Several expert witnesses give evidence on the historical and geopolitical build up to the Covid Hoax. How did the NWO get the power to lock up the whole world in their homes?
Thank you for all you do, Mary! I wanted to let you know I did an interview with Svali if you had any interest in watching. I know she doesn’t come out and speak often and wanted to share! Hope you’re doing amazing and I’m so grateful for all your hard work!
“What Mengele did and why he's called the father of modern programming [actually that was the Jew Kurt Lewin but let’s not get pedantic here] he initiated programming in the womb before him that the groups usually started the programming and mind control at about age two or three but what Mengele showed is that the earlier and earlier the child was indoctrinated he started with infants and then he went east and then he thought well if an infant can be programmed what about a fetus you have to remember that the these sophisticated [?]coal groups have technology that's at least 50 to 70 years ahead of what is available publicly so they had sophisticated fetal monitoring devices and so you could program a fetus in the womb [?so let's] and what they would do is they would insert a very tiny slender um flexible uh cord into the uterus and they could shock the fetus to tell it you know if you ever disobey this is what happens and the fetus will just like like you know quiver and shake in the womb or they can pat the womb you know and flood the mother with um drugs … “
I am still genuinely trying to figure out and cross reference what Svali said about Mengele experimenting on foetuses to other jewish atrocity shock porn sites such as thoughtco, wikipedia or this one …
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who by owns Pfizer, producer of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Posted on December 23, 2020 by State of the Nation
12/23/2020 — The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who by coincidence owns Pfizer (the one who produces the vaccine for the virus that (by coincidence) started the biological lab in Wuhan, which was (by coincidence) funded by Dr. Fauci who is (by coincidence) promoting the vaccine. …..GlaxoSmithKline (by coincidence) is owned by Black Rock finances who (by coincidence) manages the finances of the Open Source Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which by coincidence serves the French AXA (Insurance Co.)! …. By coincidence Soros owns the German Co. Winterthur which (by coincidence) built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan which was bought by the German Allianz which (by coincidence) has Vanguard as a shareholder which (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (by coincidence) which controls the Central Banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital. … Black Rock (by coincidence) is also the major holder of MICROSOFT, the property of Bill Gates, who (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Pfizer (selling the miracle vaccine) and who (by coincidence) is currently the first sponsor of WHO. Conspiracy Daily Update | a part of the movement to Truth!
“……If you think the PM Malcolm Turnbull is pushing vaccines because he cares deeply for the health of ordinary Australians, think again. Lucy Turnbull is chairman of the pharma corporation Prima Biomed and is the PM’s Big Pharma wife. She has worked closely with Big Pharma giants GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis. The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015 reports that the Turnbulls were listed as “the third biggest shareholder” in Prima Biomed.
The 2 Assumptions Underpinning the Push for Australian Mandatory Vaccines
There are 2 fundamental assumptions behind Turnbull’s ploy. The first assumption is that of herd immunity. I have discussed this concept in an earlier article entitled Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom?, but here’s the basic point: herd immunity is based on faulty logic and numerous assumptions. It assumes vaccines work, it assumes the vaccinated don’t carry disease and it assumes vaccine-induced immunity is as good as natural immunity. As it turns out, it may in fact be the vaccinated who are spreading the disease through viral shedding.
The second assumption is that the State or the Government has the power to force you to take any medicine it deems fit for the sake of “public safety”. Of course, protecting public safety is a legitimate function of Government, but where it gets tricky real fast is that dictators, autocrats and tyrants always (almost without exception) justify their draconian acts by claiming they are protecting the public. It’s always the same excuse. How many times have we heard the hackneyed phrase national security? At a certain point we have to evaluate whether it’s more important to preserve individual rights, liberty and sovereignty – or the “rights” of the abstract “group”. Who owns your body? You or the Government?
Here’s the bottom line: forcefully medicating people without their informed consent is a drastic and extremely coercive step, even if herd immunity were a completely watertight theory and even if every single vaccine were safe and effective – two rather big, fat and rotund “ifs”. However, the entire concept of informed consent is being watered down……………..”
One can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.
Greek veterinarian and biotechnologist Albert Bourla heads Pfizer, and Moderna’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, is an Israeli who received his doctorate from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and gives interviews in Hebrew to the Israeli media………………….
Published: NOVEMBER 17, 2020 20:54
Jewish Leaders Down Under Fondly Welcome Australia’s New Prime Minister
September 16, 2015 2:15 pm 11 comments
Indeed, in a 2013 interview with The Australian Jewish News, Turnbull had commented, “My mother always used to say that her mother’s family was Jewish.”
Though Turnbull admitted to the paper that he had “never researched” this, nor would “know where or how [he] would do that,” the mention that his possible Jewishness hails from his mother and maternal grandmother constitutes a kind of (likely unwitting) signal to and among members of the tribe – whose religion is based on matriarchal lineage – that if there is truth to the claim, Turnbull would be considered a Jew by Jewish law.
Update from John O’Looney Following His Hospitalization [VIDEO]
“………..Those who have taken a shot with an ‘active ingredient’ (not what’s called a ‘clot shot’) that damages the immune system have between 2 and 5 years to live, he was told. 70% of vaccinated children will be sterilized as a side effect. This was widely acknowledged at this meeting. Sexton walked Brady out of the meeting, warning him that there would be extreme civil unrest when the public discovers what has gone on. Sexton was told that the govt were aware of this and had prepared for it, and were surprised that civil unrest hadn’t already started(!)……………”
Dicktator Dan and Corporate Health Officer Sutton-Swab – facebook post
“The Victorian Premier and Chief Health Officer are finally being dragged into court.
We are in regular contact with the man forcing WorkSafe to do their job: Ken Phillips from Self Employed Australia.
He is a regular informant and advisor to us on the political landscape in Victoria, and has taken on the role of holding WorkSafe and the DPP to the letter of the law. So much of our legal system is only activated through media scrutiny and public pressure, and this man has d… See more”
The show rolls on
Also from Russell Brand –
Bill and Melinda stand down
Gates Foundation gets infusion of Royal Blood
New trustee appointees include $32m donation recipient
Bill and Melinda retain Veto
What is Goyim? 1. Means cattle. How the jews and the Zion master sees all non jews in particular whites. Said with contemption. Those goyim will send troops to the middle east and fight a war for us or we’ll call them anti semites. 2. Non-Jews, in Hebrew and Yiddish. Literally, the “peoples.” Sometimes pejorative. See shiksa and shaygetz
ocd767, I would explain ( not for the first time ) Swissy exported Rotschilds to the Anglosphere and not the other way around and I can back my position with the fact that the Vatican authorised the “jews” to do banking 900 years ago just as they authorised Charlemagne to take over the world for them (1st Reich) about 1400 years ago.
You are entranced by a puppet show.
The actual video is saying at the start, a lot happened in the Anglosphere around 1870, if you listen. Even beyond the Anglosphere at that time, there was the Bismark unification of German kingdoms (2nd Reich).
No “Swissy” was responsible for the mass-torture-murder of more than 100 million civilians in communist revolutions of Russia and China alone but there is ample hard indisputable evidences of direct international jewry involvement. So cut out the crap you are putting out so shamelessly.
The rest of your drivel is also utter nonsense. We all know you are a JWO operative whose purpose is to distract and cover for the criminal JEW WORLD ORDER now running the covid tyranny.
On a side note, why is it that bitchute videos links that do not (yet) censor comments that expose international jewry criminality result in automatic censorship here on gumshoenews? Youtube links are all ok because there is no tolerance for such antisemitic comments there. Is this the editiorial policy of gumshoenews or a sophisticated censorship imposed by the JWO? Is gumshoenews making it more difficult to expose the JWO?
Remember: “To learn who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize.” It is the jews and has always been the jews.
HH88, you prove to ME personally, I don’t say anyone else, that you are paranoid and delusional. You certainly are welcome to criticise jews as far as I’m concerned. How about Bidens, Bushs, Obamas, Clintons, Tony Bliar, Klaus Swab, Ursula von der Leyen, are they all jews ? What about Thyssen Krupp munitions, Quandt, the nazis,Churchill, Stalin, etc, were they all jews ? Are there jews under your bed too ?
You jew people go on and on about your Rotschild history which started 300 years ago, before that you have nothing !!! Your history is a puppet show which started 300 years ago. Totally naiive. Timewaster actually.
If you’re asking me about spewtube, I use it because I am curious about their censorship policy and also they download very seamlessly and also a nice splash screen intro. Though bitchute, rumble etc have got a lot better in the last couple of years. Everyone uploading should backup on bitchute, brighteon and whatever is suitable.
300 years?? Crikey, it goes back WAY beyond that. Douglas Reed in his ‘Controversy of Zion’ puts the beginning in 458 BC. Read the first chapter of the book.
The book is a long read, but well worth it to understand the history of the jews and what they have been up to behind the scenes. Unfortunately, he died before the ‘Holocaust’ BS got revved up, so he never wrote about that. The best information on the alleged Holocaust is the transcripts of the Zundel trials in Canada (the story is total bullshit).
When I call for evidence and balance the risk I take is that I get forced into a corner of “jew-defender”, actually I am willing to defend the average jew but as for “elite” or Illuminati level figures, I see them all as equals, and I see this constant carping about jews as a distraction.
I’ve never denied the jews make good bank employees, or that they maintain their cultural identity, or that the number 6 million genocided is just a round number and could be whatever. Of course the history of everyone on the planet goes back to Adam or a microbe, take your pick. But the essence of the obsessive-compulsive is that Rotschilds own the planet and achieved this in 300 years and I say that can’t happen, there are way too many vested interests for anything like that to happen. It’s not a defence of Rotschilds, it’s a simple observation.
In the end it’s a tall poppy situation and people could well learn from the jews who tend to stay focussed on family and upward mobility while Westerners allow themselves to become fragmented and self-indulgent. The cherry on the cake is when Hitler is raised to a sort of martyred god-like status. It’s just absurd, like the “5 dancing Israelis” apparently proves jews did 9-11.
Out of respect for Schulze I have read as he suggested, also part of the preface which says they author was banned everywhere and the manuscript was found somewhere. This type of story has been used as a literary device by others. Going on to Chapter 1 he says most of the bible stuff is made up, such as red sea pedestrians, Moses in the bulrushes etc, I have no argument with all that. But there is a tone about it, that the conclusion is arrived at long before the evidence is found. Whatever bad things the jews were doing in BC times, were equally being done everywhere else, and they still are.
The real source of the vitriol is not as claimed by anyone on these pages;the above Michael S. Heiser book proffers a few pointed hints
That’s your reference but you have not made your point
During the last 2 years some of the developments spelled out the final few pages of the Bible have garnered a bit more acknowledgement.
Problem is that the plot of any book won’t ever be comprehended by skimming through the finale
Or, for that matter, relying on claims made by others
No future for book reviews you say !!!
Reviews might have their place, but you need to study the syntax yourself.
As exemplified by this unmistakably topical passage:
“1 Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” PSALM 2: 1 – 3
So McGowan’s raging and populous willingness to take the respective phantom threat on board amounts to conspiratorial lawlessness; no argument there, albeit the fact that said players are on an equal footing.
But the balance of the same psalm proves that the bulk of commenters on this site are only au fait with a quarter of the picture:
“4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” PSALM 2: 4 – 12
One more quote:
“A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.”
― Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism
Just after 2:00:00 they are taking about “mental hygiene” and how that is to be implemented globally. I saw an item on MSM the other day, where they were giving training in Australian hospitals on how to deal with problem customers, such as those who wished to discharge themselves !!! At the moment the communists (red party) have launched a pre-election attack on the blue party by organising a nurses’ strike in the main or only blue party controlled state which happens to be NSW at the moment. The message for the communists is an echo of the Bob Hawke years, “only we (the communist party) can ensure stability”. Both sides banging on about safety, which is of course a subset of DuPont Safety™.
The biggest difference between the communist (red) party and the realestateagents (blue) party is that under duress the former will eat you alive while the latter will be more civilised, and put you in the slow-cooker.
Great find Crisscross – worth a listen – 41 minutes plus question time
Just three (or four) small points of order worth raising:
• Not sure that Bob had a full understanding of the events of Tiananmen Square – who was behind it and who inflicted violence on who. This was clearly an attempted colour revolution and we know with certainty that the ‘tank man’ scene was absolutely misrepresented.
• Bob referred to Obama as basically a ‘good man’. Not sure that Libyans or Syrians would agree.
• Bob (IMHO) mistakenly equates our [Westminster] parliamentary system with ‘democracy’. I would suggest that China has a very natural form of democracy with people being elected to the central governing body via regional elections based on merit, and one which has given rise to long term (multiple five-year) planning which is at the very cornerstone of China’s rapid emergence over the last several decades – while at the same time guaranteeing minority representation. We have discussed here at length that our form of democracy suits only the oligarchs who control the mass media and hence the ‘opinions of the gullible ignorant masses’.
• And don’t get me started on free speech under COVID Bolshevik totalitarianism.
Bob correctly makes the distinction between China under the ‘gang of four’ and the China that has since emerged under the vision and guidance of Deng Xiaoping.
I have long hoped that our Asian neighbours with their deep cultural roots in honour your father (nation) and mother (culture) that is practically inseparable from the first three Commandments that say you owe deference to the First Cause and you owe deference to secondary causes called father and mother.
Orrite! I got a couple of ideas tangled in my mind. I hope that our Asian siblings can regenerate a proper respect for God and Man
I had to change my understanding of Bob Hawke after listening to his talk.
I understood him mainly from his Fabian society speech and his comment on another ABC radio programme that the only regret he had in life is that he was not born a Jew.
He would not last 5 minutes these days with his unflattering attitude towards the US and his praise of China.
Horse replies, I’m finely breed, but still not up to scratch
Bar-man ponders the totaliser and reflects the long face.
R&R for me, think i’m going to look away. The video(s-not yet seen) is the totaliser, I believe launched from good people with good intents, but that does’nt matter.The race is real and if not does’nt matter. So why the long face.
One issue is ignored in the Fuellmich strategy. All information accessible to the public is in the hands of the enemy. Media, universities, think tanks, science, the education system, books, and social media.
As far as the public is concerned, Fuellmich does not exist. The 30<300 Families do not exist. The Freedom Rallies and Truck Conveys do not exist. The only things that exist are covid, vaccinations, sport, sex, jobs, family, and money. Out there on the periphery are politicians and wars and stuff. Better left to do their thing. “Hopefully, beat the Chinks and Russkies before they beat us.”
The Elites can appoint a team of assassins to erradicate Fuellmich and associates and any other malcontents. Or they can just ignore them. What’s the difference? The public will never know either way.
I asked different people if they knew that a million Australians are in Canberra demanding an end to the covid bullshit and returning Australia back to Australians. None had heard, and none had any intertest in knowing how or why.
The only means of changing history is to eliminate the Elite. This is not going to happen because few people know there is a problem and a mere handful would do the job anyway. The mere thought of executing a tyrant terrifies them more then the tyranny.
There is a way to defeat the enemy but only a fool would write about it.
“The only means of changing history is to eliminate the Elite” – Tony, this is a pattern that has repeated so many times through out history, it is bound to happen again this time. Turdeau in Canada has just raised the stakes a bit higher by trying to pass further laws/mandates/decrees to penalize the truckers. – The fool doesn’t comprehend what is actually happening.
We will have the same problem in Oz. They are a one trick pony when it comes to ruling, just crush any opposition.
In order to understand Natural Law, International Law one needs to understand all humanity’s ancient worldwide ‘fractal’ ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) system from the person, family, extended-family, ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex, Village, City, Region, Nation, Confederacy, Continental & Hemispheric governance. Unfortunately we’ve all been indoctrinated in our ‘exogenous’ (L ‘other-stolen generated’) institutions to believe all our indigenous ancestors were primitive nomads when this is entirely contrary to Ethnohistory. We’ve now established massive indigenous cultivated biosphere & stable human society productivity with Polyculture Orchards. Because this positive indigenous framework is almost totally outside of any institutionally indoctrinated person, please refer to the indigenous Circle-of-Life interdisciplinary model in order to understand the most basic aspects. Once readers have read these basics, then we can explore more aspects & effective research methodologies with 1st Nations & indigenous peoples to go further. Personally I’ve had the privilege of 58 years of collaboration solidarity with 1st Nations & indigenous people worldwide & testify as to the integrity of humanity’s ancient system.
A POSITIVE PROACTIVE LOVING, CARING & SHARING INDIGENOUS (Latin ‘self-generating’) WAY TO HEAL OUR SELVES & WORLDWIDE SOCIETY I’m with the Sustainable Development Association a Canadian Non-Profit since 1994 & Indigene Community since 1983. Our focus is on all humanity’s worldwide ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) heritage of welcome & ‘economic’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’) inclusion 1) within the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). 2) with time-based equivalency integrated accounting upon the once worldwide String-shell-Value system within the participatory domestic, industrial & commercial Production-Society-Guilds. 70% of people today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family collaboration for social & economic collaboration with both privacy & proximity. In North-America Multihomes contribute 1 trillion dollars per year to our essential goods & services economy. ‘DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ web-based community-economy software is designed to help folks in Multihomes organize their own capacities. Bottom-up change is open to people everywhere within our Multihomes & workplaces. Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. Humanity’s worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web software program so average residents & neighbours can easily:
So beyond our passive involvement their centrally designed controlled governments, corporations, courts etc, how are we going to organize our own resources & stop feeding these oligarch monsters? DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ Bottom-up change is open to people everywhere within our Multihomes & workplaces. Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. Humanity’s worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web software program so average residents & neighbours can easily: 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships,
3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally /c record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours.
Terry RE: “Where my mind wants to be”. The ‘herd’ presently are those who live so detached & disconnected from their families, friends & ‘community’ (Latin ‘com’ = ‘together’ + ‘munus’ = ‘gift-or-service’) that; members young, old, handicapped & brilliant are locked away in institutions or die alone in detached homes & apartments. When one totals the number of professional institutional shift-changes per 7-10 person residential unit in institutions, one arrives at about 3000 per year, which provides the perfect platform for meaningless connections & disease transfer.
I’ve worked & volunteered for 44 years as a Specialized Educator with folks labelled as having Intellectual Handicaps. Everyone carries the brilliance of life with essential gifts for their families, friends & communities. In our extended family, living in Multihome-Dwelling-Complex 4 townhouse & apartment households with 7 members, like another 70 extended families (520 people) in our Multihome area of 815 apartments & townhouses, we know, love, care & nurture each other reciprocally all within short walking distance. Youth grow up with a sense & practice of responsibility with their elder generation & handicapped are valued among us for their gifts.
“we’ve all been indoctrinated to believe our ancestors were primitive nomads”
Which flies in the face of the fact that there’s no evidence that there was ever any such thing as a primitive language.
This Orwellian gem does, in fact, prove that our forbears were a good deal more skilled than the purported elect of the Age:
“I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all.
“Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invariably be taken into account.”
If nothing more the original text serves as a reminder that Abraham did, in fact, leave a technologically advanced civilisation in favour of living as a nomad.
Berry, “time & chance happeneth to them all.” Except for the short couple of paragraphs, left (altered or transformed?) in the Book of Genesis, the rest of the Torah & Bible is a record, probably 1000 times mistranslated, of colonial empire fall from grace & false ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) oligarch policy which leads to the massive desertification of the Middle-east & North-Africa. The best allegory for 2-dimensional oligarch-owned & colonized enslaved humanity’s massive reduced ability to ‘mind’ (‘care’) care for each other & the biosphere is found in the lie of ‘agriculture’ (Latin ‘ager’ = ‘field’) productivity.
UNDERSTANDING BIOSPHERE SCIENCE Let’s look back 7000 years before the start of our false civilization to when all humanity’s worldwide ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) ancestors cultivated the immensely productive Polyculture orchards. SYLVALIZATION’ (L ‘sylva’ = ‘tree’) existed for 100s of 1000s of years of indigenous management. Most of humanity grew 3-D Polyculture Orchards, which are 100 times (10,000%) more productive than ‘civilization’ (‘city-state’) 2-D ‘agriculture’ (L ‘ager’ = ‘field’) massive harvesters at 92 – 98% photosynthesis of solar energy converted into food, materials, energy & water-cycle. Food production as the foundation for all human economy, its absolutely important that; farmers, agri-business corporations, universities, government policies & all aligned food systems begin to align with & benefit from the abundance of the tree-based biosphere. Agriculture only photosynthesizes 2 – 8% of solar energy reflecting over 90% back into the troposphere where it pushes winds from the continent to the sea. At the Sahara/Sahel Latitudes of less than 30 degrees north, the sun is so hot it burns 2-D agriculture.
POLYCULTURE TREE ROOTS descend 10s of metres as deep as the canopy into the earth’s substrate where they mine minerals, pump water & develop nutrient extensive colonies. Continental cold spots created through complete Polyculture photosynthesis cause warm moist ocean winds to be drawn inland (warm to cold) where 60% of moisture transfer is through condensation of warm moisture laden wind onto trillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces. Only 40% of water is transferred as rain/snow. ‘Agriculture’ 2-8% photosynthesis reflects 95% of solar energy, which pushes winds from the continent towards the sea causing permanent desert. Sahara, Gobi, Atacama etc. deserts are all created by human agriculture including exploitation of animals such as domesticated goats, sheep, cattle, pigs etc. Indigenous peoples worldwide didn’t exploit domesticate animals but lived in collaboration with these other tree & biosphere tending specialists.
So far I’ve only past Alex Thomson’s submission at about 45 minutes. He has given exactly what I have accumulated over about 45 years of exposure to this rot. I’m only a bit surprised that he got through all that without mentioning high level ‘Masonry and, in particular, the intra Masonic and supra Masonic notion (or ideology) that goes by the title “British Israel World Federation” which, as the name implies, assumes that their aristocracy is of the “chosen” Zionist elite destined for World domination.
Just as a side note to the impenetrable “dubya”; “Swissy” didn’t invent the money trick. Swissy was a chosen “safe haven” for money merchants of Venice and Florence after the “popey types” started to put the kibosh on their predatory usury, etc. Landlocked Switzerland was not a convenient place from which to impose a “maritime empire” so after a bit of fishing around Spain, Portugal, Holland they found that the Poms were most compliant (thanks to Cranmer and others) and the centre of operations was shifted to London.
Geneva, Zurich, Basel, Davos, Bern, etc aren’t suburbs of London. The money was being created at least as far back as Rome. The Vatican gave banking license to “jews”. London was a pirates’ cove, a settlement of Scandinavia, which grew in parallel. Rome’s first attempts at getting into Britain failed. 1000 years later, it appears they were willingly infiltrated. Now it seems the “Windsors” have handed over management to Globalists, with branch offices everywhere. Globalism, “a big club and you aint in it”
OK, I have now listened to Svali (what a pretty voice she has!). She says all 12 occult groups, including Illuminati, Knights of Malta, and Opus Dei, “report” to Rome.
That’s quite a combo — her view and Alex Thompson’s
And I’m glad Thompson endorses the accuracy of Fritz Springmeier’s Bloodlines book. Just to name two of the Illuminati’s American bloodlines: Dupont and Disney.
Well, I have endured about three and a half hours of Reiner’s “Grand Jury” and got through Motor Mouth Whitney Webb’s “presentation”. I can’t help wondering if blathering Whitney is the progeny of Sydney and Beatrice Webb who were co founders of the Fabian Society that has the intention to impose communism by stealth.
The little bit of notice I took of Motor Mouth previously prompted me to think that MM was just a smoke generator to befuddle the observers.
So far, no one has mentioned that “Israel” is a creation of the “City of London” and it is practically a “quartermaster’s store” staffed by cultural narcissists receiving and dispensing stolen technology from and to whatever suits the grand plan.
Nothing is as it seems and if it is well known that Rotschild signed the Balfour Declaration that means that wasn’t what happened at all, it means that’s what they wanted you to think.
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” ~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn
The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b
In Europe, the enemy always comes from the east, because nothing comes from the west.
Have you ever sat down and wondered, where did the Roman Empire actually get to ?
Changing the topic slightly, does anyone have non-MSM info regarding the veracity, accuracy, safety etc of the RAT?
Rapid Antigen Test, an alternative to the PCR test, which many businesses etc are insisting be undertaken prior to entry in Oz. My doctor won’t see me unless I have one.
Non-MSM information is that the PCR test was being too widely questioned so the pea is no longer under that shell. Products continue to be added to the Covid-19™ product range and every incentivation will be made to get them consumed. Today I see Globalists’ “Chemist Warehouse” is giving them away for free. Of course they will be gone by the time you get there, but it makes a compelling advertisement. In India they are giving away IVM for free. So you can see, everything here is a lie, or a lie baked onto some other lies, and the truth is probably the opposite of whatever they are promoting.
Did I tell you anything usefully new, I doubt it.
If you can’t taste of smell and you feel lethargic go home to bed and keep warm. Take vitamin D two weeks in advance, also quercetin + zinc are available over the counter. For Ivermectin you have to try harder.
For the GP if you want some pills you might be able to do it over the phone, all they have to do is authorise the chemist.
Not forgetting the saline nasal spray for a deep clean of passages. It’s worth observing that all the preventative treatments I mention above are aimed at the virus, whereas the injections are aimed at familiarising the immune system with the spike proteins. According to one source the Covid-19™ spikes are specially designed with a weakness at the base which makes them fall off. The mRNA seems to make the body produce a never-ending supply of spike proteins while the Novova666 is purportedly just a cocktail of plain spike proteins which could show up anywhere, but presumably the most usual locations, that is perhaps: heart and lung inflammation, blood clots (skin ((thrombosis ?)), brain ((stroke)), anywhere), appendix and gall bladder. According to a rough averaging of what I’ve come across.
Your doctor won’t see you unless you have a R. A. T. ?
And you still reckon it’s worth seeing him?
I had an eye test last week and there was no mention of any such demand. Perhaps you need to shop around.
At 1:42:46-ish Reiner and Matthew talk about who created the TWO World Wars – plus diseases and terrorism and drugs … the “financial behemoths”
Then Matthew undoes a lot of the good work by talking about Hitler being in on it and going off script … methinks he is giving Stalin a free pass.
102:46 [youtube transcript without editing – you can tell who is talking and get the gist …]
“[R] did i understand correctly that all that money all that power was capable of starting two world wars – world war one and world war ii – with these financial behemoths financing both sides
[M] oh yeah oh yeah absolutely okay um yeah i feel like i’ve taken up too much time but yeah
[R] okay that’s that’s i just wanted to make sure that i didn’t didn’t misunderstand you and uh finally um the uh two world wars anyone who can anyone who can start two world wars uh probably has no problem because i wrote this down when you said it to create diseases like terrorism and drug uh trade so that in essence is also started or was started by this financial behemoth uh city of london plus wall street
[M] yeah “
Matthew Ehret briefly mentioned the jew Harry Dexter Weit (aka White) but only in the context of his ‘mysterious death’ on August 16, 1948, and with tacit inferences.
But what he does not mention about White (Weit) is covered by this article by Russ Winter, and has also been covered here on Gumshoe previously – with thanks Mary.
“In 1948, White was accused of spying for the Soviets and was called to testify before the HUAC. At the conclusion of this testimony, he had a heart attack and left D.C. for a rest on his farm in Fitzwilliam, N.H. He had just arrived when he had another heart attack. Two days later, on Aug. 16, 1948, he died. How convenient- was White aka Weit, at only 56 disposed of before it hit the fan?”
• Harry Dexter White: An Enemy Within – Winter Watch
Please explain why bitchute video link automatically trigger comment censorship on gumshoenews, Mary. We strive for cherished ideals. Choose with greatest intelligence and keep an open mind to learn forever more of what is right.
National Socialism principles is the quest for an Aryan world of highest manifestation of truth, honour, beauty and strength.
HH88, I have seen better, where Harry is screaming and really losing it about “the jews”, he can’t seem to comprehend this is an AGE-OLD CLASS WAR and the race-war thing is just an illusion for the plebs. Occasionally the upper classes need to get rid of a huge number of troublesome plebs, this usually happens after a technology boom, and the cheapest and best way to get rid of plebs in bulk was to make them kill each other, however with the power of modern weaponry a new tactic has had to be developed, that is make them accept credit arrangements for their own injections and other Covid-19™ product range items. Either way you see the plebs are divided and fooled and their meagre properties are stolen. The whole thing is played out again and again over the years and the new generation is never wise to whatever the old generation has suffered to learn. The idiocy of royal-worship is a case in point.
We have an upper or ruling class for a reason and they are very clearly seen to be always “doing nothing”.
The only way out of this mess is to ‘start over’. That approach will likely mean that lots of alleged humans will enjoy the body re-modeling procedure of having their necks stretched.
From 14th Century English usage following the formation of the Commons “the third estate of the English people as represented in Parliament” from 1377. Therefore, the popular (but incorrect) assumed meaning of Common Law as being “the LAW of the people”. In a strict literal sense, the correct etymological meaning of common law is more accurately defined as “the laws to entrust, commit to a burden, public duty, service or obligation” — completely opposite to the popular misinterpretation of the phrase. The main procedural foundations of Common Law since its inception remains the false Roman Law was VENETIAN LAW (more commonly known as MARITIME LAW and/or ADMIRALTY LAW) introduced in the 12th and early 13th Century during the creation of the highest legal PERSONALITY under Common Law–the HOLY SEE (Sea). Hence, under the corrupted Roman Law of the ROMAN CULT living men and women are considered VESSELS subject to JURISDICTION of the SEE (Sea) with the WATERMARK of all nations with diplomatic recognition (CONCORDATS) of the SEE (Sea) set at the highest mountain peaks–hence all land is therefore “Under the Sea” and PROPERTY of the SEE (Sea). However, in many JURISICTIONS, CUSTOM LAW is also accepted as part of Common Law thus providing some RELIEF. In the late 16th and early 17th Century, Common Law was further modified with the introduction of the LEGAL FICTIONS, LEGAL PROCEDURE and PRECEDENT embedded in Jesuit constructed works embedded in popular culture and plays. Today, Common Law is incorrectly and deliberately defined as “The law established, by precedent, from judicial decisions and established within a community”.
According to this Australia is under water, but don’t worry you won’t drown in water but in debt.
Acts Interpretation Act –
15B Application of Acts in coastal sea
Coastal sea of Australia
(1) An Act is taken to have effect in, and in relation to, the coastal sea of Australia as if that coastal sea were part of Australia.
(2) A reference in an Act to Australia, or to the Commonwealth, is taken to include a reference to the coastal sea of Australia.
Coastal sea of external Territory
(3) An Act that is in force in an external Territory is taken to have effect in, and in relation to, the coastal sea of the Territory as if that coastal sea were part of the Territory.
(4) .
(3A) A reference in an Act to all or any of the external Territories (whether or not one or more particular Territories are referred to) is taken to include a reference to the coastal sea of any Territory to which the reference relates.
(4) In this section, coastal sea:
(a) in relation to Australia, means:
(i) the territorial sea of Australia; and
(ii) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea of Australia and not within the limits of a State or internal Territory;
and includes the airspace over, and the sea bed and subsoil beneath, any such sea; and
(b) in relation to an external Territory, means:
(i) the territorial sea adjacent to the Territory; and
(ii) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea adjacent to the Territory and not within the limits of the Territory;
and includes the airspace over, and the sea bed and subsoil beneath, any such sea.
And see “The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890”
In 1964 Pope Paul VI abandoned the tradition of wearing an ornate, bejeweled crown.
“………..After the announcement that the papal tiara would be sold at auction, Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York City arranged for the tiara to come to the United States, as a gift acknowledging the generous contributions by American Catholics to helping the world’s destitute.
Following a tour accross the country as part of an exhibition put on by Catholic Relief Services, the crown went to its permanent home where it is now on display in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC…………”
As an observer watching from the fence, since 911 in these times of Orwellian doublespeak where stating the obvious is forbidden, the only victors (claiming to be victims) are the CEO’s of pig pharma and associated cronies enforcing this digital enslavement of all. The people that have created the problems are offering the solutions, cause they’re the ones with the money. The private reserve bank must be shut down along with the ‘Rhodes’ perpetraitors in government.
A national bank to be set up for the commonwealth, offering home loans at no interest. Overnight, fair play will be restored without the bloodsuckers taking an extra abode (and more) on every house mortgage in Oz. During lockdown, nearly a million new punters have come searching for the dream, that becomes a nightmare for many, at the hands of the few.
Krown kabal komunizm is the bs here.
We have been hearing about an information blackout from x22 but he has been winding this back somewhat closer to the present reality which is more censorship and fake news.
We heard a few days ago that some Ottawa police chief had quit because he agreed with the protesters, now today the MSM fake news says the police chief quit because he failed to control the situation. Was this a different police chief or is the fake news spinning the story.
They followed with a Sandy Hook story saying the families got $73m and they had sad faces and some guy on crying about it, mentioned gun control, go figure, there is enough suppression and controversy about Sandy Hook, it seems Alex Jones found a goat-head in his bed over the issue.
“Block & flood”.
In other news the would-be next PM of South Korea wants to first-strike Pyongyang.
The HongKongers are all being locked up to starve by merciless unhuman Beijing minion Carry Lam or whatever the name.
And Afghans are apparently trying to sell their spare kidney (or someone’s kidney), it seems the UN kidney buying squad may be in town.
Apart from communist ice-skaters, we don’t have any encouraging news any more, HOW ORWELLIAN.
A couple of days ago the MSM was reporting a 100 thousand Russian military on the Ukraine border. A day later it was 150 thousand. Now it is reported that Russians are withdrawing but it is still 150 thousand.
The current Russia Hoaxes go back to the 2016 election but of course historically they go back to the Venetian Takedown of Byzantium. The Mediterranean was so highly contested !!! Shipping made it all possible, including the later Vikings and subsequent British Empire. Never underestimate the influence of technology.
As an aside I might observe the jews were not really big on boats, I guess they were uneconomic compared to carrier pigeon info tech. Jews always lost control of the Port of Jaffa anyway.
Sorry for typo should be MOLOCH WORSHIPPING MARK (O’BEAST) McGOLLUM from Hell, sorry, BigPharma, sorry, PHARMAKOPOEIA
ORIGINAL FRACTAL WORLD CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONALISM Humanity (ourselves) Klaus Schwab, Rothschild etc (the oligarch elite) etc have an unconscious desire with inner memory of an interactive exchange of worldwide ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) abundance & peace. Oligarchs are despondent, schizophrenic psychopaths who need humanity’s distributed decentralized leadership. 7000 years ago, before the fall of once indigenous Babylon & its despondent oligarchy spread ‘exogenous’ (L ‘other-stolen-generated’) thieving colonial empire, there is a record of an international indigenous fractally empowered world people.
We don’t know how, but do have evidence of the vast majority of the world cultivating
1) abundant Polyculture-Orchards,
2) living in ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) with intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale,
3) time-based equivalency accounting upon the worldwide String-shell value system (eg N America Wampum, S America Quipu & Cowrie in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) aka ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’), Oligarchs are haunted by this vague memory clouded by their own despondent, schizophrenic addicted lifestyles. With each oligarch exogenous violent invasion, indigenous peoples were genocided & the rest of us institutionally indoctrinated in centrally-run Finance-Media-Religion-Education-Military-Industrial-Legislative-Judicial-Complex. Oligarchs from their own fractured worldview, are trying to recreate through digital technology, what they consider as the controllable parts of the ancient worldwide once organic innate ‘fractal’ (‘fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole’) system, which was once a Relational, ‘Economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’).
4) Production-Society-Guild universal participant invested-interest, multistakeholder progressive-ownership,
5) Council-Process with Both-sided, equal-time, group-circle witnessed dialogues for collaboration & conflict-resolution.
REINDIGENIZING WHERE WE LIVE & WORK 70% of people today live in Multihomes today /c an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family collaboration for social & economic collaboration with both privacy & proximity. In North-America Multihomes contribute 1 trillion dollars/year to our essential goods & services economy as one of our largest mainstream ‘economies’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ’namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’) albeit loving & caring.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ Bottom-up change is open to people everywhere within our Multihomes & workplaces. Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. Humanity’s worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web software program so average residents & neighbours can easily: 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally /c record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours.
back on it and up to 5:00:00+. Despite a couple of iffy and flat spots it gets and better, particularly the sessions by
Testimony 6 James Bush : Pandemic Exercices 3:46:20
Testimony 7 Dr Silvia Behrendt : WHO 4:29:03
Testimony 8 Dr Astrid Stuckelberger : Bill Gates GAVI 4:51:11
By the way, here is the full programme (from a youtube copy still up)
Introduction 00:00
Testimony 1 Alex Thompson : 1870-1945 01:11
Questions 32:57
Testimony 2 Matthew Ehret : 1945-Present 47:00
Questions 1:36:13
Testimony 3 Brian Gerrish 1:58:05
Testimony 4 Debi Evans 2:21:24
Questions 2:37:32
Testimony 5 Whitney Webb 3:04:07
Consequences : Whistleblowers / Witnesses 3:32:10
Testimony 6 James Bush : Pandemic Exercices 3:46:20
Questions 4:15:00
Testimony 7 Dr Silvia Behrendt WHO 4:29:03
Testimony 8 Dr Astrid Stuckelberger Bill Gates GAVI 4:51:11
Questions & Discussion 4:58:59
Thank you for all you do, Mary! I wanted to let you know I did an interview with Svali if you had any interest in watching. I know she doesn’t come out and speak often and wanted to share! Hope you’re doing amazing and I’m so grateful for all your hard work!
I’ll have to try to play this video after lunch, it’s running too slow right now
Thank you, Ms Emma. I am gobsmacked.
Thank you, Mary! I love your blog and all you do and have done for the children and to lift up voices of survivors and current world events. You’re amazing! Here’s the link for Svali’s interview – I’m sorry if it wasn’t working!
Also on Bitchute:
Link to the YouTube interview:
17:50 [youtube auto transcription]
“What Mengele did and why he's called the father of modern programming [actually that was the Jew Kurt Lewin but let’s not get pedantic here] he initiated programming in the womb before him that the groups usually started the programming and mind control at about age two or three but what Mengele showed is that the earlier and earlier the child was indoctrinated he started with infants and then he went east and then he thought well if an infant can be programmed what about a fetus you have to remember that the these sophisticated [?]coal groups have technology that's at least 50 to 70 years ahead of what is available publicly so they had sophisticated fetal monitoring devices and so you could program a fetus in the womb [?so let's] and what they would do is they would insert a very tiny slender um flexible uh cord into the uterus and they could shock the fetus to tell it you know if you ever disobey this is what happens and the fetus will just like like you know quiver and shake in the womb or they can pat the womb you know and flood the mother with um drugs … “
I am still genuinely trying to figure out and cross reference what Svali said about Mengele experimenting on foetuses to other jewish atrocity shock porn sites such as thoughtco, wikipedia or this one …
What links should I follow on this specific tale of Mengele involving cords inserted into wombs to condition foetuses to be obedient?
The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who by owns Pfizer, producer of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Posted on December 23, 2020 by State of the Nation
12/23/2020 — The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is owned by GlaxoSmithKline who by coincidence owns Pfizer (the one who produces the vaccine for the virus that (by coincidence) started the biological lab in Wuhan, which was (by coincidence) funded by Dr. Fauci who is (by coincidence) promoting the vaccine. …..GlaxoSmithKline (by coincidence) is owned by Black Rock finances who (by coincidence) manages the finances of the Open Source Foundation Company (Soros Foundation) which by coincidence serves the French AXA (Insurance Co.)! …. By coincidence Soros owns the German Co. Winterthur which (by coincidence) built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan which was bought by the German Allianz which (by coincidence) has Vanguard as a shareholder which (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Black Rock, which (by coincidence) which controls the Central Banks and manages about one third of the global investment capital. … Black Rock (by coincidence) is also the major holder of MICROSOFT, the property of Bill Gates, who (by coincidence) is a shareholder of Pfizer (selling the miracle vaccine) and who (by coincidence) is currently the first sponsor of WHO. Conspiracy Daily Update | a part of the movement to Truth!
“Satan” and Lucy have a big stake in the pharmaceutical industry therefore vaccination is compulsory in Australia.
“……If you think the PM Malcolm Turnbull is pushing vaccines because he cares deeply for the health of ordinary Australians, think again. Lucy Turnbull is chairman of the pharma corporation Prima Biomed and is the PM’s Big Pharma wife. She has worked closely with Big Pharma giants GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis. The Sydney Morning Herald in 2015 reports that the Turnbulls were listed as “the third biggest shareholder” in Prima Biomed.
The 2 Assumptions Underpinning the Push for Australian Mandatory Vaccines
There are 2 fundamental assumptions behind Turnbull’s ploy. The first assumption is that of herd immunity. I have discussed this concept in an earlier article entitled Herd Immunity vs. Viral Shedding: Who’s Infecting Whom?, but here’s the basic point: herd immunity is based on faulty logic and numerous assumptions. It assumes vaccines work, it assumes the vaccinated don’t carry disease and it assumes vaccine-induced immunity is as good as natural immunity. As it turns out, it may in fact be the vaccinated who are spreading the disease through viral shedding.
The second assumption is that the State or the Government has the power to force you to take any medicine it deems fit for the sake of “public safety”. Of course, protecting public safety is a legitimate function of Government, but where it gets tricky real fast is that dictators, autocrats and tyrants always (almost without exception) justify their draconian acts by claiming they are protecting the public. It’s always the same excuse. How many times have we heard the hackneyed phrase national security? At a certain point we have to evaluate whether it’s more important to preserve individual rights, liberty and sovereignty – or the “rights” of the abstract “group”. Who owns your body? You or the Government?
Here’s the bottom line: forcefully medicating people without their informed consent is a drastic and extremely coercive step, even if herd immunity were a completely watertight theory and even if every single vaccine were safe and effective – two rather big, fat and rotund “ifs”. However, the entire concept of informed consent is being watered down……………..”
Jerusalem Post Health & Wellness
Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?
One can’t escape their presence in the forefront of leading companies in the race to find a vaccine that will prevent coronavirus.
Greek veterinarian and biotechnologist Albert Bourla heads Pfizer, and Moderna’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tal Zaks, is an Israeli who received his doctorate from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and gives interviews in Hebrew to the Israeli media………………….
Published: NOVEMBER 17, 2020 20:54
Jewish Leaders Down Under Fondly Welcome Australia’s New Prime Minister
September 16, 2015 2:15 pm 11 comments
Indeed, in a 2013 interview with The Australian Jewish News, Turnbull had commented, “My mother always used to say that her mother’s family was Jewish.”
Though Turnbull admitted to the paper that he had “never researched” this, nor would “know where or how [he] would do that,” the mention that his possible Jewishness hails from his mother and maternal grandmother constitutes a kind of (likely unwitting) signal to and among members of the tribe – whose religion is based on matriarchal lineage – that if there is truth to the claim, Turnbull would be considered a Jew by Jewish law.
Update from John O’Looney Following His Hospitalization [VIDEO]
“………..Those who have taken a shot with an ‘active ingredient’ (not what’s called a ‘clot shot’) that damages the immune system have between 2 and 5 years to live, he was told. 70% of vaccinated children will be sterilized as a side effect. This was widely acknowledged at this meeting. Sexton walked Brady out of the meeting, warning him that there would be extreme civil unrest when the public discovers what has gone on. Sexton was told that the govt were aware of this and had prepared for it, and were surprised that civil unrest hadn’t already started(!)……………”
Dicktator Dan and Corporate Health Officer Sutton-Swab – facebook post
“The Victorian Premier and Chief Health Officer are finally being dragged into court.
We are in regular contact with the man forcing WorkSafe to do their job: Ken Phillips from Self Employed Australia.
He is a regular informant and advisor to us on the political landscape in Victoria, and has taken on the role of holding WorkSafe and the DPP to the letter of the law. So much of our legal system is only activated through media scrutiny and public pressure, and this man has d… See more”
Scroll down to Feb 13 2:27pm
“90% of CNN viewers have walked out”
“All Joe Rogan does is interview doctors and ask good questions”
(4 mins)
So how did one guy finally take down CNN and get them to bleed out on the floor
Funny at 1:20
The show rolls on
Also from Russell Brand –
Bill and Melinda stand down
Gates Foundation gets infusion of Royal Blood
New trustee appointees include $32m donation recipient
Bill and Melinda retain Veto
If any of you were thinking of NOT watching today’s vid, you’ll be missing out on the treat of a lifetime. At least go the first 35 minutes.
I am calling this Livestockgate.
Thank ye, Jeesus. The British elite calls us livestock!!!!!
Slang Define: What is Goyim? – meaning and definition
What is Goyim? 1. Means cattle. How the jews and the Zion master sees all non jews in particular whites. Said with contemption. Those goyim will send troops to the middle east and fight a war for us or we’ll call them anti semites. 2. Non-Jews, in Hebrew and Yiddish. Literally, the “peoples.” Sometimes pejorative. See shiksa and shaygetz
ocd767, I would explain ( not for the first time ) Swissy exported Rotschilds to the Anglosphere and not the other way around and I can back my position with the fact that the Vatican authorised the “jews” to do banking 900 years ago just as they authorised Charlemagne to take over the world for them (1st Reich) about 1400 years ago.
You are entranced by a puppet show.
The actual video is saying at the start, a lot happened in the Anglosphere around 1870, if you listen. Even beyond the Anglosphere at that time, there was the Bismark unification of German kingdoms (2nd Reich).
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows
No “Swissy” was responsible for the mass-torture-murder of more than 100 million civilians in communist revolutions of Russia and China alone but there is ample hard indisputable evidences of direct international jewry involvement. So cut out the crap you are putting out so shamelessly.
The rest of your drivel is also utter nonsense. We all know you are a JWO operative whose purpose is to distract and cover for the criminal JEW WORLD ORDER now running the covid tyranny.
On a side note, why is it that bitchute videos links that do not (yet) censor comments that expose international jewry criminality result in automatic censorship here on gumshoenews? Youtube links are all ok because there is no tolerance for such antisemitic comments there. Is this the editiorial policy of gumshoenews or a sophisticated censorship imposed by the JWO? Is gumshoenews making it more difficult to expose the JWO?
Remember: “To learn who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize.” It is the jews and has always been the jews.
HH88, you prove to ME personally, I don’t say anyone else, that you are paranoid and delusional. You certainly are welcome to criticise jews as far as I’m concerned. How about Bidens, Bushs, Obamas, Clintons, Tony Bliar, Klaus Swab, Ursula von der Leyen, are they all jews ? What about Thyssen Krupp munitions, Quandt, the nazis,Churchill, Stalin, etc, were they all jews ? Are there jews under your bed too ?
You jew people go on and on about your Rotschild history which started 300 years ago, before that you have nothing !!! Your history is a puppet show which started 300 years ago. Totally naiive. Timewaster actually.
If you’re asking me about spewtube, I use it because I am curious about their censorship policy and also they download very seamlessly and also a nice splash screen intro. Though bitchute, rumble etc have got a lot better in the last couple of years. Everyone uploading should backup on bitchute, brighteon and whatever is suitable.
300 years?? Crikey, it goes back WAY beyond that. Douglas Reed in his ‘Controversy of Zion’ puts the beginning in 458 BC. Read the first chapter of the book.
The book is a long read, but well worth it to understand the history of the jews and what they have been up to behind the scenes. Unfortunately, he died before the ‘Holocaust’ BS got revved up, so he never wrote about that. The best information on the alleged Holocaust is the transcripts of the Zundel trials in Canada (the story is total bullshit).
This is just one of a veritable host of readily available comprehensive timelines:
But those who view the Bible as largely senseless gibber should probably start here:
When I call for evidence and balance the risk I take is that I get forced into a corner of “jew-defender”, actually I am willing to defend the average jew but as for “elite” or Illuminati level figures, I see them all as equals, and I see this constant carping about jews as a distraction.
I’ve never denied the jews make good bank employees, or that they maintain their cultural identity, or that the number 6 million genocided is just a round number and could be whatever. Of course the history of everyone on the planet goes back to Adam or a microbe, take your pick. But the essence of the obsessive-compulsive is that Rotschilds own the planet and achieved this in 300 years and I say that can’t happen, there are way too many vested interests for anything like that to happen. It’s not a defence of Rotschilds, it’s a simple observation.
In the end it’s a tall poppy situation and people could well learn from the jews who tend to stay focussed on family and upward mobility while Westerners allow themselves to become fragmented and self-indulgent. The cherry on the cake is when Hitler is raised to a sort of martyred god-like status. It’s just absurd, like the “5 dancing Israelis” apparently proves jews did 9-11.
Out of respect for Schulze I have read as he suggested, also part of the preface which says they author was banned everywhere and the manuscript was found somewhere. This type of story has been used as a literary device by others. Going on to Chapter 1 he says most of the bible stuff is made up, such as red sea pedestrians, Moses in the bulrushes etc, I have no argument with all that. But there is a tone about it, that the conclusion is arrived at long before the evidence is found. Whatever bad things the jews were doing in BC times, were equally being done everywhere else, and they still are.
The real source of the vitriol is not as claimed by anyone on these pages;the above Michael S. Heiser book proffers a few pointed hints
That’s your reference but you have not made your point
During the last 2 years some of the developments spelled out the final few pages of the Bible have garnered a bit more acknowledgement.
Problem is that the plot of any book won’t ever be comprehended by skimming through the finale
Or, for that matter, relying on claims made by others
No future for book reviews you say !!!
Reviews might have their place, but you need to study the syntax yourself.
As exemplified by this unmistakably topical passage:
“1 Why do the nations rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” PSALM 2: 1 – 3
So McGowan’s raging and populous willingness to take the respective phantom threat on board amounts to conspiratorial lawlessness; no argument there, albeit the fact that said players are on an equal footing.
But the balance of the same psalm proves that the bulk of commenters on this site are only au fait with a quarter of the picture:
“4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.
10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.” PSALM 2: 4 – 12
One more quote:
“A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.”
― Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism
Just after 2:00:00 they are taking about “mental hygiene” and how that is to be implemented globally. I saw an item on MSM the other day, where they were giving training in Australian hospitals on how to deal with problem customers, such as those who wished to discharge themselves !!! At the moment the communists (red party) have launched a pre-election attack on the blue party by organising a nurses’ strike in the main or only blue party controlled state which happens to be NSW at the moment. The message for the communists is an echo of the Bob Hawke years, “only we (the communist party) can ensure stability”. Both sides banging on about safety, which is of course a subset of DuPont Safety™.
The biggest difference between the communist (red) party and the realestateagents (blue) party is that under duress the former will eat you alive while the latter will be more civilised, and put you in the slow-cooker.
Bob Hawke: Insights into China – How he set up Australia’s economic relationship with China.
Great find Crisscross – worth a listen – 41 minutes plus question time
Just three (or four) small points of order worth raising:
• Not sure that Bob had a full understanding of the events of Tiananmen Square – who was behind it and who inflicted violence on who. This was clearly an attempted colour revolution and we know with certainty that the ‘tank man’ scene was absolutely misrepresented.
• Bob referred to Obama as basically a ‘good man’. Not sure that Libyans or Syrians would agree.
• Bob (IMHO) mistakenly equates our [Westminster] parliamentary system with ‘democracy’. I would suggest that China has a very natural form of democracy with people being elected to the central governing body via regional elections based on merit, and one which has given rise to long term (multiple five-year) planning which is at the very cornerstone of China’s rapid emergence over the last several decades – while at the same time guaranteeing minority representation. We have discussed here at length that our form of democracy suits only the oligarchs who control the mass media and hence the ‘opinions of the gullible ignorant masses’.
• And don’t get me started on free speech under COVID Bolshevik totalitarianism.
Bob correctly makes the distinction between China under the ‘gang of four’ and the China that has since emerged under the vision and guidance of Deng Xiaoping.
I have long hoped that our Asian neighbours with their deep cultural roots in honour your father (nation) and mother (culture) that is practically inseparable from the first three Commandments that say you owe deference to the First Cause and you owe deference to secondary causes called father and mother.
Orrite! I got a couple of ideas tangled in my mind. I hope that our Asian siblings can regenerate a proper respect for God and Man
I had to change my understanding of Bob Hawke after listening to his talk.
I understood him mainly from his Fabian society speech and his comment on another ABC radio programme that the only regret he had in life is that he was not born a Jew.
He would not last 5 minutes these days with his unflattering attitude towards the US and his praise of China.
Horse replies, I’m finely breed, but still not up to scratch
Bar-man ponders the totaliser and reflects the long face.
R&R for me, think i’m going to look away. The video(s-not yet seen) is the totaliser, I believe launched from good people with good intents, but that does’nt matter.The race is real and if not does’nt matter. So why the long face.
One issue is ignored in the Fuellmich strategy. All information accessible to the public is in the hands of the enemy. Media, universities, think tanks, science, the education system, books, and social media.
As far as the public is concerned, Fuellmich does not exist. The 30<300 Families do not exist. The Freedom Rallies and Truck Conveys do not exist. The only things that exist are covid, vaccinations, sport, sex, jobs, family, and money. Out there on the periphery are politicians and wars and stuff. Better left to do their thing. “Hopefully, beat the Chinks and Russkies before they beat us.”
The Elites can appoint a team of assassins to erradicate Fuellmich and associates and any other malcontents. Or they can just ignore them. What’s the difference? The public will never know either way.
I asked different people if they knew that a million Australians are in Canberra demanding an end to the covid bullshit and returning Australia back to Australians. None had heard, and none had any intertest in knowing how or why.
The only means of changing history is to eliminate the Elite. This is not going to happen because few people know there is a problem and a mere handful would do the job anyway. The mere thought of executing a tyrant terrifies them more then the tyranny.
There is a way to defeat the enemy but only a fool would write about it.
The real wold to them is a TV or a smart Phone .
“The only means of changing history is to eliminate the Elite” – Tony, this is a pattern that has repeated so many times through out history, it is bound to happen again this time. Turdeau in Canada has just raised the stakes a bit higher by trying to pass further laws/mandates/decrees to penalize the truckers. – The fool doesn’t comprehend what is actually happening.
We will have the same problem in Oz. They are a one trick pony when it comes to ruling, just crush any opposition.
Protect yourself, nobody else will…
“All information accessible to the public is in the hands of the enemy.”
As the internet is literally awash with anti-mandate publications that doesn’t exactly make sense
My only bitch is that due to the naivete of most of the respective proponents it’s largely counterproductive
Awash with publications such as this run-down of what everyman didn’t already know about California:
In order to understand Natural Law, International Law one needs to understand all humanity’s ancient worldwide ‘fractal’ ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) system from the person, family, extended-family, ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex, Village, City, Region, Nation, Confederacy, Continental & Hemispheric governance. Unfortunately we’ve all been indoctrinated in our ‘exogenous’ (L ‘other-stolen generated’) institutions to believe all our indigenous ancestors were primitive nomads when this is entirely contrary to Ethnohistory. We’ve now established massive indigenous cultivated biosphere & stable human society productivity with Polyculture Orchards. Because this positive indigenous framework is almost totally outside of any institutionally indoctrinated person, please refer to the indigenous Circle-of-Life interdisciplinary model in order to understand the most basic aspects. Once readers have read these basics, then we can explore more aspects & effective research methodologies with 1st Nations & indigenous peoples to go further. Personally I’ve had the privilege of 58 years of collaboration solidarity with 1st Nations & indigenous people worldwide & testify as to the integrity of humanity’s ancient system.
A POSITIVE PROACTIVE LOVING, CARING & SHARING INDIGENOUS (Latin ‘self-generating’) WAY TO HEAL OUR SELVES & WORLDWIDE SOCIETY I’m with the Sustainable Development Association a Canadian Non-Profit since 1994 & Indigene Community since 1983. Our focus is on all humanity’s worldwide ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) heritage of welcome & ‘economic’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’) inclusion 1) within the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village). 2) with time-based equivalency integrated accounting upon the once worldwide String-shell-Value system within the participatory domestic, industrial & commercial Production-Society-Guilds. 70% of people today live in Multihomes with an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family collaboration for social & economic collaboration with both privacy & proximity. In North-America Multihomes contribute 1 trillion dollars per year to our essential goods & services economy. ‘DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ web-based community-economy software is designed to help folks in Multihomes organize their own capacities. Bottom-up change is open to people everywhere within our Multihomes & workplaces. Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. Humanity’s worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web software program so average residents & neighbours can easily:
So beyond our passive involvement their centrally designed controlled governments, corporations, courts etc, how are we going to organize our own resources & stop feeding these oligarch monsters? DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ Bottom-up change is open to people everywhere within our Multihomes & workplaces. Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. Humanity’s worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web software program so average residents & neighbours can easily: 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships,
3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally /c record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours.
Whatever – I prefer individual focus, self discipline – the ‘herd’ is not where my mind wants to be.
Terry RE: “Where my mind wants to be”. The ‘herd’ presently are those who live so detached & disconnected from their families, friends & ‘community’ (Latin ‘com’ = ‘together’ + ‘munus’ = ‘gift-or-service’) that; members young, old, handicapped & brilliant are locked away in institutions or die alone in detached homes & apartments. When one totals the number of professional institutional shift-changes per 7-10 person residential unit in institutions, one arrives at about 3000 per year, which provides the perfect platform for meaningless connections & disease transfer.
I’ve worked & volunteered for 44 years as a Specialized Educator with folks labelled as having Intellectual Handicaps. Everyone carries the brilliance of life with essential gifts for their families, friends & communities. In our extended family, living in Multihome-Dwelling-Complex 4 townhouse & apartment households with 7 members, like another 70 extended families (520 people) in our Multihome area of 815 apartments & townhouses, we know, love, care & nurture each other reciprocally all within short walking distance. Youth grow up with a sense & practice of responsibility with their elder generation & handicapped are valued among us for their gifts.
The commonwealth preseeded us, us having these awesome experience, has pre…but know as you say
“we’ve all been indoctrinated to believe our ancestors were primitive nomads”
Which flies in the face of the fact that there’s no evidence that there was ever any such thing as a primitive language.
This Orwellian gem does, in fact, prove that our forbears were a good deal more skilled than the purported elect of the Age:
“I returned and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all.
“Objective considerations of contemporary phenomena compel the conclusion that success or failure in competitive activities exhibits no tendency to be commensurate with innate capacity, but that a considerable element of the unpredictable must invariably be taken into account.”
If nothing more the original text serves as a reminder that Abraham did, in fact, leave a technologically advanced civilisation in favour of living as a nomad.
Berry, “time & chance happeneth to them all.” Except for the short couple of paragraphs, left (altered or transformed?) in the Book of Genesis, the rest of the Torah & Bible is a record, probably 1000 times mistranslated, of colonial empire fall from grace & false ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’) oligarch policy which leads to the massive desertification of the Middle-east & North-Africa. The best allegory for 2-dimensional oligarch-owned & colonized enslaved humanity’s massive reduced ability to ‘mind’ (‘care’) care for each other & the biosphere is found in the lie of ‘agriculture’ (Latin ‘ager’ = ‘field’) productivity.
UNDERSTANDING BIOSPHERE SCIENCE Let’s look back 7000 years before the start of our false civilization to when all humanity’s worldwide ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) ancestors cultivated the immensely productive Polyculture orchards. SYLVALIZATION’ (L ‘sylva’ = ‘tree’) existed for 100s of 1000s of years of indigenous management. Most of humanity grew 3-D Polyculture Orchards, which are 100 times (10,000%) more productive than ‘civilization’ (‘city-state’) 2-D ‘agriculture’ (L ‘ager’ = ‘field’) massive harvesters at 92 – 98% photosynthesis of solar energy converted into food, materials, energy & water-cycle. Food production as the foundation for all human economy, its absolutely important that; farmers, agri-business corporations, universities, government policies & all aligned food systems begin to align with & benefit from the abundance of the tree-based biosphere. Agriculture only photosynthesizes 2 – 8% of solar energy reflecting over 90% back into the troposphere where it pushes winds from the continent to the sea. At the Sahara/Sahel Latitudes of less than 30 degrees north, the sun is so hot it burns 2-D agriculture.
POLYCULTURE TREE ROOTS descend 10s of metres as deep as the canopy into the earth’s substrate where they mine minerals, pump water & develop nutrient extensive colonies. Continental cold spots created through complete Polyculture photosynthesis cause warm moist ocean winds to be drawn inland (warm to cold) where 60% of moisture transfer is through condensation of warm moisture laden wind onto trillions of square kilometres of fractal leaf & bark surfaces. Only 40% of water is transferred as rain/snow. ‘Agriculture’ 2-8% photosynthesis reflects 95% of solar energy, which pushes winds from the continent towards the sea causing permanent desert. Sahara, Gobi, Atacama etc. deserts are all created by human agriculture including exploitation of animals such as domesticated goats, sheep, cattle, pigs etc. Indigenous peoples worldwide didn’t exploit domesticate animals but lived in collaboration with these other tree & biosphere tending specialists.
Which all goes to the original & singular mandate to “be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth”( GENESIS 1:28)
Which will eventually come within reach, but in the meantime………………….
All welcome to Canberra every Saturday
So far I’ve only past Alex Thomson’s submission at about 45 minutes. He has given exactly what I have accumulated over about 45 years of exposure to this rot. I’m only a bit surprised that he got through all that without mentioning high level ‘Masonry and, in particular, the intra Masonic and supra Masonic notion (or ideology) that goes by the title “British Israel World Federation” which, as the name implies, assumes that their aristocracy is of the “chosen” Zionist elite destined for World domination.
Just as a side note to the impenetrable “dubya”; “Swissy” didn’t invent the money trick. Swissy was a chosen “safe haven” for money merchants of Venice and Florence after the “popey types” started to put the kibosh on their predatory usury, etc. Landlocked Switzerland was not a convenient place from which to impose a “maritime empire” so after a bit of fishing around Spain, Portugal, Holland they found that the Poms were most compliant (thanks to Cranmer and others) and the centre of operations was shifted to London.
Geneva, Zurich, Basel, Davos, Bern, etc aren’t suburbs of London. The money was being created at least as far back as Rome. The Vatican gave banking license to “jews”. London was a pirates’ cove, a settlement of Scandinavia, which grew in parallel. Rome’s first attempts at getting into Britain failed. 1000 years later, it appears they were willingly infiltrated. Now it seems the “Windsors” have handed over management to Globalists, with branch offices everywhere. Globalism, “a big club and you aint in it”
Your authority to claim that the windsors have handed management to the globalists?
You prepared to cite the identity of the globalists?
ned, did you just do what we all complain the sleepers do? a method of cognitive dissonance that repeats – show me your sources?
OK, I have now listened to Svali (what a pretty voice she has!). She says all 12 occult groups, including Illuminati, Knights of Malta, and Opus Dei, “report” to Rome.
That’s quite a combo — her view and Alex Thompson’s
And I’m glad Thompson endorses the accuracy of Fritz Springmeier’s Bloodlines book. Just to name two of the Illuminati’s American bloodlines: Dupont and Disney.
Well, I have endured about three and a half hours of Reiner’s “Grand Jury” and got through Motor Mouth Whitney Webb’s “presentation”. I can’t help wondering if blathering Whitney is the progeny of Sydney and Beatrice Webb who were co founders of the Fabian Society that has the intention to impose communism by stealth.
The little bit of notice I took of Motor Mouth previously prompted me to think that MM was just a smoke generator to befuddle the observers.
So far, no one has mentioned that “Israel” is a creation of the “City of London” and it is practically a “quartermaster’s store” staffed by cultural narcissists receiving and dispensing stolen technology from and to whatever suits the grand plan.
Nothing is as it seems and if it is well known that Rotschild signed the Balfour Declaration that means that wasn’t what happened at all, it means that’s what they wanted you to think.
The Balfour Declaration is EXACTLY what it says it is …
Lord Rothschild Discusses How His Family Created Israel – Full Interview
… the payback to Rothschild on behalf of the Zionists for using their money and influence to drag the US into WWI.
Ge ahead and believe anything you want to, my starting point is not believing anything
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” ~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn
The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b
In Europe, the enemy always comes from the east, because nothing comes from the west.
Have you ever sat down and wondered, where did the Roman Empire actually get to ?
Changing the topic slightly, does anyone have non-MSM info regarding the veracity, accuracy, safety etc of the RAT?
Richard, what is the RAT?
Rapid Antigen Test, an alternative to the PCR test, which many businesses etc are insisting be undertaken prior to entry in Oz. My doctor won’t see me unless I have one.
Non-MSM information is that the PCR test was being too widely questioned so the pea is no longer under that shell. Products continue to be added to the Covid-19™ product range and every incentivation will be made to get them consumed. Today I see Globalists’ “Chemist Warehouse” is giving them away for free. Of course they will be gone by the time you get there, but it makes a compelling advertisement. In India they are giving away IVM for free. So you can see, everything here is a lie, or a lie baked onto some other lies, and the truth is probably the opposite of whatever they are promoting.
Did I tell you anything usefully new, I doubt it.
If you can’t taste of smell and you feel lethargic go home to bed and keep warm. Take vitamin D two weeks in advance, also quercetin + zinc are available over the counter. For Ivermectin you have to try harder.
For the GP if you want some pills you might be able to do it over the phone, all they have to do is authorise the chemist.
Not forgetting the saline nasal spray for a deep clean of passages.
It’s worth observing that all the preventative treatments I mention above are aimed at the virus, whereas the injections are aimed at familiarising the immune system with the spike proteins. According to one source the Covid-19™ spikes are specially designed with a weakness at the base which makes them fall off. The mRNA seems to make the body produce a never-ending supply of spike proteins while the Novova666 is purportedly just a cocktail of plain spike proteins which could show up anywhere, but presumably the most usual locations, that is perhaps: heart and lung inflammation, blood clots (skin ((thrombosis ?)), brain ((stroke)), anywhere), appendix and gall bladder. According to a rough averaging of what I’ve come across.
Your doctor won’t see you unless you have a R. A. T. ?
And you still reckon it’s worth seeing him?
I had an eye test last week and there was no mention of any such demand. Perhaps you need to shop around.
Grand Jury Day 2 Session with Matthew Ehret …
At 1:42:46-ish Reiner and Matthew talk about who created the TWO World Wars – plus diseases and terrorism and drugs … the “financial behemoths”
Then Matthew undoes a lot of the good work by talking about Hitler being in on it and going off script … methinks he is giving Stalin a free pass.
102:46 [youtube transcript without editing – you can tell who is talking and get the gist …]
“[R] did i understand correctly that all that money all that power was capable of starting two world wars – world war one and world war ii – with these financial behemoths financing both sides
[M] oh yeah oh yeah absolutely okay um yeah i feel like i’ve taken up too much time but yeah
[R] okay that’s that’s i just wanted to make sure that i didn’t didn’t misunderstand you and uh finally um the uh two world wars anyone who can anyone who can start two world wars uh probably has no problem because i wrote this down when you said it to create diseases like terrorism and drug uh trade so that in essence is also started or was started by this financial behemoth uh city of london plus wall street
[M] yeah “
Djokovic statement (4 min video)
My body my choice my business type of thing
ohhh my giddy aunt…
Matthew Ehret briefly mentioned the jew Harry Dexter Weit (aka White) but only in the context of his ‘mysterious death’ on August 16, 1948, and with tacit inferences.
But what he does not mention about White (Weit) is covered by this article by Russ Winter, and has also been covered here on Gumshoe previously – with thanks Mary.
“In 1948, White was accused of spying for the Soviets and was called to testify before the HUAC. At the conclusion of this testimony, he had a heart attack and left D.C. for a rest on his farm in Fitzwilliam, N.H. He had just arrived when he had another heart attack. Two days later, on Aug. 16, 1948, he died. How convenient- was White aka Weit, at only 56 disposed of before it hit the fan?”
• Harry Dexter White: An Enemy Within – Winter Watch
Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) readily dissolves in water, causes a heart attack and is untraceable unless you know the process.
Obnoxious pigs visit Perth restaurant (1 min)
Turdeau is a communo-fascist dictator
(5 min)
Hanna Haverback, meet me in back of the shed. I want to find out whom you really work for.
And I’ll bet I know!
Please explain why bitchute video link automatically trigger comment censorship on gumshoenews, Mary. We strive for cherished ideals. Choose with greatest intelligence and keep an open mind to learn forever more of what is right.
National Socialism principles is the quest for an Aryan world of highest manifestation of truth, honour, beauty and strength.
Testing the above-mentioned censorship. Watch this, some intriguing info at the end of jewish role in the covid tyranny scam.
HH88, I have seen better, where Harry is screaming and really losing it about “the jews”, he can’t seem to comprehend this is an AGE-OLD CLASS WAR and the race-war thing is just an illusion for the plebs. Occasionally the upper classes need to get rid of a huge number of troublesome plebs, this usually happens after a technology boom, and the cheapest and best way to get rid of plebs in bulk was to make them kill each other, however with the power of modern weaponry a new tactic has had to be developed, that is make them accept credit arrangements for their own injections and other Covid-19™ product range items. Either way you see the plebs are divided and fooled and their meagre properties are stolen. The whole thing is played out again and again over the years and the new generation is never wise to whatever the old generation has suffered to learn. The idiocy of royal-worship is a case in point.
We have an upper or ruling class for a reason and they are very clearly seen to be always “doing nothing”.
Prince Andrew and Virginia Geoffrey have settled out of court.
$23 million was mentioned, I wonder if some other formerly young ladies will start to turn up
There is a very easy way to short-circuit The World Government’s control system, which is to opt-out? is the fundamental pathway to God’s Law and freedom?
Neil, you need to bring yourself up to speed on the state of the Common Law in Australia.
The only way out of this mess is to ‘start over’. That approach will likely mean that lots of alleged humans will enjoy the body re-modeling procedure of having their necks stretched.
Common Law
From 14th Century English usage following the formation of the Commons “the third estate of the English people as represented in Parliament” from 1377. Therefore, the popular (but incorrect) assumed meaning of Common Law as being “the LAW of the people”. In a strict literal sense, the correct etymological meaning of common law is more accurately defined as “the laws to entrust, commit to a burden, public duty, service or obligation” — completely opposite to the popular misinterpretation of the phrase. The main procedural foundations of Common Law since its inception remains the false Roman Law was VENETIAN LAW (more commonly known as MARITIME LAW and/or ADMIRALTY LAW) introduced in the 12th and early 13th Century during the creation of the highest legal PERSONALITY under Common Law–the HOLY SEE (Sea). Hence, under the corrupted Roman Law of the ROMAN CULT living men and women are considered VESSELS subject to JURISDICTION of the SEE (Sea) with the WATERMARK of all nations with diplomatic recognition (CONCORDATS) of the SEE (Sea) set at the highest mountain peaks–hence all land is therefore “Under the Sea” and PROPERTY of the SEE (Sea). However, in many JURISICTIONS, CUSTOM LAW is also accepted as part of Common Law thus providing some RELIEF. In the late 16th and early 17th Century, Common Law was further modified with the introduction of the LEGAL FICTIONS, LEGAL PROCEDURE and PRECEDENT embedded in Jesuit constructed works embedded in popular culture and plays. Today, Common Law is incorrectly and deliberately defined as “The law established, by precedent, from judicial decisions and established within a community”.
According to this Australia is under water, but don’t worry you won’t drown in water but in debt.
Acts Interpretation Act –
15B Application of Acts in coastal sea
Coastal sea of Australia
(1) An Act is taken to have effect in, and in relation to, the coastal sea of Australia as if that coastal sea were part of Australia.
(2) A reference in an Act to Australia, or to the Commonwealth, is taken to include a reference to the coastal sea of Australia.
Coastal sea of external Territory
(3) An Act that is in force in an external Territory is taken to have effect in, and in relation to, the coastal sea of the Territory as if that coastal sea were part of the Territory.
(4) .
(3A) A reference in an Act to all or any of the external Territories (whether or not one or more particular Territories are referred to) is taken to include a reference to the coastal sea of any Territory to which the reference relates.
(4) In this section, coastal sea:
(a) in relation to Australia, means:
(i) the territorial sea of Australia; and
(ii) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea of Australia and not within the limits of a State or internal Territory;
and includes the airspace over, and the sea bed and subsoil beneath, any such sea; and
(b) in relation to an external Territory, means:
(i) the territorial sea adjacent to the Territory; and
(ii) the sea on the landward side of the territorial sea adjacent to the Territory and not within the limits of the Territory;
and includes the airspace over, and the sea bed and subsoil beneath, any such sea.
And see “The Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act 1890”
In 1964 Pope Paul VI abandoned the tradition of wearing an ornate, bejeweled crown.
“………..After the announcement that the papal tiara would be sold at auction, Cardinal Francis Spellman of New York City arranged for the tiara to come to the United States, as a gift acknowledging the generous contributions by American Catholics to helping the world’s destitute.
Following a tour accross the country as part of an exhibition put on by Catholic Relief Services, the crown went to its permanent home where it is now on display in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC…………”
As an observer watching from the fence, since 911 in these times of Orwellian doublespeak where stating the obvious is forbidden, the only victors (claiming to be victims) are the CEO’s of pig pharma and associated cronies enforcing this digital enslavement of all. The people that have created the problems are offering the solutions, cause they’re the ones with the money. The private reserve bank must be shut down along with the ‘Rhodes’ perpetraitors in government.
A national bank to be set up for the commonwealth, offering home loans at no interest. Overnight, fair play will be restored without the bloodsuckers taking an extra abode (and more) on every house mortgage in Oz. During lockdown, nearly a million new punters have come searching for the dream, that becomes a nightmare for many, at the hands of the few.
Krown kabal komunizm is the bs here.
To Dee, from CapeTown:
We have been hearing about an information blackout from x22 but he has been winding this back somewhat closer to the present reality which is more censorship and fake news.
We heard a few days ago that some Ottawa police chief had quit because he agreed with the protesters, now today the MSM fake news says the police chief quit because he failed to control the situation. Was this a different police chief or is the fake news spinning the story.
They followed with a Sandy Hook story saying the families got $73m and they had sad faces and some guy on crying about it, mentioned gun control, go figure, there is enough suppression and controversy about Sandy Hook, it seems Alex Jones found a goat-head in his bed over the issue.
“Block & flood”.
In other news the would-be next PM of South Korea wants to first-strike Pyongyang.
The HongKongers are all being locked up to starve by merciless unhuman Beijing minion Carry Lam or whatever the name.
And Afghans are apparently trying to sell their spare kidney (or someone’s kidney), it seems the UN kidney buying squad may be in town.
Apart from communist ice-skaters, we don’t have any encouraging news any more, HOW ORWELLIAN.
A couple of days ago the MSM was reporting a 100 thousand Russian military on the Ukraine border. A day later it was 150 thousand. Now it is reported that Russians are withdrawing but it is still 150 thousand.
The current Russia Hoaxes go back to the 2016 election but of course historically they go back to the Venetian Takedown of Byzantium. The Mediterranean was so highly contested !!! Shipping made it all possible, including the later Vikings and subsequent British Empire. Never underestimate the influence of technology.
As an aside I might observe the jews were not really big on boats, I guess they were uneconomic compared to carrier pigeon info tech. Jews always lost control of the Port of Jaffa anyway.
Clive Palmer takes umbrage at being called A TRAITOR TO HIS COUNTRY by the Mocloch-worshipping McGollum
Sorry for typo should be MOLOCH WORSHIPPING MARK (O’BEAST) McGOLLUM from Hell, sorry, BigPharma, sorry, PHARMAKOPOEIA
ORIGINAL FRACTAL WORLD CONTEXT OF INTERNATIONALISM Humanity (ourselves) Klaus Schwab, Rothschild etc (the oligarch elite) etc have an unconscious desire with inner memory of an interactive exchange of worldwide ‘indigenous’ (Latin ‘self-generating’) abundance & peace. Oligarchs are despondent, schizophrenic psychopaths who need humanity’s distributed decentralized leadership. 7000 years ago, before the fall of once indigenous Babylon & its despondent oligarchy spread ‘exogenous’ (L ‘other-stolen-generated’) thieving colonial empire, there is a record of an international indigenous fractally empowered world people.
We don’t know how, but do have evidence of the vast majority of the world cultivating
1) abundant Polyculture-Orchards,
2) living in ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village) with intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale,
3) time-based equivalency accounting upon the worldwide String-shell value system (eg N America Wampum, S America Quipu & Cowrie in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) aka ‘money’ (Greek ‘mnemosis’ = ‘memory’), Oligarchs are haunted by this vague memory clouded by their own despondent, schizophrenic addicted lifestyles. With each oligarch exogenous violent invasion, indigenous peoples were genocided & the rest of us institutionally indoctrinated in centrally-run Finance-Media-Religion-Education-Military-Industrial-Legislative-Judicial-Complex. Oligarchs from their own fractured worldview, are trying to recreate through digital technology, what they consider as the controllable parts of the ancient worldwide once organic innate ‘fractal’ (‘fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole’) system, which was once a Relational, ‘Economy’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ‘namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’).
4) Production-Society-Guild universal participant invested-interest, multistakeholder progressive-ownership,
5) Council-Process with Both-sided, equal-time, group-circle witnessed dialogues for collaboration & conflict-resolution.
REINDIGENIZING WHERE WE LIVE & WORK 70% of people today live in Multihomes today /c an average size of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of multihome-dwellers live intentionally in extended-family collaboration for social & economic collaboration with both privacy & proximity. In North-America Multihomes contribute 1 trillion dollars/year to our essential goods & services economy as one of our largest mainstream ‘economies’ (Greek ‘oikos’ = ‘home’ + ’namein’ = ‘care-&-nurture’) albeit loving & caring.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-?’ Bottom-up change is open to people everywhere within our Multihomes & workplaces. Its within our multihomes that we are able to create Circular loving, sharing & caring Economies, where all can be included & welcomed. Humanity’s worldwide indigenous modelled, web-based Community Economy is transformed into a web software program so average residents & neighbours can easily: 1) CATALOGUE local talents, goods, services, resources & dreams, 2) MAP collaborative relationships, 3) ACCOUNT for transactions & contributions, 4) COMMUNICATE locally /c record keeping, agreement/contract development, bridge building & conflict resolution among family, friends & neighbours.
back on it and up to 5:00:00+. Despite a couple of iffy and flat spots it gets and better, particularly the sessions by
Testimony 6 James Bush : Pandemic Exercices 3:46:20
Testimony 7 Dr Silvia Behrendt : WHO 4:29:03
Testimony 8 Dr Astrid Stuckelberger : Bill Gates GAVI 4:51:11
By the way, here is the full programme (from a youtube copy still up)
Introduction 00:00
Testimony 1 Alex Thompson : 1870-1945 01:11
Questions 32:57
Testimony 2 Matthew Ehret : 1945-Present 47:00
Questions 1:36:13
Testimony 3 Brian Gerrish 1:58:05
Testimony 4 Debi Evans 2:21:24
Questions 2:37:32
Testimony 5 Whitney Webb 3:04:07
Consequences : Whistleblowers / Witnesses 3:32:10
Testimony 6 James Bush : Pandemic Exercices 3:46:20
Questions 4:15:00
Testimony 7 Dr Silvia Behrendt WHO 4:29:03
Testimony 8 Dr Astrid Stuckelberger Bill Gates GAVI 4:51:11
Questions & Discussion 4:58:59
Somethng for Australia NZ and Canada to think about:
“No empire like this just gives liberty – liberty is something that you fight for”
and a little reminder: