Editor’s Note: Dr David Martin challenges the Fact Checkers and explains the pathway — via patents — that led to the Corona Industrial Complex.
In addition: The video below documents the encounter between Senator Dr Rand Paul and Dr Fauci at a Senate hearing. The original video has now been removed from YouTube, but I have posted a copy I had made. The short post from G5 refers to the video and tracks some of Fauci’s history.
All Roads Lead to Fauci
by G5
Fauci was introduced to the Trump Corona Virus Task Force by Pence (Fauci’s political cohort from the CIAHIV-AIDS Genocide that murdered some six million people).
To clarify: apart from The Wuhan Bio-Weapons lab fiddling with two bat viruses and protein cocktails; some eleven labs in America were playing the same game. Note the dancing around and the straw man answers delivered by Fauci. Very specific, non-answered questions.
Behind the rhetoric: Fauci knows he will be the first under the bus if the truths leak. He hasn’t thought that completely through. He would have been leaking hints to Paul if he had while tinkling with The Nuremberg Defence.
If he is ever held in custody for anything, the Epstein Solution is his only lot. A gambler and believer of Deep State and Dark Light Intel, from the days that his initial employer Scherff (1984, no less) had positioned him during the initial International Drug Wars (1981).
As I wrote at the time; the four lead characters; who I named were working in the CIABio-Weapons lab in Winnipeg, and from where the final genocidal cocktail was sent for distribution through Rotterdam. Again: precisely as I have written.
The issue being that FAUCI FUNDED ALL THE RESEARCH TO FIND THE GREATEST GENOCIDAL VIRUS EVER INVENTED. Why would he do that; for fun; keeping labs working; WHY?
ALL THE CIABIO-WEAPON LABS. In America and Wuhan. Why?
The trail of his orchestrated [deleted] insanity did not suddenly materialize a decade ago. It has been there throughout his personal and professional life. He is a Psychopath; no less than Mengele…
When the virus began failing due to natural immunity; the desperation was mandatory genocidal vaccinations. Already Plan B. Face-mask lung disorders. Psychosis producing social distancing. The destruction of domestic economies through the removal of workforces, destroying government revenue. Compounded by relief payments, and the submissive acceptance of a totalitarian ordered society.
The exact same criminals who inside traded industries to be devastated directly, and by the political corollary of the compound frauds of green, sustainable energy, and climate change. The greatest inside trading frauds ever perpetrated in history.
If the ‘virus’ is on the streets, they get it.
The biggest deception in history, market the vaxx made in bio weapon factories.
Posted on April 8, 2020 by State of the Nation
The British Crown and the C.I.A. teamed up treasonously via QinetiQ Group Plc controlled by the Monarch
Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his banker cousins at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902) to drive the French, Dutch and Germans out of South Africa
New Evidence: Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps where over 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 mostly white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents
Read on –
did God just smite us with “b”grade actors,
see;Simon, Diane ::bout doeadee, mhigh five sister
downloading processing
Maybe b grade gives to much credence to the parasites here.
Hey Doherty, we got it too.
Doherty BSL4 factory in Melbourne ‘varsity, dictating the pilgrims eugenics genocide of undesirables with the jab to freedom. This Scotty character possessed slavemason reading scribes with Josh, the real representative of bosses here.
Our new Prime Minister Scott Morrison has allocated the position of Australian Treasurer, to Joshua Frydenberg, a Jew, who took his “oath of office” on camera, even with the Jewish skullcap, the Yarmulke, on his head as he did so, in front of the Attorney General and the crowd, ending his “oath” with, “so help me God.” Hello? ? Which God is he referring to?
“All vows we are likely to make, all oaths and pledges we are likely to take between this Yom Kippur and the next Yom Kippur, we publicly renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established. Let our vows, pledges and oaths be considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths.”
First Torah Completed in Australia’s Parliament in Canberra
More than 150 people attend the event, followed by a joyous procession in the streets
By Faygie Levy HoltOctober 23, 2017 2:35 PM
The jews invented “God” you fruit-bat, the money is in Switzerland.
As for Scotty, he is taking flak for trying feebly to slow down the mindless sheeple in their panicked surge towards the holy injections. He is allowed up to the next election when the socialists will possibly take him down unless Trump can wipe out the Demonrats and liberate the media from its owners, or better yet throw the whole lot in jail as collaborators. If Scotty wanted to market the injections I think he could really turn it up. I have spent the larger part of my life amongst the have-nots so don’t imagine this is my inherited position.
I inherited nothing tangible, I achieved middle-classness by somehow managing to follow the instructions near enough.
People are not cockroaches.
System and Method for Testing for COVID-19 (2015) Patented by ROTHSCHILD
System and Method for Testing for COVID-19
This web page summarizes information in PubChem about patent US-2020279585-A1. This includes chemicals mentioned, as reported by PubChem contributors, as well as other content, such as title, abstract, and International Patent Classification (IPC) codes. To read more about how this page was constructed, please visit the PubChem patents help page.PubChem
1 Abstract
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A method is provided for acquiring and transmitting biometric data (e.g., vital signs) of a user, where the data is analyzed to determine whether the user is suffering from a viral infection, such as COVID-19. The method includes using a pulse oximeter to acquire at least pulse and blood oxygen saturation percentage, which is transmitted wirelessly to a smartphone. To ensure that the data is accurate, an accelerometer within the smartphone is used to measure movement of the smartphone and/or the user. Once accurate data is acquired, it is uploaded to the cloud (or host), where the data is used (alone or together with other vital signs) to determine whether the user is suffering from (or likely to suffer from) a viral infection, such as COVID-19. Depending on the specific requirements, the data, changes thereto, and/or the determination can be used to alert medical staff and take corresponding actions.Google Patents
2 Full Text
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The above information seems to suggest that this test is covering all bases to get an accurate diagnosis but then we come to ( or likely to suffer from). In other words it is a flop. Another fraudulent test.
If I toss a coin into the air, one side marked positive the other side marked negative, I can tell whether a person is positive or negative. This is what is going on with these tests.
Insane Australian Ad Tells ‘Covid Deniers’ They Are Free to Die
August 12, 2021 renegade 12 Comments
Oh, you peasants want your freedoms back? Well, then you deserve to DIE! Of course this ad does not mention that the official stats from Australia put “Covid deaths” at only 5 per day, which itself is still a load of BS.
Watch video –
Wow, that is totally over the top for propaganda! Fuck those morons, hey, take the vaccine, PLEASE! We, those that don’t believe in such a bullshit propaganda commercial, want you to take the vaccine, PLEASE!
We want you culled from the human gene pool…
who makes this sh+t
It appears someone has visited Murdoch fairly recently and told him to change course, or offered him the better deal he was asking for.
Yet another reason to get off the MSM, ignore it, laugh at it, refuse to pay for it etc.
Anyone wanting to complain to the abc about their pumped sewage can try
Re u-vaccinated ad. Are these morons sick? We the filthy unwashed will die in a hospital bed with relatives and loved ones close by, while those stupid enough to be “vaccinated” will drop where they stand. Stone dead as we have already seen. Make your choice.
Saw a syndicated columnist in the local rag today, pissing all over Clive Palmer.
Clive has written to TGA boss John Skerritt ( who looks like a type of toad ) taking him to task about HCQ and quoting some figure that in Australia only 1 had died of covid-19™ but 300 had died post quaxxination. The syndicated shill says 300 people also died after eating breakfast. The shill goes on to say only 7 were officially dead from the quaxxine. Then closes by rubbishing Clive Palmer some more. So lets get this straight, one died of covid-19™ and 7 died of quaxxination so everyone including kids should be quaxxinated. According to the syndicated shill in the local rag. What does he get for his rubbish stories, $50 ?
This the agenda.
Realised this many years ago.
Maybe a good Idea if our politicians and mass media stand up and go first…… for the good of the planet.
You first, Federal pollies and Madam Premier!!!!
Tell us, why are we dictated to by the UN and why do we finance genocide?
It’s good if people keep the original Deagel forecasts since they were deleted from the website, it appears after the guy Deagel died a few months ago. But this link draws some strange conclusions, that “the world will be safe after the cull”, which is of course not the case. That is when the selective culling will start, based on your value as a slave and your social credit score. Why did you think all those globalist email services, social media etc were free ? The AI will go through it all very quickly and a killer drone will come to visit you. They are already capturing your face at the Woolworths automated checkout. Be careful to use cash only !!! Next the government will take hologram photos for your driver’s licence, these will be accidentally released one day and fed into the drones. The only way to possibly defeat the drone will be by using a robotic scarecrow, &/or getting a facelift and a fake ID.
Ned, your page shows effects of v-cc-ne depopulation but this OCD guy has preserved some older Deagel forecasts on video and towards the end there are 4 slides of text. The one at about 6:40 predicts mass death by economic collapse, saying the ponzi pension funds will collapse and there will be no service jobs. This would have been written before Klaus Schwab came out with his “great reset”, where you will “own nothing and be happy”. Gee, that sounds better then defending yourself with a machete while starving to death.
As I have said before.I believe all these brave morons (politicians and elite) should be made to have the real “vaccine” instead of the placebos that have been injected into them.
Ned, excellent find. Like you said, now it all fits.
This site cannot be reached.
The guy Deagel if I recall correctly worked for the US defence and also Rockerfellas, produced a website showing all the defence capabilities and predictions, the website still exists, but up until his recent death showed depopulation in the Anglosphere of varying amounts, maybe 50% or just 20% by 2025. He seemed to be revising it constantly. His death doesn’t appear to be suspicious.
So now New South Wales is locked down and it’s a $5000 fine if you come out of your house, because of a hoax pandemic with the normal cure HCQ banned and the local champion of HCQ Clive Palmer ostracised in all the lying crooked Main Stream Media.
I hope people in NSW who get fined hear of the guy in Alberta who asked the authorities to produce evidence that the virus exists and got off his fine when they couldn’t.
This is a great opportunity for an enthusiastic lawyer in NSW to set a precedent. No politician, from Gladys right up to Mein Trumpf, is big enough to take on 4th Reich Pharmakia so it has to be achieved as much as possible by using the existing law.
As a teaser on SBS news we are shown deserted ski-fields, covered in snow, in Australia’s east and floods in the west while the globalists tell us this is the hottest, driest, most perilous year ever.
Like the inflation figures, we are told they are 2%, when everything has gone up 10%. Just an outright lie.
wright on w3
I just flicked through the head lines of the World Socialist Web Site
The first caught my attention: US troops return to Afghanistan as regime disintegrates.
In light of the above article—-they all take on a different hue.
Some further reading on topic..
Nobody listens, nobody cares.
just having a snooze after dinner but was awakened at about the 40 minute mark.
Too much babble for me. Could you condense the crux of this video into something more cogent?
At around 40:00 they are saying people know something is wrong but they don’t know where to look for information. Charlie Ward was talking to some other doctor who thought youtube was a platform for kids, Charlie put him onto a few sites and he started hoovering it up. I have done the same thing locally, just put up a sign wherever you can lambasting the media and naming a few AltMedia sites such as americasfrontlinedoctors and anything that comes across as super-legit, because otherwise the stoopids are on a mission and they will tear it down, and you will have to replace it twice a week.
Pilgrim’s Society the missing link—big reads
Donald Trump, Pilgrims Society Operative
Presented February 2016 by Charles Savoie
(SEP. 12, 2019)—Prominent members of the 117-year old Pilgrims Society (1902)—a secretive group of self-styled UK-U.S. elitist Anglophile white supremacists—are listed in convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “Little Black Book.”
Henry Kissinger (p.31), Larry Summers (“Lolita Express” Flight Manifests), Rupert Soames, OBE (p.50), Baron Conrad Black (p. 06) and Duke of York Andrew Windsor (p.16) are in Epstein’s contact book.
Also lots about Serco
last one —from mind files
The History of the Pilgrims of Great Britain
‘On 16 July 1902 an informal meeting took place at the Carlton Hotel in London, at which the decision was taken to establish The Pilgrims of Great Britain. Those present included General Joseph Wheeler, the famous cavalry leader of the Confederate Army during the American Civil War; Colonel (later General Sir) Bryan Mahon, who had commanded the troops relieving Mafeking in 1900; the Hon Charles Rolls of Rolls-Royce fame and a notable aviation pioneer, and Harry, later Sir Harry, Brittain. The title of the Pilgrims, not to be confused with the Pilgrim Trust, had nothing whatever to do with the Mayflower and the Pilgrim Fathers of 1620, but was chosen as a short and concise name which would express the idea of members of the English-speaking world travelling from one country to another. The main objective of the Pilgrims was, as it still remains, the encouragement of Anglo-American good fellowship.’
They like their Swiss “octagon” brooches in that place
Thanks Diane – those old newsreel videos can be very telling. This one is dated 3 February 1930 but some years earlier Grey was instrumental in kicking off WWI:
• “SIR EDWARD GREY: “I have assured the House, and the Prime Minister has assured the House more than once, that if any crisis such as this arose we should come before the House of Commons and be able to say to the House that it was free to decide what the attitude of the House should be; that we have no secret engagement which we should spring upon the House and tell the House that because we had entered upon that engagement there was an obligation of honour on the country I think [the letter] makes it perfectly clear that what the Prime Minister and I have said in the House of Commons was perfectly justified as regards our freedom to decide in a crisis what our line should be, whether we should intervene or whether we should abstain. The Government remained perfectly free and a fortiori the House of Commons remained perfectly free”. (House of Commons, August 3rd, 1914).”
After WWI, which he had been instrumental in instigating via England’s ‘secret’ commitment with France, even Lord Grey admitted, now that it is all over:
• “If matters had rested with him (the Kaiser) there would have been no European War arising out of the Austro-Serbian dispute.” (‘Twenty- Five Years,’ vol ii, P.25.)
In 1914 ‘England’ needed Germany to be goaded to show hostility towards France so that they could embark on war against Germany just as in 1939, Churchill’s ‘England’ was sweating on Germany responding to provocations in Poland to initiate WWII.
[The above quoted passages are from Arthur Ponsonby– “Falsehood in War-Time” – pdf easily found]
Furthermore, Grey signed the Sykes-Picot Agreement on 16 May 1916 and was a leading advocate for the League of Nations and became its first president in 1918 before being appointed to the role of Ambassador to the United States in 1919.
Thanks Diane
That picture of The Hon Charles Rolls (centre bottom) – looks he could be the active shooter
More below in a moment
Brith ish in Hebrew means people of the covenant. Its usurpers are b’nai b’rith
B’nai B’rith, Hebrew for Sons of the Covenant, signaled the integration of American Judaism into both the public sphere and the civil self-image of the US, she says, and emphasized civil virtues such as reason, education, character, morality, and humanity as elements of a modern Jewish identity.
B’nai B’rith was founded on October 13, 1843, for the expressed purpose of ending, or at least reducing, the chaos and anarchy in Jewish life-or, as one of the founders put it, of “uniting and elevating the Sons of Abraham.” There were twelve founders, all in their twenties or thirties.
Judah also began a pure blood line through Tamar. Genesis 38:13-30
Jesus Christ is the end of the pure blood Chosen line — Judah/Tamar, Pharez, Naason, David — Ruth, Mary that was chosen to antecede Him. Christ has not fathered physical descendents, therefore there is no pure blood – physical line of Judah that can be said to have descended from Christ. Those who hate Christianity and call themselves Gods Chosen People in the flesh are liars – those of all nations who call on the name of Christ are of Judah in Spirit and therefore Semites. Jesus Christ – the King of Judah. Gen. 38 11-30, Ruth 4 18-22
[…] (L to R) Doctors Martin, Paul and Fauci Editor’s Note: Dr David Martin challenges the Fact Checkers and explains the pathway — via patents — that led to the Corona Industrial Complex. In addition: The video below documents the encounter between Senator Dr Rand Paul and Dr Fauci at a Senate hearing. The original video has now been removed from YouTube, but I have posted a copy I had made. The short post from G5 refers to the video and tracks some of Fauci’s history. All Roads Lead to Fauci by G5 Fauci was introduced to the Trump Corona Virus Task Force by Pence (Fauci’s political cohort from the CIAHIV-AIDS Genocide that murdered some six million people). To clarify: apart from The Wuhan Bio-Weapons lab fiddling with two bat viruses and protein cocktails; some eleven labs in America were playing the same game. Note the dancing around and the straw man answers delivered by Fauci. Very specific, non-answered questions. Behind the rhetoric: Fauci knows he will be the first under the bus if the truths leak. He hasn’t thought that completely through. He would have been leaking hints to Paul if he had while tinkling with The Nuremberg Defence. If he is ever held in custody for anything, the Epstein Solution is his only lot. A gambler and believer of Deep State and Dark Light Intel, from the days that his initial employer Scherff (1984, no less) had positioned him during the initial International Drug Wars (1981). As I wrote at the time; the four lead characters; who I named were working in the CIABio-Weapons lab in Winnipeg, and from where the final genocidal cocktail was sent for distribution through Rotterdam. Again: precisely as I have written. The issue being that FAUCI FUNDED ALL THE RESEARCH TO FIND THE GREATEST GENOCIDAL VIRUS EVER INVENTED. Why would he do that; for fun; keeping labs working; WHY? ALL THE CIABIO-WEAPON LABS. In America and Wuhan. Why? The trail of his orchestrated [deleted] insanity did not suddenly materialize a decade ago. It has been there throughout his personal and professional life. He is a Psychopath; no less than Mengele… When the virus began failing due to natural immunity; the desperation was mandatory genocidal vaccinations. Already Plan B. Face-mask lung disorders. Psychosis producing social distancing. The destruction of domestic economies through the removal of workforces, destroying government revenue. Compounded by relief payments, and the submissive acceptance of a totalitarian ordered society. The exact same criminals who inside traded industries to be devastated directly, and by the political corollary of the compound frauds of green, sustainable energy, and climate change. The greatest inside trading frauds ever perpetrated in history.read more […]
Assumption day of mother Mary is 15 August.
With crown virus, everything inverted/perverted, in defiance of Creator.
Today ‘cases’ 466, what’s the chance of numbers tomorrow triple six?
In talmud, they’ve written Holy Mary was a harlot and that Jesus is in hell of burning excrement.
These are the possessed, allowed to rule all living.
Are hospitals worldwide running a euthanasia program against our elderly people with the drug midazolam?
Aug 14
Posted by Editor, cairnsnews
“………..Midazolam has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA combined with two other drugs. It acts as a sedative to make the prisoner unconscious. The other drugs then stop the lungs and heart working. However it has been the source of controversy as several prisoners took a long while to die and appeared to be in pain when midazolam was used.
The drug can also cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.
UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.
A doctor or nurse should watch you closely after you receive this medication to make sure that you are breathing properly because midazolam induces significant depression of respiration. Your doctor should also be made aware if you have a severe infection or if you have or have ever had any lung, airway, or breathing problems or heart disease.
Knowing all of the respiratory side effects, why would you use midazolam to treat people who were suffering pneumonia and respiratory insufficiency allegedly due to Covid-19?
Join the gap
BREAKING: CDC, FDA faked “covid” testing protocol by using human cells mixed with common cold virus fragments… PCR tests are merely detecting the common cold
https://rights freedoms.wordpress.com/2021/08/06/breaking-cdc-fda-faked-covid-testing-protocol-by-using-human-cells-mixed-with-common-cold-virus-fragments-pcr-tests-are-merely-detecting-the-common-cold/
The crown zionists have shafted Oz and the whole ‘western’ world, transferring all power to ccp.
Huawei (WHO ARE WE EYE) is the beast and dragon system now enforced globally with Covid agenda. Cyber crypto ID tranceformation into human2.0 hell on earth. Camouflaged as a ‘virus’ that does not exist, the vaxx with delta variant is the cleansing of undesirables for their artificially insane dysfunctional anti-human disorder. All data from all iPhones monitored and controlled by great Israel via Beijing. Here, we are sitting ducks, uninformed unarmed ignorantly stupefied with telly brainwashing by the cashed up traitors on our screens. This is a tv virus, for it to go away, all we have to do is switch it off and not comply. Now increasingly difficult day by day as they control the tap.
There is an intriguing new series on Netflix titled “How to become a tyrant”.
The BIG Lie
There is an intriguing new series on Netflix titled “How to become a tyrant”. Each episode aims to teach students at the University of Tyranny every step they need to take to become a successful tyrant.
The series’ overview says “Ruling with an iron fist requires an aspiring dictator to know the playbook for absolute power, as history’s despots prove in this sardonic docuseries”.
Episode one, Seize Power, says to wanna-be tyrants: “there are rules, and the playbook for a rise to dictatorship starts with one of history’s most brutal: Adolf Hitler”.
Read More
Even the best of people are taught to believe a BIG Lie.
Not surprising – but actually almost none of those criteria fit Adolf Hitler, especially starting with point 1 “Seize power” – he was democratically elected as the majority party leader and then duly appointed Chancellor by the president (von Hindenburg). When he removed the occupying swissy parasites from control of the creation of money (freeing Germans from debt slavery) and from positions of influence in political admin, the legal, judicial and education systems (look at what cultural Marxism has now accomplished), International swissery with their suitcases bulging with gold and cash declared war against all of the German people.
The two characters that those points most closely represent are Lenin and Stalin.
The Big Lie indeed –
It is also not surprising to hear that Spielberg’s (adopted) daughter was groomed to become a porn slut – goes with the business he is in.
We must talk and share more about Lenin and Stalin (the latter probably being the worst) and the genocide of tens of millions of Russians under their brutal dictatorship. It will interesting to hear how Netflix whitewashes these ‘statesmen’.
As far as I heard the national socialists were quickly infiltrated and taken over and made fascist, as for Hitler, the constant rumour is that his doctor kept him chock full of all sorts of drugs.
The sheeple will vote for socialist handouts making socialists ideal for all types of international infiltration.
The same minister for finance ( not the series of treasurers ) was there from Weimar to the fall of the 3rd reich, now there is an interesting character.
You will find adequate information about the Masonic Hjalmar Schacht here, for example. (Not sure why you could not mention his name.) Just scan for his name and you can read as much as you like for yourself – I don’t have time to paste some of the passages.
Hitler kept his enemies close – just a shame he released Rothschild. But of course he was only thinking of coexistence, not persecution.
But hey, since you are here, in the second video down in the following link (the one featuring Dr Judy Mikovits) from 1:00 (and specifically at 1:35) – can you translate that writing on the ‘haz-chem’ actor for us?
What else did you hear?
You are fixated on simple things like races and figureheads.
Just a “hello” JS; will come back to read and contribute at a later time. I will say that you are in your element; excellent posts.
What a delight to see you here SC, all the way from Winter Watch. As you will gauge, Gumshoe is all about speaking out about things and issues that are just plain Wrong and Unfair. Please take the time to view the About tab and read about the host Dee McLachlan and the prolific author and contributor Mary W Maxwell, both passionate and articulate champions of the good fight.
Your uniquely insightful and unassailably respectful style (and good humour) would me most welcome and appreciated here I am sure whenever you see fit.
On the run at the moment – be well.
Oh my goodness. I just read further down that link to the article by Sandy Barrett on the Advocate Me site. I’m sure it is just honest, benign ignorance that she did not bother to fact check her quotes, but it reminds me of the remark attributed to William J Casey: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”.
The first quote attributed to Hitler is itself the meme – if you keep repeating and attributing that quote to Hitler people will actually believe he said it. Even Jewish sources can’t make up their mind if it was Hitler or Goebbels, just as long as it is repeated, while even the most critical fact checkers will acknowledge that it was neither. [Readers’ homework]
As for the Mein Kampf quote, this is an astonishing display of ignorance (or deceit)! It is the quote beginning “… in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility”.
The passage itself leaves the inattentive reader with the impression that Hitler was advocating the ‘big lie methodology’ and this fits in beautifully with the inference intended.
But have a look at the last sentence: “These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purpose.“
So who were “these people” Hitler is referring to? …
Let’s have a look at that passage in its full and proper context.
“But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists, to impute responsibility for the downfall precisely to the man who alone had shown a superhuman will and energy in his effort to prevent the catastrophe which he had foreseen and to save the nation from that hour of complete overthrow and shame. By placing responsibility for the loss of the world war [WWI] on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle – which is quite true in itself – [wait for it …] that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large−scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the basest purposes.”
[and the very next paragraph:]
“From time immemorial. however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. Is not their very existence founded on one great lie, namely, that they are a religious community, whereas in reality they are a race? And what a race! One of the greatest thinkers that mankind has produced has branded the Jews for all time with a statement which is profoundly and exactly true. He (Schopenhauer) called the Jew “The Great Master of Lies”. Those who do not realize the truth of that statement, or do not wish to believe it, will never be able to lend a hand in helping Truth to prevail.”
If people are going to base an argument (or rather an inference) on what was said, they should at least get those basic quotations accurate, correctly attributed and fully in context.
David Martin plays many roles, like the actor he is. He puts on his new age hat and satanic necklace in his antarctica documentary on youtube, then switches to his bizarre bowtie and jacket when manipulating the conservative christians with the Mikovits gang. The whole thing is called controlled opposition. Political theatre is nothing new and america is as gullible as ever. Read the jesuit oaths= Fauci is jesuit same as the coronavirus task force. It’s a satanic agenda.
A very interesting comment Mika. I know so many are pointed to as ‘controlled opposition. But I wonder if it’s not a connected consciousness in a battle. I’ve only found and jumped to the documentary — yep he has an ego that needs to be filled; and the necklace. Okay, now that’s different. I wonder if he thinks they are some ancient symbols connecting to early man or something. Do you agree or disagree with what he says in the documentary? I will watch it.
I have to wonder if we are a giant Truman show… “bring in the bowtie guy now” let’s have a laugh or cry.
the doco mentioned
Controlled opposition? The entire two party system is controlled opposition; take turns being opposition to bring the illusion to life.
Yes, I totally agree.
Dee- I find his psychobabble in that antarctica documentary to be extremely ludicrous. Its like word salad and I wouldnt be surprised if a lot of it is mk ultra trigger phrases. I believe the David Martin gang to be connected to mk ultra, Tavistock and deep state. He and that one german attorney (?) seem to be playing for time…..always promising “big lawsuits” yet never even managing to get to square one. David Martin works for the new world order. His 6-6-6 necklace is a dead giveaway, its one of their many symbols of the one religion and one mindset they promote. In my lifetime I have met a few mind controlled agents and they are quite real. They hide everywhere and are very good at manipulating people’s thinking. I have made it part of my life’s journey to expose it whenever I can. Its taken me 25 yrs to put many of the pieces together and undo the propaganda I was fed. My family tried to recruit me as a teen into their satanic freemason brotherhood and when I declined I was thrust onto a different path.
Mika, yours is a very reasonable observation. I must add that when David Martin introduces himself and his company as being in a business which involved access to every research paper, collation of data regarding vaccine efficacy and permits for drug distribution (I am paraphrasing loosely from memory), I wonder to myself – how is he allowed to get away with this and be in such a central position in this climate of the greatest hoax and crime against humanity. I also recall him appearing on forums with some questionable characters. I admit it took me a good while to see through RDS (Robert David Steele et al) – just one or two, or the occasional viewing will have anyone completely convinced.
Nevertheless, I listen to what he (DM) has to say and always mentally cross-check and critically assess against what I hear and read elsewhere. It could well be that he is controlled opposition and he tells us everything that we already know (albeit brilliantly articulated) without telling us who is actually behind it and how to fix it.
As to the “Mikovits gang” – are you advocating we turn around and accept the benevolence of the Fauci gang, the Ferguson gang, the Gates gang, the Schwab gang, the gang of Chief Molesting Officers …?
First of all, Fauci is a Jesuit and has been hand picked for his role in this take down of humanity, by his Jesuit partners who also operate the Coronavirus Taskforce. As we all see, it doesnt matter how much he lies or twists reality, he always stays snugly in his role. Second, what I think is that David Martin, Mikovits, Madej and Tenpenny are all on the payroll in this terrible nightmare. I can see how it would be easy to disbelieve it and if I had not studied the opposition for the last 25 yrs, I might not believe it either. All media is controlled therefore if the Mikovits gang gets this much fanfare, its obvious they were placed in their position on purpose. She joins phoney baloney David Martin in these Q&A’s in churches where they never actually share their faith in Christ or even see, to know any scripture – another red flag. Its all illusion. A way to sway the public from questioning other things like the Jesuit connection to Rome, and the hatred toward non catholics. And the upcoming mark of the beast.
Thanks for your insights – noted and heeded.
Mike Adams is another one that was much easier to see through particularly when he launched a scathing attack on the two Californian doctors (Drs Erickson and Massihi) and several other red flags along the way.
“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”
Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920-2012)
Thanks for the jolt 😊
Of course I had not heard of M-CAM, the IQ100 WTF Index or the Operating System of the Knowledge Economy …
• The Operating System of the Knowledge Economy
• David E. Martin @ NetNet2017 summit
The US army is getting ready to relocate people to the Serco camps
Gee I guess Bushs are off the hook, right ?
Probably satanists wanting to vaporise all the holy sites.
There may be a grain of truth buried in all the lies, why should I try to dispute that. The controlled demolitions were done expertly, the drones hit the targets, god only knows what the plan was with building 7, actually I think mossad could possibly have done it more coherently. Maybe the Bushs just went for the cheapest contractor. There are probably a number to choose from. Cheney was into all that stuff.
More to the point, who in Australia enabled SERCO to become a large presence here. Identify that person or persons and you have the Oz architects of the current treason and genocide.
The red / blue party did it. Maybe it could be said the conservatives build the walls and the socialists herd the people in. The UK Thatcher government (1980’s) came up with “privatisation” and it became all the rage, the solution to Gough’s (1970’s) giving away the jobs via Lima Declaration. OPEC (A-rabs) blamed, covering for the abandonment of the gold standard. Everyone was on the dole by the late 70’s and it had to be paid for so selling government assets and subsequently making people pay for their own age pensions via Keating’s superannuation privatised pension plan.
So let’s get this in order.
The “Labour” party gives away the jobs.
The “Conservatives” sell the public assets.
The “Labour” party makes people buy the assets back via privatised funds.
The “Conservatives” let their mates plunder everything.
When it’s all gone the reserve banks start printing money like you’ve never seen before.
The red / blue party zig-zags towards the destination planned by its controllers.
Caught a minute of ABC “Insiders” this morning, nice backdrop to the talking head ( mouth open, lips moving, we all know what that means ), the flagpole of Canberra, up there on Australia’s mountain, the giant pyramid symbol, cost Bob Hawke a bundle to get pharaoh installed up there, underpinning the actual flagpole with the union jack at the very top.
They hand out citizenship to anybody because you agree to be their slave, you won’t get much in the way of handouts that doesn’t get quickly grabbed back one way or another.
Company tax went down to 25% so if you are an Australian individual you pay marginal rate higher than that + medicare levy 2%. As far as I know, the foreign shareholder therefore invests here and pays 25% + their own country’s tax where applicable. So the foreigner or globalist who sets up here can get a better deal than the local.
How do you like that.
Just cross out Christianity and write Judaism –
“PROOF: The True Purpose of the Bible is for Jewish Witchcraft”
If you’re struggling with these prison lockdowns, maybe you should follow the guy from Alberta who took on the state and won. I am not teasing, I am deadly serious. Follow up on his example, try to find a sympathetic lawyer, and go out and make a martyr of yourself. Get a HCQ t-shirt for when you’re on camera. Grab your placard and storm the ABC !!!
the Meek shall inherit the earth well lats play language games- M=mother=Nature/Earth also M is a upside down W, W=isdom also Way/Path. E=energy, E=electricity mmmmmm wonder how that connects with the M/W. K=knowledge why is K silent in most words, Earth anagram of heart, check out the anagrams of inherit first one hinter means behind, after, past, so now read the phrase.
You do not inherit the earth because you are in a third world quite the opposite.
Lucas gave you a clue in one of the star wars movies i quote, Yoda, beware we must of phrophecy misinterpreted????
Or just slipped in, as with “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”
ps; God created all living things, Jews included.
Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Ancient prophesies coming true :
From Trump anointing Jerusalem to
the fall of Damascus to
Putin ( Gog of Magog ) turning up in Syria to
assassination of Assad ( Syria ) hasn’t happened yet but probably scheduled, just look at all the shut down airports and travel restrictions.
( Looks like Afghanistan is going to be done over some more first )
The US/Israel will be walking into a trap.
Today is one of three most Holy days, of the year, in Christian faith.
Let us pray to Mary, so she can crush the head of the serpent, as sculpted in statues showing her motherly grace and mercy. Mary an Isrealite with her Son and Joseph, His earthly father.
Christ – the son of David in the flesh.
Psalm 132:11 “The LORD has sworn to David, A truth from which He will not turn back; ‘Of the fruit of your body I will set upon your throne.” (Psalm 132:11. see also Luke 1:32, Acts 2:30, Romans 1:3
Exodus 20:4-5, 4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5 you shall not bow down to them nor [a]serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting[b] the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Give us a break cc.
Go tell us about the evil Hindus or go study Those of our own indigenous with their spiritual beliefs et. Al.
Go find a milk crate, set it up on a street corner and go for your life filling up your own wheel barrow.
Go bomb Uluru which is sacred to our indigenous brothers.
Go find a milk crate and let everyone go in peace including our atheist friends.
Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology.
“ Always wanted to know who is controlling the politicians of Australia? Look no further than Jane Halton. Australia’s representative at the infamous Coronavirus Pandemic simulation ‘Event 201’ in October 2019, Halton is now currently part of the Australia COVID-19 Commission (Advisory Board) and so much more! She is also Bill Gates favourite Australian, helping push the experimental ‘COVID’ injection out and digital Vaccination Passports through ‘Vault Cloud’, which she also chairs.
For more info, do your research!
Satanists “Black Mass Appeal”
Episode 47 – Lilith’s Fare
by Black Mass Appeal | May 28, 2019 | Episodes
Heartbeat Bill Gets Science Wrong (Wired)
Lady Flying In Darkness, Rabbi Jill Hammer
Lilith in the Bible (sometimes)
Lilith in the Epic of Gilgamesh
Lilith and Babylonian Demonology (Jewish Virtual Library)
Midrash on the “First Eve” (Jewish Women’s Archive)
The Alphabet of Ben Sirah (JWA)
Lilith In the Zohar (Samson Books)
Samael, Lilith, and the Concept of Evil In Early Kabbalah, Joseph Dan (Association For Jewish Studies)
The Coming of Lilith, Judith Plaskow (JWA)
x22 keeps saying “Where’s Durham”
That short observation by Miranda Devine with Tucker was so Devine. (Sorry!) and subtle.
Pity she did not report how our federal government’s millions given the Clinton fraudation helped obesity, including fat elephants.
Good 1 w3
Is Jewish Racism Behind Covid “Vaccines”?
“Chabad is a racist organization – a Jewish supremacist missionary cult
whose main goal is Jewish total superiority over the “Goyim” and their
Here’s another “act of conscious learning that requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem …”
• The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room
US Centre for Disease Control ( quasi-gov’t but privately funded agency, similar to Australian TGA ):
“vaccines do not prevent transmission”
Is ScoMo following the same orders as Biden?
[…] All Roads Lead to Fauci – všetky cesty vedú k Faucimu […]