A comment by Dee McLachlan
We have seen over the last few years how populations have been manipulated. Our brains are being controlled by “fear-mongering”. (A post for Diane de Vere)
“Why did the medical establishment push the Covid vax on the world even when they knew it didn’t work? Dr. Michael Nehls says it wasn’t about money. It was about conquering the human mind.”
Tucker, “You really describing like a mass-Alzheimers”.
Dr Nehls talks about the “Zombie Mode”.
I was approaching the problem in my “Where Too Now?” article.
For the full interview, click HERE
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Rudolph Steiner in 1913 on a Vaccine to Close Down the Spiritual Senses
Haven’t had the time to watch. Please comment on them if possible
“MADNESS BECOMES THE NORM” in an “infected society”
The first 3 minutes of the video are pretty slow but when they get onto the waves of lies it’s easy to recognise the plotlines the Globalists are following.
People don’t know where this is heading, the most useless eaters are now soaking up welfare payments and all this has to be stopped by the next Global super-flu and its dodgy treatments. The new religion is the MedicalSystem and it needs increased funding and the proper respect accorded to a religion. Because there are not enough medical problems they need to be created and they are in every way from the white bread to the injections and every other experimentation imaginable. Experimentation is actually a major driver in all this and should not be underestimated …
Geert Vanden Bossche’s predictions since the onset of the pandemic have been spot on,as are his recent warnings.
“If Dr. Vanden Bossche’s scenario comes to pass, the “hyper-acute Covid crisis” will intersect with the elections of 2024, and not just in the USA. You would naturally expect some extreme despotic hysterics out of the “Joe Biden” government. They will surely try to run their “Disease X” ruse.”
This is not an April Fool’s Gag-Dr Geert Vanden Bossche
Sounds grim but what we are led to expect
Presently on other things so not into this.
However it is trite to appreciate that via training, fearful situations can be overcome with the correct method in training.
E.g with special services in the military.
It stands to reason that it would be possible to condition people to be fearful of a vicious mouse that carries disease and will eat you or the boogey man lives under your bed on dark nights and he will eat you …. If you are naughty.
In prisons/authorities etc., fear can be used for discipline etc.
Boarding school anyone💁
I am not going to spend much time on it…. I will just stand with my toes sticking out over a 200 m cliff face for a lesson.
I recall that old show reflecting on the samurai training … the boy had to cross a pond walking on a plank. Unfortunately, the skeletons of previous failed trainees could be seen at the bottom of the pond….. well that was an interesting lesson…. For a stroll…….🙀🤪
Perhaps I was ‘lucky’, I survived Viet Nam and learned to control my terror at an early age. Then I came back to a society that ostracized me as I was a ‘Nam vet. I got a gut full of mass formation psychosis way back when and had to deal with it.
Recently, I sent out an email with some videos to about 20 recipients. Only TWO replied to that email, both were former helicopter pilots in ‘Nam. We were engaged in very dangerous duties, in dangerous situations and with people trying to kill us.
One was a fellow in my unit on my second tour that theorized that when we were young we had to re-program our minds to accept horror and terror, to open our senses to ‘little’ things that might pose a threat, to be hyper-vigilant. I suspect he was correct. – The society may have considered our PTSD as a disability, but those detractors had no idea what we were observing.
The fact that any genuine grievance of any scale can wind up working in one’s favour is anathema to the victim culture of the Age: if people can be convinced that they’re hard done by they become infinitely malleable
Brilliant post Sandra– History Matters and History of People and Place matters even more.
So much to take on and process– Role of British Elites–
Three page summary article of the “Temple Mount Plot” dossier.
From Hidden Truth:
They destroyed Julian Assange because he knew too much and spoke against the same people that we are fighting today:
“There is no society anymore, just a Transnational Elite that’s busy carving up up the world with your tax money!”
“To combat that elite, we must NOT petition, we must take them over!! We must form our own networks of strength and mutual value that can challenge these warmongers!!!”
“These warmongers have formed an international alliance to take your tax money and launder it through wars, such as, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and wash that money with people’s blood”
Please get educated and help us fight this evil that has taken over the world.
join now. it’s not too late.⏰
his spoken word
“There is no society anymore what there is a. Transnational Security Elite that is busy carving up the world using your tax money to combat that elite we must not petition we must take it over-we must form our own networks of strength and mutual values and strengths which can challenge the self interested values of the war mongers in this country and others that have formed hand in hand an alliance to take money from the United States and every NATO country from Australia and launder it through Afghanistan launder it through Iraq launder it through Somalia launder it through Yemen launder it through Pakistan and wash that money in peoples blood.”
More click bait for the jew-haters who’re too squeamish to contemplate where Islam is going and the means by which it’ll get there:
More fodder for all the wannabe humanitarians who prefer to overlook the fact that genocide, by definition, is the systematic destruction of a particular genus, and that the genetic makeup of Israeli Arabs is shared by the inhabitants of every other Arab nation
The click bait I’m referring to is, of course, the “CITIZENS INSIGHT” interview: dragging perceived Euro powers into a conflict that was set in motion aeons before London or Rome even existed proves nothing more than myopia
And the misuse of the word “genocide” just demonstrates a complete lack of insight as to what’s REALLY up ahead
AI Manipulative Techniques to Persuade People to “Engage in Unwanted Behaviours”.
Summary of today’s fake news M$M
Our foreign minister Penny Wong confines herself to “proper language” as if she were one of the elites. The bombing murder of our aid worker is “not acceptable”.
Bibi comes on, this is not tough resolute Bibi, this is smiley affable Bibi. Basically Penny Wong is going to have to accept it, just like Syria has to accept Israel air strikes on various targets culminating in the bombing of the Iranian consulate.
Penny Wong goes back to her seat and stays there, and we get some arms sales too.
Remember 7 wars in 5 years, wasn’t Iran the last one ?
Bibi, licenced to kill.
Penny Wong should shut up about morals and get out there in the caryard, sell a few more BushMasters, now Ukraina is out of credit we need new customers. How about the UN Penny Wong, they need BushMasters to round up the civilians all over the world and get them into the gulags. Let’s have a BushMasters boom while we wait for the India boom. BushMasters that shoot out mRNA va666ines like the tranquiliser darts they use for the African animals.
This could be the last chance Elbow has at the polling booth, his economic path of destruction is second only to Keatings … so far.
This is amazing.
Evidence of Ancient Medical Technology. Are we a product of Genetic Engineering & DNA manipulation?
Are humans purely a product of evolution or were we genetically modified art some point in time
Denying one’s Creator sure is synonymous with the bottomless pit
If a person believes in the literal Noah’s Ark, how could anyone else trust that person’s judgement about their afterlife scenario. They have just picked their ideas up from some old stories which have been mangled together over time. This simple logic undermines most of the clergy, and by walking out the wider public has endorsed it. The public only shows up for Xmas and Easter and weddings and funerals. The clergy needs to do A LOT better.
So what, exactly, has acknowledging one’s Creator got to do with, quote:
“picking up ideas from some old stories which have been mangled together over time” ?
All such stupid remarks ever do is affirm head-tripping ignorance re the core theme of the respective Book:
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
That’s just Saul / Paul it means nothing, why don’t you watch the video you are condemning before you condemn it
“That’s just what Paul said”
Yeah, the same Paul who became Christ’s no.1 spokesperson after proclaiming “He is the Son of God.”(ACTS 9:20) – a proclamation that simply upheld what said Son himself had proclaimed:
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John14:6)
Hence the crucifixion; hence the defeat of what you’re continually trying to promote
“If a person believes in the literal Noah’s Ark, how could anyone else trust that person’s judgement about their afterlife scenario?”
Well a proper read through this might go a long way:
Moses was a huckster set up by the Egyptians, you should broaden your studies out of just one book and get into stone carvings, your arrogance is really letting you down this time.
“Persist, then in your enchantments
And your many sorceries
With which you have labored from your youth;
Perhaps you will be able to profit [from them],
Perhaps you may prevail and cause trembling.
You are wearied by your many counsels.
Just let the astrologers,
The stargazers,
Those who predict by the new moons [each month]
Stand up and save you from the things that will come upon you .
In fact, they are like stubble;
Fire burns them.
They cannot save themselves from the power of the flame [much less save the nation],
There is no blazing coal for warming
Nor fire before which to sit!
This is how they have become to you, those [astrologers and sorcerers] with whom you have labored,
Those who have done business with you from your youth;
Each has wandered in his own way.
There is no one to save you.”
ISAIAH 47: 12 – 14
Well you can hide deeper and deeper in the same “authorised” book if it makes you feel good then “do what thou wilt”, there are plenty of sorcerers and astrologers in your book to keep you happy. I have nothing against you being happy or having faith, it’s only mildly vexing that you place yourself above simple logic or good evidence, such as ancient temple carvings. How much you deny is up to you.
I suggest you re-read my originating comment.
At no point do I say anything remotely akin to there being no “Evidence of Ancient Medical Technology”
In fact my 12:11 pm post is based on the very reverse.
YOU’RE the one who’s perpetually ridiculing said truth
Insult me if you want to but don’t tell lies, look what you say:
“All such stupid remarks ever do is affirm head-tripping ignorance”. What’s the weather like up there !!!
That was in response to Your accusing Me of “picking up ideas from some old stories which have been mangled together over time” !!!!!
“head-tripping ignorance” would have to be an understatement
I’m doing God a favour by trying to straighten out the record while you are a muslim hater who thinks like a fundamentalist muslim
I shouldn’t have to point out that this conversation was triggered by the image of Hindu figurines coupled with an underhand assault on the truth of being created in God’s image quote:
“Are humans purely a product of evolution or were we genetically modified at some point in time ?”
Some light shed on said loose/loose proposition here :
Sorry, I meant lose/lose
ME: “More click bait(‘citizens vid) for the jew-haters who’re too squeamish to contemplate where Islam is going and the means by which it’ll get there”
YOUR RESPONSE “you are a muslim hater”
The bottom line is, if you’re able to repudiate any part of the Shoebat rave, what’s stopping you ?
Lack of interest perhaps
Something I wasn’t previously aware of: Islam classifies all translations of the Q’ran as rogue and all services throughout the world must also be conducted in Arabic – a measure that, at face value, mirrors the political hold Rome had on so-called Christendom prior to the reformation, the difference being that the originating Way was the antithesis of empirical control, whereas there’s nothing in any written or archaeological record that testifies that Islam was ever based on anything else, quote:
“fourteen hundred years ago armies of nomads swept out of the Arabian desert and conquered half the world. Today their descendants tell an extraordinary story: they say that God sent them the prophet Muhammad and He then gave them an empire.
But is it really true ? Not everyone is so sure. The Muslim conquests were one of the most decisive events in history but were the Arabs in the 7th century even Muslims at all ?
“you are a muslim hater”
Pretty rich from someone who holds dear to out-dated ideas about Roman Catholicism – or is it just dago-phobia ?
One state is giving the finger to WHO, WEF ETC
I can’t wait to hear if Louisiana gets away with this and then what happens, they get the Hawaiian death ray
No one can master fear.
Allowing it to dictates one’s decisions is a matter of choice
a choice that’s rooted in herd dependence; a choice that has nothing to do with any sort of elitist plot.
“Government Fear-Mongering to Alter Your Brain”
A claim that overlooks the fact that the brain is merely the body’s CENTRE of command, not the AUTHOR of it and that a failure to live/think accordingly is the most common form of madness ever