Home Corona Gumshoe’s Future and Existing in a Parallel Universe

Gumshoe’s Future and Existing in a Parallel Universe


by Dee McLachlan

Who is spreading the “gross misinformation”?

When I began Gumshoe News in 2013 I never thought that we would be in the situation we now find ourselves in. The 1969 words of Dr Day reverberate, “Everything is in place, nobody can stop us now.Really? I feel like we exist in a parallel universe as the media and governments attempt to jab us and herd us into a great reset — with the majority willing to embrace a dystopian new-normal.

I wonder who is puppeteering the neurons of our leaders?

For many years I had a recurring dream — of a blurred existence where a few of us had retreated to a complex of caves and surviving like cavemen in a dystopian world. I was relieved when I stopped dreaming that narrative some years ago.

I can also warn readers that Gumshoe will not continue along the same path as it has done so for the past few years. (We’ve been squeaking the hamster wheel) And I will be writing about that soon. In the meantime, for your amusement, I post a series of recent headlines (from the last two weeks) from Melbourne’s broadsheets — The Age and Herald Sun.

It tells their story…


Be that responsible person, and save your friend….


And in Melbourne… we have been locked up again.




    • Good, now the world knows who they are…….. line up the artillery and charge, with bayonets attached, their halls. Start with the msm trenches.

  1. Indeed Dee, it is hilarious.
    How stupid are those without a sense of reality, sprinkled with a load of msm globalist bullshit.
    The globalists politicians and controlled msm think we are stupid.
    Well, we shall see who the stupid deceivers are as they are identified and exposed.
    Darwin had a point in regard to his theory of natural selection……the informed will breed them out or gobble up the globalist politicians and msms, to extinction levels.
    Love natural selection theory.

  2. Overriding everything I have heard about “covid-19” is the reality that the annual death rate has not changed. This could mean many things but, as pretty much all deaths are now blamed on covid, we can be assured that covid is not the significant cause. Anyway, the survival rate of infection is 99.76%, so who the hell cares?

    However, what we also know is that, what is laughingly called the mRNA “vaccine”, is a self-replicating infectious pathogen with lethal properties.

    Obviously, if we wish to live beyond the immediate future, we need to avoid the “vaccinated”.

    With the “rollout” about to be aggressively expanded, we need to isolate ourselves. But this will ultimately prove futile beause the infectious vaccinated class will expand rapidly. To prevent this demands agressive defence. May I put this suggestion in real world context… This is WWIII. This is the most dangerous crisis facing humanity in its 2 million years of existence. So, considering this pewrspective, the term WWIII is not even slightly melodramatic.

    it pretty much comes down to ‘kill or be killed’.

    • Whereby Dr Vernon Coleman on Brandnewtube has noted that previous vaccines may be in the drinking water due to excretion, given that various studies of such water in the EU have shown various drugs e.g. cardiac to be present: see vernoncoleman.org, type “vaccines” and “water” in the search bar.

      He says he drinks only bottled water.

      Secondly, how pure is the blood in the blood bank from now on in?

  3. Dee, thanks for the spread of headlines. It moved me to look for similar headlines by googling “New York Times, Pearl Harbor.”

    What came up was a 2020 NYT death notice of a lady who may have been the last survivor of the Japanese-American internment camps in California in WWII. She was 97.

    It says: “She died of Covid.”

    • What a way to go at age 97. She could have lingered on as a vegetable with some other disease. Dementia, stroke, angina, cancer or even old age, to name a few.

  4. The last headline speaks volumes. “New strain spreading to strangers just passing”. Apparently whoever is the moron coming up with this caption knows nothing about transmission from the stupid vaccinated to the thinking unvaccinated.

  5. Thank you Dee. Of general interest while we are treading water …

    • The Roots of Depopulation and Geopolitics- One Radio Network with Matt Ehret and Patrick Timpone

    I had not heard of Patrick Timpone and I was a bit hesitant at first when he started talking about Charlie Ward et al, but the talk with/by Matthew Ehret really did warm up. Very wide ranging and especially on China.

    I got this book out of it …

    • The cosmopolitan railway, compacting and fusing together all the world’s continents – William Gilpin 1890


    Matthew Ehret’s source site – Canadian Patriot:


  6. I hear what you are saying Dee–parallel universe–yes the trained programmed hamster wheel that keeps us on their script mesmerised and entrapped in the dominant “cultures” entitled reality and then the creative expansive reality of those who have for one reason or another experienced the multiverse and have some awareness of the interconnectedness of all things in another more cosmological dimension.

    I post this as an example of positive action and maybe an example of a new path/ platform for gumshoe in the future.

    The Truth About Fauci—Featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits
    by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
    April 20 2020

    “Judy Mikovits is Among Her Generation’s Most Accomplished Scientists.”
    —Robert F. Kennedy, Jr


    Dr Mikovits is silenced no more.
    She will join us as the featured speaker at the
    Natural Health Symposium in Boise July 21.

    I express my gratitude and admiration for the amazing perseverance dedication brilliance and hard hard work of Dee and Mary — I have learnt so much about my fragmented compartmentalised dissociated worlds, my programming, and to be seen and heard has been healing beyond words. I do exist.

    I have many alters, parts separated by “amnesic barriers” which I can mostly manage I function in a very different complicated way. to most I have one part that has ‘dementia”.

    I recently found in my notes probably someone else’s words “Amnesia is worse than dementia. amnesia is more like the brain not existing. and for cult victims the disease is a man made injury invisible to spectators. People don’t notice even in the regularly televised leaders of countries.”

    • Mary: Knock knock
      Diane: Who’s there?
      Mary: It’s Maz, r u in there?
      Diane: Yip.
      Mary: Great!

      PS Diane, I’ve tried to study the face of Justin Trudeau when he’s talking, but I
      couldn’t find anything that says “programmed” but now that you mention it, I guess all such inane chatter is programmed. I also did not know till yesterday that newsreaders are indeed reading off teleprompters. Talk about a non-job!

      Got any thoughts on this Diane: Lawyers when cross-examining can really ruin a good person, and they seem to do it with no effort at all. Where does this skill come from?

  7. While gardening this morning my mind turned to education. I awoke to the fact of how important this institution is to the Cabal. it is vital. Not proper education, but programmed learning. As students we are not allowed to think about alternative ideas because we need to stick to the taught curriculum otherwise we will not pass the exams. This is a form of blackmail, for without that certificate we are unlikely to get a decent wage or salaried job.

    This is probably why when adults today many refuse to use the internet as an alternative source of information. As they are fearful of a secondary narrative. If they do hear or find an alternative view they then have to make a decision of which view is correct. That throws responsibility on to them. Can’t have that. It is much easier to believe the media.

  8. I wonder if these so called journalists that put their name to the above headlines are capable of rational thought. They definitely do not do any investigations into their chosen topic. Apparently they are not worried about making complete fools of themselves.

    A question. Where is Qantas getting all the finance to keep alive? I was led to believe their business was closed down for much of 2020/2021? I can’t see their shareholders staking them.
    Perhaps the Australian taxpayer is the victim. Remember Qantas was privatised or am I dreaming?

  9. 45 years ago, skilled workers received $160 per day cash and builders labourers $120 a day cash.
    Then Sydney houses were around 70 to 80k. New cars between 4 and 5k, well made here.
    Today skilled are on same money, unskilled less.
    A suburban home is now around 2 million and new cars, made overseas, start at 30k.
    This is not by chance, then mum and dad had a business, now it’s just a few megastores and that’s it.
    When i left a communist dystopia in ‘66, all they had was one mega store, no small enterprise allowed.
    Here we are today, a communist plutocracy run by oligarchs in feudal slavery hell.

    • Communist 2.0 stops at duopoly, and we are allowed to be minority shareholders !!! Mostly through our compulsory superannuation. It’s all based on commercial farming practice. Separate the chickens according to age, keep them comfortable enough to not ever want to go out, when they are required to be terminated, always make it appear to them that they have a choice or an escape route, until the last few seconds, when escape is impossible.

    • At 5% p.a interest over thirty years, that 2 million purchase of dwelling becomes a 5 million debt owed to the banksters. In hand income over thirty years 1.5 million, maybe for some.
      Everything is broken and everyone is broke.

      “Pawns in a game are not victims of chance.”

    • Henry Ford said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
      Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

  10. The surveillance state are setting us up, where there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. With Covid, we now live in a world where people can be accused of crimes, without knowing what they have done.
    The new elite – the cyber intelligence ruling class, are beasts hellbent never seen before in history.

  11. https://x22report.com/aiovg_videos/ep-2494b-the-hunters-have-now-become-the-hunted-pain-nothing-can-stop-this/

    9 min mark for two mins is a hoot………..Nancy overheard telling Biden to say no more.
    13 min Fauci forecasting a surprise outbreak in Jan 2017.
    15 Min Heaps more on Fauci. e-mails. Big tech colluding with government on censorship.
    Factcheckers are meaningless. Go easy on China suggests Fauci. (WHY) because China controls Fauci.
    20 Mins, as I have stated……..Trump has carried out a sting operation. (Brilliant)
    22 min mark….. what happens when everyone finds out that there was a cure all the time?(better duck Dan! you too Morrison)….people are awakening on many things.
    25 min exposing academic FRAUD. Could have saved 500,010 Americans. Also there is a historic cure for the flu,,,, that is what they wanted hidden. (imagine the profits from flu shots)

    Leave you all to just go on from 28 mins……… you can chose to do your own home work or not.

  12. Many have not heard of this FULFORD character who is extremely suspect in many ways and is just for a glimpse occasionally.
    However there is a bit of interesting gossip this week for conspiracy spies to locate a dung beetle or two.
    The claim as to who killed Princess Dianna caught my eye as he is named as the alleged culprit. Probably misinformation but something to file in the useless information file for later.
    The wheel barrow brigade may be interested but please leave your thoughts for another time and not distract from Dee’s effort in her article.
    The claim of beheading children in Australia is claim that watered my eyes and may be of interest to others……….. often gossip is just repeated from a unknown source in a attempt to verify rubbish….. But how does one discern?


    • That’s pretty interesting about Thule (etc), remember Trump was mocked for trying to buy Greenland, but I looked on google earth and all I could see was an airstrip and a small town with one road between. The glaciers look huge and they’re everywhere.

  13. Julius, I apologize for a statement I made to you months ago. I said I believed you were loosing the plot. Time has moved on and more information is being released. I am moving to your position in regard to Donald Trump. He is now saying that the “vaccine” is a great thing and will save millions of lives. That’s strange for wherever you read 1,000’s are dying and 10,000’s are injured. Credible doctors are telling us that we are probably only seeing the tip of the iceberg in regard the damages and deaths from this weapon. Sounds as though a few years down the track Trump’s statement will be even more ridiculous.

    Another thing that is getting up my nose is the commentators are pushing the statement that China created the Covid-19 as a bioweapon at Wuhan. All are ignoring that the “virus” has not been proven to exist. The real bioweapon is the jab that politicians are all pushing. Note that Trump is the one that pushed so hard to have the “vaccine” program sped up.

    I would hope that I am wrong about Trump, as he has been painted by so many, to be our saviour from the grip of the Freemasonry Cabal.

    • It’s probably politics, Trump is not big enough to take on BigPharma propaganda, and his voters aren’t taking the injections anyway. If he loses some Democrat voters then it’s too bad. Remember Trump said he would sack Fauci ( after giving him enough rope to hang himself), he stopped funding the WHO, he promoted HCQ, he is a quaxxine refusenik, he repeatedly says don’t take the quaxxine if you don’t want to. Look what happened to JFK and marvel that Trump has avoided the same fate. How much do you expect from one politician ? What he has already done is totally surreal. However there is some slim possibility that your paranoid imaginings are real and well founded, and I am not in denial about that chance, it’s just that I give it low odds.
      As for “China created the bio-weapon”, all the bio-labs must be doing something, so they tweak a flu virus, we hear they made it so the spike proteins could drop off, because some obscure micro-entity comes along and eats through the spikes at the base, is one such story. This apparently makes it easier for the virus to sneak in through little holes in the cell walls and from there probably grow new spikes I guess.
      The problem with human thinking is that sometimes we tend to take the first thing we hear as the truth and anything else coming along later becomes a contradiction. I find it’s easier to take a middle position, some people hate that, call that fence-sitting, they say “either you’re with us or you’re against us” (GWB 2002-3) but it’s just not true. In fact it’s not really the middle and it’s not a position. It’s off to one side and it’s not set in concrete.

    • They are Lying About Donald Trump Druid Drumpf (Trump), Knights Templar, Freemasons and the 20 shot Peppa Pig Manchurian Candidate. Kevin Woodman. Just something to pick the bones out off.

    • Aussie Mal,
      The x 22 reports have covered your suspicion as to why T had to push the injection after he informed people about Hydroxy. He gave everyone their choice and the pharma swamp was exposed for what they are…………Alternative treatment was banned and we know by whom, so you now know who Victoria and Qld et.al, were receiving their riding instructions from and we now know those who belong in Nuremberg…… with the pharma lying mass media mates.
      Sorry if you have not appreciated the necessity for him to force the production of injections, (i.e. the manufacture) the reasons made perfect logistical sense.,……. but I am not the tutor here, everyone should have been doing their own research……….I posted the relevant reasoning from the x22 reports ages ago.
      Trump has been the publics head of the greatest sting in the world, it is multilayered and the election exposures will be the start of the culmination to pulling the plug.

      • Mal.
        I posted a reply to Ant 56 above and mentioned why T brought in ‘operation warp speed’ to manufacture injections and I put in the X22 link from the RMN site.
        If you miss it just go to home site; X22report.com report 2494A.
        People have to by now appreciate that the people behind Trump (I hear 8,000 military?) know exactly what they are doing.
        So people consider laying off the ‘Dump Trump’ boring naysayer scenarios.
        Mr Ryan’s ‘Jerk’ is not the only reporter opining on all this.

    • Aussie Mal,
      you mention ‘credible doctors’. That is as useful as a mirage,
      In my court experience in many (almost ALL) personal injury cases, as a rule of thumb, 50% of medical ‘doctors’ in the witness box under oath are either liars or stupid.
      Think on that statistic.
      By the way the ‘credible doctors’; are they examples saying if you do not get injected, you will die or all those others who say that, if you get injected you will die because of it?
      As for quoting statistics, I have seen many variances. I will leave it at that.

      • “In my court experience in many (almost ALL) personal injury cases, as a rule of thumb, 50% of medical ‘doctors’ in the witness box under oath are either liars or stupid.” – 50%?
        Crikey, when I was doing cases for the GIO I figured that about 90% of the medical/legal (doctors for hire) were stone faced liars.

        I would NOT trust a ‘doctor’ that was pushing the government narrative, rather, if they are pushing the narrative, then the best bet is that they are on the payroll.

        • I was in New Zealand in 1975 and went to my first Chiropractor at Masterton just north of Wellington . Prior to becoming a Chiropractor he was a Chemist and he’d built up a very dim view regarding Medical Doctors and the way they dished out dangerous drugs to their patients,, especially kids. He told me they only do 6 HOURS on drugs during a 6 YEAR Medical Degree. Kevin Woodman

          • The most entertaining way to give a doctor the s&^$s is to tell them that; “I feel better now, my osteopath fixed me up”.
            (avoided surgery recommendation/assessment three times for a spinal disk problem over 25+ years)
            Watch their noses scratch their computer screens in ABSOLUTE silence.

      • By all accounts there’s been an exponential increase in professional incompetence & subterfuge since the onset of the Covid saga:the public system is a write-off. Proper treatment might still be available via the odd private specialist but so far as calling out gross negligence they are all gagged

    • Aussie Mal.
      further to the matter of Trump pushing ‘vaccines’.
      I am repairing wood work at the moment on a balcony so I am a bit peeved with feeling that I have to inform you further on the matter.
      So as I work I was going to listen to this as the summary seems to fit.
      I am not going to listen to it ………… BS rap music is panful.
      Just read the notes to the first video. Matter for you if you wish to listen to it…..I am not going to.


      Perhaps reconsider you apology to Julius when you have done your task.

  14. x22 – “Barely detectable yellow dot watermarks” amongst other checks taking place in the Arizona audit (scheduled to finish sometime mid-june) check out azaudit.org – Pennsylvania next ?

  15. Govern/rule – ment/mind

    How Real Mind Control Works

    “………………I think some of the political applications of this are obvious.

    The false left/right paradigm is a perfect Petri dish for obtaining or manufacturing the consent of the masses to be hypnotized. They WANT to believe that their team, which they have willingly joined, is the correct team and that the leadership of that team has their best interests at heart. They want to believe that the actions of their party, through legislation or direct means, are always rational and morally sound. And, even when the leaders of their party do things which are completely contrary to the beliefs and morals of the people who make up the party, those people still want to believe that there must be some logical reason behind these decisions that they do not yet grasp.

    Beyond this, the threat of the “other party” or team is an ever constant stimulus in the form of fear. We watch the scripted battles of these two fabricated teams play out in elaborate forms of Kabuki theater, yet nothing ever really changes except that the global elites grow more powerful. Still, many people actually believe these battles to be real, and invest immense amounts of energy and focus into them as if the fate of the world is being decided within the antics of a political soap opera.

    When people are afraid or hyperfocused on an outside threat, they once again become more suggestible. This is why mainstream political discussions focus less on understanding of the threat (the “How” and the “Why”) and more on perpetuating the threat. With understanding of the enemy (or false enemy), the threat can be assessed and fear is reduced, even if the threat is real. Without understanding, fear only increases. Political powers seek to constantly remind us that threats exist without allowing us the benefit of context. They do not want us to have an in-depth knowledge of the mechanics behind the threats……………………”


  16. I have taken note of all remarks on the chin. I have been following X22 for at least two years now.
    Dave has begun arguing against his former belief. Some months ago he stated what I believe to be true, that is the virus does not exist and people died of the flu. Recently he is bashing China for creating the virus in the laboratory in Wuhan but has not remarked on his previous belief.

    • Yes many are learning something of the alleged scenarios as information drips out. The dripping tap flows for numerous reasons.
      I suspect (of course it all is, ever played poker?) maybe part of the sting. A lot of misconceptions are placed over various traps.
      Even X22 states often, that planned misinformation and feigning is part of the Q game plan, after all, would Eisenhower lie about the planned date and location for D Day?

      • You have to split of opinion/speculation/optimistic extrapolations from the internet gurus and listen out for little verifiable facts, I wouldn’t like to go 100% with anyone let alone Zio-Dave. A lot of people seem to think Israel is the holy land or something like that, it’s some type of entrenched belief system, I understand Jerusalem is the centre of gravity but anything beyond that I’m free to be skeptical about (red sea pedestrians etc). I don’t think I would get along too well in any sort of bible-koran-torah study class.

    • I am comforted that you have been following x22 for two years
      To date I can claim three years+ and listened to every report for that period.
      I determined that Q was on the ball by mid 2018, as his ‘drops’ came to fruition,
      Now I had to figure out the identity of Q.
      Ultimately I concluded that Q was too good….. there has to be more behind Q. I do not comment on my theories, except military intel, but they are too good too there has to be more😎😎😎
      The media vilify Qanons, they are not Q, poor media are too thick to contemplate or are scared stiff.
      Going to be interesting🤡🤡

      • Kennedy’s have plenty of money and apparently no fear of death !!! (Especially when they are presumed dead already)

        • Read my comment in reply to Dianne at 8.49 PM. They chose their destiny!!! So why should they fear anything? They had a ordained destiny?
          As have we all, for a short timeline.

  17. The 9 new vaccine billionaires

    Stephane Bancel 4.3 billion$
    Ugur Sahin 4 billion
    Timothy Springer. 2.2 billion
    Noubar Afeyan. 1.9 billion
    Juan Lopez-Belmonte. 1.8 billion
    Robert Langer 1.6 billion
    Zhou Tao. 1.3 billion
    Qiu Dongxu. 1.2 billion
    Mao Huihua. 1 billion

    The 8 vaccine billionaires who saw their wealth increase

    Jiang Rensheng
    Cyrus Poonawalla
    Tse Ping
    Wu Guanjiang
    Thomas Struegmann
    Andreas Struengmann
    Pankaj Patel
    Patrick Soon-Shiong

    • Seems that some of our globalist eugenic traitorous politicians, bureaucrats and mass lying media have been suckered and underpaid?



      I will add that a family member heard some FEMALE PROFESSOR a few days ago on a q and a radio interview reply to a caller questioning the magnet reports that SHE, THE PROFESSOR KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE REPORTS. My informant exclaimed, she, the professor ducked the question.
      Clearly the professor should in due course be cited by professional bodies as a uninformed idiot and stripped of her professional status. Add to her, all the members of the AMA
      There is a comment to the linked article that doctors/authorities (UK) want small magnets banned,,,,, because a child may swallow one. Try swallowing a square fridge magnet……. or indeed, in one videoed example a I-phone placed on the ‘poisonous injection site’.

      Wake up, send this around, disclosure of this abomination on this day, 4th June 2021 (and before) may be replied upon when any adverse affects to humanity from some APPROVED ‘adulterated’ injections are brought before a Nuremberg hearing.

        • Time to send these comments to all media and the shock jokes you know and hear them claim BS. Then we will know who is who and what advertisers to blackball.

    • Dianne,
      most frustrating, tried three times to get it right but ended up with many articles and reports etc.
      I give up. May we have the bottom line and as to which article you refer to?

  19. “The vaccine is our enemy”
    James Merlino, Acting Victorian Premier

    A slip of the tongue, or maybe divine intervention, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
    Victorians are getting tired on lab rats experiments, and it’s beginning to show.
    Alpha beta gamma delta and so on……..

    • Why does Victoria have an Acting Premier at this time? Don’t tell me Desperate Dan has not recovered from his bashing. Or maybe he has gone into hiding and passed on his mess for another to take the blame. Looks like this new chap is just as big as or a bigger idiot than Dan.

      Coppers are following his desperate instructions. This thuggery is what happens when police officers are sent to Israel for training.

  20. Just a reminder from Tucker that Psychos have been running the ‘panscamic’ show and suckering our thick politicians and Australians. PLUS the ignorant copper thugs arresting the maskless…… now there are some bureaucratic puppet thugs who need a education and retraining.
    Listen to the little ‘Bat Man’ at about the 5 min mark.
    Note; all vaccinated and masked suckers; All Mr ‘fowl’ Fauci’s lies.


      • Julius, as you know, all this bullshit could be finished in minutes if Covid-19 or the novel virus had been proven to exist. Nobody has stepped forward with this proof even though there is a financial benefit to do so. This is 17 months after the so-called out break of the pandemic. All the pontification is for political purposes and to pass the blame, be they politicians, scientists or doctors and of course the media.

      • The sex-predator take-down in all its forms is going ballistic in the corridors of power. In the old days it was all taboo to even talk about but inducting pedos into the local church served two purposes, one to mainstream pervy sex and the other to destroy community.
        The timing of Dicktator Dan’s bashing suggests to me it was for stuffing up the one-belt-road deals (torpedoed by Scotty) and now he has no post-political career to look forward to, but the same goes for all the others who had a stake in it, so it might have been a combination of CCP fresh minted e-yuans and the unions doing the actual handiwork, while the Portsea contingent covered the alibi and also the alt-alibi.
        It’s extended from “look over there” to “no, look over there ! and there !”
        These people think they are smarter than everyone else because they think everyone else is a sheeple and they have been right up to recent times but hopefully one-belt-road + virus/quaxxines/police state will turn the lights on for most.

  21. To the publisher. I cannot imagine what entity could be superior to the melbourne gumshoe news. There are so many selected and recommended videos and webpages to get through it’s a wonder I get any work done. I can barely tear myself away as the alternative in the other room is the pathetic and phoney MSM TV. Hopefully the news will be less dark than the word “warn” used above implies …
    As for “who is puppeteering the neurons of our leaders”, it seems their art is in finding a balance between all the various demands, which requires lying to the dumbest and most expendable and then eventually death by ballot box, whereupon they are reincarnated as corporate high flyers.

    • The news that a big delegation of officials from Pennsylvania went down to Arizona to check out the audit is major, this is like a little fire that smoulders for a while then suddenly burns the house down. After this, belief will be shattered. That’s what everyone needs, to have their beliefs smashed on the rocks, unrecoverable, then they will have to face up to facts and no longer live by beliefs.

  22. So the new virus starts another cycle, with extensive testing, companies sell billions in vaccines.
    Now government has given all control to global companies, they have created a permanent totalitarian state controlled by global oligarchs and 24/7 invasive surveillance police gulags supported by ‘smart’ technology. Every few months they rinse and repeat this cycle of fear and mass injections.

  23. What is a virus?


    “…….Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD, and author of several excellent alternative medicine books, speaking at the ‘Human Health and Rights’ summit in Tucson, Arizona, March 12, 2020, relates that the famous 19th century philosopher, Rudolph Steiner, when asked about the cause of the Spanish Flu, responded with, “Viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell.” Cowan expounds with:

    “Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins. They bug-out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything. And the first way I would encourage you to think about this is if you were a famous dolphin doctor and you’ve been studying dolphins in the Artic Circle for hundreds of years, or at least a long time, and they call you up saying, ‘Fred, all the dolphins, or a lot of the dolphins are dying in the Arctic Circle, can you come and investigate?’ And you have one question to ask, how many of you would say ‘I want to investigate the dolphin to see the genetic makeup of that dolphin’? Nobody. Because that is stupid. How many of you would say ‘I want to see if this dolphin and that dolphin has a virus because it might be contagious and that’s why all these dolphins are getting sick.’? How many of you would say, ‘somebody put some shit in the water’… like Exxon Valdez? Anybody? Everybody. Because that’s what happened. And the cells get poisoned, they try to purify themselves by excreting debris, which we call ‘viruses.’ … I had a dramatic example of this when I was growing up. Right outside our house there was a wetlands and it was full of frogs and the frogs kept me up at night and in the spring they made a big racket, and over time the frogs were all gone. How many think the frogs had a genetic disease? How many think the frogs had a virus? How many think somebody put DDT into the water? That’s what happened. (DDT in the water) Diseases are poisonings. So what happened in 1918 (with the Spanish Flu)? With every pandemic in the last 150 years there was a huge, quantum leap in the electrification of the earth. In 1918 there was the introduction of radio waves around the world. Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field, you poison it, you kill some and the rest go into a kind of suspended animation, so interestingly they live a little bit longer and sicker.”………….

    • I was just saying a similar thing to someone a few days ago in respect of cancer. But the story above does not deny that viruses could act as s trigger event for another person or that another person could go out in sympathy or that everyone goes out in sympathy because of a change in the weather, so the point I guess is not to be too dogmatic and insist on a one-size-fits-all solution.

  24. We see Al-Jazeera is going nuts this morning as one of their journalists has been assaulted and kidnapped by the Zionist enforcement, AJ is outraged and has all the footage. This goes to show the attack and demolition a week or two ago of a building in Gaza housing AJ and AAP is part of a current policy to crack down on the free press. All this is perfectly adequate circumstantial proof that the “rocket attacks on Israel” which precipitated the Gaza bombings were a false flag performed by agents of the Zionists. If the Gazans want to keep their beachside strip they need a suitable ally but even Colonel Gaddafi was unable to pull a decent coalition together, before Hillary and Obama assassinated him and his offspring. I don’t think the Gazans will be smart enough to do anything to save their strategic prime beachfront territory and I don’t have any ideas where they might go, but I understand the farmers want fruit pickers in rural Australia.

  25. Just before all this happened the major supermarkets were investing in super automated warehouse. This was to facilitate online shopping. How else would you force people to adopt the online grocery shopping experience ? Then we have the reduction of ATM machines. Covid has forced us to accept cash less shopping. Incorporate that into QR scanning which I itself has been made mandatory. We are now totally trackable. QR codes are unnecessary especially when all mobile phones are recorded on cell towers. At a outbreak site all they have to do is acquire this information.

  26. Not just a parallel universe but also a parallel society
    I had my quick dose of breakfast TV and in amongst the usual pap was a lump of meat !!! what the …
    A guy came on and told us we had a steady stream of VIPs and diplomats coming in to Australia with no testing and no quarantine, they are just free to go anywhere their very important hearts desire, as we saw with Harry Pothead’s funeral outing, there is now a whole expanded class of them. No wonder the airlines have to be shut down, budget travel was destroying the holiday experience of our revered illuminati, they were being squeezed onto tiny ClubMed islands and a few golf courses and effectively locked out of most of the world by revolting bogans. (My sympathies). However the official story kicks on and won’t die, it is taxpayer funded so how can it ever die.
    Now we are told they will build massively expensive quarantine stations for after Xmas. The Spanish Flu of 100 years ago “went away” after 2 years, this information was put about by Trump a year ago to much scoffing and derision. So we do not anticipate the current scamdemic to ever go away unless the stupid sheeple start to wake up (they are astonishingly dim where I am). The quarantine stations must be future Serco prisons, if the rumours are correct, you will eventually be able to sit in there while you are trialled in absenteeum and sentenced to compulsory injections, disappearance or worse (North Korea type treatment).

    As we have seen and heard, sheeple nowadays are all quickly removed from parents and put into daycare where they learn hygiene and safety, hygiene in this context means white bread and disinfectant, safety is basically a new type of religion for the lower classes, brought to you by DuPont industries (creators of the famed ozone hole). And now we hear DuPont is one if the top illuminati families !!! Be safe, stay at home, take care, give those VIPs plenty of space.

    The VIPs must be acquiring lots of natural immunity by travelling around everywhere socialising and only wearing mask when TV cameras are present. The immunity of we the people is being diminished by all the isolation techniques. How long does immunity last ? We saw from history, the South American natives were genocided by European flu after millennia of isolation. But the quaxxine manufacturers say we will need injections every few months to maintain “antibody levels”. I expect we require constant exposure to low levels of every type of germs to maintain peak immunity. You can feel the germs growing in your sinuses and when they get out of hand you can just blow half of them away with saline spray. Then the immune system has an easy time of it dealing with the rest. But if your immune system never encounters any germs how long would it be before it stops working ? I don’t think this would take generations to happen, I think it would probably be compromised after a few years. (Obviously does not apply to VIPs).

  27. When Trump wins the election audits and court cases and is set to resume the presidency the counter attack from Fake News and Demonrats must be to quickly throw Biden under the bus and install Kamala as puppet POTUS with VP Pelosi or Hillary, then the Fake News will start screaming black women aren’t allowed to be president and the riots and shooting will start. It seems the key to managing it all must be to shut down the Fake News. Maybe some of them can be taken down by multiple lawsuits.

    • x22 says 11 days before Obama left office (2016/2017 holiday break) he re-authorised the US gov’t funding for “gain-of-function” virus development in the Wuhan lab.

  28. Crackdown in Kareen state, Burma (seems to be a lot of idiom in the translations) … rounding up the troublemakers

    From 7.6.2021th, the vehicle licenses and drivers license will be checked in Hpa-an township, Karen State.

    Hi Team,
    Don’t trust any monk tomorrow, don’t let any monk. Now I am calling the U Zin that I worship. I heard in Mandalay that they will buy good prices and let the prisoners go with their bald head. I said Yangon is the same. Spread it closely.
    At least let 24 things go off with love salad.
    If you don’t get the whole house, just slap your cheek.

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