by J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
Lemons and grapes used to be healthy, before science got to them. Now we don’t know what’s in and what has been taken out. Natural lemons have bioflavonoids in the pith which support Vitamin C and also can beat psoriasis. Science ignores this and our directed-evolution culture dictates that we discard the pith and ignore its nutritional and medicinal value, instead, various pills are available.
Grapes had grape seed oil which is retailed as a remedy or preventative for varicose veins, presumably vascular health in general, until they went seedless. Black grapes used to be the tastiest but lately they have become hideous distended things with the thinnest of skins, with a bland, sugary flavour and of course, no seed. These are not grapes, they are processed food. The good grapes are referred to as “wine grapes” and no doubt Globalist owned science will eventually eradicate them too.
The Black Salve a.k.a. Cansema a.k.a. Blood Root Drawing Salve, is one of many examples of a banned natural medicine vastly out-performing the so-called conventional medical treatment.
The entire troublesome skin cancer industry could be destroyed overnight if the ban on Black Salve was lifted. People would test themselves for skin cancer and as an effect of the testing, any type of skin cancer is destroyed in the time-frame of about one week. The skin typically grows back, unlike with scalpel treatments.
The medical industry even scraps their own medicines, some of which they supply as palliatives because they refuse to use non-patented or out-of-patent medicines as effective cures. Medicines are recommended on the basis of profitability, not effectiveness.
Amid public protest certain opioids were discontinued January 2024, we safely assume the patent will soon run out on these creations so they have been superseded:
The names of some are derivations of Oxycontin which is the addictive substance which has been crippling America in recent years.
Blushwood tree EBC-45 extract is a new indigenous cancer cure for the TGA to work on banning, we should expect restrictions or a ban in the usual very slow timeframe:
Only mRNA treatments get rushed through these days, along with endless media hype about how our genes are the problem behind all illnesses, and universal DNA cures will be available to treat everything soon.
Various startups will have a go at anything to find a new niche.
“Inpersona” wants your health data so much they are prepared to make a fantastic construction of nonsense to get it: some worthless crypto coins presumably to lead you by the nose toward medical procedures you don’t need. This is so far fetched and desperately absurd it looks like it must have been designed by AI.
Five brothers Hunt
Former Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has gone out through the revolving door to a “Clinical Psychedelic” facility at Monash University (Melbourne) to investigate such things as wild “magic” mushrooms.
Greg was also appointed Honorary Enterprise Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Services and the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne in December 2022. Enterprise-Health-Business. Ka-ching!
Hunt’s brother Peter runs “Mind Medicine” along with Andrew Robb and a few others, the connection with family business interests in graphene, notably graphene implants is LiDAR which is a type of radar using photons. Experiments have been done to remotely control test animals’ heart rates. One experiment involves training bees, which takes a few days, then monitoring them via LiDAR.
Mind Medicine, like so many others, has their hand out for donations, bequeathments and gifts of any kind, for example Perron Institute, which wants your donation for molecular (eg. mRNA) treatments
The public has been conned that patent medicines are the only way out of trouble. The most desirable way to get out of trouble is to not get into trouble.
Minister Hunt’s new scope involves monitoring of local residents’ brain conditions at Monash University’s Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health. It seems he was appointed on Halloween Day, 2022, following on from a double helping of government funding to Monash in 2018.
“Hasn’t he done well”
From internet:
“Andrew Robb is a board member of the Kidman cattle enterprise and the Network Ten television station. He is the Chairman of Asialink and CNSDose, and a strategic advisor to Beef Innovations Australia, as well as a range of national and international businesses.
In October 2016, it was announced that Robb had joined the Landbridge Group, a Chinese company which had been granted a 99-year lease on Port Darwin in 2015, as a “high-level economic consultant”. It was reported that Robb had accepted the $888,000 p.a. position before leaving Parliament. Landbridge Group is chaired by Ye Cheng, a billionaire with links to the Chinese Communist Party. Robb’s employment with Landbridge Group ended in 2018, which Robb attributed to an atmosphere increasingly critical of the Chinese government.
Robb is part owner of The Boathouse Group, which operates a number of Sydney restaurants and other venues. Another Robb entity is facing (in mid 2019) a wind-up motion from the Commissioner of Taxation over unpaid taxes.
As of 2020, Robb serves as a director on the board of Mind Medicine Australia, a not-for-profit organisation which promotes the introduction of psychedelic treatments for mental illnesses”.
The Watercress Line
Vast economies of vested interests have been built around the sanctity and effectiveness of hospitals and everyone has forgotten that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, in fact we have already been generationally altered to forget ounces and pounds.
People now understand how nutrition is important, demonstrated by eating salad and drinking green juice shamelessly, but they don’t realise how watercress was totally removed from our diet. Formerly a staple, it is now hard to find, however it is your best choice as a general tonic for everything from digestive problems through to mental stability. If you eat watercress every day for a year you will no doubt be impressed by the results. If you have none, you are probably malnurtured.
In London there existed, before World War II, a train line designated “The Watercress LIne” which brought in vast amounts of fresh watercress daily, to service the city. It was sold on the street in paper cones, and an ideal accompaniment was the London street food Fish & Chips, which was created by the jews and spread around the world as far as New Zealand.
These days, in the civilised West, the street vendors and hawkers have nearly all been banned by Globalist agencies such as the “Health” Departments of local councils and governments.
Now, even the corrupt Centre for Disease Control (CDC) proclaims watercress as the #1 superfood in existence but it’s too late, you can’t find it anywhere anymore, there is only white bread on sale anywhere you go.
I wrote this Dec 2017:
“Trough Feeders
The former Minister of Trade, Andrew Robb, has to be the poster boy of the PTF — the Political Trough Feeders. What a prime example of taking advantage of one’s privileged government position to gain personal wealth after serving office.
Resignation to Consultancy
Mr Robb then announced his RETIREMENT from politics on the 10 February 2016. (He’s allowed to bow out before his term, but…) Mr Robb then began working as a consultant to Chinese billionaire, Ye Cheng, on July 1, 2016 — the day before the federal election.
From his own bio, Mr Robb is currently also a Board Member of the Kidman cattle enterprise, Chair of Asialink, Asialink Business and CNSDose, and strategic advisor to Beef Innovations Australia, as well as a range of national and international businesses. In addition, Mr Robb is getting his generous parliamentary pension, plus the consulting fee from Billionaire Mr Ye Cheng.
“Minister Hunt’s new scope involves monitoring of local residents’ brain conditions at Monash University’s Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health” – Oh great, Monash Uni. The notorious Paul Mullen of Hoddle Street, Amouru (sp), NZ, Strathfield Mall, Port Arthur, Chelmsford Royal Commission was also teaching at Monash Uni when there was the ‘predictive programming’ handgun massacre at Monash Uni.
Don’t know where the dot connects, but it is there somewhere…
I’ll sit back and wait for Diane to provide it, Terry.
Professor Paul Mullens – ‘criminologist’ – and MK-ULTRA practitioner (allegedly).
Consultant for nearly every major criminal event – especially mass shootings.
General John Monash – for whom the University is named after – must be spinning in his grave at the perversion that Monash University has become.
General Sir John Monash, was a disaster like that Ukrainian idiot today. Pointless meatgrinding for fun and profit, amongst other similar attributes.
I got a whiff of Paul Mullens at the Sydney Lindt cafe job. Anyone else?, the digital age makes it easier for cover-ups.
The Hebrew, General John Monash a disaster?????? It was his engineering/military skills that brought about many Australian victories, and the rapid end to WW1.
His tactics of combining infantry, tanks and aircraft into a rapidly advancing artillery assault at Hamel during May, 1918, is still studied today in most military officer training schools.
His tactics reduced the horrendous losses that the English and German hierarchy, were never bothered by.
No too mention, it was his presence during the Victoria Police strike of the mid -1920s, that brought a halt to the march of full blown Communism in this country.
You need to make yourself familiar with John Monash – it’s a big book to read and full of historical fact – I defy anyone who reads it to not feel empathy for the man and his ability to overcome the political and social machinations that were aimed at him, and in my opinion, by lesser mortals than he, and solely designed to keep him confined within the social construct of those times.
Was he a poo-bah? Probably a masonic jackboot, marching the sacrificial lambs from behind safe lines at rear, making sure his goons shoot deserters in the back.
“What if they had a war, and nobody showed up”….. to fight for the pilgrim eugenicists.
ant56 – you mock and deride the man, without knowing the man himself, and his tribulations, and contributions in a society that tended to side line anyone who was fingered as being a ‘jew’.
His troops adored him, and it was his ex-troops who countered the blatant push toward Communism during the police strike, in Victoria.
His troops were the ones who won battle after battle on the
Western front that garnered the tough fighting reputation of the ANZAC.
Your ignorance of Australian history, is only surpassed by your lack of respect toward an Australian military legend.
In short, you have a fool of yourself!
Beware !!! Bill Gates “organic” fruit coating Apeel
Well whilst waking up to being slowly poisoned, for entertainment have a few minutes wondering if it will matter …… Col McGregor’s assessment of the middle f’d up East at the end.
Meantime; for the ‘crow eaters cultist’s club’ menu just at least listen from 35 minutes…….if the patrons can take it. Actually, I have not noticed that those cultists have ever read their prepared menu but never cease to deny what is about to be served.
Meanwhile, those prepared and with refrigeration etc., will be hardly sympathetic as the lamb roast is carved for them. …… sorry, the neighbour’s dog gets the bone.
Beforeit’snews.com people powered news latest from Mary with a ‘……Black swan event…..’, in the headline.
If you can take more, go back to the start.
Hi Terry, want to barter some spuds for heaps of cherry tomatoes?
‘SGanon in Rino’s corner’ at beforeit’snews.com people powered news.
Twenty minutes for something to feed to the crows.
Includes an Interesting bit on that tunnel system in NY with some apparent cult mystery.
Cults here, there, cults everywhere…. Take a pick Sandra.
Which one wins? Well in due course, that crow is getting a bit nervous.
CALLING ALL WHO WANT TO JOIN THE ‘flat earth, cultists club.
At beforeists nsws.com people powered news.
‘ hey Kerry Cassidy 107 and gene decode, 100% the earth is flat and space does not exist’.
Second video down.
Love it, life is hardly boring and simple.
Ned – I often visit Project Matilda – an Aussie website where freedom of expression is paramount. So what do I see posted there from time to time?
Flat Earth posts!
I counter their posts with logic and easily verifiable fact.
But persist with their stupidity, they still do.
There is an Aussie pilot who has posted a $100,000.00 reward to anyone who can prove the Earth is flat – I’d say his money is safe.
Mein Trumpf says they will have to deport the migrants who have been pouring over the US southern border for several years at least. Assuming Trump wins with a landslide, everyone will have to have Biometric ID to catch all these migrants. Cameras on the light poles and so forth, hit squads racing around in vans, hip-pocket telephones spying on everyone. Elon Muck will catch them with his satellites. All this will be done in record time in early 2025, how handy !!! For anyone wanting to start a major pandemic with compulsory compliance as part of the package. Will Trump still be talking about freedom to choose or will the states simply require compulsory injections. It’s all like a Punch and Judy show, with the kids screaming “behind you Mr Punch”.
What was Mein Trumpf doing draining the swamp while giving the allegedly worst swamp creatures top jobs, people such as Bolton. These questions have been asked long ago by much greater Trump skeptics than me. Were Ukraina and Gaza timed to avoid damaging the Trumpf narrative ? You know you want to say YES to all this stuff.
As usual US politics best resembles a madhouse, with all the key jobs filled by guys from Rockerfella’s Trilateral Commission.
Links to CBDCs, they’re coming courtesy of the stoopids
NWO minions ALP bringing in untold legislations of all descriptions which nobody ever heard about until it was SNEAKED IN
You miss the most important aspect to counter tyrannical governments – all you gotta do is not comply with things that don’t make sense.
The old financial system is done – your sources of information are faulty or guilty of putting out disinformation.
JP Morgan/Chase filed for bankruptcy yesterday. Many more Banks world wide will soon follow.
Expand your thinking – Q
A correction – I jumped the gun – JP Morgan/Chase will be filing for bankruptcy on January, 23, 2024.
So where is Bolton now, Joe? Maybe by being put into the spotlight by Trump Bolton has fully exposed himself as the Globalist he has always been?
And Bolton is not the only one from the swamp to have been exposed publicly for what they truly are – there is quite a list if you bothered yourself to look – yet you just cannot give Trump any credit whatsoever for what he has achieved so far.
And getting rid of unwanted free loaders in all western countries is already a plan in place – again – if you allowed yourself to expand your thinking while controlling your bias, you would already know what that plan is.
John Bolton, really, seems business as usual to me – S
Anon – Follow the blood and historical desicrations from even pre 911(note this will link to something S says in future comms). Yes this freak has been known for some time. But lets stay in the, here and now, blow up Soleimani(Trump approved) mourners for the inflimation stage on next target Iran. Erase Palestinian Gaza people and physical history. Classic Bolton.
Bolton is part of the Globalist Deep state, Simon, but you can’t see that? OK.
“….getting rid of unwanted freeloaders in all Western countries is already a plan in place…..”
Where is the evidence as it applies to Australia OT?
Sandra – All the evidence you could wish for is on the Q board.
Secret Societies and World Governments.
“everyone will have to have Biometric ID to catch all these migrants”
What bosh. Anyone can enter the U.S. and stay as long as they want so long as they have enough money or the means to bring enough in via a business venture.
But the employment-dependent must have a social security number,this being the only concern:
The social security numbers that have been allocated under Biden’s watch can hardly be revoked
They put it through in China a few years ago and done is done
What’s been done in China under Xi Jinping’s watch has zero bearing on what’s likely to take place in the U. S. if Trump gets elected
Harvey Milei in Argentina is an indicator of how things don’t go the way you would wish
U. S. constraints on foreigners bagging job vacancies has got nothing to do with what I would wish.
In my view the likelihood of Trump being reinstated is not that strong in any case. RFKJr’s stance re the covid racket has put him miles ahead. His “global warming” misapprehension palls in the face of Trump’s ignorance/acquiescence re THE foremost issue of the millennia
Robb was also the minister pushing the PTP – Pacific Trade Partnership – with all Pacific Rim nations, and what would have been a HUGE power grab by Corporate entities that would have allowed corporations to over rule governments.
The election of DJT put the kybosh on that Globalist attempt to usurp what was left of our sovereign nation.
Robb has done much to further his self-entitled ambitions against his own country – just another Australian Traitor awaiting justice.
Hillary Clinton getting booed off a college campus
Harvey Milei Meeting with Bill Clinton
This in spite of highly dubious reports from certain quarters that the Clintons were already hung at Gitmo.
David Icke comment included.
Harvey Milei has just succeeded in getting $4.7 billion from the IMF.
The great hope of Argentina seems headed for the usual denoument.
What the hell is it with Argentina ? Is it run by Swiss Nazis ? ( Must be )
“Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.” – Albert Pike
Yes indeed for invented conflicting interests to cause division death and destruction.
People are also reminded of Dr Day’s address in 1969, as reflected upon by Dr Dunegan in the late 1980’s.
Ref at Rense.com “NWO EXPOSED BY INSIDER”, also here at GS by MM.
As Q has opined, we know their playbook.
Sort it out yourselves reflecting on developing current events.
We all know the playbook, but we don’t know who is Q
Q-membership involves speculation with a particular bias
Removing the bias does not restrict information
Removing the bias opens the mind
Note to Mr Plodgers who will be along soon:
I have stopped looking at the provocations
Well, as for developments, for those who can manage a bit of provocation from Ben Fulford’s latest at rumormillnews.com … reading room at 12.21.37 on 11 Jan 24
Heaps of news.
There is one cultist club that I was not aware of referred to in the Epstein Island list of tourists.
The Stephen Hawking scientific cult.🧌
Q “Did Jeffrey ever talk to you about SH’s proclivities?
A yes, he liked watching undressed midgets solve complex equations on a top-high-up chalkboard.”
Joe, you have no idea what fun you missed in your science classes…..ME TOO.
Dwarf science (1 min)
Joseph, did you enjoy the further transcript concerning no report of T being involved?
Being in contrast to some claims by the ignorant trolling commentators turning up here at GS.
It was on M$M for about 3 seconds then they were told to go back to the smear campaign
Terry Odgers,
I commend the full Fulford report and note all the EVIDENCE IN THE VIDEO REPORTS NOT REFERRED TO BY THE TELALIEVISION misinformants to entertain and deceive the gullibles.
And dwarfs are free to enjoy their lives as they desire. They are otherwise a normal part of humanity and our world.
Most are not tempted to be politicians, they are in a class above many other human beings.
As for the Fulford report, take particular note of the subliminal messages found in the film backed by Obama. There is a video report explaining the findings that many would be too stupid to have an interest in or realise……because they are too f’n lazy to investigate.
Is that episode of that show the one that runs for eight hours?
Tucker and Jones
Yes they want to kill you and your family
How to make your own Black Salve
Bill Gates lab meat is made of cancer
“The book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot revealed the HeLa story for the first time, and is well worth reading.
HeLa cancer cells reproduce quickly, and are notoriously hard to control. HeLa cells used in labs often “jump” from one experiment’s samples to another in the lab, off countertops or in the refrigerators. The results from many studies had to be discarded after a double check of, say, lung cancer cell lines were found to actually be HeLa cells that had infiltrated other studies without being detected. There needed to be a crusade of checking cell lines in order to keep research clean and honest; Walter Nelson-Rees’ work is documented in the book A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman’s Immortal Legacy-And the Medical Scandal It Caused, by Michael Gold. Rees retired frustrated; the problem continues to dog the research field.
Here’s a quote from The Immortal Life: “Only cells that had been transformed by a virus or a genetic mutation had the potential to become immortal.” PCR testing (developed to provide material for studies, not as a diagnostic, is notably unreliable for detecting viruses) is now proposed to screen study cultures for the HPV-18 strain of Human Papilloma Virus which apparently resides in HeLa cells in perpetuity. Per WebMD, HPV-16 and HPV-18 account for about 70% of all cervical cancers. HeLa cells are nasty.
In horror I read the papers about adopting HeLa cells as a substrate for vaccine production. Can they reliably purify the extract of a vaccine culture to take out every single “immortal” cancer cell–and all of the virus which appears to drive the HeLa cells? Could a single HeLa cell which made it into a vaccine syringe multiply inside the recipient of a shot? In the 1950s, researcher Chester Southam began injecting HeLa cells under the skin of subjects and found that tumors formed.
The audacity of using such virile immortal cells as the medium for fake meat made me hang my head. Safety studies? Or do manufacturers (and investors) simply ASSUME stomach acid kills HeLA cells and the virus they carry? The stars align for a potential catastrophe”.
Joe,I’m afraid there is already a star alignment that has been in process for the last 4 years.
Most assume the COVID plandemic has run its course and any updates on new variants,hospitilisations etc is more fear porn and it is to some extent, as is also the continuing push for more death vaxxes.
However lurking below the surface there is in fact a likely imminent catastrophe threatening highly “vaccinated”populations.
Geert Vanden Bossche(whom I have been following since 2020)is trying to raise the alarm to warn people of what is unfolding.
In this video Philip McMillan attempts to simplify the immunology that Geert is explaining.
This interview with Dr Rob Rennebohm is also worthwhile
That research certainly lines up with the hypothesis that all viruses, by definition, are damaged organisms that become more damaged & therefore more virulent via allopathic treatment
Very unlikely this hypothesis has any virological basis.
The evolution of the escape mutants is due to the pressure of the non sterilizing gene therapies(vaxxes)forcing the virus to mutate to survive not because they are or ever were “damaged”.
The belief that living matter is continually “evolving” has no scientific basis whatsoever.
Whereas genuine biological understanding tees up perfectly with the fact that Lucifer doesn’t have the capacity to create anything, only the ability to poison, mutilate or destroy what is by way of human cooperation.
What needs to be understood is that the theory of evolution is central to the current mess we’re in. I’ve posted material that utterly repudiates it a number of times and not surprisingly no one has come up with any sort of constructive criticism:
Sandra, Joe, T O et al. U 2 Berry🤪👽
“Live Michael Jaco and Kerry Cassidy discussion: are W H ops to stations and etc…” at BIN
38 mins for a few, dead, clonres Antarctica etc. > Israel annuaki and Jew tunnels in NY
I recall Kerry’s Antarctica visit, also the head of orthodox Christian’s.
The EBS should be the best shows in 24.
Jumping kid shooting Rebel Yemini Sam – Education Yeshivah College, Melbourne(Joe knows we did mention him one Avi
Who is the pervert that wanted that gigalo Stephen Hawking actor(like skippy there was quite a few of them), thinking Steve Jobs and Bill Gates hacking the rig.
Well, that was fun and Pine Gap mentioned at about 1.11.00.
So far as I can tell, we are just on a cruise the ship ‘Galactic Earth’, hanging around with all the other tourists for eons. Some probably come to watch us in the Zoo and see what conflict is like with some good wars for entertainment….. well, the colosseums were all for entertainment.💁🏼👻💀
Except, we are the crew providing the resources, entertainment and services.
Some of us get up to the Captains Table (some galactic committee?) for a smorgasbord dinner.
Typical galactic tourists are a mixed genetic lot just like us, some just want to go shopping in Vegas and some come here because they like chocolate.
Then others, as with some earthers, have a special diet🙀😩🤮💀
Toward the end the Miami Mall theories are covered.
I heard strawberry ice cream
Well then, look forward for profitable opportunities
Set up the intergalactic strawberry ice cream franchises.
Do not forget that you will need a consistent supply of milking cows.
Ensure that Biden leads your advertising campaign, he has earnt a lick or two and knows how to.
Behind Enemy Lines-Justine Isernhinke-Head of Geopolitics and UAP Research-Malone Institute.
CIA’s Office of Global Access-OGA
Well, not much new, remember my comments back here at GS, referring to Lt Col Corso’s book and the introduction by Sony of the transistor, replacing AWA valves…. Whatever.
It is all drip, drip to educate ‘.normal’.
Listen to Kerry Cassidy and her interview with Jaco referred to above. For the ‘Cultist Queen’, it is hard to beat Cassidy. Drip, drip, drop.
Ramping up to Middle East War
US and UK launch attack on Houthis
Well, there is the false flag event foreshadowed ….. being set up….. who really runs the ‘hoodies’?
As usual, since when has a war been not justified by a false flag attack?
Same old game ….. to suck in normies…… ‘interpret’ a whale as a Nth Vietnam torpedo in the gulf of Tonkin gets the war monger killers and mass media panties in a knot.
Now Vietnam is a must cheap holiday for the children of our servicemen and women who served and 450 killed there with countless Vietnamese in the 1960’s.
‘All wars are banker’s wars’ TO CREATE DEBT AND PROFITS.
REF: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – new.
Who controls and runs our government?
Not our ABC, SBS or controlled corporate mass media and their shock jokes.
At 19.51 on 11.1.24
whatreallyhappened.com – new.
Sth African submission on Gaza disaster.
A very competent legal counsel, submission for consideration.
Foreign Minister Wong, you around anywhere?
What about our defence minister?
What about our teals?
What about our Greens?
Oh bugger, why did I forget our Prime Minister and his coalition opponent?
Stuff it, let’s go to war again.
The other leather seaters? What do you lot care, you want to be pre-selected again?
And our member’s staffers, “ ve are vatchung you”. OBEY!
“The government holds you down while the corporations perform the rape.” H.Vox
The sorceries in practise for a long time, although the US Constitution says all money should come from Treasury not bank loans.
Our youth indebted, like no generation before, are taught nothing about this scam which is the decline and fall of all nations.
All these agendas are a total contradiction to Our Lord’s 2 fundamental teachings.
Corporations with governments don’t manufacture anything, provide no service , basically do nothing, but exist as money laundering schemes sucking blood sweat and tears dry.
These days if you’re not in with WEF, you can’t get anywhere up the ladder of slithering success. Their agenda now so obvious, the flood of immigrants not charity for the poor but to finish the job. Arriving here they’re given cards and iPhones, supervised by masonic communist party in Canberra. As we the people get nothing but taxes and inflation with consumables as wages lose value daily.
Banksters are the evil on earth. Their plan, solution with CBDC. There is absolutely no advantage to be in this digital slavery. Anytime, digital can be turned on or off at the flick of a switch, 5G social credit.
If possible buy land with water close, and get the hell out of cities, if you can.
Oz a dying nation, poisoned by a century of scams, treachery and chemicals in food water and air.
OK , kitchen calls so I leave you with the first 6 minutes of situation update from Mary at beforeitnews.com people powered news.
I will listen as I cook up something for our ‘cultists’ dinner.
Remember Dr Day’s prediction… one Monday we will awaken to a new world.
Mystery is; whose world?
Bit after ten mins, Australia mentioned.
Remember our PM has been travelling ….. getting briefed?🍿🍿🍿
You like evidence.
Well from about 22 minutes take a reality flight over Epstein Island.
Take Elly, Diana and Sandra with you and look down.
Couldn’t find it
Not even the graves? The covering up!
I did
Clif High has a couple of new audios out about what is going to be happening in this new year. If you are an independent thinker, then you will probably be able to handle the ‘novelty’ of the events. If you are a ‘normie’ that relies on authority to give you guidance, then you will likely have some difficulty adjusting to events.
Terry S.
Some will “ …. Likely have difficulty adjusting to events..”.
Well, they have made their own bed despite years of attempts here at GS to condition/inform the normies to the lies of false flag mass murders, like P A and 911 etc. and their trust in politicians and a complicit msm with their inane simpleton’s loyalty to what they have bee ‘taught’ and accepted without examination.
We have tried. It has been so recorded here at GS For at least eight years.
Ned, something like 9-11 or PA is EASY. There are heaps of objective facts that people can consider – you might say it is a ‘no brainer’. However, when people have to start wrapping their heads around metaphysical concepts or cosmic aliens drifting in and out of our dimensional perception, now that is a big leap for the normies. – At least I find them more interesting than the common variety, factually provable, ‘conspiracies’ we have come to accept.
Terry – another way to put what you have written above would be this:
If everyone could accept the premise – which is easily provable – that nearly everything we have been taught throughout our lives is one big lie, then waking up to what life really is like in this world and beyond, would be far easier to comprehend.
When even the Bible can be proven to not be what it is promoted to show, and is a compilation of what the controllers of this world wanted us to believe, then everything we have learned has to be re-learned.
Gospel of Jesus Christ, the truth, way and life. To receive Him within is a blessing.
We’re all sinners, forgiveness the remedy in melody, praising the Almighty in Jesus Mary Joseph, with all the Angels and Saints.
Saint Francis and Franciscans paving the way.
Love and peace, good friends.
The c H address in “……… dark winter Intel fo Jan 2024 compilation”
Many will cope if they are prepared to comprehend severe changes.
Seats up Trays up belts secure wheels down ALL. FUN ……..
Not sure if this has already been posted.
Tucker Carlson interviews Willie Soo
Willie Soo’s website.
Dr Willie Soon
WEF Annual Meeting 15-19 January 2024
“Rebuilding Trust” !!!!!!!
Very interesting agendas with all the usual suspects but a majority of total unknowns.
Their definition of Rebuilding Trust seems to mean Reasserting Ownership Over Everything