Home Australia Give the Czar a Cigar

Give the Czar a Cigar


The Pendulum Swings: It turns out you can see Russia from Alaska (Russia used to end at the Canadian border but MSM forgot that)

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

This essay can be seen as a sequel to the previous, “They Want Us Dead”. It may pitch at various levels but anyone at any level should not lose sight of the endgame.

The new political leader of the West has made himself Climate Czar and is performing a highly conspicuous U-turn on the establishment. More Carbon Dioxide will help the environment because it liberates oil from under the ground to combine with other elements to form vegetation and this in turn degrades to become topsoil which is good for the ecosphere. This is a type of homeostasis, a balancing principle, which works in favour of nature. All environment loving individuals should welcome the increase in topsoil via increased Carbon Dioxide emissions, and when oil becomes scarcer the price will moderate the use.

Trump’s populism is designed to boost the economy and win a third term, either for himself or his kin. However there is a bigger plan clearly visible, Russia has shown the way, with the post-Soviet Union explorations into the polar regions of Siberia (13 million sq. km) now yielding vast amounts of oil and gas, which funds the Russian military, establishment and economic boom times. During the Soviet Union period, Russians were famously poor and deprived, but now they lead affluent lifestyles and national pride is restored. They have begun settlements in places like Bali from where they were very recently expelled by locals for getting too comfortable. Their non-Soviet revelries include downhill skiing.

The bigger and clearly visible plan is therefore for Trump to annex the Great State of Canada from retiring Governor Trudeau and also to annex Greenland, presently in the name of military security. The technology for polar oil extraction is all developed and proven by Russia, which the west was ridiculing twenty years ago, with tales of leaky pipes. Nordstream gives the lie to all this. There are simple technical obstacles. Carbon steel usually reaches maximum strength at about 200 degrees Celsius (hot frying pan temperature) and the lower the temperature goes the more brittle it becomes. Likewise oil becomes more viscous at lower temperatures, so the technical side is completely different, but the US already has plenty of expertise from North Dakota and Alaska.

In parallel to this, consider the demands Trump is making of NATO, that they more than double their military investments, from 2% of their GDP to 5%. It is often advised, “don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do”. Trump is posturing for an arctic maritime border and potential North Pole war while cutting expenses from his budget.

Trump has been a creature of the military since his schooldays which he reportedly enjoyed more after being sent as a form of punishment to New York Military Academy, where it is claimed he was very assertive amongst his classmates.

Invasions of Iran and further expansions of Zionist Israel may have to wait until the US has its oil security better managed. Not the security we were advised to believe.

Back in the day Michael West’s back page column Margin Call in the Australian newspaper featured multiple photos of his pet dog, which seemed to imply some of the stocks he described were unsuitable investments.

Happy Trumpfest Mr West

Australia is being plundered in a second wave, the scale of which hasn’t been seen for perhaps more than 100 years.

The gifting of resources by Australian governments to private interests is investigated by Michael West Media. The reward to the individuals involved in these massive transfers of wealth is relatively negligible.

Remember Andrew Robb, who was Trade Minister (2013-2016) during the extremely controversial Port of Darwin lease to the Chinese-owned Landbridge Group, claimed politicians’ six months paid mental illness leave as soon as it became available, and subsequently took a job with Landbridge for $880,000 p.a., fulfilling all legal requirements as far as we know. He apparently claims his mental illness resulted from alcohol addiction, which if not actual self-poisoning, could be inferred to be a form of simple malnutrition which seems to have gone untreated.

Malcolm Turnbull in his short stint as Prime Minister managed to sell off water rights to the highest bidder, shutting down local farmers. Meanwhile, the whistle-blower James Savoulidis gets white-anted by the climate hysteria gang:


Michael West, formerly of the Murdoch press and more recently the declining Fairfax newspapers, has made these types of investigations his calling.

He does not get as much attention as he deserves, obviously because the media is owned by the same corporate interests who benefit from the current arrangements.

Australia’s richest person (rated for several years), Gina Rinehart, tried to buy control of Fairfax but even she was locked out, shortly thereafter US giant CBS acquired legacy media television station Network 10 and via partnership took control of Network 9 and Fairfax effectively as a package around 2017. Michael West’s narrative would no doubt improve on this brief history.

Another reason for West’s relatively low profile in comparison to the mainstream media could be that some of his stablemates seem to be dyed-in-the-wool lefties with little useful contribution to make to the information landscape. Of course, expecting perfection from another individual will always result in disappointment. 

One problem in particular is that Michael West unfortunately still believes in the Globalist confection of Climate Change, or at the very least he thinks he needs to pretend to, for the sake of his audience, for whom it is presumably an article of religious faith. Poor Michael West thus busies himself by calculating Carbon Dioxide emissions, apparently without realising most of the Carbon Dioxide sinks to sea level and is there absorbed by phytoplankton, while the rest sinks to the forest floor and is absorbed by vegetation. Both plankton and vegetation would cease to exist without this cycle. 

The astute reader will understand the relatively minute 0.04% Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is therefore essential to life, and the actual variations in climate come from increases and decreases in solar activity, in recent times very well documented on video by NASA, as well as all sorts of data from sites like spaceweather.com and zoom.earth, hence the regular cycles of warm periods and ice-ages discovered and determined by fossils, core samples, historical record etc., as well as the short 11-year cycles misleadingly described as El Nino – La Nina.

The facts still elude them

While vast amounts of Carbon are locked up in forests and topsoil (Australia has more than enough forest per head of population to remain below nett zero forever), the carbon-based life-form phytoplankton is the basis of the very direct marine food chain with blue whales at the top. The atomic weight of Oxygen is ⅓ more than that of Carbon so when vegetation takes up the Carbon from the Carbon Dioxide it releases about 70% of its mass back into the air as oxygen. 

Things like this should be obvious to anyone who has endured high school science, and even more so to those with tertiary qualifications, so it’s testimony to the power of the voice of authority backed with relentless media advertising which can defeat logic and reason. Most of our parliamentarians are concerned with things other than the truth and set a very poor example for each other and the rest of us. As Senator Malcolm Roberts said, “There are cells underneath the parliament, it’s time we started using them”. The United Nations’ World Meteorological Organisation may be considered the global source of all this official misinformation, which further traces back to arrangements like the Club of Rome, the curious name of which would have been well understood as a cheeky double entendre by its members.

Two major components of plants are cellulose and chlorophyll, which are essentially carbon, oxygen and hydrogen based, and they distil these elements from air and water. Anyone who has observed hydroponics will know that the crop materialises from air and water, with a bare minimum of a few minerals from fish excretions or NPK fertiliser for example. The tiny amount of Carbon Dioxide in the air, uses the air as a mode of transport throughout the ecosystems of the world. An increase in Carbon Dioxide will result in more lush vegetation and more topsoil, which eventually decomposes into oil.

We have been told the climate will be affected by human activity increasing Carbon Dioxide levels after the year 2050 but the real reason for this fake news is that the Carbon Credits system should be fully implemented by then, with energy rationing the intent. Concurrently, Bill Gates is notoriously buying farmland as part of a global scheme to eliminate small landholders and ultimately ration food. Housing will be annexed as citizens and their countries spiral into an out-of-control debt cycle. A spin-off to this grand swindle is carbon capture and storage (CC&S) which seems understood by Michael West to be another government funded racket as well as the scandalous current domestic energy arrangements which he researches so thoroughly. What is the missing link here? Why is it that he understands the authorities are lying yet he still believes their tall tales? Today instead of actual Climate Change hysteria he publishes some fear mongering stories such as a 41 degree day in Melbourne. In January this weather is entirely normal. Perhaps he is finally repositioning, though he is rusted on to the Orange Man Bad narrative.

Michael West has more recently collected an enthusiastic protege, who via YouTube carries the message out to the so-called average punter. All this information is gifted to the Australian public by West and various other sources, some of which are featured here:

Michael West’s little punt:

Australia’s Shadow Government: outs certain moguls and politicians Martin Ferguson, Mark McGowan and presumably Roger Cook in free &/or deregulated gas for post political career deals.


NT secret gas deal: $150b claimed to have apparently been boldly given away in “confidential” arrangements by Chief Ministers Nicole Manison and Natasha Fyles, advised by gas industry lobbyist Gerard Richardson.


NT Secret Gas Deal: Northern Territory lobbyist Gerard Richardson of Brookline Advisory has had his way with Chief Ministers Nicole Manison and Natasha Fyles.

US corporate interests connections to Deep State entities were mostly not the focus of the Northern Territory stories except by inference: where they are domiciled in Delaware, a tax haven and usual residence of Joe Biden. The waters always run deeper.

Gas is extremely precious and especially so with renewables based grids because it can be used in turbines with a responsive start-up time, something like a jet engine, which means the spikes in demand are relatively cheap, instead of causing massive distortions to the entire pricing system.

In Australia’s case, the fraud underpinning the climate hysteria leads to higher energy prices which lead to “renewables”  infrastructure like wind turbines being installed where they are not realistically viable, such as incredibly expensive, inaccessible and corrosive offshore locations, or “solar panel farms” being installed on paddocks instead of rooves. Many of these things are not experimental, they are simple wealth destruction. We are being attacked, as if by relentless swarms of insects, buzzing in and out of our governments, with their eyes on a future as a global citizen, and no regard for the sustainability of this country.

Other sources:

Assets sold for a song: ALP privatisations.


Federal government: 143.9b losses in current budget forecast featuring dreary time-wasting truth manipulations by the current federal government.


Renewable Energy is Uncertain: simple facts


US lawmakers warn about Climate Cartel: the serious money


Backup to the above story also carried by Yahoo, Times of India et al:




  1. You can’t tell if Trump is trying to be funny or not when he says things like “We are going to ban urban camping and open up our cities again … and the ones we can’t rehabilitate we are going to put in mental institutions where they belong …”

  2. Over at least the last ten years, as Joe Bogan expressed recently: “……. WAITING WAITING WAITING…”.
    Probably getting in a bit (old like me) and we get a bit grumpy just ”WAITING”.
    Bit like waiting to win the lottery but one has to buy a ticket for a chance.
    For those who have a ticket go to:
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com and listen to real Mary at her WTPN ‘Q’ situation update for 27/1.
    Some may have noticed some movement under Trump with recent developments. The bit about no income taxes has to be like a lottery after a lifetime of paying taxes. (Tickets)
    Anyway it is a matter of choice if any one wants to listen to developments and intrigue.
    For those who love being miserably ‘waiting’, getting old and lost, go to your usual media outlets and just enjoy your couch with the telalievision and be comforted that not much is other than usual and just wait.
    6.30 PM

    • BIN IS really BORING. Just missing child stuff.
      18.15 on 27/1 citing the Daily Mail on the DAVOS-WEF Geneva playground.
      No wonder our government loves a trip to Switzerland provided by us.
      Keep a bugged Polly happy a day have a happy country.?
      Confucius; he Did not know💁🙀

  3. ALP tries to ban tiktok
    ABC-TV tells us not to watch Joe Rogan
    So I am watching both instead of whatever they tell me to watch
    With Mel Gibson (2 hours)

    • Pity Kim and his BANANAS do not watch Mike King referred to below.🖕
      Q ‘The time will come when they cannot walk down the street.’
      I missed in the King comment below: Cash PATEL’s confirmation coming up.
      Joe: not to be missed – for you
      will add more below.
      Grandpa says 4.00 AM HE IS GETTING ON A BIT JOE💁

      • Where is commenter Simon expert with the cryptic stuff
        if Q ‘The time will come when they cannot walk down the street.’
        What is A

          • Looks like?
            A presumption of course⛓️⚖️
            Really, military firing squads under military law cannot be stopped by a fake handing out of so called pardons by an executed fake ‘pardoner’ in times of war.
            Still do not get it, it LOOKS LIKE!
            5.32 PN

      • If that professor was older/elderly, really experienced and therefore significantly smarter, he would know that it is actually a better idea to be hands on, fighting the enemy in the body itself.
        A whole medical team can be inserted and travel in a submarine up a bloody channel and whip a company of terrorist clots bunkered in the brain.
        It was done in 1966, I saw the scientific ‘Fantastic Voyage’ many a score ago.
        As for Cunk, what the hell would she know? After the deployment well done She would not know the way out for the team to be rescued in a tea spoon.
        Joe, was the Cunk on the ABC SCIENCE PROGRAM? I would have missed it anyway, so tar for the memory.
        7.18 AM

    • How could I Miss Mr ‘Q’ anon?
      Joe, watch the Cash confirmation.
      Appreciate how dumb our mass media has been, Hi Mr Banana, hint: there is the numeral – 17 and there is the Q-anon brigade and then ther is the misinforming fake dumb ? media.
      Bit sub-till for normies🤷‍♂️
      Toward four

  4. HEY, I know it is the year of the snake he/her censor but three of my comments to 4;am have been pulled. Yep the times be snakes and losers.
    Put this in your pipe
    Gold up to 4,428 or so.
    4.08 AM

  5. “Trump Declares War On Woke – ROBERT SEPEHR”
    Posted 1 day ago – 1900 comments
    Too mediocre to bother to link to. Thanks for everything else R.S.

  6. Unprecedented Disasters Strike Globally Wildlife in Crisis
    nb @ 1:33 blue roofed mansion standing alone in the fireground in CA

  7. “This essay can be seen as a sequel to the previous, “They Want Us Dead”. It may pitch at various levels but anyone at any level should not lose sight of the endgame”.

    from Washington Post to
    The Kennedy Beacon–
    and our ABC Morning News showing the segment from the Press Club event Nov 2024-
    which I watched part of my research –100 years of Tavistock
    History Matters History of People and Place Matters even More.
    Directly linked to Dee and Mary’s research /reporting that keeps getting buried by gatekeepers distractors.

    Caroline Kennedy warns senators of ‘predator’ RFK Jr. in searing letter
    Caroline Kennedy urged senators to reject Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s nomination, questioning his ethics and views on vaccines.
    Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/A0Vmqi5EiRpyJk9yez88dRw

    World Council for Health, With Over 250 Health-Focused Organizations Worldwide, Endorses Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Lead HHS.
    WCH’s post reads:
    World Council for Health, comprising over 250 health-focused organizations worldwide, supports @RobertKennedyJr for U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.
    “His unwavering commitment to health, transparency, and free speech aligns with the values we stand for; informed consent, health sovereignty and medical freedom.

    “The post includes a video featuring Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director, The Evidenced- Based Consultancy Ltd., as well as WCH’s Dr. Christof Plothe.
    “Our international network advocates for a model/ paradigm that serves people, not profits,” Plothe says in the video. “RFK Jr. stands as a beacon for this cause. He will help restore integrity to health policies, ensuring that decisions prioritize individual well-being not corporate agendas.”
    The video also features comments from WCH’s Shabnam Palesa Mohamed and Dr. Mark Trozzi.

    “She did not criticize him during the presidential campaign, but at an event in November at the National Press Club in Canberra, the capital of Australia, she dismissed her cousin’s views on vaccines as “dangerous” and said they did not reflect the views of “most Americans” and the rest of the Kennedy family.

    “I would say that our family is united in terms of our support for the public health sector and infrastructure and has the greatest admiration for the medical profession in our country, and Bobby Kennedy has got a different set of views,” Caroline Kennedy said at the time.

    In Tuesday’s letter, she cited a New York Times report that her cousin would keep his financial stake in litigation against a manufacturer of a vaccine that protects against the human papillomavirus, or HPV. The vaccine, which is administered to adolescents, can prevent cervical cancer.

    “In other words, he is willing to enrich himself by denying access to a vaccine that can prevent almost all forms of cervical cancer and which has been safely administered to millions of boys and girls,” Caroline Kennedy wrote. She also referenced her work in Australia working on the QUAD Cancer Moonshot, ——“

    • Not so fast.What you are not being told about Merck’s Gardasil HPV vaccine.
      Watch: Gardasil’s HPV Vaccine: Experts Weigh in on Risks, Deceptive Ad Campaigns and Lawsuits
      Attorneys and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine experts Mary Holland and Michael Baum join “The Defender In-Depth” podcast to discuss the latest news — and known risks — associated with Merck’s Gardasil vaccine.
      by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
      December 13, 2023

      • More links @ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/search/?search=HPV%20vaccine
        Bombshell Study Questioning HPV Vaccine Efficacy Appears as UK’s Cervical Cancer Rates Rise in Young
        HPV Vaccine May Cause Increase in Cancer-Causing Strains, Study Shows — But Media Puts Misleading Spin on Study’s Findings
        HPV Vaccine’s Likely Contribution to Sweden’s Spike in Cervical Cancer
        Gardasil Lawsuit Claims HPV Vaccine Caused Teen Severe Injuries
        German News About HPV Vaccine Injuries & Lack of Transparency of Side Effects
        New Study: Gardasil HPV Vaccine Contains Chemical Used in Biological Warfare
        New Lawsuit Alleges Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Caused Infertility, Seizures
        Mothers of 2 Girls Who Died After Gardasil HPV Vaccine Sue Merck
        The mothers of 10-year-old Isabella Zuggi and 14-year-old Sydney Figueroa filed wrongful death lawsuits against Merck, alleging the company knowingly failed to warn the public and medical providers about the risk of injury or death from its Gardasil human papillomavirus vaccine.

        Certainly not safe nor effective.Just another pharma income stream.

    • If you are game to listen to Ricardo Bosi at BIN today, you will appreciate that more needs to be done to ‘protect’ ‘children’ well before they have problems with chemical horrors.
      Their parts are a profitable industry.
      If you cannot appreciate a vacuumed child and many Fs, then do not watch or listen.
      Then one can recall SGaon when he examined what went into soft drinks.
      Then some research from Japan of little baby teeth in hamburger meat might be a wake up.🙀🙀 Lao some hiden findings in the US💁🙀 xxx

  8. Forget tumeric
    No don’t forget tumeric
    Here’s Moringa
    The bot says
    “Moringa oleifera, often referred to as the “miracle tree,” is a nutrient-dense plant native to India and other regions. Known for its impressive array of proteins, vitamins, and minerals, moringa is celebrated for its potential to combat malnutrition. Its leaves, pods, seeds, and flowers are all edible, making it a versatile addition to various diets.Research highlights several health benefits associated with moringa, including its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol. Additionally, it possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to overall wellness. Moringa is also recognized for its antibacterial effects and potential to promote wound healing.Incorporating moringa into your daily routine can be simple. Moringa powder can be added to smoothies, soups, or salads, while capsules are available for those seeking a convenient option. With its myriad health benefits, moringa is increasingly being recognized as a superfood worth including in a balanced diet.”

  9. Australia does not have democracy, as instructed, it has representative democracy which is a polite term for oligarchy, which is a polite term for fascism.
    The trouble is school, being based on instruction, usurps our observational capacities so from age five we spend our lives denying our own eyes and ears and seeking out and believing whatever comes from authority.
    Many a wise man has observed that those who seek authority are the least suitable to hold it. If there is a better example of this than Australian parliaments it would have to be globalist institution(s) that rule(s) the world including their corporate and nation state hanger’s on.
    () The Convid scam indicated there is a single power. If so, it hides behind its minions.
    It is no accident that the woke dreamers and ‘farmers for climate change’, (yep, they exist as hard as that is to fathom) who dream of sustainability and diversity on earth are the biggest supporters of the continual state of war that authority makes for life on this planet. But don’t bother to question their righteousness because as experience has taught and Mark Twain has observed: ‘never argue with stupid people, they take you down to their level then beat you with experience’.

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