MV Dali (Source Linkedin)
by G5
That Sinking Feeling
Former Senate Leader and notorious RINO Mitch McConnel’s wife, Elaine Chow; former Secretary of Transportation; and no conflict of interest cargo ship owner; had one of her DEI Hire commanded MV Dali, not only allide (smash a berth) at Port of Amsterdam (July 2016); shortly after purchase; but also collide into The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore (26/3/2024). Requiring 8 weeks to refloat. Forget the bridge. The ship having gone through the usual Greek owners and Chinese operators, with flags from The Marshall Islands to Singapore; ends up allegedly untraceable in Elaine’s purse.
Well the bridge insurers want to collect from Elaine’s insurers. They keep calling, but no one is home.
Strange that isn’t it. Nothing to see here.
Even New Zealand navel vessels actually sink under the weight of DEI HIre, as planes fall from the skies. Nothing to do with gender; it concerns lowered standards to promote the incapable under the unrelated skill sets of genitals and skin tone.
Reminds me of J.P.Mogan’s White Star Line of The Titanic, Olympic, and Britannic. The Olympic gets rammed in port by The RN. The British Government does not pay. No problem. Swap the Titanic for The Olympic and sink The Olympic as The Titanic, with The Carpathian to rescueΒ close behind.
Problem was the communications as to positions of The Olympic (Titanic) and The Carpathian. All three White Star end up in the briny, and as for 9/11, the insurances are collected.
Celebrities and Theatrics
Ellen de Generate has fled to a cottage in The Cotswolds in Oxfordshire. It is expected that this romance will be short lived. She won’t be sighted in The Ashmolean, Bodleian, Sheldonian, Frewin Court, or walking The Isis. And as the locals are not likely to pay homage to the great self-interested one; boredom will set in.
Los Angeles; indeed all California; being turned into the dung heap: the great escape is underway. Leftism looks great on paper: provided you don’t turn the pages to read the reality.
De Generate is training in victim-hood for a new invention with Netflix.The world of lies turned to entertainment. Remember the Meghan and Harry Show. Ellen darling has over four hundred and fifty mill.Β But a tearful lesbianese pout and Trump drove me out, delivers a Netflicks codswallop for a hundred mill.
And of course Meghan and Harry have “Professionally Separated”. I’m still searching for that one.
Does it also mean the two borrowed props go back to their home in Los Angeles. Poor Archie suffering brain damage as a result of a too young flight to Frogmore, to pretend he was born there. No born at a hospital. No born….
Not an uncommon event with child theatric props; Elton John, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Amber Herd, Barry and Mike et al.
Oprah definitely did not receive a million dollars from the Harris campaign, as she has repeatedly stated. Her production company Harpo received two and a half million, supposedly for a town hall meeting. Therein lies another problem. Eighty of the known One hundred and thirty American billionaires, threw money to prevent Trump winning.
The Harris campaign is actually in debt to an unknown hundreds of millions of dollars. Over two billion dollars was thrown to prevent Trump posturing a further election.
He has no need to hit the insane over the head with the Constitutional Continuation of Government Provisions; which he invoked following the 2020 coup.
Trump did not resign or relinquish office, and the recent visit with the Biden actor, was not any transfer. Because of the coup of 2020: Trump remained Constitutional caretaker. Vide Wise Guy Wray and Garland puppet Smith raiding (The White House) Mar-a-Lago, and posturing the retention of Presidential files.
Clarence Thomas delivered a quiet chat to the three stooges; Wray, Garland, and Mayorkas.
At a previous Walter Reed visit; Biden was delivered a permanent Paxlovid stay. In addition to the fact that The 25th. Amendment could not be instituted. Obama posturing his third term: could not have Harris shift Biden, assume the presidency and bring in a vice president. Repeating the Nixon Ford Scenario.
The two billion dollars thrown by the Harris circus, compares to Trump spending some three hundred million.
Returning to the Oprah issue. When that great one became aware that some fifty million had been thrown at celebrities; under the further delusion that they attract votes; and part of that was ten million to Beyonce for a three minute waffle: Oprah is now screaming foul for another nine million.
With all seven battleground states handed to Trump, and Harris actually not having won any entire state but regions only; even in Illinoise, New York, and California; it is time for the deranged to leave. After all; Trial by Media failed, Celebrity failed, and the proud t-shirt of the moment is; ‘I Voted for The Felon’.
The New America, Live in a society where Lies and Corruption are no accepted as elitist normal. Where Gender, Race, and Climate are no longer triggering, despite troupes of hired actors, and incessant media distortion. Where Inflation, Energy and Food costs, lack of Housing, Destroyed Healthcare, Destroyed Education, and Unemployment have surpassed Abortion, Gender Dysphoria, and Systemic Racism, as leading concerns.
The Walter Reed Vault
Trump’s campaign spent almost $300m with ample left over and packed auditoriums and stadiums. Harris wasted $2 plus b, and is in debt, with bought and bussed audiences. Trump offered to collect the debt of The DNC. After all; he couldn’t have done it without them.
Acting Biden smiled with Trump at the alleged White House handover presser. Not as Rogan suggested that he voted for Trump; but because they both knew that the real Biden is in the Walter Reed vault, as I have previously advised. 10X Paxlovid is such a bitch. Doen’t anyone read bed charts anymore.
Nothing like; Obama, Pelosi, HRC, and Schumer colliding neurons.
Assassination Plots and Iran
Iran did not plot to murder Trump. That was The FBI; The Three Stooges; Wise Guy Wray, Garland and Mayorkas. On what basis would Iran want to have the queen of dumb running that shop. Wouldn’t The Three Stooges want to preserve their bailiwicks, no matter what the cost.
Trump is not going to bomb Iran. Which is owned by Russia.
Since America’s Operation Ajax and the following Shah Era; America has been buying oil from Iran and paying to use The Strait of Hormuz and The Persian Gulf.
The region was further destabilized when GHWB then Cheney as de facto for GWB, then Obama, destabilized Iraq for the fool’s errand of The 7 Countries in 5 Years lunacy to race with the Qatar gas pipeline to defeat Russia’s NordStream.
Experts in America broke the balance of The Iran-Iraq War that had been developed by Saudi Arabia. Wahabi-Sunni Iraq was at war with Shia Iran.
Now following The Iraq WMD Lie Genocide by America; Iraq is controlled by Iran. Only America….
The Obama experts having the penny partly drop, decided it was a good thing to show solidarity by attacking other Saudi enemies in South Sudan and surrounds. That also didn’t end well for America.
Terror Groups, Assassins and False Flags
The Idiot Dork Squad of The Dufus Gravis Congressional Caucus; Hillerated, Pelosified, Schumered, Bidenomic, and Obamaesque neural collisions; decided it would generate American proxies to fight American Ally Israel.
From The River to The Sea now being sung to the tune of ‘Am Yisrael Chai’.
America owns all the invented ‘Terrorist’ organisations; founded, cultivated, trained, fomented, funded. Mujahideen, Taliban ISIS, ISIL, Brotherhood, al Nusra, Hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah.
9/11 was an inside demolition and insurance job (Pentagon Dov Zakheim). As well as destroying the files of; SEC, Euro Brokers, Marsh McLennan, Cantor Fitzgerald, hiding the CIA fake Bearer Notes due the next day, hiding the three trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon announced by Rumsfeld the day before, testing the W40 mini-nukes (previously tested in Iraq), and running the two drones from Florida, swapped at Stewart Airport.
No aircraft at Shanksville (the gouge in the ground was pre-existing) or The Pentgon. The latter device hidden in the garbage unit infront of that wing of the ONI investigating the missing $3 trillion.
At the end of the day it was discovered that all sections of The Pentagon had their own computer systems, and none of them spoke to any other.
Bin Laden (CIA Tim Osman) had died of Kidney Failure, well before the grand HRC theatric.
In passing: Che Guevara was CIA Ernie Lynch. They like murdering their own. I gave up working for them, and remained seconded to SIS. McVeigh was not executed. Snowden was CIA in NSA (because of the DARPA SAIC backdooring of CIA by NSA).
Philby was not KGB, and was kept under KGB house arrest until he died. Ruby did not kill Oswald. Tippitt was buried at Arlington as JFK until switched one night. Only RFK was invited.
Woke-ism and Abortion
What happened to; Walmart, Jaguar cars, Budd LIte, Disney, Boeing Engineering, Delta Airlines, American Airlines, The US Military, The New Zealand Navy, certain Maersk Ship freighters, US Government
Departments and Agencies.
DEI Hire on the basis of skill sets of skin tone and genitalia, don’t seem to work. The focus of Equal Opportunity but not Equal Outcome works just fine. Equalism doesn’r work.
If the unable are to be paid equally as the able; because they perform the same work at lower pay; why isn’t the workforce entirely of the unable. Why isn’t the work force entirely of women. If the American Black population is no greater than 13.6%; why is the composition of ‘The View’, such as it is.
What about the composition of prisons.
Why aren’t there more men in women’s paralympics?
Why is there a rash of female pregnancies in military units when they are marked for deployment?
Why are there no women in Tier One military units?
In Iceland when all the women had somehow coordinated to strike for one day: Work productions were more efficient and had increased, and HR offices received no complaints.
In the famous TV reality programme; where two adjacent and variably equal islands were chosen; equal numbers of men were placed on one island and equal numbers of women on the other. Before nightfall on the first day: the men had found food and water, and constructed shelter for the night. The women had to be rescued and removed: as nothing had been accomplished by nightfall. They had spent the day heatedly arguing as to who was going to perform what task.
In The Greenham Common 1981-2000 Affair: the women’s enclave was protesting in front of the wrong RAF base. The nukes were actually down the road at another base. They were constantly sprayed with chemical and biological agents on the basis of human clinical trials. They divided themselves into guarded no go zones from other groups, underΒ indiscernible demarcations. They were provided with food, water, and sanitary services, by The RAF. The medical services were effectively to check on the operations of the human clinical trials to which they were being subjected.
Feminese from around the world, visited as some pilgrimage to the land of lunacy.
As zero had been accomplished apart from warring tribes after 19 years: the commune; such as it was; despite the best efforts of The RAF and Feminese media interests; finally fell apart after nineteen solid years of acrimony. The area was cleared and sanitized, and a little plaque laid on the ground.
Currently in America, a lost generation of young women have flap clapped their way through ‘Only Fans’ while maintaining childish delusions of reality and their worth. The next generation of lonely, disgruntled cat women is nigh.
The physically and mentally repulsive demanding Infanticide abortion as a feminese right. While any right of the voiceless is denied.
On his way out the door; the current acting Biden; adorned the current surviving Planned Parenthood president/CEO with some bauble of state. Recognition for the murder of some twenty million voiceless, by an institution established by genocidal eugenicist Margaret Sanger. Women pay, if they can. Otherwise the federal government is billed together with government largesse, and the murdering woman is paid. The dismembered innocent’s body parts; or the whole infant on delivery; left to die on a bench; is then sold to Big Pharma laboratories and cosmetics companies. To streamline the process: drop off bins were provided around major cities, where born infants could be dumped as garbage, during the dark hours.
When Trump ordered that no more federal funds be paid to the non taxed murder machine; his orders were not obeyed. Funding continued seamlessly by government distorting itself to feed Planned Parenthood through The Small Business Agency.
Pro-Lifers were harassed, criminalized and gaoled.
Dobbs; after way too long; formally overturned the legalized Infanticide of the fake Roe v Wade. The decision was leaked by a Feminese insane acting as a clerk for an insane Feminese Associate Justice. It resulted in harassment of the conservative sane wing of SCOTUS. Abortion did not need codification as some deranged right.
The states have now inherited the poison cup, which they can manage or not as part of their socio-economic sanity or death wish.
Blue and Red, and tax
The reason Trump is pushing the states to take over Abortion and Education; with which to begin; is to force socio-economic competition between Blue and Red states until the Blue is extinguished.
People can move and enterprise can function in the states of their choosing.
Blue states function on the basis of theories and dysfunctional agendas. Red states function on reality. The Blue states will starve themselves to oblivion, while the Red will prosper, be peaceful and allow a higher standard of living with better enterprise and work environments.
Federal taxes are to be stopped with the restructuring of The Fed and The Treasury. As I have written. Different Fiscal and Monetary Policies which will also affect the operation of enterprise.
The states that cost too much will be abandoned for the saner ones. Musk’s companies were chased out of California (regulations) and Delaware (lawfare) for Texas. Enterprise has also halted in New York and Illinois. The states to operate within the confines of their state taxations.
If they borrow excessively, tax excessively, waste money on ideological insanities, run absurd bureaucracies, and cause inflation and unemployment: they can be used as examples to their residents and isolated. A collection of almost independent states, forced to behave rationally.
Harbouring illegals is a felony. I look forward to the governor of California, the mayor of Denver et al, either putting up or shutting up, as the streets and occupied hotels and apartment complexes are cleared. They will not be protected by any force on which they can rely. And American fake media is blowing it out its over worn cheeks.
The federal government is bankrupt. The reason they wanted to hike taxes on enterprise. The Federal Reserve usual suspects mostly to blame with Quantitative Easing, Stimulus Packages, Interest Rates, interfering in markets; including Bonds and Notes; and overprinting supply. It has caused; Inflation, Unemployment, a blocked investment environment, over regulation, and a constant threat of higher and higher taxations.
As taxation rises, the actual return dives. Requiring higher and higher taxations to cover the ever growing diminished returns.
Enterprise is taxed out. The wage earner is taxed to unemployment. Inflation moves higher. Government Experts and the allied insane attempt to juggle what they have created, and the entire nation revisits 1929.
The solution is quick and not to the liking of elitist government dross. The reason for the desperations to stop Trump reaching the levers of power.
The reason the billionaire class invested against Trump, was because of the disgusting nature and corruption of their personal lives; to be exposed; and the fact that the Left insane (Democrats and their expert partners) destroy economies. They have no idea about enterprise. Only wanting to regulate and tax, pretending they do.
The American federal public service is over 85% too big. As are the state equivalents. But that will remain with the states to wake up and woke down. The reason the Federal Government is broke is because it misuses and wastes tax money and borrowings. Slashing the public service immediately forces down Inflation and begins to attract enterprise to raise Employment.
As I have written: Trump’s tariff threats are for the consumption of fools. In that regard: he has had the expert advised presidents of Canada, France, and Mexico on the telephone.
Tariffs push. Taxation and incentives draw. You don’t block commodities entering. You provide a low tax and low regulation environment, with a willing and competent workforce. In return; products are supplied domestically in that cycle, and export markets are developed and serviced with a brand of quality: ‘Made in USA’.
Recall the early days of; ‘Made in Japan’ and ‘Made in China’.
In passing: Japan had renamed an industrial city to Usa; ‘Made in Usa’.
The Persecuted
Uyghurs, Falun Gong and Buddhists are persecuted in China.
What did the America government do to Conservatives, up to the re-election of Trump. From 2015 to 5/11/2024, the government persecuted Trump. they trained him well. Particularly in 2016 to 2020. And now it will pay….and pay….and pay….
New America is formed, and the Government of America has no place at the table. It’s on invitation only.
What of the Japanese Americans living in Hawaii during WWII, the Germans in Germany at the end of WWII, The Japanese in Japan after WWII.
Entire North Korea is a slave camp for workers supplied to Russia and China. Slavery is currently practiced around Africa, for the purpose of raw materials to America and elsewhere.
Chad, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan, and South Africa, deliver a conservative estimate of seven million people, including children, in forced slavery.
Does the economic debt slavery of the west not exist. Consuming by inculcated desire instead of need.
I will get around to g5 later, ( I receive prior notices as a matter of course) but I am too depressed after hearing real Mary today 7/12 at WTPN AT:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com – people powered news after report on β¦β¦.Benet Ramsey and the Christmas satanic βcelebrationβ they had/have on Christmas Eve when a little girl places the last bomble on the βphalicβ Christmas tree. From about 30+ minutes.
Before that is the murder of Thompson from about 27 mins. Yep HLC!
Then after Ramsey is just too much to hear to the end on other matters and I am out of here.
I suppose the usuals who ignore real Maryβs reports will not even read my comment to here. But it has to go on the record that many will not consider reality from the start.
Time: 6.19 pm
A great story from G5, upside down land. I wish we had proper states in Australia instead of a few sort of overgrown city councils. Now about this 9-11 mini-nuke story, how much shrinkflation of critical mass can a mini-nuke endure. It must have been the size of a small pea.
Mini nuke was in the play back before 2008. Have you never heard of the evidence of Rodriguez the janitor describing the explosion in the BASEMENT before the plane hit and the fellow who had all the skin missing from his arms.
He was seen via video at a conference I attended in 2008..( there were two, the first at Tattersals Club in March)
And where was the ABC waste of money and space.ππππππs
The buildings pancaked from the top, what would be the purpose of exploding the basement
Ask the mass murderers that did it.
I just researched THE EVIDENCE.
Then those who were the actual murderersβ¦β¦ that is a matter of common senseβ¦β¦.
12.58 pm
Minor celebrity economist Leith van Onselen
Says we need to improve productivity because our cheap energy advantage has been destroyed by successive red-blue governments
However even if we work so fast our fingers are bleeding it won’t be fast enough to get in front on productivity. Even if we all get on speed and somehow get the AI working it still won’t be enough. We have a culture of absolutely determined and relentless self destruction, expert says too many government jobs, “care economy”, capital shallowing, manufacturing is lowest in the developed world via expensive energy even though Australia is so rich in coal, gas, uranium and solar.
In other words no-one gives a f*.
I would criticise van Onselen for being too optimistic, he speaks as if there was some way out from here, there isn’t.
It was a foregone conclusion when production was shut down here and transferred to help establish made in china forty years ago. Bunnings selling the komunist products, with a sizzle, guaranteed to break down walking out the door.
Mean while, 400 k/hr trains to connect one belt 15 minute cities up the great divide.
CCP social credit system 5G launched in Oz with the oceania digital ID enforced via known kabal black hand komunista
Words words words πππππππ
But no one cares to apparently listen to Lt Col Bosi whom I have referred to here.
Just words ad nauseum.
10.10 pm
Funny Trump short video from 1990
I had a guy in court building fake premises into his questions, later on had to take out a restraining order on him
Dirt on JD Vance
There was much speculation at the time if the Baltimore bridge collapse was some sort of intentional act of Deep State , a relief it was DEI .
Waiting for some law to happen to purify the political ranks of the Elaine Chao’s of this world . How many times will the hourglass flip before something is done there ?
Sometimes it’s Blue state voters moving to Red states and voting for the same crap that forced them to abandon their previous enclaves in the first place , just as some of the imported vote for the same that forced their exits , hence the “Great Replacement” wide open borders scam .
Much is being made of Trump’s tariffs threats by liberal talking heads and the devoted repeat it ad nauseam .
To them , democracy is on the verge of complete annihilation.
There was much speculation at the time if the Baltimore bridge collapse was some sort of intentional act of Deep State , a relief it was DEI .
Waiting for some law to happen to purify the political ranks of the Elaine Chao’s of this world . How many times will the hourglass flip before something is done there ?
Sometimes it’s Blue state voters moving to Red states and voting for the same crap that forced them to abandon their previous enclaves in the first place , just as some of the imported vote for the same that forced their exits , hence the “Great Replacement” wide open borders scam .
Much is being made of Trump’s tariffs threats by liberal talking heads and the devoted repeat it ad nauseam .
To them , democracy is on the verge of complete annihilation.
Patriot underground discussion 7//2 at http:::beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
Bosi mentioned early. I will probably be asleep as it progresses, but they are worthwhile.
Donald Trump’s uncle and the “Death Ray”
You might like to fast forward through the first ten minutes
Tony Bliar “This is a project of power”
Skipping all the immigration etc the latter part is most interesting
Celente on the clownshow and meltdown includes data and stuff
Biden developing pre-emptive pardons