by G5
On the night: Trump was 295 ECV and Biden variously at some 170. The latter depending on which fake rendition you were being fed.
Suddenly: NV and AZ were declared by Fake Media, for Biden, before any votes were counted for them. The House was declared for Biden, as The GOP had gained the majority, and The Senate was balanced at 47 each. Again: depending on which fraud shop you were watching.
In addition: the previously clear red states of Texas and Florida, suddenly became in play.
As the counting had allegedly ceased for the day in The East; electoral offices were closed. After an hour; they reopened, but GOP observers were; from then on; excluded.
After the flotillas of vans began arriving; the legendary 4am dump; over 3 million fraudulent unverifiable mail-ins were added to the counts.
More correctly: estimates are some 20 plus million. Based on the correct numbers of registered constituents and the total numbers of materialized, disproportionate, all Biden mail-ins.
Apart from the multi-voting, box stuffing, dead lists, illegals, and; Dominion machines, excluding Trump votes, switching to Biden, and printing reports contrary to the touch screen inputs. And the hundreds of thousands of dumped and hidden Trump votes.
Quite an ideologically desperate and concerted effort.
The following morning: Trump was suddenly at 214 ECV and President-Elect Biden at 295. Reminiscent of Time Magazine’s Madam President front cover.
At the present: GA has a runoff for two Senate seats on 5/1/2021; The PA Supreme Court continues to write unconstitutional legislation (verifying the importance of showing and not just mouthing); NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA, and GA are in balance; and Trump has 232 ECV and President Biden has 227.
Apart from a voided election, ongoing cases winding to SCOTUS, The 12th. Amendment and a well earned Civil War; the alleged in balance states carry a further 73 ECV, returning Trump to over 300.
A decision needs to be made before mid-December, to force The 12th. The House vote is reconfigured to 31 Trump and 19 Biden.
The extraordinary and long fraudulent and corrupt history of The Dem Party slowly winds to a close.
The Influencers
The pauses before answering questions from Cruz and Graham, accompanied with NLP signaled high eye searching, by Dorsey and Zuckerberg, are Ear Piece Syndrome. They are being lawyer dumped.
A similar disengaged absurdity is experienced from President Biden and Queen Pelosi. Previously: Madam President had taken the art to new levels of deception, by face touch signals, a lecturn iPad, and advance questions. Biden requiring to be medically juiced and Pelosi alcohol empowered. And Fraudster Harris relying on yet another stimulant.
The issues switch to theatric desperations as against the false mouthings of transparency and postured accountability. Truth and reality are long lost notions.
They are all fully aware that Trump’s pen is poised; should they lose their current fraudulent electoral offences.
The People demand it.
Ukraine Court Unseals Biden’s Name
How inconvenient. It appears that President Biden is now wanted in Ukraine to answer certain felony charges.
I imagine they might have to wait untill the good president answers the questions concerning his American molestation matters, and his subpoenaed files bunkered away from The University of Delaware.
As I have written and further indicated: the current Voting Machine Affair, is even bigger than Madam President’s Email Affair.
Trump Lost! Get over it!
This idiot’s last words on earth will be “but I supported you…”
Democracy lost, but will be re-invigorated, get over it.
Sounds like it will be a spectacular Christmas with Trump as delivering the presents and a happy new year when the MSM is taken down piece by piece for all their lies.
Knotted knickers will choke on their Christmas cake when over 2,000 US troops celebrate Trump’s order and be home from Afghanistan in early January.
Ned, let’s assume for a moment that 2000 US troops do indeed depart Afghanistan by Christmas, and that it’s not like previous Trump announcements that were overruled in the shadowy halls of power of the Usury Cartel of Bankers.
Then what ?
It’s just reshuffling deck chairs on the Titanic.
Those 2000 will be deployed to ANOTHER theatre of operations in short order.
More importantly, WHY just 2000 ? Why not bring back ALL troops deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq – and shut down the over 900 bases in 130 countries and bring them home as well ?
Take note below (watch from 0:15 – 0:50) and see what a REAL President would’ve done, someone who means what he says :
I knew the Democrats would get up to dirty tricks based upon past performance, but the revelations that are coming out is beyond anything I could imagine. It shows a propensity for deceit that is pathological – this is who these people are.
I keep coming back to the idea of ‘crazy-makers’, people who are reality-impaired. They are not truth/fact based, they make up their own reality in their minds. They are insane.
Whether it be 128 different genders or seeing racism everywhere or to do “whatever it takes” to defeat Trump or to attack peaceful people in the name of ‘social justice’ – these people are nuts, they are incapable of dealing with an objective reality that runs counter to their fantasies.
Some may say they are demonically possessed, perhaps they are. The ‘Father of Lies’ has taken over their minds and souls.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” – Karl Rove, White House official
“….At the end of the day, it’s of keen interest to me to see whether or not we can get Karl Rove frog-marched out of the White House in handcuffs. And trust me, when I use that name, I measure my words.
Joseph Wilson, quoted in Timothy Noah (2003-09-16). “Did Rove Blow a Spook’s Cover?”. Slate.
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore.” He continued “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Suskind, Ron (2004-10-17). Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush. The New York Times Magazine.
Danner, Mark (2007). “Words in a Time of War: On Rhetoric, Truth and Power”. in András Szántó. What Orwell Didn’t Know: Propaganda and the New Face of American Politics (First edition ed.). Philadelphia, PA: PublicAffairs Reports. pp. 17. “… the unnamed official speaking to Suskind is widely known to be none other than the self-same architect of the aircraft-carrier moment, Karl Rove …”
The Insane Tyrant Who Head Up the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” Says It Means the End of Human Autonomy
We will be merged with machines. The “fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” will produce a transhuman.
“and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.”
LOL, creating their own reality! – I like the, “and while you’re STUDYING that reality”. – People that are grounded in reality are not STUDYING their lies, they are ripping them apart. – AND as soon as that lie is being ripped to shreds, the psychopaths are “acting again, creating new REALITIES”, creating NEW lies. And on and on it goes with dealing when dealing with compulsive liars.
Once a person has been determined to be a liar, that should be the end of it. As the old saying goes, “If a man will lie to you once, he will lie to you twice.”
Remember Truther Girl? She is Canadian, I think. Suggest you listen from Minutes 9 to 13 here:
WEF “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”… not even your genetically modified body, they said “nothing”, right ?
Presumably it’s the drugs making you happy. Soylent Green with extra drugs from Afghanistan.
“Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell asserted during a Thursday press conference that President Donald Trump “won by a landslide,” saying that their legal team will prove it.
“We will not be intimidated. We are not going to back down. We are going to clean this mess up now. President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it. And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom,” she said. “American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government,” Powell added.
Powell, who alleged a transnational conspiracy involving the “influence of communist money” from countries including Cuba, Venezuela, and “likely China” to overturn the presidential race via election software. ”
Interesting times>
Sidney Powell made it onto controlled alJazeera this morning and now globalist election crimes seem to have been elevated to treason, it is interesting times indeed
• Obama: “The End of the Republic has never looked better (Laughter and applause.)”
“If this material works well, I’m going to use it at Goldman Sachs next year.”
Full text (now behind paywall):
• Complete transcript of Obama’s 2016 White House correspondents’ dinner speech
• https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/reliable-source/wp/2016/05/01/the-complete-transcript-of-president-obamas-2016-white-house-correspondents-dinner-speech/
The slippery fish has made it down the river to join all his friends in the ocean.
Obama: I’m Jewish ‘in my soul’
Remarks by the President on Jewish American Heritage Month
A weird story about Rockerfella the Owl who will be released tomorrow (21st Nov) at dusk.
Cue all the symbolists with the Owl goddess from the kabbala or whatever it is.
100% implausible, they got the scruffiest horror movie tree they could find, the owl sat there while they were chainsawing and didn’t fly off even as the tree was falling down. This prank is just brazen, demonstrating total control of media, even signed off on.
Wait till you see the lights go on and the ‘Kamala Harris Santa’.
(Nordic Santas are racist😆)
In a failed communist experiment; the conscripted intellectual graduate come private, pushed beyond limits, says to his Sargent, “Sir I think you are mentally handicapped”. Sarge’s reply, “what good is that to me if I don’t have any money”.
This will save you from spending any money on Obama’s book:
Ta Dee,
Now if all the ‘knotted nicker brigade’ do not listen to this and understand that;
‘It is “the system” stupid’, then indeed you are.
Ned, what’s the point of me listening to it ?
It’s the SAME speech he gives every time, with the odd word added here and there.
You know, ‘Trump and the Patriots*’ are on top of the situation, ‘Trust the Plan’ etc.
(*He never does define who the ‘Patriots’ are. I suspect it may be an NFL team from New England ?).
All pretty obvious for any competent lawyer or competent police investigation to trap stupid and their ignoramus running dogs who cannot recognise a plan.
What say, knotted knicker brigade?
James, you are a experienced lawyer, missed it have you?
Not to mention poor tv!
I’ll have to live with that on my conscience.
I suspect though, that I’ll manage just fine.
I was talking to some Chinese people yesterday who have all their family in China and the whole lot of them in China already had “the vaccine”, that’s why they don’t have “the virus” anymore in China, quite simple really, this information doesn’t get out to MSM here, they are too expert at being utterly useless at just about anything except propaganda.
Midday news
Let’s get back to the point where we can move forward, not to normal, but more like the new normal, with Joe O’Brian (Democrats spokesman in denial about lawsuits)
Adelaide lockdown is cancelled due to pizza bar employee lying, however, top policeman tells us, dancing is still forbidden.
Joe O’Bama that should say, I got my celebrities mixed up.
I better get back to Harry & Megan
Meghan for president. Harry will be first man and King Charles will bow to ….. a ‘well done’ ‘son’, we have America back. ( just stirring!)
More stirring: Ben Fulford surmises that if Trump keeps the Chinese out the plan of the ‘Kharzian marfia’ will give Australia and Adhern to China. ( under way)
Oh well, they may as well have Qld per the ‘Brisbane line’….. starting from Byron Bay….which gives them South Australia and Dan will throw in Victoria. The Chinese already have Darwin port. WA can go to the Indians with the Indonesians.
Just joking. Partitions are old policies.
Tasmania looks good……. Hitler’s dreams are dead.
But we keep the ACT. Thanks Canberra.
The money-printer is in Melbourne !!! We can fit it, and 20 million on Tasmania, they have done the same in Sri Lanka so we can too.
This is not the first and it will not be the last US election to be fraudulent in its running and in the declared result. The real question is whether Trump’s resistance will make any difference. It is obvious that the small coterie that actually run the US decided that Trump must go. They have never been defeated before and the real question this time is whether Trump challenging the result will actually make any difference. For what it’s worth I think that the powers that be have decided Trump must go. It will be extraordinarily difficult to defeat them.
James, please indicate if you have listened to the x22 report linked above and considered the content.
If so, why is it not commented upon as to the extradonary way developments may give you just a little recognition and optimism.
Release the knot and give your brain a chance…….. it is the system….. try bankers that you have never, as far as I can note, referred to being the federal reserve fraudsters running their system since 1913 and enslaving us with debt.
Also just revise your education with Mike Rivero’s video on ‘all wars are BANKER’S WARS’ at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com . Have you ever watched it?
Whilst you are in discovery mood, see the video with a search at duckduckgo by Major General Smedly Butler titled ‘war is a racket’.
If I had any confidence that you have so informed yourself, I might bother to consider your opinions of some worth.
Cheers, its the corporate bankers James, not puppet leaders.
Listen to the x22 report, IT IS THE SYSTEM.
” It is ptb decide that decide T must go’!.
And who are they James?
Try finding out rather than slashing out at branches and low hanging personalities.
Watch the x22 report … for Confuscis sake.
Ned, I can’t speak for James but assuming he has ever listened to X22, one thing he will have absorbed is that Zio-Dave NEVER spells out WHO the Powers That Be are.
He refers to them as the Deep State or the Globalists – terms ambiguous enough to mean all things to all people.
This is a HUUUUGE Red Flag for me.
Why doesn’t he have the guts to SPELL out who the constituents of the Deep State are ?
Why doesn’t he NAME names ?
No, not more repetition of the Adam Schiff’s or the John Brennan’s etc. These are just lowly HIRED HANDS.
They are not the Deep State. Corrupt criminals that should be prosecuted yes.
But they, like Trump, are just soldiers of fortune, opportunists willing to sell their soul to the highest bidder.
I have a pretty good idea why Zio-Dave won’t mention them – because he’s being handsomely remunerated by this very cabal to obfuscate and keep up the charade.
Meanwhile, here’s an article titled : ‘Please Accept the Fact That Regardless of Outcomes, Elections Change Nothing!’ from the sage Gary D. Barnett :
From the article :
“Will it make any difference which evil trimmer is selected this time around? Of course not, except at the extreme margin. In the long run, and over time, there will be literally no difference whatsoever.
I hear screaming from the Trump red camp about the risk of more lockdowns and mandatory vaccines, this coming from the SAME SIDE that has just gone through lockdowns, threatened vaccines, and threats of military deployment to distribute vaccines as soon as available.
Riots, looting, property destruction, assaults, murder, and forced job loss have occurred with no relief in sight during THIS administration. There have also been billions of dollars allocated to the perpetrators of this entire agenda [which Trump SIGNED OFF ON] ; multi-trillions spent as well, all that money stolen from the lowly citizens.
Yes, the other camp, the blue side, is extreme left wing, and is threatening lockdowns, vaccines, stronger enforcement with possible military involvement, and more spending, which will have to go a long way to match the red camp. Any new looting, riots, and property destruction, as well as extreme job loss will also continue, and spending will be out of control as the “Great reset’ continues to go forward.
What this exposes is ridiculous hypocrisy, contradiction, and insanity. As I have always said, if no one voted, no one would be elected, and we would all be better off immediately. Once the control of life comes down to one side or the other, all of us lose, every single time.”
That was always the only solution. ie: refusal to participate by large swathes of the electorate, to demonstrate the fraud and a point blank refusal to vote for either pre-selected and pre-vetted Zio-cabal sock puppet.
TV, I thought this would interest –
First Torah Completed in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra
More than 150 people attend the event, followed by a joyous procession in the streets
By Faygie Levy HoltOctober 23, 2017 2:35 PM
Thank Criss X – always of interest to note who we’re being sold out to.
Of course, there front and centre in the photo was little Josh.
Not to be outdone, Dreyfus from the Labor Party is in the background to demonstrate that Australia’s prostration to the Zionists is bipartisan.
Can you see me now? Do you have 2020?
Mask Madness
From one knucklehead to another …
Great link Arlyn, especially the link to the secondary Mask Madness article:
“Stop wearing a mask without good reason. If you have the Black Plague, are allergic to pollen, performing surgery, or robbing a bank, sure, put one on. Otherwise do some homework and decide what kind of world you want to live in.”
which features this video
Joe now being called “projected president-elect”
They’re all going to be walking backwards for the next few weeks
Lucky Giuliani had a bad hair day today or he probably wouldn’t have made it onto MSM to announce the takedown is underway
As if we weren’t already living in a vortex of extreme novelty, it appears that events are about to be kicked up a notch.
On Wednesday, the new Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller announced, “I have directed the Special Operations civilian leadership to report directly to me, instead of through the current bureaucratic channels.”
Special Operations Command will thereby evade the warmongering, corrupt elements within the Pentagon and report directly to the White House.
Miller has replaced swampy Globalist, Mark Esper, who was fired last week.
Also present at the press conference was the elusive 34-year-old Ezra Cohen-Watnick, newly elevated as Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, who Prather believes is the main person behind Q, made a brief statement.
As for the Special Forces raid in Germany last week, Trump Recount Committee staffer, Brian Trascher confirmed to Newsmax on Wednesday night that raw voting data had been recovered from Dominion servers in Germany and that, “What will come out is going to shake the Globalists to their core.”
On this same topic, journalist, Paul Furber has a source on the chans who has proven to be very accurate, even though he goes by the ridiculous handle, “BigDickAnon”. Furber tweeted, “I asked him whether the CIA were running the Dominion vote servers out of Germany. ‘Yep. CIA and elements of the CCP.’”
Isn’t that special?
Meanwhile, Super Lawyer, Lin Wood, representing the Trump campaign in several states told the radio host of the Howie Carr Show that, “Evidence will be put out…there was a concerted…effort to steal our government, our freedom…In the process, the record will show they, themselves, killed many people in this country. These people are despicable; they’re criminals.”
Perhaps G5 can verify or deny what is happening….
Do not challenge G5.
Lump it or leave it.
He is Not Your Servant
What the hell are you talking about Ned? I know full well he is not my servant! What a stupid thing to say! Perhaps is what I said he could verify for us.
Stop this saying of “Stay Safe”
This saying only started from the Covid propaganda MSM
If society blindly follows the MSM NARRATIVES then you are aiding and abetting this hostile trans-global conspiracy from the pharmaceutical and vaccine corporations, from Who and Gates and Co. and the Communist UN
Safe from what is my question?
Covid has yet to be identified so how can they give it a label or a name?
99.9% of people who have Covid recovered?
Over 90% of people have died in ‘government regulated aged care facilities’ with multiple long standing health issues with many have been bed ridden for years!
The so-called ‘Positives’ with the fraudulent PCR testing procedures is absolutely a meaningless and useless test as it is not for Covid testing it is just picking up debris’ in which we all carry as we are all 93% virus and bacteria creatures.
Human Virome: Scientists Say 380 Trillion Viruses Live Inside of Us
If you think you don’t have viruses, think again.
It may be hard to fathom, but the human body is occupied by large collections of microorganisms, commonly referred to as our microbiome, that have evolved with us since the early days of man. Scientists have only recently begun to quantify the microbiome, and discovered it is inhabited by at least 38 trillion bacteria. More intriguing, perhaps, is that bacteria are not the most abundant microbes that live in and on our bodies. That award goes to viruses.
Viruses may inhabit all surfaces both inside and outside of the body. Everywhere researchers have looked in the human body, viruses have been found. Viruses in the blood? Check. Viruses on the skin? Check. Viruses in the lungs? Check. Viruses in the urine? Check. And so on. To put it simply, when it comes to where viruses live in the human body, figuring out where they don’t live is a far better question than asking where they do.
The present seriously flawed medical model prescribed drugs to hide, disguise, mask, coverup an suppress symptoms into remission not cure.
It may seem counterintuitive, but harming our bacteria can be harmful to our health. For example, when our healthy bacterial communities are disturbed by antibiotic use, other microbial bad guys, also called pathogens, take advantage of the opportunity to invade our body and make us sick. Thus, in a number of human conditions, our healthy bacteria play important roles in preventing pathogen intrusion. Here’s where viruses come in. They’ve already figured out how to kill bacteria. It’s all they live for.
Medicine has been ‘captured’ by the Fascist corporations just like the du jour government has been and we have this ‘illegal corporate-government entity’ masquerading as government in sedition and treason for decades with impunity.
How Many Germs Are on the Human Hand?
According to a study done at the University of Colorado and posted on Bacteriality, there are nearly 332,000 genetically distinct bacteria on the human hand. These bacteria belong to 4,742 different species. (Do you really think excessive OTT washing of hands with alcohol based or other toxic substances is safe?)
Billions of bacteria live on your skin
It is corporate medicine that is severely breaching ones conscience of free will choice and breaching our Human rights with the evil freemason politicians who have taken an Oath to a foreign government and a foreign agency who are actively involved and participating in this Corporate-Communist Trans-Global Hostile Takeover by the cunning agenda of using a false pandemic or simply a ‘declared’ pandemic which it has never been a genuine pandemic in the first place. This will undoubtedly bring in $Trillions of dollars to the pharmaceutical and vaccine corporations coercing their toxic and contaminated vaccines onto the public.
We now never hear a word of the ‘flu or flu like symptoms’ as that has been put into the background and everything is Covid Covid Covid ad nauseum….
It is just lies, damned lies and false statistics with no serous questioning, researching or investigating of what is behind all of this.
No serious discussion is allowed to reveal and expose this medical hoax lockdown
Stay aware and stay focused by staying attentive and vigilant of the lies, misinformation, omissions, exaggerations, suppression of our thoughts by the prostitute MSM propaganda apparatus with heavy censorship!
Educate yourselves in the difference between the liar and plagiarist Pasteur vs the real physician Bechamp. Pasteur recanted on his death bed by the way on the so-called ‘germ theory’ which was only a theory not science.
Leftists Suggest “Re-Education Camps”, “Firing Squads”, & Banning Talk Radio To “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters
““No seriously…how do you deprogram 75 million people? Where do you start? Fox? Facebook?” asked David Atkins (pronouns in bio), a regional director for California Democrats. “We have to start thinking in terms of post-WWII Germany or Japan. Or the failures of Reconstruction in the South,” he added”
Also I consider Glenn Greenwald worthy of a read:
Seriously, whatever happened to gondolas?
Back on topic – The Great Reset
The United Nations and the Origins of “The Great Reset” | Mises Wire
To hell with them and their pathetic Moloch-worshipping minions – we need a nice song from real human beings …
Moranbong Band – Dash to the future
Outstandinger!! 🙂
The ice-cream licking Yanks won’t know what hit them, next time.
A funny statement. Lol However Australia does its own licking with the Fascist US Imperial Corporate Empire!
BREAKING: Dominion Voting Systems BACKS OUT from Testifying Before Pennsylvania State House Committee — What Are They Hiding?
17th November 2020 The COVID19 pandemic has thrown into sharp relief the concerns that a number of people have about vaccination. However, such is the eagerness to develop a vaccine, and get everyone to take it, that authorities are now looking to ban anyone who raises doubts. For example, the Labour Party in the UK […]
Just looked at the 90% Pfizer announcement another way…
43,538 people, 94 cases.
Assuming participants split 50/50 vaccine/placebo, then
99.61% of the placebo group didn't get Covid-19 and
99.96% of the vaccine group didn't get Covid-19.https://t.co/GNy0dX4ZcU
— Dr Zoe Harcombe, PhD (@zoeharcombe) November 20, 2020
I was wondering about this.
I’ll take the placebo please, it is hardly any different to the vaccine!
I have it on good authority that China was doing the placebo vaccine already for some time.
But you’ll need to take the RNA vaccine so they can Monsanto you when you are gene-spliced. Once you have been “debt forgiven” of all your HECS and medical fees by the WEF and you “own nothing and are happy” with the free drugs and Universal Basic Income you obviously are going to have to go on the scrapheap at some point. How does being Monsantoed with spliced genes making your body copyright property of some agent of BigPharma, how does this translate in practice into removal of rights and putting young socialists in the workhouse then throwing them on the scrapheap aged 35 ? They must have to sign over their bank account to the DNA-ID registration, Gates’ patent 060606. Otherwise you would own something I guess, and the socialist contract would prohibit that.
Look how Trump’s team are going around in circles with the legal procedures, if in any doubt about how the system works !!!
Looks like Trump is getting all the positions filled for martial law, should judges prove too unco-operative. Even bringing 2000 troops back from Afghanistan for Christmas, I’m sure they were carefully selected. Happy birthday Joe, it might be your last.
You’ve summed the situation up pretty well, I reckon.
Vaccine Excipient SummaryExcipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine
off topic
Toxic dump at Dakar sounds nasty
Dakar was a sort of Singapore for the Portugese / French slave trade
Canadian doctor destroys ‘utterly unfounded public hysteria’ over COVID-19
Very nice find, as noted, quickly censored by youtube
They are moving forward with their predictive programming on this next crisis – the ‘Cyber pandemic’. Now they even have a video out.
So if you’re not on their product (full ID + contract) you will be taken down
Key line: “We believe that progress happens”
(as opposed to “we know that improvements can be made”)
Talk about giving the show away!
But I daresay the decline in literacy is such that the significance would escape mass consciousness
Former CIA officer explodes on Secy Esper: ‘Get the hell out of the Pentagon’
Ok, this is the latest X22 report.
Please listen to it and note the contents carefully.
Especially toward the end when Dave refers to the INFORMATION WAR and explains it. That is why you are being locked up……stop you discussing the present efforts to consider what is going on. That is why they are censoring, because the invisible enemy can proceed with their planned enslavement and to destroy democracy……….The power of YOU the public.
Even in SA you cannot walk your dog!!!!!!
There is much more. but I make the above one point so that after listening to it you will understand the modus of TV…………to encourage you not to get the information and dumb people down.
That is why I ignore TV’s efforts.
PS. I know have the lap top working, so can paste.
https://twitter.com/GeorgWebbTruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Laz was Guccifer 2 in 2016. He wrote the code flip software for 2020. His Twitter was handled by Warren Flood in 2016. His software was managed by Warren Flood in 2020.
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
After 244 pings of Dominion Voting at this morning, all go to Belgrade, Serbia. Not a single hop went through Venezuela. If you launched a Special Forces mission to seize the Dominion servers, would you send the helicopters to Venezuela or Belgrade?
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Nov 18
Chinese Spy Chips In Dominion Voting Systems https://youtu.be/n76b1UuezUM via @YouTube
London Belgrade Jerusalem Beijing Canberra,
a collective of freemasons hidden world government.
All experienced personnel on bases loaded, in all positions of influence. This rule, is in your face (if you want to see it) and has been enforced in OZ for the past three decades.
Absolutely! Australian surrendered in 1948 when she got in bed with the Communists UN and all the other so-called treaties of Unidroit,Lima the Australia act etc… Ex Billy Hughes changed the voting from PR to PV without a referendum and so many other advances by the Communist without a hitch.
I don’t have a modus Ned.
I just connect the dots as best I can with the information at hand (sourced from the most objective venues that simultaneously have a proven track record for integrity), and then enlighten the readers here with my findings.
Once things have played out, we’ll know which one of us got it right – assuming of course, that we don’t both end up with egg on our faces.
Meanwhile Ned, you might the following article interesting titled ‘Did Jews Fail to Deliver?’ by the great and objective Jewish writer Israel Shamir :
It explains why Trump failed to get a second term, despite obsequious pandering to the Jewish lobby.
From that article :
“President Trump gave to Israel all she could wish for; he hoped that in return, the Jews would give him America to rule another term. A simple give-and-take, but it didn’t work out as intended.
If he were to run for the presidency of Israel, he would have it. If Brooklyn were to decide who’d inhabit the White House, he would be the Chosen one. But Trump’s plan to bribe US Jews by bearing gifts to Israel failed completely.”
Also from that article :
“East Europeans define the difference between Jews and Hungarians (or Poles) as follows :
All of these would sell their grandmother for a fistful of coins; but only a Jew would deliver.”
I think that last sentence is an inappropriate generalisation for the vast majority of Jewish folk.
But, in the case of our resident Rabbi here at Gumshoe (aka ‘bg’, aka ‘dsw’, aka ‘w3’, aka ‘Bobby Gold-borrower’), it’s right on the money – in view of his tight fisted grasp of every last dollar in his possession and demonstrable lack of integrity / honour.
I have $1000 here that says you’re a liar and a hypocrite
I would not stoop to the lows that are normal for you
You wanted a bet so here is one, I present it again and again
Donate $1000 and I will match it, I tell you again and again, money is ready to go
Again and again you have weaseled out !!!
You weasel out citing some imaginary character flaws you have projected onto me
You know nothing whatever about me, to prove all your racist slurs
Just come out and say it – you will not donate $1000 because you are a hypocrite
You are a lying grub with no relationship to any truth
Your pledges to donate are worthless Rabbi w3.
Gumshoe readers are well aware that you pledged to double whatever I contributed.(This is archived in the comments as proof that you’ve renegged on your commitment).
YET, not only have you not matched my donation, Gumshoe hasn’t seen a SINGLE DOLLAR from you.
Your GREED knows no bounds Rabbi.
Keep your money – buy some kosher pork crackling and choke on it.
I said donate $1000 and I will double it, so far you have done nothing except demonstrate you are a lying weasel. Get $1000 and I will straightaway match it, doubling your donation. Where else would you get such a great deal. You don’t even know a good deal when you see it. You truly are lying, hypocritical rubbish, who talks about saving underprivileged kids and won’t follow up with anything. Gutless. Weak. Useless rubbish, your body is full of sewage, your brain is full of garbage, your mouth spews the same vomit every day.
w3, that tirade above really made my day.
Rolling on the floor …. out the door ….. laughing.
Be a good Transition Veggie and keep rolling to your home down by Werribee Sewerage Farm, maybe one day you’ll make it into a can of sauerkraut that’s all you can hope for
Also Ned, I suggest you place less emphasis on the musings of Zio-Dave and focus more on the commentary of ex-CIA PROVEN White Hat Phil Giraldi whose current article is titled ‘War à la Mode: Will a Vindictive Trump Start a War with Iran OR Will He Bring the Troops Home?’ :
From the article :
“I have a crazy idea that I can’t get out of my head, that we Americans are heading for something like an Armageddon in the next several months no matter how the currently electoral imbroglio is resolved. My greatest concern is that I fear that Trump is going to attack Iran, either through some kind of false flag contrivance or through direct aggression.
The stage has already been set for military action through the unrelenting hostility towards the Islamic Republic over the past four years combined with an economic war waged against the country’s economy and the deliberately provocative assassination of an Iranian leader, General Qassim Soleimani in January.
Speculation that something might be coming derives in part from how several top level Pentagon personnel changes have occurred at a time that makes no sense for a lame duck administration or even for an administration that thinks it will reverse the electoral results.
The cleaning house at the Pentagon …… signal to me that an angry Trump just might be preparing something really vindictive and also incredibly stupid in terms of national interests.”
This follows on from a Veterans Today article that I posted in Gumshoe last week hinting at Trump initiating a possible False Flag as a pretext for war on Iran.
Look, we know Trump is a narcissist and it’s evident he’s a sore loser, coupled to the fact that he’s unhinged, I wouldn’t discount the possibility that Mr Stupid would do something ….. well ….. stupid.
Give us a break with the Jew distraction. Boring, we all know about the significance.
Your modus is distraction ….. oh get stuffed , i am not goining to waste my time on your barrow pushing.
For the rest, please just listen to the X 22 reports and think; how would you revenge the banker’s murder of president Kennedy because he was taking on the Federal Reserve banking system and wanted a government based currency…….as with Ghaddafi who planned a gold based currency system. Thus, like Kennedy he was murdered and Libya’s gold was stolen.
Trump is, with serious US intelligence running the show, (QQQ) is something that tv is trying to distract from.
Nemisis woul be proud of tv.
Poor tv, who has no idea of who the controllers are, (BS) if he does not know that x22 is exposing the fraudsters, as he is so informed, guess what side he is on and either; his ignorance or complicity.
Ps you were great f’g Nemisis, but I think you are cousins.
Ned, you’re relying on info from a guy called Zio-Dave.
That’s all we know of him. No last name, no employment history, no history of publicly exposing Zio-malfeasance etc.
Let’s compare that the multi-decade careers of the likes of ex-CIA white hats Phil Giraldi, Ray McGovern, John Kiriakou etc, who have been harassed, intimidated, served gaol sentences for whistle blowing.
These three have a PROVEN track record of integrity.
It’s a no-brainer Ned as to whose opinions should be sought.
Like the old saying goes : ‘No matter how far you’ve gone down the wrong road, it’s never too late to turn back’.
You know nothing about someone, you say it yourself, you know nothing.
But you generate an endless stream of slander and rubbish.
You offer me a bet and you put $1 and some underprivileged kids in the pot.
You know nothing about anything but you insinuate I am molesting these kids.
Ps. you are such a piece of rubbish and you always will be
Rabbi w3 still carrying on with the ‘$1’ figure he’s plucked out of his yarmulke.
Such a compulsive liar – little wonder you’ve been excommunicated from your local synagogue.
Go back and look it up yourself weasel
I take it you are too scared now to deny everything else
Just go to the bank, get $1000, the interest will only cost you $30 a year, but that’s too much for you isn’t it
You claim in ignorance that i rely on Dave.
Distraction and untruth is your modus, can you read my mind as to what I rely upon?.
That is a typical arrogant presumption that is to misinform readers.
Go report to Nemisis’ controllers that mossad has been sprung.
Ned, that’s a low blow to be comparing me to Nemesis.
Then again, I should be thankful for small mercies – seeing as you didn’t compare me to Rabbi w3.
You wanted a bet – put down $1000 gutless weasel Veggie.
I bet you won’t donate $1000 you hypocrite – so much for your virtue signalling about underprivileged children, it’s just another torrid lie. Nobody should ever believe you about anything. I have $1000 ready to go if you can prove me wrong. You won’t pay, you would rather keep lying and attention seeking as you do. Go to the bank, get $1000, it will only cost you $30 per year interest, that is 50 cents a week, that is 7 cents a day, too much for you isn’t it, gutless lying weasel.
Just read the following article : ‘Is Trump Exiting Afghanistan — to Attack Iran? by Patrick J. Buchanan.
Yes, that’s the same Pat Buchanan that was cheated out of the Republican nomination for President in 1992 (or was it 1996 ?).
A decent man, Buchanan would’ve been one of the better Presidents of the post WWII era.
No need to read the article as the title says it all.
It should especially resonate because Buchanan has an outstanding grasp of foreign policy issues and, as a lifelong Republican, he certainly doesn’t have an ideological axe to grind and been more than fair to Trump in his commentary in recent times.
Could it be readers, that Trump is going to attempt one last spiteful act (ie: start war with Iran), as a parting gift to America and the world because he was denied a second term as POTUS ?
He’s an unhinged narcissist so anything is possible.
Trump Was Talked out of Preemptive Attack on Iran Last Thursday: Report
Which links to original Zero Hedge article by Tyler Durden | 17 November 2020
Silly MSM rubbish
Tv, you claim I rely on Dave.
You are arrogant piece of …
Get lost, you do not have the intellect to presume upon what resources I have to consider.
Go fish in the Red Sea…. bottle the mud and rub it over your mother in laws face…. and save on mace.
Ned, I wasn’t implying that Zio-Dave was your only source.
That said, you do give his assertions disproportionate credence.
Anyway, I’ve just dusted off my primary school textbooks and will be working on that deficient intellect of mine – polishing up on the three R’s.
This is the original historical instigation of the Zionist plan and they have always been behind state sponsored terrorism as you are already aware of this for their world domination of “Full Spectrum Dominance”
False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism
But the era of false flag terrorism kicked off in earnest on September 11, 2001, when the neocons in the Bush administration and their accomplices in the military-industrial complex and the intelligence services of multiple countries found an excuse for their longed-for invasion of Afghanistan and the fulfillment of long-standing Zionist plans for carving out a Greater Israel and redrawing the map of the Middle East.
Prized as a pipeline corridor, Afghanistan was also the linchpin of the global heroin trade and an important base of operations for the forthcoming War on Terror. In fact, so important was the country to the Bush administration that it made the full-scale plan for invading Afghanistan the subject of its first national security directive, NSPD-9. The plan was ready and awaiting presidential approval on September 4, 2001, one week before the events that would supposedly justify such an invasion.
It’s undeniable of what their sinister agenda is. You can find plenty of evidence without trying. They are satanic savage deranged creatures.
Hooray! The Hate-Filled Jew, Noel Ignatiev, Takes a Dirt Nap
Mass. College Professor: White Males Are A Cancer And Must Die
Urges Students To Kill Themselves
Genocidal jew Noel Ignatiev Is Dead – Good Riddance
About the Origins of the Bogus Term “White Privilege”
Jewish agenda trying to destroy the white race utilising useful idiots of Black Lives Matter
TruthLeaks – Investigative Journalist George Webb
Nov 16
The NATO/CIA black hand on Dominion Voting for rigging European elections is so obvious, it is laughable. David Petraeus and KKR will handle the elections for you with Belgrade hackers!
NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare (He said this months ago as NATO is known as the secret army. They are part of this trans-global military lockdown)
We should never forget that with all of this happening there is a Roman Catholic Inquisition going on as well. George Webb briefly mentions the RC. They have been behind every war. He mentions Templar swords given out at 2:30m He mention they have a Holy War ideology meaning “It’s ok to kill people because upline told me its ok”…He mentions the Jesuits at 5:13m so he is aware. I have studied this for decades and for sure they are definitely behind this CV19 crisis. At 5:29 he mentions a Knight of Malta passport. The spy school is in Malta and that is where hey are coming from because of their passports. Its NATO’s bioweapon as he said . At 15:40m again stanch Catholic and Knights of Malta and wen to a Jesuit school
The JEWS Declared War – AGAINST Germany!
NOT the Other Way Around!
Hasidic pilgrims vow to visit Uman despite Ukraine ban
Khazaria 2.0? The Planned Jewish Migration Out of Israel – to Ukraine
The Serpent People Return to Ukraine
“Ye serpents, ye generation (race or nation) of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?”
Jesus Christ
Matthew 23:33
We have journeyed to the center of the world and landed in the belly of the serpent.”
Rabbi Joel Bakst
“Journey to the Center of the Torah,”
http://www.chazantorah.org, 2007
Topic of lying weasel Veggie:
$1000 off my mortgage costs me about 2.5% p.a. that is 7 cents a day
Veggie says I am too stingy to cover 7 cents a day
That’s his excuse not to pay !!!
Reader be the judge !!!
This useless lying weasel will not pay SEVEN CENTS A DAY !!!
Astonishing hypocrisy.
Simply mind-boggling.
Get your act together you useless lying weasel Veggie Scraps from garbage.
Trump Did Not Flinch!
Yes God must have taken Judge Ginsberg because Ginsberg would have not gone willingly.
And Trump replaced this old Jew with a Catholic? What would the Zionists say about that I wonder. Probably don’t care.
As an example of going willingly, you only have to look at Bob Hawke dying the day before Bill Shorten lost yet another election for the ALP. Normally only animals can will themselves to die like that, or so I thought.
w3, as both Judaism and Roman Catholicism originated in Babylon it is easy for Jews to be in both camps as both worship the black god Nimrod aka Tammus whose sign is T.
Barrett Joins, Supreme Court Would Have Six Catholics
Why do Catholics make up a majority of the Supreme Court?
Trump complained there were too many Catholics on the Supreme Court: Michael Wolff book
A Catholic coup in the US Supreme Court
Amy Coney Barrett, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, will bring the number of Catholics on the court to six if she passes muster in the Senate, which looks likely.
Readers who’ve been following my exchanges with Rabbi w3 will know that I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.
He promised to double whatever I contributed to Dee’s child rescue fund.
Soooo, I tested the waters and contributed $ 100.
Then …… I waited and got ….. the sound of crickets.
Just as I suspected, w3 would not release the death grip he had on that last illicitly obtained dollar in his shrivelled hand.
Of course, if he had at least MATCHED my contribution, I would’ve raised the ante – not wanting to be perceived (even momentarily) as being on the Rabbi’s level.
I was hoping we could get into a bit of an ‘Alms Race’ (no typo) to raise much needed funds for Dee’s fund.
But that was quickly dashed seeing as I’m dealing with a man with no honour.
I mean, he carries on , AND ON about how he’s going to donate $ 1000, how he’s got a beach house and how he’s friends with the billionaire Sacks-of-Sh!t Sackler family (of Purdue Pharma fame), the single leading entity in promoting the opioid epidemic in the U.S that has killed hundreds of thousands and affected the lives of millions more, YET the Rabbi won’t even pony up a mere $ 100.
Shame on you Rabbi.
Now you are presenting fiction as history, utterly shameless lies.
You have again demonstrated you will present complete lies as fact.
I told you repeatedly I am not interested in your excuses or your terms – here are my terms, again :
7 cents a day bank interest is too much for you.
Does G5 ever take questions ? Like is Covid a Deep State bio terror attack ? Will it ever end ? Will we ever see Trump round up the swamp ? Is it even possible to do now without looking like a vengeful dictator ? Was George Floyd a staged event ? On slower news days , would G5 care to ponce on other less significant historical events , like is women’s tennis ruled by the Williams brothers , did Tiger Woods use a magnetized ball ? Anything we should know about Elian Gonzalez or OJ Simpson ? Is there any Britney Spears news ? Is JFK Jr still alive ? If not , why does Qanon say so ? Inquiring minds want to know .
Yep, he’s answered many of these. I never saw Tiger woods, for example but he did comment on the W brothers
‘D-Cap’, perhaps there is something you should know about O.J. Simpson :
There is a significiant likelihood that O.J didn’t kill ex-wife Nicole and her boyfriend Goldman.
There’s quite a bit of M.M.O to suggest that O.J’s boy Jason did it.
After US, Here Is How Smartmatic Is Planning To Rig Indian Elections
According to the witness affidavit of a high ranking military officer the Smartmatic Voting machines were specifically designed in a way that the system could change the vote of each voter without being detected in order to steal US Elections.
The explosive witness affidavit of the high-ranking military officer in possession of former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell is part of the evidence her legal team is gathering against foreign interference in 2020 US Elections.
Now you are presenting fiction as history, utterly shameless lies.
You have again demonstrated you will present complete lies as fact.
I told you repeatedly I am not interested in your excuses or your terms – here are my terms, again :
7 cents a day bank interest is too much for you.
This to the ROTTEN VEGGIE not to anyone else
Is this not enough proof? You cannot be a Christian-Zionist it is an oxymoron. It is Dominion theology like the Latin Roman Catholic Church-State, the extremist Judaic Jews and the extremist Talmud cabal. I am not for or against Trump or Biden as it does not matter as we are not to put our trust in man.
Trump Is America’s First Zionist President
Trump, Biden both backed by Zionists in November election: Analyst
Trump is parroting Zionist doctrine: U.S. Jews must be loyal to Israel
Donald Trump: Zionist Trojan Horse
Zionist Puppet Donald Trump and his Emerging New World Order (includes 4-minute video)
Trump is an Evil Zionist
Germany, Trump and ‘Zionist’ Evangelicals
Trump is clearly a Zionist puppet
Why Donald Trump Is A Rothschild Puppet
Christian Zionists celebrate another victory under Trump, reversal on settlements policy
Yes, Biden and Harris Are Self-Declared Zionists, But a Glimmer of Hope Remains
Christian Zionism, the Religious Right, and Donald Trump: History’s Role in Contemporary Politics
Trump, Pence, Jerusalem: The Christian Zionism Connection
The Terrifying Alliance Between End Times Christian Zionists and Donald Trump
Indeed Arlyn, there’s more than enough proof to demonstrate that both Trump and Biden are beholden to nefarious entities.
Yet, people continue to turn a blind eye.
Arlyn, I for one appreciate your efforts to enlighten those who are open minded to learning the truth and willing to put their preconceptions aside.
Thanks 🙂
Well it does astound me that people are not only wavering in a number of areas…The motto is “Follow the evidence wherever it takes you.” People are unwilling, brainwashed, skeptical of way too much these days or they just can not imagine that the government will do such sinister and nefarious agendas against the population. They are the Terrorists!
The Muslims are looking better and better these days against the Judeo-Christians.
None of them seem to want to reconcile that they follow the same God, they are quibbling about prophets in the same manner as shown in the Monty Python movie.
Brashest of all are the faux-Christians who hide all sorts of mass murder etc behind their propaganda wall.
Rotschilds, the arch-Zionists are in business something like Amazon, high turnover and small margins. Of course larger scale and have been at it for much longer. Also they probably have substantial shareholdings in many Jewish startup ventures, such as Amazon. They fund both sides in wars we hear, as if that was a crime against business practice. They keep their heads down and apart from being the driving force behind modern Israel, don’t favour direct influence, their influence is always suspected, as with Macron.
It’s worth considering this behaviour as meekness, and we all know what the ancient prophesies said about the meek. Maybe that’s one perspective on why Trump has chosen to partner with the Zionists. Separating the Fed from the US treasury takes on the character of a surgical operation, something like separating Siamese twins.
Oh sorry, “conjoined”. Sorry.
“The Muslims are looking better and better these days against the Judeo-Christians.”
Rabbi Moshe Maggal of the National Jewish Information Service said in 1961 when the term Judeo-Christian was relatively new:
“There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other.” (National Jewish Information Service, 6412 W. Olympic Blvd. L.A. CA).
Sharia and Talmudic Law not Compatible with Christianity
Possibly you meant Judaised Christians.
These individuals, with their comments.
How would you like J-C apportioned.
50:50 80:20 99:1 or 100:0
It’s like alloys in metals, you mix in a bit of carbon to the iron and it makes steel. You mix in other elements and it ruins it.
Over the time of reading all this stuff in the last year I am leaning more towards the conclusion that the anti-Jew stuff comes from the same place as the anti-Muslim stuff, which is basically some think tank of Nazi 2.0, possibly funded by Rockerfellas Foundation, as a smokescreen. People insist on Zio this and that and come up with circular logic and cartoons. Quotes from weirdos with some axe to grind. They undermine their own case. People want to push me towards a corner but no, I will probably stay in the middle, and play devils advocate if I choose, and I feel no need to conform.
Whatever you do, don’t look up, Harry … I’m here to help you change the topic and dig your way out.
In a paragraph of say 20 or 25 words can you please give us your appraisal of:
• George Soros
• Allen Ginsberg
• Robert Zimmerman
(Two of the three will suffice)
“I’m neutral on Jews, I’m just interested [in] unscrambling the egg, picking the facts out.”
“Quotes from weirdos with some axe to grind. They undermine their own case.”
“In my mind it’s true” … Herman Rosenblat
… Would you like parsley with that Harvey?
Apparently Soros will soon be asset stripped for his connections with Dominion voting software, he is supposedly the bagman for everyone and does everything like Getup and all the lefty mind control stuff, who knows exactly. So I watch with interest. They said he rigged the pound, probably just a big options swindle, who cares, it’s the casino.
I’m a bit snobby to read american books and I’m not a baby boomer so “beat generation” is out of my demographic, don’t really know much or care about their drug experiences. Easy Rider was enough. But Jim Morrison had an interesting family.
They were saying he plagiarised Woody Guthrie, pretty silly. Reportedly said in 1971 he changed to Dylan because of anti-semitism, “everyone thinks we are all bankers and merchants”, trades as a bornagain Christian now ? He has his little niche, he is a high achiever, bossy mothers they say.
So you are going to tell me they are all mass murderers.
How’s this for Christian spirit
“No-one is innocent”
My book review isn’t clear because the bullet points 1.2.3. didn’t come out, pesky code again, I can’t be bothered to look it up. All the same, you can’t reason with Zio Derangement Syndrome. I can say, I see wickedness all over the place and hidden hands but for sufferers of ZDS they only believe the one eye on pyramid Zio stuff. Then out the other side of their mouth they talk the bible !!! Weirdos.
“I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the nonideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of antinationalism to provide us with a new kind of society.
I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish.”
(Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine, p. 32, January 18, 1972)
Catholic pagan christmas feasts
Christmas Easter and Halloween – Where Did They Come From?
This Easter Sunday, it’s time to tell the truth about the global war on Christianity (and the rise of Satanism)
There is a vast amount of articles on the persecution of Christians that is suppressed by the prostitute MSM
Bobby Fischer Against the (((World))) Video
“Bobby Fischer Against the World” is a decent documentary when it comes to showing Bobby’s rise to becoming the best chess player in the world, but becomes pure propaganda when it comes to Bobby’s hatred of jewish criminality. Everyone in the film takes the position that the genius’s position on the jews was based on psychosis rather than on any facts. He accurately saw the game being played on the “grand chessboard.” Because of this he was targeted by world jewry, which was likely the real cause of his death in Iceland.
Criss X, I heard that about Bobby Fischer too. By all [objective] accounts he was a very good man.
Meanwhile, in relation to the comment you posted this morning, I agree with the comments of Rabbi Moshe Maggal. ie: that the Christian and Judaic religions are light years apart.
The fact is, Islam and Christianity have MUCH more in common with each other.
In Islam Jesus is acknowledged as a great prophet and afforded the greatest respect.
Meanwhile, the Jewish Talmud says Jesus is burning in excrement for all eternity.
The sooner the Christian world (and Australia in particular) recognises this and establishes closer diplomatic and trade relations with Islamic nations (starting with an apology and perhaps reparations for Australia’s involvement in those Anglo-Zionist wars of aggression post 9/11), the better.
TV, I agree with your comments. The Arabs will have their day at the appointed time.
Jeremiah 50&51
Jeremiah 50:29 “Call up the archers [Arabs] against Babel all ye that prepare for conflict a bow, besiege it all around. Let none thereof escape, recompense her according to her work and according to all that she hath done, do unto her, for she hath been haughty against our Father even against the Sacred Man of Israel. Therefore her young men shall fall in the streets, and her men of war shall be silenced in that day says our Father Lord God of armies; for your day has come, the time I will punish you. And the haughty one shall stumble and fall, and none shall raise him up”.
Who are the “archers” ? Ishmael – Abrahams son ……….Genesis 21:20 “So God was with the child and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness and was an archer”. Strongs 693 [aw-rab ] means to lurk or lie in wait .694 [ar-awb] means “ambush”. 7198, Archer, means “bow-bender”.
Jer. 50:9 “For, lo, I am stirring up a company of great nations from a northern land against Babylon, and they will array against her. From there shall she be captured”.
Jer. 50:15 “Shout [ split the ears ] against her all around. She has given her hand, her foundations have fallen [feet of iron mingled with clay].
May I ask in what ‘context’ are you using this to inform TV?
Jeremiah 50-51
A woman rides the beast
End-Time Prophecy Explained: Who is the Woman Who Rides the Beast? The Papacy & the Final Deception
Is an expose of Revelation 17 which describes a woman controlling a coalition of powers. The woman has the attributes of the mystery religion of Babylon, and entices the world to follow her precepts. A thorough exegesis is presented comparing the general views on this chapter with the realities of our present day. The chapter sets the stage for the final events in the conflict between good and evil. Presentation by Walter Veith Click here to download the Study Guide for this lecture http://pdf.amazingdiscoveries.org/Stu… http://amazingdiscoveries.tv/media/13… http://amazingdiscoveries.org/
The Divided Kingdoms of Daniel 2
Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
Daniel 2 Commentary
Amarka: From ‘Am…mother’ and ‘arka… earth.’
The first letter aleph in both of these words is often pronounced as o. Oma – mother
“Note I—The Goddess Mother as a Habitation
What could ever have induced mankind to think of calling the great Goddess-mother, or mother of gods and men, a House or Habitation? The answer is evidently to be found in a statement made in Genesis 2:21, in regard to the formation of the mother of mankind:
………………….The very word used in Genesis for the rib, of which Eve (Chavvah) was formed; and the other name which Berosus couples with Thalatth does much to con-firm this, for that name, which is Omorka, just signifies, ‘The Mother of the world.’…………..
Who is represented as “The Statue of liberty” in New York Harbour, IMO.
The Statue of ‘Liberty’
Rev.17:17 “For God gave it into their hearts to do his mind – to act in one mind – and to give their kingdom to the beast. And the woman whom you saw is the great city [New York = 666 in english gematria] having a kingdom over the kings of the Earth [Canaanite owned Banks/UN]
“The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop, p.77
“……..In Egypt she was styled Athor——i.e., “the Habitation of God”. to signify that in her dwelt all the “fulness of the Godhead.” To point out the the great goddess-mother, in a Pantheistic sense, as at once the Infinite and Almighty one, and the Virgin mother, this inscription was engraven upon one of her temples in Egypt: “I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. no mortal has removed my veil. The fruit that I have brought forth is the Sun.”
“I sit as a queen and am not a widow”. “She is the express image of the beast that had the wound by the sword and did live”. See page 63 of “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop. “Before 72 judges in Egypt, he, Nimrod was found guilty and put to death. His dead body was cut into pieces and different parts were sent to different cities around the country. This was done to be a terror to any who might after tread in his steps. From then paganism had to operate in secret, thus the “Mystery Babylon” under seal of secrecy and oath was born”.
From “Am,” “mother,” and “arka,” “earth,” you get “Amarka,” “The Mother of the Earth.”, alias Rhea, Cybele etc, The Mother of Gods and Men, alias the Roman Catholic Mary [the first Jesuits were Jews], the “queen of heaven” [Jeremiah 44:17,18,19,25], and most surely these manifestations which all represent Nimrods wife are represented by the “Statue of Liberty” in New York harbour. [ note 1, p.77. The Goddess Mother of Habitation” – “The Two Babylons” by Alexander Hislop.]
and from the same book page 158 — The Golden Cup —- Revelation 17:4
“……….Thus then the cup bearing goddess was at once Venus, the goddess of licentiousness, and Nemesis, the stern and unmerciful one to all who rebelled against her authority.
How remarkable a woman, whom John saw [Rev.] described in one aspect as the “Mother of harlots” and in another as “Drunken with the blood of the saints!”
The Torch:
This item was originally designed to be a golden cup filled with the wine of freedom. This golden cup remained in the planning and was actually made.
However, before completion and shipping of the entire statue, the New York Port authorities asked if there could be some sort of modification to allow for an eternal flame or light to be designed into the statue so that ships could use her as a night time navigational aid. Bartholdi consented to make modifications to the basic cup design to allow for a natural gas flame to be utilized.
The torch we see today is actually the same type of cup design used in ancient times for drinking wine. It featured a handle for the cup at the bottom and the handle looked much like a stick. The golden aspect itself was altered again to conform to the needs of the natural gas flame.
The actual, original golden cup was later sold by the project to the Czar of Russia, Czar Nicholas. In 1917 during the Russian revolution the Communist government took possession of it.
The cup has remained in Russian hands but in 1997 was reportedly offered for sale by the Russian government to help pay off Russia’s foreign debts. This author has not been able to determine whether or not the cup was actually sold or not. It is only known that the cup is still in existence.
The current replacement torch was installed 25 years ago and is a copper flame covered in 24 carat gold, according to the National Parks Service website.
Read more:
10. Torch: the torch was originally ( not really – see above ) intended to serve as a light house. Scientists spend years working on it but never succeeded in making it bright enough. As a result the torch has no practical function. One hundred years ago, the right arm bearing the torch was damaged in an explosion set by German saboteurs. Since then only the caretaker has been allowed to climb up the long, wobbly ladder to the torch.
Nobody remembers all this jumbled up babylon stuff, history is being erased and rewritten by TV (television, not Transition Veggie)
Yes we went through this before with New York vs the Papacy-Vatican the great Whore the Great Harlot that is mentioned in the Bible and not New York. What happened in the Old Testament will stand as a ‘type’ for what will happen in the end times.
Revelation 17 – The Harlot Roman Catholic Church
Revelation 18:7
“How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.”
Walking through Revelation
I am satisfied with my understanding. What other peoples interpretations are is up to them.
Criss X, I found your 6.37pm posted comment (not to mention the subsequent ones), more than satisfactory.
Fish, in relation to your 6.02pm comment, you just keep raising the bar.
(Not easy to do seeing as you’re coming off a stratospherically high base).
Sergey Bubka is watching in awe.
Transitioning Veggie,
You can run but you can’t hide, from what you are, your Zio-Derangement-Syndrome is real. You can’t differentiate between your hated Jews and anyone who is simply looking for facts because you have convinced yourself that you have a monopoly on truth, and like any broken down pseudo-intellectual, you dredge up any other material, even silly cartoons, to try to prove your thesis, while at the same time being generally wrong about big picture stuff. You are just an old school narrow-minded bigot. Worse, you try to drive alternative opinions out of “your” webpage with a sleazy mix of gangsterism, bullying, slander etc. Basically, you have a very nasty character and it’s that which I am responding to.
Now, you gutless grub, back to matters of substance, you wanted a bet, I offer you a bet, put down $1000 for these children you insinuate I have been molesting, and I will match it if you do, but I am betting you don’t. That’s what the bet is. Do you understand yet, no, you only live in your own reality. In your mind, whatever you think must be true, isn’t that right. Because you “believe” in your “trusted source”, that is evidently how your simple, small, one-dimensional mind functions. You know I’m not making any of this up. It’s on the record.
So you have inverted the facts of this bet to suit your pathetic convenience.