[A series of emails from G5]
by G5
Lost any link to reality.
The WEF is God and Jesus is fake news.
The 38 anointed run the world.
What can I add? And remember that Pope Franki; and his Church of Satan are part of it.
“God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, which has also declared that “Jesus is fake news,” and that WEF leaders have “acquired divine powers” to rule over humanity. … Klaus informing us of a new one world religion has arrived and it unites all of humanity in worshipping at the altar of climate science, techno-communism, and eugenics — and his enthusiasm for China. And Klaus Schwab’s right-hand man Noah Yuval Harari has announced that the WEF has been so successful in its plans that it is “acquiring divine powers” of “creation and destruction.”
BlackRock has screwed itself and all who sail with it. Indeed a NWO cometh, but nothing as was planned by the dross.
Watch “BlackRock is LOSING!! The Beginning Of The END!?” on YouTube.
Elon Musk
Either unemployable deranged or dead or injured by unknown causes. Musk has cleared over 3/4, mostly blue-haired, insane power players.
He bought at an overpriced $45 a share. Privatised and deskunged it. It has moved up in value to say $60. He will keep flushing the toilet as they; can’t help themselves; raise their miserable heads.
He will then float the new entity at say $200 and triple his wealth.
As The Zuck has run Arsebook into the ground with a business model and personal delusions based on advanced f**cktardery; it too will fall to Musk.
Gates needs be also trimmed into line. Amazon is also falling apart.
WHO, WEF, The Dems, etc. will have a foundation of impoverished pretenders.
History of Experiments
Watch “These were Japan’s GRUESOME WW2 experiments #morbid #shorts” on YouTube HERE.
Napalm and Agent Orange during Vietnam.
Chlorine and other Bio and Radiation Weapons during Iraq and Syria.
Smallpox against Native Americans.
Hantar Virus in Korea.
Syphilis against Black Americans (Tuskagee).
MKUltra experiments to this day.
The moral filth that is the true history of The US, is yet to be told. But then: those who matter, know. And those who don’t know, don’t matter.
America murdered more entrapped in Germany during WWII than The NAZI Regime they funded. Peenemunde, The Ruhr Valley, Dresden, Cologne, Eisenhower’s secret death camps.
The radiation experiments in Iraq, pale to the genocides of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the sixty fire-bombed cities.
Is any of this the morality to which the sane subscribe?
And then the moral theatrics of Nuremberg, while the greatest criminals are transported to Argentina, or placed in command of the US military and Intel communities.
Reading, Comprehension, and Rational and Critical Thought are not that difficult. Except if one is preoccupied with Infanticide as a woman’s right, the weather being Anthropogenic Climate Change, and the imperatives of token outcomes, personal pronouns, obtuse genderism, and victimhood as a virtue.
Searching For Reality
The media forgot to tell you about the raging civil war between the blacks and the Hispanics in The US. Fortunately, this writer advised you months ago.
An interesting situation leaving the ‘Of Colour’ loons in the wilderness of acceptance. And of course, the pretentious Indian half-castes as Harris are nowhere to be identified. Poor Barry, couldn’t even find a real black. Lucky for racist Joe and his Dixicrats.
The Blacks are practicing infanticide as a religious right. Sanger read them perfectly. Barry’s promotion of the single-parent family, filled the gaols as it would.
Clueless got that one wrong, as he did medical care, token education, and power employment, along with everything else to which he placed his tiny mind.
Joe trying to fraud the good people for paying their real tuition fees, as against the tokens who frauded that one; has had a court hiccup. No matter: we know the hidden politics of that court system.
Barry’s ‘Affordable Care Act’, is as big a load of total bullshit as Joe’s ‘Inflation Reduction Act’. The herds who suck in those fairy tales, can’t be saved from themselves. And what about Barry’s economy busting; Quantitative Easing and Stimulus Packages? If you are going to bullshit, do it large.
Trump delivered long-term funding for Black Colleges. Barry had them queue up once a year for bullshit photo ops. What an unashamed racist. Almost as bad as his puppet, Wallaceite, bussing, segregating, Jim Crow, KKK fan, Joe; the lying, thieving, child fiddler.
So Chucky Boy Schumer: his tantrums are legend; and about which I have written; decides that there are not enough births in the US.
The stats on newborns are down, and those on unexplained deaths have risen dramatically. So The US needs to import Hispanic fertiles.
Syllogism never delivers reality. But reality is not in the libtard playbook of nursery rhymes.
Where is all this going to end? who knows…
Vaccine Injuries
That malnourished rat Harari will meet his judgement one way or another.
The New world Order revealed in detail back in 2004 by Walter With…
Bloody hell, all is a disaster so I may have to seek refuge in New Zealand and seek the safety and protection under Jacinda’s Schrab WEF censored skirt.
At least I will be able to support a winning rugby team.
Dan will have to share the skirt with me.
Jesus was transgender
Welcome dystopia or stand and fight. Albo was out there ‘representing’ us at the G20, but apart from wondering if ‘something’ helped him get ‘elected’ to his post, I’m asking which direction will he lean?
Here’s an interesting read, IMHO:
Btw, If you take a closer look at G20 (& all the other Gs), the agenda is pretty clear. I’d suggest the majority of attendees are either unelected, or “questionably elected”. Well worth a ‘dig’ I reckon!
The ad “Trust British Paints? Sure Can!” comes to mind – dear ol’ Rolf…
I recall in a documentary with Rolfe horribly describing how some kill a tiger and obtain the tiger’s skins in perfect condition and condemning the cruelty of the methodology and those who use the technique as being primitive, cruel and disgusting.
Oh well, if I had have known then what we all know now?
A red hot poker inserted up the right place now seems unsurprising,
On a scale of 1 to 10 where 10 is “frazzledrip”, where was pathetic Rolf.
Let’s throw the Australian under the bus while Jimmy Savile needs the cover, fits in with the convicts narrative so beloved by poms.
Rolf’s portrait of QE2 reminds us that he was not under scrutiny until Savile needed it.
A very astute and interesting analysis for some thought.
Seems to be a high stakes ‘poker’ game, some always bluff and then have to fold when called.
Could be coming more contagious?
Rolf Harris’s 1960’s tribute to aborigines ( the flip side to “Jake the Peg”, his pedo song ) as performed by Alice Cooper, a citizen of Arizona, and protege of Frank Zappa. ( FZ assumed deleted by DeepState for talking too much, as was gourrnet traveller Anthony Bourdain ).
and here’s another Alice Cooper song for Dicktator Dan who they are telling us has got another term, like a Christmas song this keeps coming back and so apt even 50 years on, great chimpanzee work sums up everything pretty well, so much fun I feel like “bring back the 70’s”, oh hang on, no don’t
So we have 4 years to hold Dan to account, and by 2026 we should all be well and truly in the shit.
I despair at Victoria. The same sheepdog for the sheep.
I get a sense that the blue party is conspiring to lose, “it’s our turn next time”, this is too hard, etc. I already had that sense very strongly at the federal election. Maybe the Globalist communists paid them to take a dive. Wall to wall Labor, with the rules being made in Queensland, so the stoopids are going to deliver the entire continent to the IMF (CBDCs). Once upon a time the lefties spoke harshly of the IMF, now they just want their lockdown dole ( “stimmy cheques” ), never had it so good. Lattes for the homeless etc.
I noted the above report today and just pray that it has legs.
I have noted past rumours that the USSC ( with a shadow judgement?) is going to pull the plug on the Nov 2020 election and call it a fraud.
However this report is really tricky, if the court pulls the election and ducks calling it a fraud…. That they did not need to determine.
The basis seems to be an administrative stuff (cover) up by not entertaining the many objections within ten days of the election date,
Interesting precedent for the Arizona officials now being subject to numerous objections to be determined and seem to be appearing to duck certifying that election…. ESP. For the Governor in the tussle between Hobbs and Lake.
Love to see the ABCs ‘Panic (planet?) America’ choke on crow after its interview with Hobbs a week or so ago.
Bet on the ABC giving an objective professional report.
“Human hunting parties & Royal Elites Mother of Darkness” on rumble, has quite a few entries ( Chateau des Amerois, Belgium )
Oops, I also saw independently the report on the judgement in full.
I firstly found the report at situation update, linked above, as a brief ( edited) report at about the 40 minute mark.
However, also note Tucker Carson on the introduction to the full situation update report on many interesting topics.
If only the ABC AND MSM had been not fake and informed the Victorian electorate of the truth, as reported by Tucker (and thousands of doctors) continually, injector Dan may have been ejected from Victoria tonight.
However, as the death rates increases and people wake up, he may find soon that his stairs are to dangerous to even attempt to climb.
[quote G5] What can I add? And remember that Pope Franki; and his Church of Satan are part of it. [/quote]
Pretty usual for the way things go these days. A hundred years ago all the Judaeo-Masonic types were frantically trying to undermine that religious, moral authority that consistently opposed their “humanistic” notions of collectivism, eugenics “progress”, moral relativism etc. etc. now claim that their “men” in the Vatican are the instigators and cause of all that they have been working toward for a couple of centuries.
These drongoes could happily believe that the Alta Vendita was an invention of Apostolic Christianity to defame the proponents of a “Novus Ordo Seculorum” that repudiates the natural and moral order.
It took’m about a hundred years to have a tool completely subservient to “New Age wisdom” installed in an apparent papacy who would pamper to the diabolical ambitions of an ideology to “remake” a humanity with no transcendental cause or purpose. I don’t suppose that any of these diabolical narcissists would ever consider that they might not be an infallible product of their own ego.
Poope Francis has no legitimate or moral claim to being the “vicar of Christ” (a title he has rejected anyway).
We have been warned about this present debacle for hundreds of years, hardly anyone cared. It’s pretty much summarised as “You piss off, Mr God, we’re running this show and good and true are whatever we want.”
Can anyone show why the Schwab/Harari notions of “evolutionary progress” are inferior to a more “conservative” notion of “arrested development”? Is it anything but a conflict of interest in which the dialectic of progress goes faster or slower?
Unless I get banned or otherwise cut off I will get stuck into the apologetics for Apostolic Christianity……. as opposed to fanciful Christianity that has no source other than an arbitrarily chosen and arbitrarily interpreted “Scripture” from the untold thousands of religious/philosophical writings that are even still extant.
Just to wind you up, a cut & paste:
“The Catholic Church does not like to talk about the infamous Banquet of Chestnuts.
Allegedly, on October 31, 1501, a truly filthy sex orgy took place at the pope’s official residence in the Vatican. The host was Cesare Borgia, a cardinal and, to top it off, the son of Pope Alexander VI.
No less than 50 prostitutes are said to have been present. At first, they danced with the guests in full dress. Later in the evening, the candlesticks were placed on the floor and many chestnuts were scattered on it.
The naked prostitutes crawled across the floor on all fours, trying to pick up the chestnuts with their mouths, while the guests, including the Pope, watched them and enjoyed themselves.
There was even said to be a questionable contest. The guests who were able to perform the act with the prostitutes the most times were honored with valuable prizes, for example silk tunics or shoes.
The main source for this rather interesting claim is the Liber notarum, the ceremonial diary of Johannes Burckard, who was the Vatican’s master of ceremonies at that time.
The veracity of this source is increasingly doubted by today’s historians. However, this has not prevented various artists from using this peculiar dinner as inspiration for their works.
The German painter Heinrich Lossow was known for his illustrations for works by Shakespeare, Goethe and Schiller. But he also published some pornographic works that were received as extremely piquant at the time.
His most scandalous work was undoubtedly The Sin.”
I didn’t come down in the last shower, Jogan, and I’m fairly familiar with many of the frailties of the members, and calumnies against, the Pharisaically hated Apostolic Church. Even though the likes of P. Alexander VI (and many others) were victims of many concupiscences (most notably and commonly political ambition) it was inconceivable that they would seek to change the Apostolic Faith even if they knew that they were not perfect examples of the principles espoused. Even Pope Alexander VI, despite his weaknesses, was an astute statesman and a good governor. See here:
Anyhow, the calumnies of the likes of Jack Chick and others of the “Christian Zionist” persuasion don’t hold water. All they’re saying is what the Pharisees of old were saying; “If You were the Messiah You’d do and say what we (Sons of Abraham) want. You’d raise an army and whack the Romans and take over the World.” Funnily enough His little army of nobodies did eventually subdue mighty Rome and spread the Message over the whole World; but it was by His way.
An old bloke told me once (long ago) that “the mere fact that the Church still exists in spite of the wretched people in it means that it’s got to be divinely sustained somehow.”
However, like the Pharisees of old, the “Evangelicals” of today require that the “true religion” is a peculiar interpretation (over 40000 officially at this time) of a carefully manicured “scripture” almost arbitrarily chosen from untold thousands of versions extant even today. Nowhere does Scripture say that words on paper are to be the guide to Faith. Christ said “go and teach all nations” and Paul said “hold fast to all that we have taught”. None of them said; “Here, just read this and make what you like of it.”
Dedicated to the madhouse, State of Victoria
Hellzapoppin (1941) (5 min)
Fascinating, Joe Slogan! What does that have to do with crooks and conmen in positions of influence? Perhaps you’re trying to give the impression that crooks and conmen are the sole prerogative of the institution that so sorely disappointed the “wise ones” that expected a conquering Messiah because He was not to be goaded to “use His great Power to whack these Romans and proceed to dominate the whole World”.
Y’ might need to change y’ name again as some of us are suspecting that you might be a distraction employed by the Israeli psycho-warfare bizzo from 8200.
I was talking to a young Chinese guy age about 20 yesterday and he was convinced, like, you, that it was “the jews”. This is such common knowledge and has been put about since the Pharaohs. Do you ever feel any inclination to look deeper, do you ever feel the possibility that you have been hoaxed ? I changed my tag a couple of times because the webpage blocked me but you are affronted because you want certainty. What’s important is the message, not the messenger. Your craving for certainty is your undoing. The video above parallels the citizens of suicidal Victoria’s obsession with meaningless sport above anything else. It shows people in a frenzied state, which is unusual to see these days, we have all been numbed down. It’s nothing to do with jews.
Adam blamed Eve
And Eve blamed Youknowwho
And look where it got them
quite apart from which, a bogus Christian, by definition, is one who rejects the crucifixion, i. e. one who fails to lay hold of the fact that “intended harm” is a precursor to “the saving of many lives”(GENESIS 50:20)
Given the one and only biblical description of Jesus:
“he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.”
the above image of Euro serenity would have to be the ultimate “fake news”
Borlsyit, Mme berry.
He is a Man like us in everything but sin! He has a Mother that He loves as is demonstrated in the Wedding at Cana. She said “They have no wine”; and He said “What’s that to me? My time has not come.”
Yair, Jesus, your time had not come but give another minute or so until She says to the servants “Do whatever He tells you”.
Th’ Judaic Masonic/Protestant Wowsers are trying to give the impression that it’s all about fashions… nothing about transcendentals like good and true.
Your contempt for scripture just confirms what sort of religion you’re actually caught up in
Your contempt for scripture – as in trashing one passage in favour of another is THE hallmark of each and every religious cult
I can only suppose that my “contempt for Scripture” is nothing but a dismissive accusation because you lot are trying to give the impression that Jesus is some magical, ethereal, being Who is “on the Astral Plane giving gnostic insights to His chosen adepts”.
Come, Thomas, put your hand in My wounds.
“a dismissive accusation”
You just called Isaiah 53 “Borlsyit” !
“Everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.
For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
MATHEW 12: 36 – 37
Every supercilious patronising remark will come home to roost
PS: Any fool could figure out that the water to wine miracle has no bearing whatsoever on what you dismiss as “Borlsyit” and that said rubbished passage defies the very concept of all things “magical and ethereal”
So, Mme berry, how do you know which of the thousands of versions, translations and fragments are, in fact, Scripture? How do you know what Isaiah 53 is referring to and how do you know what it means?
Orrite, orrite, the “reformers” gave us the clue: Scripture is whatever arbitrarily chosen writings suit my purpose and it means just what I want it to mean.
The Pharisees were right all along! Christ is a deluded madman Who could never intend any institutional authority to guard and teach to all nations all that He commanded. All the dire warnings and entreaties of saints, scholars, mystics and ecclesiastical authority are also of “Beelzebub” if they conflict with the narcissistic ambitions of the “chosen”.
That wedding feast of Canna is a very succinct demonstration of the honour and privilege due to the one perfect Mother of Christ and all His brethren. The Synagogue of Satan have a special and seething hatred of the Woman who is the undoing of the victory over Eve.
How do you know “That wedding feast of Canna” actually took place?
How do you know that it wasn’t just some “arbitrarily chosen writing” that was just shoved in there as a means of pushing the Queen of Heaven cult?
The font of your cherry-picking spelled out here:
I have nothing to add. The Synagogue ties itself up with its own ropes.
(elspeth berry) November 28, 2022 at 6:59 pm
How do you know “That wedding feast of Canna” actually took place?
How do you know that it wasn’t just some “arbitrarily chosen writing” that was just shoved in there as a means of pushing the Queen of Heaven cult?)
Good question, Mme berry. Why don’t you go and ask the ordinary people who quite reasonably believe that only a totally sinless woman could/would be the mother of “Logos incarnate”.
“When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
In a loud voice she exclaimed, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!
And why am I so honored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
For as soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord’s word to her will be fulfilled.
Then Mary said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my SAVIOUR”
LUKE 1: 41 – 47 (1 Samuel 2:1–11)
So what did she need to be saved from ?
As it says in the article you didn’t read:
“To help bolster their teaching that Mary was sinless, the Roman Catholic Church has invented the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception (formally accepted as Catholic dogma in 1854). According to this false teaching, Mary was, from her very conception in her mother’s womb, “preserved free from all stain of original sin.” That is, Mary had no sinful nature. This doctrine is neither biblical nor necessary. The virgin-born Christ Jesus was free from the stain of original sin, but it was not necessary for His mother to be—or His grandmother—or His great-grandmother, etc. How far back would we have to go to insure Jesus’ perfection, if it were necessary for Mary to be sinless?”
cc does the same thing: salvation has got nothing to do with good works or genetic purity
You haven’t, of course, explained why you reckon the biblical account of “That wedding feast of Canna” is reliable whilst other passages are ““Borlsyit”
But it’s not hard to read between the lines
I thought it should have been pretty obvious that I accept the Scripture that has been approved and promulgated by the Apostolic authority. The vague and conflicting opinions of an army of pop up experts is barely even amusing or interesting.
The notion of the Immaculate Conception was not invented in 1854. The belief was implicit from the earliest days which can, curiously, be attested by the fact that a few had the temerity to argue against it. Bearing in mind that the whole matter of conception was pretty much undefinable back in those days.
Mary’s salvation was by a “preemptive” application of the merits of Christ; which, if we look at it from God’s point of view, is entirely appropriate.
You can look more closely at the history behind the dogmatic definition here:https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07674d.htm
“Many people mistakenly believe that the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Jesus Christ. Jesus’ conception was most assuredly immaculate—that is, without the stain of sin—but the Immaculate Conception does not refer to Jesus at all. The Immaculate Conception is a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church in regards to Mary, Jesus’ mother. The official statement of the doctrine reads, ‘The blessed Virgin Mary to have been, from the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of Almighty God, in view of the merits of Christ Jesus the Savior of Mankind, preserved free from all stain of original sin” (Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, December 1854). Essentially, the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was protected from original sin, that Mary did not have a sin nature and was, in fact, sinless.’ ”
There’s an overarching nonacceptance of the fact that sin is not what we do but rather a condition we’re born into, that the former is merely a symptom of the latter and that no amount of amelioration can make us right before God
You claim that,quote, “I accept the Scripture that has been approved and promulgated by the Apostolic authority” whilst rubbishing Isaiah in the same breath
Whereas anyone with the most rudimentary familiarity with the respective text would have some idea re the centrality of said rubbished book, as spelled out in the following list of cross-references:
Matthew 1:23 Virgin with child (Isaiah 7:14)
Matthew 3:3 Voice in wilderness (Isaiah 40:3)
Matthew 4:15 A light in darkness (Isaiah 9:1)
Matthew 8:17 Carried our diseases (Isaiah 53:4)
Matthew 12:18 Behold My Servant (Isaiah 42:1)
Matthew 12:21 Hope for Gentiles (Isaiah 42:4)
Matthew 13:14 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:9)
Matthew 15:7 They worship in vain (Isaiah 29:13)
Matthew 21:13 A house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)
Mark 1:2 Voice in wilderness (Isaiah 40:3)
Mark 4:12 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:9)
Mark 7:6 They worship in vain (Isaiah 29:13)
Mark 9:48 Fire is not quenched (Isaiah 66:24)
Mark 11:17 A house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)
Mark 15:28 Numbered with transgressors (Isaiah 53:12)
Luke 2:32 Light to the Gentiles (Isaiah 42:6, 49:6)
Luke 3:4 Voice in wilderness (Isaiah 40:3)
Luke 4:17 He anointed me to preach (Isaiah 61:1)
Luke 8:10 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:9)
Luke 19:46 A house of prayer (Isaiah 56:7)
Luke 22:37 Numbered with transgressors (Isaiah 53:12)
John 1:23 Voice in wilderness (Isaiah 40:3)
John 6:45 All be taught of God (Isaiah 54:13)
John 12:38 Who has believed our report? (Isaiah 53:1)
John 12:39 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:10)
Acts 7:48 Heaven is my throne (Isaiah 66:1)
Acts 8:32 A lamb to the slaughter (Isaiah 53:7)
Acts 13:34 The blessings of David (Isaiah 55:3)
Acts 13:47 A light for the Gentiles (Isaiah 49:6)
Acts 28:25 Closed eyes and ears (Isaiah 6:9)
Romans 2:24 Blasphemy among Gentiles (Isaiah 52:5)
Romans 3:15-17 Feet swift to shed blood (Isaiah 59:7-8)
Romans 9:19-21 Potter and the clay (Isaiah 29:16)
Romans 9:27 Remnant shall be saved (Isaiah 10:22)
Romans 9:29 As Sodom and Gomorrah (Isaiah 1:9)
Romans 9:33 Stone of stumbling (Isaiah 8:14)
Romans 9:33, 10:11 Believers not disappointed (Isaiah 28:16)
Romans 10:15 How beautiful the feet (Isaiah 52:7)
Romans 10:16 Who has believed our report? (Isaiah 53:1)
Romans 10:20 Found by those who sought me not (Isaiah 65:1)
Romans 10:21 Disobedient and obstinate people (Isaiah 65:2)
Romans 11:8 A spirit of stupor (Isaiah 29:10)
Romans 11:26 Deliverer from Zion (Isaiah 59:20)
Romans 11:26 When I forgive their sins (Isaiah 27:9)
Romans 11:34 The mind of the Lord (Isaiah 40:13)
Romans 14:11 Every knee shall bow (Isaiah 45:23)
Romans 15:12 Hope for Gentiles (Isaiah 42:4)
Romans 15:12 The Root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10)
Romans 15:21 They shall understand (Isaiah 52:15)
1Corinthians 1:19 The wisdom of the wise (Isaiah 29:14)
1Corinthians 2:9 Eye has not seen (Isaiah 64:4)
1Corinthians 14:21 Speak in strange tongues (Isaiah 28:11)
1Corinthians 15:32 Tomorrow we may die (Isaiah 22:13)
1Corinthians 15:54 Death swallowed up (Isaiah 25:8)
2Corinthians 6:2 Acceptable time, day of salvation (Isaiah 49:8)
2Corinthians 6:17 Come out from among them (Isaiah 52:11)
1Peter 1:25 God’s word abides forever (Isaiah 40:6)
1Peter 2:6 Precious corner stone (Isaiah 28:16)
1Peter 2:8 Stone of stumbling (Isaiah 8:14)
1Peter 2:22 He committed no sin (Isaiah 53:9)
1Peter 2:24 By his stripes you were healed (Isaiah 53:5)
1Peter 3:14 Do not be in fear (Isaiah 8:12)
Galatians 4:27 Rejoice barren woman (Isaiah 54:1)
Ephesians 6:14-17 Belt, breastplate, helmet (Isaiah 11:5, 59:17)
Hebrews 2:13 The children God has given me (Isaiah 8:17-18)
Revelation 3:7 The key of David (Isaiah 22:22)
Are you trying to convince me of Rousseau’s “noble savage” idea in which everyone is conceived immaculate and the ugliness of much human activity is acquired from the society that is tainted with doctrines and customs?
Christianity is based on the premise that, because of Adam’s presumptive ambition “to be as God”, we are all conceived with a predilection to that irrational ambition that can only be relieved by Grace (a free spiritual Gift of goodness) that must be willingly accepted but may be rejected at any time. All Grace is always conditional on complying with an innate (incorporated in nature) crude appreciation of life, truth and good (beauty), and, more particularly, the teachings and gifts bequeathed by Christ that we identify as Sacraments.
Yous Bible Bashers are a pain in the neck. You obliterate the message with out-of-context verses. (As in you can’t see the forest for the trees).
I wasn’t repudiating Isaiah but I was rejecting what you tried to make of him. Jesus is not some ethereal, formless, nothing idea that can be moulded to suit any ambition or fancy.
“Jesus is not some ethereal, formless, nothing idea that can be moulded to suit any ambition or fancy.”
But as spelled out in all your commentary,you’re hell-bent on doing exactly that.
Me:”sin is not what we do but rather a condition we’re born into”
Your interpretation:”everyone is conceived immaculate”
Nonsense, dilberry. It’s not “either or” but both.
”everyone is conceived immaculate” is the implied presumption of anyone who rejects that the Mother of God in a human form should be uniquely perfected as humans go.
This is very tiresome! Go and tell your Rabbis that the Talmud needs to be updated so that the hated Virgin Mother is also “boiling in excrement” with Her Son.
As I faintly recall Westpac bank got in a lot of strife a couple of years ago over this type of issue
Communist takeover of Canada ( and Australia ) rolls on
Sky is falling: well they have to be anxious about something don’t they
Klaus Swab thinks China is a great model for other places
There’s going to be a lot of broken down zombies in the streets while Swab & co tweak their brain implants. I guess people will find a way to be in denial about it as they already are about everything from diabetes to autism to blood clots to Shane Warne to Cancer Foundations, and we laugh at the funny pagan religions from the past.
The amazing part of this is that it appeared on BBC:
My mind immediately goes to the SMH report I posted on the previous page. Knowingly framing an innocent man so as to put him in prison for life was evidently no obstacle to becoming a Supreme Court judge
re: BBC, Truth has to be mixed into fiction according to the prescribed ratio and accepted standards ( it’s a familiar Monty Python type of sketch ).
Calling fish, it’s getting long now.
All good, I play the long game, hope your well brother.
Irene Cara (Flashdance) dies at 63 yoa. Cause of death currently unknown.
26.11.2022 Balearic Islands (Spanish island group in the Mediterranean) : excess mortality in 2022 is up almost 400 percent (me: above normal, I assume)
According to “experts”, many people died of “strokes, heart attacks and pulmonary thromboembolism” and numerous tourists “from drowning and accidents”.
Very fitting.
My greatest fear is that outstanding musicians start to die suddenly.
Crooks are still collecting, yet to be charged for murder, proof that in a world gone “woke” the perpetraitors are protected and the innocent are enslaved, defrauded and murdered.
They still think that miracles of creation can be improved by fusing bodies with digital.
Carpenters come up with solutions.
What’s your solution?
Putin says the New World Order has Flopped
By Mike on March 7, 2021 • ( 8 Comments )
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced on Russian television that the New World Order has failed, and claims that the world is now experiencing the final death throes of a dying elitist regime.
‘This was inevitable. Attempts to create a unipolar world have failed. We are already living in different times. Russia has always clung to a point that we must respect the interests of others while defending our own ones. This is how we are going to build our relations with our colleagues,’ Putin said in an interview on Sunday………………”
so i said putin mate puttyboi.
we need a wef event to change the peception of the new world order.
He was only charging $30k for a senate career …
Seats in parliament are just real estate.
Aussie Cossack is doing Australia a great favour exposing the corruption.
I heard Ricardo Bosi today in a short address giving dire warnings to the corrupt.
Pity there that there was no date for the address which is most annoying but common for many reports by many. I suspect that he would be interested in this account if genuine.
In regard to the two photographs, whom is who?
It would be a honest and transparent electoral system of the Governor General and state Governors just spent a Saturday arvo auctioning seats and the senate for the parliamentary ‘wanta-BEES’’.
Be great television entertainment for some ‘telalievision’ mob to purchase the charade for public viewing and great ratings for the sheep.
Dictator Dan Andrews. Elected or Selected?
The logic is good, that Gulag Gladys and Vlad Hazzard both were scrapped, as Grek Hunt ran away and Scotty F.M. was booted out, the lunatic in Darwin cancelled himself, but Dicktator Dan stays on, sponsored by his Globalist masters, he is a beachhead for the takeover, he is running up the debt and the IMF and others will be knocking with ever more credit. Crown Casino on the Yarra is the new Victorian Parliament, there is even a broken down ferris wheel along the river just like London, which Melbourne is a copy of.
Dicktator Dan aside, all of them are sold out, look at the governor of SA who has just a couple of days ago been to England to kiss the ring of KC3 and take orders. Likewise the former Corporate Health Officer of Queensland, Jeannette Young, is now Governor. The Globalist plot has barely paused to take a breath. The simplest analysis of the above is that the blue party is becoming scared of the communist takeover and wondering if they can somehow keep all their stuff. There will come a day when the political makeup decides whether we are forced to take the mark of the beast and be fully track’n’traced, the precursor to brain implants. The old generation won’t like it but they have already accepted the injections and they will be gone. The new generation will cheerfully adopt all the tech including cyborgism because they will be sold on competitiveness, empowerment and freakshows. Every type of experiment is now being tried out on the useless eaters because that is all they are useful for.
“The government of Qatar rolled out a new ‘pay by face’ technology at the World Cup tournament.”
ATTN VICTORIA – you STILL have the power!
I’m continually saying the same thing
And continually being ignored
What is it about u tube?
He’s going to get worse. Dan Andrews
I was going to write that it must be voter fraud, but he was actually standing in front of an audience of cheering Victorians. Gawd, there are some stupid people in Victoria, hopefully they took the ‘vax’.
It’s not exactly hard to figure out that that’s an incognito Dan promo and as such the antithesis of the preceding exhortation
This is a public forum. Has everyone forgotten that there’s no such thing ass bad publicity?
I’m probably going to regret asking this, but what are you going on about? What do you mean by “an incognito Dan promo”?
So you’ve not listened to the above ATTN admonition?
I realise it doesn’t include anything about dismantling Dan & Co per se
But isn’t it dead obvious that continually dwelling on said phenomena is the best way of energising it?
If the well has been poisoned the only solution is to go dig your own:
“Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.
Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets”
PROVERBS 5:15 – 16
You deflected from my question. Not surprisingly, you quoted some biblical verse to give some credibility to what ever you think you are trying to communicate. – Have a nice day….
“We need to realise that humans are now hackable animals. You can hack them…. A good communication system between brains and computers…. this is kind of the watershed moment. Once you have a good two way nobody has any idea what happens after that.”
yes, this funny man thinks he is a new wheel under the sun. truth is humans have always been easily co-erst(for the worst).
Equality is not about a level playing field, otherwise him, Gates and the good friends would currently be ground under my feet
This issue is about as DESPERATE as it can get !
US Gov …sues this Dr for recommending VITAMIN D & ZINC.
Take note : He is being sued for $ 500 BILLION .
Here’s a new one. French children at a “re-education” camp. Or something like that.
Crikey, that was ugly to watch. I expect the poor kids get also indoctrinated about ‘global warming/climate change’.
Do not teach kids to think for themselves, just thoroughly indoctrinate them, then lower the voting age – less rigging needed.
Quebec, Turdeau’s babies
its a basic human right to not know “who’s your daddy”
heel toe, heel toe, Trudeau all the way back to Castro
Breaking news :
Speaking of babies they are saying Dicktator Dan got back in on the demographic wave, his face or “arsebook” fans, generation Z = 1/3 of voters, very partial to a spliff and a day off, and another, and another, really what else have they got, it has all been designed that way. Maybe for his next act DD will follow Thailand and legalise Ganja. Or did I miss something and he already has ?
But of the 1/3 baby-boomers now with one foot in the grave ( quite literally after injections ), these should know better but are a potential wave that will go nowhere because many are held back by a big seawall, absolute faith and belief in the MedicalSystem™. The dicktator has his position reinforced by the new religion. Drugs for old, drugs for young, you have to break through the wall of drugs to get anywhere politically.
Jeremiah 17:5 Thus says the Lord:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.
Down Under The Communist rigged election shit show continues
This reminded me of an eminent person in Victoria and his wife –
How To Spot A Sociopath
China livestream everyone just walking out of their lockdown
Cops standing around waiting for orders
“Why do politicians appear to be selected?”
Australia went bankrupt as a result of traitors in Canberra’s parliament handing the keys to the non interest charging governments Bank to the Commonwealth ( the Commonwealth Bank ) to the interest charging Rothschild Banks. The RBA is private foreign owned Bank. The ATO exists to collect revenue to pay the interest on government borrowing.
As a result all money since has been issued as an interest bearing non repayable debt. Interest bearing debts can only be discharged, not paid.
Australia is now owned by Rothschild’s Banks, the C of A being registered as a corporation in the US.
All assets are in private hands as all States are corporations.
The Common-wealth of Australia is no more
Under section 44 of the Constitution (if it is still regarded as being in force) no one is eligible to sit in parliament if subject to a foreign power. The Banks own all of us through our Birth Certificate. The States cannot over ride the Constitution with contradictory legislation so therefore “the indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown……” needs to be urgently dissolved.
See, The Story of the Commonwealth Bank – alor.org
“………As pointed out in The Story of The Commonwealth Bank, the independently-minded Past Governor of the Bank, Sir Denison Miller, used the bank’s credit power after the First World War to save Australians from the depression conditions being imposed in other countries. But with moves to centralise banking globally under an International Monetary Fund possessing the right to create a new type of international currency, there is an open threat to the financial independence of all nations. ……….”
Excusing Eddie Wards Western media brainwashing re Hitler and Nazi’s, Eddie was no traitor unlike others in Parliament House –
Eddie Ward bigraphy, stories – Australian politician
Eddie Ward : biography
7 March 1899 – 31 July 1963
Edward John “Eddie” Ward (7 March 189931 July 1963), Australian politician, was an Australian Labor Party member of the Australian House of Representatives for 32 years from 1931 until his death.
“………….After World War II, Ward remained in the spotlight. He vigorously opposed the Bretton Woods system and Australia joining the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction (later one of five institutions in the World Bank Group), because he believed international financiers were responsible for the Depression in Australia during the 1930s. Ward argued that signing Bretton Woods would “enthrone a World Dictatorship of private finance, more complete and terrible than any Hitlerite dream”; destroy Australian democracy; pervert and paganise Christian ideals; and endanger world peace. It was outbursts like these that would continue to stymie his leadership ambitions within the Labor Party. …………….”
Who controls our politicans? It’s not the voters
He who owns the nation owns the politicians and the voting process
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honourable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.
Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are called upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.
I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”
“……..That is what I mean when I refer to corrupt governments. Any one who sacrifices the interests of the people for the benefit of profit-makers is a traitor. He is the fifth columnist of to-day-the enemy inside our gates.”
“We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.” – Aesop
Excellent summary, Crossy.
All this stuff has been known for hundreds of years but agents of the Synagogue of Usury, with pockets bulging with bribery and blackmail, have managed to coerce a bulk of effeminate, ambitious, turds (experts and politicians) to bury the “problem” in piles of specious verbal diarrhoea.
Thanks Oldavid, The Glugs of Orstraylya have run out of collateral. Labors pay rises for every one is just a dream IMO.
A bit of interesting art & design from “the gang”