by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Once you join the military in the USA, you get deeply immersed in the atmosphere on base, and are trained to have great loyalty to your platoon or division, as well as to look upon the Army (or Navy, or Air Force) as family. It must be a very emotional experience, combined with worry about being sent to a dangerous area, and at least a vague sense that you may be asked to do something wrong.
Non-military Americans, like myself, have a view of “the services” that comes almost entirely from Memorial-Day type ceremonies honoring the dead, and photos of movies glorifying achievement. in that regard, the bronzed planting of the flag at Iwo Jima, in 1945, is the main heart-tugger.
Yet we do we hear that the US makes policies in military matters that would hardly bring out heroism, and may force a recruit to become a monster. Today I happened to read, at ConsortiumNews.com, a 2017 review by Todd Pierce, of a book by Doug Valentine, CIA As Organized Crime. Under the article was the following comment by “Sam F”:
“[There is] the mass media pop culture barrage of superheroes, war movies, propaganda about foreign monsters, then military/CIA training and acquaintances sharing rationales and social pressure to do what is expected. Throughout, the deluded presume that someone up there knows what he is doing, and would not send them to do wrongful things. Once committed by their own misdeeds, they will fight rather than admit that they were wrong.” [Emphasis added]
My plan here is to discuss Who makes policy at the Pentagon? and Can soldiers disobey illegal orders?
Who Makes Policy at the Pentagon?
As to the first question, “who makes policy at the Pentagon?”, it has got to be “The Powers That Be.” I am referring to the secret government, as opposed to the “ostensible government.” The president of the US does not appear to sit down, as Commander on Chief of armed forces, and plan war strategy, à la Eisenhower, or war policy, or à la a statesman on the world stage. So, someone else is doing that.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon do not appear to set policy either. They may decide on strategy, but not policy. Of course, they shouldn’t set policy. The US Constitution was arranged in such a way as to leave war-making decisions in civilian hands. And not executive civilian hands, but legislative hands, i.e., Congress.
Today, someone, somewhere, is telling the Joint Chiefs of Staff how to proceed. I can only imagine that those chiefs – one from each service – were chosen on the basis of their proven willingness to follow marching orders uncritically. Perforce, they are only front men for the ones who are making the decisions.
Douglas Valentine’s 1990 Book, The Phoenix Program
Recently at GumshoeNews.com, our informant from the Tavistock trenches, Diane DeVere, sent in a clip from the marvelous blog of Cathy Fox. (That blog has largely to do with child sex trafficking and with satanism, aka Luciferian cults.) Cathy said that Barack Obama is the new Phoenix. I don’t know if that is a supportable statement, but the word ‘phoenix’ grabbed me.
The Phoenix Program took place in Vietnam during the 1960s and ’70s. It involved horrible treatment of the people there by our military, or by the CIA, or both. (The two can be hard to distinguish.) Cathy Fox’s remark about Obama was meant to indicate that as “the new phoenix” he is the leading satanist. I had not known of any connection between the word Phoenix and satanism.
So, I reached for my old copy of Doug Valentine’s 1990 book, The Phoenix Program. Here is a quote from pages 11-12:
“In early 1984, Elton Manzione [a Navy Seal] was the first person to answer a query I had placed in a Vietnam veterans’ newsletter asking for interviews with people who had served in the Phoenix program. Elton wrote to me, saying, ‘While I was not a participant in Phoenix, I was closely involved in what I think was the forerunner… OPLAN 34…for LRRP [long-range reconnaissance patrol] operations into Laos. … [It became the well-known Delta program. Our primary function was intelligence gathering, but we also carried out the ‘undermining of the infrastructure’ types of things such as kidnapping, assassination, sabotage, etc.
“‘The story needs to be told,’ Elton said, ‘because the whole aura of the Vietnam War was influenced by what went on in the ‘hunter-killer’ teams of Phoenix, Delta, etc. That was the point at which many of us realized we were no longer the good guys in the white hats defending freedom — that we were assassins, pure and simple. That disillusionment carried over to all other aspects of the war’….” [Emphasis added]
Fiona Barnett
Maybe it should not come as a surprise, but that sort of under-the-radar horror in a theatre of war is connected to the child trafficking game, which is rampant today. Not because Phoenix was a military thing, but because it was (I am speculating) a satanic thing — the connection is a “belief system.” I said above that the Joint Chiefs of staff are following marching orders. It seems likely to me, therefore, that they themselves have been schooled in satanic “philosophy.”
Fiona Barnett, host of the website pedophilesdownunder.com, is a survivor of MK-Ultra mind control. Although Fiona (age 49) was born in Australia, and still lives there, her “career” as a trafficked child involved many overseas journeys, including to US military bases. She mentions one base, Dulce, in New Mexico at which she was allegedly tortured by Col Michael Aquino.
(I say “allegedly” as Fiona’s case has so far not come to court. Aquino was named in the McMartin scandal of the 1980s. The aggrieved families lost their case when the DoJ caused it to be closed down, yet recently-declassified FBI files show the case to have had merit. Kindergarteners who claimed to be raped were telling the truth.)
On June 2, 2020, for the first time, Fiona has made a claim involving retired US Army General Jerry Boykin (born April 19, 1948). At the website frc.org, which belongs to Family Research Council, we find:
“Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. “Jerry” Boykin serves as Family Research Council’s Executive Vice President. He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force. He was privileged to ultimately command these elite warriors in combat operations.
“Later, Jerry Boykin commanded all the Army’s Green Berets as well as the Special Warfare Center and School…. [He spent] his last four years as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. He is an ordained minister with a passion for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” [Emphasis added]
Message Sent to Boykin’s Site “Kingdom Warriors,” by Ms Barnett
In 2015, if not earlier, Fiona informed the New South Wales authorities that children were kept in the underground of Holsworthy, an Australian Army base near Sydney. She accuses Boykin of being there, and of ordering murders of some of the kids:
“I remember the time beneath Holsworthy, when our unit were sparring on the mat. We were at the drinks trolley when you ordered Jason’s murder. The Australian Delta soldier left behind a young brunette widow dressed in red. You killed him because he was my favourite….
“I remember [in] that helicopter over Honduras. You relied on me to detect whether that middle-aged dude sitting next to me at the door was dodgy. He wore a beige vest with pockets. I obeyed and, with stealth, told the co-pilot to change coordinates and signalled to you, ‘Drop Charlie.’ I returned to my seat. You gave the order for the boys to throw the man from the bird. I can still see the landscape and his limbs flapping as he screamed to his death.
“And I remember the time at Dulce, when that communist General Al Gray stuck his member (being polite for all your duped Christian readers) in my mouth as I sat bound to Lt. Col. Michael Aquino’s torture chair.
“My objection to being orally raped by Al landed the alcoholic pervert in hospital. As punishment, you ordered my three Delta team members to rape me that night. They bawled when they woke up out of their hypnotic trance. The following day, you commanded their throats be slit as they lay bound in that little cave in the hill outside – the one accessed via the pedestrian door.
“Unlike you, I don’t get recognition for what I did. I don’t get to gather with my unit and reminisce about the old days – coz you killed them all. … I don’t qualify for a military pension and medical benefits. Because I was just fourteen years old.”
My comment on the above is that Fiona’s story jives with many others, and I am on the record believing her claim about some other killings (as satanic sacrifices), such as the one at Bathurst City Hall. The helicopter story may be faulted, insofar as she says she could see the victim’s “limbs flapping as he screamed to his death.” Most likely a passenger can’t view anything below the helicopter, nor hear screams outside, given the noise of the engine.
(An aside: the remark Fiona makes about not getting a pension has echoes in the writings of other MK-Ultra women who for years, even decades, did gruesome work as veritable slaves of the CIA Shouldn’t we pay them? Oh, you say we don’t pay for crimes to be committed. Well, then, should we pay the CIA?)
What Goes On at the Pentagon?
None of us American citizens has a clue as to what goes on at the Pentagon. In 1987, I took the standard tourist-y tour of the Pentagon. We were shown some cases of medals, special flags, and other sentimental stuff, and were told how many cups of water are consumed each day in HQ and how many miles of corridor there are.
Later, when I became at least semi-literate about the Pentagon, I digested the 2004 book, The Pentagon’s New Map, by Thomas Barnett (surely no relation to Fiona Barnett). I thought it was nutsville, but now realize it may be accurate. Barnett claims that the eyes of the Pentagon are on achieving a “core” group of nations who are, well, well-off. The poor can be “disappeared.”
In the actual map, printed at the front of the offending book, much of South America and Africa is simply missing. Another startling fact casually mentioned by the author is that the physical campus of the Pentagon, located in Washington DC and Arlington Virginia, has, as its major occupants, not military officers, but financiers.
Thomas Barnett – who appears to be happy about the arrangement – then published a follow-up in 2008 — Blueprint for Action. I quote from one of the enthusiastic reviewers at Amazon, code named “HMS Warspite”:
“Barnett’s thesis is that globalization has divided the world into the haves and the have nots, and that the United States is uniquely positioned to police the friction between the two. … Barnett has a good handle on all the latest forward thinking on globalization and the asymmetric, netcentric, and fourth generation warfare that seems to travel in its wake.” [Emphasis added]
Holy Christmas!
Thomas Barnett himself (born 1962 in Wisconsin) was at the US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, working with others to show how the US Military could become a “security enabler” of America’s commerce. Per Wikipedia (retrieved June 4,5, 2020), he was developing a “rules set,” prior to 2001:
“The project was hosted by Cantor Fitzgerald and took place near the top of One World Trade Center. After the offices of Cantor Fitzgerald and its carbon credit brokerage subsidiary CantorCO2e were destroyed at One World Trade Center on 9/11/2001, Barnett described the event as the “first live-broadcast, mass snuff film in human history.”
Can a Soldier Disobey Illegal Orders?
I promise to take up, on another occasion, the legal issues related to obedience in the military, as expressed in the Uniform Code of Military Justice and elsewhere. There really is no question that a soldier has a moral duty and legal obligation to disobey bad orders. My point for today is that we the citizens do not have a clue as to what orders are being given or why. Each order may be expressed in fine language, covering flagrant atrocities.
I repeat what was said at Consortium News by a commenter: “The deluded presume that someone up there knows what he is doing, and would not send them to do wrongful things.”
If Fiona Barnett is right, someone up there does know what he’s doing and it is wrongful indeed.
I have made a Freedom of Information request to ask if General Boykin had any assignments in the 1980s to Holsworthy Base in Australia. Boykin is still alive and could be made to answer to a Congressional committee. Article I, section 8 of the US Constitution puts Congress in charge of the Army and Navy.
As for General Alfred Gray, he is 91 years old. For several years, he was in charge of all US Marines. It may pay to ask him to verify or refute the claims made by Kay Griggs. She, the wife of a Marine, famously said that Henry Kissinger was the instigator of the rape of Marines, as a sort of rite of passage to a higher calling.
As a US taxpayer, I be anxious (extremely anxious, in the time of Covid-19) to find out what that higher calling consists of.
A search of Kay Griggs’ lengthy interviews may be found with a simple search
Mystery is, is she safe?
The tradition of committing atrocities and pushing them under the rug no doubt dates back to when the Country went from being a confederation to an oligarchy, i.e. the advent of the Civil War. What interests me is that that engagement and every other one since has been justified on the basis of some altruistic cause or other
Small point but drop charlie would be a rehearsed move. The banking of the craft to easily enable Delta to deploy the “cargo”. The surprised cargo obviously screaming as they separated, even still thinking they had been shot down.
The gags put in place – D section , show both a avenue for any varsity here, and a cohort of peeps in the know.
varsity and veracity, ahhh u know
I hear you saying that Charlie was aloft for the purpose of being Epsteined, and the apparent involvement of Fiona was only to make her think she was responsible and thus carry guilt for the rest of her life.
Kathleen A Sullivan says, in “Unshackled,” that her father mad her “appear” to be responsible for things for which he alone was responsible.
Off Topic, but will be interesting to some of you I hope , comes the following headline in the news today :
‘ China warns citizens not to travel to Australia amid ‘increased’ racism since coronavirus outbreak ‘
Sourced from this article :
It’s all well and good for Scott Morrison to prostrate himself in vassalage to his U.S masters but Australia’s asinine lack of diplomacy towards China will have real world consequences for the employment prospects of many Australians – through less tourism , less income from foreign students , less flow on effects to the Australian economy .
The further deterioration of the Australian economy will mean lower tax receipts (unemployed people don’t pay income tax & now draw welfare benefits ), lower corporate earnings & bigger budget deficits as the government enacts yet more ‘ Stimulus Initiatives ‘ .
Of course, said ‘ stimulus ‘ is just a euphemism for MORE BORROWING from the Zionist Dominated Usury Banking cartel that ensures future generations of Aussies are in debt servititude to these bastards for decades to come.
Wake up people , to what your animosity to the dreaded ‘ CCP ‘ actually entails.
Some of my animosity comes from CCP rolling US Treasuries into Fair Dinkum.
All’s fair in love and war, tis ledged.
Truth – are you certain that all that borrowed money will be repaid? And would you rather dance with the Devil or see him brought down and destroyed?
Off Topic again , but Mary / Dee , the following may be of interest to you – following on from the ‘ Trump took over the Fed ‘ issue from the other day.
The one thing that is the most obvious Red Flag about the Trump Fed takeover thing is that the people advocating the theory never mention the MECHANISM by which said takeover occurred.
Yes, a tin pot Sth American dictator with supreme powers obtained via a military Junta could well take over an industry in his country & nationalise it overnight .
But, as corrupt as the U.S is , there still exists the pretense to the rule of law.
By hook & by crook , the Federal Reserve came into being by an ACT OF CONGRESS :
” A revision crafted during a secret meeting on Jekyll Island by Senator Aldrich and representatives of the nation’s top finance and industrial groups later became the basis of the Federal Reserve Act.
The House voted on December 22, 1913, with 298 voting yes to 60 voting no. The Senate voted 43–25 on December 23, 1913. President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill later ” ,
Now Mary , this is where you come into it.
G. Edward Griffin , your good mate ( or at least someone you may have a loose association with ) , wrote that seminal book ‘ The Creature From Jekyll Island ‘ & there would be few people better positioned to state HOW the ownership of the Federal Reserve could be reversed.
My contention is that, as I’ve shown above , the Federal Reserve came about by an act of Congress ( passed handily by the Senate & absolutely resoundingly by the lower house ).
Therefore, it would take ANOTHER ACT OF CONGRESS to repeal the private banking cartel ownership.
Only one impediment to that plan , ( assuming that Trump ever was sincere about about nationalising the Fed ) , and that is this :
Thomas Massie, Rand Paul & one or two others aside , THE ISRAEL LOBBY OWNS EVERY LAST MADRE- F@#KER IN CONGRESS .
Mary , if you could get in touch with G, Edward Griffin & perhaps get him to write a brief article on it for Gumshoe & ask him for his thoughts on the FEASIBILITY of anyone taking control of the Fed anytime soon.
I would dearly love to hear from this Colossus of an intellect and independent truth teller .
Good points — interesting times.
Truth – see Article 1, Section 8, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution – the Federal Reserve and National Bank Acts are illegal under the United States Constitution – as ‘Q’ has told us.
Sorry Mary , slightly over 250 words.
Will make it up to you with succinctness in future commentary .
Just to correct a couple of miscomprehensions:
That project, run jointly between the CIA and South Vietnamese military, was an intelligence-gathering operation to expose identities of Viet Cong and Viet Minh. It was quickly found that the most efficient tongue-loosening technique was to torture babies and children in front of their parents. Some 30,000 victims perished in this way.
Part of that project was the Con Song Tiger Cages, in which victims were locked in in-ground cages and who had quicklime sprinkled on them every day. As the recipient of information leaked out, I had prepared an article about this, and also the 40,000 still-births and babies without limbs who were born wherever agent orange was used. In April 12 1971, I was on my way to Saigon as a university journalist to validate the reports when a CIA friendly whom I had known for some years, at some risk to himself, warned me I was to be shot the minute I left the plane at Saigon. They were not going to give me the chance to evade capture.
In any event, my ANZ funds were frozen and I was stranded in Darwin. As a belated Plan B, I on-sent the article to five US senators, who duly visited the Tiger Cages 7 months later. Operation Phoenix continued unabated. Later reports confirmed everything I had learned.
Re TV’s comments regarding coronavirus and national unemployment:
Three months prior to Australian elections, I surveyed, door-to-door, a predetermined full-spectrum demographic. I did this 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. I discovered that unemployment was many times the official figure. For example, when Howard lauded our “unprecedented era of prosperity, with unemployment at 3.4%, I measured 10%.
Troubled by journalistic and academic cooperation in this falsity, I discovered that Max Walsh, then editor of the Bulletin Newsweek, had surveyed nationally and in 1999, identified 23% unemployment. By 2010 I found unemployment to be 23%, but this was a figure distorted by the homeless sector which could not be interviewed door-to-door. The true figures being now unmeasurable, I discontinued the surveys.
My point is that unemployment attributed to corona virus lockdowns is seriously distorted by the real world situation. Moreover, Government has been denied half of its former income tax revenue for decades, not months.
Chinese and other foreigners have taken over our university education system and the profits trickle upwards. 90% of our former manufacturing sector evaporated… industries which the ATO identified as facilitating 80% of all full time employment prior to the free trade policies which destroyed this.
If we want a return to prosperity we must restore tariffs, with the goal of ending all trade altogether. It is not coincidental that an independent real estate tycoon, Trump, drew the same conclusions, as did 60% of Americans.
I saw this morning a live conference where Trump was talking about tariffs on lobster to the EU. Fascinating as he was trying to solve this in real time.
jump to about 14.20.
“If we want a return to prosperity we must restore tariffs, with the goal of ending all trade altogether.”
Obviously, but the implementation?
Correction… 4th paragraph… I found unemployment to be 19%, compared to Howard’s claimed 3.4%.
Wonder what the figures are these days? Looking at the visible workers providing the services in Sydney, maybe 10% of them are Aussies Anglos Euros combined. What will that percentage be in a year?
After the Eureka stockade, Australia was the first nation in the world to establish the eight hour working day. Now our nurses do 12 hour shifts and we send girls as mercenaries to overseas wars of occupation.
Thanks for those wise words Tony Ryan .
I’ll certainly be taking all of that info on board ( although I’ve suspected for some time that, unemployment figures AND government inflation figures have been manipulated to appear rosier than they really are for some time) .
Give it up Nemesis .
Your Mossad handlers don’t expect you to go down with the sinking ship (aka the theory that Trump took over the Fed ) .
You’ll be called upon once again for the next disinformation campaign .
Yes , yes the Constitution says the Federal Reserve is illegal .
BUT, guess what ? It’s STILL there & has been since 1913 funnelling money to your employers in Herzliya , Tel Aviv – so be thankful at least that you still have a job .
The constitution says the Federal Income tax is illegal too. ( If he were alive today you could have asked Peter Schiff’s dad Irwin Schiff & he would’ve given you the low down on that ).
Irwin Schiff died some years ago in a Federal prison from undiagnosed cancer when he was 87 , having spent the last 10 years of his life as political prisoner for the crime of being a ‘ tax protester ‘ .
His crime ? To point out that the Federal Income tax is unconstitutional.
Fat lot of good that did him.
The Constitution says Americans have the right to free speech & freedom of assembly too.
We all saw how much ‘ assembly ‘ was allowed during the COVID hoax lockdown.
Wake up Nemesis. The Constitution has long been overridden by the oligarchs you serve that run your beloved U.S.S.A ( Union of the Soviet Socialist America ).
And make no mistake , a bad as Obama was , he NEVER took America down the path of Socialism to anywhere near the extent that Trump has.
ie: small businesses destroyed , massive increase in BIG government , massive increase in people dependent on government welfare cheques , MASSIVE INCREASE of government / Zio-cabal ownership of the private sector ( the Federal Reserve has doubled it’s balance sheet to purchase junk bonds , mortgage backed securities , outright purchases of equities to prop up the U.S stock market with assistance from the Treasury through ‘stimulus ‘ etc ) .
Truth – here are two clues for you regarding what happened to subvert the U.S. Constitution and why now, Trump has had the Fed absorbed into the Treasury.
In 1871 President Grant signed the District of Columbia Act that put Washington DC apart from the rest of the United States, and therefore no longer subject to the United States Constitution, which then made it by stealth, the third part of the Globalist Triangle.
Why would a ‘Union Hero’ Ulysses S, Grant do something like that? You need to follow his life story to arrive at his own personal ambitions.
Trump is for the rule of law, and the rule of Law for all of America is the original United States Constitution, not the Constitution as signed onto by Grant in 1871 that exonerates Washington DC from the real American Constitution.
We have had the same event happen here as regard to our own constitution, maybe you should read up on that too, so as to understand how government has been behaving against we the people, ever since?
And on Trump and socialism – please provide just one verifiable example of what you mean.
And I believe you won’t be able to.
Much of your observations have merit, but I am cynical and with patience and hope sit back and watch with interest.
Why is so much spent on speculations. No one I note in comments, so far as I can determine, are stuffed if they know.
It is all just a mystery novel and hopefully we will name the butler if the last chapter is ever composed
I await the next G5 instalment for some light to present a clue or two with a typical tease.
All I see is a serial line of speculative egos m, massages and uninformed theorists with agendas and speculations.
No worries, it is fun to watch.
Would the agenda-ists please move to some other blog. Until recently, Gumshoe comments were mainly in response to the day’s article and frequently enhanced it with additional information as with Tony’s and Simon’s comments above.
Mary – I’ve been on a few blogs in my time and on none of them has your request ever been put forward. Commentors all have different thoughts on the subject raised, and there are many good thoughts too, but not necessarily always on topic, but then they lead to other things that can get folks thinking about all kinds of things that get discussed in normal day to day conversations – its how we all pick up those things we didn’t really think about.
If you try to limit any conversation to only the subject at hand, then the conversation will die – guaranteed!
I’m always mindful of the subject posted, but it’s hard to stay on topic when so many tangents run off in all directions.
nemesis, your comment or actually blather is utterly ridiculous,on no other blog is it impossible to locate comments one has read afterwards.
this is because gumshoe contributors are not held to any thread discipline.
you will not see this anarchy on ron unzs unz review. and ron deals with a huge range of topics.
or at moon of alabama, ditto.
i support mary unreservedly, nemesis, your comment is selfindulgent special pleading full of internal illogic.
i ask that dee institute thread discipline immediately.
of course,this current thread got derailed at 2.15pm on 6 june by none other than untruth veggie who at least had the marginal honesty to write that he was off-topic
duns scotus – the thread has not been de-railed, it has as always, come back on course, I think you protest too much over what I have suggested so as to hide your own inability to stick to the topic as in past comments reflect!
possibly i strayed in the past and so did untruth veggie.
but unlike you nemesis,your great friend and admirer veggie admits it.
and i am now calling for thread discipline to be instituted.
this means deleting off-topic posts after one warning.
dus scotus – allowing your inner fascist to emerge in calling for censorship – and culling off topic comments that folks can learn from, and apparently that does not include you – is a form of censorship.
As I pointed out to you previously, the thread has not been derailed, but you choose to ignore that as well.
That was 22 years ago. Anybody want to do anything about it?
you try and tell the young people today that… and they won’t believe ya
on p 278 of eyes wide shut barnett writes that sidney gottlieb of cia mk-ultra went to australia in 1972 and disappeared without trace.
except that the place and date of his death in the usa decades later are documented.
there is a 2019 biography of the fellow. see the chris hedges interview video with the author on rt.
well mary, as you doubt her story of the helicopter murder, and i doubt her story about gottlieb, that gives us a vested interest in the international child trafficking network, says barnett in her foreword as a warning to any doubters.
gee willikins, and i never knew i was vested at all.
here i was, mindful of cardinal pells overturned conviction on the strength of one supposed witness, thinking that journalism needs two sources to be credible,
I don’t doubt the story of the helicopter murder — I doubt Fiona’s being able to see the limbs flapping. I don’t know the Gottlieb death details; if Fiona got that wrong, it does not have any effect on her first-person account of other things.
If you read my reportage from the RC hearings 2015-2017, you will see that The Watchtower (legal name for Jehovah’s Witnesses) had an official policy of not listening to any dobbing kid unless there were two eyewitnesses, obviously realizing that any child who reported sexual abuse would never be able to supply two eyewitnesses!
A jury is allowed to make up its mind when it hears conflicting and undocumented stuff. Think of how much conflicting stuff we have received as to the benefit of face masks against viruses. You go with your best sense of it, noting the track record of previous liars.
As for the man who wrote the biography of Gottlieb, I went up to him after a 2020 lecture and said I had a lot of knowledge of MK-Ultra. He changed the subject. My guess is that he was tasked with producing a very mild story of Gottlieb. This is known in law as “covering the field.” It discourages others from bothering to write about Gottlieb.
If Fiona warned, in her Preface, that all doubters have a vested interest in child trafficking, I think that is ridiculous. Her story calls for corroboration. As you see above, I have written to the US Dept of Defense, Defense Intelligence Division, to inquire about Boykin being in Australia at the relevant time.
There is massive room for confession-ing. It is extremely rare for CIA perpetrators to come forward. Little do they know the readiness with which people would accept them and forgive them, were they to help us undo the damage they caused.
Perps, come to my waiting arms: MaxwellMaryLLb@gmail.com
Ned , I hear what you’re saying.
I’m not privy to any particular inside info so I’m just trying to connect the dots as best I can.
I don’t have a vested interest in bringing down Trump so as to elevate the prospects of the Dem candidate – who will be equally as bad.
I’m going hard on Trump because a lot of people are ‘ All – In ‘ on the Trump the Saviour narrative & will be massively let down in the event that he doesn’t deliver ( as it appears to me , will be the outcome ) .
Just of topic!
Readings off a 5G tower across Canada
Well. The story goes the pentagon and WTC were blown up to destroy documents, microfiche etc. (which would have gone on computer fairly soon after 2001) the beneficiary was Cheney etc.(Halliburton, KBR etc), so there must have been co-operation at all the levels, but at all those golf (country) clubs entry is by invitation only, so journalists will never know. I would say the country clubs took off after Watergate when everything was known to be bugged. Watergate tapes would have had the effect of bumping off everyone who could not get into the best country club from making deals. So I would say the soldiers are deployed by consensus of committees on golf courses, members of which have collaboratively worked out how they are going to be advantaged. And, probably everything else is done on golf courses too.
I believe I once read somewhere Bushs were president of the golf association whatever but just looking on the wikipedia now those references aren’t there.
Doesn’t really matter, public is locked out.
Now Biden says he is going to have a black woman running mate. Should he win he’ll scoot off to Florida and she will be reading the teleprompter for the next 4/8 years. “Why we are doing Iran”
Talk about being an all-rounder. Here is Wikipedia’s list of Boykin’s exploits:
By 1980 Boykin was the Delta Force operations officer on the April 24–25 Iranian hostage rescue attempt.
In October 1983, Boykin took part in Operation Urgent Fury, the invasion of the Caribbean island of Grenada. He was wounded by anti-aircraft fire during the Delta helicopter assault on Richmond Hill prison. [Seriously? Can I see the wound, please?]
In 1989, Boykin took part in Panama as part of the mission to apprehend Manuel Noriega.
In 1992 and early 1993, as a colonel, Boykin was in Colombia leading a mission to hunt for drug lord Pablo Escobar. Seymour Hersh later claimed in The New Yorker that there were suspicions within the Pentagon that Boykin’s team was going to take part in the assassination of Escobar.
In April 1993, he helped advise Attorney General Janet Reno regarding the stand-off at Waco, Texas, between the Federal Government and the Branch Davidians. [Excuse me, in what capacity was the military advising the DoJ?]
[golf partner]
You may like to read Aussiemal’s article about Holsworthy, four years ago.
You may also be in wonderment over this article (main author: Fiona) and its excellent comments:
I had not noticed till now that Fiona claims the ABC manager Kylie McKiernan was a member of OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis, or something). I went to ABC’s website to look for her, no longer there. Here is bio of ABC Managing Director David Gaven:
Gaven has extensive experience as a news executive, news editor, reporter and producer. His background includes working for the Canberra Times and the Ten Network. He spent almost a decade in international news, first at CNN in London as a reporter, producer and senior editor, then in the Middle East working on the launch of Al Jazeera English.
“For whom do soldiers work?” The oligarchs.
Whatever they may tell us, to distract with delusions, this slavery can only be defined as neofeudalism.
Re Title
“For whom do soldiers work?” Maybe ask Dutton and the 5 Eyes team are they the new Tavistock Military Arm?.
After attending a Rally yesterday as one who has experienced, endured and witnessed intergenerational police brutality I ask “For whom do Police work?” I guess part of “Her Majesties Service”. What about royal commissions– where the queens men are investigated by the queens men.
re: Vignettes from Fiona Barnett -you mention OTO–so I refer to Reina Michaelson.
“A SECRETIVE international society linked to the occult is using Victoria’s religious tolerance laws to sue a Melbourne anti-child abuse activist.
Ordo Templi Orientis has started a suit against psychologist Reina Michaelson over internet claims it is a pedophile cult.”
Ordo Templi Orientis, founded in Germany in 1902, does not actively recruit or advertise.
Members follow the religion of Thelema, as taught by occultist and mystic Aleister Crowley.
Their Australian website says it is dedicated to securing the liberty of the individual, taught through a series of initiation rites.
I have posted many articles and videos about her story- most no longer available. Of particular interest is how she links Victoria with Adelaide and the way the Cults are networked together through government agencies, state and federal politicians and of course media. More of her story in Fiona’s Book Eyes Wide Open–which also links to Fiona’s recent article about Bob Montgomery.
From the link above I select this–
“Child Care Centre, Pedophile Network, Police Pedophiles and Network X
Ian Softman informed me briefly about a case in the early 1990’s. I did my own research into this case and discovered that it involved a creche in the Mornington Peninsula region. A high-profile group of men were sexually abusing, torturing and hypnotising the children. The owner and his wife took the children out of the centre during the day to the homes of the rich and powerful, where the children would be sexually abused, tortured and filmed. The children were also subjected to satanic ritual abuse. This case was almost identical to those in the U.S (Little Rascals, McMartin and others).
The offenders were wealthy and powerful men in the community and included police officers.
Video copies of the children being abused were obtained by Network X (how interesting it is that Network X should be involved). However, when the story went public, the video tapes went “missing” and the police claimed that they never received them.
Ultimately, the police did not take any action against the owner of the creche, on the grounds that the children were too young to be viewed as credible witnesses. While there was conclusive evidence that four of the children had been raped or sexually abused while at the day care centre, the owner was never charged. (For a media article revealing police corruption on this case, click here)
When the Mornington Peninsula child-care-centre case broke, an investigative journalist infiltrated an elite child-pornography and pedophile club based in Melbourne. Its members were all wealthy and elite members of Melbourne society. It was chaired by the CEO of a major Melbourne Charitable Trust. This article included information on their use of telephone monitoring, courtesy of the group’s contacts within Telecom.
The children from the Mornington Peninsula child-care-centre reported being taken to a “pink” room with a spa and other significant decor. It was in a house where the children were sexually abused, tortured and filmed (amongst other locations). Three children independently identified to the investigators the house that they had been taken to. (For a media article on this case, click here).”
I also notice there is a defamation case re the Chelmsford Scandal–related to Steve Cannane’s book Fair Game.–happening right now Dr Herron and Dr Gill. Maybe some Gumshoe people knowledgeable about the law could attend.
In Thailand the police clearly work for themselves, can’t be much different here, just harder to see. And the lawyers are the same, no doubt some of them are clever and their weakness is they want to be paid for their cleverness, even though its practical value to society is questionable. Look at the system, 12 good men and women convict Pell and all you have to do is pay enough, a million dollars or whatever it turns out to be, and you are off the hook. I think the jury system exists just so magistrates can avoid becoming executioners. They disguise themselves with wigs so nobody will notice when they turn up at the country club.
Well religion won’t fix anything, it’s just an offshoot of the Roman empire (or Henry 8th). Feminsim won’t fix anything, it’s just a way for executives to get their girlfriends on the board and consolidate power even more. Revolutions won’t fix anything, you just end up with dictators. Money won’t fix anything, they will just print it faster than you can collect it.
Even the truth won’t fix anything, because it is outnumbered by lies and liars and they all go around the world before the truth gets out of bed and puts its pants on.
Diane — “Of particular interest is how she [Reina] links Victoria with Adelaide and the way the Cults are networked together through government agencies, state and federal politicians and of course media.”
Think I’m going to be sick.
“Its members were all wealthy and elite members of Melbourne society.” I mean, really, how elite can you get?
From Buzzfeed:
Herron and Gill are both seeking several orders from the court, including damages, that the book [about Deep Sleep therapy] be recalled and destroyed, and that any future reprints exclude Chapter 14 in its entirety and any references to the two men.
A spokesperson for HarperCollins Australia told BuzzFeed News they intend to defend the lawsuits. “We stand by the content in the book, and intend to vigorously defend our position.”
Diane, the fact that HarperCollins would ever have published it in the first place makes me wonder…..
Yes think you have a point there re HarperCollins– Who and what gets published is of late even more tightly “controlled”— all archived in the “cloud” Interesting that The Australian ran the article last week -Re “Psychiatrists have their day in court.” First I saw it as a warning to whistleblowers–then I saw it as post reset agenda.
Last week I received an unsolicited email from Jonathon Hunyor the Chief Executive Officer the Public Interest Advocacy Centre. PIAC, their “mission to achieve social justice and defend human rights,” there were a couple of interesting articles one about Chelmsford and one about defamation cases. Does anyone know about this Centre. I am as always wary of anything to do with courts I have heard there is currently a push for people to join class actions–even more wary.
I notice KARNAC books has changed hands and Wendy Hoffman latest book is published by another company their mail goes into my junk mail–a common problem for them.
Good question.
who are the real ‘soldiers” working for?
We know who the fake mockingbird MSM is working for.
Dropping folks out of helicopters might be a spectacular form of assassination in a Hollywood action movie, with all its “glossing over” of what such things really look and sound like, but there are many more plausible, cheaper, and less paperwork-intensive methods. Also, a banked (turning) helicopter isn’t really any easier to yeet someone out of than one flying straight and level. If the bank is above 20 degrees or so, it’s actually much harder, since they “weigh” much more due to g forces. And in both cases, it’s also very dangerous to the person doing the “throwing”.
Plenty of opportunities for “training accidents” in military service, and they require much less paperwork than chucking someone from an aircraft.
At basic in the 80’s we were constantly reminded not to obey “unlawful orders” as the My Lai incident was fresh in the Pentagon’s mind at the time. That mindset seemed to substantially wear off after 911.
Thank you. I don’t have tine to change it. How about you send them a request. Plus I forget to ask if B was in Honduras. Ta.
Excuse me, that was my reply to your 2:50pm comment.
As for killing Charlie by other means, the other means all have the problem of dealing with a corpse (ask Rachel Vaughan), while this one is only a “disappearance.”
Your right about some the g force points, but this move has a eye-mind message. The longer the time frame = more impression. Planes go into dives for a “weightless experience” lasting minutes that would have a even higher risk in a ‘copter due to the blades becoming damaged in a traditional dive. It is very dangerous work as this Delta Squad are said to be dead(there would be records but that sneering/smiling Oz Homeland Security public servant that covers for hands being cut off{high visual even on a fresh corpse} etc, that needs a parlimentrary “please explain” seems to control these documents.
Delta have an extreme history of unfortunate accidents, same as the crews involved in the liberation of “that” famous AK guy from Pakistan.
Dangerous, hell yes, but i’m sure you would prefer the king of the castle position especially if it came with a communicated pre-warning.
Watching Scarface on LSD might not get the same traction, if one wanted a big impression.
Mary, your FOI on Boykin was too specific. You should start with one within the requisite time-window which places him anywhere in Australia. US troops (being “allies”) can literally move around in Australia for next-to-nothing in next-to-no-time on military flights between any Australian or joint US/Australian bases.
[…] mentioned Boykin in a recent Gumshoe article. Fiona says he was at Holsworthy Army Base in Australia. I have sent a Freedom of Information […]