forced to shut its plant in Waterloo Iowa after death of two workers tested positive for coronavirus. On April 17 after four workers at a Tysons plant in Camilla, Georgia, died after being tested positive for COVID-19, pressure has been building for the company to close that plant as well. To date the company says it will do temperature testing and require face masks in the densely-crowded, low pay plant. The trade union is asking 14-day quarantine paid sick leave for workers tested positive, so far without success. There is no evidence of detailed examination into whether these workers died of co-morbitity from other infections and happened also to test coronavirus positive.
Tyson Foods, an Arkansas company, whose then head, Don Tyson, was instrumental in Clinton’s 1992 presidential victory, is the world’s second largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork, with sales of $46 billion in 2019. Tyson Foods is a major meat supplier to Wal-Mart, the huge Arkansas retail giant. It also supplies fast food chains such as KFC. Since an agreement in December, 2019, Tysons also exports significant volumes of chicken parts and pork to China to help fill the lack of pigmeat protein there, in addition to owning major poultry facilities in China. Reportedly, workers, typically low-paid, work elbow to elbow with no access to masks.
The UN Is Now Admitting that this Coronavirus Pandemic Could Spark Famines of “Biblical Proportions”
Even without coronavirus fears, the CAFO plants are rife with sickness and toxins. The size of the company’s facilities is staggering. One Tyson Foods facility in Nebraska produces enough meat products every day to feed 18 million people. Tyson, one corporation, controls roughly 26 percent of US beef production.
On April 13 JBS USA Holdings was also forced to close its main US facility in Greeley, Colo., for a deep cleaning, and all of its workers will be tested before they can return for their jobs after major numbers of coronavirus positive cases were tested thereafter two workers, one 78 years old, died. JBS USA is a subsidiary of JBS S.A., a Brazilian company that is the world’s largest processor of fresh beef, with more than US$50 billion in annual sales. The subsidiary was created when JBS entered the U.S. market in 2007 with its purchase of Swift & Company. JBS USA controls some 20 percent of US beef production.
The third-largest US meat processor, Cargill, has cut half its workers at their Fort Morgan Colorado meatpacking plant as multiple positive coronavirus tests emerged. In Canada, Cargill, has tested 358 coronavirus positives at its major Alberta meat-packing plant. The food-workers’ union there is calling for the plant to be closed for two weeks to develop a better health strategy, a plea so far ignored by Cargill. At the same time, the company laid off 1,000 of its 2,000 workers at that plant, refusing to give details. The plant, one of two beef suppliers to McDonald’s Canada, processes thousands of cattle daily. Cargill today controls about 22 percent of the US domestic meat market.
These three giant corporate conglomerates, then, control more than two-thirds of the total meat and poultry protein supply of the United States and additionally supply major exports to the rest of the world. That is a concentration which is alarmingly dangerous as we are beginning to see. Whatever coronavirus test results, they are huge cesspools of toxins that workers are exposed to. Covid-19 tests would indicate positive for such toxic infections as well as they do not directly test the presence of any virus, merely of antibodies claimed to indicate COVID-19.
The Agribusiness Model
This unhealthy degree of concentration was not always so. It began as a strategic project of Nelson Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Foundation after World War II. The idea was to create a corporate strictly-for-profit vertical integration and cartelization of the food chain as John D. Rockefeller had done with Standard Oil and petroleum. Rockefeller money funded two Harvard Business School professors. John H. Davis, former Assistant Agriculture Secretary under Eisenhower, and Ray Goldberg, both at Harvard Business School got financing from Rockefellers to develop what they named “agribusiness.” In a 1956 Harvard Business Review article, Davis wrote that “the only way to solve the so-called farm problem once and for all, and avoid cumbersome government programs, is to progress from agriculture to agribusiness.”
The Harvard group was part of a Rockefeller Foundation four-year project in cooperation with economist Wassily Leontieff called “Economic Research Project on the Structure of the American Economy.” Ray Goldberg, an ardent proponent of GMO crops, later referred to their Harvard agribusiness project as, “changing our global economy and society more dramatically than any other single event in the history of mankind.” Unfortunately, he may have been not all wrong.
In fact what it has done is to put control of our food into a tiny handful of global private conglomerates in which the traditional family farmer has all but become a contract wage employee or bankrupted entirely. In the USA today some industrial cattle feedlots hold up to 200,000 cattle at a time driven by one thing, and one thing only, and that is economic efficiency. According to USDA statistics, the number of cow/calf ranch operations in the US has dropped from 1.6 million in 1980 to less than 950,000 today. Similarly, the number of small farmer/feeders – those who fatten the cattle in preparation for eventual slaughter – has declined by 38,000. Today fewer than 2,000 commercial feeders finish 87 percent of the cattle grown in the United States.
Food production, like electronics, has become global, as cheap foods are mass packaged and shipped worldwide. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, Russian shops were flooded with Western agribusiness brand products from Nestle, Kelloggs, Kraft and the like. Domestic farm production collapsed. Much the same has taken place from India to Africa to South America as cheaper multinational products drive out local farmers. China before the current crisis imported 60% of its soybeans from US-controlled grain companies such as Cargill or ADM.
The system is essentially one in which farming has transformed to become factories to produce protein. It takes GMO corn and GMO soybeans to feed the animal, add vitamins and antibiotics in massive amounts to maximize weight gain before slaughter. The vertical integration of our food supply chain under globalization of the past decades has created an alarming vulnerability to precisely the kind of crisis we now have. During all past food emergencies production was local and regional and decentralized such that a breakdown in one or several centers did not threaten the global supply chain. Not today. The fact that today the United States is far the world’s largest food exporter reveals how vulnerable the world food supply has become. Coronavirus may have only put the spotlight on this dangerous problem. To correct it will take years and the will to take such measures as countries like Russia have been forced to do in response to economic sanctions.
*F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
Read the book, which was alarming.
The highlight for me was the destruction of the top UK researcher who found that Monsanto’s GM potatoes damaged organs in rats… heart, brain, and testicles.
This was routinely reported on the BBC. Over the space of 9 hours, news of the report reached Monsanto in the US, who passed it on to Pres Bush Junior, who passed it on to the British PM, and the Researcher was sacked, had his pension annulled, and his character assassinated. Also, his researcher wife.
I followed up on the rat tests later on and discovered that by the third generation of rats thus fed, they could get pregnant but were unable to give birth.
Countering this, Australian bioscince researcher Ms Meek of Queensland, said GM is safe.
Lesson: never trust an employed scientist; only the unemployed ones.
Tony, what is Ms Meek’s job? (I mean besides killing us)
Too True Tony
Ms Meek probably been awarded the Kurt Lewin Prize at QLD Uni.
Yes there is such an award.
Engdahl is a brave writer who has published a number of seminal books. He lives in Germany, not least because it is literally dangerous for him to reside in his home country, the US. Congratulations to Gumshoe for reprinting this article.
THE GREAT AWAKENING HAS ARRIVED…….. Mass protest in Hollywood
People around the country are waking up to the child trafficking pandemic.
You report
“On April 12, one of the largest pork processing plants in the USA, Smithfield Foods, in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, announced it would close indefinitely after several hundred of its 3,700 employees tested positive for coronavirus, COVID-19.”
Be careful what you believe about South Dakota
and from the republican convention
“Patent WO/2020/060606 registered 26 March 2020.
Headed by Bill Gates, patent was granted international status, titled “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”.
A chip will be inserted into the body that monitors a person’s daily physical activity in return for cryptocurrency. If conditions are met, then the person receives certain bonuses that can be spent on something.”
It took just 60 years to ‘trancefer’ from rural independence to centralised slavery. Now they control the tap, for all dependant on stacked shelves at mega marts. Thousands of years of self-sufficiency, now solely in the hands of the beastly brethren. This is the hunger virus, calling it anything else is deceptive lie.
“My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
The cartel led by the Bush regime whose leader HWBush aka 41 told us long ago “the NWO will happen”.
The Nazi 2.0 faction which includes Bush gangsters Rumsfeld (of Tamiflu), Cheney etc, Rockerfellas (also mentioned above with vertically integrated mega-farms), a big part of global oil and BigPharma, operation paperclip Nazis, whatever other business acquaintance Nazis of the Bush dynasty (temporarily cut off in about 1941), military-industrial complex etc., and associated cashed-up European royals, bankers, industrialists etc., are all looking towards global famine implications on their personal comfort.
I’ve got my money on Isaac Newton who worked out from studying old books “no apocalypse before 2060” so these plans are on a dynastic timescale, not the few years we commoners think in.
Some people claim to have great knowledge of the hothouse effect, I would say the truth is probably somewhere in the middle. A bit of CO2, a bit of solar variations, a bit of deforestation and heat islands, a bit of everything, and so glaciers are apparently measurably melting.
Maybe they will start freezing again in 20 years as others have claimed we are approaching the grand solar minimum. Well another factor I wonder if it’s worth considering. Most of the CO2 is taken up by sea-algae which is eaten I think by plankton which is a tiny shrimp, hoovered up in vast quantities by certain whales. The more CO2, the more algae, would seem to be the pattern, therefore self-regulating. Now what happens if micro plastics are mixed in this activity, most of which seems to be happening on the seas surface. Those same industrialists combining in Nazi 2.0 are the ones putting everything in large amounts of presentation plastic. Amazingly the only one to have kicked up about it is the young descendant of the Rotschilds. Well Nazi 1.0 blamed the Jews for their “great war” military expanionist policies and Weimar Republic problems, Nazi 2.0 blames muslims and now we hear the chant from the naiive and credulous “it is the Zio’s behind EVERYTHING”, well personally I am not so well informed as the naiive and credulous to make such expansive and careless claims as they do.
(wikipedia) He is a member of the Rothschild family, the youngest of three children of Victoria Lou Schott (b. 1949) and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (b. 1931) of the Rothschild banking family of England.[1][2] His middle name “Mayer” is taken from the name of the founder of the Rothschild family banking empire, Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The youngest heir to his family’s banking fortune, de Rothschild was born in 1978 in London, England.
Hypocrites presenting the final solution, for the benefit of their kind only.
Similar message from Ghislaine Maxwell.
Right message — WRONG person
Yeah but his plastic in the oceans initiative started more than 10 years ago.
If they had as much control as was suggested, everyone would have stopped using plastic by now. Kids can turn out the opposite to the parents, a well known phenomenon.
Quote, “f they had as much control as was suggested, everyone would have stopped using plastic by now.” Unquote.
Really ??? I beg to differ, despite knowing the dangers of plastic pollution and threat, it would seem there is more plastic today being spread about from chain stores than ever before. Cutting out plastic shopping bags, didn’t even scratch the surface, try entering a hardware store and buying something that’s not encased in plastic, and that plastic is not recyclable. The bags that replaced the plastic bags, are also made from plastic, but degrade even faster into minute particles with are with us forever.We do KNOW the dangers, but no one really cares. We all might get nuked any minute, so what’s the point of getting into a tizzy over plastic pollution. Side effect of a nuke, all the plastic will burn up, problem solved.
You seem to be making my point for me
Dee- “right message wrong person” ??!! There are many “faces” of Ghislane.
A psychiatrist told me she had observed three things about people who had programmed multiple personalities firstly they were hard wired with the most sophisticated defence mechanisms (controlled compartmentalised worlds/systems); they display superhuman traits, being extremely intelligent, creative, adaptive and responsive (shape shifting, switching frequencies) and they posses an incredible (computer like) multifaceted memory for detail. (mind files).
Ghislane a Gold Star model.
Shaun Atwood researched the family recently-I posted his three short videos.
“You can add up the parts but you won’t get the sum.”
Leonard Cohen -also Gold Star
wow I just posted Leonards The Anthem –and it switched to the above comic gate video -have not watched
will try anthem again
‘dsw’ (aka Rabbi Gold-borrower), still peddling your misinformation I see.
No one is claiming ‘the Zio’s are behind everything’. (No doubt many petty crimes like burglaries and shoplifting are committed by other ethnicities that have resorted to this to feed their families after having been impoverished by the Zionist Usury cartel of bankers).
Of course, anyone who’s done even a modicum of research on these issues, will observe that the Zio fingerprints are ALL over the 9/11 False Flag, JFK assassination etc.
The fact that you dispute this Rabbi ‘dsw’ is a reflection of how ignorant you are – as Gumshoe readers have long suspected about you.
And, you just won’t give up on the Nazi 2.0 thing will you ?
Not a single gentile mentions Nazi 2.0 (or Nazi 1.37 or any incremental variation thereof), seeing as there was only one era of the Nazis and that was dead and buried by 1945.
But, paranoid, neurotic Talmudic Zionists like yourself will never let it go. In your diseased mind there’s a Nazi under every rock.
We’re all wondering why you bother – seeing as one gives a rats arse about Nazis seeing as there is NO nazi movement of substance anywhere on planet Earth.
And if a Nazi movement ever were to arise in the decades to come, they would never be able to perpetrate an amount of malfeasance in a year that the Apartheid Israeli state perpetrates on a daily basis :
The article from Veterans Today is titled :
‘After Nukes against Beirut Port, Israeli Phosphorus Bombs fell on Lebanon Borders’,
and the Israelis are back to their old tricks. ie: dropping white phosphorus incendiaries (banned by International conventions from use in war), on civilians, innocent villagers and children.
‘dsw’, if you have the slightest bit of a conscience, you should be focusing on these depraved acts of the Israelis – and not obfuscating with the Nazi nonsense.
I am interested in all the evil not just branded how you would like.
When you finally stop repeating year 12 you should consider starting a used car yard for VolksWagen as an homage to your beloved Fuhrer.
Seeing as you brought up the Fuhrer, we have this article :
It’s about JFK’s diary entries when visiting Germany in the summer of 1945. The first few sentences read :
“Kennedy, then 28, predicted ‘Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived’.
‘He had in him the stuff of which legends are made,’ he continued.”
Yet another reason your Talmudic comrades killed him ‘dsw’.
JFK of the fantasy world “Camelot”, I would not rely on his judgement
Very significant re diary–it is not all that it seems—-
Well according to TV’s logic Ghislaine Maxwell is a model of propriety by virtue of being dissed on 60 minutes
Was it you that brought up Jesse Owens the other day? Never mind. He above all would be an authority on the topic of racism – especially the way he was treated by the despicable racist Roosevelt (Uncle Joe’s bestie).
Jesse Owens – German Olympics 1936
“The sporting enthusiasm of those German spectators made a deep impression on me, particularly the gentlemanly attitude of those spectators. You may tell everybody we are thankful for the German hospitality.
When I passed, the Chancellor rose, greeted me with his hand and I returned the signal. I think the reporters were wrong to criticise the man of the hour in Germany.”
– Jesse Owens – an interview with Tampa Tribune, April 1, 1980.
“Both shook hands and Owens carried in his wallet a picture with Hitler.
Owens said: “It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life”.”
– Captain Winkle Brown – “Britain’s greatest pilot”.
“It seems normal to me that everyone owns their racial pride and this does not mean at all to despise others. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilisations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilisation to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race the easier I shall find it to get on with them.”
… Adolf Hitler
“National Socialist racialism was not against other races. It was for its own race. It aimed at defending and improving its race, and wished that all other races did the same for themselves”
-Leon Degrelle
And all that went on in 1936 – no one (except World Jewry) was even contemplating war – let alone lighting up the “ovens”.
No wonder your most beloved murderous Bolshevik racist commissars resented him. I can just picture you carrying around a photograph with your beloved Kaganovich.
Am I supposed to argue? Pick sides? I’m not on any side. I’m interested in realism and balance, if you’re accusing me of something I have no idea really what it is
Beautifully expressed Fish – the last paragraph of yours in particular.
It wasn’t me that posted the true facts about Jesse Owens’ experience at the 1936 Olympics the other day (ie: treated infinitely better and more respectfully than back home in the U.S) – although I did respond to it.
I believe it was Criss X who posted it. He / she has been putting out some sublime stuff since joining the forum.
‘murder by starvation’ – it’s been done before.
I’m surprised wikipedia even gave that much ground …
Fairly obvious that it all boils down to attempting to get more wealth with less effort.
Meanwhile here I am beholding the bio-pure surplus produced by one arthritic 70 year-old woman with rudimentary hand-tools
I like bacon with a egg.
So I examine carefully the bacon I wish to buy, so I chose to support our Aussie farmers.
Do a little exercise, place a magnifying glass in your pocket and when buying from any corporate criminal food outlet, look at the recorded Oz content of the product, particularly with bacon.
Usually, one would be lucky to find a bacon product with anything more than 20% Oz, usually 10%.
I know of only one brand that claims 90% Oz in our local woolles. Similarly at butcher shops. Indeed in a small country town, the local IGA had nil Oz bacon. I enjoyed asking why, in front of a que of local farmers.😆😆😆
As for a magnifying glass, i use a small, jewelery eyepiece on my key ring. Amazing how the Oz content information is the smallest font on the packaging.
Anyone recall Dr. DAY boasting that such ‘literature’ is planned to be minisule to undermine confidence of the elderly.
He included the hue, ever noticed how frequently the packaging uses. E.g. black writing on a grey background?
‘Thats why corporate control freaks invest in Woollies’.’😈
Bugger, now you know and the shelves will be devoid of Oz bacon and other Oz food stuffs.
Btw, needed some peanut butter and thought Bega brand would be OK. Nah, my trusty eye glass, disclosed it was imported from 10% on. PEANUTS? , WE ARE SHORT OF PEANUTS? No! A litlle examination through my eye glass found a nice product 100% Oz, so I bought two jars.
☝☝☝☝☝☝☝☝yours Woollies.
This is just an aside …
“The doctors of Monterey — and there were enough of them to take care of the ordinary diseases, accidents and neuroses— were running crazy. They had more business than they could do … . Cannery Row which produces a tougher breed than the rest of the town was late in contracting it, but finally it got them too. The schools were closed. There wasn’t a house that hadn’t feverish children and sick parents. It was not a deadly disease as it was in 1917 but with children it had a tendency to go into the mastoids. The medical profession was very busy … .”
John Steinbeck – Cannery Row (1945 – Chapter XVI)
“There wasn’t a house that hadn’t feverish children and sick parents.”
Now THAT’s an endemic (‘pandemic‘ if you must). Know any such households?
Soon Bezos will own all the books and eventually someone with algorithms will fix them up to suit
The above story by William is what happens when monopolies are encouraged to thrive. Greed, poor wages for labour, use of toxins and unsanitary killing conditions. Gets rid of those pesky farmers who want to produce healthy products without the use of GMO’s and chemically produced fertilisers.
As I have said before, why is any food product that is not exotic allowed to be imported into Australia. We have the land, weather and climate to grow any vegetable, fruit or food animal for Australia’s needs.
This in countries that crow about “free enterprise and competition”. US and Australia for instance. The food industry is not the only industry involved with this disease. Another prime example is the banking industry. Once a building society or small bank starts to make an impression in the community, they are swallowed up by one of the Big Four. I don’t know where the public servants employed in the anti-competition commission on taxpayer funds, hide or sleep during their “working day”, but it certainly is not on deck. Ask Alan Fels !
In Western Australia, all our market garden land in the metro area, close to markets has been given over to housing and people ask why the prices go up.
Plus young people are told that “they should go to university, it is not right to get your hands dirty”. After all they spent their childhood not being able to play in the sand for fear of disease.
“Before the lockdown, an estimated 60% of all food consumed in the United States today was consumed outside the home. That includes in restaurants, fast food places, schools, in university cafeterias, company cafeterias and the like.”
What a terrifying statement. No wonder the people are incapable of thinking clearly and the obese numbers are enormous. Now I know why the first industries to reopen after lockdowns were lifted, were the restaurant and fast food outlets.
I am much more straight forward than all of the above, the Zionist goo pluckers are to blame for all the current problems that we have, I note that here in Oz one of the top ones here has control of our treasury, an example of their high positions in our society, and until we get our heads out of the dumbshit crap we roll around in we are consigned to the total destruction of Australian society which will be total in less than 3 years.
The only way of terminating a destructive relationship is to get to the bottom of how you wound up in it in the 1st place. So long as you keep believing that the problem was created entirely by the other party that’s never going to happen
Exactly !!!
Good to hear from you Carlo – and that nice little back-hander directed at little Josh the Treasurer.
It’s great that you’re not afraid to call a spade a spade.
Yes, let’s stop beating around the bush … faecesbook is certainly not trying to hide anything.
Facebook Hires an Israeli Censor
Unz Review
Philip Giraldi • September 1, 2020 • 1,500 Words •
Those of you still using Facebook should delete your profile now.
Show some dissent, start running your own race.
Is it any wonder why Philip Giraldi is internationally sought for commentary on geopolitical issues.
Yet another masterclass performance from this great truth teller.
Paul Romano predicts the pandemic back in 2017
Covid-Gate, The Political Virus – Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
“it’s fraud – it’s corruption – it’s a lie”
Maybe Biden can explain the origin of the virus… “you know the thing…[or] like kids stroking down my leg”
. ****https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U89r4H1M1n0
and that was when he had his full cognitive faculties 🙂
Are Democrats just drug crazed or are they actually trying to lose, I can’t pick it
Gee, what a coincidence, as the food supply lines collapse, the Grand Solar Minimum begins. What terrible timing, who could have imagined such a horrible confluence of events that would result in so many people dying of famine. There is even a date for the start of the GSM – 8 June 2020.
Terry, is this the same Valentina Zharkova that Dung Scrotus keeps banging on about ?
Scrotus says Zharkova’s research is proof that the planet is to be burnt to a crisp as surface temperatures accelerate because we didn’t listen to him and curl up in the virtue-signalling foetal position, shivering on the floor with the heater turned off all winter (to minimise CO2 output).
It seems to me that according to the article, Zharkova’s saying the exact OPPOSITE of the propaganda that Scrotus has been peddling.
Not sure where this belongs but it needs to be aired …
Thousands Of Africans Dying In Horrifying Saudi Detention Camps
Fish, I’m not sure where the following goes either but, seeing as the existence of the criminal House of Saud is owed to the U.S and its genocidal foreign policies in that region, here is something from Ron Paul’s weekly column titled : ‘Trump Must Back Iraq Withdrawal Promise With Action’ :
“Over the weekend, the [Trump] Administration announced it would be drawing down troops currently in Iraq from 5,200 to 3,500. That’s a good start.
One big roadblock to finally leaving Iraq alone is President Trump’s de facto Secretary of War, Mike Pompeo. Although he’s supposed to be the top US diplomat, Pompeo is a bull in a china shop. He seems determined to start a war with Iran, China, Russia, Venezuela, and probably a few more countries.
Unfortunately there is a pattern in this Administration where President Trump announces the withdrawal of troops from one of the seemingly endless conflicts we are involved in and an Administration official – often Pompeo – “clarifies” the president’s statement to mean the opposite of what the president has just said.
When the president was questioned over the weekend about a timetable for the US withdrawal from Iraq, he turned to Pompeo for an answer. Pompeo’s response did not inspire much hope. “As soon as we can complete the mission,” said Pompeo. What is the mission? Does anyone know? Aside from “regime change” for Iran, that is.
At his speech accepting the Republican Party’s nomination for re-election last week, Trump declared, “unlike previous administrations, I have kept America OUT of new wars — and our troops are coming home.” That sounds good, but how can he achieve that goal if the people he hires to carry out that policy not only disagree with him but seem to be working against him?”.
So much for those evidence-free assertions that Trump is a street fighter and as tough as nails.
If I was the POTUS and Pompeo twisted my words to mean the opposite, I would, ON THE LECTERN right there and then in front of the Press gallery tell Pompeo to STFU and pull out a line from TV show ‘The Apprentice’.
ie: You’re FIRED !!
But Gumshoe readers, or at least those of you that are not blinded by partisan political ideology, all of you can see that Trump is NOT calling the shots.
Trump is clearly intimidated by Pompeo (WHAT other explanation can there be for how he cowers in submission and lacks the GUTS to put Pompeo in his place ?).
The passage above was written by Ron Paul – a 12 term Republican Congressman who has tried to be kind in his commentary towards Trump and tried to take a positive spin on some of Trump’s absurd Zionist dictated foreign policy stances.
BUT, you can only take so much of the B.S and Ron Paul calls it out for what it is.
Food storage systems may now being targeted – or, it is just more coincidences. Either way, it means more hunger.
The biggest quarterly drop since the great depression.
Still don’t know why they called it great. Mass unemployment that led to genocidal wars between all nations. Maybe it rhymes with great re-set.
The children of these elite beings, are still in power. Inflicting more misery and suffering, worldwide, with every passing day. Our traitors, without conscience, read the script knowing the outcome. They do nothing.
On screens, they give us the cold hard look, that only psychopaths and pedophiles do.
Looking down at us as inferiors., plunging all to hellish depths of chaos and uncertainty, in these now rapidly changing times. We can’t let them do this.
We are different, we have our faults but we are not addicted to the blood of children.
We don’t need cyber surveillance for any known reason. It’s the polar end of all life.
I remember a world without computers, a way better world it certainly was.
So Dee, Biden’s owned by the Chinese.
Trump’s owned by the Israel Lobby (which is facilitating weapons and technology transfer from the U.S to Israel – who in turn pass it on to the Chinese).
Pick your poison come the November election.
Clip from Tucker Carlson by Tony Heller …
“COVID-19 Is Really About Global Warming”