By Tony Ryan
Ever since Paul Keating and John Howard transported reluctant Australians from the egalitarian prosperity of the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, into an unprecedented era of unemployment, underemployment, poverty, and homelessness — 85% of the Australian People have been quietly disqualified and rendered invisible.
For our own good, of course. Let’s be frank, we have neither the knowledge nor wisdom to offer judgments to government. And we can be assured that this event will be celebrated in history as the Second Era of Transportation.
The surviving demographic has been redefined and its members made up of shareholders. This enabled Shareholders to be described prosaically as ‘mums & dads’, especially when it came to selling the first half of Telstra (which, to their eternal regret, most now prehistoric Aussies opposed).
Since redefinition, unemployment is now able to be gauged variably at 6%, which hides the otherwise awkward 50% — had the workers and other unwanted demographics been included in the count. And Redefinition enabled John Howard to describe his era as one of unprecedented prosperity.
Actually, if truth be known, the Great Mining Boom was more of a Great Media Microphone Boom, as journalists jettisoned their reportage in favour of politician’s press releases and propaganda opportunities. They forgot to mention that mining at its peak was contributing ~0.3% less to GDP than the dying manufacturing sector (8.6% versus 9%).
Nevertheless, shareholders — oops, mums & dads — were indeed making money. And some had to pay tax, so Canberra had at least a tiny injection into Consolidated Revenue. These shareholders are somewhat resentful that Howard’s Double Taxation Act ruled that corporations which pay tax in other countries do not have to pay tax in Australia — which shifts the burden to them. Now that is unfair.
The Invisibles, with half of them unemployed or scraping by with part time work, or on welfare, had little to contribute to the dear old income tax department, which, of course, is why Canberra’s coffers are near empty.
Government programmes must now be funded by loans, the interest of which profits the leading shareholders, whom we will salute later.
Those who ridiculed the GST should by now appreciate the genius behind this replacement of income tax, because it ensures everybody contributes to politician’s pension funds and mining development grants, whether they have full time jobs or not.
There is some lingering doubt about the wisdom of managing a national economy on the presumption that shareholders are tangibly productive people, or that they apply values such as national interest, health and education, into decision-making.
Listening to Scott Morrison, I am reassured that only the very wealthy and knowledgeable shareholders — the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Murdochs, and the Lowys — will noticeably be influencing government in the future.
We know this is a good thing, because we are told this by the media — which is owned by the leading shareholders. And they are in a position to know, aren’t they?
Tony Ryan is a former journalist, government welfare officer, social researcher, business enterprise operator, and cross-cultural specialist and advisor. He currently assists in the redevelopment of an Arnhem Land Homeland and associated Aboriginal health restoration project.
Tony, I hope Frank Lowy will ask you to give the Annual Lecture in November, 2018.
That would be nice, Mary. But I wouldn’t turn up because most of those academics would rather burn me at the stake. I find their hatred rather flattering LOL.
The old ” figures don`t lie but liars can figure ” still covers our Politicians
Gaz, can I borrow that?
The importance of our politicians is to sellout to overseas corporations and individuals, if we Australians had prosperity no longer can our politicians save us, as a culture hardship is what we thrive upon, if it is not for the daily grind of our enslavement our existence and responsibility of our being here would mean for many suicide, depression and a fate that the scientist Richard Dawkins is for most of us would find hard to believe that science is all we have to guide us, such as Brian Cox would love to take us out of our misery and us being thrilled by going to Mars or looking at the Milky Way and being so thrilled at getting away from it all, it is some what unfortunate that not all of us relish this departure from what is now a God forsaken Earth, the fact that when we deny God a peculiar thing happens God appears and yet when we search for God we are unable to God with our microscope? yet God appears in odd ways such as God made all men equal for the moment I will marginalize women in this discussin as I wish to review this over some time, on the American bank notes In God WeTrust? would the reader say that Gods work can be seen operating in Syria?even if in war we can have enough sacrifices of humans they are not in vain for death and violence brings it time a new understanding of what it is to be a human being.
John Donne
“No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
Don, check this out. It’s from a dissenting opinion in Sierra Club v Morton (US 1972):
Senator Cranston has introduced a bill to establish a 35,000-acre Pupfish National Monument to honor the pupfish which are one inch long and are useless to man. S. 2141, 92d Cong., 1st Sess.
They are too small to eat, and unfit for a home aquarium. But as Michael Frome has said:
“Still, I agree with Senator Cranston that saving the pupfish would symbolize our appreciation of diversity in God’s tired old biosphere, the qualities which hold it together and the interaction of life forms. When fishermen rise up united to save the pupfish, they can save the world as well.”
Field & Stream, Dec. 1971, p. 74.
That was Justice Blackmun. He also said:
The Court’s opinion is a practical one espousing and adhering to traditional notions of standing…. But this is not ordinary, run-of-the-mill litigation. The case poses — if only we choose to acknowledge and reach them — significant aspects of a wide, growing, and disturbing problem, that is, the Nation’s and the world’s deteriorating environment with its resulting ecological disturbances.
Must our law be so rigid and our procedural concepts so inflexible that we render ourselves helpless when the existing methods and the traditional concepts do not quite fit…?
Don, I am trying to incorporate this in my court appeal re nukes. i have been kicked out on the basis of “lack of standing” — but I ain’t gonna take it lying down….
You left out, the wolf in sheep’s clothing, Fabian and Rhodes Scholar, Hawke who got the ball rolling, after Fraser’s intransigence, on 5/3/83. You know the guy who before that fateful day was a union man hero then after the election did his bit in unleashing vampire capitalism on his fellow workers. The ACTU’s and BCA’s recent, united we stand divided they fall, position on high migration tells us all we need to know about who exactly rules us, yet we continue to vote election after so called election after so called election. Mad human disease it’s been called. Who could argue,eh?
Globalism is communism is debt slavery . They murder for profit .
Today I saw seven Indonesian men installing ground cables between houses . Wouldn’t be surprised if they were making three times as much as in their home country . ( Have a look at what they make over there ) .
High immigration and visa work is so that our workers are on global rates !
This is a land of the working poor and the connected rich , for they have eliminated the middle class middle ground which we know our predesecors benefited greatly from in the lucky country that has become not so lucky . Savaged by greed .
Gonna just lie there and take it, 56?
Mary ,
what can we do when our youth are defending “our way of life” in the Middle East or where needed . Nothing can be done when the Samson option rules their agenda . There are many many good people in all races and at the same time a minority of traitors , on all sides , that have made lives difficult for everyone else . Scientific dictatorship is entrenched via the military industrial .
The only way to rebel is to drop the gadgets (shackles) and who is prepared to do that . The system promotes greed and looks down upon the humble and meek .This is in direct opposition to the teachings of Our Lord .
Who has ultimate power over the entire shebang -so long as you’re prepared to act on it
“We are pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed. 1We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.”
Australia is well on its way to becoming Venez-stralia…..
And it’s ALL by design.
“In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
For 56. Here’ the happy ending to Longfellow’s “The Sicilian’ Tale”
Deposuit potentes de sede et exultait humiles.
“He has put down the mighty from their seat,
And has exalted them of low degree!”
And through the chant a second melody
Rose like the throbbing of a single string:
“I am an Angel, and thou art the King!”
King Robert, who was standing near the throne,
Lifted his eyes, and lo! he was alone!
But all apparelled as in days of old,
With ermined mantle and with cloth of gold;
And when his courtiers came, they found him there
Kneeling upon the floor, absorbed in silent prayer.
[i.e., he got da message]
Canberra’s’ coffers not empty.
Section 81 of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution, requires all government receipts to be placed into the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
3 times I written to my elected MHR to expressing my will that he make the relevant enquiries to establish how much money was in the Consolidated Revenue Fund on the day the national budget was announced.
3 times that person has refused to communicate with me on the issue.
I have been previously it said on a nationally broadcast discussion that rumor has it that there is literally TRILLIONS of dollars in this account.
When I wrote to my MHR on this also stated that it my will that he do what is necessary to require the figure remaining in the Consolidated Revenue Fund, after the budget is announced, to be included in the budget announcement.
Like Tony stated above . The gst was a blessing for collectors because it enabled them to collect taxes from the workers and unemployed . When people realise what’s going on that fence around Parliament House won’t help the movie stars inside .
Did you notice that houses in Canberra didn’t have fences not so long ago . There really isn’t much to steal so what’s the point .
The government has no debt . All debt is in the hands of the people at compounding interest. We get taxed on debt . Money that we don’t have .
The bankers and beurocrats utopia is really a continuous avalanche of struggles for the debt slaves that keep the engine of consumption running .They collect so much from this that its not even necessary to tax the corporations and combines that rape this nation of all that’s remaining .