Home Trump ‘Government’ Only Feeds Itself

‘Government’ Only Feeds Itself


The Doge office building in Lillie (finding the fraud) gumshoe adaption

G5 Information Report 25.02.13:

Commo-Fascist Socialism: If it’s not broken, regulate it until it is.

Apart from taxing out the capital foundation and driving enterprise away, to accomplish a hundred percent unemployment, depression, and an inflation packaged currency, to being exchange by weight instead of denomination. Everyone to be dependent on government, because government knows best. All wealth and means of production to be controlled by government. 

For the past century, government has not been able to make anything function, beyond the murder of a hundred million people in a hundred nation states that it socio-economically destroyed. 

Currently there are no Centralist nations operating in the world. Despite the best endeavours of the disengaged. The efforts of the bureaucratic commune of The EU to force its delusional and, partly entrapped by currency, members into the theorized ideals of the insane, has produced the devastations it would, ever since the Common (trading) Market was captured and turned the corner into The EU.

A century of history, of a hundred destroyed nation states, and a hundred million murdered, must be wrong.

Government is incapable of operating any enterprise. Government is not an enterprise. Expertism is an extension of government.  Government can never feed anyone. It only feeds itself by blackmail thieving from enterprise under its control. The destruction of America by the insane has now brought in an executive with no connections to law or government: The People. 

The advertised thirty plus trillion deficit, does not include unfunded liabilities and other aspects of America’s bankruptcy, bringing the true level to some three hundred trillion dollars, which cannot be met. Therefore America has been bankrupted. Bureaucratic false economics determines the deficit operation of government by junk government bonds derived from manufactured assets, and the inverse of basic economic principles.

America cannot become solvent (The People are actually in a Depression at present, since Obama turned that corner) by delusional plays on theorized GDP and mythical trading. The circle to nowhere.

The idiotic ‘Seven Countries in Five Years’ to bring about the Qatari pipeline to Europe, could not only never succeed, but it would further damage America in the process. It was spawned by American government experts. Surely a badge of shame for a person in need of help.

Quantitative Easing, Fed Interest plays, government spending to recovery concerning inflation and employment (the assumption that the Fed controls enterprise), and stimulus packages, are as nonsensical as Sanctions and Tariffs. That is not how the American economy will be recovered. The latter is the corn as chicken feed.

Columbia didn’t cave because Trump threatened Tariffs. It caved because he threatened the firebombing of its quarter million hectares of cocaine operations, followed by an El Salvadorean land invasion, demolishing its drug cartels, all who live by it, and the blockage of its eight hundred million a year handouts.

The only method of recovering America and indeed The West, is by slashing the cost of government, by removing over eighty percent of its useless feeders, blocking all its non essential and waste expenditures, and slashing regulations, to allow People and essential enterprise to function.

The recovery from that position is not trade agreements, GDP fiddles, and Fed manipulated junk bonds, but by government being involved in enterprise, by people in administration who are capable of functioning enterprise: non lawyers and non public servants. Indeed their enemies.

The hostile bastions of Intel and Law now being occupied and savaged from within.

Trump through DOGE; the most important office in America at present; will push through the resistance to reality by entrenched government and its allies in the Judiciary, Congressional voting, and propaganda media. He was apprenticed in 2016 to 2020.

He ended foreign conflicts by removing America Military and Intel. He has negotiated development and resource extraction from Gaza, Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, and other areas of interest and joint agreement.

At the present; within days; Trump has reversed the economic condition of America to one of prosperity with a sound future, that will also spread through The West with the partnership of BRICS+.  The current immediate position is America returning over three hundred trillion dollars into its recovery program. Something that could never be accomplished by; please may I, and these are my reasons. 

You walk into the room, literally start shooting, then ask; anyone else; and partner with China, Russia, and Israel, while destroying all objections, literally. With trading agreements that actually work, and not swamp sleight of hand, and the forthcoming 2026 Congressional elections that should descum both houses; America is now on sound footing.

In passing: James, Willis, Smith, and Merchan, have suddenly developed problems in their lives. As have Milley and Fauci. Schumer once told Trump, that he couldn’t cross Intel because they had seven ways to Sunday to get him. With his own unknown intel force of moral compass; Trump has smashed American intel. They have nothing to say. DONE.

Ask me in a couple of decades and I’ll tell you how this was accomplished. All 17 agencies now stand, salute and say: Yes Sir. Their historically evolved plays of violence, threat, and blackmail have been reversed. I hinted about this at the time of the count of the 2016 election, It was lost on most. But it doesn’t matter. It was the signal of what was to come. You only know the names you have been tutored. You don’t know those you don’t know. Intel is the most valuable arm of force of any administration.

Live by reality, not theorized morality. Truth not narrative.

Sir could you please sign these pardons for sixty operatives. Sealed with no release. You now have some three hundred cancelled intel with all others on notice. Leaks will pay the cost. They all know.

Yes Mrs.X, your brave husband applied for a dangerous mission into ?, and unfortunately has not made contact for ? days. We fear the worst. He will be honoured by the agency as an American  hero, and your pension is assured. NEXT.

The fifty odd intel idiots who signed the lie that The Hunter Laptop was Russian disinformation in 2020; have problems. Many of The People needed those extra four years of the fraud (2020-2024), to jump to reality. And of course Trump now has control of The 25th. Amendment. 

Trump is an old mafia character from New York City. Regulations were never an issue. He learnt to deal with strong unions. He helped them screw their memberships and in turn they helped him build what he wanted, at a price.

NSA Hayden who attempted to murder Melania; about which I advised, has been despatched to a wheelchair. TOO KIND. If your favourite poddies missed it, they should read me more closely. No theatre, just information. Schumer’s capture now reads; don’t cross Trump he has seven ways to Sunday to get you.

The delusions of an American Empire are dead. The recovery had to be by a violent and silent revolution, otherwise it would never end. Did you really believe that the recovery of America and The West would be accomplished by high moral stance and permissions? That was a psycho blackmail that paralyzed prior administrations. Turning the other cheek empowers the enemy. No wonder we only follow The Old Testament. Caving their head in gives a more satisfactory outcome, and they never try it again.

All federal departments and agencies are now under control. While Senate fools argue votes for secretaries; Trump by Executive Orders has entered each and every department and agency with Acting Positions, and is throwing the scum out the door, or window, as they prefer. All regulations, expenditures, and employments, are frozen. Internal deck chairs on the Titanic (Olympic) are being met with what they deserve. Yes: it’s the benevolent dictator that America has needed for a quarter millennia. THE PEOPLE OWN AMERICA, NOT THE GOVERNMENT. Coming to a Western nation near you soon.

The reason he is throwing the states to their own resources, is to force them all to conform or lose their voting citizens, enterprises, and state tax base, to other states. They will be bankrupted in two years and lose Congressional seats as a consequence of movements. Because it doesn’t conflate according to intellectualized, moralized, delusional theories, that lead to tyranny, redistribution of theorized fixed alleged wealth, is waste by inverting the very basic Phillips and Keynesian curves.

Governments cause inflation, which is a taxational confiscation. Government spending on delusional theories, does not correct economic damage.

In the recovered America; DEI and related Genderomics is dead. Sex and Gender are the same. A Meritocracy has been restored. Renewable minerals, referred to as fossil fuels of oil, gas, coal, and shale, have been restored. Climatology driven green and renewable with plastics and fossil bans is dead.

Grow up dear people. Putin moved 10,000 hardcore, loyalist intel to his private unaccountable army and took over Russia. Trump moved just 2,000 from American Intel, and took over America.

The historic devastations and mass slaughters, are from Left Commo-Fascist Regimes (Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Amin, Lenin, Stalin, Franco, Mussolini, Democrats, Labour Parties, Islam, Vatican, et al. Do some reading. None were politely moved from control.


Hegseth ordered an additional 10,000 troops (DEI now dead and illegal), airlift deployed to The Texas border. Supporting the Homan deployments.

Movements into Mexico; to aid its paralyzed administration; are planned, to expunge the now proscribed terrorist drug cartels, and the American national security threats caused by the invasion of America. Let’s see a real push by the hundred thousand or so drug cartel military. You can do it. Let’s go.

Wow. There’s been a military invasion at The Rio Border Mr. President. Has Pete been informed. Well, he knows what to do. Could we all stand for a moment’s silence for the former Mexico. Isn’t Congress required to be informed for a decision.

Excuse me?

“As you know Mr. President it’s not an invasion but a caravan of people seeking asylum”: CNN Acosta has just been delivered the royal shafting, joining The Lemon, wondering what went wrong. OH: MRI reveals brain floating in shit syndrome.

Leftoidal drivel; as they were told ad nauseam; is not the alternative to conservativism.

Farewell, Adieu, it’s time to say Goodbye. Thank you for your service. It’s garbage day. Kaitlin Collins on notice to alter her grand distortional perspective; not invited to important pressers. ‘Gotchas’ and partisan attack lobs are so nauseous. The AAP journalist asking a most stupid question of Carlson in Australia, prefaced by a monstrous lie, is typical.

Perhaps the reason; CNN, MSNBC and soon ABC, and Disney are for any offer sales. CNN outrated by cartoon repeats and the list of ex CNN now exceeding their current employed numbers.

Melania Trump and Carrie Underwood, suing The View for 50 million each, after separate defamations, affecting personal and public lives. Melania initially sued for 800 million, joined by Musk for 100 million with Trump in the background. Underwood also suing Disney for 1 billion, over contractual matters. Barbara Walters; who invented ‘The View’; would not have been amused.

Rogues Scholar Madcow, and TYT Cenk both receiving constant bad news for their perspectives of reality, that even the falsified fan numbers are no longer believing. Gustavo Petro; the hand selected cartel owned f*cktard president of Columbia, seemed to have grown cahunas, when he parroted HRC’s sound advice drawn from the wisdom of a mind slushing in faecal matter.

Trump sending military convoys of C-17s max loaded with deportee dumpster doordash, were refused landing rights in Columbia. After their arrival was pre-dvised. Twice. Very rude. The confused one; Petro; decided he does not want the return of those he emptied from his gaols into America. We all knew that this one would be the first card played, and why Columbia had drawn the lucky door prize. REALLY. You refuse. No we won’t empty the C-17s over the airports at 2,000 feet. Even while maintaining the no family separation faux morality of the dumocrap fixation.

Dear Gustavo; you will not only take back all we send, but say, thank you, do you have any more please sir. Trump in polite manner advised that Columbia was now under a 25% tariff, this week and 50% next week, sanctions, and the refusal of all visas issued by America. Bearing in mind that America is Columbia’s biggest visible trading recipient.

Gustavo having shared one too many tequilas with The Wicked Witch from The West, decided he in turn would set a 25% tariff on American goods entering Columbia. Very rude; and meaningless. There’s an old Greek saying, about drilling holes in water. Now you know how much American Conservatives love; drugs, sex, rock and roll, and dollops of bullshit. Particularly at a time of recovering their nation; and indeed the entire West; after the detainees of the asylum stole the keys and were attempting to run the facility. As the dear children that they are.

Not a problem. And you thought it was about; OiI, Coal, Coffee, cut flowers, and touristy manufactured goods. Apart from Columbia receiving $800 million a year in American aid, because it is a broke little third world enterprise. Not so; dear friend.

Now UNODC; not even the accurate International Intel Community; advises that; Columbia has 253,300 hectares, Peru 95,000 hectares, and Bolivia 30,000 hectares of ……wait for it….. COCA LEAVES.

What actually keeps Columbia up where it pretends to be.

Now bullshit has a use by date: somewhere between immediately and instantly. And when that is combined with three ring press briefings and wordage from the book of grand ponce…well. A casual chat with Trumpster President Ortiz of cartel scrubbed El Salvador; and Ortiz is prepared to pack his gaols even further and receive as many deportees as Trump sends. The facilities may be stretched a little, but at least there will not be any family separations.

To clarify a point contrary to the current media drivel: Guantanamo has an immediate capacity of 30,000 not 200. and El Salvador can immediately take 40,000. Then you have all those detention centres built in America by the Obama Biden insane, planning to gaol Hate Speakers and Pronoun Deniers.

Ortiz having recently ordered 2,000 troops and 500 police to search door to door in an area for a couple of cartel members, apparently missed in a recent sweep by 10,000 troops.

He expressed willingness to build more prisons or holding pens in El Salvador as may be required by America. 

Incidentally: it was Trump who brought Ortiz to control and cleaned El Salvador. Reversing The CIA Civil War, Regime Change, Mano Blanco, and MS 13. 

Then we also have the prison facilities built in America, to house the millions of sane non conformist, vax denying, and convicted of heinous Hate Speech and Misgendering. Now some little intel wag leaked to The Great Gustavo … that naughty El Salvador was preparing to invade Columbia for some spurious historic reason.

It might well entail foreign troops in EL Salvadorean uniforms, preempted by aircraft in dubious livery, firebombing all Columbian farmland, including its secret precious of the unspoken 253,300 hectares of Coca and all allied facilities.

Apart from blocking American Aid which is a third world favourite for theft from the great leaders of those perpetual commo-fascist dung heaps. Their wives would be furious if they could no longer pretend to be born to anything but peasant origin, poncing the five star resorts and shopping areas of the world they think important. 

I have suffered them first hand. Not recommended for the bilious.

Gustavo realizing the cartels would be deeply pissed, sent out bleatings of change of attitude. As Peru and Bolivia were clapping their sandals together, not knowing their turns are coming.

Well, when the dust settles, and the thirty million are evacuated; no bribes; some accident might be ordered to expunge that great industry after all.

As befell American interests of The Opium Poppy in Afghanistan. Remember Poppy Bush (GHWB) now pushing daisies as his reward. Yes: with McCain III, courtesy of Trump dear friends (D5).

As The Rio Border is now a National Emergency, the Invasion a National Security Threat, and drug cartels and their owned runners of the prior posturing American administration, and the current Mexican administration: the cartels are now correctly proscribed as Terrorist Organisations: strange events are about to happen in Mexico. 

At a recent Rio faceoff; cartel shooters fired on American military. A return of fire sent the Mexicans back to the cantina.

A Mexican hidden civil war no less is looming. As imported forces; including Russian….Oops….and Israeli with non DEI real American Tier One; performing a song and dance unknown to drug cartel hoonistas in Mexico and its Baja franchise.

An opening for a smart lad in BigPharma for increased sales of opioid weaners for the children. It was Russia who fought with America against The British, in The American War of Independence.

There may be a statue that can be pulled down, something; destroyed, defaced, defunded, wokified, a Russia probe, DEI committee established for an inquiry, mass indictments issued, or maybe a mass beaver flash on the steps of Congress.

If dumocrap beaverage is indicative of their faces: there will be a massive boost in antipsychotic medications for those who didn’t look away quick enough.



  1. Well,
    It is;
    not the ABC,
    Not SBS,
    Not any corporate mass media interest,
    Not some usual opinionated raving radio shock joke.
    So we better ban G5.

    Last I looked; GOLD $A4,580 something.
    Right, that 6 I mistakenly referred to seems; was not a dream after all🤷‍♂️
    Ever heard a corporate media fiscal guru mention the gold or silver price on the nightly tel-A-Lie-Vision.
    Some pundits forecasting ten gran soon, not remember whether that is A or US fiat stuff.
    Sssh, not news for pissants🙀🤪
    1.26 PM

      • “Netanyahu the personification of smug evil”
        Is this what MAGA supporters voted for?
        Certainly not America first.
        Whatever “good” Trump is able to achieve will be overshadowed by this complicity with Israel.
        Shameless Netanyahu gifts Trump a golden pager

  2. The red-blue party is converting England to a dictatorship and cancelling Farrage

    “Devolution” in current English politics seems to be reshaping towards the 15-minute cities with a puppet mayor in charge of each

  3. This a exam test/exercise for 12 year old students, entering year 7, not conducted by our various departments of education and educationalists.
    Gather and Examine the msm press, radio and television HEADLINES, articles and reports over the last two weeks to 11th of February. relevant to activities of the Trump administration.
    Examine reports /findings/disclosures of the conduct of the US DOGE and other departments AND SIMILAR PLANS PROPOSED BY THE NEW PRESIDENT OF THE US AS REPORTED IN COMMENTARY by Real Mary over the same period (as in step one) by reference to her SITUATION UPDATE – WTPN AT, but not restricted to:
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com. – people powered news
    up to and including her report on 10th February 2025 titled; ‘WTPN SITUATION UPDATE TRUMP EXPOSES MORE FEMA FRAUD- USAID-THE CABAL IS DONE’.
    The following study is to conducted and the questions are to be answered.
    A- 1
    Upon listing the headlines and reports on the implemented policies and findings of President Trump since 20th January 2025;
    A – place significant activities/ investigations recorded in a column on the right hand side of a A4 page. Example: the findings of DOGE.
    B – as with A above, list those activities reported in your examination, referred to in STEP ONE, of the material in a column down the left hand side of your page.
    C – compare and correlate the significant differences, omissions etc by examining each column prepared as set out in A and B above.
    1 – Of the two columns, which column is more informative in your opinion and more beneficial to you to understand the policies and achievements of the US government’s policies since 20th January 2025?
    2 – presuming that you are the editor or decision maker controlling either of the sources REFERRED TO IN STEPS 1 and 2’ of the information examined and was tasked to impose the BANNING OF ONE OF THE SOURCES, which one would you ban?
    3 – Explain and justify YOUR reasoning AND PURPOSE TO BAN EITHER SOURCE.

    Marks are based on a percentage basis.
    [NB: WARNING: all answers will be recorded in relation to any desires or future plans that you may have to be employed in the media world as a chosen profession]
    (DRAFT: copyright reserved- if included as a similar test for students of the Propaganda of the media course in Bathurst NSW)

    • Seems that the test results are suspended, we are on to another topic.
      Oh well, for the record dear students, we must have noted Mary and our bushmasters and Canberra’s one billion to be sold and spent per Tucker Carlson from about 42 mins.
      Then there is Gene Decode with the not mentioned tunnels and trains from about 50 mins and what was ‘THEIR PLAN’ SANDRA.
      Then there is Mrs Macron.
      Seems that no one wanted to complete the exam. Too bad they will get the results anyway, the marks have been allocated……. 🙀💁 FAIL!
      9.17 PM

  4. “Turning the other cheek empowers the enemy. No wonder we only follow The Old Testament. Caving their head in gives a more satisfactory outcome, and they never try it again.”
    Every time this idea has been tried on Christians it has failed miserably. The killers always look like liars.

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