Home Australia Government Weaponizing Censorship

Government Weaponizing Censorship


Introduction by DM

The government and it’s propaganda media is the propagators of MIS and DISINFORMATION.

This email below hit in Inbox:

Dear X,

This is not a warningβ€”this is happening right now.

The Australian government is on the verge of passing a bill that will decimate free speech in our country and turn the internet into a government-controlled echo chamber. Labor’s Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill 2024 isn’t just a lawβ€”it’s a weapon designed to crush dissent, control political dialogue, and erase your voice from the conversation.

This is how they’re going to do it, and why you need to take action immediately.

1. They Will Control the Narrative

This bill hands the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) the power to censor online platforms. ACMA will force tech giants to take down any content they deem to be “misinformation” or “disinformation.” But let’s be real hereβ€”what this means is they control what you’re allowed to say.

If you post something critical of the government, or even just something they don’t like, ACMA can demand that the platforms remove your content. That’s rightβ€”government bureaucrats, unelected and unaccountable, will decide what’s true, what’s false, and what the public gets to hear.

Do you really think this won’t be abused? If they don’t like what you’re saying, they’ll shut you down. Period.

2. Big Tech Will Become the Government’s Enforcer

Here’s where it gets even more sinister. The platforms themselvesβ€”Facebook, X, YouTubeβ€”will be forced to comply with the government’s censorship demands. If they don’t, they face massive fines and legal repercussions. So, what will they do? They’ll remove content preemptively. They won’t wait for a review, and they won’t care if it’s truthful. They’ll take it down just to be safe.

That means you could be posting truthful information, but it won’t matter. The platform, terrified of punishment, will delete your content to avoid being fined. The government will have turned Big Tech into its censorship machine, enforcing its narrative while silencing yours.

3. Your Voice Will Be Silencedβ€”Even If You’re Right

Let’s say you’re protesting online against a government decision, speaking out against government corruption, policies, or lies. Under this bill, if the government doesn’t like what you’re saying, they’ll call it β€œmisinformation” and instruct ACMA to investigate.

Here’s the brutal partβ€”even if your content is 100% factual, it will be taken down immediately. No due process, no thorough review. You are guilty until proven innocent. By the time your content is reinstatedβ€”if it even isβ€”it’s too late. The moment for your message has passed, and the damage is done.

The government silenced you when it mattered most.

This is how they plan to crush political dissentβ€”not by outright bans, but by making sure your voice is erased in real timeThe process itself becomes a punishment.

4. Political Speech Will Be Considered β€œDangerous”

Let’s not mince words: this bill directly targets political speech. It allows the government to censor any political communication they claim is harmful or false. This means that during an election, the government can cherry-pick which narratives are allowed, erasing opposition voices from the public square.

Think about the implicationsβ€”they control the election by controlling what information the public can access. Any campaign, movement, or individual that dares to challenge their authority could be shut down under the pretext of β€œcombatting misinformation.”

The result? One-sided elections, where only the government’s preferred narrative is allowed to flourish. That is the death of democracy.

5. Vague Language Will Lead to Unlimited Power

The language in this bill is deliberately vague. What constitutes “misinformation”? What does “serious harm” mean? They don’t define it clearly because they want the flexibility to target whatever they want.

This vague wording gives the government unlimited power to shut down anything they don’t like. Today it might be an edgy meme, but tomorrow it could be your political opinion, conservative viewpoints, or free speech itself. The government now decides the limits of your speech.

Are you willing to live in a country where what you say can be erased just because someone in power doesn’t agree?

6. There Will Be Global Implicationsβ€”This Will Spread

Let’s not kid ourselvesβ€”this bill is the test run. If Australia passes these draconian measures, other countries will follow suit. Once governments realise they can control online speech under the guise of β€œmisinformation,” we’re looking at global censorship. This isn’t just a battle for Australiaβ€”it’s a worldwide fight for freedom.

The Time to Act is NOW.

If this bill passes, it’s game over for free speech. The government will have the power to silence you at will, and they won’t hesitate to use it. The process itself will crush dissent. We must rise and say no to this tyrannical assault on our freedoms.

This isn’t paranoia. This isn’t an exaggeration. This is happening right now, and if we do nothing, we’ll wake up in a country where free speech is a thing of the past.

What Can You Do?

  • Sign our petitionΒ atΒ www.SaveFreeSpeech.com.au
  • Share this messageΒ with everyone you know. People need to understand the full extent of this threat.
  • Contact your MP today.Β Demand that they oppose this censorship bill before it becomes law. You can find your electorate and local MP’s name here: https://electorate.aec.gov.au/
  • Stay informed and vigilant.Β This fight won’t end here. We must keep pushing back against every attempt to silence us.
  • Let Peter Dutton knowΒ that you want the Liberal National Coalition to oppose this bill. His Canberra office number is (02) 6277 4022.

On that last point (about the Liberal National Coalition) our petition campaign seems to be working. The Liberal’s Senator James Paterson (who is the Coalition’s Shadow Minister for Home Affairs and Cyber Security) has released a statement condemning the government’s bill saying that β€œit would inevitably end up silencing the legitimately held opinions of Australians like you.” That’s reassuring but, as he’s also pointed out, β€œthe Opposition still has to go through… internal processes to finalise our position on the bill”.

That’s why we need to keep up the fight.

Those pushing this bill are counting on your silence. Don’t give them what they want. We can still stop thisβ€”but only if we stand together, right now.

Freedom is on the line.

Yours in unwavering defence of free speech,

Brian Marlow and the team at CitizenGO



  1. What’s noteworthy is that the purported corresponding β€œfact sheet” is nothing more a series of wokish contentions, proof positive that the entire package has been thrown together by a ship of fools who can’t even figure out the difference between a compilation of datum and arguing a case:

    • The most obvious issue is that a prohibition on sharing any personal conviction, irrespective of it’s nature, is a prohibition on religious choice,a bar on the most fundamental attribute that defines our humanity

      • “a prohibition on sharing any personal conviction” – I’m convinced that women are ‘hot’, beautiful, delightful, wonderful humans to be around. – I’m sure such a conviction would be illegal as such a thought is too ‘traditional’ and would offend those that can’t define a woman.

    • Now they are demolishing anything they want in Beirut starting with an 8 storey apartment building full of women and children, with the full support of Trump et al, come on man

        • But let’s get back on topic, quote:
          β€œpro-Hamas protesters continue to chant β€œfrom the river to the sea” in other words chant for the elimination of the state of Israel yet despite these violent chants and the obvious intimidation of Jewish students and supporters of Israel, the university leaders defend these protests on the leaders defend these protests on the grounds of freedom of speech. Yeah freedom for some and intifada for those who disagree”:

          Talk about “controlling the narrative” – not to mention the respective stat fudging

        • Interesting articles you supplied Joe Bogan , and plausible too . I don’t put anything past anybody anymore as we ordinary citizens have been some what clued in to the realities of the cruel world we live in .

          Whatever the Mossad may or may have not done , the ultimate goal of Islam is to take that land for the Mahdi (and all lands for that matter)for without it , he can’t appear.

          It’s not coincidence that Israel is completely surrounded by that religion .

          Living in peace with Islam is not in the cards for Israel .

          • No it refers to the fact that Trump like any politician likes to walk both sides of the street, with fulsome support of “Israel” and non-involvement in international wars, at the same time silence on Gaza and acceptance of the fake narrative. Politically he is just following on from W Bush and his A-rabs exploitation mania.

  2. Oh well, while you all who still live in fear about what a belligerent government may do to us all, here’s some realrawnews that tells those who can pay attention, that there is really a Plan in place to save Humanity.

    Alvin Bragg hanged at Gitmo – realrawnews.

    Is that really Albo in that photo? He looks different, when compared to the old Albo.

    • “you all who still live in fear”

      Talk about presumptuous arrogant crap !
      A testimony to the nature of the god to whom you’re enslaved if ever there was

      • Out of context there E.B. Why didn’t you finish the sentence that your cherry picking, came out of?

        Belligerent Government was mentioned – so why exclude that important part of the sentence?

        Are you aware that this country has a belligerent government?

        There is only one Creator, so I don’t see how you can even attempt to tar me with your holier than thou brush, while it is you, yourself, who is enslaved to a book that has hundreds of other books missing from it.

        Are you sure you have the right books you should be reading from so as to get the full picture?

        • So you need to be reminded that on the previous page Hans says, quote,
          β€œRoswell was faked in 1947 , complete with suspicious government behavior to solidify the hoax , to advance some sort of agenda”

          And that by way of response I post a Michael Heiser collation of data that strongly indicates that said incident was the fallout of a heinous MK ULTRA project and that the alien story was a coverup

          And that Ned responds by telling me to quote, β€œput in a pre-order for three months supply of Prozac”

          And that you respond by suggesting that Dr. Heiser’s conclusion is repudiated by a range of immaterial data.
          And that, as I don’t support that position, you proceed to launch a lengthy and personally abusive rant

        • E.B. – how can you possibly discount easily verifiable evidence as ‘immaterial data’?

          I mean, really?

          Going on your own seeming reluctance to even consider that the questions I posed to yourself, and Hans, does contain relevant evidence that would tend to repudiate what you both support, you now suggest that, in a previous comment, I went on an abusive rant, and supposedly because you don’t support my position?

          I have just re-read the comment you believe abusive, when all I have done was to simply put up examples of your own behavior on this site, but, according to you, that is abuse?

          And when all is said and done, I have only engaged Hans and yourself to put some questions to you, and that both of you have completely ignored, which I can only assume is due to your personal beliefs that tend to discount any reliable evidence to the contrary.

          if that is the case, then you have a mind like a steel trap!

  3. For those who scoff at Trust the Plan, but can suppress their doubting mind for just a few minutes, visit Mary’s site, WTPN situation update, over at beforeitsnews.com and start from around 50 minutes, where it will be explained to you, and in great detail, why we will have to wait to see all those military tribunals and executions.

    Val Thor has three special photo’s for your doubting mind Joe – you might find it worth a look. πŸ™‚

    With Gene Decode β€˜safety warning promo sign at before its news.com)
    I had his audio program in the background when occupied this afternoon FOR MORE THAN TWO HOURS.

    T.O, the others will not take note and in short. He advised to avoid them, they are headed for a lower dimension. The advice…. Well listen to him.
    Basically the message is that one feels the spirit, there is no vocal message telling a soul what to do, IT MUST COME FROM WITHIN ETC.
    I am saddened for those who are desperate as appears but it is their CHOICE.
    ( they make their own bed!)
    Anyhow, nothing much can be done, especially when they refuse to consider. (In law, it is a matter of being objective and willing to know, pretty basic direction by a court to a jury)
    Well the choice is to try, for those who are willing might listen to Lt Col Bosi ( ret) from a bit after 55 mins presented by Mary at SU on beforeitsnews.com 21/9 and if they consider that he is as stupid as you and me, notwithstanding, might consider watching all of Mary’s presentation, including the opening and incredible EVIL REPORTED on matters many here just ignore, ( THAT me/we and some are aware of) with the fixation on Mr Thor as a clear sign of what the headline above summarises.
    There is nothing more that we can do, THEY CHOSE!

    • SG Anon’s 81st file, up today, has some very astute analysis as to what is rapidly unfolding.

      I fully agree with what you have put out concerning the fast asleep. There is such a wide gap as to be a chasm, between those who know, and those who choose to not know.

      I still find it most difficult to comprehend that seemingly intelligent folk can react in such a negative way to what is blatantly obvious, to you and I, and anyone else who is awake to see, what is going on all around them.

      Gene Decode – a most intelligent person who has not lost his Humanity.

  5. These fabrications are black magic, the power to cast spells from nothing, as we pay for increasing debt, suffering, war and oppression.
    What if the people running the planet are only pawns, serving the β€˜aliens’ in high finance?

    The end of this world system is coming.
    It’s not a fairy tale, it is prophecy. The madness we are facing is actually satan worshipped as God, by people in delusion who know nothing but lies, as we all pass through times He designed for us.

    Science and social engineering will not save us. Good works alone are not a ticket to heaven, only faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God is the salvation. He is the way, the truth and the life (John14:6).

    System is soo wicked, people running it satan’s children, the aliens on a planet created by God for us.

      • Ned
        5G DC gore hill and associated serco abombingnations, with the β€˜chrome juice thirst under chemtrail sky. Will I go on further, are these machinations see able? Maybe not the juice, done in secrecy, giving it away.

        • ant56 – what you point out is becoming largely irrelevant.

          If you can begin listening to Mary over at WTPN situation update, or what Judy Byington reveals over at beforeitsnews.com you will begin to comprehend that what you continually rail against is very quickly disappearing.

          There are many other sites on that channel that put out what is helpful to the newcomer – but that is up the viewers discretion.

          • That which is deliberately hidden will all be revealed.

            Everything will be exposed, and I do mean everything, and soon, which will not be for everyone.

          • From Judy Byington–
            A. POSSIBLE TIMING:

            Β· β€œThe first week in October over the Emergency Broadcast System, the military will reveal all. Also, in the first week of October, we expect to see various countries adopting and rolling out a valid QFS. Military reserves and armies are expected to be activated in the US, Canada, UK, EU, Iceland, South America, Mexico, African regions, Malaysia and over 80 other countries.” …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Sat. 21 Sept. 2024

            from Poland Australia does get a mention

            I doubt that it will be for ANYONE TO– the machine marches on
            as Judy knows and all who have been through Elohim /MKULTRA Torture programming and experiments ( and have survived) KNOW

          • Diane – Anyone can fall into doubt, when one fails to gather in ALL available evidence that may relieve them of their doubt.

  6. King and Rodrigues on the 500,ooo (FIVE……!) PRESENTY JUST BELIW THE FIVE….
    I have been watching this build up 9f sealed indictments from about 200,000 from way back and it has been a investigator’s dream
    SEEMS THAT THE VISITOR HAS BEEN FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC RECORDS which makes sense. Others in the past have reported the huge increase in sealed indictments.
    It is funny as the operation is referred to by β€˜Q’… as we β€˜abnormals’ know it does NOT DXISTπŸ’πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

    • And everyone can hold up to 99 names – that is a huge amount of ‘persons of interest’.

      Anyone interested in verifying the above need only to visit monkeywerx to see the huge amount of military aircraft in and out of Gitmo, and other places, such as Guam.

      • It is absolutely incredible that most apparently are not bothering to listen for 48 mins to the most significant eye opening discussion for normies to consider reality.
        They must have had their intellect and brain injected straight through their ear to cause a mental lobotomy.
        I am referring specially to the Ant, MM, E.B., fair dinkum and their fellow patients.

    • sealed indictments
      Apart from me forgetting the name of Durham a few weeks ago, we have not heard much about these indictments. We are effectively told yet again to “wait” for something to happen, usually by some bald geezer selling diet supplements. Now let’s suppose Trump is allowed to win and some indictments are worked through over a number of years and eventually other bald gits go to prison or even the gallows, as we are assured the principal Biden already has. The principal Biden is/was so decrepit and alzheimered that a sentence of euthanasia means nothing and we are told this was all done in secret and multiple fake Bidens tested and unleashed, busily engineering ww3 at present, what is the use or value of all this, most of the Global bad actors are outside of US jurisdiction anyway. So in the best possible outcome scenario the USA becomes the light of the world again and works to pull itself back together with all these stampeding she-males and ice-crippled and stoned-out tent-dwellers and worst of all a huge strata of useless administrators of useless policies who are untrained for any sort of productive work and even worse are expensive to maintain. Fixing that mess should keep them busy for a while if it ever happens, in the meantime who will save Australia from Lib-Lab-Green-Teal self destruction … probably not the average voter who is still stuck on the Hegelian trick. We already have the crooked ABC-TV pushing vaxxxines for every damn thing and all the weather is “ClimateChange”, even inviting Simon Holmes-a-Court on this morning presumably to announce his bid to salvage the credibility of his ruined Teals Party, which will regenerate and operate in tandem with the weaponised censorship, the subject of the article above.

      • Joe, a simple question for our enlightenment please.
        Did you listen to the whole discussion with King and Rodriguez’?
        A one word answer is all that is sought.

          • @12:00 “multiple foreign and US military planes flying in and out of Gitmo”, don’t worry it’s just the drugs trade that finances the CIA black-ops, it’s the East India Company 21C, it never went away.
            From Gitmo they are imported to Florida and distributed out of Arkansaw. I thought everyone knew that.

          • I don’t know anything on the web can be relied on for evidence when it could be run by the CIA, look how the public was sold on Jan 6 which was all run by the FBI, look how the bible has been stacked and hacked over centuries, why should anything NOT be manipulated

          • Joe
            Therefore you, mean the β€˜whole’.
            Being the question ,
            As thought:
            You only select the β€˜cherries’ for your criticism As with referring to Mr Thor with Mary
            Based on your distractions and assumptions.
            Ta again.

          • My biggest limitation is that my mind wanders but I don’t think you have reflected much on my responses.
            Anyway good luck hope you’re right but most of the evidence points towards the usual show going on.
            Full beast system may not be implemented in our lifetime but the public mostly welcomes it and that’s the intent

  7. Due to the way search engines have become progressively geared over the last few years it strikes me that the effect of an “officially approved” gag Act will actually be negligible. That’s certainly been the case with every other control measure that’s been officialised during past 3 decades. Things just start being done as though they’re already a fait accompli with little to no resistance; small wonder that lobbying elected members never achieves much

    • All you have to do is not comply with things that don’t make sense.

      Once you wake up to what they have done, then non-compliance to their bullshit becomes a duty.

      • E.B. – what you choose to do against the Beast is entirely up to you.

        I’m doing my part, what are you doing to assist in bringing down the Beast?

          • T.O.
            Because WE cannot let ignorant idiots destroy our children and GC.
            Note Ben Fulford from 59 for SEVEN at today’s situation update commentary from a real MARY.
            At beforeitsnews.com – people powered news
            One can identify them from their interests, deceit and β€˜stupidity’.
            They support and defend with other running dogs, their agenda for their masters.

          • From1:59 min:
            β€œSo you were told that all the Bible readers were the most superstitious and inflexible and stupid and lacking wisdom and common sense and that they couldn’t see reality. That’s what I grew up with. Even though we went to church occasionally we hated religious people because all affluent Americans hate religious people. In the world that I grew up in they were called superstitious and dumb ……….. but it turns out that those are the only people who know what’s going on they’re the best people. I’ve known that for a while. Who else prays for their enemies ? They’re way smarter than everybody”

            Not that he comes across as being a genuine convert
            But at least he has the brains to figure out what’s clearly beyond you two losers

          • At least he’s not so deceived as to ridicule what’s beyond his ken, at least he’s not so ill-informed as to rubbish the adherents as being, quote “enslaved to a book that has hundreds of other books missing from it.”

        • E.B. – your holier than thou attitude disregards some serious lessons when it comes down to what a true Christian is.

          A true Christian follows the example of Christ and upholds His teachings as the best of Humanity.

          A true Christian does not need a church, temple or synagogue to visit because he/she knows that the Creator dwells within all of us.

          A true Christian does not need to read from a book that other self-interested humans excluded over 700 other books from!

          A true Christian will engage others with honesty, fortitude, clarity, and a complete comprehension of the Creator’s Natural Law, while exercising restraint, when others, who believe themselves to be true Christians, will revile, ridicule, judge, and disregard what may benefit the learning process of what being a true Christian entails, and who should also be an open minded listener who is willing to embrace what may come to them eventually, as TRUTH.

          • “A true Christian does not need to read from a book that other self-interested humans excluded over 700 other books from!”

            “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
            But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
            MATTHEW 7: 13 – 14

          • Your response was entirely predictable.

            Still lecturing, while studiously avoiding the meat of the message.

            Not only is your mind completely shut against any reasoning that does not fit your view of life in this world, you are also willfully blind to what you should be learning.

            You will come to realize eventually, that relying on other’s words, while you may find them comforting, and act as a bulwark against your perceived enemies – are just that – words.

          • So you reckon that merely posting a couple of gospel verses is “lecturing”
            One more expression of your distaste for the respective Book
            One more loud & clear alarm bell as to who you’re actually working for, albeit unwittingly

          • How many times must it be mentioned to you, before it may actually permeate that steel trap brain of yours, before you can finally comprehend, that the book you place so much faith in, is less than one tenth of what the real Bible should be inclusive of.

            But you keep on dillydallying with a book that is less than one tenth of what you should be learning from, and believing, that only you may have all the answers.

    • “Due to the way search engines have become progressively geared over the last few years it strikes me that the effect of an β€œofficially approved” gag Act will actually be negligible”

      Agreed .Google has already been playing by it’s own rules , and apparently is seeking to expand that playing field .

      They openly boast of Kamala Harris being CEO until it’s time for George Washington to take over :


    • Sandra, noting that you are a open minded fun lady, I raise you a few asteroids with the Mother (Ursula) PROPHESIES FROM THE 1600s
      I came across this lady in the later 1980’s.
      She leaves Nostradamus off into the wilderness.
      As you might be aware, I have. some experience with project looking glass, being a trendy new conspiracy terminology for the Q brigade.
      Seems that someone discovered her when tripping over a rock?…. My memory goes back over 40 years back…. But how is irrelevant, her insights are the puzzle to fit in place on the board of mysteries as presently observed by some.

  8. For those that watched the Ashton Forbes discussion on what happened to MH-370, here is a recent video of him discussing the developments in science. It is a DEEP dive in the science that I can only partly conceptualize (I only have a minor degree in science). However, I have gleaned enough from the video that I can follow most of it. Essentially, he is talking about ‘time dilation’ and other technical issues.


    • ant56 – we’re not dealing with polite people – most of them are specially selected psychopaths.

      Have you forgotten already, what ‘they’ did to two million Aussies who had the same thought when they descended on Canberra in 2022?

      If you are unsure of how a psychopath thinks – then do some research.

      That is why the military will be the only way for remedy.

      • Terence,
        Through covid one woman with child and balls had the guts to stand in front of government house in Macquarie st. Mum and child were arrested. If we go there in thousands peacefully, will they mow us down with machine guns? I pray not. Do you think there will be survivors, if people are carrying machine guns?
        War truly is a racket, victors arming both sides everytime, as you know.

        • ant56 – In Canberra, the police brought out microwave amplifiers and aimed them at the crowd – many hundreds received serious burns – some now have cancers.

          Meanwhile, in Melbourne, the police shot peaceful protesters with rubber bullets, and pepper sprayed old ladies who couldn’t get out of their way quick enough.

          That is the caliber and the mindset of the people you wish to peacefully protest against?

          Now do you comprehend, that we are currently under duress by belligerent governments?

          They’ve been trying to kill us all off, for well over a hundred years.

  9. Rejected comment !!! why
    I will try deleting my references

    re: the squaring of the 4 gas giants

    Note the “censor” said the squared symbol is “not acceptable !” so I have had to substitute it with #

    its the old 1/x#
    So if Neptune is about 15 times more mass than earth,
    Earth is 150 million km from the sun and Neptune is 4.5 billion km so 30 times further away we have 1/1# (Earth) and 15/30#=0.016 (Neptune)
    Therefore the most powerful squaring would involve Earth, Venus, Jubiter and Saturn/Mars* ( I didn’t do the calc ).
    Could an alignment affect the sun which is made out of hydrogen, why not.
    I would be putting my money on an alignment or opposition as with spring tides.

      • OK censor, all I posted was socratic (dot) org, and because of you I accidentally shut down the half million unsealed indictments parallel universe, CEO of Bud light stood down because of gay ad campaign they said was a cover story for the indictment, all very et tu brutus, anyway it looks like one A-rab is only equal to a cow and 4 sheep or the equivalent.
        Beam me up scotty

  10. More – realrawnews – from the frontlines – Special Forces Kill Deep State Operatives Seeking To Silence Diddy Combs Acquaintances.

    And – Marines Stop Illegal Aliens From Early Voting.

    You still don’t think the military is in control? RealRawNews.com

  11. The Cult Mind, Controlling Science, History & Literature
    A discussion with Sarah Westall
    What is it about the human mind that allows bad ideas to be treated as truth? What do healthy minds do when bad ideas are correctly identified and rejected in favor of good ideas? With a look towards some practical case studies in the field of science and culture, Sarah Westall and I discussed these ideas and much more.

    • Excellent video with Matt Ehret, he’s very articulate, educated and insightful. It is a pleasure to listen to someone that has his head screwed on tight. His analysis of thought processes throughout history and of ‘cults’ should be in the curriculum of today’s universities, especially when it relates to history classes.

  12. What never ceases to do my head in is the idea that news, in any shape or form, can be transmitted via a politically or religiously neutral medium. Seems like the culture of the Age is underwritten by a paucity of understanding as to what happens when such influences are purged:

    “When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it.
    Then it says, β€˜I will return to the house I left.’
    On its return, it finds the house vacant, swept clean, and put in order.
    Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there; and the final plight of that man is worse than the first.
    MATTHEW 12: 43 – 45

  13. “His analysis of thought processes throughout history and of β€˜cults’ should be in the curriculum of today’s universities, especially when it relates to history classes.”‘

    totally agree Terry I ask who will be running the universities of tomorrow
    Bill Shorten as Vice Chancellor of Canberra University does not fill me with hope here in Australia –Charlotte Eserbyt ?? The deliberate dumbing down of America: A chronological paper trail and throughour universities and Esalen – The World

    Steve McMurray gave us the the Deliberate Dumbing Down of Australia through our universities. Particularly ANU and Sydney University– MKULTRA plan.

    My research covers Melbourne Latrobe Monash Adelaide Edith Cowan James Cook (Townsville) Darwin and more

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