by G5 Information Report. 25.01.02:
FREE SPEECH is not a privilege, it’s a RIGHT. ABORTION is not a right, It’s MURDER.
Analysis is sought from the Intel Community; apart from advising DOGE on the massive reduction of The American Federal Administration. A very messy and resisted affair.
Currently mooted is:
America absorbing the 10 provinces and three territories of Canada to be states and territories.
Greenland to be bought from Denmark as a territory. Tremendous Arctic oil reserves not yet quantified, not the strategic narratives, and not to affect Russia’s Arctic interests. Camp Century already established.
Panama; the strategic canal; to be forcibly taken to become an administrative territory of America. Built in 1903-1914, by America, and controlled by The Panama Canal Zone from 1903 to 1979. Parallel problems were with The Suez Canal, built by France 1859-1869 and The Suez Crisis of 1956. The third major to be The European Canal between The Caspian and Black Seas being constructed by Russia through Georgia. A fourth to be The Oise River at Compiègne to the Dunkirk-Scheldt Canal, east of Arleux. Russia currently operates The Volga-Baltic Waterway, The Volga-Don Canal, and The White Sea Baltic Canal. All of which are for trade, not weaponizing.
El Salvador to be absorbed as a state.
Venezuela to be absorbed as a territory by agreement with Russia.
Cuba to be absorbed as a territory, by agreement with Russia. The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 was America removing its missiles from Turkey, with Russia remaining in Cuba (Santa Clara, Lourdes). Not as media of the time portrayed. The American creep to Turkey paralleled in the current Ukraine Affair, initially from 1994, and the American invasion of Ukraine in 2014. The NATO creep to Ukraine in abrogation of The Bucharest Agreement by America. As America has been unable to match Russian force since it surrendered to Russia at Potsdam.
Mexico to be absorbed as two separate territories, with Baja separate to California.
I advise Russian objection concerning Greenland, Venezuela, and Cuba.
And cannot advise that any of these territorial expansions will eventuate.
Camp Century on Greenland was unwittingly turned into a radioactive dead zone by America, as it did The Savannah River Delta, parts of The Gulf of Mexico, parts of South Australia, parts of Iraq, etc. Paralleled by Subic Bay, Ok Tedi, Bhopal, Seveso, East Timor, Mururoa, Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, Fukushima, Minamata, parts of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, etc. And of course the famous Operation Fishbowl Starfish Prime destruction of The Ozone Layer over Australia, and nanoparticles in blood as a consequence of weather experiments, etc.
Israel and Amalekites
Israel has secured interests in its region, as I have advised. Israel, America and Russia have used Ottoman Turkey as the useful proxy idiot. And all while the intellectualized and actors for hire were performing buffoon theatres on campuses concerning Gaza a separate nation, apartheid, war crimes by Israel, children slaughtered, and Gaza will defeat Israel and take all the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.
UNRWA was established by The UN to ensure the Gazans are not treated with ill-intent, and feeding themselves. Israel left Gaza in 2005, an alleged democratic election was held in 2007, at which time Gaza established its final path to destruction.
Even though all the money ever thrown at them and all the aid given by Israel, accomplished zero beyond screeches of victimhood since 1947 and the The Gazan Metro under Israel. Then by virtue of The Stockholm Syndrome: UNRWA joined American [sic] Hamas on 7/10/23 slaughtering whoever they could find in their path.
Gazans from 1947 have managed to lose every war with Israel, Gazans ever started. Including when aided by England, and having litanous resolutions passed by The UN and warrants and other omphaloskeptic arsewipe confetti from the ICC, ICJ, and the legal department of The Mickey Mouse Club.
The numbers are not clear, but in general terms; 3,000 Gazans; with about half being UN employees; escaped and rampaged Israel, murdering about 1,400, and kidnapping about 300. About a hundred of the latter being murdered in custody. Bearing in mind that no nation wants to take in or supply military aid for Gazans. They are not considered Arabs or refugees, or even strict Muslims. They are Amalekite Philistines. Palestine was a British term, without other philological derivatives.
Gazans are disowned by all 57 member nations of The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. Not even America with The Rio Circus, wants them. The two entrances to Gaza are from Egypt and Israel. Egypt has closed and barricaded its entrance. Israel offered to pay Egypt to take them. There were rent a fool protests organized in Egypt. But the entrance remains closed.
There is no worldwide population of 14.8 million Palestinians, and there is no Gazan population of 5.61 millon. Not even The West Bank wants them.
As the situation stands, Israel will continue with business as usual; evicting squatters and clearing Gaza as contractor for Wahabi financing of a development site. If Gazans surrender and release the kidnapped they have not murdered; the situation could change. Trump has many options available. None of which would ever allow another 7/10/23.
The Amalekites shot the bolt and will pay, as The Bible advises.
Authority Your Servant
Always view Authority (Government) as your servant, never your master. The legislative and legislature are aspects of government, not any intermediary or representation. Mass media must be regarded as the servant of government. Your objective is a peaceful and prosperous life. The objective of government is to control you and force obedience, rob you, starve you, and kill you.
Water and Milk Supplies
I have advised of this many times before. Bechtel and Nestle are in a battle to control the world’s water supplies. They want to own the rain. Civil armed uprisings have occurred concerning Bechtel in this idiotic pursuit in South America, resulting in tyrannical administrations backing down from their owners.
But Bechtel did quietly slip under the radar in South Australia, to own the water, as a government guaranteed blackmail.
Nestle from the hospitals and the villages in Africa, began delivering baby milk formula. It convinced young women that that formula was far better than their breast milk. Particularly since it was free. After an acceptance of that product lie was sufficiently entrenched: Nestle began the price pyramid for the product.
When that was returning nicely for Nestle and before the realities were beginning to bite: Nestle poisoned the formula and murdered hundreds of thousands of infants as a parting gesture.
I prefer the Capitalist system and advise when I am aware that there are problems.
Beyond bromate found in Coke Desani bottled water in The UK, it also became known that Coke was selling tap water. After a green media campaign, the same Desani is being filtered tap water sold through Detroit. Remember the world recall of Perrier found to have benzene.
Well; Nestle owns Perrier and thirty years after the benzene affair; you wouldn’t believe it; Perrier is loaded with pesticides, that somehow have skipped the great filtration efforts of Nestle.
Remember when melamine was used as a coffee creamer. Didn’t work well with kidneys.
Well it now appears that Joel Greenberg who accused Gaetz of having sex with her when she was under age, was lying.
I am shocked that women have now cemented themselves as chronic and habitual liars, and reminded of; Anita Hill accusing Clarence Thomas, Christine Blasey Ford accusing Brett Kavanaugh, E. Jean Carroll accusing Donald Trump, Nafissatou Diallo accusing Dominique Strauss Kahn, and even Amber Herd accusing Johnny Depp. Are women never again to be believed.
But then again after Suffrage and Succession, where were they to go. Clearly Feminism was a huge disaster, after it was Wokified. Equality became supremacy, and the end of the alley was reached.
Fake Narratives
There are two fake narratives currently circulating, traceable to the usual suspects and floated by the usual suspects.
That Musk is the president or is about to take over the helm, and that if Musk takes over any of the major legacy platforms, he will convert them into right wing extremist propaganda disseminators.
Apart from; Vance is about to challenge Trump for the helm.
When you hear any of this; know the people who delivered it to you. The Leftoids are currently lost in the space void they created for themselves. They have no answers for what has befallen them. Apart from the glaring fact that they are so detached from reality, there isn’t much hope for them. They have to admit to themselves that the garbage which permeated their brain was actually horseshit all along. That takes truth and the retirement of narcissism.
Accepting characters as; Cenk, The Lemon, Madcow, NoJoy, Caryn et al at face value, could never produce a belief system even remotely linked to reality.
The current perceived right wing extremists are actually very tolerable centrists.
Where the lunatic fringe reside and now find themselves is a matter for them and medication. At least they can’t hide their invective and appearance.
Earth and Humans
The Darwinian captured over-thinkers, regard the opposing thumb of the ape as a sign of man’s evolution. But what of the elephant’s front pointing knees.
Man adapted from creation. There was no evolution or intelligent design and no animate from the inanimate from any primordial swamp. All have appendices and breasts.
Man is entrapped on The Earth by radiation belts, and has never and can never leave Earth.
The Earth has eleven simultaneous motions. Every point has fourteen dimension. The universe is a matrix and constantly expanding. The speed of light is a constant but relative. We can see the past, but not the future.
The universe formed 13.8 billion years ago, from which The Earth evolved 4.5 billion years ago.
We have 11,600 years ago evolved from our 5th. extinction. There have been intelligent humans in prior epochs. There are no alien life forms. There have not been various species of humans. The correct reading is that souls return to The Garden of Eden. There are no places or repositories, and no places of reward, suffering, or isolation. No human has a right to determine the afterlife.
Suffering on Earth has been the determination of humankind upon itself. We were made in THE IMAGE with free will. There is no lateralizing of blame, and certainly not as to any perceived realities of existence.
There is good and evil and a responsibility to destroy evil and observe good.
Prayer to GOD is not as a consequence of any demanded worship, but a constant recognition of reality by humankind.
(Note: The views expressed in this article are the views of G5)
Brendon O’Connell
The Cult of Elon Musk, Flat Earth, Investor Cults – Silvermaster Spy Ring – It’s All The Same Crew
Elon Musk is part of a long line of City of London “penetration agents” sitting fat and currently – relatively happy – aligning with a seemingly certain Trump win. Funny, but no one was closer than Obama and Musk. In fact, Obama very kindly handed (literally), NASA to Musk and Space X.
Trump called Musk an idiot and failure, demanding giant subsidies to keep himself and his joke companies alive.
Elon Musk is a Kissinger & Associates product. Groomed and set up a decade in advance. He was being handed a giant fake company that would work with the CCP and Israel – Israeli technology and Chinese manufacturing capacity. That deal, with the end of the Multi Polar World Order, is now off. Now what does King Klown do?
Well, he and his City of London beast system banking app – X – have aligned themselves with Trump. It is sickeningly cringe worthy watching Trump fawn over Musk, as if the past does not matter and no one has a memory. I guess the “migrant” riots in New York and elsewhere will continue to make sure the Trump faithful…remain faithful. I’m sure they’re organized by the same people that organized Jan 6 – such are the private intel crisis actor scripted times we live in. Reminds me of the Union Truck drivers of Chile called on to create chaos to make sure the socialist government of Salvadore Allende was ousted a little more quickly. What happened with those ports in the US again recently?
The Silvermaster Spy Ring is indicative of what we see today in the times in which we live. Musk is simply one of a long line of half witted useful idiot sociopaths they use. Amongst many, many others
Both camps are absurdly wide of the mark. Why even bother?
Whatever, I’m OUT. The corn has never really recovered since the storm flattened it. I may get 10-20% of a regular harvest. The ‘bush beans’ are coming in, but I really needed the climbing beans like the ‘Inferno’ as the bush beans are too low for the garden. However, the Red Kuri squash have gone bonkers and are taking over everything. I hope I like the taste of the squash as it looks like that will be the big producer.
Next year I have a much better idea of how to set things up for a BIG harvest of everything related to the ‘three sisters’ garden.
Protect yourself, nobody else will…
This year the Inferno Borlotti beans (climbing beans) were all sold out, no matter where I looked. The ‘bush’ beans have come in and look good, but the climbing beans should be much better for my garden. Since I’m going to make a bamboo ‘teepee’ around the corn (a lesson well learned from the storm) they should have plenty of room to grow. As a precaution I have just ordered three packets of the Inferno beans and I will store them in the ‘fridge until I need them next year. – Success, failure, success, failure, it’s all lessons.
You influence more people than you know Terry. You gave me the Idea of buying silver coins. Silver was about $33 per ounce at the time.
Glad I posted on some valuable information for you. – I had a friend that asked me if I thought gold would go higher. I explained what was going on and he decided to get some. So I decided to sell him some of mine (gave him a bit of a discount and no commission). So he got four ounces of gold at $A 2,250 and 60 ounces of silver at $A30. – Surprise, surprise he is really happy and now follows the precious metals market.
I post stuff about food to do the same thing. I’ve been hungry in my life and didn’t like it much. I suffered from malnutrition for most of my youth. Going in the Army gave me the nutrition I had always needed.
We all have our different life experiences that we can share and think about – sometimes it can apply to other people. – Thanks for the complement.
Quite what would make anyone think that “Palestine” was a Brit invention is beyond me.
When historians are unanimous that said name was allocated to the respective patch of dirt by Rome in response to the 70 AD Judean Revolt:
“The First Jewish-Roman War, often referred to as the Jewish Revolt, began in AD 66.
It was a reaction to a series of political and religious tensions, including instances of Roman misrule and a growing nationalistic fervor among Jewish factions. It initially saw success for the Jewish rebels, who managed to expel the small Roman garrison stationed in Jerusalem. However, Rome soon dispatched a larger force to quell the rebellion, setting the stage for the siege and eventual fall of Jerusalem.”
It’s also a matter of note that the nationhood of both the Amalekites and Philistines was destroyed centuries before said revolt, the claim that the folk who currently identify as/call themselves “Palestinians” are really “Amalekite Philistines” is also skewed.
Point being that, if you don’t know how something started, you’re hardly in a position to predict where it’s headed
But who really wants to know about that ?
Hence the hostility I encounter on both “anti-Israel” & “pro-Israel” sites if I say anything about Oct 7 along the lines of :
“This is what happens when civilian disarmament is instituted, when LGBT-style degeneration is accommodated, when faux religious tolerance reigns. Bar said pervasive cultural slide, the 7th October massacre would ever have taken place. That doesn’t, of course, mean that it was justified, nor does it render the executioners any less culpable”
The “I will not consider THAT!” response of the overtly & covertly Judeophobic alike goes to a creeping hunch that, so far as spiritual redemption goes, Israel has benefited enormously, an uncomfortable reminder that genuine awakening is never a comfortable process and that the respective need is universal
What’s also interesting is that the commonality of the 2, ostensibly opposing, camps includes a blanket denial that the WW gathering momentum of Islam is in direct proportion to Jewish recalcitrance and Christian apostasy, that that’s exactly how it arose in the 1st place, and that that’s also why and how it’s destined to run a particular course
go to 7 minutes
Love it:
“If you don’t know how something started you’r hardly in a position to predict where it is headed..’
And how and when did humanity start or what has been since and still, is not known?
Well I suppose some claim to know and that at least explains them now.
2.50 PM
You don’t need to know anything if you understand real estate
“Palestinians” are really “Amalekite Philistines”
No argument on my part that all 3 groups were able to conduct raids on Israel via it’s, quote, “failure to be what God intended it to be”:
But that doesn’t mean they’re the same entity
The crucial difference is that the Philistines and Amelikites conquered by virtue of physical prowess
Whereas the primary Palestinian weapon has always been psychological – as per the political trend of the Age and as evidenced by the association with You-Know-What:
It is interesting that so many think they know nearly everything.
Whether history, or whatever but one subject rarely gets a run, being other intellectual life forms or not Appreciating the powers/abilities of an individuals mind.
A simple example is that people who can ‘picture in colour’ at will do not understand those who cannot and vice versa.
Thus there is a basic ignorance prevailing in appreciating limitations and those feeling superior to others not knowing of their ignorance.
So for those who nevertheless, have the ability to see/consider a wider picture or consciousness despite their limitations that they have the ability to recognise; the following link at http://www.beforeitsnews.com [people powered news] might test their capacity. Some will, deny, scoff etc., but they can remain within their limitations and who gives a stuff about them.
Try ‘this was recorded as it crashed in NY. The drone/orb situation just got stranger’.
There are two videos under the heading, the first by Tony who often reports at BIN and THE MORE INTERESTING ONE ENDING WITH A VERBAL BRAWAL BETWEEN KERRY CASSIDY AND HER HOST.
Those who appreciate Clif High will be entertained by Kerry and she also refers to the same remote viewers that Clif parleys with. Readers who are informed have heard Clif dump on Kerry.
Why are you worrying about analysing G5, get into some other points of view that I have referred to above and then re-evaluate a couple of assertions by dear G.
I note it was posted, so I ad, beware those who have intransigent conditioned religious beliefs or concepts.
Ned, though I take a God centered view of things I hope I have not given you the impression that I stand on a hill of imagined superiority to others. I am in reality more bogan than Bogan, been wrong often, an comfortable with the fact.
When Clif High says that people are psychic I am inclined to think he is right. All those old father son stories I think are a product of that, just like the many good-beats-evil-against-all odds stories, like Lord of the Rings.
I suspect that our history is also playing out according to the same pattern. If we ask: Is Jesus the son of a space alien? from the outset we could think there is a possibility. If we ask: Is Jesus really the Son of God?
Well God is our creator, so that means that there is something buried in the cor of our being that actually knows exactly who Jesus is. Of course there is a powerful part of us that will suppress this thought at all costs, and to surrender to it for many is like death.
It is no statement of objectivity to say;
“Every cell in my body knows its creator, and my soul knows Jesus as it’s savior.”
Should it be? A child that loves his parents does not need objectivity either.
I have no experience in the legal profession, and lack your way with words. If this is all a bit annoying to you please forgive me that. Of course you are as free in your understanding as I am in mine.
Not in disagreement with the whole article, but calling B.S. here:
Israel came to former Palestine (and why should anyone care what type of government it had?) with an army not for peace with the locals, but to take their land, make war, and expand. This is a work in process, and still continues.
In order to persuade the people in my fathers village to leave Palestine, children were publicly tortured to death and many other evil things were done. The soldiers did these things under command from above, and not of their own volition.
They were empowered by the belief that they were Gods chosen ones, and could do no wrong.
It was customary then as it is now not just to bulldoze buildings, but to erase all other traces of the past. Many lovingly preserved historic sites suffered that fate.
The settlers that came afterwards were not told the truth, and their children were taught Giddionized versions of the story.
West Bank and Gaza are places where displaced survivors and their children were herded. If any appear to be in bad psychological or physical condition it is not surprising.
Christians who categorize people according to which side of Abraham’s family feud they think they are related (Philistine, Israelite etc.) confess that they neither have nor understand what Abraham had.
They pretend the New Testament never happened.
Problem being that your brand of B.S. is also known by a complete absence of any supporting data
Which naturally goes hand-in-glove with an unwillingness to acknowledge that the 1948 restoration of Israel was, first and foremost, at the bidding of a certain 19th century Christian movement:
Charles Haddon Spurgeon June 16, 1864
Scripture: Ezekiel 38:1-10
Notwithstanding the fact that spiritual restoration won’t ensue until there’s a radical purge within the church. As called out from 6:46 in this 1993 recording:
“Obadiah 17 says ‘on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness. The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.’
You see, they’re the possessions of the house of Jacob whether they possess them or not. God wants them back in their possession but, there are two things needed, and this is also totally true for the church. There has to be deliverance and there has to be holiness. Without that restoration will not be complete. There’s a parallel between the agents of desolation in each case, for Israel and for the church. In each case the root cause was unbelief and disobedience that exposed Israel to the invading army, but precisely the same causes produced a similar result in the church. The church slid into unbelief and disobedience, carnality and every form of sin, and lost its inheritance.
For the church to come back it’s going to require the two things that Obadiah specified, which are, deliverance and holiness. Israel was invaded by locusts; the church has been invaded by demons.
Whether this is a popular theme or not, it happens to be true. If we want restoration we have to get rid of the demons.”
That’s obviously not going to happen by attempting to severe Israel from it’s roots, in fact said course is the best way ever of killing the graft thereof
The same Pom recalling how he & his Danish wife & their 8 adopted Jewish & Arab girls managed to escape the crossfire of the 1948 scenario:
I warned you Richard in a post that did not make it.
Per Berrie’s past commentary, if your experiences are not in court on oath then Berry ignores it.
It is a waste of time to try to crush the berries.
Anyway I am going to make a comment on real Mary down below…. For some very berry fun,
5.25 pm
It is funny you mentioned that Ned. The matter of my fathers village has already been to court, and won after many hearings. My grandfather laughed himself to tears when he saw how pathetically tiny the compensation was.
“The numbers are not clear, but in general terms; 3,000 Gazans; with about half being UN employees; escaped and rampaged Israel, murdering about 1,400, and kidnapping about 300. About a hundred of the latter being murdered in custody”
Orchestrated and “invited” in,significant percentage of the 1400 murdered by IDF forces and ? number of non returned hostages collateral victims of the genocide.
“How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers”
“We’ve got to stop believing Hamas’ lies about civilian deaths in Gaza: War is hell. But the IDF are killing ‘astonishingly’ few civilians, say the experts”
It’s the Mideast equivalent of “Dog bites man,” but it took the media nearly a month to recognize its sheer obviousness: Hamas lies.
“Hamas lies systematically, instructing civilians to misinform the foreign press. It lies habitually, with a formidable record of mendacity from previous conflicts. And it lies guiltlessly, convinced that the objectives of ‘resistance’ supersede quaint notions of truth-telling.
Nonetheless, since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge over a month ago, Western media have relied on Gaza’s Hamas-run Health Ministry – as here, here and here – for casualty tallies. As one reporter told the Washington Post, when it comes to body counts, the Hamas Health Minister Ashraf Al-Qidra is “the only game in town.” ”
You certainly have a lot of stuff there.
Not sure if people will appreciate my 20 pages of supporting data.
I don’t know you so well yet either.
Do you normally react thoughtfully when your view is challenged?
I would recommend you read Holy Land Called, but before you do that, I also recommend taking some deep breaths of this peaceful Australian air and thanking God that we are here and not there.
G5 likes to provoke a reaction, and I took the bait.
I don’t know what will come next. AI text messages? Drones? Mind bending muck from EB? He is not a gentleman, he even had a dig at women. I might not be much better, but at least I will try.
I will put in a link this time that reflects your position on your behalf.
Those who are impressed deserve to be.
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbfccVBo9tE&t=17s
You can easily slice through all the bullshit if you understand real estate, and if you understand strata titles and a bit about companies, trusts, the establishment etc it’s even clearer, but going back to simpler times it was, one lot gets kicked off and the other lot moves in.
Always appreciate hearing what the real world is like . G5 is my favorite author on the subject .
The Bible is my favorite author on the human condition and seems to point directly at Genesis as the start of the human race :
Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
Psalm 104:30
“The correct reading is that souls return to The Garden of Eden. There are no places or repositories, and no places of reward, suffering, or isolation. No human has a right to determine the afterlife.”
That souls do return to the Garden of Eden was true until the final sacrifice of Christ :
And Jesus said unto him, “Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.” — Paradise widely considered to be the Garden of Eden .
Luke 23:43
50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
Matthew 27:50-54
There is a Heaven to gain and a Hell to shun . “Get Saved ” means hell is the default position unless one takes decisive Bible based action to avoid it .
( John 3:3 )
Sadly , most will not take the time to secure their place in heaven despite the high stakes involved :
” Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. ”
Matthew 7:13-14
As promised to Richard above …. For fun, not for closed minded normies who cannot handle their pending disasters and regrettable break downs.
At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news, the Real Mary (Odgers saw her and fell in love🤪)
Where to start with only some highlights?
Rough points scribbled on a newspaper.
46. It fell out and is at the end.
48 THE REPLICATOR FROM STAR TREK. Put in your order, then enjoy lobster every night. Well, any OBJECT that you might want.
50 brand new internet. (BUGGER: new phone)
60 there is life for controlled carbon peasants who someone thinks they can sell to the rich to have more carbon holiday fun. Including a fun dinner with Greta.
67 that Griffin nuisance AGAIN dumping on the criminal gang handing out limitless banker’s iou-s
I met Griffin in March 2008 and we had an interesting discussion.
BERRY, he was not in court and on oath so you can ignore our talk 🙀💁🤪
SOON AFTER: those Jesuits and the Mason alliance broke down.
72 need I waste my time like a parrot? GET CASH OR GROW BEANS like Terry – under a tepee.
Thinking, of wasting time, just go to the ABC, SBS OR SOME OTHER CESSPIT NEWS SWAMP OR catch up with some reported event snippets.
OH, just for Joe, lockdowns, ARRESTS AND SCARY 24 8 hour news casts on some EBS. Have not the reference but it is there with the Venusians .
I just remembered: Early in the update I sent a timeline to Dee to get her hockey stick out. Forget the drone events and that beam of blue and watch out for cabal designed creatures to run out of tunnels/holes from the ground and do what Dan did.
Great movie, enjoy it with happy holidays, but do not take the kids, especially the big NORMIEVones.
The fireworks should be spectacular bringing in 2025. I can envisage trumpets sounding from the bridge arch as it sinks into the harbour and Lydia Thorpe raising it back up as Parotti appears on the Opera House sail singing Nusi Norma (sp?) from ‘The Sum of all Fears’ film. (Trumps theme song, per Mike King.
This somehow. Fell out of my timeline above and I could not be bothered shoving back in. Up there.
46 As everyone knows stores ARE CLOSING, listed.
6.24 PM
Where is TO AWOL?
We await my essay at 6.24 pm
I had not heard from Ozzie Max Egan for some time and now he has turned up at:
http://www.beforeitsnews.com People powered news – with a reported increase on the crazy world worth considering.
That is what our government wants us embroiled in? SICK!
He is not in court under oath so his opinion is worthless I suppose. But the videos have some credibility…. I suppose!
7.59 PM
This is the most significant report I have seen and I have seen a lot.
If people do not listen to all of this and manage the cruelty, manipulation and horror planned for you then you will be living a hell on earth.
For one shock, just start at about 41 minutes to the end of the objective scientific evidence demonstrating that we have been SUCKERED.
9.49 PM
Are We Looking at Grid Down In Two Weeks?
Massive waves pound two continents along 10,000 miles of coastline at the same time a Day After Tomorrow super freeze event is poised to settle in over power producing states that will require record electrical consumption with ZERO possibility for these states to export power to record demand areas.
“We’ve DISCOVERED Time Travel but it’s NOT what you think” Ashton Forbes | Redacted w Clayton Morris
Is our deep state sitting on free energy. The idea that we could travel instantaneously to different parts of the world for free. Could we heat our homes, run all of our devices on free energy?
Marvel at this bunch of headlines, you don’t even need to open the videos
Your eye will be like a pinball bouncing off one disaster after another
Interesting who owns China Observer.Explains the content.
Kanzhongguo (simplified Chinese: 看中国; traditional Chinese: 看中國), also known as Vision Times, is a Falun Gong-affiliated Chinese language weekly newspaper.[1] It was founded in 2001 as a website, http://www.secretchina.com. In 2006, it began publishing weekly print versions in major U.S. cities and Australia (as Vision China Times) where large Chinese communities exist. In 2007, print versions were launched in Europe.[2]
Vision Times operates multiple YouTube channels, including China Observer, China Insights and Vision Times Post.
Yes they mentioned Epoch Times too, the bias is clearly anti-CCP
G5 “El Salvador to be absorbed as a state”
El Salvador recently told by IMF to resume use of BIS approved currency, they had been using bitcoins after clearing out the gangsters. They were planning on mining bitcoins using volcano energy ( geothermal ) and paying off the national debt, now about halfway. The US has collected about 200,000 bitcoins via seizures
( $US 20B ).
It seems if the state goes after the mafias and corrupt there is a huge dividend.
They have been giving the former gangsters a pretty rough time in jail in E.S.
The volcano is right in town
How is the US able to seize Bitcoin?
Ahh time–time warp doing time having time time frame time table timeless time keeper time line linear time real time time machine time capsule time travel end of time– makes me think of Pete Seeger– a time for every purpose under heaven
I learnt about time living in the desert the timeless garden
I guess Pete Seeger wasn’t part of Tavi’s MKULTRA music industry mass media
Not in their Halls of Fame ??
Woke with this song in my brain-just sharing
Find a good bit of desert the days just drift by
on a roll
Thank you Diane.
Betty Kovac’s left brain/ right brain discussion as the foundation for so much pertaining to our existence and world events.
For those that may be interested in precious metals, here is a good video of what is happening in the precious metals markets. A bag of silver coins could go a long way in the future.
Say silver did go to US$350. You then have to convert that to Aussie dollars, which at the moment is an exchange rate of 1.6 times the US price. In other words, silver would be over A$500 per ounce.
Sandra, I don’t know where you get your information from, but I have had a bad feeling about Trump and Musk since before the “great election”. My feeling is that they are part of an alternative team for the Deep State.
Donald Trump of the “warp speed vaccine” managed to kill millions and injure masses around the world, doesn’t appear to me to be a positive for mankind. Now he is planning to take over the world except for Russia and China, where the US doesn’t yet have complete control.
He also never used the military, in his first Presidency to repel the masses of illegal migrants flowing into the US. The excuse that the US Military cannot operate on the Homeland doesn’t wash. The US was being INVADED by an organised group, whether a country, a political party or a conglomerate of businesses.
Elon Musk comes from the opposite side of the political situation to take financial advantage of situation while able to work alongside Trump at this time.
Who said Hitler was the most evil man in the world? At least he was forced into the situation at the time to save his own country. Now that we know of the Globalists plans to destroy a large number of the world’s population, what a win it was for them using World War 1 and 2 for that agenda, along with all wars since.
Again talking the talk but will he……..
President Trump “decisively defeat the climate hysteria hoax.”
…omphaloskeptic arsewipe confetti… Bless you G5.