(G5 letting off steam in various emails)
by G5
Viral Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts Issues Emergency Warning To The World: Humanity Is Coming For the Globalists. https://x.com/MRobertsQLD/status/1845247016336753081
Media became fake when it became Communication. The Town Crier became Reporting, became Journalism, became Writing, became Communication with added Entertainment and Propaganda, and forever a deception.
Government is your avowed enemy, in every regard. Throughout history. Those believing that government will protect, care, and feed, are delusional beyond salvation. Those who are unaware that government will impoverish, starve, and kill you, cannot be helped. Policing and the court system being psychological cynicism at its worst NLP theatric performance.
Those recently affected in; Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, were stranded by the federal government, only capable of delivering propaganda visuals. Those attempting to alleviate have been vilified, demonised, and obstructed.
The money for such emergencies was used to buy illegal votes by insane government largesse, thrown at a fake war in Ukraine, a hidden war to genocide Jews, bribe Iran, Russia, and China, thieve without compunction, or attempt to convince the world that America is not what it is.
The Fed prints fiat money to buy Treasury Bonds and Notes that no one wants. In turn pretending to feed an absurd federal government. In passing: five trillion dollars has disappeared in the direction of Ukraine. The same amount in The Middle East from Kuwait, Iraq, and Seven Countries in Five Years for The Qatar Pipeline that would never eventuate. A further five billion cash was printed and disappeared in the void between The Fed and The Treasury.
The presidency of Andrew Jackson (The Bank Wars) was the last time that the American Federal Budget was balanced.
Add a zero to the advertised federal deficit and you are closer to the reality. A deficit which cannot be overcome without some economic and accounting gymnastics, about which Team Trump has not enunciated. I won’t expand here.
How can wars in Ukraine and The Mid East be ended by Trump in 24 hours? Actually by one phone call. Return all American forces to barracks.
But what about Ukraine. Read some non propaganda history. Russian Ukraine is returned to Russia as prior to the 2014 invasion by America, NATO and playmates, looting treasuries as commission agents for the military industrial complex.
And the Mid East: stop paying; through the Qatar banks; current American proxies as; Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah. Easy isn’t it.
And incidentally; non essential abortion is murder of the voiceless, there are two genders, race baiting is just that, anthropogenic climate change is an historically proven fiction, Marxism has murdered about 150 million in a hundred nations in a century, and destroyed the host nations, and America and its nauseous incessant bullshit, is doomed.
Mental Infestation
A new scientific term: F*CTARDISM. The permutations and combinations of the packing of the belief system with a parasitic mental infestation. When Climatology intersects with Marxism, you evolve a number of subsets including; Zero Energy, Food, and Water; Genderism; Racism; Infanticide; and an all round mental diarrhea of intellectualized moralization from the depths of the cesspit.
As Narcissistic Dunning Kruger distortion does not permit comprehension by rational and critical observance; compounded in an induced kleptocratic tokenocracy; The Stockholm and Zimbardo Syndromes are induced in a mental confection of; Solipsism, Sychophancy, and Syllogism. In other words: the imbeciles you suffer in media and in the streets; are just that. They are too stupid to hide in shame. They do not know they are stupid. They actually believe they can distort; truth, fact and reality by incessant propaganda.
Out and Proud. They actually believe they are sane. By compassion, we don’t react. Therefore they are convincing us that they are the intellectualized moral arbiters of the present and future of humanity.
Russia and China do not expunge America and its cohorts to the stone age; therefore America is the greatest military.
Obstructing traffic, is not going to move anyone off oil or gas.
Wearing masks is not going to convince anyone of the need for suicidal medical interventions and economic devastation. It signals people as interminable fools, and authority addicted collaborators beyond salvation.
There is no obedience to stupidity. Attempted oppression earns the repulsion.
The Canadian Fur Seals Affair was as big a lie as; plastic bags, Covid, renewable energy, electric vehicles, etc. and sort your garbage,
The Fifth Extinction; The Younger Dryas was a cycle between 14,500 and 11,700 years BP (Before Present).
The fall of all empires since has followed the same formula of implosion by obsequious stupidity following an era of aggression and postured supremacy. Mental turds floating to the top, while omphaloskeptics attempt to find the clean end.
The Americanized West has ticked all the boxes. Damocles hangs and Diogenes searches. Apophis approaches with the reward. Socrates was murdered in prison for predictions depicted as Peter’s agent Judas signaling Jesus to be condemned by Herod’s stacked Sanhedrin. As Pilate washed his hands of the matter.
Stunning allegations DROP claiming Tim Walz SXUALLY ASSULTED a teen during his tenure as a High School. https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=247332 and https://x.com/ChuckCallesto/status/1845618061635707299
Waltz and Emhoff are serial r*****. Intel files are packed. But then so are or were both the Clintons and Gates.
It’s a Dem Thing
KamelA was paid for services rendered by the publication of a junk biography. The same as Michael Robinson. It’s a Dem Zoo thing.
Medical science readjusted when Michael claimed a miscarriage. The junk clearance bins at the local bookshops are flowing over.
Irish Jamaican mixture KamelA had a picture in the book claiming to be with mommy dearest: blackedy black. Problem being: the heavily photoshopped picky, was of a mommy dearest who had died four years before the Jamaican born pretend American, was born.
Funny that. Isn’t it. As Obama: we know the ancestry at issue, and it ain’t as purported. Waltzy; the boy from Somalisota; he even changed the state flag to match; has laid so much bullshit that he is beginning to slip as he walks.
After 5/11/24, expect violence as the new pastime in the land of the free and brave.
Either because Trump won, of because he was again frauded out.
The belief systems of the average brain-dead in America is now packed to overflowing. Reality is such a bitch. And of course; as the rest of the invented garbage; Race, Gender, Climate, pronouns, Marxism, women’s infanticide rights, etc; the infestations have spread to the sycophant client nation states, of an intellectualized morality, in a galaxy far far away. When brain-deads were empowered by being frauded to the left of the aisles in Congress: surely it could never have been believed that elitism, entitlement, victimhood, open borders, and kill the Jews, would not be primary issues.
If America is going to go down the S-Bend, fill the bowl to the rim. Why not. What are Third World junk shops for.
To continue:
There are currently dark secret industries developing. Disposal of; EV batteries, solar cells, and the really good one, wind farms.
The last one is a classic. A massive energy waste to construct, install and maintain. They never paying their way in energy return. And now the massive energy waste and environmental problem of disposal
Add it to the: Canadian Fur Seals Disaster, the plastic bag lunacy, the half flush and blocked water flow insanity, the mythology of renewables in garbage, and top it with the Nobel of Dunning Kruger, the ongoing tragedies caused by DEI Hire.
What’s a kleptocracy without the underpinning of a tokenocracy.
Not surprised to hear America is on the verge of civil war . I thought the two presidents game was supposed to prevent that . Instead we just gave the enemy time and resources to arm up ? Trust the Plan ?
If Trump could lose , does this mean no “10 days of darkness” to shine the spotlight on various realities ?
So many still won’t believe until television news says so.
Which rumor is true ? Is Kamala a Jamaican born illegal citizen of America , or an Oakland ,California born daughter of non-American citizens making her an illegal citizen ?
Or are those parents fictional too ?
She’s not a double yet ?
I remember when “double up America” meant two can ride cheaper than one , a reference to the car pooling craze , and perhaps our early indoctrination phase into the Climate Change agenda .
Hans – a civil war is citizen against citizen. When the citizenry have to fight off their government, then it becomes a revolution. A 2nd American Revolution.
The “citizenry” will be that of the imported army brought in especially for the occasion to defend the likes of the Demonrats .
Fortunately some of them are on to the game and are refusing to be used as pawns in this holy war .
How do I know you’re not one of them ?
You don’t!
Biden picks not black-not eligible Kamala Harris as VP nominee
Oops ! Missed a spot I did ……….
………….before the Jamaican born pretend American, was born.
When in doubt , I go with the professional intelligence man over the Internet hack .
Apologies .
What do ya reckon he means by this spelling/enunciation ?
I’m fairly certain I miss more than a few hints in the gentleman’s treatise’s .
“I’m out” – “Protect yourself, nobody else will”.
Bug Out bags at the ready!
I dunno , ABC “journalist” Martha Raddatz seems pretty dedicated to protecting the people —– as long as those people are violent Venezuelan gang members just trying to break into the Landlord business .
Sorry , senior moment again …….
ehhh, you ‘ol bastard. Seems a bait, they just like controversy, and on the payroll. Rachel Maddow comes to mind and as I don’t watch tv, even downunder, gives me the lumbaygo. I did watch scarface back in the day, anywho, all those guns in the US v this.
As an old bastard, JD Vance, looks just like a young M Pence, which is good for continuity, ehhh
G5’s second paragraph sums up our fake compromised greedy misinforming mass media plus our billion a year with interest, Australian broadcasting corporation.
LIVE Town of Port Hedland Special Meeting of Council: Adrian McRae DNA Contamination 11 October 2024
Continued from Sandra previous article
Gets into it straight after formalities
Too many %$#@ ads but quite good hearing from all the locals
The council returns at 1:21:00 after a secret convening with Mr mayor using a secret video as an excuse, which everyone is complaining about
Mr mayor voted “no” ( 5 yes 2 no ) to blowing the whistle on the va666ines
@1:48:00 the running dog councillor who voted against, supported by Mr Mayor, explains “I know nuffink” and burocratic excuses.
Apparently some number of the councillors did not have enough notice to attend or otherwise decided to stay at home
Rebello and Mr Mayor against, Turner and Bennett absent
Joe – Government appointed CEOs run the councils – mayors and councillors are there for show, a shopfront to convince the local citizenry that voting still matters, in effect, they’re all lame ducks, and just like all of our politicians, they have no real power to exercise.
Really Joe? Your naivety is really discouraging when it comes to knowing on what you should know about councils.
Revealed by fire – The Grayzone live
39 min-Horrific footage of Palestinian man in tent hospital on an IV drip burnt alive after site fire bombed.
Zionism = Globalism
Just go and listen to the real Mary today at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
So much evil is being exposed.
Chose your SIDE and be dammed if you are not on the right side ….. we are ALL on record.
Those who have not considered ALL……
YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED, REFUSAL TO BE INFORMED IS COWARDICE. You may as well be complicit in such exposed evil.
That includes the lying propaganda mass media.
It is in plain sight.
Think of all our members of parliament and following who IGNORED THE EXPOSURES BY THEN SENATOR HEFFERNAN IN ABOUT 2015 WHEN HE SAID IN COMMITTEE THAT THAT HE HAD THE NAMES OF ABOUT 26-28 paedophiles including about 2-3 ex PMs.
Ray Hadley of the nine network mob vilifies paedophiles but to my knowledge has never referred to Senator Heffernan’s list from the police. WHY NOT?
Why is the ABC quiet?
G5 and his associates in his old profession would surely know, but subject to commitments, presumably under some official SECRETS COMPLICITY IMPOSED UNDER LAW BY OUR POLITICIANS UNDER THEIR LAW.
The rot is at the top!
How can the public trust a blackmailed government?
From 25.
Sorry but at 32 I know why CLIMATE .change makes me pig out on Vegemite but throw up at 35 and more.
Mm! I should just ignore all this and go watch telliesvision, be happy, own nothing and just write up my dreams.
You’re no coward, Ned.
According to G5
“How can wars in Ukraine and The Mid East be ended by Trump in 24 hours? Actually by one phone call. Return all American forces to barracks”.
Therefore, is Trump CIC as claimed by some and if so why doesn’t he make the call
Oh come on, Joe! You’ve been told about the movie, so we all have to wait until the ending – just days away now!
Yet more naivety on show!
UK POLICE 2 years ago… social media gestapo
Bugger, they dropped the circus.
He should have been charged, convicted, sentenced and transported to BOTANY BAY.
Police were once limited when they could handcuff someone under arrest:
Resisting arrest or, arrested during an act of violence toward police or, others, or known by police to be violent or, when transporting or court appearances of prisoners from jail.
I hope that man pictured chose to sue police for being shackled while posing no threat or action of violence, and for being unlawfully arrested.
You will recall the during COVID the many instances where people had magnets attaching to their arms at the vaccine injection sites.
Rare Magnetic Earth Metals in COVID-19 Shots May Explain Magnetic Humans
A peer-review study affirms that rare earth metals used to create super magnets are undisclosed ingredients in the ‘COVID-19 vaccines,’ potentially explaining the magnetic humans phenomenon.
Karen Kingston
October 15, 2024: Yesterday, InfoWars reported on a recently published study in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research (IJVTPR) confirming that there are ‘at least 55 undeclared chemical elements found in the COVID-19 vaccines,’ including toxic metals, radioactive elements, and ‘11 cytotoxic lanthanides (rare earth metals) used in electronic devices and optogenetics.’
Lanthanides, also known as ‘rare earth metals’ have unique electromagnetic properties that have established them as the cornerstone of the internet-of-things and many advanced technologies, including; nuclear reactors, smart phones, fiber optics, lasers, windmills, and electronic vehicles (EVs). Rare earth lanthanides are also used to create the highly powerful, permanent magnets found in Elon Musk’s Neuralink and the motors of Tesla electronic vehicles.
Why Are There Magnetic Rare Earth Metals (Lanthanides) in the ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’?
The scientific researchers of the IVJTPR article opined;
“Whereas the appearance of the daunting diversity of undeclared chemical elements remains strange, the clues seem to be pointing to some kind of worldwide technological experimentation. Because the lanthanides, as we have noted above, are known to be extremely cytotoxic, their being discovered in significant quantity and across the whole array of vaccines we have studied here, is suggestive of some kind of nanotechnological experimentation along the lines discussed by Kourie & Broudy 2022.”
The Kourie & Broudy 2022 publication the authors are referring to is entitled, “Cyborgs R Us,” and highlights the many speeches given by Yuval Noah Harari on leveraging the COVID-19 crisis to inoculate humans with Ai gene-editing and surveillance technologies in order to control the human population and create new species.
New Clif High video. Apparently the Rogan/Trump interview is a significant temporal marker. Well worth watching.
Thanks Terry, I liked the ‘blondes on boats’ and knowing that his pie pastry turned out just right and crisp.
His marker for a melee looks like a free for all with those ‘f’n’ aliens.
Joseph is going to be fascinated.
EB, do not bother just go continue on with your Elohim worship cult.
I spent the time cutting out some plastic board for a pedestrian railway bridge.
Very worthwhile use of time.
Ta, could be fun in 39 days abouts.?
7.58 in 15/10 at:
Note earlier interviews and reports on the ME, especially Finkelstein and the doctors on sniper ‘good shooting’ TARGETING CHILDREN. I suppose they will get medals. Finkelstein explains what it really is in his earlier interview.
F’n cruel mess that our our propaganda mass media DELUDES US WITH.
Left a comment under your comment concerning Bill Heffernan’s pedo exposure in the previous article, concerning Roberts.
Gold pushing the next ceiling of resistance at $A4,000.00
Presently 3,998.00
The thrippeny peasants better get into the garden and try to recollect.
Potato patch? Bugger, now where?
Only air resistance, the $ is in freefall
Metal Paper promissory notes = thin air.
If it ain’t in your pocket you have sfa
Gerald Celente
Another interview being hyped is Brand + RFK
I usually pass on Russell Brand and also, he and rumble seem to want to trash their own brands with ads and repetition, try starting at 21:30 might be your best bet
“The two biggest food companies were RJ Reynolds and Philip Morris – both tobacco companies and they brought all their scientists in to make the food addictive “, corn (incl syrup) soy and wheat, heavily laden with pesticides, they are so cheap.
Obesity epidemic anyone ?
“Some of the biggest donors to the American Diabetes Association are sugar drink companies”…
Diabetes epidemic anyone ?
“Unvaccinated Haitians had a death rate from Covid 1/200th of American blacks”
Blood clots and turbo cancer anyone ?
Take your pick from the poisons they all put out and you have to pay to kill yourself.
They are telling Americans because of some ballot registration problems, if they want RFK they need to vote for Trump, however, RFK remains on the ballot.
This is surely going to mess a lot of people up when they get in the voting booth.
“Government is your avowed enemy, in every regard. Throughout history. Those believing that government will protect, care, and feed, are delusional beyond salvation. Those who are unaware that government will impoverish, starve, and kill you, cannot be helped. Policing and the court system being psychological cynicism at its worst NLP theatric performance. ”
The personal email message from John today confirms the above.
Sickening every word.
I watched the video. My first thought was ‘spin’. – Oh great, John Howard is proud of the results from the Port Arthur Massacre and 9-11 and Bali Bombing. Crikey, were are totally forked in Oz.
Oh yeah, they also mentioned their success with the Covid 19 scam. Step right up for a jab of a bio-weapon. Crikey, we’re forked…
Hey, I remember Costello calling gold a “barbaric relic” and selling it off at just over US$ 200 an ounce. He got rid of it all, there is only some 20 bars (probably tungsten that is gold plated) that he kept for ‘photographic purposes’. – Gold is now over A$4,000.
Yes, I watched the two laden flat top trucks go down Phillip Street from the ‘Reserved bankers’..
good on you sister, i remember us struggling over how Walt Whitlam was different, many moons ago.
You never changed, my staunch friend. Gives me an oar in sh..stream creek
I knew you were in this space, even before i clicked
Want to be ‘undecided/undeluded’?
Then listen to AUSSIE Lt C Ricardo Bosi at beforeitsness.com. – 15/10 ( sounds like a
homegrown Celente cousin💁🙀🤷♂️)
Your choice, be a zebra, do not paint your toe nails with ‘barbie pink’ (A offer from ‘Fergii that I had to decline, my grandchildren are more imaginative!)
Yes, I had a Bunyan and paid a ‘toe sucker’ all good.
The report on Senator Roberts is why some politicians should go protect their family’s if they cannot manage.
Trump Bloomberg interview starts about halfway in
Segways Simon
Walt Whitman born Long Island.
“One story, possibly apocryphal, tells of Whitman’s being chased away from a teaching job in Southold, New York, in 1840. After a local preacher called him a “Sodomite”, Whitman was allegedly tarred and feathered. Biographer Justin Kaplan notes that the story is likely untrue, because Whitman regularly vacationed in the town thereafter.[32] Biographer Jerome Loving calls the incident a “myth”.[33] During this time, Whitman published a series of ten editorials, called “Sun-Down Papers—From the Desk of a Schoolmaster”, in three newspapers between the winter of 1840 and July 1841. In these essays, he adopted a constructed persona, a technique he would employ throughout his career.[34]
Whitman moved to New York City in May, initially working a low-level job at the New World, working under Park Benjamin Sr. and Rufus Wilmot Griswold.[35] He continued working for short periods of time for various newspapers; in 1842 he was editor of the Aurora and from 1846 to 1848 he was editor of the Brooklyn Eagle.[36] While working for the latter institution, many of his publications were in the area of music criticism, and it is during this time that he became a devoted lover of Italian opera through reviewing performances of works by Bellini, Donizetti, and Verdi. This new interest had an impact on his writing in free verse. He later said, “But for the opera, I could never have written Leaves of Grass.”[37]
“Many years later, Whitman recalled the weather and conditions on the day that Lincoln died in Specimen Days, where he wrote:
I remember where I was stopping at the time, the season being advanced, there were many lilacs in full bloom. By one of those caprices that enter and give tinge to events without being at all a part of them, I find myself always reminded of great tragedy of that day by the sight and odor of these blossoms. It never fails.[15]
Lincoln was the first American president to be assassinated, and his death had a long-lasting emotional impact in the United States. During the three weeks after his death, millions of Americans participated in a nationwide public pageant of grief, including a state funeral, and the 1,700-mile (2,700 km) westward journey of the funeral train from Washington, through New York, to Springfield, Illinois.[16][17]”
Ahh Light Water and Magnetism– Montauk Long Island. Our Testimony.
“Montauk Base is still alive! Discover the shocking facts that have just been unearthed!
Now with the release of the Montauk Project Book, the whole story can finally be told!
You will discover the shocking secrets hidden until now behind the stories of the Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Base with up 12 underground levels that may still be operating, and Brookhaven National Laboratory which dates back to the Philadelphia Experiment and is still operating today!”
Also -keep your eye on Australia–all done and dusted
Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
Speculation – Trumps sentencing after the election 🙀🤷♂️
Say from 19 mins skip those bloody ads……
Wonder about High’s “MELEE”???????
Gold crashed through the four; $4,025
Silver: 48+
“Jacinda Ardern made a dame by William a close friend William gets touchy-feely with
Jacinda Ardern, as she gets damehood
By Maria Chiorando For Mailonline • October 17,
New Zealand’s prime minister Jacinda
Ardern receive a damehood during an
investiture held at Windsor Castle today.
Prince William, 42, was the royal handing out
the honours, and his friendship with Jacinda,
44, was on full show as the two interacted.”
“According to reports, Jacinda was appointed a
Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand
Order of Merit in the 2023 King’s Birthday
Honours for her services to the state.
The appointment came just months after her
shock resignation as PM.
Her official citation listed her response to the
Covid-19 pandemic, ‘positioning New Zealand
as having one of the lowest Covid-19 related
death rates in the Western world’.”
It also listed her leadership in response to the 15
March terrorist attacks.
“She added that her family would be joining her
for the event, as well as Whaea Esther Jessop
from the London Māori club Ngāti Ranana –
which had allowed her don one its ceremonial
clocks (called kākahu) for the ceremony.””
The Green King is in Australia to reassure his minions
Goodbye Useless Eaters, you failed the tests
“William gets touchy-feely with Jacinda Ardern” – Oh yuck!
Also at https://totaldisclosure.net/
The Kalergi Plan (2025)
“The conspiracy theory stems from a section of Kalergi’s 1925 book Praktischer Idealismus (“Practical Idealism”), in which he predicted that a mixed race of the future would arise: “The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes[a] will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.”[1][6] Modern far-right individuals seek to draw relationships between contemporary European policy-making and this quote.[1]”
“The Great Replacement” – Ahh I have learnt something very important–not the great reset– the Replacement—-Oct Nov 2024
“Camus and other conspiracy theorists attribute recent demographic changes in Europe to intentional policies advanced by global and liberal elites (the “replacists”) from within the Government of France, the European Union, or the United Nations; they describe it as a “genocide by substitution”.[5]
The conspiracy theory found support in Europe, and has also grown popular among anti-migrant and white nationalist movements from other parts of the West; many of their adherents maintain that “immigrants [are] flocking to predominantly white countries for the precise purpose of rendering the white population a minority within their own land or even causing the extinction of the native population”.[10] It aligns with (and is a part of) the larger white genocide conspiracy theory[b][10] except in the substitution of antisemitic canards with Islamophobia.[16][15][17] This substitution, along with a use of simple catch-all slogans, has been cited as one of the reasons for its broader appeal in a pan-European context,[16][18][19] although the concept remains rooted in antisemitism in many white nationalist movements, especially (but not exclusively) in the United States.[20][21]”
Stop ignoring the natural cycles and blaming it all on geoengineering ,weather modification and CO2.Joining dots that don’t exist in the hope that it’s all manmade and therefore stoppable.
Massive events across the planet from comets in our skies, brightening supernova, record breaking hurricanes and now the economy begins to wobble. Are we at the civilization cycle reset again?
Understanding what is actually happening will reduce the fear and enable some preparation going forward.
These Events Are Now Changing Our World