Editor’s note: Extract from Mintpress by Alan Macleod
From “selling plasma“: “Your earning potential for selling plasma will depend on a variety of factors. You can expect $20 to $50 per donation. The specific amount will depend on the volume of plasma you are permitted to donate each time. The FDA sets guidelines for plasma donation. It is based on your body weight. So, the more you weigh, the more plasma you can donate. …It is also worth bearing in mind that most donation centers do not pay in cash. They typically pay using a debit card.”
And what about adrenochrome? (More on that later)
by G5
Going off memory here. Check. I think it was the 1973 Movie ‘Westworld’? (not TV series.) Where the fellow who was switched off by government computer; come back next week? Sold his arm to buy food. [There was the original version, but the re-edited version may have excluded this scene]
The second biggest export in the US; not grains, is blood for plasma.
What Brand [in the video below] says about transfusions is strangely correct. Lance Armstrong; disappearing during rests in races, was undergoing transfusions. Separate to whatever drugs they thought he was on.
There was a hippy doctor in Double Bay, some years ago, who specialised in blood transfusions laced with vitamins and whatever in megadoses. All the little rich bitches of all ages queued there. He made millions back then.
I encountered a similar fellow in Harley St. London, around from the Langham where I lived, who also made millions, back then.
When Clinton was governor of Arkansas, he bought blood from the jail inmates. Aids, Hep C, whatever. He paid them in drugs. Small to nothing. Mena Airport CIA operations.
The contaminated blood was sold to The Canadian Red Cross. From memory, 24,000 were killed from the transfusions. As far as I recall, nothing has eventuated.
The makers of Salk and later Sabin polio vaccines were allegedly using simian plasma. I have a suspicion that the net is lying. Salk was human and Sabin Simian. I recall a high injury rate in children with Sabin. I had the Salk.
I have written about the massive baby part industry from Planned Parenthood; not yet out, as far as I’m aware. They sell to BigPharma labs for whatever and the no animals harmed cosmetics industry.
Used by the same imbeciles causing the disaster of The Canadian Fur Seals orchestrated by Dow Dupont for their fibers. Long story. Let me know if you want more on it. Huge environmental and economic disaster, to destroy the fur industry for fake fur. The same group doped nylon stockings to make them ladder.
Linked to drug trade.
Note in the opening slide GSK is listed. I have written that they operated the Wuhan BWL with CIA and NIAID finding through EcoHealth to hide the money trails from America. I don’t know if others have picked that up. I wrote about the bullshit connections of The Wuhan Wet Markets about mid-2019. [ ] I think I signaled it, as I did with The Martin Place Affair. I wrote that I saw a known local Intel fellow, casing BJ railway station. I signaled a false flag. Monis was mentally owned. Long story.
Yesterday or so I mentioned Howard being Australia’s false flag hero. I forget to include Port Arthur in that list. I think I previously mentioned that I was personally involved in the Sydney Hilton Affair. I was too late, and the idiots in the car should have corrected their bad timing.
There were two professional shooters at Port Arthur. Not Bryant. A had dinner with Hicks’ father. He had no idea of the CIA connection and his son as a mercenary proxy. I didn’t bother. He was in Bangalow at the time. Howard was responsible for those events (Hick’s jailing, as with blocked evidence to free Corby).
The Hilton Bombing, the Port Arthur shootings, the two Bali bombings, a bombing in William St. Sydney, and The Christchurch shootings.
Vaccines –
If you ever needed a reason as to why there should be a Religious Exemption, here is
the main one.
Parents with a Pro Life stance should be able to opt out of getting cells from another
human being injected into their bodies. Who knows what the effects of the DNA within
those cells will be down the road, what expressions, what diseases could manifest?
Since ALL vaccines have NEVER been double blind placebo safety tested, and since
children have more health issues today than ever before, it’s common sense to proceed
with the utmost caution and our health departments should be researching and asking
for those tests to be done. They should also be asking for the manufacturers to be liable
for any deaths or injuries caused by the so called ‘safe’ vaccines, and not leave it up to
the taxpayers to foot the enormous bill. Why are you not protecting us in this manner?
Thank you,
Chris Wrinn
Milford, CT
CDC Admits Vaccines Contain ‘Aborted Human Fetus
Published on December 5, 2019
Written by Baxter Dmitry
In a PDF on the CDC website titled “Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary,” the
CDC lists all the excipients (often referred to as bulking agents or fillers) being
used in vaccines that are currently being injected into adults and children across the
The list, current as of January 19, 2019, was “extracted from manufacturers’
package inserts,” according to the CDC. …………………………”
Congratulations to GS and contributors.
Anyone getting curious about the real corrupt world being hidden from you?
Do you think you will be able to take truth and realise that our politicians and mass fraud media are mostly censoring frightened crooks, now being exposed.
For more dripping exposures just listen to the lates at X22Report.com episode 2735 … especially from about the 40 min time line to the end re Trump’s court case and the planned consequences.
“Wake up buttercup/s”, lot more to come in this worldwide movie.
Ned wanted this posted:
Well now, what do you now think of Twitter, face book, big tack and lying mass media…… or is all just a conspiracy theory? Russia, Russia, Russia🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Now do people realise that politicians, spy agencies and your mass media push certain agendas for war, by any chance?
The video was found at whatreallyhappened.com
Not-Voting is a YES vote to Reject a Corrupt System
A legal definition of a Statute, is “A company rule created to regulate a society carrying the force of law by the consent of the governed”… “by the consent of the governed”. Of course, this is correct, because it is the governed who elect the Government – to create the Statute. Therefore the electors Act as shareholders of the corporatised Commonwealth of Australia and vote for a chairman and a board of directors of a company which is in chapter 11 bankruptcy. Being on the electoral roll and the requirement to vote, is in Australia, compulsory and to fail to do so is punished by monetary fines or confiscation of property. These are the rules made by the electors elected slavemasters. It’s madness!
[…] Source […]
Anyone, anyone from msm, shock jokes or a politician want to defend the their public lying stance?
Is that because you lying cowardly miserable lot cannot handle what the public is a wakening to?
Check out Aussie Cossack’s feature video as MSM GRUB Steve Marshall gets the treatment
Verballed for 7 minutes by Aussie Cossack on good form as usual. These MSM grubs all need to be confronted with their lies and LIES OF OMISSION concerning virtually all topics.
Thank you for this link, I love Aussie Cossack – I may be American but I stand with all people of Australia. WWG1WGA!
What a pathetic disgrace A Current Affair is. The Director should sack that ingrate interviewer and offer Aussie Cossack his job.
The media is paid to deceive, they know what they are doing so ‘calling them out’ is like water off a duck’s back. I wonder what Australia would be like if there was an honest media. Everything is touched by their stink.
Ned gave us the all important Todd Callender video.
The German Politikstube said that Todd had just been interviewed by Fuellmich’s Corona Council.
In case you missed it, here it is, 70 mins long.
It is of little surprise to me that the Jews refer to we peoples of the Western world as ‘sheeple’ for our enduring ignorance of the reality of our situation never ceases to amaze me. We have allowed, nay encouraged (by our silence) the decimation of our society from within (albeit by stealth) for centuries.
Our political system has been hijacked by the Fabian Society for just one. Totally set up and financed by globalist Rothchild’s to manipulate their political candidates into positions of power. Their symbol for goodness sake is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and we do nothing.
We have allowed a known subversive occult organization the Masons (so called Freemasons) to build their ‘lodges’ (actually occult ceremony meeting halls) in most Australian towns and cities for the purpose of subverting our citizenry. The latest research shows that the vast majority of persons attaining positions of the political class are in fact either active Freemasons or educated in freemason sponsored schools. Just think about it, you take the Masonic pledge not to rat on your mates and you are set for life. Literally, politicians are paid for by we sheeple taxpayers FOR LIFE.
We have allowed our medical system to be overtaken by basically drug cartels disguised as ‘pharmacy’ who are so bold as to convince we sheeple to get multiple injections of a known experimental fluid disguised as a ‘vaccine’ for a bogus epidemic NEVER proven to even exist!
We have allowed our whole monetary system to be overrun by finance cartels who rob we sheeple blind and operate both a fiat paper currency printing con and a money from nothing scam with which they manipulate our lives wholly. Not to mention a bogus tax system which keeps track of everything you do.
We have allowed our ‘free’ press to be stolen, overrun by a few globalist ghouls who keep us in ignorance of the facts of our society by endless dribble reiterated hourly in television, radio, newspapers and endless magazines.
And I don’t think anyone anymore doesn’t comprehend that the so called education system to which we subject our children does anything but dumb them down, oh yes including getting them into debt.
Evil has the western world by the throat and it is squeezing …slowly… WE are a disgrace PEOPLE or is that SHEEPLE.
It seems natural selection is finally happening, and well overdue
Natural selection Joe – Tell me you are kidding right!
We humans have been conned, deceived, usurped by utterly clever and totally evil schemes systemically embedded into every facet of our society. Humans aren’t stupid Goyme – Mostly we are endeavoring optimists – naïve as ever. WE JUST NEED TO WAKE UP !
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.” ― Winston S. Churchill
Yes XX – Winston Churchill – occultist, known Druid, mass murderer, giant liar and globalist tool (in more ways than one) ALL wars, including the current silent one, are tools of the few globalist ghouls. The very same globalist ghouls who manipulate so called democratic society’s, install Communist regimes, manipulate elections, governments, finance, and even your identity.
The question really is WILL THE SHEEPLE EVER WAKE UP !!!
Who wears the Crown? –
When people say that the Vatican controls everything just remember that the Vaticans Pope is no longer coronated with a Crown. The void has been filled by Rothschid’s Crown City of London.
It apparent to me that Romes papal authority over the world, symbolised by the Popes 3 tiered crown has moved its statutory authority from Vatican Hill to Capitoline Hill, Washington, D.C.
“In 1968 after touring the United States, the crown was presented by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States, to Msgr. William McDonough, the shrine’s director.”
Pope Paul VI and the Abandonment of the Tiara
The Coronation of Pope Paul VI
Pope Paul VI was the last pope to use a tiara at his coronation. However; after the ceremony, he donated it and introduced the use of a simple miter representing the fish god Dagon. He gave the tiara to the poor people of the world, with an official statement saying:
The Roman Catholic Church has always shown its charity toward the poor. Pope Paul VI has wanted to give new proof of this charity [after hearing] the many and grave words expressed in the council on the misery and hunger of these days.
He then removed the tiara from his head, placing it on the altar as a picture of the “renunciation of human glory and power” and as “the new spirit of the Church purified.”
The tiara went on tour to raise funds for the poor, before coming to the Basilica, where it is displayed today.
The tradition of wearing a miter was adopted by subsequent popes, and the use of the tiara was discontinued. The coronation ceremony was also renamed and is now known as the solemn inauguration of Petrine Ministry.
………..Vicar of Christ (Vicarius Christi) and Antichrist have exactly the same meaning. The Pope substitutes himself in place of God on earth, and that is exactly the meaning of Antichrist.
The pope’s hat may refer to: Papal tiara, a jewelled three-tiered crown used at papal coronations from 1305 through 1963. Mitre, a high liturgical headdress made …
The Crown of Ba’al, also known as the Papal Tiara and Triregnum is a three-tiered jewelled papal crown and symbol of claimed papal supremecy since the 16th …
For more than a thousand years, the Papal Tiara was a symbol of the authority of the Papacy. But, when Pope Paul VI left his Tiara on the Altar of Saint Peter’s during the closing of The Second Vatican Council, no Pope has worn the Three-Tiered Crown. However, subsequent Popes have received Tiaras, but have not worn them publicly (or likely at all.)
On 16 May, during an audience with Trajko Veljanoski, The Speaker of The Assembly of The Republic of Macedonia, The Holy Father was presented with a beautifully ornate Tiara, handmade by the Nuns of Rajcica Monastery, with Pearls from Ohrid Lake. Up until this point, Pope Francis had not received a Tiara.
So the void created by the Vatican was filled by its near mirror image, the pagan authorities in the Israeli controlled United States and Britain.
Jews and Catholics in partnership –
The Talmud created at the Babylon Yahsiva (Academy) by BalKhan (Baal Priest) Baba Rabban is properly called the “Babylonian Talmud” and was the only version of Talmud created until the 16th Century when the Venetians through the Jesuits created a hybrid document integrating the Mithraic-Iudaic laws of the Septuaginta to create the “Jerusalem Talmud”.
Jewish Prime Minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli said – “the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” ……. “You never observe a great intellectual movement in Europe in which the Jews do not greatly participate. The first Jesuits were Jews;” …… (pp. 249-252)
What does the word Vatican mean?
The word ‘Vatican’ literally means “Divining Serpent,” and is derived from Vatis = Diviner and Can = Serpent. The Vatican City and St. Peter’s Basilica were built on the ancient pagan site called in Latin vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis, which means hill or mountain of prophecy. …..
Vaticans’ schisms caused by Romes siding with the Jewish narrative –
Quis Custodiet Traditionis Custodes?
Who watches over the guardians of tradition?
E. Michael Jones • September 8, 2021 • 12,200 Words • 3 Comments • Reply
XX The Vatican Pope has never ever been the power, he is another elected stooge praising ‘Baal’s Shaft’ in the form of the Egyptian Obelisk in his key-way, that’s what all the keys are for –
Meanwhile as ever, hiding behind the priestly scenery the Jesuit, Masonic, Illuminate Black Pope always has been. And you well know whom he represents.
Who wears the Crown? –
When people say that the Vatican controls everything just remember that the Vaticans Pope is no longer coronated with a Crown. The void has been filled by Rothschid’s Crown City of London.
It apparent to me that Romes papal authority over the world, symbolised by the Popes 3 tiered crown has moved its statutory authority from Vatican Hill to Capitoline Hill, Washington, D.C.
“In 1968 after touring the United States, the crown was presented by Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate to the United States, to Msgr. William McDonough, the shrine’s director.”
Pope Paul VI and the Abandonment of the Tiara
The Coronation of Pope Paul VI
Pope Paul VI was the last pope to use a tiara at his coronation. However; after the ceremony, he donated it and introduced the use of a simple miter representing the fish god Dagon. He gave the tiara to the poor people of the world, with an official statement saying:
The Roman Catholic Church has always shown its charity toward the poor. Pope Paul VI has wanted to give new proof of this charity [after hearing] the many and grave words expressed in the council on the misery and hunger of these days.
He then removed the tiara from his head, placing it on the altar as a picture of the “renunciation of human glory and power” and as “the new spirit of the Church purified.”
The tiara went on tour to raise funds for the poor, before coming to the Basilica, where it is displayed today.
The tradition of wearing a miter was adopted by subsequent popes, and the use of the tiara was discontinued. The coronation ceremony was also renamed and is now known as the solemn inauguration of Petrine Ministry.
………..Vicar of Christ (Vicarius Christi) and Antichrist have exactly the same meaning. The Pope substitutes himself in place of God on earth, and that is exactly the meaning of Antichrist.
Yes XX – and further the claims made by the Roman Catholic Vatican of Christ’s apostle Simon Peter being its originator (and its head) are completely BOGUS as he was never even near Rome and that instead its originator was the magician, sorcerer and pagan high priest Simon Magus noted in the Bible “a formidable magician”, who in Rome “bewitched them with sorceries” and who was “honored as a GOD”, due to his magical “demonic powers that were witnessed”.
Who was buried in the Pagan cemetery of VATICANUS upon which the VATICAN was built and took its name and over which was built St. Peters basilica. In reality that Church, far from representing Christ on earth was in fact an Occult sect whose ceremony and ritual was the result of Simon Magus incorporating the rituals and beliefs of the Mystery Cults of Babylon with Christian tradition.
This is why the Babylonian monuments of ‘Baal’s Shaft’ in the form of Egyptian Obelisks had been placed in prominent places both within that sect and around the world as Baal worship objects of the beliefs and ritual of Babylon Paganism, to further both that sect and their roles in the implementation of its demonic agenda.
Remember that Ignatius Loyola who started the Jesuits and whose demonic ‘spiritual exercises’ are still used there today, was a member of the Spanish Alumbrados, which is what we call the Illuminati today, in a perfect position (just as Simon Magus was) to be used by the Anti-christ to attempt to regain back, through his Roman Catholics, what had been taken by the Reformation where suddenly people could find salvation by grace through faith alone, so there was no need for the priesthood OR the Vatican.
This of course was totally unacceptable as it was robbing them of the converts they, through instilling fear and convinced to ‘tithe’ to supply the church with their wealth and power base. Consequently, the machinations of the Jesuits, the Roman Catholic control arm was (and still is) attempting to undo that situation by the disposal of as many Protestants, Patriots and non-Catholics as possible. This is why wars were fomented in Protestant or non-Christian (Buddhist, Muslim, Arab etc.) counties so the Patriots could be killed off first and leave the country defenseless against the infiltration of the Jesuits and/or their Zionists / Illuminati organisations.
All this and much more is well documented.
QUOTE: “If you trace up Masonry, through all its Orders, till you come to the grand tip-top, head Mason of the World, you will discover that the dread individual and the Chief of the Society of Jesus the Black Pope, the Superior General of the Jesuits are one and the same person.” James Parton – American historian.
“I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, butare the synagogue of Satan.” Revelation, Ch 2, V 9.
Underworld goddess Vatika lent her name to the Vatican as well as Confederation Helvetika.
Both outposts from Venice, the birthplace of the Secret Globalist Empire. Nobody could crack Venice but just in case they shifted the gold up to Zurich ( after Charlemagne ).