Home Trump Freedom versus Communist Dictatorship, the US Military and Barr

Freedom versus Communist Dictatorship, the US Military and Barr

A-g Barr

by G5

The US Military being carefully run down during The Soetoro Occupation of The Executive Branch. Trump doing what he could to restore it, and remove it from purposeful wars of attrition.

In passing: as I have indicated; there are no Chinese land forces in Canada preparing to support the Regime Change ascendancy of the Manchurian Candidate, to destroy The US into a Communist Dictatorship.

As I have written: the US can never be invaded or occupied by foreign ground forces. The real purpose of The 2nd. Amendment. Not what you have been propagandized by The Fourth Estate, over the years, leading to the current situation.

The US Military having been purged of the CCP Soetoro Metastasis, stands in the US with particular emphasis in certain bases, as well as in Honduras and Cuba. The latter also having Russian land forces standing. China will not move. It is currently frozen along with the absurd NATO.

As I have written: If Orange signals Flynn on 7 January 2021; the game is on for the recapture of the US and indeed the Free West. The beginning of the containment and control of China. The US needs to pass through Martial Law and a controlled Civil War for a ten-day period.

Tragically: the option at this time, of Freedom versus Communist Dictatorship, leaves hardly any room for movement. The conditions parallel the precursors of; Stalinist Russia, NAZI Germany, and Maoist China. Indeed all Third World devastations of the past century. And which socio-economic tragedy enduringly lingers.

Stalinist Russia was internally destroyed. NAZI Germany was externally destroyed. Maoist China lingers and menaces the world.

The current Free West through the US must not travel that journey. It is worth whatever pain has been forced to be inflicted on those domestic enemies who would destroy The Free West. There is a price for what they have socio-economically done, and they must pay it.

Notes from yesterday:

On 7 January 2021: the owners of the over 400 million privately held small arms in The US, need to make a decision. Based on the outcome of The Joint Congressional Hearing on 6 January 2021.

Are the 75 million legal Trump votes of 3 November 2020 to have meaning, or are they going to be disenfranchised for the greatest electoral fraud in American history? In turn, affecting the entire Free West.

(The EU-Totalitarian NWO, is waging economic war for its survival, against The UK, Hungary, and mounting factions in France, Germany, and Italy.)

China and Russia

When The Obama Fraud devastated Ukraine, causing a hot civil war from 2014; since quelled by Russia with the ousting of US State Dept. proxies and NATO terrorist elements, the removal of the corrupt Poroshenko Regime, and the country divided; many issues were afoot in the background. I have previously written of some of these.

In the economic devastations; the Antonov 225 technologies were given to China. Military Industries linked to; Beijing Tianjiao Aviation Investment Co., Chinese Airspace Industry Group, China Hi-Tech Industry Development Zone Association, and subcontractors in Luzhou Sichuan, and Guiyang Guangxi; now hold the transferred; more correctly stolen; technologies, and are building aircraft to dominate the Industry of heavy lift, and launches of satellites and military weapons from a platform of over 10 kms.

Russia the enemy and threat was a propaganda front. The CCP owned and controlled its interests through the Democratic Party. Always the weakest link into the US, and affording full control through its corrupted Deep State and Fourth Estate. Bought and owned by; blackmail, dollars, and ego.

The current Stimulus Package 4, sits on Trump’s desk, pending bipartisan discussions conducted yesterday and today. In the bill is the removal of the s.230 abused and weaponized by the Fourth Estate against The First Amendment and The People.

The trade-off is Federal payment to restore the Dem cities destroyed by Dem proxy Fifth Column activities prior to the recent election, and still continuing in Portland. The Dem. Party handlers having lost control of their invention.

A recent meeting between; Sleazy Joe, his Moll, and Cedric Richmond, with BLM handlers; resulted in an acrimonious walkout by BLM. The smell of blood and the apportionment of spoils is powering strong divisions among the many rigid and insular factions of the postured impending Communist Dictatorship of the US.

The Steal 

Rasmussen, McLaughlin, and Trafalgar polls; among others; now confirm that over 70% of The People, believe that Team CCP and their Manchurian Candidate, attempted to steal the 3 November 2020 election, disenfranchising over 75 million legal constituents.

In that number currently rests over 30% of Democrat voters, who believe in Voter Integrity, acknowledging the fraud.

It is known that over $320 million was transferred through banks, fronts, and paying accounts, into the Manchurian Candidate election fraud coffers. Apart from the many other amounts collected personally by the corrupt, and about which I have hinted. Similar transfers were made to Obama and HRC. Leaked through Intel sources.

Barr Barred

Leaving the cutie pie AltMedia renditions aside, his CV saving letter, and the pretense of opening an investigation into the frauded election; Barr was sacked by Trump. He began showing his Deep State deceits in July 2020 by the Durham Report going nowhere. When that report was timed to strike in October 2020, Deep State Barr finds nothing but FBI under the bus Clinesmith.

Trump is the People and an experienced victim of Government. The latter being the adapted and articulated Enemy Within, of The People.

Rosen is unsuitable. Whittaker was the best choice, as I have written. And of course; Wray’s Seventh Floor (FBI) Mafia, is way over its expiry date for flushing away.

As with Roberts; Barr is also linked to Epstein. Barr’s father was a close ally and employed him as a pretend teacher, having no qualification or ability. Barr was also instrumental in Epstein receiving the ridiculous day leave sentence in Southern Florida; about which I have written.


The US can be grateful for its strongest ally.



  1. There has not been a “Fourth Estate’ for decades in Australia or the US as it has been hijacked by the corporate-government propaganda apparatus.

    Many people still have not heard of the long standing term or description of the “Fourth Estate” to write or speak without fear or favour. It is the last bastion before corporate-government tyranny continues at an accelerating pace! (My comments)

    The news of the North East West South journalism and TV presenters have degenerated into opinionated and bias columns, editorial censorship, entertainment, corporate advertising & marketing, medical and pharmaceutical advertisements, medical stories, new drugs, new medical break-throughs ad nauseam… completely ignoring natural therapies and shutting them out completely.

    It is not about simply ‘reporting’ the news for the population to make their own free will choice as there is deliberate omissions, exaggerations, lies, disinformation that is being disseminated to the public for the monopolised propaganda apparatus of the corporate-government sector for their agendas and to continually manufacture consent from the public for their agendas disregarding the We the People.

    Right to know: the ‘nation’ the ‘people’ and the Fourth Estate
    We eventually hear from real heroes like Julian Assange and Snowden that reveal the lies of government and their many insidious agendas that are undemocratic. There is far too much secrecy called in the name of “The National Interest”. To not reveal is to conceal so that the broader based citizens may voice their options otherwise it is not a democratic process but a facade.

    “The Snowden materials should be published in all their embarrassing detail. Snowden is not a traitor or a “rogue”. He is a principled whistleblower whose actions have uncovered a global system of espionage and surveillance by powerful state security agencies against not only other states and agencies, but against anyone and everyone.

    It is our right to be outraged at the actions of state agencies that eavesdrop on our conversations, emails and text messages without our consent. We should be more outraged that the spies and their masters then claim to be taking these actions in our name and in defence of our interests.

    The actions of The Australian in denouncing the ABC and The Guardian and defending the government are therefore a complete betrayal of the Fourth Estate principles.

    When a newspaper claims to speak to and for the nation – that is, to and for the people – but instead appears to speak for the government, it abandons any claim it may have had to independence of thought and action.”



    News you trust? Fourth Estate was already wobbly
    The news media has long been described as the fourth estate or the fourth pillar of democracy. The theory going that an active and independent news media is critical for holding politicians to account, exposing cover-ups and providing a platform for diverse voices in our public debate.

    Problem is, for most people the media stopped being that a long-time ago. Rather than being a strong and independent force for discerning truth and providing context, most of us see the media as just another powerful interest, running the agenda of other powerful interests.

    Journalism tainted by conviction isn’t journalism
    That is the service. The true calling at the heart of the craft: to simply inform without bias or favour.

    This is clear from the writing of Thomas Paine and others, who pointed out and also acted upon the idea that we may have just cause to overthrow the state if it is seen to be no longer acting in our interests.

    Today, governments that claim to act in the “public interest” must face daily scrutiny of their actions. They must be called to account when overstepping the bounds of what citizens will support, or when taking actions that are clearly not in our interests. We rely on journalists and the news media to do this job on our behalf.

    This separation between the people and the state becomes more important when the economic interests of the powerful so frequently dominate society. In our modern world, the interest of “the nation” is no more than the collective interest of those who wield political and economic power. Today, the state is the executive branch of the ruling class.

    The news media – as the tribune of “the people” – must be constantly on guard and alert to actions of the state, particularly when those actions may harm the interests of citizens.

    Where is the journalism we need going to come from now?

    The incongruity in that business model – profits from ads for jobs, houses and cars bankrolling the journalism that is vital to a functioning democracy – took several decades to play out. The “newspaper business model”, as it’s now derisively known, has imploded. People no longer line the streets outside newspaper presses at night to be the first to see the ads. The internet has poached most of Australia’s newspaper classified advertising. The money that financed quality journalism for a century is disappearing, with no likely replacement.

    The story of how Australian quality journalism fell victim to a commercial market failure has been known to insiders for years, but it has largely been withheld from consumers of Australian journalism because the mainstream media has conspired to censor and spin the truth. Australia’s newspapers of record have deliberately ignored the story of their own decline, and its impact on their own readers and the health of society, instead of covering it as they would the decline of any other important industry or profession. They have shown a deep reluctance to disclose or explain that large-scale commercial journalism has become unviable, and no one has yet found a formula to subsidise “public trust” journalism in the way newspaper advertising did.

    For Australia, the story is more significant than just the demise of an industry business model. In a small robust democracy with relatively little commercial quality journalism, it has the makings of a civic catastrophe.

    Mainstream Media in Total Collapse — Paul Craig Roberts

    Why Has Trust in Media Collapsed? Look at Actions of WSJ Yahoo Business Insider and Slate.

    Jordan Chariton and the Impending Collapse of Mainstream Media

  3. It is not a good thing for a president to plan a civil war based on his own election. Why isn’t Trump spotlighting Ms Powell now so all citizens can understand. Most Americans have no clue. “They don’t read Gumshoe!”

    Who is the gun-owner supposed to kill? Does he know that even today he can kill based on the law of outlawry? And why do the perps remain protected and therefore eligible for law of outlawry?

    If Rosen is not suitable, why was he chosen? What is the DoJ anyway?

    Right now we are under meteorological martial law. Snowdrifts!

  4. Let’s tackle the very first line of G5’s article :

    ‘The US Military being carefully run down during The Soetoro Occupation of The Executive Branch’.

    So, the average of U.S military expenditure in the 20 years leading up to the Soetoro (Obama) Presidency was at least five (5) times the military expenditures of China and Russia COMBINED.

    Then, under Obama, the ratio fell to 4.93*.

    (* I don’t have the exact figure to hand but suffice to say it was a negligible decline).

    But Trump set it right by bringing it up to the historical average in a flash and then bypassing it by quite a margin.

    (He did this by impoverishing vast sections of the middle class who are now forced to live in tent cities – the lucky ones at least, as opposed to those that roam the streets or now living under bridges) :


    What a MAN is this Trump !!

    What a hero !!

    His humanity and empathy knows no bounds.

  5. BTW, I noticed an evident typo when G5 wrote this :

    ‘Maoist China lingers and menaces the world’.

    Obviously a typo since Maoist China is long dead and buried – Only Xi Jinping’s Capitalist Miracle Economy exists in the Middle Kingdom today.

    For the sake of accuracy, the words ‘Maoist China’ should be replaced by ‘Zionist America’.

    Ahhhh …. that’s much better.

    And certainly a reflection of the TRUE state of affairs in that rapidly deteriorating police state.

    • Always appreciate your comments and unique insights and style, TV. Shame we don’t have the ^Like button.

      Let me embellish from recent reading …

      In China they say that Mao was “70% right and 30% wrong” – in other words, far from perfect and made some huge mistakes.

      Under the 30% wrong banner they list the ‘Cultural Revolution’ and in fact have a policy of declaring an official ‘apology’ for all those descendants who were affected by the purges and misguided atrocities under this phase. Maybe Mao was misdirected (or ‘mishandled’) on certain matters.

      Some say China is Communist, some say Capitalist. In fact they may well be both – using capitalist methods to outsmart their capitalist competitors.

      I am going out on a limb here and coining a new word –‘Societism’ – not Socialism nor Communism nor Capitalism … etc. China [IMHO] under the leadership of the very [bottom up] democratically elected Xi Jinping –

      Digressing … Xi Jinping is probably the most well-read leader on the planet – possibly rivalled only by Putin – China is building on 5,000 years of documented experience in culture (involving Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism) and history (often a very turbulent one involving many invasions and internal feuds and uprisings)

      – [under the leadership of Xi Jinping, China] is developing a form of Governance [Volume 1 of 3 here]


      that strives for a stable and equitable Society – [relatively] free of corruption, poverty and inequity to earn their right to govern under the historical concept of the ‘Mandate of Heaven’.

      Oh, by the way, for centuries China was the worlds’ largest economy. America only overtook it in 1872 during the ‘Century of Humiliation’ after China was bankrupted and exploited, starting with the first Opium War [you must have heard of the Sassoons] 1839-1842. History has a habit of being a long term bitch.

      • Surely the smart leader who really controls his (and anybody’s) destiny knows to pick selectively from the compendia (it is a word, isn’t it) of mandated Left vs Right belief systems, always with the bigger picture in mind?

        Arguing over Left vs Right dogmas is for we powerless plebs looking for entertainment and identity.

      • Me too Eddy, me too.

        (I’m still waiting for the ‘darkness’ that was forecast for the Deep State entities that G5 / Qanon / Zio-Dave / the other cultists forecast months ago were going to be locked up after the Durham investigation was concluded and evidence collated).

  6. As always Fish, a balanced appraisal that you’ve conducted.

    I defer to your superior knowledge on the ‘Century of Humiliation’ and the Sassoons.

  7. Speaking of ‘Century of Humiliation’,( the U.S will soon be subject to several centuries worth), comes this article titled ‘4 Signposts of American Collapse Which Also Occurred in the USSR’ by Dimitry Orlov :


    Orlov has produced some brilliant articles in the past but this one is masterful.

    I urge Gumshoe readers, if you only read one article on geopolitics in the coming years, MAKE SURE IT’S THIS ARTICLE.

    Orlov forecast (to an accuracy within a few months), the collapse of the Soviet Union and is now forecasting the collapse of the U.S.

    The four signposts of an imminent collapse are :

    Allies are being alienated
    Enmities dissipate
    Ideology becomes irrelevant
    Military posture turns flaccid

    From the article :

    “Whereas in the post-war period the Warsaw Pact countries derived many benefits from its association with Russia and its industrial might, as the end neared their membership in the Soviet camp became more and more of a hindrance to progress, hampering their integration with the more prosperous, less troubled countries further west and with the rest of the world.”

    Readers, can you see the analogy here for Australia ?

    Australia’s slavish adherence to U.S dictates (Australian warships in China’s backyard, trade and diplomatic provocations directed at China etc), will PUNISH Australia financially (biting the hand that feeds us is seldom a good idea), as China retaliates with punitive trade measures.

    Simply put, we will feel the financial consequences of said alliance with the ‘Depraved One’ and there will be an inevitable public backlash as living standards plummet.

    Also from the article :

    “But now a strange smell is in the wind in Washington: the smell of failure. Air is leaking out of the campaign to vilify Russia, and it is putrid.

    We should also expect that, once the fracking bubble pops, the US will become dependent on Russian oil and liquefied natural gas, which it will be forced to pay for with gold.

    [Assuming the U.S has any gold left, the remainder will soon depart for Russian shores. When said U.S gold supplies are exhausted, the Chinese and Russians will put the world on a gold standard.
    At that point, with no gold reserves to back its currency, the USD will drop precipitously and the U.S will become a 3rd world cesspool].

    Trump has set about wrecking what free trade there was by a combination of sanctions and tariffs.
    Sanctions on the use of the US dollar in international trade, especially with key energy exporting nations such as Iran and Venezuela, are accelerating the process by which the US dollar is being dethroned as the world’s reserve currency, demolishing America’s exorbitant privilege of endless money-printing.

    The US, for now, remains capable of quite a lot of mischief, but it has become clear that military domination of the whole planet is no longer possible for it.
    The US military is still huge, but it is quite FLACCID.
    It is no longer able to field a ground force of any size and confines itself to aerial bombardment, training and arming of “moderate terrorists” and mercenaries, and pointless steaming about the oceans.

    Around the world, the US is still loathed, but it is feared less and less – a fatal trend for an empire. But America has done quite well in militarising its local police departments, so that when the time comes it will be ready to go to war… against itself.”

    Orlov is referencing the U,S Navy with the ‘pointless steaming about the oceans’ comment.

    Love it – too funny.

    G5 is still living in the 1960’s in his assertions about U.S capabilities of influencing anything and being the saviour of the Free World.

    Make no mistake, the U.S and it’s partner in mischief (the Apartheid Israeli state) are the ENSLAVERS of the free world and the sooner people wake up to this inescapable conclusion, the sooner we’ll break the shackles and live our lives unencumbered as independent sovereign nations.

    America is a failed state. The sooner Australia recognises this, the better.

    We should untether ourselves from this sinking ship, lest we go down with it.

  8. Always the same script. A courier delivers the jar to rsl club or cruise ship… rinse and repeat.
    There have been many more fatalities on the roads than crown virus deaths. Do we shut down road travel? Or is that next on the agenda towards global communism. May as well shut down the power grid also…. oh 90% of coal power plants have been reduced to rubble, whilst we were glued to netfix. And we wonder why everything is heading for price trajectory to the moon, with the only deflation being people’s wages and throwaways from Bunnings and $2shops.

    “Through our national bank, the Federal Reserve, we extend book credit, which we create from nothing, to all local banks who are member banks. They in turn extend book credit to industry. Thus, we do more than God, for all our wealth is created from nothing. You look shocked! Don’t be! It’s true, we actually do more than God.” – Harold Rosenthal

    Credit monopoly to every corner of the world and every aspect of life is communism.
    “Cabalists (satanists) have hijacked humanity…… the elite’s doublespeak (selectively applied freedom tolerance diversity human rights and equality) is a tool of mind control and dispossession.
    But if we understand the masonic zionist matrix, we can escape its thrall.” – Henry Makow

    • Arlyn,
      Be careful putting the zionists in the Biden and China camp.
      Tv has them in the Trump camp and he will get upset, even though T dumped Kissinger, Allbrigjt, Harmer and a few others of that ilk
      Maybe the Oracle forgot to tell him.

      • Yes Ned, the Zio-degenerates are most certainly in the Trump camp.
        And, seeing as the Biden camp is just the other faction of the SAME camp, there’s plenty to be found there as well.

        Madeleine Albright and Kissinger may well have had a falling out with Donald Chump in the past (if we’re to believe the disinfo being put out by the usual suspects – which is dubious at the best of times), but they’ve long since kissed and made up and are very much in bed together as we speak.

        The article below is titled ‘Kissinger Meets With Trump for Third Time This Year’ :


        It’s been known that Kissinger is a wicked little man for over 50 years.
        I mean, WE KNOW this Ned – all sides of the political divide are in agreement with this.

        So, WHY is Trump meeting Kissinger even ONE time ? (let alone 3 times in a single year – and countless more times since at the country club and Mar-a-Lago where they meet clandestinely for their ‘old fellas tryst’ that involves underage Russian prostitutes and lack of bladder control).

        I know the answer to that question Ned.

        Naturally, when the powerbrokers of the Zio-cabal summon him, Trump stops what he’s doing and hurriedly scurries off to meet them :


        You read right Ned, in that article titled ‘Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson Summons Trump for “Private Meeting” on Israel’.

        Adelson did not ASK Trump to visit him,
        Adelson did not INVITE Trump to visit him.

        Adelson SUMMONSED Trump, and the Chump dutifully complied.

        Donald J Chump is OWNED by the swamp masters – always was, always will be.

      • ‘The Swamp’ has been a supporter of communism for decades.

        The Assassination of General Patton

        It becomes readily clear that Patton’s “anti-semitism” and desire to work with the captured Germans to defeat the Soviets ended up costing him his life.
        Read the post



        Hebrew is read from right to left

        Strong’s Hebrew Concordance 98

        agam: a marsh, muddy pool
        Original Word: ?????
        Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
        Transliteration: agam
        Phonetic Spelling: (ag-am’)
        Definition: a marsh, muddy pool

        TRUMP IS THE SWAMP / Trump’s Jewish Elite MAFIA & The 5 Dancing Israelis


        • US Illegal Military Base Bombed with Mortars in an Oil Field in Deir Ezzor

          ……………Trump forces have increased their illegal military presence in Syria, especially in the northeastern provinces of Raqqa, Deir Ezzor, and Hasakah, since Trump ordered, said he is withdrawing his troops from the country, which later he added that he’s keeping ‘some’ of his troops there to ‘protect the oil’ because ‘he likes oil’, which meant depriving millions of ordinary Syrian families of their heat, transportation fuel, and fuel to bake their bread………….


        • Readers should take note of Criss X’s deconstruction of the word ‘MAGA’.

          Once again, the mischief-makers are having a good chuckle while the clueless rubes (aka the ‘useful idiots) are running around wearing their MAGA paraphernalia.

          • Louis Carrol knew their game when he wrote “Through the Looking Glass”. AGAM is a mirror image of MAGA.

  9. Max Blumenthal
    Amid a clearly choreographed wave of dubiously sourced stories planted in US media about the Russian Menace, an outlet sponsored by a CIA cutout (NED) introduces the US public to the same narrative the CIA fed to the Germans – but it’s framed as independent confirmation.


    There are three languages, one for the debtor, one for the creditor and one for the administrator…. Even though you may assume that you can read all three, they are totally three separate languages and have no jurisdiction with each other unless you “consent’ … but your consent comes with ignorance of the difference between such three languages and assume them to be one language… Its all a big fat lie… The Governor General and the Australian government is a counterfeit… There is no such written English as: “Governor-General”, it should be: “Governor General” without the hyphen… The hyphen grammatically destroys the name.

    More of his presentations to your right

    • Humpty Dumpty

      Through the Looking Glass, by Louis Carroll

      ‘I don’t know what you mean by “glory”,’ Alice said.
      Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. ‘Of course you don’t — till I tell you. I meant “there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!”‘
      ‘But “glory” doesn’t mean “a nice knock-down argument”,’ Alice objected.
      ‘When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
      ‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
      ‘The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.’
      Alice was too much puzzled to say anything; so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. ‘They’ve a temper, some of them — particularly verbs: they’re the proudest — adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs — however, I can manage the whole lot of them! Impenetrability! That’s what I say!’

    • “…Judge – from Judicem (to Judge the) judge from ancient Hebrew ‘to Govern’ (to rule by right of authority)

      So Court – the group or company of (man/woman acting as judge) to rule by right of authority.

      The Judge or collection of judges sit on the Bench.

      The bench – old English ‘Benc’ – old Frisian ‘Benk’ – old high German ‘Bank’ – Germanic ‘Bank-i’, the Bench was the term for the Bank, as originally the money lender used benches to contract loans, so you go to the bench, or bank to become indebted, in modern usage a bank is a mass, a large amount, a heap.

      So a Judge sits for the Bank, being the accumulated wealth, so the Judge sits on behalf of those with accumulated wealth……”

      Jubilant, Jubillee, Judaic, judas, Judge, Judicable, judicial, juridical, Jurisconsult, Jurisdiction, juriprudence, Jurist, Juror, Jury, Jussive, Just, Justify


    • Arlyn,
      This is why your family name on your birth registration certificate is CAPITALS (DOGGED Latin) I puzzled for some years until I realised that they MUST CONTRACT YOU –
      They must indeed, DECEIVE YOU INTO CONSENT.
      This is worth thinking about as it is very revealing – WHY?

      Why – for example – not just deceive us, lie, force the people to submit?

      What this tells us is that THEY are under a greater authority – who – stipulates the conditions of their deception. It tells us also that, that greater authority gives us the choice to go along with the deception or not. Its the same choice that he gives us every day.

  11. List of All Australian Referendums

    Political Parties created their own Private Australia, Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Australia as a Republic in 1973 outside the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
    NO Crown and Constitutional Authority
    Political Parties don’t recognize the Living
    There is NO such thing as a Political Party within the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
    The Senate, directly chosen by the people of the State.
    House of Representatives, directly chosen by the people of the Commonwealth.
    NO Crown and Constitutional Authority, NO Royal Assent
    Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 No. 114
    This Act created the purported Royal Style and Title for the Political Parties Abstract

    Royal Style and Titles
    Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of
    Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of
    the Commonwealth.
    (Note the Queen of Australia does NOT hold the Title “Most Excellent Majesty” or
    “Defender of the Faith”.) This Act is 3 pages
    Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 Proclamation and Gazette 5 pages.
    Political Parties created their own private sovereign, independent and federal nation.
    “God” (not being Our God)
    “Governor-General of Australia”
    “Royal Great Seal”
    “Government of Australia”
    “Queen of Australia”
    “Elizabeth R” “Our Sign Manual”
    “Great Seal”
    “Great Seal of Australia”
    “Parliament of Australia”
    “Our Royal Proclamation”
    “Our Australian Parliament”

    “Elizabeth R”. (“R” stands for the Latin Regina, meaning “Queen”.
    This creates “Elizabeth R” for the Political Parties
    “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia”. UNDER the above there is NO Common Law of England, King James Bible, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus etc, ALL to the benefit of the Political Parties.

    • Arlyn, Thanks for your great work –
      RE: The Queens Deception

      It’s worth recalling in your post below A-QUEEN’S-DECEPTION where it would appear that the Queen (and her handlers) are in it up to her/their neck/s. The scam as uncovered by Romley Stewart is based around another “planned grammatical deception.” in the wording of her coronation speech in 1953.

      Allegiance is owed to the Queen and returned by her Coronation Oath – See THEN that the meaning of that was obscured by the misuse of the word ‘insincerity’ supposedly -in sincerity- but actually said as ‘insincerity’ – Quote “ I have insincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine”

      Which actually means the opposite to what they would have you think it does – The correct English is “in all sincerity” and Romley’s point is that her script writers would have known that. This implies that it was another “dirty planned grammatical deception” and that further, she is actually insincere in her allegiance – That’s what she actually said – as history is showing to be the case.

  12. Starts to look like the relationships between top people and Epstein is the Rosetta Stone in understanding the depth of corruption of the American State.

    I’m sure if Epstein was Chinese we’d hear much more about his depredations, and Nation-State backing.

    • Your comment above about the footballification of geo-political analysis is all you need to know about analysis, people are burdened with their own tedious dogma and go on and on about it. All sorts of odours pouring out of the veg scraps bucket lately, apropos of nothing. Russians are Russians, Jews are Jews, Chinese are Chinese, they all have their agendas. The emanations from the veg scraps bucket have been shown again and again to be wrong but these odours and stenches cannot be contained. Medical science has this week come up with a home use version of electric shock treatment, this could perhaps be employed in treating Zio-Derangement-Syndrome sufferers, who, nobody disputes they have a point, it’s just that they can’t see past it to anything else. They have only one (fairly tired and old) point amongst many and that’s all they can see. Like football fans, they are intellectually useless. The purpose of football as you have said above (maybe I have paraphrased) is to keep the masses deluded.

      • According to MSM sources, 6 Vic gov ministers have resigned.
        These people DO know what’s going on everywhere.
        I’m always optimistic but it looks like a global mutiny is underway.

      • Although I’ve included some of my own comments in my 2.16am post last night, most of what I’ve written are verbatim quotes from Dimitry Orlov’s article.

        Orlov is internationally acclaimed as a COLOSSUS for his geopolitical commentary.

        Meanwhile, our resident sayanim and apologist for Zio-malfeasance is a COLOSSAL FAILURE in his assigned role as a Mossad troll – the Gumshoe readers are on to him and pay no attention to his obfuscation.

        • Zio-Derangement-Syndrome – no known cure.
          To paraphrase Putin, if I was Mossad I would have hacked you.
          Putin is now saying he did not do the poisonings.
          Others go so far as to say Julian Assange might be free sometime soon.
          Meanwhile the veggie scraps bucket keeps emitting the same stale odour.

  13. Similar to the barricade fence, still in front of government house Macquarie st.
    A 2.4 metre red fence has been erected, in front of St.Mary’s Cathederal, hiding the Nativity Scene from view. For people on the fence, have a look at the fountain sculptures in the park across the road.

    • 56, I used to work in that area. I know the areas you are talking about, but I refuse to go back to Sydney, so I have no idea what you are talking about. What? are there fences around St. Mary’s Cathedral? Ya got any pictures? And what is this stuff about the fountain? Got a picture?

      • Terry,
        the aluminium fence looks temporary but so does the one in Macquarie st. Probably will be dismantled after Christmas, we hope.
        The fountain, in the park directly opposite Cathedral, you’ve probably walked past many times, but being too busy had no time to observe detail of sculptures.
        Maybe google has photos?

    • 56,
      Why the drama about a fence, I have one around my residence….. it is to keep psychos at bay (particularly religious bigots and graffiti cowards) in some places and make it difficult for burglars at my place.
      Quit the drama stuff, the Archibald fountain is unlikely to be trucked off one night, thieves prefer atms and fashion shops.

  14. This fellow is a bit of a bore until he gives a very good technical report on what is happening in the battle ground states.

    Now this interview is one of the best and it is not from the Delphi Oracle and therefore balanced.
    I commend it to James for his enlightenment.
    (listen to Pompeo just after it starts!!)

    Funny how many interviewed these days seemingly endorse the Zio Dave concept…….they are the increasing number of wokes.

  15. Part 2:
    All passages quote directly with occasional comment in [brackets].

    [Under the heading] “The Division of the World Into Producers and Consumers”

    “Those leaders resisting this edict would face assassination or CIA overthrow.
    Those leaders who adapted to the new rules [Australia comes to mind] would become peons of the new age of “Economic Hitmen”.”

    “The NSSM 200 (titled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests”) outlined its objective “Assistance for population moderation should give emphasis to the largest and fastest growing developing countries where there is a special US and strategic interest”.”

    [Translation – if people got in the way of US hegemony and plunder of resources then they would have to be depopulated.]

    “Kissinger, and the hives of Trilateral Commission/CFR operatives to which he was beholden never looked on China as a true ally, but merely as a zone of abundant cheap labor which would feed cheap goods to the now post-industrial west under their new dystopic producer-consumer world order.

    It was in that same year that Kissinger’s fellow Trilateral Commission cohort Paul Volcker announced a “controlled disintegration of western society” which was begun in full with the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hikes to 20% that ensured a vast destruction of small and medium businesses across the board.

    Believing China (then still largely an impoverished third world country) to be desperate enough to accept money and short-term salvation after years of trauma induced by the Cultural Revolution. Under Kissinger’s logic, China would receive just enough money to sustain a static existence but would never be able to stand on its own two feet.

    Unbeknownst to Kissinger, China’s leaders under the direction of Zhou Enlai, and his disciple Deng Xiaoping had a much longer-term strategic perspective than their western partners imagined.

    • I like Paul Volcker. He may well have been on the Trilateral Commission but there have been some white hats on it before (just as there have been white hats at the CFR).

      Jacking up interest rates to 20% was the RIGHT thing to do.
      Volcker had no choice.

      Inflation was running at around 14 % and to break the back of inflation, the Federal Reserve had to offer a rate of interest that enticed investors back into USD.
      It wasn’t enough just to match the rate of inflation, one had to offer several percentage points more.

      You have to understand, in the 8-9 years leading up to January 1980, the price of gold went from USD $ 35 per oz to $ 850 (around a 25 fold increase).

      With that rate of return from gold, investors were dumping USD for gold.
      Volcker’s hiking of rates not only broke the back of inflation, it ended golds bull run.

      Meanwhile, it was not Volcker’s fault for the destruction of small businesses that couldn’t service their debt obligations when interest rates went to 20 %.

      Recessions, often brought about by high rates of interest, are the CLEANSING PROCESS, whereby zombie businesses, businesses that should never had a viable operating model to begin with, are culled.

      The FAULT lies not with the jacking up of high rates, but with the LOW RATES that were offered during the boom times to entice marginal businesses that should never have been in business in the first place, to borrow and increase their indebtedness to unserviceable levels when interest rates rose.

      Volcker was, by far, the best Chairman of the Fed in the last 50 years and his actions saved the USD.

      If he hadn’t done what he did, the U.S would have gone into an inflationary depression like it is presently on the cusp of.

      (BTW, no Fed Chairman can do today what Volcker did 40 years ago because and increase in the Fed Funds Rate to even 10% would entail that almost the entirety of the Federal Budget would go towards interest payments in servicing the debt – such is the colossal debt burden today).

      Forty years ago, the U.S national debt was a small fraction of what it is today, the U.S was a creditor nation (the rest of the world owed the U.S more than the U.S owed the world).

      Fast forward to today and the U.S is the greatest debtor nation the world has ever seen – it’s destiny is sealed.

  16. Part 3
    While receiving much needed revenue from foreign exports, China began to slowly create the foundations for a genuine renaissance which would be made possible by slowly learning the skills, leapfrogging technologies and acquiring means of production which the west had once pioneered. Zhou Enlai had first enunciated this visionary program as early as 1963 under his Four Modernizations mandate (Industrial, agricultural, national defense and science and technology) and then restated this program in January 1976 weeks before his death.

    … cultivating the cognitive creative powers of a new generation of scientists that would drive the non linear breakthroughs needed for China to ultimately break free of the rules of closed-system economics which technocrats like Kissinger wished the world adhere to.

    Deng Xiaoping broke from the radical Marxism prevalent among the intelligentsia by redefining “labor” from purely material constraints and elevating the concept rightfully to the higher domain of mind …

    … we must create within the party an atmosphere of respect for knowledge and respect for trained personnel. The erroneous attitude of not respecting intellectuals must be opposed. All work. Be it mental or manual, is labor.”

    [Note: Kissinger’s mob just saw China as a manual labour pool.]

  17. Part 4

    [It then goes on to describe] “George Soros and the Attack on the Asian Markets” …

    “From May 1997, George Soros’ targeting of the Southeast Asian “Tigers economies” of Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Laos, and Malaysia with speculative short sales of their local currencies … “
    Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohammed was brave enough to call out Soros’ economic warfare and did much to help his nation weather the storm …

    [And note: ]

    Chinese President Jiang Zemin followed suit calling Soros “a financial sniper” and stated he would not let the speculator enter Chinese markets.

    Under this period [The Tumultuous Years of 1997-2013] of destabilization, wars, terrorism and easy money speculation, China and its Eurasian allies moved slower to rebuild the physical basis of their existence with the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, long term planning, and a slow but steady focus on real (vs speculative) economic activity.

  18. Part 5

    [Comment: Listen up … read this carefully]

    The fact that China was among the only nations of the world to keep national controls over their central bank and maintain Glass-Steagall bank separation were not lost on the enemies of humanity yearning for a bankers’ dictatorship.

    … it became clear that the full spectrum dominance military encirclement of Russia’s perimeter was being fully extended to China’s perimeter as well.

    [Under the subheading] “The Revival of the New Silk Road”

    It was in the face of this existential threat that Xi Jinping emerged as the new leader of China and a historic crackdown of party corruption on all levels Federal, Provincial and Municipal.

  19. Part 6
    [It just keeps on rolling … ]

    Although China is often accused of intellectual theft, the reality is that it has begun to clearly outpace western nations becoming a pioneer on every level of science and technology. China now registers more patents than the USA, has become the cutting edge leader of high speed rail engineering with over 30 000 km, bridge building, tunneling, as well as water management, quantum computing, AI, 5G telecommunications, and even space science becoming the first nation to ever land on the far side of the moon with an intent to mine Helium 3 and develop permanent bases on the Moon in the coming decade.

    {Translation: FU Kissinger, Soros and loyal gremlins. But wait …]

    All of these cutting edge fields of science and engineering are being organized by the ever-growing Belt and Road Initiative which has taken on global proportions and integrated itself into a deep alliance with Russia, Iran and over 135 nations who have signed onto the BRI Framework stretching from Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Asia, and Europe.

    • I know they’re good on hi-rise cladding (seen it on the news) and a whole lot of wiring had to be taken out of Australian buildings courtesy of China, also I saw a new Chinese car not long ago at Bunnings and the paint was already falling off. If they are really good at 5G and nobody else is, it falls in the same category as the above anyway. I like Chinese people especially if they are from Malaysia, Taiwan, or moved here but CCP does not appeal.

          • Ask some electrician, huge amounts were removed … the most famous flammable cladding tower was in England about a year ago, but there were a bunch of affected buildings in Melbourne I think, about 20 or 50, they kept the identities secret, as they do, like to keep all facts secret and only tell us rubbish. The installers, probably globalist workforce, Canberra shut down the visas a couple of years ago

  20. FINAL Part 7

    According to the logic of those western utopians who refuse to let go of their old outdated 1971 script for a new world order, China’s New Silk Road must be subverted at all costs since.

    [Let me repeat that: “China’s New Silk Road must be subverted at all costs since.]

    China is currently not only reviving the ancient silk road paradigm that focused on a harmony of interests and mutual self interest through economic and cultural exchange but they have also revived the spirit of President Sun Yat-sen’s International Development of China program in full.

    And read Sun Yat-sen’s quote ending with the phrase “Brotherhood of Man”.

    … those oligarchical social engineers managing the World Economic Forum and drooling over a new era of World Government, population reduction and technocratic feudalism are laughing at all of those fish in their nets whose ignorance to history and other cultures are leading them to their own self-destruction.

    [Translation: FU Klaus Schwabb]

    James et al … Here is your China 😊

  21. From

    … A long thesis with interesting graphs about how the “2nd wave” arose unnaturally in many countries when the bat-flu should have just died out – followed by:

    A Few Ponderables

    Prior to the COVID-19 outbreaks, why was the US military advertising for Russian DNA from the fluid of specific body joints, insisting the sources had to be entirely ethnic Russian and not Ukrainian or similar?
    Why did the US CDC suddenly shut down Fort Detrick entirely, for about 6 months? Why, immediately following this shutdown were there persistent reports of strange pneumonia infections (and deaths) affecting the elderly, especially in nursing homes, in the area surrounding Fort Detrick?
    What was the cause of the severe pneumonias and deaths of the young people that were originally attributed to vaping? All attending physicians claimed the vaping itself was not the prime cause, that there was another pathogen at work but they had no idea what it was at the time, stating now that the combination with COVID-19 could indeed be deadly even to young otherwise-healthy individuals.
    Why did Pompeo suddenly mandate that all COVID-19 information be classified and run through the NSC? Why did he further mandate that all hospitals, clinics and labs remit all COVID-19 information to the White House and bypass both the CDC and the media? When reports began surfacing of COVID-19 being found in US wastewater samples from 2019, why were they subject to a gag order?
    Why was the US the only significant country that refused to conduct any search for a patient zero?
    Why did the CDC specifically forbid testing for the coronavirus, except in severe cases already in the ICU?
    Why was Dr. Helen Chu given a formal and legal “cease and desist” order preventing her from testing the thousands of flu samples in Washington State from 2019?
    Why were FEMA and Israel’s Mossad hijacking planeloads of face masks, respirators and other vital protective equipment from airports in China, and shipping them to Israel instead of the US where they were badly needed?[48] Why was FEMA confiscating these materials and equipment from suppliers and hospitals all across the US, and refusing information about their disposition?[48]
    How was Pompeo able to notify NATO commanders and Israel’s IDF – in November – about a mysterious virus that would be circulating in China two or three months later?
    Why did John Bolton eliminate the entire executive group responsible for pandemic response coordination in the US, eviscerating the nation’s infectious disease defense infrastructure, and eliminating 80% of the department that could have helped other nations detect and control the epidemics they later suffered?

    End Notes

    (1) The 1918 influenza pandemic that we now call the ‘Spanish Flu’ had three waves, but I am ignoring this example because (a) it appears unique, (b) the mass movement of troops during the war contributed to and greatly affected the spread and, (c) there are disturbing reports with credible documentation that this deadly pandemic may not have been a natural disaster but the result of human tinkering, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured by the Rockefeller Institute and tested at Fort Riley which is where the pandemic began. To tell the truth, the mere fact that Reuters did a “fact-check” on this topic and declared the claim false (a), is enough to make anyone damned suspicious since Reuters have the same credibility in these matters as do the NYT and WSJ. I don’t want to dwell on this here, but suffice to say it doesn’t qualify as a template for multiple waves of an infection. You can read more here, if you’re interested.

    (copious limks)

    • Good pick up w3 – the NYT, WSJ and Reuters are nothing but propaganda rags – always have been.

      It was Chalmers Johnson who said: “I no longer read the New York Times for the news – I read it for the lies”

      Another comment I have seen is “Reading The New York Times to learn about what’s happening in the world is like reading Calvin and Hobbes to learn about tigers.”

      In particular, just look how many times the figure Six Million appears in headlines dating back to pre-1900. The NYT features most prominently.

      Full list here including some 47 or so by the NYT:


      The deluge of the Six Million rhetoric was originally targeted at Russia up to and including WWI, even accusing Russia of precisely of what, having subsequently occupied Russia, they later accused Germany of leading up to and including WWII.

      Another source:


      And I could not agree more with you referencing the Unz Review for reliable reporting on current and past events. Ron Unz’s American Pravda series is particularly worth noting and downloading:


      They have PDF links. And definitely look up the articles by Philip Giraldi.

      This COVID hoax fits right in there with all the other hoaxes and atrocities over the past 100+ years, with the utter bullshit promoted by the demonic Reuters, WSJ and NYT.

      • Well it’s mostly questions from Unz but I don’t claim to know everything so my personal queries haven’t arrived at a self-determined destination

    • Pleased to note that the Romanoff article is being well shared and re-posted all around.

      Adds a bit of new context to things we knew early on, but seemed to largely forget in the Mainstream media info-mudslide that followed.

      • Yes Paul, not surprising that the Romanoff article is getting a lot of attention – it is an excellent one, in keeping with his previous output.

        For Gumshoe readers who don’t have the time to read the lengthy article, I’ve extracted some salient sections from it :

        ” One of the major unexplained curiosities with COVID-19 is that from early on in the process the US mass media were fervently preparing us for a ‘second wave’.”

        Fancy that, the U.S media was forewarned that there would be a second wave.

        How could they possibly know ?

        Well, let’s see who OWNS the U.S mass media for clues.

        Ahhhh, they’re all ZIO-OWNED.

        Do we need any further proof that the Covid hoax is yet another Zio-perpetrated act of mass murder ?

        Also from the article :

        “A natural virus simply hasn’t the ability to simultaneously infect 85 different countries on all continents of the world, with outbreaks in multiple locations in each country – and all on the same day.
        Perhaps even more curious is that these countries were not all infected with the same variety of the virus, and each country experienced so many multiple infections in different provinces that none were able to definitively identify all their several ‘patients zero’.
        All of this constitutes prima facie evidence of a bio-weapons attack.”

        Well, that leads to the next question. ie: who initiated said bio-weapons attack ?

        Now, readers will be aware of a certain apologist for Zio-criminality trolling right here on Gumshoe.

        Said sayanim was repeatedly hammering on (like Zio-puppet Trump), that this was the WuFlu and that it came out of Wuhan.

        Many of you will be aware of Trump’s plans to sue China for billions (knowing full well his people in Fort Detrick, Maryland had created it and spread it worldwide), as compensation for the deaths and disruption to the U.S economy.

        OK, let’s see what evidence Romanoff comes up with to determine the ORIGIN of said virus (readers, pay careful attention to the few paragraphs below because this totally puts to rest the absurd notion that Covid originated in China) :

        “Italy detected traces of the virus in wastewater from the summer of 2019, and France, Spain, the Netherlands and other nations have made the same discoveries. I detailed these in a prior article. In Brazil, researchers found COVID-19 samples in wastewater from late 2019. France showed chest scans indicating COVID-19 from early November of 2019. Blood samples in Italy showed the virus present in September. In Spain, researchers found the virus in wastewater collected in March of 2019.
        The Irish Mirror reported that “many countries are beginning to use wastewater sampling to track the spread of the disease”, scientists claiming these detections were “consistent with evidence emerging in other countries” that COVID-19 was circulating around the world LONG BEFORE CHINA reported its first cases, all of which would of necessity have had to have originated in the US and transported around the world because only the US had all the different types, meaning the virus had been circulating (and mutating) there for months before contaminating the world.

        The Italians have “unequivocally” demonstrated the presence of the virus in many individuals from 2019, in frozen medical samples taken during other examinations and now tested for COVID-19. Many of these have resulted from cancer screening, from chest X-rays, and from blood donations.

        French researchers obtained evidence of Covid-19 from frozen samples, where these are kept at –80°C for years, the same method that allows anti-doping laboratories to keep athlete samples for years when new methods arise for detecting illegal drugs.

        French virologists have now concluded “The coronavirus outbreak in France was not caused by cases imported from China, but from a locally circulating strain of unknown origin . . .”, and, from other studies, that strain existed only in the US.

        A number of American cities made the same discoveries of the virus in their wastewater samples from 2019. The US mass media didn’t pick up the stories, but the local papers did. It was at that point that Pompeo issued another gag order that hospitals and labs were forbidden from disclosing any virus information directly to the CDC or the media but that all must be passed through the White House. ”

        Readers, did you get those last few words ? ie: ‘any virus information ….must be passed through the White House’.

        That Pompeo issued a gag order without explicit orders from Trump or knowledge of the latter (seeing as it passed through the WH), absolutely strains credulity.

        Anyone claiming that Trump is anything other than front and centre in the perpetuation of the Covid hoax and the destruction of untold lives of his fellow Americans needs some tough-love bitch slapping …. and soon.

        Also from the article :

        “Japan, South Korea, Italy and Iran reported that their domestic outbreaks of COVID-19 were not from China but instead showing connection to the US. Japan and Taiwan have documented proof that several Japanese became infected in Hawaii in late September of 2019. As well, the huge pent-up eruptions in Washington and New York were domestic in origin, having no proven connection with China. Australia’s Prime Minister stated that 80% or more of all infections in his country came from the US.

        Further, a German scientist has recently assembled a volume of evidence that the virus in Europe spread from (but not necessarily originated in) Northern Italy.Germany’s top virologist Alexander Kekule said “[the COVID-19] rampant around the world is not from the central Chinese city of Wuhan, but a mutation from northern Italy.” The Italian strain is called “G” mutant, which has genetic mutations, and is likely to be more contagious than the variant found in Wuhan. He said that over 99% of the COVID-19 cases can be genetically traced back to the Italian variant, and even the current cases in China are re-imported from Europe and the rest of the world. He noted that for at least the European pandemic, “the starting shot was fired in northern Italy.”

        Yes readers, ‘northern Italy’ [specifically the Lombardy region – site of a huge U.S base / bio-weapons facility].

        So there it is for all to see.

        Next time that Zio-apologist (aka Trump apologist – seeing as these terms are synonymous), utters his famous ‘WuFlu’ slogan, get ready to slap him down.

        It’s for his own good so have no qualms in doing so. (Think of it as an exorcism) :

  22. Just for some gossip.
    Canadian 900 million fashion Nygard arrested for the usual Epstein type perversions and well connected.
    Some fun with clones. Where are the actors? how many Bidens are there?………..those full silicon masks are Mickey Mouse, I think I might get Fauci mask and scare the crap out of everyone at Woollies…………Nah, he is a LITTLE weasel…….won’t work.


    Well it is short.

  23. Wendy Bell. Never heard of heard of her but she cleans up our lineup of incipit shock joke fems.

    4 min mark: Ratcliff: there was foreign interference …..for a few minutes.
    Just skip to the 37 min mark for a covid test notice……for a few minutes.

    Otherwise, just mostly fluff.

    I am not going to care about the naysayers on this site re reports of dark winter, (Biden) ten days of whatever etc.
    This link is for those who follow Howard’s “be alert but not alarmed”. Either note it or ignore it I could not care less.

    Terry, I know you will listen to it and will not care as you are ready just in case. But if you have the time to bother about idiots, just remind the naysayers that they decide their own doom.

  25. SARS-CoV-2 has not been proven to exist; I can do this forever

    by Jon Rappoport

    First of all, very high praise goes to Christine Massey, for her work in exposing the coronavirus fraud. In a half-sane world, she would have received many awards by now.

    Her latest communication reads: “Freedom of Information reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of ‘SARS-COV-2’ isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever”

    I urge readers to visit Massey’s site and read her new article and follow all the links. Her findings are stunning. She and her team have made about 40 FOI requests to public health agencies in various countries, requesting proof that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. You’ll see from the responses that not one agency has records demonstrating isolation.

    This means exactly what it seems to mean: the virus has not been proven to exist.

    Read on –


        • Fake News –

          “Communist People’s Republic of China Financially Captured Collateral Of America’s Dominion Voting Systems, Machines And Security Software Application Holdings” –

          The information source of origination came well-documented from the U.S. federal government as mentioned by the United States Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ), and elsewhere, including:

          The proprietary Original Equipment Manufacturer ( OEM ) DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ) financial collateral owner ( in CANADA ) was HSBC interalia interalia the HONGKONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION of CHINA that was ‘officially assigned eighteen ( 18 ) different Patents’ listed within one ( 1 ) Patent Assignment’ on September 25, 2019 that belonged to DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ).

          The ‘Security Agreement’ pertaining to all Intellectual Property Rights pursuant to those 18 Patents listed in ‘Schedule A’ was signed by, Michael McGee, Authorized Signor on behalf of DOMINION VOTING SYSTEM INCORPORATED ( DVS ).


          HSBC Bank International in Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 8NR …


          HSBC Bank International Address: PO Box 26 City: Jersey County: Channel Islands, UK Postal Code: JE4 8NR Telephone: 01534 616000 Fax: n/a Website URL: n/a Facebook: n/a Twitter: n/a Categories: Banks Services: n/a: Products: n/a: Brands: n/a: Coordinates: 49.766820, -7.557149 Accepted Payment: n/a. PO Box 26, Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 8NR 01534 616000. Map. Other Businesses in Jersey: Rubber …

          Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890

          Exception of Channel Islands and Other Possessions
          1 The provisions of this Act with respect to Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not apply to the Channel Islands.
          2 It shall be lawful for the Queen in Council by Order to declare, with respect to any British possession which has not a representative legislature, that the jurisdiction conferred by this Act on Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not be vested in any court of such possession, or shall be vested only to the partial or limited extent specified in the Order.


          Banks in the Channel Islands


          Banks operating in the Channel Islands represent a very diverse landscape including global banking groups (for example, Deutsche Bank International Limited, The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited), global private banks (Nedbank Private Wealth Limited, EFG Private Bank), retail and commercial banks (National Westminster Bank Plc, ABN AMRO), and specialized banks (Skipton International Limited).

  26. Lin Wood accuses SCOTUS Justice Roberts of being a treasonous, corrupt, (possible) pedophile who has betrayed America.
    SCOTUS now designated as “complicit” in conspiracy to overthrow the United States of America.
    SCOTUS is slow-walking the Sidney Powell lawsuit in yet another betrayal of America. The courts will NOT be the solution. Only the military.
    Robertson is a Roman Catholic so that is no surprise

    They dress in black to mourn the dead.

    THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta.




    • Wait for next year – I predict:
      Elton Mollusc ProgrammableChildren™ install device from 6 months, run app from any windows notebook PC. Subscription from $99 per month (basic) to $499 per month (genius).
      All feature: instant sleep + power silence + poop on demand + basic functionalities: walking, abc, 123 etc. Intermediate includes traffic awareness and languages incl. maths. Genius features under development incl. “mozart” “picasso” “einstein” “trump” etc.
      Don’t let your kid be the stupid one left behind – order your crani-plug install now.

  27. Defending the Republic

    Sidney Powell
    Since the 2020 election, Sidney Powell has put together a small and dedicated team of Patriots to uncover and begin litigating the massive election fraud the country just experienced especially but not exclusively through the Dominion voting machines.

    “The right to do what the law does not prohibit, without fear of harassment or punishment, is one of the hallmarks of a free society.” – Sidney Powell
    Trump readies martial law option for defending the republic



    Justinian Deception
    29.3K subscribers
    A trust has three parties but a Quasi trust has the office of three parties, the Office of Creditor, the Office of Debtor and the Office of Administrator but only two such offices are held by man at any one given point rendering such a three way trust as a fraud or false trust. When only the debtor and the Administrator are present, without the Creditor appearing, such a trust will convert the Administrator from Administration to Creditor! and never have to settle the bills of the State because we were deceived into falling from creditor into debtor through a dirty planned grammatical deception.

    Before you can detect a lie… you have to know the truth. Here is another fact of evidence from the so-called “Church of Rome” of the lies and fraud perpetrated upon humanity. They have been part of the NWO for centuries and are actively involved at present. They have never ceased their military-political operations. Know your enemy or the consequences towards this country and towards our people in this country will be un-surmountable

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