Home Corona Funeral Director John O’Looney “…My Days Are Numbered For Daring To Speak...

Funeral Director John O’Looney “…My Days Are Numbered For Daring To Speak The Truth”


The Crowhouse interviews John O’Looney in a most important exposé.



        • You’re perhaps missing the point about “Swissy”,
          Swissy does not refer to to common people of Switzerland, it refers to an ancient bloodline and extends to all the Euro royalty, banksters, Military Industrial Complex, BigPharma oligarchs etc who have attached themselves to this philosophy and system of control and plunder. The average Swiss selling cuckoo clocks has nothing much to do with it all.

      • How ironic that the phrase “Arbeit macht frei” displayed at Nazi concentration camps was also the catchphrase used during the time of the Gulag death camps.

      • Why do we kow-tow to proven liars?

        “…………Do you give up at this point? No, let’s try another direction: “Any normal court of law requires evidence of a crime. However and bizarrely, Articles 19 and 21 of the Nuremburg Statute of Court dispensed with any requirement that evidential proof of deliberate homicide be provided. Now, tell me again, how many Jew were killed?”

        “Sir, six million”

        Your fingers are now drumming on your desk:“Did you know, students, 9 million of the 16 million Jews world-wide are collecting ‘reparations’. Benefits extend to children and dependents born to ‘survivors’ even though they had been born after World War Two. On registering their claim they are handed $35,000, receive $2,000 per month and receive free health care for life. Tell me again, how many Jews died?”

        “Six million, sir.”
        “According to the Jewish World Almanac the Jewish world population in 1933 stood at 13,315,859. By 1938, one year before the outbreak of war, the census showed a total of 15,748,091 Jews. Residing in the Third Reich were 210,000 Jews, some refugees fleeing Polish pogroms.

        In 1948, three years after the war ended, the census reveals a total of 15,753,638 Jews world-wide. In 2017 the figure is still under 16 million. Now, let’s repeat my question; how many Jews died in the holocaust?”

        “Er, six million, sir!”

        The aforementioned explains the power of what Hitler accused the Jews of; the power of the big lie. If a lie is big enough and it is repeated often enough the gullible will continue to believe the lie even in the total absence of proof.

        Now you know why Winston Churchill remarked; “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”

        Douglas Reed Could Not Understand Either

        “Gentile worship of, kowtowing to, servile deference toward, and desire to be led by Jews baffles me. Their maniacal, frenzied, foaming-at-the-mouth hatred and bloodthirsty cruelty, their endless Big Lies, I don’t get the worship.” ~ Douglas Reed (1895-1976), Chief Central European correspondent for the London Times, later the author of classic Politically Incorrect and books of dissent (e.g., The Controversy of Zion).


        • Okay, lets take the numbers you provided…

          1933 – 13,315,859
          1938 – 15,748,091
          This is an increase of roughly 18% over 5 years. We then have another year before the war breaks out. So for a rough number… 18/5=3.6% so we can add on another 3.6% taking us to 21.6% giving;
          1939 – 16,192,084
          We then have no data until 3 years after the war meaning there has been 6 years of war followed by 3 years of post war “peace”.
          Without a war we would expect a further increase of 32.4% from the original 1939 figure. So;
          1948 (exp) – 21,438319
          1948 (rep) – 15,753,638

          Almost exactly 6 million missing Jews. Whoever would have thought that math could help us.

          These numbers just like those used in the estimates for the death toll, because that is what they are, estimates, seem to support the “big lie” over your truth.

          So to answer your question..6 MILLION, SIR.

          • Well I guess that fc checks and debunks the soap and lampshades conspiracy theory.

            And speaking of arithmetic, who can forget that famous equation “6 M – 3 M = 6 M”.

            • 1906 – New York Times, 25 March 1906: “Startling reports of the condition and future of Russia’s 6,000,000 Jews were made on March 12 in Berlin to the annual meeting of the Central Jewish Relief League of Germany by Dr. Paul Nathan… He left St. Petersburg with the firm conviction that the Russian Government’s studied policy for the ‘solution’ of the Jewish question is systematic and murderous extermination.”

            • 1915 – Jacob de Hass, The Boston Sunday Globe, 26 September 1915, page 46: “Indeed the only point that all warring elements are agreed upon is that at the end of the holocaust the Jews and Palestine will be more closely related than at present.”

            • 1915 – New York Tribune, 14 October 1915: “What the [Zionist Young] Turks are doing to Armenians is child’s play compared to what Russia is doing to six million Jews, her own subjects.”

            • Yet Another Six Million: The Fable of Pogroms against Jews in Tsarist Russia – Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson


            The relevant period is covered in this session:
            • Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Behind The Bad War By M. S. King – Part 8


    • “Those who cannot be bought are punished not rewarded” (1:13 min)

      “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
      JOHN 16:33

      As Judas Iscariot, like most of his kinsmen, was incapable of focusing on anything beyond securing a Worldly win, he couldn’t get his head around such “overcoming”. Now’s the time for everyone to decide which camp they belong to.

      • These Illuminati types seem to feel their bloodlines are the closest they will get to immortality, so baby-eating Moloch is appropriate for them. They see other people as varmints and a scourge, which is simple enough to understand. They have never had any intuitive or tangible experience with anything other-worldly so they have invented their own little thing, with weirdo ceremonies etc. There is a clash of values at the heart of current events, but it’s not black and white, there is a huge overlap, and that’s the part that’s being decided now. Who will win the middle ground. A large number of sheeple are so seriously brainwashed they want to be locked up, they want men in white coats to come and inject them with experimental serum, they want more and more drugs, they have basically become cultists to BigPharma. Globalists have effectively created the biggest post-Christian religion since Mohammad. As others have quipped, the injection is your NWO baptism.

        • Only problem is that baptism is what takes place at the onset of a particular path whereas taking the vaccine dogma on board signifies an extant lifetime of immersion in something other than water and blind faith in someone other than the Author of life

      • Judas was deceived by zealotry, a form of 1st Century activism that refused to acknowledge the Roman occupation of Judea as being God-ordained.
        Just as a certain 21st century Movement refuses to acknowledge the current occupation of the same piece of turf as having been likewise commandeered.
        History repeats

    • This is directed to Port Film Co-op

      I am getting really pissed off with self-absorbed short-sighted pricks putting up “must see” videos which are irrelevant to any current crisis. We do not have time for this crap. We have mere weeks to break big pharmas grip on our government and some tosser is worried about fiat currency and housing.

      Jeez, Most of us worked that out decades ago.

      If you have some info that is not on-theme, please title it accordingly.

  1. Well that’s a boots on the ground report, it is the bottle neck of truth stuffing all the other bs propaganda.
    ‘Boots on the ground’😷
    Sorry; meant ‘bodies in the ground’..now that is a genuine statistic!
    The late Clive presser has some interesting hints re to the political reality….’lobbyists’ with interests abounding. Going to be interesting!. May explain the jerkoff’s recent flips?
    The ghost who walks perhaps, should be channeled?

    • Hard to say if they are gangs of masked thugs egging each other on OR are these masked thugs instructed to try to draw a response from vigilantes who will be labelled terrorists and made an example of.

      • All I can say is that young Australian men, who find out who these criminals in uniform are, should make sure thay never offend again. if these criminals get away with this, their behaviour will escallate. This is one step away from gang rape.

        • How Mussolini dealt with the Communists


          “In their war against Bolshevism the Crusaders of the Black Shirt
          used many weapons. One of the most effective was castor oil.
          As one youthful leader explained to me, it was not so much a
          weapon as a remedy. The Fascisti were constantly encountering
          acts of disloyalty which deserved punishment on the lower scale,
          and Signor Italo Balbo, who looks like a millitant poet, but is nevertheless
          one of the veterans of Fascismo despite his 27 years, conceived
          the idea of purging society in this simple way.

          , He had to deal with the case o a man of nearly 60, who was
          guilty of propaganda against the State. The culprit was too old
          to be beaten. Signor Balbo had him forcibly fortified with a pint of
          castor oil, administered in two large tumblers by simply stopping
          his breath unt he had to swallow or die. He was kept under restraint
          until the remedy had taken a firm hold on him and then sent
          back to his family.

          Thereafter castor oil became a sovereign remedy for ‘* Red madness.”
          It was given to all breeds of Bolsheviks, from desperadoes
          recruited from the criminal classes to schoolmasters and ” intellectuals
          ” higher up in the movement to overthrow the kingdom.

          The effect was unfailing. I am told that a ” patient ” never
          rendered himself liable to a second dose. When he emerged from
          his retirement, pale and haggard, he found himself an object of
          ridicule instead of a martyr. He was never quite the same man
          again. Fascisti would pass him by with an ironic inquirj.^ as to the
          state of his health, and Communist accomplices had difficulty in
          expressing sympathy which did not betray a suggestion of amusement.

          Ridicule thus became a powerful ally of the Crusaders of the Black
          Shirt. The psychologists at the head of the movement gauged
          exactly the mentality of their opponents, and where less subtle
          leaders might have relied mistakenly on brute force alone, they
          waged war with fine discrimination.


  2. The good undertaker says, “My days are numbered for daring to speak the truth”. No mate, you got nothing to worry about. The moronosphere is too dumbed-down to grasp what you are saying. I tried to forward the video on to two people and they dismissed it out of hand. – If it was real it would be on TV.

    • Now you know why Winston Churchill remarked; “The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter.”

  3. Here’s where the rubber hits the road, you thought living in a house was as simple as paying the bills and putting the rubbish out, how wrong you were, look at this huge bundle of rules and liabilities (massive fines) they are foisting on people in NSW. The way they are piling this shit on is beyond belief. Look at the comments to see how people are being manipulated into becoming informants.
    Q Tenants in one unit have habit of leaving front door to their unit ajar.
    Residents in nine other units must pass this door to and from the garage and garbage bay area.
    Strata Manager has contacted the Letting Agents asking that the door be kept closed during this pandemic.
    This request has been ignored.
    What should be our next step?
    Am I over reacting with my fear in this situation?
    You should definitely knock on their door and explain to them personally your valid concerns. If it becomes necessary even approach the owner yourself (or letting agents) for them to enforce the rule.


  4. Kissinger Soros Gates Rothschild Rockefeller 911.
    Masked Zionism is freedom gagged. The dark occult, using hidden knowledge, has infiltrated politics banking media medical law military entertainment technology and education. They are enforcing their power at the expense of everyone else’s rights to live.
    Deception and manipulation, now total subservience have been their tools for oppression and enforced slavery via bio-weapons and computers.

    “Human rights are actions that do not initiate harm to other beings.”

    Do no harm. Everyone has the same rights as everyone else, and there are no exceptions to this universal rule.
    Authority is not legitimate and is based on coercion and violence. Government authority does not exist in nature. Taxation is theft enforced by coercion and violence. Government slavery is when certain individuals make a claim on the fruits of others labour. Our rights come from the Creator, we should treat others with the same respect that we expect to be treated.

    ‘Freedom’ is the law of slavery, only if we learn the difference between right and wrong actions, can we become truly free. 2 + 2 will never equal 5. Our behaviour creates our circumstances. Sovereignty and free will is our fundamental right to live in harmony with others. Our work is to end slavery, now mandated with mark of beast jabnation. Only solution is to spread the love Jesus gave, with His two universal laws, we all know to be true.

  5. Igun has been in touch with John O’looney and apparently he has been de-registered by the governing body of funeral directors and he has been banned by Twitter.

    Unfortunately for the censors, the cat is out of the bag and the video has gone viral. Even though the governing body told him to remove the video, the video is out in the wild and can’t be stopped.

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