by Dee McLachlan
Society is being constantly bombarded and distracted.
“…The short term dopamine driven feedback loops that we have created are destroying how society works: no civil discourse; no cooperation; misinformation; miss-truth. And it’s not an American problem. This is not about Russian ads. This is a global problem. So we are in a really bad state of affairs right now in my opinion. It is it is eroding the core foundations of how people behave by, and between each other — and I don’t have a good solution. You know my solution is… I just don’t use these tools anymore.” Chamath Palihapitiya, former Facebook executive in charge of user growth.
On that note, Gumshoe announces that there will be a few days of down time so our “staff” can take a break. I am going camping, and will be mostly ‘out of range’. The assistant editor has been camping ever since she got Alabama Senate fever, but will be back in Oz in February. Thank you readers for contributing and keeping the comments in good shape — so this is your chance to go ‘camping’ for a few days.
But back to this article.
Social Media experts (video below) are now alerting us to how Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are rewiring our brains. A reader forwarded me the link to this video below from Anonymous.
But what they are not saying is that the mainstream media has been rewiring society with false information (fake news) for a very long time.
There is a darker side to these organisations too. A reader alerted me to this report on WRH about Twitter. Here is the video exposing Twitter — and is about employees viewing everything that is posted.
Ballistic Missile — More Distraction and Panic
Hawaiians ran for their lives after receiving a sms alert at 8.07am local time which read: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.” Apparently a defense worker pushed the wrong button, and has since been fired.
However, 24 hours BEFORE the “wrong missile button” was pushed in Hawaii, a MSNBC crew were in the defense bunker. Jacob Soboroff was on assignment in Hawaii, and had filmed a segment the day before about the incoming missile warning system. What an extraordinary coincidence. How do the mainstream media manage it? They’re always there.
Take for example the 500 local and international journalists attending a conference in Hobart, Tasmania, on the 28–29 April 1996. They were perfectly placed to report on the Port Arthur massacre — and leak the story about Martin Bryant.
The video below is of Soboroff’s tour of the defense facility.
So was the mistaken missile launch a hoax — in bad taste? Soboroff could have been filming in a cheap movie set for all we know (This video analysis by Highimpactflix).
Distracting the ‘Herds’
The bottom line is that the “herds” are not given the truth. The facts about North Korea, missile defense systems, American military capabilities etc., are kept secret. Is American Stealth Technology a lie? Can we believe the American Early Warning System, and the Israeli Iron Dome are real? I have been told Russia has complete superiority in all these areas — so we shouldn’t even waste our energy on this missile business.
All the real information is being withheld — and I’m sure it is not to keep us safe and sane.
My wife tried to order some cosmetics at a store. The young woman had that short attention span that the video referred to. Sure enough, the order was never made, so my wife tried again. This time the order was incorrect. I told her she had been ‘Millinealized’.
We now find ourselves using that term more and more when dealing with the Millineal generation. Different terms could be used; vapid, space-cadet, air-head, light’s on but nobody is home – I don’t want to deal with them. If this is the society of the future, then society is stuffed.
After being under surveillance for so many years, I never did the trendy thing and open a Facebook page, in fact, I refuse to use any links that refer to it. I’ve also never been to Twitter, Snapchat or any other ‘social(?) media’. I also pay cash for 99% of the things I purchase, I don’t need or want any person to know all about my life.
In my opinion, any person that would wake up in the middle of the night to check their Iphone for messages has some serious personality issues that they need to address.
I have a friend that worked briefly for google… and now purposefully posts stuff up on her social media accounts that make her look very “employable”. Manipulating the manipulated.
“and now purposefully posts stuff up on her social media accounts”.
Why would she post “stuff up”, unless she’s trying to make a social comment..
Shame on you
You just do not understand their dilemma.
‘What it’s like for a millennial to be interviewed’
A couple of minutes of understanding is all that is needed, be understanding.
Sorry; when the boss is away the millennials come out to play.ðŸ‘
How do you know the order was mucked up by the retailer? My experience would point more toward an invisible somebody operating out of some vast warehouse.
Such entities can, of course, be dealt with directly without selling one’s soul simply by adopting a shopping identity: Easy enough to avoid those that don’t take responsibility for botch-ups
Not to sure about that one Berry. The other day I was trying to buy something and the young lady, (OOPS, am I even allowed to refer to a young female as such these days ??) had problems entering the data to close the sale. Constantly coming up with error messages for twenty minutes, fed up I looked over the counter and noticed she had finger nail extensions that were at least 2 BLOODY INCHES LONG and she couldn’t hit the keys properly. I rest my case.
Terry — you might enjoy this… Txtitis
And now Facebook is “controlling” the news — (Help us!)
Terry, I am of the 20th Century, the same as you. I refuse to be involved with any other medium except the internet. I do not watch TV and do not have a mobile phone. If somebody needs to get in touch with me, they have two options. Phone me on my landline or send me an email.
Why is it that mankind, now needs to be talking waffle for most of the day?
Many years ago, I was in partnership with my father in a lawn mowing business. We worked continuously throughout the day, every day and barely made wages. I gave up after 2 1/2 years. Today when I drive around I see lawn mowing contractors standing by their mowers on a mobile phone. I don’t know how they make an honest living.
I do have a mobile phone, a ‘flip phone’ that I occasionally use when I’m away from the property.
L.O.L. I too have an ancient flip phone that rarely gets used, costs me $20.00 a month and is driving Telstra crazy trying to get me to update it as well as the cost.
When folks ask me for my Mob No, I always respond that I don’t have one, and the look I get in response is priceless. I only pass my number to folks I’d like to communicate with and trust.
Eddy, I’ve got one of the old contracts and only get charged for the calls, no regular fees. Sometimes I can go for months without making a call – and no bills.
Yeah, I say I don’t have a mobile either. Like you said, the response on people’s faces is priceless. – Like, you know, EVERYBODY has a mobile phone…
Like real estate agents at for sale house inspections who become your life long lifelong best friend if you give them a correct contact phone number.
I give them …….?… Have fun.
One of my pet hates is people of all ages walking along a pavement or crossing a road without looking anywhere but at their screen. All other traffic, be it foot or vehicular, must take evasive action to prevent an accident. The phone user is not at all aware of the dangerous situation that they have caused.
But that is the selfish nature of today’s society. Instant, self satisfaction.
I only use the internet and read free msm……..have to know thine enemy.
No need for anything else, my wife knows everything except compass points and what maps are for. ……… and time!
Ooops, I could be in trouble.
L.O.L. Ned, good one. I suspect your wife may be related to mine.
Eve’s daughters?
It was my kids( now age 28 – 34) who warned me about facebook, not vice versa.
More important to remember that most bad raps about the internet are driven by those with a big investment in more traditional forms of gossip.
Facebook and Google as ‘Deep State’ surveillance devices. –
You’d obviously have to be incredibly naive to fall for an obvious snare such as Facebook but it doesn’t stop there.
In 2013 my youngest son’s enrollment in a training course was canceled on the basis of his refusal to comply with a demand for irrelevant personal information.
He confronted the respective Minister with the relevant section of the Privacy Act:
PRIVACY ACT 1988 – SECT 14 Information Privacy Principles Principle 1 Manner and purpose of collection of personal informationÂ
1. Personal information shall not be collected by a collector for inclusion in a record or in a generally available publication unless:
(a) the information is collected for a purpose that is a lawful purpose directly related to a function or activity of the collector; and
(b)Â the collection of the information is necessary for or directly related to that purpose.
2. Personal information shall not be collected by a collector by unlawful or unfair means.
But as would be expected it took months to overcome the “impasse’
Crikey Berry, look at this foolishness – people in forward military outposts using their iphone apps to keep tabs of where they are – like, for anyone that wants to know, there it is…
“Hawaiians ran for their lives after receiving a sms alert at 8.07am local time which read: “BALLISTIC MISSILE THREAT INBOUND TO HAWAII. SEEK IMMEDIATE SHELTER. THIS IS NOT A DRILL.”
If you go to Jimstones blog (but then delete, the .zm3.html and hit enter which will bring up today’s page.
(His site is being attcked all the time.)
He says this launch did in fact happen and it took the 39 minutes to confirm that the “threat was nuturalised.”
The intent was to hit Hawaii with a nuke and then blame it on NK.
He says what proves this statement is that a very small but very powerful mid east country is now short of one Dolphin 2 submarine.
In retrospect we can see that Hawaii would be a good choice for such an attack by one of the US’s best friends, its American, long way from mainland US and far away not be directly affected and is limited to a relatively small number of people.
check it out.
Have done.
The scenario reminds me of the murders of crewmen on the USS Liberty in 1967 by Israel and for their purpose to cause a war between Egypt and the US; for whose gain?
Some may have learnt to be awakened by history and not be suckered again.
We hope.
Ok, will try again.
As my old Mum alwyas said:
“Leopards never change their spots”
Thanks for the updated link.
While I have no doubt they are wicked and insane enough to do it, I’d need to hear some pretty strong evidence that backed up his assertion. My first thought was that it was a live test to see how the populace reacted, and the “wrong button” excuse was already dialed into the program, knowing that most people would have no interest and inclination to verify the truth of it. Funny how the same thing happened around the same time in Japan.
New infrastructure that will transform world economic and political power/dominance within this century: Implications and consequences (see maps).
Sakhalin-Hokkaido Bridge
This will (eventually) link up with the Trans-Eurasia highspeed rail network! Imagine travelling from East Asia (Japan, Korea, China, SE Asia) to the west coast of Europe (London, Rotterdam, Hamburg) on one integrated transcontinental-Eurasian fast train network!
Russia-China oil/gas pipeline extension
(a) Imagine future further extensions to Japan, Korea, SE Asia — more secure oil/gas supplyline, avoiding (naval attack) choke-points on sealanes at Straits of Homus, Straits of Malacca, etc.
(b) Payments will be made in rubles, yuan or local Asian currencies — abandoning the use of (soon to become junk/backed by nothing!!!) US$ from already highly indebted/bankrupt USA!
Which groups/govts/countries will NOT be glad to see these projects completed successfully??? What will they do to try to disrupt/sabotage/stop them??? Will this extend to (global) war???
While Russia and China are planning and implementing the century’s new major infrastructure to promote better trade, communications and development for the whole Eurasian continent (with ripple benefits for the rest of the world), the USA and its allies (puppets/stooges) are increasing military expenditures and war preparations in Asia (Korea, Japan, South China Sea), Middle East, and Eastern Europe. Why??? (Prepare yourself for possible eventualities!)
This site is getting more interesting with the standard of comments improving.
But I still think Eve’s daughters are the problem.💑
Nedski, r u referring to the female race in general? Oops, i mean the female species?
I am sure some can read a map……… I made my daughter learn how to, thats one.
Every night before she had to attend a sports event at whoowoop, the deal was; she had to find it on a map directory and direct me the next day to the relevant sports field.
Now she is self sufficient, even with a hammer drill etc.
Oh, what a release!
Great but have you “red-pilled” her? I made the decision to red-pill my kids to the deception of MSM, education system, academia etc- despite the resultant dissonance and difficulty with teachers/lecturers reinforcing mainstream narratives. It’s tough telling your own kids that our society is riddled with poison.
In my view in current times one of the most important things we can teach our kids is how to think – not what to think – but how to think. How to think critically – the Socratic Method. So that they stand a chance of differentiating between real and fake news.
I have placed the red pills before her and she circles them like a bee around a daisy……. she knows it is a daisy but finds enough alternative convenient pollen nearby to feed her own beehive.
Give it a bit more time.
The fashion of refering to fake news seemed to me to become when Trump became a platform whereby fake news became into being.
When I was a child the deception by parents or my parents as to what reality is? and following early programing then schooling became the next exercise in propaganda and then conscription and then?
The deception as to what reality is created by our varied culture are volumous, in fact for many it became a full time job to comprehend between truth and lies,
The difference between what once was considered propaganda and those definition is we suddenly have the word fake which I suggest became a trump card of Trump to control our press and avoid the possibility we now have a fake president.
If Trumps right hand man states he has to make a mind shift in understanding Trump, what possibility have we to understand this president that no one understands?
Before we write off journalists as fake news operaters, never before do we owe so much to this profession, as they have now become targets of terrorist activity.
Regarding Milennialisation – Have you guys not seen the movie “Idiocracy” by Mike Judge? If not you absolutely must see it!
I understand the producer thought he was making a comedy. He later realized he had produced a documentary…
One of your best.
This is an interesting development and essential reading.
Its hard to square off with an enemy that you fear to name, lest he get offended.
Worth reading.
MSNBC, Soboroff…..
Of course he was.
A good example of a “Cohencidence”.
“Chohencidence” – now that is good! I’ll probably use that, thanks.
In case you/we (still) don’t know: Global (nuclear) war coming!!!
“what is being prepared is a level of mass killing far beyond the bloodbaths carried out in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere.”
Also read the comments at the end of the article and … prepare for probable eventualities!