by Dee McLachlan
“Italy has taken a turn to the right after Giorgia Meloni’s Eurosceptic populist party swept to victory in general elections, putting the one-time Benito Mussolini admirer on course to become the first woman to lead the country. Ms Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, which has neo-fascist roots, is set to win around 26 percent of the vote after Sunday’s election, while her wider coalition secured a clear majority in parliament.”
The ABC is probably scratching its head, wondering how this could happen in their woke sphere. But this speech (below) may explain her rise. She addressed the World Congress of Families at Verona in 2019, and it provides some clues to her popularity.
Over the last four years, I have been enlightened by the destructive outcomes in the family courts and children’s courts across Australia and the Western world. It seems the system is designed to destroy families and motherhood. And the ripping of children from their natural parents is a demonic industry — a business that is eroding every fabric of society.
So, on that note, I quote Giorgia from the video (at 11.30), but the whole video is worth watching:
“Why is the family the enemy? Why is the family so frightened? There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it [family] defines us. Because it is our identity.
“Because everything that defines us is now our enemy… for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves.
“And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity.
“I can’t define myself as an Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen X, gender X, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the perfect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer. That’s the reason why … that’s we inspire so much fear.”
Yep. The “removal of kids” industry is an important part of the planned destruction of family and society. The government removes one kid today; it has a generation of clients (and servants) in to the future.
A random comment:
On topic:
Ms Meloni must watch her back. Ms Leyden, Head of European Union, is quoted of saying: ” Vi haf mefods” (If Meloni becomes Italy’s new PM.)
Sorry, of topic (as per usual)
Nord Stream 1 AND 2; If verified, who could be behind a sabotage act?? USA, NATO?
“Yesterday evening, pressure in the undersea Nord Stream 2 pipeline suddenly collapsed, and gas could be seen bubbling to the surface of the Baltic Sea near the Danish island of Bornholm. Shortly afterwards, reports came of a total collapse in the pressure of our other major undersea pipeline connection to Russia, Nord Stream 1, indicating a further rupture.
Government officials assume that the damage is intentional, and the result of an attack by foreign forces:
Due to the timing, the fact that three separate pipelines were affected, and the severe pressure losses in Nord Stream 1, officials expect the worst. “We can no longer imagine any scenario other than a targeted attack,” said a person privy to the assessment by the federal government and federal authorities. They added: “Everything speaks against any coincidence.”
Princess Ursula blew up the pipeline, useless eaters can make their way to Turkey or Africa if they can’t handle the cold, reverse migration, pick a country and just swarm it
They’re all in this together
Biden “admits” to blowing it up (1 min)
( Like a puppet actually does anything )
I like it
Here’s a short version since spewtube perverts have found some excuse to censor it in short time
Wow Dee – you are right over the target now. What an amazing woman – incredible speech!
“[ABC”] neo-fascist roots”
“the system is designed to destroy families and motherhood. And the ripping of children from their natural parents is a demonic industry — a business that is eroding every fabric of society.”
That’s absolutely correct – anyone who resists the destruction of families, the ripping of children from their natural parents [as well as their ritualistic mutilation and sacrifice], and who opposes this demonic industry – in fact anyone who advocates for peace and a fair economic system … is labelled a ‘fascist’ by the depraved parasitic profiteering warmongers that control the ABC and all other ‘legacy’ [Murdoch] mainstream media.
This is precisely what Sir Oswald Mosley confronted and encountered – by promoting peace and a fair economic system with full employment based on fair wages, he was violently descended upon by marauding jewish communist gangs with knuckle dusters and eye gougers.
harari …
OK, people are beginning to wake up. So where do they go from here?
Are they still stupid enough to trust the media? How about the politicians, or the courts?
Here is a simple test someone can take. Imagine the worse, imagine that all the establishment systems will collapse. Put your head in that frame of mind, what do you do?
Imagine a famine for you and your family, imagine the destruction of the money and assets you have saved, imagine the collapse of social order and how it affects you.
If you have conceptualized this REALITY and placed yourself within it, then what would be your next move. What are your next moves? Put yourself mentally into the future and imagine what you are going to do to survive. – Then do it NOW before that scenario becomes your day to day reality.
Protect yourself, nobody else will….
Australia, Offenders should be sent to prison as punishment, not to be punished
Sydney Criminal Lawyers
This Norwegian example of criminal justice should provide food for thought for Australian prison authorities.
You are asking about our next move.
Give us a break, we are trying to get tickets for the rugby league final on Sunday 2nd October and watching the msm speculating who is to play etc and what mob may be premiers.
BTW: what teams are to go into battle in our public Colosseum?
Up to Sunday is booked out with telalievision serial projections, then with results and discussion into next week.
No one will know anything about anything.
Ned asked me to post this:
Max Egan — The Greatest Democide In History
I have listened to all of Igan’s secret garden address.
Parts are hilarious, but mostly inciteful and on topic.
He mixes the state of the ridiculous with words of wisdom with suggestions of what to do.
Many will be saddened by the coppers parking their vehicle on the railway track with their arrestee handcuffed in the vehicle.
Note the video of a military outfit/convoy ( about ten) moving in London with escort.
On a more typical example to corroborate Terry’s summation of our STUPID society is the lady trying to get the thingy into the hole from about 1.17 to the end.
There is a general message, understand idiots and slowly bring them to reality by not crowing. ( like “I told you so”) now that is going to be a challenge, Mr Ryan?
Love the caption for our pollie’s uncle Klaus ‘Shruby’.
Getting the message; pollies, ABC, medical dumbos and msm?
As Dave of X22Report.com has stated many times; “there will be a time when they cannot walk down the street”. VERY FRUSTRATING TO THINK THAT THEY WILL BE ON THE STREET.
As a aside, I hear that the ANZ Bank will be closed for all of next week??
So happy banking ANZ customers, you might have only two-three days to get some cash. If anything happens all good, if nothing happens, all good.
I called in today to a friend who runs a bistro type business and quietly gave my opinion on these questions.
If you do not have a cash supply, ( with small change for cash customers)
How are you going to pay your staff?
How are you going to pay suppliers?
To get supplies will cash be handy?
He is withdrawing tomorrow and will still have cash if nothing happens.
He completely ‘boarded’ by considering a bit of common sense.
One must TRY TO protect/warn friends. ( and family in particular)
[…] Source […]
In his masterpiece “Fathers and Sons”, [which I just happen to be reading] Ivan Turgenev invented the word nihilist by personifying its meaning through the ‘hero’ character Bazarov.
“A nihilist</b”>, said Nikolai Petrovich. “That comes from the Latin nihil – nothing. I imagine the term must signify a man who … who recognises nothing”
Recognises – respects nothing – rejects authority, societal norms and values – everything. Everything is to be destroyed – it is up to future generations to ‘build it back better’, so to speak.
Bazarov personifies ‘nihilism’ in everything he says and does.
There is a delightful passage where Bazarov meets his intellectual match in Madame Odintsov … chapter 16.
Excerpt …:
“Presently Madame Odintsov turned to Bazarov.
” Surely it is only out of politeness that you are looking at those photographs?” she said. ” They cannot possibly interest you. Pray move nearer to us, and let us engage in an argument.”
Bazarov approached her.
“What shall we argue about? “he inquired.
” About anything you like. But first let me warn you that I am a redoubtable opponent.”
” You? ”
” Yes, certainly. You look surprised? Why so? ”
” Because, so far as I can tell, your temperament is one of the cold and lethargic order, whereas argument needs impulsiveness.”
” How have you contrived so quickly to appraise me? To begin with, I am both impatient and exacting. Ask Katia if I am not. Also, I am easily moved to impulse.”
Bazarov darted a glance at her.
” Possibly,” he said. ” Certainly you ought to know best. But, since you desire to argue, let us argue. While looking at those views of Saxon Switzerland, I heard you remark that they could not interest me. This you said, I presume, because you suppose me to be lacking in the artistic sense. Well, I am so. But might not those pictures be interesting to me solely from the geological point of view – from the standpoint of an observer, say, of the formation of mountains? ”
” Pardon me, but, as a geologist, you would prefer to resort to some special work on that science, not to a few pictures.”
” Oh, not necessarily. For a picture may instantly present what a book could set forth only in a hundred pages.”
Anna Sergievna [Odintsov] made no reply.
“Well,” she resumed, leaning forward upon the table a movement which brought her face closer to Bazarov’s, ” since you possess not a grain of the artistic instinct, how do you contrive to get on without it? ”
“Rather, I would ask you: What is the artistic instinct able to effect ? ”
” It is able at least to help one to examine and to instruct one’s fellow man.”
Bazarov smiled.
” In the first place,” he retorted, “the prime requisite in that connection is experience of life; and, in the second place, the study of detached personalities is scarcely worth the trouble. For all we human beings are alike, in body as in spirit. In each of us there is an identical brain, an identical spleen, an identical heart, an identical pair of lungs, an identical stock of the so-called moral qualities (trifling variations between which we need not take into account). Therefore from a single specimen of the human race may all the rest be judged. In fact, human beings are like trees in a forest. You never find a botanist studying its individual trunks.”
Katia [Anna Odintsov’s younger sister of around age 20 – Anna is 29] , who had been arranging her flowers, glanced at Bazarov in amazement, and, in so doing, encountered his keen, contemptuous gaze, and blushed to her ears. Anna Sergievna shook her head.
” Trees in a forest! “ she exclaimed. ” Think you, then, that there is no difference between the wise man and the fool, the good and the bad? “
” No, I do not,” replied Bazarov. ” On the contrary, I believe that such differences do exist. The point is that they exist only as between the sound and the ailing. For instance, a consumptive’s lungs are not as yours and mine; yet they have been fashioned precisely as our own have been. Also, whereas, to a certain extent, we know whence bodily disorders arise, moral disorders come of faulty education, the thousand and one follies with which the hunan brain is afflicted, in short, any irregular condition of the social body. Rectify that body, and moral sickness will soon cease to be.”
Speaking as though he were saying to himself, ” Believe me or not as you like, it is all one to me,” Bazarov drew his long fingers through his whiskers, while his eyes glowed like coals.
“Then you think,” pursued Anna Sergievna, ” that, once the social body has been rectified, stupid and evil people will cease to exist? “
“At all events, once the social body is properly organised, the fact that a man be wise or stupid, good or bad, will cease to be of importance.”
“Ah! I understand! That is because we all possess an identical spleen? “
End of excerpt.
Touché Madame Odintsov
I can just picture Madame Giorgia Meloni in that role … “I’ve just popped in from doing the ironing …😊”
Excuse me while I repost – messed up the emphasis formatting …
In his masterpiece “Fathers and Sons”, [which I just happen to be reading] Ivan Turgenev invented the word nihilist by personifying its meaning through the ‘hero’ character Bazarov.
“A nihilist”, said Nikolai Petrovich. “That comes from the Latin nihil – nothing. I imagine the term must signify a man who … who recognises nothing”
Recognises – respects nothing – rejects authority, societal norms and values – everything. Everything is to be destroyed – it is up to future generations to ‘build it back better’, so to speak.
Bazarov personifies ‘nihilism’ in everything he says and does.
There is a delightful passage where Bazarov meets his intellectual match in Madame Odintsov … chapter 16.
Excerpt …:
“Presently Madame Odintsov turned to Bazarov.
” Surely it is only out of politeness that you are looking at those photographs?” she said. ” They cannot possibly interest you. Pray move nearer to us, and let us engage in an argument.”
Bazarov approached her.
“What shall we argue about? “he inquired.
” About anything you like. But first let me warn you that I am a redoubtable opponent.”
” You? ”
” Yes, certainly. You look surprised? Why so? ”
” Because, so far as I can tell, your temperament is one of the cold and lethargic order, whereas argument needs impulsiveness.”
” How have you contrived so quickly to appraise me? To begin with, I am both impatient and exacting. Ask Katia if I am not. Also, I am easily moved to impulse.”
Bazarov darted a glance at her.
” Possibly,” he said. ” Certainly you ought to know best. But, since you desire to argue, let us argue. While looking at those views of Saxon Switzerland, I heard you remark that they could not interest me. This you said, I presume, because you suppose me to be lacking in the artistic sense. Well, I am so. But might not those pictures be interesting to me solely from the geological point of view – from the standpoint of an observer, say, of the formation of mountains? ”
” Pardon me, but, as a geologist, you would prefer to resort to some special work on that science, not to a few pictures.”
” Oh, not necessarily. For a picture may instantly present what a book could set forth only in a hundred pages.”
Anna Sergievna [Odintsov] made no reply.
“Well,” she resumed, leaning forward upon the table a movement which brought her face closer to Bazarov’s, ” since you possess not a grain of the artistic instinct, how do you contrive to get on without it? ”
“Rather, I would ask you: What is the artistic instinct able to effect ? ”
” It is able at least to help one to examine and to instruct one’s fellow man.”
Bazarov smiled.
” In the first place,” he retorted, “the prime requisite in that connection is experience of life; and, in the second place, the study of detached personalities is scarcely worth the trouble. For all we human beings are alike, in body as in spirit. In each of us there is an identical brain, an identical spleen, an identical heart, an identical pair of lungs, an identical stock of the so-called moral qualities (trifling variations between which we need not take into account). Therefore from a single specimen of the human race may all the rest be judged. In fact, human beings are like trees in a forest. You never find a botanist studying its individual trunks.”
Katia [Anna Odintsov’s younger sister of around age 20 – Anna is 29] , who had been arranging her flowers, glanced at Bazarov in amazement, and, in so doing, encountered his keen, contemptuous gaze, and blushed to her ears. Anna Sergievna shook her head.
” Trees in a forest! “ she exclaimed. ” Think you, then, that there is no difference between the wise man and the fool, the good and the bad? “
” No, I do not,” replied Bazarov. ” On the contrary, I believe that such differences do exist. The point is that they exist only as between the sound and the ailing. For instance, a consumptive’s lungs are not as yours and mine; yet they have been fashioned precisely as our own have been. Also, whereas, to a certain extent, we know whence bodily disorders arise, moral disorders come of faulty education, the thousand and one follies with which the hunan brain is afflicted, in short, any irregular condition of the social body. Rectify that body, and moral sickness will soon cease to be.”
Speaking as though he were saying to himself, ” Believe me or not as you like, it is all one to me,” Bazarov drew his long fingers through his whiskers, while his eyes glowed like coals.
“Then you think,” pursued Anna Sergievna, ” that, once the social body has been rectified, stupid and evil people will cease to exist? “
“At all events, once the social body is properly organised, the fact that a man be wise or stupid, good or bad, will cease to be of importance.”
“Ah! I understand! That is because we all possess an identical spleen? “
End of excerpt.
Touché Madame Odintsov
I can just picture Madame Giorgia Meloni in that role … “I’ve just popped in from doing the ironing …😊”
• Pussy Riot – Putin will teach you how to love / Путин научит тебя любить Родину (Official Video)
Putin’s response
• Putin: What if “Pussy Riot” occurred in Israel?
• [i.e. desecrated a place of worship in Israel]
From yesterday’s Alex Christoforou – Lavrov ready to meet with delegation from Cyprus for general discussions.
At the last hour the Cypriot delegation had to cancel because Ursula von der Laiden forbade with explicit threats. Around 29:40
Today –
• Italy elections, Giorgia on my mind. Sullivan, Blinken warn Russia. Heating sidewalks. Update 1
hot spot yourselves,
As fast as they can poison them the bees keep coming back, GO BEES !!!
The reason for the bee diseases is because commercial farmers feed them sugar. These farmers should be aware that boosters are still available, go to your local Terry White chemist branch and get a couple of boosters, should fix the bee problem.
for u Josef,(good man comprendi)
the birthplace of sax against humanity, 4meOk..
More sax tooting
“Big Brother” plain spooky
Can somebody please explain to any ABC personage one might be able to ambush, that fascism ia a marriage between corporations and government, the more fashionable modern name being oligarchy, with a plutocracy as the concubine. And the ABC is the mouthpiece of the thus-corporatised government.
Trying to explain anything to a ABC PERSONAGE is as forlorn as expecting most to listen to a hour or so of enlightenment in a video and be able to understand and consider what is presently happening.
A point of order if I may – agreed, but it is a matter of terminology
In “Fascism – 100 Questions Asked and Answered”, Sir Oswald Mosley uses the term ‘Corporation’ more in the sense of a ‘cooperative’ of like-minded or vocationally similar groups of people. He makes a distinction between these ‘social corporations’ and international capitalism/private oligarchs which he says the state must curtail, not so much work in lockstep with or be allowed to override or control the government.
“He challenged the expert dogma-accepted by all the “Old Gang” parties whereby the fabric of international capitalism was considered of more importance than the individual and collective well-being of the workers of Britain.
He challenged the corrupt working of the so-called democratic system, whereby party machines with colossal monetary resources were enabled to establish “caucus-regimes” utterly unrepresentative of any of the integral social elements in the country.”
And so on …
‘Q13. Will free speech be allowed such as is enjoyed to-day by Parties in opposition to the Government ?
Answer: “When the Parties come to an end, their methods will also come to an end. But in place of that obsolete system the people will possess a much more real freedom of speech than they enjoy to day. The people have no freedom of speech to-day except in private conversation, which gets them nowhere. Only the organised Parties can afford to take halls for meetings, and only professional talkers from Westminster do the talking. The liberty of professional talkers to talk for ever while the Nation perishes will certainly be curtailed. But idle faction will be replaced by opportunity for the whole people to express their opinions, and to help the Government with constructive criticism in the great corporations constituted for that purpose. Within the appropriate corporation every farmer or farm-worker, every engineer and miner, every doctor and accountant, every housewife in the special corporation for married women, will be invited to express their opinion and their suggestions will be welcomed. That is real freedom of speech.
‘Q26. If voting is on an occupational basis, who will represent that quite large number of people who live on allowance or pensions ?
Answer: “A special Corporation will be constituted to watch their interests, from which in particular consumers’ representatives be selected by Government for service in other Corporations. Ex Service men will, of course, be conspicuously represented in this Corporation.”
‘Q27. Have occupational groups any control over their elected representative on their Corporation ? Can they dismiss him if he does not fulfil his duties to their satisfaction ?
Answer: “Yes, they can dismiss him by their periodic votes at Corporation elections as they can dismiss any other representative or Government itself.”
‘Q28. What will be the relation between Parliament and the National Council of Corporations ?
Answer: “In brief definition, Parliament will deal with the general problems which confront the Nation. They are largely but not entirely the broad aspects of industry. The National Council of Corporations will deal with the more detailed industrial problems and for many years, during the creation of the complete Corporate State, will be very fully occupied with that detail.
‘Q29. How can new Ministers emerge if Party Politics do not exist ?
Answer: “New Ministers will not emerge as at present by their skill in the Party game. Reputations will not be made by sitting up all night in Parliamentary obstruction to prevent a Government carrying out the programme for which the people have voted. Reputations will be made not by cheap debating but by constructive ability. New Ministers will emerge within the great Corporations and new organs of national life by virtue of their constructive ideas. Thus Ministers will be drawn from the whole nation, wherever ability can be found, and not from a small circle of professional politicians. Far more opportunity will exist for new men and new Ministers to emerge under Fascism than exists under the present system, which confines Ministers to the relatively few people who can secure the independence requisite to a political career or, worse still, to the “kept men” of the Party machine.”
Meloni is ushering in the beginning of the fall of the Fourth Reich. More countries to follow.
One day, soon hopefully the stupid, insensitive, sociopathic, warmongering Yanks will let the nations held in their grip run their own life.
Point missing.
Who has the US (and Australia) in their grip?
Ask CC.🥸💁
Oops, sorry CC, missed you as the commentator.
Check the tyre on your wheelbarrow.🤡
By comparison …
From one who identifies as a woman (presumably) …
• UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss gives speech on foreign policy amid Ukraine crisis
• (four months ago) Starts at 51:00
Also by comparison … (to a genuine woman)
• Syria First Lady Asma Assad Reception for Top Marks Students and their Families in Damascus
Another …
• Asma Al-Assad during the reception made to the participants in ” Woman For Peace ” Bicycle Ride
Protocol No7
We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.
The principal factor of success in the political is the secrecy of its undertakings: the word should not agree with the deeds of the diplomat.
We must compel the governments of the GOYIM to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called “Great Power” – THE PRESS, WHICH, WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS THAT MAY BE DISREGARDED, IS ALREADY ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS.
Sion – a town below the Matterhorn
“They” are leading you by the nose
Hasbara Manual, page 32:
Seven Basic Propaganda Devices
Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices.
This article applies a list of seven propaganda devices to the Israeli situation, and by doing so allows an understanding of some of the ways in which public opinion is fought for in the International arena.
Thus what this manual is explicitly (and revealingly) about is ways to help the user win battles, not to find out the truth of the matter.
The seven basic propaganda devices are:
Each of the seven is followed by several paragraphs of examples on how the technique is to be applied.
Quite informative reading. This is, without a doubt, a very professional piece of work, and all the more chilling because of that very professionalism.
Re Liz Truss, video above –
Liz Truss’s speech was obviously written on behalf of Rothschild’s Central Banks. Her government has no money except that which is provided by the Bank of England which is situated in the Crown City of London. The City of London is not a part of Britain nor the European Union. Its heads are not elected by any persons of any nation.
Liz Truss is firmly in the Grip of Rothschild’s Banks.
I,m praying with all my being that she and other like minded folk win the day . they are calling out the absolute evil we are fighting against, .my body is worn out but my mind is still intact so. people like me share the info for your childrens sake ,please.
I HOPE WITH ALL MY BEING THAT SHE PLAY,S MUM AND SMACK,S SOME COMMON SENSE INTO THE REST OF THE WORLD. I once thought Angela Merckel was such a woman ,but to my sadness AND SEVERE DISSAPOINTMENT was just another W.E.F stooge.
Oh – tell me about it! Some things you wish you could but just can’t unsee …
Merkel was awarded the 2008 Charlemagne (Kalergi) Prize for extermination of European and Christian civilisation
what was that in the background at 3:53?
And speaking of Merkel et al, I just came across the following article which reminded me of the documentary ‘Stealing a Nation’ that a friend and mentor (who introduced me to Gumshoe) had shared with me some seven or so years ago
• Diego Garcia: Stealing A Nation and How ‘International Rules’ Don’t Apply If It Is The US or UK
The documentary …
• Stealing a Nation – How the UK/US Stole the Diego Garcia Island – presented by John Pilger
This was highly topical
• James Crawford Oration Webinar held on 2 November 2021. – Professor Philippe Sands QC
MH370: Internet contributors assemble evidence of Hijacking to Diego Garcia, despite official obfuscation
This newsletter is at http://mailstar.net/bulletins/140727-b2420-MH370.rtf
(1) Archive of newsletters on MH370 – by Peter Myers, July 27, 2014
(2) MH370: Internet contributors assemble evidence of Hijacking to Diego Garcia – by Peter Myers, July 27, 2014
MALDIVES SIGHTINGS Dismissed without Investigation
(3) Maldives sightings discounted by Maldives National Defence Force
(4) US draft agreement for military presence in Maldives (2013)
(5) US “lily pad” proposed for Maldives (2013)
(6) Maldives Rejects “lily pad” Military Pact with US, because it would upset neighbors (India, Sri Lanka)
HIT OCEAN -> DEBRIS (eg seats float on water). Not found, therefore MH370 landed
(7) When a plane hits the ocean it’s like hitting concrete – Malaysia Airlines boss Hugh Dunleavy
(8) If MH 370 crashed in the ocean, it would have left a huge debris field; it must have landed somewhere
DIEGO GARCIA connection dismissed by US Gov’t; media does not press further questions
(9) Diego Garcia the likely destination; it has a huge runway, sophisticated radar – Daily Paul
(10) Pilot Forum: Diego Garcia has formidable radar, several airstrips, large hangars that can hide aircraft
(11) The case for Diego Garcia; Jay Carney responds, “I’ll rule that one out”
(12) MH370: Diego Garcia Suspended All Flights On March 8th 2014 for 72 hrs
(13) Philip Wood’s fiance Sarah Bajc gets death threat after iPhone message from Diego Garcia
DATA PACKETS sent to Rolls-Royce from MH370 engines, but it later suppresses this
(14) MH370 sent automated reports to Rolls-Royce – New Scientist & Wall St Journal
(15) Boeing & Rolls-Royce received data from MH370, but US Govt gagged them to stop intel leak to China
(16) MH370: data withheld out of reluctance to reveal military technology
(17) CNN: WSJ says data from MH370 engines transmitted for at least 4 hours
(18) The Independent: Rolls Royce dragged into the MH370 mystery
(19) New Scientist: MH370 sent at least two bursts of technical data to Rolls Royce
(20) Rolls-Royce backs Malaysian government’s dismissal of reports over missing plane
(21) Bush Jnr announced technology “to take over distressed aircraft and land it by remote control”
(22) Boeing Parent for remote control of a plane (2006)
(23) Air Force demonstrates Raytheon GPS-Based precision Auto-Landing System
(24) Boeing 777 features digital fly-by-wire controls & software-configurable avionics
(25) Remote-control software disconnects onboard controls, provides Power “from an alternative power control element”
(26) Emirates President sceptical about MH370 investigation, worries that 777s can be remotely hijacked
=== second half-bulletin starts here
WAS DODGING RADAR – guided by a skilled aviator – or remotely by computer
(27) MH370 was navigating between way-points as it headed west towards Andaman Islands
(28) MH370 was ‘thrown around like a fighter jet in attempt to dodge radar’
POWER INTERRUPTION 2.25pm – indicated onboard Hacker, or REMOTE HACKER
(29) MH370 handshake/log-on at 2.25am indicates power interruption – by onboard or remote hijacker – and attempt to dodge radar
(30) Natural News reports the handshake/log-on as “cockpit tampering” to hide plane from radar
(31) MH370: Australian navy admits it followed a false trail of pings
(32) Satellite experts: Immarsat’s analysis doesn’t make sense – The Atlantic
GEOPHYSICS Report of wreckage in Bay of Bengal Dismissed without Investigation
(33) Debunked: Exploration company “Georesonance” believes it may have found MH370
(34) Claim of MH370 wreckage in Bay of Bengal obligates search; Bangladesh sends frigates
(35) GeoResonance slams Australian authorities for not investigating aircraft wreckage in Bay of Bengal
(36) GeoResonance Press Release of June 30, 2014
(37) GeoResonance uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance technology from the Soviet Union
(38) Oil rig worker loses job after MH370 ‘fire in the sky’ report
(39) Disappearance orchestrated by Military Industrial Complex – Tony Gosling
(40) Aviator gives the best overall analysis
(1) Archive of newsletters on MH370 – by Peter Myers, July 27, 2014
Read on –
MH17’s Cargo Of Infected Corpses
Was Targeted At Tehran
By Yoichi Shimatsu
The slow drip of information from the Malaysian Airlines flight 17 probe is confirming most initial insights while tweaking some parts of our reconstruction of events. In line with the disappearance of MH370, there is evil genius behind this bizarre crime against passengers and crew, against international law and indeed against reason itself. The very thought of cadavers dropping out of the sky along with stunned passengers in free fall pushes this episode past the scope of ordinary malice, over the edge of credulity, deep into nightmarish psychosis.
Yet the spymasters who covertly loaded infected corpses onto MH17 and then diverted the jetliner off its scheduled course, before it crashed in Ukraine, are not of the same ilk as the criminal mastermind Doctor Moriarty, nemesis of Watson and Holmes. In our post-911 security-obsessed era of “dangerous cargo” restrictions and zealous airport inspectors, the perpetrators of the MH17 caper must be institutional bureaucrats familiar with medical responses to pandemic-outbreaks. The supervisor of the biological weapons attack involving MH17 is probably now sitting at the desk of a high-ranking public-health official, an untouchable elitist with agents inside the crash investigation. Public Enemy No.1, in short, is the system itself……………..
Russian Ambassador to Australia: Accusations on MH17 Crash ‘Planned Provocation’
Revisited: MH17 was really MH370
By Ian Greenhalgh – May 26, 2018
[Editor’s note: This article was originally published July 17th, 2017 but it is now more relevant and important than ever, given the recent re-igniting of the MH17 narrative with the continued attempts to blame Russia.
I can quickly summarise the whole fiasco – there was no Buk missile, there was no Russian foreknowledge, the entire official narrative is false.
What really happened was that the aircraft that disappeared a year earlier during Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 was brought out of hiding, still containing it’s Asian passengers and crew, then flown by remote over the conflict zone in Eastern Ukraine to be shot down by a fighter aircraft – probably an Israeli F-15 operating out of Azerbaijan.
From the moment the first bodies hit the ground, Russia was blamed, tales of Buk missile launchers being seen nearby were concocted, the whole thing was leveraged as par of the ongoing demonisation of Russia. Ian]
WARNING: The video above contains many horrifically graphic images of decomposing and smashed corpses, do not watch if you are at all squeamish.
It is three years since a plane crashed into a field in Ukraine, a plane that the world’s co-opted and controlled media claimed was Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 from Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam.
I am now confident in stating that there never was a flight MH17 from Schiphol, that the whole story is a great stinking pile of bovine fecal matter and the truth is so shocking and disturbing that few outside the online conspiracy folks have dared to even consider it could be true.
The plane that crashed in Ukraine was, in fact, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 that had disappeared months earlier. The plane was full of corpses – the passengers of MH370, murdered and their bodies preserved with chemicals.
Forget any of the media coverage, it is all lies and distractions, instead, go directly to the primary source – the Ukrainian people who were there on the ground and witnessed exactly what fell from the sky and ended up spread across the landscape.
The video at the top of this article reveals the truth in graphic detail, after viewing it, you will be left in no doubt that this was indeed MH370, complete with it’s cargo of decomposing Asian corpses. In case anything happens to the youtube version, you can also find this video at Liveleak.
Here is the accompanying text:
Narrator in possession of over 5000 pictures from Mh17 crash site point out numerous strange anomalies associated with the victims from MH-17.
1) Glowing fluorescent dye near 1st body
2) Strong smell of formaldehyde in air
3) Absence of blood on and around corpses
4) Bloated damp corpses
5) Victims not European looking- she states that most looked Asian
6) Strange dead birds, including a blue and yellow Macaw that is, ironically, the same color as the Ukrainian flag at the 3:10 mark. This is a tropical bird which makes one wonder why it was flying on a plane from Amsterdam to Southeast Asia. Normally, one would expect that such an occurrence may take place the other way round.
7) She states that the cell phone data had no 2014 photos, only photos from 2013.
8) Bluish/black lips on victims
9) She states the passports were all brand new and unused
The British tabloid rag The Daily Star, owned by Zionist Jewish pornographer Richard Desmond has labelled any notion that the official story is not true and that the corpses were stale as ‘outlandish conspiracy theories’, which should be taken as another confirmation that the Zionist criminals are keen to cover up their atrocious mass murder.
‘They were dead BEFORE it crashed’ Shock claim about doomed flight MH17
As we can see from the Sputnik article below, the US is deeply involved in the cover-up and along with Israel, is no doubt behind the whole MH370-MH17 saga.
What I wonder is why have the Russians and Malaysians not exposed this entire farce for the sick and disgusting fairytale it really is. The Russians must have all of the evidence needed to do so as they had days to examine the crash site and they must know at least as much as the locals in Donbass, which is plenty to be able to expose the whole thing.
More and more fantastic stories are dreamed up and constructed from other fake narratives, not saying what happened with the one shot down around Ukraina, but the one shot down going to China was eyewitnessed by a number of people, they all saw a fireball, later various parts were planted in the Indian Ocean, the guy at the time asked about them said they should have had a lot more barnacles on them by now. The story that everyone was held on an island somewhere then reassigned to Ukraina I would say is just fake news x Chinese whispers.
( btw Chinese Whispers, a children’s game, is now politically incorrect, the NewSpeak™ term is “broken telephone” ).
The Israeli Twin
The presence of a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 in Tel Aviv, the mysterious disappearance of a second Malaysian Boeing 777 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, and the attack on yet a third Amsterdam-to-Kuala Lumpur Malaysian Boeing 777 over eastern Ukraine may be more than coincidental.
A Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777, the same type that was used by MH-17 and the still-missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370, which disappeared on March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, is stored in a hangar at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. The Boeing 777 in Israel, with serial number 28416, Malaysia registration tail numb 9M-MRI, was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013. The Boeing 777 was re-registered with the United States tail number N105GT and first stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees airport and on November 4, 2013, was transferred to Tel Aviv, where it was last spotted in a hangar.
GA Telesis was founded by its CEO, Abdol Moabery. GA Telesis, a global aircraft leasing firm, is now owned by Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and Century Tokyo Leasing. Moabery, a former U.S. Naval officer, formerly worked for Aviation Systems International, Inc. as executive vice president and for C-S Aviation Services, Inc. as sales and marketing director. Both of Moabery’s former companies are partly-owned by George Soros, who is partly responsible for laying the groundwork for the Ukrainian coup that ousted President Viktor Yanukovych. C-S (Chatterjee-Soros) Aviation is co-owned by Purnenda Chatterjee, who runs the Chaterjee Group, an investment firm.
Chatterjee Group owns Winston Partners of Alexandria, Virginia, an investment firm co-founded by Marvin Bush, son of George H W Bush. Winston owns corporate entities in the Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Curacao, and Delaware. One of the Winston entities, Winston Capital Fund, has another Bush family investor, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Interestingly, Marvin Bush has served as an adviser to HCC Insurance Holdings, Ltd, a re-insurer of the World Trade Center in New York. Marvin’s business dealings have also involved the purchase and leasing of commercial aircraft…………………”
Meme – NATO vs. Russia, Explained In One Picture (actually three)
People cheated by sanctions replace governments ~ Hungary’s Orban hails Italy Meloni’s win (embedded video)
Renaissance woman, the spirit of MichaelAngelo in her blood.
Looking at our premiers and pm, the krown kabal skooled in slavemasonry, can you see any of them speaking like that?
Doherty scribe only by leaders here.
Leo Zagami-Giorgia Meloni,Illuminati,Transhumanism plan for END of humanity…..
A great interview, we don’t get enough from Europe because of the language barrier but Europe is where it’s all (been) happening. And now Zagami says it’s all moving to Sino-Russia, of course, that’s where the communism has already been fully implemented. “We love you big brother”.
As an aside we are informed by Max Igan and I think x22 was also saying, the riot / protests in Iran are not because the lady was showing her hair-do, in fact she died in the va666ine centre, one of those instant drop-dead scenarios, leaving one to imagine there could only be one realistic cause for the unrest.
Mary had a big day at the ranch. It’s now only 7pm and my article at RumormillNews.com has already had 3,087 hits and I have received 12 letters, all supporting my item, whose title is:
“Sandy Hook Is Definitely a Hoax. I repeat: Sandy Hook Is a Hoax”
Sandy Hook: US State-Fabricated Terror
December 30, 2012NK
“Official Story: A 20-year-old ‘tech geek’ named Adam Lanza is supposed to have snapped early on Friday, December 14th, shot dead his mother Nancy Lanza, loaded her car up with guns and ammo allegedly owned by his mother, then driven it across town to his former school, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, shot dead 27 people in two classrooms and an adjoining hallway, then turned one of his guns on himself. We were initially told that two handguns – a Glock and a Sig Sauer – were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered “in the trunk of a car” later, in the school’s parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly bought and registered in Nancy Lanza’s name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name.
Anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ told the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school and that his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But the teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, so it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightn’t appear on staff lists. Adam Lanza may at some point in the past have attended the Sandy Hook elementary school, but since then he had been home-schooled. Nancy Lanza has since been painted as a “survivalist” who loved firearms, taught her sons how to shoot and was “stockpiling” because she was “worried about economic collapse.”
Comment (by Jim Fetzer): We have to see through the smoke and mirrors. These attacks typically involve three-man shooting teams, where, once the story is tainted with bogus MK/Ultra conspiracy disinformation, crucial data, like the assault rifle the Sandy Hook having been left in his car, swiftly disappears.
Synchronous FEMA terror drill: On the very day, 14th December, on the very hour – starting 9 am, a terror drill entitled ‘Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters’ was taking place nearby, in Bridgeport, Connecticut (Check it out here, on the DHS website) ………….”
Good on you MM
Here is a classic looney leftist having a meltdown at Walmart after some guy called her out for cutting in line ahead of him (and her calling him a rapist). Note she is the only one wearing a mask, so she’s likely fully boosted and will be departing this 3D reality sooner than later (and not too soon).
I met one a bit like that a few months ago, the pressure is too much for them, the shopping mall is their safe zone I guess
That kind of a personality disorder is going to go completely bonkers when the food scarcity and economic collapse happens.
I would like to see the return of commenter Duns Scotus to cover the weather wars, cloud and glacier seeding, jet trails and wind interference, like everything our Masters push at us, there is about 20% truth mixed into the bullshit, they probably couldn’t drive ClimateChange™ entirely by fake news + arsonists. Where are these lazy commenters who just turn themselves into consumers, what are they doing all day, I sit and work jobs and also stoke the fire on the comments section, some would say too much, that’s because it needs more balance, Protocols of Hitler is just so stale and fairly useless and never goes below the surface.
The US elites have built mega-bunkers as shown by Jesse Ventura years ago and these are massive, they are burning down the food processing places, and some people still talking about an ice-age ( it will probably be slow ), there is a lot of stuff to cover, it’s not 100 year old nonsense-history, it’s real and happening now
The last Ice Age only took six months to fully develop in Europe. The situation is much different this time as there is no large lake in North America to dump into the North Atlantic. However, the Grand Solar Minimum is slowly creeping onto the scene and the weather is going to get more turbulent and COLD.
My wood stove is on and I am sitting here in a T-shirt enjoying the warmth. – Protect yourself, nobody else will..
Do you mean the little ice-age in Europe, about 1300 AD ? Or the 2nd half of it around 1800 ?
As far as I thought it was a bit cyclical. We are so mobile now, everyone will just move to FNQ. I think the Greenland vikings just bailed out (1300’s), there are stories the eskimoes killed them but probably less likely. Other places, in the 1300’s, you can imagine the difficulty with migrating.
As far as the sun, it’s hard to imagine how it goes into a cooler cycle than 0 sunspots. 2019 had 77% spotless days, 100% spotless days couldn’t be too much cooler ?
OMG… that’s not a meltdown. It’s a mental implosion. As you say Terry, what happens when the real shortages start.
By the way, there are many empty spots in the supermarkets at the moment.
Flooded Lismore should declare war on Russia?
561 views Sep 28, 2022 Guru, Caz and Aussie Cossack share their perspective on the $400 Milllion which the Australian Government has sent to war with Russia. Maybe the people of struggling Lismore should declare war on Russia – maybe then the Australian Government will finally help them??
cheers xx we are aware(and then some), Mullum 5g up, fema building agogo.
It’s just a program, they pushed the plandemic as far as they could and next item on the menu is Ukraina ww3, when we are all sick of that it will be freezing winter or some other thing. You can tell by the previous news cycles which ran for months and years until we were bored senseless. Anyone remember Brexit and Russiagate from before all the virus themed 6-month-long news cycles, this current one is for the MIC as BigPharma has been feasting for a long time on the last one. Go to your deaths minions !!! is becoming the flavour. Don’t forget to donate money to all those globalist charities advertising on SBS TV, save the animals and skinny people, and the poor people, Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haa.
Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haa. Or to be precise an evil scientist laugh. As movies and books would have you believe. But why is the evil scientist laughing? More importantly, where does she/he have the time and energy to laugh? Steeped elbow deep in chemicals and tools and drowning in calculations, having bid goodbye to his family and friends, she or he tirelessly strives to create the drug that will cure …
“There is more than enough room for settlement on this earth. All we need to do is put an end to the prevailing assumption that the Dear Lord chose the Jewish people to be the beneficiaries of a certain percentage of the productive capacities of other peoples’ bodies and their labors. ”
– Adolf Hitler – address to the Reichstag – January 30, 1939
“I do not believe that one can maintain a situation in which a man toils and works a whole year, only to get a ludicrous salary, and another just sits down in a leather seat and gets enormous sums for it. This is a condition unworthy of man.”
“What was it that I asked of the outside world? Nothing but the right of Germans to unite, and second, that what was taken away from them be restored. I asked for nothing which might have implied a loss for another people.”
– Adolf Hitler – speech to the workers of a Berlin factory – December 10, 1940
Elbow could recycle that if we had factory workers in Australia, but the ALP already eradicated them, now we just have shiny-bums in cubicles
From The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden, Collins-World Publishers
That the commands of Moses concerning clean and unclean beasts, etc., were all designed for a spiritual significance.
But why did Moses say, You must not eat of the swine, neither the eagle nor the hawk; nor the crow; nor any fish that has not a scale upon it? Because he comprehended three doctrines that were to be gathered in the understanding.
So he says to them in the book of Deuteronomy, I will give my statutes to this people. Therefore it is not the command of God that they should not eat these things, but Moses in the spirit spoke to them.
He forbade them to eat the sow, meaning: You must not join yourself to such persons who are like swine, who while they live in pleasure, forget their God; but when any lack pinches them, then they recognize the Lord; just as the sow when she is full does not acknowledge her master, but makes a noise when she is hungry, and being fed again, is silent.
Neither, says he, will you eat the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the crow; that is, you must not keep company with the kind of men who do not know how to get themselves food by their labor and sweat, but injuriously steal the things of others and watch how to lay snares for them, when at the same time they appear to live in perfect innocence.
So these birds alone seek not food for themselves, but sitting idle seek how they may eat the flesh others have provided, being destructive through their wickedness.
Neither, says he, will you eat the lamprey, nor the polypus, nor the cuttle-fish; that is, you must not become like such men, by being used to conversing with them, who are altogether wicked and adjudged to death. For so these fishes are alone accursed, and wallow in the mire, and do not swim as other fishes, but tumble in the dirt at the bottom of the deep.
But he adds, neither must you eat of the hare. To what end? To signify this to us: You must not be an adulterer, nor be like such persons. For the hare every year multiplies the places of its conception; and so many years as it lives, so many it has.
Neither must you eat of the hyena: that is, again, be not an adulterer, nor a corruptor of others, neither be like such. And why so? Because that creature every year changes its kind, and is sometimes male and sometimes female.
For which reason also he justly hated the weasel, to the end that they should not be like such persons who with their mouths commit wickedness by reason of their uncleanness, nor join themselves with those impure women who with their mouths commit wickedness. Because that animal conceives with its mouth.
Moses, therefore, speaking as if concerning meats, delivered indeed three great precepts to them in the spiritual significance of those commands. But they according to the desires of the flesh, understood him as if he had only meant it about meats.
And therefore David took aright the knowledge of his three-fold command, saying in like manner.
Blessed in the man that has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly; as the fishes before mentioned in the bottom of the deep in darkness.
Nor stood in the way of sinners; as they who seem to fear the Lord, but yet sin, as the sow.
And has not sat in the seat of the scorners; as those birds who sit and watch that they may devour.
Here you have the law concerning meat perfectly set forth, and according to the true knowledge of it.
But, says Moses, you may eat all that divides the hoof and chews the cud. This means one that after taking food, knows him that nourishes him, and rests upon him, and rejoices in him.
And in this he spoke well, having respect to the commandment. What, therefore, is it that he says? That we should hold fast to them that fear the Lord, those who meditate on the command of the word that they have received in their heart, and with those that declare the righteous judgments of the Lord and keep his commandments;
In short, with those who know that to meditate is a work of pleasure, and therefore exercise themselves in the word of the Lord.
But why might they eat those that cleave the hoof? Because the righteous lives in this present world, but his expectation is fixed upon the other. See, brethren, how admirably Moses commanded these things.
But how should we know and understand all this? We, therefore, understanding aright the commandments, speak as the Lord would have us. He has circumcised our ears and our hearts, in order that we might know these things.
“You’re not the first to think that everything’s been thought before” (old song) Here’s something for the feminists (2 min)
Confessions of a Big Pharma drug salesman
This is in English but comes with Spanish subtitles.
Fact Check: Is China Having A Coup And Is Xi Jinping Under House Arrest? Here’s What We Know
Rumours of a coup against Chinese President Xi Jinping are going around on social media, but experts have highlighted that there is no concrete evidence of coup or any disturbance in China so far.
“………….Journalist Zakka Jacob higlighted that Xi has a powerful institutional hold over China which makes a coup unlikely.
“Lots of rumours this morning about a military coup in China. Nothing credible so far. Military coups are unlikely in China because the People’s Liberation Army comes under the Central Military Commission. Xi, as General Secretary of the Communist Party heads the CMC. The Army is that of the party, not government,” said Jacob in a tweet.
Journalist and author Ananth Krishnan also said there is no evidence so far of a coup.
“While Chinese politics is the blackest of black boxes, I’ve come across zero evidence in Beijing today to substantiate any of the social media rumours,” said Krishnan on Twitter, noting that the rumours have surfaced in the run up to the crucial Chinese Communist Party in which Xi is expected to secure an unprecedented third term.
The Hong Kong-based South China Morning Post has not reported about any coup or political upheaval in China at all. It has posted dozens of tweets in the last 24 hours about various issues concerning China and the world, but not even a remote hint about the alleged development in Beijing”.
Judging from the above “fact check” it must be true, now they have a “fact check” TV personality show starting up it will be a simpler matter to decide, whatever they say, put through the ALP / global communist filter, 80% will be lies
Brussels will no doubt discipline Italy
“…………….. “Is this the kind of Europe we want? Is this democracy and rule of law? That Eurocrats in Brussels decide what a government should be?”
He was responding to von der Leyen’s suggestion that, should the new Italian government fail to meet the EU’s policy expectations, the country could be disciplined.
The top official said:
"Whatever democratic government is willing to work with us, we're working together, If things go in a difficult direction, I've spoken about Hungary and Poland, we have tools."
Von der Leyen spoke about Italy on Thursday at Princeton University, after it was suggested that people friendly to Russia could come to power in Rome after the election on Sunday. She was asked what the EU leadership plans to do about it. Morawiecki interpreted the remark as a promise to punish Italy, unless its new government is “in favor of Brussels.”………………”
Angela Murkel has scuttled off under the fridge and now we have Princess Ursula who seems to want to be the first person guillotined since 1977
“The moment has come to raise our heads, to reject with disdain the ‘resilience’ that requires us to be beaten without reacting.
The dystopian world of globalism must be rejected and fought against not only for our own sakes, but also for the sake of our children, to whom each of us wants to leave a peaceful future with solid economic prospects for raising a family, without feeling marginalised or criminalised because we do not accept resigning ourselves to subversive plans that have been made by those who want to make us eat insects and force us into slavery, with the sole purpose of making us poor and controlling us in every aspect of our daily lives.”
Carlo Maria Vigano
Archbishop, Apostolic Nuncio
27 September 2022
Italian Elections: NATO’s Weapons Lobby WON with Meloni and Right Party Founded by President of Defence Industries
by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio
The zealous goats, that is the Italians all attached to the fear of losing their small privileges in a transatlantic Italy that has been sinking for years, have voted. As was widely predicted by the polls prior to these parliamentary elections, the only heroine credited by the mainstream media won: she won the NATO Weapons Lobby!
Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) which becomes the first Italian party surpassing the Democratic Party (the exact numbers are yet to be defined but the projections leave no doubt about the victory already accredited by the BBC) and dragging the Center-right coalition (Lega, Forza Italia and other minor parties) above at 40%, she is not the real winner of the electoral challenge, she is not even the real future Prime Minister who for the first time in the history of the beautiful Mediterranean country will be female.
Meloni is the right-hand copy of Ursula von der Leyen who has been acclaimed President of the European Commission.
Giorgia Meloni as Italian PM
No answers – but let’s be discerning – there are various ways to discredit those who oppose the ComIntern – some are very subtle. I am not committing just yet.
I heard her talking up Monika Zlenskyy think it was, so she is a career puppet, addicted to the job, on the other side there is a threat of course, so they do what they’re told. Another one Fauci picked up $5m for his plandemic debacle
But I have to say Mein Trumpf campaigned on the cheapest campaign ever with no corporate donors, and didn’t take any salary ($1 per year maybe) and said his former life was better than his political life, and knowing what he used to do previously, socialising, golf + froth and bubbles, it was a big change.