Home Australia Government Weaponizing Censorship

Government Weaponizing Censorship


Introduction by DM

The government and it’s propaganda media is the propagators of MIS and DISINFORMATION.

This email below hit in Inbox:

Dear X,

This is not a warning—this is happening right now.

The Australian government is on the verge of passing a bill that will decimate free speech in our country and turn the internet into a government-controlled echo chamber. Labor’s Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024 isn’t just a law—it’s a weapon designed to crush dissent, control political dialogue, and erase your voice from the conversation.

This is how they’re going to do it, and why you need to take action immediately.

1. They Will Control the Narrative

This bill hands the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) the power to censor online platforms. ACMA will force tech giants to take down any content they deem to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.” But let’s be real here—what this means is they control what you’re allowed to say.

If you post something critical of the government, or even just something they don’t like, ACMA can demand that the platforms remove your content. That’s right—government bureaucrats, unelected and unaccountable, will decide what’s true, what’s false, and what the public gets to hear.

Do you really think this won’t be abused? If they don’t like what you’re saying, they’ll shut you down. Period.

2. Big Tech Will Become the Government’s Enforcer

Here’s where it gets even more sinister. The platforms themselves—Facebook, X, YouTube—will be forced to comply with the government’s censorship demands. If they don’t, they face massive fines and legal repercussions. So, what will they do? They’ll remove content preemptively. They won’t wait for a review, and they won’t care if it’s truthful. They’ll take it down just to be safe.

That means you could be posting truthful information, but it won’t matter. The platform, terrified of punishment, will delete your content to avoid being fined. The government will have turned Big Tech into its censorship machine, enforcing its narrative while silencing yours.

3. Your Voice Will Be Silenced—Even If You’re Right

Let’s say you’re protesting online against a government decision, speaking out against government corruption, policies, or lies. Under this bill, if the government doesn’t like what you’re saying, they’ll call it “misinformation” and instruct ACMA to investigate.

Here’s the brutal part—even if your content is 100% factual, it will be taken down immediately. No due process, no thorough review. You are guilty until proven innocent. By the time your content is reinstated—if it even is—it’s too late. The moment for your message has passed, and the damage is done.

The government silenced you when it mattered most.

This is how they plan to crush political dissent—not by outright bans, but by making sure your voice is erased in real timeThe process itself becomes a punishment.

4. Political Speech Will Be Considered “Dangerous”

Let’s not mince words: this bill directly targets political speech. It allows the government to censor any political communication they claim is harmful or false. This means that during an election, the government can cherry-pick which narratives are allowed, erasing opposition voices from the public square.

Think about the implications—they control the election by controlling what information the public can access. Any campaign, movement, or individual that dares to challenge their authority could be shut down under the pretext of “combatting misinformation.”

The result? One-sided elections, where only the government’s preferred narrative is allowed to flourish. That is the death of democracy.

5. Vague Language Will Lead to Unlimited Power

The language in this bill is deliberately vague. What constitutes “misinformation”? What does “serious harm” mean? They don’t define it clearly because they want the flexibility to target whatever they want.

This vague wording gives the government unlimited power to shut down anything they don’t like. Today it might be an edgy meme, but tomorrow it could be your political opinion, conservative viewpoints, or free speech itself. The government now decides the limits of your speech.

Are you willing to live in a country where what you say can be erased just because someone in power doesn’t agree?

6. There Will Be Global Implications—This Will Spread

Let’s not kid ourselves—this bill is the test run. If Australia passes these draconian measures, other countries will follow suit. Once governments realise they can control online speech under the guise of “misinformation,” we’re looking at global censorship. This isn’t just a battle for Australia—it’s a worldwide fight for freedom.

The Time to Act is NOW.

If this bill passes, it’s game over for free speech. The government will have the power to silence you at will, and they won’t hesitate to use it. The process itself will crush dissent. We must rise and say no to this tyrannical assault on our freedoms.

This isn’t paranoia. This isn’t an exaggeration. This is happening right now, and if we do nothing, we’ll wake up in a country where free speech is a thing of the past.

What Can You Do?

  • Sign our petition at www.SaveFreeSpeech.com.au
  • Share this message with everyone you know. People need to understand the full extent of this threat.
  • Contact your MP today. Demand that they oppose this censorship bill before it becomes law. You can find your electorate and local MP’s name here: https://electorate.aec.gov.au/
  • Stay informed and vigilant. This fight won’t end here. We must keep pushing back against every attempt to silence us.
  • Let Peter Dutton know that you want the Liberal National Coalition to oppose this bill. His Canberra office number is (02) 6277 4022.

On that last point (about the Liberal National Coalition) our petition campaign seems to be working. The Liberal’s Senator James Paterson (who is the Coalition’s Shadow Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security) has released a statement condemning the government’s bill saying that “it would inevitably end up silencing the legitimately held opinions of Australians like you.” That’s reassuring but, as he’s also pointed out, “the Opposition still has to go through… internal processes to finalise our position on the bill”.

That’s why we need to keep up the fight.

Those pushing this bill are counting on your silence. Don’t give them what they want. We can still stop this—but only if we stand together, right now.

Freedom is on the line.

Yours in unwavering defence of free speech,

Brian Marlow and the team at CitizenGO



  1. What’s noteworthy is that the purported corresponding “fact sheet” is nothing more a series of wokish contentions, proof positive that the entire package has been thrown together by a ship of fools who can’t even figure out the difference between a compilation of datum and arguing a case:

    • The most obvious issue is that a prohibition on sharing any personal conviction, irrespective of it’s nature, is a prohibition on religious choice,a bar on the most fundamental attribute that defines our humanity

      • “a prohibition on sharing any personal conviction” – I’m convinced that women are ‘hot’, beautiful, delightful, wonderful humans to be around. – I’m sure such a conviction would be illegal as such a thought is too ‘traditional’ and would offend those that can’t define a woman.

    • Now they are demolishing anything they want in Beirut starting with an 8 storey apartment building full of women and children, with the full support of Trump et al, come on man

        • But let’s get back on topic, quote:
          “pro-Hamas protesters continue to chant “from the river to the sea” in other words chant for the elimination of the state of Israel yet despite these violent chants and the obvious intimidation of Jewish students and supporters of Israel, the university leaders defend these protests on the leaders defend these protests on the grounds of freedom of speech. Yeah freedom for some and intifada for those who disagree”:

          Talk about “controlling the narrative” – not to mention the respective stat fudging

          • It’s not a war when you engineer a false flag in order to do a genocide, even killing your own people in order to simply steal territory for a crowd of fat cats who want to redevelop it. “River to the sea” means nothing. it is purely sentimental because those people have no power whatsoever.
            Since you seem to be in favour of some kind of settlement by war I think there must be some demons in you too

          • “engineer a false flag” my arse
            a fantasy concocted by armchair spectators who were/are simply too squeamish to acknowledge the ramifications of civilian disarmament,the goal of Islam & the means of intended fulfillment

          • From 24 min:

            “You have a group of people who are offered a state. We are not listening to them. They do not want the state that they are offered. They are offered a choice between a state and a chant, and if you know the chant, it’s “from the river to the sea” . That’s what they’ve chosen ……… they’re not going to give up on that as a collective political entity for a relatively modest prosperous state ……………….. you’re damn straight you’re going to be pulling babies out of that Rubble because that’s what Hamas wants.
            And Israel cannot figure out how to extricate herself from this Dance of Death.”

          • “controlling the narrative”:

            So the respective reporters don’t understand the difference between an attack and an attempted neutralisation thereof?
            Or is the inversion simply a template of the West’s relentless MSM war on self-defence?
            A war on nationhood waged by Western Governance ?

            Like it or not each and every armchair theorist has helped to push through the gag bill;

  2. Oh well, while you all who still live in fear about what a belligerent government may do to us all, here’s some realrawnews that tells those who can pay attention, that there is really a Plan in place to save Humanity.

    Alvin Bragg hanged at Gitmo – realrawnews.

    Is that really Albo in that photo? He looks different, when compared to the old Albo.

    • “you all who still live in fear”

      Talk about presumptuous arrogant crap !
      A testimony to the nature of the god to whom you’re enslaved if ever there was

      • Out of context there E.B. Why didn’t you finish the sentence that your cherry picking, came out of?

        Belligerent Government was mentioned – so why exclude that important part of the sentence?

        Are you aware that this country has a belligerent government?

        There is only one Creator, so I don’t see how you can even attempt to tar me with your holier than thou brush, while it is you, yourself, who is enslaved to a book that has hundreds of other books missing from it.

        Are you sure you have the right books you should be reading from so as to get the full picture?

  3. For those who scoff at Trust the Plan, but can suppress their doubting mind for just a few minutes, visit Mary’s site, WTPN situation update, over at beforeitsnews.com and start from around 50 minutes, where it will be explained to you, and in great detail, why we will have to wait to see all those military tribunals and executions.

    Val Thor has three special photo’s for your doubting mind Joe – you might find it worth a look. 🙂

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