For all Gumshoe Commenters
Halloween is depicted as spooky, but it’s the vigil of the day, November 1st, when the Church commemorates all its saints. Today, 31st October, GumshoeNews.com is celebrating whistleblowers as saints. Joe Bogan put forward the name of Seth Rich as a whistleblower. You may put your nominees in the Comments section.
Gumshoe’s Opinion Editor Mary Maxwell requests that your nominee be someone who appears to have died because he/she openly criticized the government or because he/she is holding some knowledge that might slip out. We want to know the name, year of death, and likely cause of death.
JB’s nominee, Seth Richard, was shot in the back in 2016. He was alleged to have been a critic of Pizza-gate. DC Police failed to locate the gunman. Debunkers have lined up to debunk that his death is related to his whistleblowing. (As Mary would say, “Always a good sign.”)
Gary Webb exposed that the CIA knew about (was involved in) a U.S. drug trafficking scheme that ravaged the country’s inner cities … to fund Nicaragua’s Contra rebels. Years later he ‘suicided’ … he shot himself in the head — TWICE.
Sarah Moore a member of Australia’s most notorious and dangerous cult, The Family.
In 1995, Sarah’s book about her experience in the cult – Unseen Unheard Unknown – was published by Penguin.
In May 2016, Sarah died of heart failure. She was just 46 years old.
… and that before the time of younger perons dying from SADS and before the onset of the Myocarditis era
I’ve got a twofer.
Peter Lewis, Speaker of he House in South Australia, and Freda Briggs, professor at Uni SA.
Both busy exposing the child trafficking racket. I don’t know their cause of death but I think Freda was bumped off while in Royal “A” Hospital. Both in their 70s.
Oh let’s make it a trifecta. Senator Nancy Schaefer of the State of Georgia. Clever death: her dear spouse killed them both, in a suicide pact.
Yeah, right.
As far as I can recall the story goes something like:
Seth Rich wanted Bernie Sanders to win the Demonrats nomination but Bernie was sidelined in favour of Hillary so Seth handed the Clinton emails to either Bradley Manning or Julian Assange, whatever happened, he got shot in the back walking home from work late at night and his wallet etc was not stolen.
Looks like the predictive text above changed his name to Richard but it’s definitely Rich, looks a bit Jewish too but I wouldn’t know.
Anyway we have Julian Assange being hung out to dry by the friends of Hillary, and isn’t everyone Hillary’s friend ? Only one person I can think of saying “Lock Her Up”.
Well, here’s another 50 or so, the story gets the full “block and flood” treatment from BigTech debunking team, the block and flood is one way you can tell it’s true.
FBI doesn’t want anyone to know anything ( current news today )
Here’s another twofer if Boss Bogan will let me vary the rules. These two did not do any whistleblowing but they were both strong, principled, intellectual men at Oxford in the International Relations dept, and we can’t very well have that.
Hedley Bull and Raymond John Vincent. Hedley at age 54, John at 47. Both, cancer.
All right, if I break one rule, why not another. (Thanks, JB). These two men, i say, had to go because they were loved by all and had developed a following: John Denver and Harry Chapin. John in a plane crash, Harry in a car crash.
Oops, a trifecta: Bob Marley, for the same reason. “Stepped on a nail.”
Running the place is nothing to do with me
Here’s some whistleblowers in the news today who aren’t dead … yet
I think I was the only person to QUESTION the death of …JOSEPH RAGOS (on the basis of SADS via SARCOIDOSIS)
Joseph Rago (1983 – July 20, 2017) was a political writer, known for his work at The Wall Street Journal. Rago was an outspoken critic of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in 2011, he received the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Writing for challenging the health care reform advocated by President Obama.
He died on the 20th, and the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) wrote this on the 21st (updated on the 22nd):
“The New York Police Department found Mr. Rago dead in his apartment at 7:40 p.m… The authorities went to check on Mr. Rago after he didn’t show up for work on Thursday. Paul Gigot, the editor of the Journal’s editorial page, had alerted the paper’s security officials, who then contacted the police. Mr. Rago was found with no obvious signs of trauma and emergency responders declared him dead at the scene… [No foul play suspected]
“Mr. Gigot said in an interview… ‘Through his editorials, he had enormous impact on events in Washington,’…
He died in his apartment. Dying from an sever inflammation illness, one would expect that you’d land up in hospital or have some symptoms, but Gigot reports that Rago’s last article was on Wednesday (19th) and was titled, ‘The ObamaCare Republicans.’
Sarcoidosis is a condition in which “sarcoid granulomas” appear in the body’s tissues. It is essentially an inflammation — and can get better over time. In rare chronic or progressive cases, treatment with prednisolone or cortisone may be required. Some deaths are recorded, but may present itself in a cough, or fever with chest pain or other symptoms.
I thus phoned my medical specialist friend and asked. Can a seemingly healthy 34-year-old person be okay one day and be dead from Sarcoidosis the next. The answer, “Yes.”
But… “it is very very rare.”
The halturnerradioshow reports that
“the dead journalists (Rago) investigation was how then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton influenced the transaction to be finalized, but only AFTER her husband Bill was paid $500,000 for giving a speech in Moscow.”
My sister Clare McIntyre died on the 18th of August 2009 (born 13th June 1951.)
She had very recently contacted the major crime dept in Adelaide to make an appointment so she could provide information of her witness account of what happened to the Beaumont children.
Our father Alan Maxwell McIntyre admitted on camera in 2015 that his children knew what happened to the Beaumont children. And that (now thrice convicted paedophile) Anthony Munro brought deceased Jane, Arrna and Grant Beaumont to our Edwardstown property in the boot of a car.
My sister Ruth had long made official allegations that she and Clare were both taken to that car boot by our father so that he could show them the dead children.
Clare was found in a seated position with a ‘snapped’ neck (according to the witness who found her) and the end of a sash cord in her hand.
Despite attempts by myself, two siblings and our father to have Clare’s death investigated, the South Australian coroner refused to do so.
Which coroner, Rachel?
The coroners are hanging out in the breeze. Cozy club, a leg bone for a hip bone. Lol, all this sudden/unexpected deaths, no bone here, and we can tell you where to look, pro-bono style.
Thanks Rachel.
ill just jump onboard your thanks too Simon
Udo Ulfkote was a journalist. German journalists are allowed to write what doesnt offend USA. He wrote things and began to tell such things as did offend USA, saying, “I now do not have friends nor family that they can harm for me” he died of a heart attack.
An intellectual moral and human giant of the middle of last century was Dag Hammerschild, (Day Bright Shield -almost an equal powered name to Shakespeare) head of UN. He was fighting for self determination for young emerging countries, especially their mineral wealth and primary production assets. McMoRan and the other big mineral houses didnt appreciate it. His plane went down in the congo amidst rumours of altimeter tampering. British reports since have acknowledged as much. Even after the crash, they sent men in to make certain the deed was done, and we assume he had survived the plane crash only to be finished off by intel special corps on the wreckage.
JFK is the America exemplar, “secret societies”, “thousand splinters”, well after sacking Allen Dulles from the cia, the man ran the same show from his ranch in Texas,.. and,.. before long JFK had the security people excluded, a new route planned and an open limousine,… til the one magic bullet did the bouncing of a spaceinvaders inside his skull,.. yes, they remade the car shortly after.
Historically, the was Jean d’Arc whose death in the flames transferred all her ideals into the hearts and minds of middle europe…and there were the Templars similarly enemies to the plutocrats who were all across europe, west and east, slaughtered and captured in a night , again inspiring a europe wide feeling for commonwealth,….
A lesser known saint was Kaspar Hauser, who was brought up in a cell only to emerge in adolescence totally naive, intensely sensitive and vulnerable, likely a prince of the royal house, but killed too before such things could be established and worked through,…..
Mysteries, upon the new era of herodias, bring me the chid that I may worship him,…
[…] Source […]
Guantanamo’s oldest inmate released
A 75-year-old Pakistani, who was never charged with a crime, has been sent home after 17 years in the prison
he US has ordered the release of the oldest inmate at the Guantanamo Bay detention center on Saturday and returned him to Pakistan. The prisoner, who never stood trial or faced formal charges, had been detained for almost 20 years after being held on suspicion of having ties to Al-Qaeda.
Saifullah Paracha, a 75-year-old Pakistani businessman, was freed after spending more than 17 years in US custody. The US authorities claimed that Paracha was an Al-Qaeda “facilitator” who helped two people linked to the terrorist group with a financial transaction……………
Jeepers, Mr Paracha, as an American I apologize, and am glad you are out.
In 2011, I quoted you on page 47 of my book “Prosecution for Treason.” It says that when you were speaking at your Combatant Status Review Trial at Gitmo, you said to the guy in charge: “You are not master of the Earth, sir.”
A person from Associated Press was decent enough to pick that up.
Is the kid a whistleblower if they drop dead ?
Dicktator Dan springs into action about 0:30
Don’t mention the va666ine !!!
Kids just drop dead on camera from time to time.
We’re seeing a lot of it lately, it’s the new normal.
Readers, pls keep this article going. When you think of any more whistleblowers, think of Haloween, eve of saints day, and thus you will easily locate this item at Gumshoe Oct 31, 2022. P.lease continue to contriute to it. Thanks.
I nominate Fiona Barnett and Alice
Mary you ask us to keep this article going you ask us to think of Halloween, eve of saints day. Well I believe we cannot go past my nomination and the evidence is available in the 2020 edition of Eyes Wide Open. As for thinking of “Halloween” to contribute to your “item” – well it means very very different things for different people.
I quote from page 353 under a picture titled Luciferian Halloween Ritual: Origins of the “skull and crossed bones”
” I watched Vice Chancellor John Ward butcher children during a Halloween ritual inside a University of Sydney building. Dressed in a bright red Halloween robe, he skinned a child alive and made a skull and crossed bones”
” Mary Maxwell requests that your nominee be someone who appears to have died because he/she openly criticized the government or because he/she is holding some knowledge that might slip out. We want to know the name, year of death, and likely cause of death.”
I now have vivid memories of sitting with Anangu in the desert and being told of their witnessing people/children being skinned alive in some religious ceremony.
These ceremonies are still happening.
I am feeling a certain rage at how these events get trivialised by the entitled and the elite and I am feeling that the victim survivors of torture, experiments and their RITUALS are being mocked — yes “celebrated” -(mocked on social media celebrated on msm) and controlled electronically.
So without any further ado I Aishe Spark suggests that you Mary W Maxwell nominate the Gumshoe News 31st October, award to Fiona Barnett.
After all, that is how I found Gumshoe News, trying to learn more about Fiona Barnett and we did.
DdV is not very good at playing the game of hide and seek but Aishe Spark and the Conglomerate have nailed it.
And MWM I recognise that there is method in your “madness”
Frank Olson worked for the CIA as a biological warfare scientist. But after returning from Europe he abruptly wanted to quit the CIA. He said he saw the same biological weapons he helped to develope being used in interrogations by police. Returning home he told his wife he maee a horrible mistake. The CIA sent Olson to a psychological evaluation where he jumped from a tenth floor building because according to the CIA Olson couldnt deal with the affects of LSD. The agents who escorted him were overheard making a phone call saying he is gone.