[Emails from G5]
by G5
Fauci’s NIAID funded the Gain of Function Research at the Wuhan Bio-Weapons Lab operated by GSK. He later changed the definition of Gain of Function. The research was designed to make a pathogen as deadly as possible for humans.
BigPharma stakeholder GSK also disappeared off the documentation and visible horizon.
He persisted with the stories of a Bat Virus, an accidental release from the laboratory, and that he never funded Gain of Function. Apart from scientists would never lie to him about what they were doing. He funded Gain of Function by delivering those funds to the unaccountable EcoHealth, which passed the funds to the GSK BWL in Wuhan.
The bat and accidental release lie also are falling apart.
About the middle of 2019, I wrote concerning The Wuhan Wet Markets. Subsequently, in early 2020 I wrote that the pathogen was developed in a CIA BWL in Winnipeg, and diplomatically carried through Rotterdam to Wuhan for release at The Military Games in October 2019. I also named the four main characters involved, and what happened to them.
Fauci has put a resignation on his desk, but that won’t save him if the determination doesn’t wane. He’s 81, has been at it for 38 years, but wants to see the 40 mark. Like Mengele wanting to enjoy the products of his insanity. Currently, he is in deep protective cover.
Seen Tony Podesta lately? McCain III ratted on everyone. But that didn’t save him. HRC who ‘landed under fire’ is also undercover. Apart from being unfit for non-military trial. Even apart from shooting herself in the head. As I previously detailed. One of the problems of becoming a narcissistic brand personality.
Fauci was appointed as a trusted puppet in 1984 by CIA drug czar ‘Poppy’ G.H.W.Bush (Scherff).
The beginning of the breakup of the CIA international drug cartels began when Trump, agreed with Intel for a change. White Light working with The USCG and The USMC, battled with proxies from US State, Black Light CIA, DEA, and FBI. Beginning in Central America, through the Caribbean, and down the East Coast of South America. As I have previously written.
The final blow to the drug elites of America, England, India, and Saudi Arabia (I have read the intel files), was when Russian Orthodox Church-run Russia moved Spetsnaz dressed as Arab terrorists into Afghanistan and drove out the Biden owners’ threat of blackmail over the Russian pipelines in the region.
The CIA-Monsanto-Bayer-Blackwater-Academi-Xe Service State Dept. consortium: was expunged from Afghanistan. Russia made arrangements; as they have done in Ukraine for collaborators and sympathisers to run back to America.
The poppy fields were given by Russia to China for licit and illicit drug manufacture. Who cares?
HIV-AIDS, Hepatitus, and Mononucleosis cometh.
Begin to learn the precautions necessary for survival. More complex than the fakaries of C19. Transmissibility is primarily also by saliva and sweat.
Wash everything. Share nothing in the immediate. Only latter symptoms of AIDS are visible. Hep produces liver cancer through a sequence. I have lived in compounds where I was purposely dropped by a particular moral government. I survived those endeavours.
Remember; from a previous attempted era; it is discriminatory to isolate and even identify those with AIDS and Hep. All bodily fluids and excretions must be regarded as contaminated. Food handling becomes an issue.
Learn never to touch your face. Constantly washing your hands is even more important. The bio-wash garbage that has been psychologically and culturally introduced at almost all public access doorways is rubbish.
This is the turn that will attempt to blame the unvaccinated, non-compliant. The game is to leak and information block the psychotic propaganda run before it gains an irreversible tractionable momentum.
One of the signals of the game change was: the release of Ivermevtin for use in hospitals and prescription use. Ivermectin being in the WHO list of ESSENTIAL MEDICINES. Used successfully since the 1970s. The Inventor receiving a GENUINE Nobel for it in 2015. Not an Obama version. Over 3.7 billion doses successfully used since 1980. You know what it is: remember it and HCQ as The Horse Dewormer, Ha Ha HA, of FREAK MEDIA.
Give the award to The Straight White Patriarchal Male. Tragically he doesn’t seem to have a woke notion in his brain. Consequently he must be discriminated against, in order to promote and maintain skin shade, sexual identity, and the cancellation of inconvenient culture.
What have these woke buffoons been doing, presumedly in classes and studying for the past decade? So they attend university and are tokenized to become professionals. Whereby they have an influence on the lives of others. But then giggling through their astonishing ignorance gives them good standing to be legislators, judges, expert advisors, even a vice president, for the country they cannot identify on a map.
Pronounced and unashamed stupidity was never a laughing matter. At least never to those who matter. But then we are discussing the next generation of Americans.
Fools to the left, fools to the right, into the valley of lunacy rode the valiant imbeciles.
Woke Broke: morally, mentally, and socio-economically.
Remember also HRC as de facto president’s choice of Janet Reno as US AG; after four refusals. Baggaged with Ruby Ridge, delivering the very predictable Davidian Insane Atrocity, a follow on False Flag (Intel Wars) Murrah Bombing and the fake (“I’m so pleased”; Microsoft antitrust scam. Only bettered by GHWB’s “We have prevailed”).
Perhaps Reno’s greatest moment; disappearing off the list of greatest hits; is the tremendous moral strength and determination concerning her high office, when she ordered the execution of a young underage girl, on the spurious and concocted evidence of a murder.
It reminded me of Australian Victorian Premier Bolte running for re-election when he authorised the execution of Ronald Ryan. The evidence of his innocence, SITTING ON BOLTE’S DESK.
When questioned by Gohmert: Carlisle as US AG, displayed a remarkable lack of knowledge of the law. One of the reasons the cultural idiocy of THE TEAM was invented. The major Martha Stewart and Lewis Libby cases were particularly lacking in her repertoire.
She should have just pleaded The Fifth. Much as the moron IRS Leftist Lerner, nauseously kept reciting. Amazing how questions concerning one’s day-to-day employment, becomes a major issue of self-incrimination. Even IRS Paz and Koskinen et al., didn’t run that one.
At least the pending midterms have temporarily retired; The Fifth; taking The Recommendation of The Team; you don’t know what you are talking about; cackling; some lying; subpoena ignoring; the Nuremberg; Reclaiming my Time; video evidence obstruction; and the hiding of Congressional Committee, beyond bilious questions, from Sandy Cortez (school failure!! Long story) and incest (keep it in the immediate family) queen Ilhan Omar.
As for Bollte’s execution of Ryan. I recall a conversation with a NSW QC who I was instructing as counsel in a matter. ( mid 1980)
The report was that someone spoke to Bolte re Ryan at the horse races and Bolte replied to the affect; the public wanted him hanged and that was that.
Counsel was horrified and disgusted⚖️⚖️
Interesting comments from G5 and Ned re Ryan. In parallel with Martin Bryant. All the evidence pointing the other way but certain creatures wanted their way at any cost.
I still believe Covid-19 has never existed and the millions of dollars was towards Gain of Function for the “vaccine”. However Senator Paul never asked Fauci what the money was provided for, so that it was “assumed” for Covid-19 instead of the real killer, the “vaccine”.
Why I am adamant that Covid-19 does not exist, is look at the death numbers in year 2020 (year of the virus) versus 2019. Since 2020 deaths are rising because of “vaccine” and booster.
This is an evil one. (Sorry, off topic.)
French lawyer arrested early morning, in front of her children.
French gen. elections in 3 weeks.
Sort of on topic……. Many💁
Latest X22Report.com episode xxxxB
Treadeau called out in European Parliament as a Dick … tator.
The judge Jackson inquiry, seems to love pedos from her history. That means pedos hit the news💁
More injection policy nonsense exposed. Airlines call out the mask hypocracy as a example. And more.
Putin doing in Ukraine what he ( and T) did in Syria. clean it up. Hunter’s company financing bio labs.
pentagon assessment leaked re Putin’s modus…… limited so far as possible for purpose.
T suing hilarity and many other named treasonous fools re the Russia charade …. Wants a jury hearing in Florida.
Now why⚖️💁? Tactic to enable all the evidence to be presented so that the media can report the evidence. Proceeding may be dismissed BUT, before, it all hangs out for the public.
Speaking of what Putin did in Syria …
Madelyn Hoffman (member of US Peace Council delegation)
[Pay particular attention to what Madelyn says from 0:50 to 1:39.]
Here is the full session hosted by Bashar Jaafari (as you know, former Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the UN Headquarters)
And who can forget the chemical weapons fake news
The Father of the Vaccine
March 24, 2022 renegade 3 Comments
It’s absolutely insane that the MAGA crowd opposes the vaccine, but loves the man who takes all the credit for it.
Rand Paul also doesn’t challenge the va666ine, I would say this is because they are not suicidal, so they are targeting certain individuals
Vaccines are bio-weapons
Australia, Forced Vaccines, and Ethnic Cleansing*
Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam. Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics
Dr. Wakefield warns ”This is not a Vax, it is irreversible genetic modification” (9:54)
“Even the latest technology platform stated to have been invented to be able to design a new vaccine to cope with any COVID variant within 2 hours and not only design it, but even have the finished product ready to distribute within 48 hours was invented by a Jewish professor, and here are other examples of Jewish-based COVID ‘vaccine’ death shot work”
COVID-19 Vaccines Have Jewish Links https://atlantajewishtimes.timesofisrael.com/covid-19-vaccines-have-jewish-links/
Modified RNA vaccines
Local Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania abortion providers supply the aborted fetuses, while Pitt sponsors the local Planned Parenthood’s operations, in what looks like an illegal Quid Pro Quo for fetal body parts, forbidden by 42 U.S. Code 289g-2 and 18 Pennsylvania Statutes 3216. Pennsylvania law also makes it a felony to experiment on a living fetus or to fail to provide immediate medical care to an infant born alive.
The jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/
6 coronavirus vaccine developments from Israel to watch https://www.israel21c.org/6-coronavirus-vaccine-developments-from-israel-to-watch/
Israeli scientists: ‘In a few weeks, we will have coronavirus vaccine’ https://www.jpost.com/HEALTH-SCIENCE/Israeli-scientists-In-three-weeks-we-will-have-coronavirus-vaccine-619101
“Israeli scientists are on the cusp of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus, according to Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis.”
Latest information about the coronavirus https://www.weizmann.ca/covid19/
These people do not look like German ‘Nazis’ to me, they are all members of the Tribe. I could go on…
Would the Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
There have been many informative articles with comments and links here at GS.
But not one politician, local doctor, a bureaucrat like Dr Chant, a Spivey msm shock joke or a Hazzardous heath minister, who has ever proffered a comment covering so many concerns and to allay any expressed concerns.
Where are all the staffers of the above, do they not do any research and inform their controllers?
They are snivelling killer cowards and now know by now that they are facing criminal investigations for the manslaughter investigations and trials.
The public will demand a accountability in due course and they must be brought to account.
There is not a rock in the country for them to hide under…… and that includes Uluru.
History will demand their exposure and for justice to prevail.
@ Ned, The German Politikstube has just published TikToks Todd Callender’s AIDS warnings!
Re: G5’s suggestion that we studiously avoid an upcoming epidemic of AIDS etc by washing hands, food, don’t touch the face etc., one has to marvel at Prince Phillip’s wish that he would like to come back as a killer virus, but now it is multiple viruses, and we haven’t even covered the smallpox yet.
It doesn’t take much to project the hospital budget will also be trying to kill us all. The TV is softening us up with their endless fear campaigns. After a few years we will be begging to own nothing and go on Universal Basic Income. Prince Philip and his buddies have worked everything out so far in advance, it’s all baked in. We’re in the coffin, the lid is on, they are just banging the nails in now. To Army and Cops: You are going to get the treatment too.
Re: Soldiers dying at ten times the normal rate since the injections
Why would globalists want anyone to have a big national army, they have their own army, the UN “Peacekeepers”, a little Orwellian flavour there, as well all their various mercenaries. Just imagine printing all the money you want then paying the mercenaries with this scrip, issued as Swiss Francs or converted into anything. It is truly magical, you can kill anyone and in any numbers almost anywhere with printed money that costs you nearly nothing, as long as people keep accepting it.
Once the world’s big national armies are reduced they can all be better played off against each other. The era of soldiers is really over by now, soldiers should realise that in the 21st C and under Globalism, they have no future, they are just another dead money expense like the old age pensioners, they will not last long against the drones etc.
COVID not only kills you but brings you back to life … Zhirinovsky
• Senator Pronyushkin announced the death of Vladimir Zhirinovsky
wikifakia five hours previous…
“Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (Russian: Владимир Вольфович Жириновский, né Eidelstein, Эйдельштейн; April 25, 1946 – March 25, 2022[1]) was a Russian politician and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.”
Reference [1] is the link above.
In February 2022, Zhirinovsky was hospitalized under critical condition in Moscow with COVID- 19.[98][99]”
wikifakia now …
“Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (Russian: Владимир Вольфович Жириновский, né Eidelstein, Эйдельштейн; born 25 April 1946) is a Russian politician and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.”
In February 2022, Zhirinovsky was hospitalized in critical condition in Moscow with COVID-19.[98][99] A month later, it was reported he was placed in a medically induced coma when he was hospitalized with the infection.[100] In March, he was undergoing treatment for COVID-19 complications such as sepsis and respiratory failure.[101][102]
On 25 March 2022, Zhirinovsky was reported to have died in hospital. Despite confirmation from several sources, including his own political party, the news was quickly refuted by his family members.[103]”
“The rumours of Zhirinovsky’s death have been greatly exaggerated.”
Bulletin – carried forward (Ukraine)
• UK Spook Set to Repeat Syria Role in Ukraine
I have noticed they are starting to pull back on the ‘neo-nazi’ narrative because it is bringing too much focus on the Jew Zelensky and his Jewish oligarch puppeteer Kolomoisky – and of course to the Bidens et al. Even wikifakia has been slow to respond to the frantic narrative … (the Azov battalion is about as ‘neo-Nazi’ as ISIS is ‘neo-Muslim’).
From Ihor Kolomoyskyi Wikipedia
“In April 2014 Kolomoyskyi offered a bounty for the capture of Russian-backed militants and incentives for the turning in of weapons.[44] He also is believed to have spent $10 million to create the Dnipro Battalion,[43][45] and also funded the Aidar, Azov, Dnepr 1, Dnepr 2, and Donbas volunteer battalions.[46]”
“Kolomoyski is a prominent supporter of Ukraine’s Jewish community[53] and the president of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine.[54] In 2010, he was appointed as the president of the European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC)[55] after promising the outgoing president he would donate $14 million,[56] with his appointment being described as a “putsch”[54][55] and a “Soviet-style takeover”[57] by other ECJC board members. After several ECJC board members resigned in protest, Kolomyski quit the ECJC and, together with fellow Ukrainian oligarch Vadim Rabinovich, founded the European Jewish Union.[56]”
From Azov Battalion Wikipedia
“Despite accusations that the group is antisemitic, some members of the Jewish community in Ukraine support and serve in the Azov Battalion. One of its most prominent members is Nathan Khazin, leader of the “Jewish hundreds” during the 2013 Euromaidan protests in Kyiv.[100] In an interview, Andriy Biletsky explained that he regards Israel and Japan as role models for the development of Ukraine.[101]”
Here (again) is Gonzalo Lira (8 minutes)
• Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky
• ROTHSCHILD Yellow And Blue 🟨🟦 Hugo Talks
When power shifted eastward, the Jewish center was in Babylon; when it skipped to Spain, there again were the Jews. When in the Middle Ages the center of civilization moved into Central Europe, the Jews were waiting for it in Germany and Poland. The rise of the United States to the leading world power found Judaism focused there. And now, today, when the pendulum seems to be swinging back …
In your video at 5:12 he claims the “statue of a man” is located in Israel but in fact it is in Fremantle, if you want to check on “street view” just look for Cicerellos Fish & Chip shop
Hope I can remember my new alias a bit better one day soon
The truth is, we live in a world of secrecy.
In short, Russia has an ocean of oil and gas, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
‘Don’t Cause A Stink’: Kim Jong-un’s Sister Warns US As Biden Envoys Tour Asia
US Atrocities in Korean War – Chem and Bio Weapons, Mass Civilian Bombing and Execution
Koreans not only have good reason to view the US with suspicion and mistrust, it’s a miracle they don’t hate us for all eternity
This article from our archives was first published on RI in March 2019
Here’s a very good article by a Ukrainian/American on the Ukrainian War,
So you reckon that geography dunces are fools
But that falling for the ultimate in crass americana – namely the ravings of Rick Wiles – is wise?
I beg to differ
Posted on 10 Nov.’09:
“My husband and I donated $11.000 for a tent/church project, and actually moved to Florida to help Rick Wiles start a church in Ft Pierce, FL. about 9 months ago. Within 3 weeks we discovered he was a fraud, and was not going to start a church, but used my husband, who is a reputable minister and subject matter expert on emergency preparedness, as a marketing tool to gain hefty donations. He is very controlling, manipulative, and gifted speaker. That all happened 10 months ago, and now we were contacted by a pastor in Kenya who Rick’s daughter was supporting, and they told us that Rick Wiles ordered his daughter to stop supporting their 400 orphans because he refused to be bulldozed by Rick Wiles and commit fraud for him. You can read the entire story on our ministry website. We try to help the spiritually abused folks.
Anyway, this man actually is so smooth and so convincing that he has people convinced over the radio that the Kenyan pastor is a thief, and that he (Rick) is justifiable in his stopping support for orphans.
We have been exposing this man as a fraud for months, and in return he has slandered our names publicly, telling everyone my husband is a Russian spy, not a real doctor, a communist, etc. He uses lies like candy to control his listeners. He is very persuasive and so we want anyone out there to beware of this wolf who steals and cons money off of the less fortunate. He has reputable guests on his radio show, which allow for him to come across like he is a good guy but he is far from good.”
Posted on 30 June 2011:
“Whatever happened in Kenya is known only to the people involved. Whatever happened concerning a tent project/church in Florida is also known only by those involved. This site and forum are not for reporting about business transactions gone sour. It is, however, a site dedicated to exposing false teachers.
Rick Wiles exposed himself as a false prophet through a prophecy he made publicly on his own radio show on January 7, 2010. In short, he claimed America was about to be “staggered” and “brought to its knees” by a monumental event to occur sometime during the last 3 months of 2010. This show can be heard in the Trunews archives, or at this link:
In a May 24, 2010 broadcast, Mr. Wiles further clarified the nature of this big event that was coming in 2010 that would change the face of the country, and cut communication and transportation lines, etc. (as stated in the Jan. 8 broadcast). He named it as specifically being a nuclear explosion.
Mr. Wiles then compounded his error by broadcasting an anniversary show one year later, on January 7, 2011. Instead of owning up to the false prophecy as he had promised before the Holy Spirit and his listeners to do if the word proved false, he invited personal friends of his to join him in a “panel discussion” about the prophecy. During this discussion, not a single attempt was made by Mr. Wiles to apologize to all those listeners who had been deeply hurt by his false prophecy (through putting needless fear and terror into their hearts.) He also failed to state any repentance over blaspheming the Holy Spirit by putting out the thoughts of his own mind and labeling them as communication from the Holy Spirit. Instead, with the encouragement of guests Augusto Perez and Nathan Leal, he staunchly defended that he had indeed been hearing from the Holy Spirit. All of this is a matter of record. No matter how much Mr. Wiles likes to claim people are out to discredit him, he himself was the sole author of this distressing chain of events.
All of this has been accurately documented at the Endtime Delusion blog. [endtimedelusion.wordpress.com]
If anyone can point out any inaccuracies at all in the article, I would be happy to publish a correction.
For those who truly care about Mr. Wiles, they should be doing everything in their power to convince him of the seriousness of his actions and the need to repent before our Lord for falsely speaking in the His name. A public apology is also sorely needed, as Scripture teaches that part of repentance is doing what we can to make things right with those we have hurt.
JD Ellis
Endtime Delusion”
Repeated COVID Vaccines May Impair Immune System’s Natural Ability to Fight Disease:
Rob Verkerk Ph.D., founder of Alliance for Natural Health International, explores the links between SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 vaccines, HIV and immune deficiency:
There’s a strong body of opinion that the 80s AIDS epidemic was caused by a hep B vax experiment:
The idea that any sort of vax is completely safe is obviously misconceived but all hospital-born babies are given the hep b shot regardless and from there on the sky is apparently the limit