Home Corona Hancock: “When Do We Deploy The New Variant”

Hancock: “When Do We Deploy The New Variant”

Matt Hancock

by Dee McLachlan

“We Frighten The Pants of Everyone With The New Strain”

“When do we deploy the new variant”

Oh sure… it’s not the government, it’s just messages from a rogue minister. The evening standard:

“The leaked messages of Matt Hancock reveal a “view into the psyche” of the former health secretary as opposed to the workings of Government during the pandemic, a minister has said.”

Sure, we believe you!

The minister is Britain’s former health secretary Matty Hancock (@MattHancock)


Matthew John David Hancock (born 2 October 1978) is a British politician who served as Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General from 2015 to 2016, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport from January to July 2018, and Secretary of State for Health and Social Care from 2018 to 2021. He has been Member of Parliament (MP) for West Suffolk since 2010. He is a member of the Conservative Party, but now sits in the House of Commons as an independent, having had the whip suspended since November 2022.” … etc. Wikipedia

These are Hancock’s tweets. (sourced from Rita Panahi’s Twitter account)

More thread:

It’s all about the vaccine.

It’s all about behaviour change.

Let’s change the minister’s behaviour in a correction centre.



  1. Situation Update:

    Stew Peters Rant (around 55 min)

    • In this place, a male slut offers his services from the neck up, same as a female pro offers hers from neck down.
      CCP control grid is here 5G, with all truth now purged from the net, as done in all communist dictatorships past century.
      It is krown kabal komunizm, in that order.

      We are a colony fleeced of commonwealth, denied crushed with jabs, unelected one world governance cleansing our Christian faith.
      Lord have mercy, save our souls.
      Jesus said the demons are sons of the beast, and to this day they do lie.
      And we have “Our Father who art in Heaven, kingdom come Thy will be done.”

      Truth is stranger than fiction.
      Except for His followers, then as now, Jesus is hated for His teachings.

      • jesus is another of imposter teachings to pleather the christos – pure living light. We are in the phantom matrix, everything is a lie. No escape now, only those that can run the frequency will no fall into the stalking black hole. we arent the 1st planet, and we wont be the last.

  2. Any individual, who out of laziness or stupidity, knows not the distinction between ‘of’ and ‘off’, should never be in charge of government policy on anything. There are few things worse than a fool pretending to be clever. Or for that matter imposing rules that apply to others but not oneself. Hancock excelled at both but not at protecting public health or reconciling it with fundamental human rights and freedoms. The insensitivity and outrage of thousands of individuals deprived the comfort of loved ones in their last hours, whilst the ‘Minister for Health’ with Machiavellian deceit discussed the political but not human, implications, will be an indelible stain attached to the sound of ‘Hancock’ for ever. He indeed had his ‘Half Hour’ of egotistical and comedic posing, but like it’s namesake, ended in pathetic opprobrium.

    • It’s MUCH BIGGER than the present elected scumbag Butler JB……it’s good to see this scandal finally getting some media traction but this involves all health Ministers, all cabinets, the collusion of all political parties in Australia [including the so-called mavericks like Malcolm Roberts], all hospital bureaucrats and involves CSL, and especially the Australian Red Cross who milked blood illegally from AIDS + so-called ‘HepC’ infected prisoners in Australia and mixed it into the general blood pool without informing the public. It also involves the Red Cross importing contaminated blood blood frfom banks in the US who obtained their blood from infected prisoners who were used as guinea pigs in bio-warfare experiments. While Charles McKenzie from Infected Blood Australia does a brilliant job at keeping this issue alive, he still tows the ‘virus’ line in his positive propaganda, while ignoring the role of bio-weapon experimentation on captured prisoners as the reason for the spread of AIDS contaminated blood world-wide.That the US were exporting AIDS-contaminated blood and vaccines throughout the world is a scandal beyond all scandals.

      That Canada alone had made moves to get the US blood suppliers into court in 2002 and thereby threatened to bankrupt the American Red Cross (a privatized Rockefeller company; and other Govt-connected companies ) and sue the US Government, is another piece of the puzzle why this has not seen the light of day here. Moral panics are exported like any other product: blaming lifestyle choices re gays was touted as the initial reason for the spread but was itself a total cover-up for the US bio-weapons programs. Successive Australian politicians simply reproduce the US propaganda re AIDS and contaminated blood and repress with an iron fist any deviance from the accepted and publicly-pushed official line

      The Canadian revelations needed to be sat upon at ALL cost… especially given that the Clinton Administration was running the US at the time, and given that much of the bio-warfare experimentation had taken place on human guinea pigs in Cumins prison in Arkansas when Clinton was governor there… and his mate owned and run the blood extraction company involved in the spreading of contaminated blood products to Canada, Sth Korea, Japan, Australia and the UK) With Australia and Scotland POTENTIALLY about to haul the US into court for spreading contaminated blood products world-wide and thereby potentially expose the secret US bio-warfare programs that led to the creation of the mutated, disabling wasting agent mycoplasma behind the so-called AIDS epidemic [blamed on an innocuous but nonexistent ‘virus’],

      ALL steps needed to be taken to dissuade countries from taking action and spilling the war-crime beans. Covert operations in remote parts of Dunblane and Port Arthur took place within months of each other in 2006 and were blamed on scapegoat loners: both countries were de-gunned as a result and a cover-up of mammoth proportions followed…( RAAF black-hawks crews downed…testimonies sealed..media weaponized wages war on the truth).

      Is it any wonder the switched-on few reject even the weaponized “Alt-media” investigations and believe this is the real reason for the massacres.

      The impact of the effects on ordinary Australian’s lives can be found here: https://www.infectedbloodaustralia.com/_files/ugd/efbdad_b6de30dcae844f88845091878f7d7178.pdf

      • Nonsense….call them for what they are….they are part of us….this attempt at distancing ourselves from such aberrant and crazed behaviour is both an apology for, and the by-product of, well-practised species fascism….first we learn to capture, cage, torture and then kill and eventually ingest other animals like ourselves (licking up the adrenochrome-laden juices and bragging how we like to eat their seared flesh ‘underdone’)..all the while pretending we are different and not satanic….We look to the extreme versions of ourselves and label those targeted individuals..all the while hoping we will not be labelled in the same manner(delusion).

        In the way we treat other species all animal-eating humans are fascists…killing humans is merely the extension of learned sastanic behaviour of killing non-human animals.

    • It will be interesting if the Courtenay family contribute to the contaminated scandal. Remember Bryce Courtenay’s book “April Fool’s Day”. I don’t know if Dr Brett, at St Vincents, is one of Damon’s brothers but, if so, surely he’d be a formidable backer of such a worthy ‘investigations’.

  3. The normies are awakening!
    CLIF HIGH provides an expert common sense analysis at his site in the following article
    Clif High videos.
    20230228 ‘Release Language Dominant’
    Feb 28
    The video has the sun rising depiction.
    He explains the attitude/knowledge perceptions building up in the psyche of the normies.
    Recommended…… good news!
    He is correct, as exemplified here with this gs article and the commentary .

  4. They can run, but they will not be able to hide. Everything transmitted by internet or mobile and land line phones, has been captured by the NSA.

    We have it all – ‘Q’

    Be prepared for much, much more, in the way of incriminating and irrefutable evidence against them all.

    • no one is going to save us. part of the same old song and dance. it is time for us to realize that we need to take responsiblity for ourselves. Stand together or die alone…

  5. Our politicians are extremely toxic new variants –

    WEF says it’s time to legalize sex and marriage with animals to promote inclusion


    “………Spain is the first country to pass new legislation that takes huge steps towards this initiative. This is not surprising when you consider that Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez is both an outspoken socialist and an Agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum. Within Sanchez’s Socialist government, the pro-zoophile law was pushed by WEF staffer Ione Belarra Urteaga, the Minister of Social Rights and 2030 Agenda.

    That’s right, Spain is so infiltrated by the WEF that they even have a minister for the 2030 Agenda.

    The world was already on a slippery slope with all the gender and pedophilia craziness, but Spain’s new animal welfare law decriminalizing sex with animals is a whole new level of craziness.

    The new law states: “The person who, by any means or procedure, tames or domesticates an animal that is usually domesticated, an animal that lives temporarily or permanently under human control outside of legally regulated activities including acts of a sexual nature , mistreating, causing injuries requiring veterinary treatment to restore his health, shall be subject to imprisonment for a minimum of three months and a maximum of 18 months.”

    This essentially means that as long as there is no physical injury requiring veterinary treatment, people are free to have sex with animals (bestiality)…………….”

  6. To this day, the main players have not been charged with murder, proof the perpetraitors are protected in a “woke” world, as innocents are conquered robbed and murdered.
    The concoction as healthful as a blast of street grade smack loaded with additives, fusing all with digital technology.

    These creatures are dangerous, demonically possessed deviants remaking the world in the image of their father the beast. There is no holding back with them, because they are driven by demons doing the work of satan.
    Hooking up all minds and bodies to a global control grid is miserable slavery, a horrific existence enforced on all with 5G metaverse data control central ABC Gore Hill.

    The pushers know their product kills and that is exactly the point, getting rid of useless eaters. Luciferace is injected, connecting bodies to the digital hell now here.
    Trust the science, the new mantra of those wired to see the devil as an angel of light.
    Many will die, as perpetraitors become trillionaires fleecing our Mass.

    As long as we are addicts to screens, there is no separation from the beast. Easy to say, virtually impossible with AI, virtual insanity.

    • Summary of the Midazolam Murders Case

      ‘In PUB v Hancock et al, the prosecution will allege that, between 01/04/2020 and the present day, the defendants did willfully conspire, in a joint enterprise, whether with primary or secondary liability, to commit the murders by government policy of more than 136,000 people in UK care homes, by injecting the over 65’s with the infamous lethal injection drug, Midazolam.

      ‘Furthermore, we can also emphatically demonstrate that it is extant government policy to maximise the number of people placed on the end-of-life-pathway via predictive prescribing of Midazolam, to any patient of any demographic, whom a man or woman in a white coat deems likely to catch COVID-19 and die.

      ‘Moreover, documentary evidence shows that the UK Government and its institutions have been acting as if euthanasia is perfectly legal since 2008, when in fact it is murder to end anybody’s life prematurely in this country, even with the express consent of the departed and/or their loved ones.’

      Elements of Murder

      “As is required in all murder cases, we will argue that, upon the prima facie evidence adduced, it is beyond reasonable doubt that it was from the outset the intent of the defendants to murder the elderly in UK care homes, using COVID-19 as the smokescreen to account for the huge rise in the over 65 mortality rate, from April 2020 to the present day.

      The motivation to do so was to provide each victim with “a good death”, for the purposes of saving money on keeping them alive for longer. Instead, they were arbitrarily placed on the end-of-life-pathway, which is an emotive phrase very often softened by the nefarious euphemism, Palliative Care”.

      {“Whilst we have somewhat deftly dealt with whatever has been thrown at us, from attempts to steal, lose or control the evidence we have amassed, to conspiracies to kill one, perhaps two, of the three key people involved in running this case, the increasingly obvious controlled opposition are hurtling towards irrelevance and obscurity.”}

      • Soylent Green movie (1973) was no accident, it had Charlton Heston in it.

        Walter Seltzer (November 7, 1914 – February 18, 2011) was born to a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and attended the University of Pennsylvania from 1932 to 1934. He had two brothers: Frank N. Seltzer, a producer; and Julian Seltzer, an advertising director for Hal Roach Studios and later 20th Century Fox.Seltzer served four years in the U.S. Marine Corps during World War II.
        He sat on the Motion Picture & Television Fund Board of Trustees, and was honored with the Silver Medallion for Humanitarian Achievement by the group in 1986.

        Russell Thacher (c. 1919 – October 1, 1990) was born [ to an Anglo family ? ] in Hackensack, New Jersey, Thatcher attended New York University and Bucknell University, before serving in the United States Navy during World War II.
        In 1963, he was hired by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, originally working for the firm in New York City before heading out west, where he was the studio’s vice president for production.[2] By the early 1970s was working on his own as a film producer.

        It was just entertainment, classification: entertainment, think of it as entertainment, then go back into your 15-minute city and forget about it
        You will be safe and happy
        You will be safe and happy
        You will be safe and happy

    • Open Version
      [ Embedded advertisement from about 22:00 to 24:40 ]
      I don’t know why Biden’s affirmation about blowing up Nordstream ( which happened about two weeks before the event according to my recollection ) hasn’t been on high rotation. Duh ! Then he needs partners in Scandinavia who all know what is going on there. Duh ! They all know, probably even Putin can figure it out after he said no roubles, no gas, but then Biden put him on notice !!! Duh ! It was diplomacy then economics then subterfuge then a barrage of lies. All just plain stoopid. The sheeples will just have to build it back better later on. Always the same. Duh ! Why do I have to pay for the war economy and va666ine programs and politicians superannuation ? We have to pay for our own superannuation but the politicians get 5x more free from the government.
      All so they can deceive us and steal from us and even kill us.
      Take out the XXXX

  7. Wats in a name,
    Glossed over his wiki page, to see if I had Mandela affected offf this bovine hating Hancock.
    Dropped my rabbit hole probe. There is definitely a pushing of these anti-humanists/anti-ruminants to be right in our face. I saw a guy “outing” Hancock on the London tube system, seems so unlikely he would take public transport.
    The Biden Jnr laptop “thing, not thing” comes to mind, here. Rudy G gets the unencrypted data from the FBI, I threw the script away, I mean WHO would believe that.

  8. Dr Mike Yeadon: ‘3 years worth of Midazolam used in a matter of weeks in the UK!, “I Think [People] Were Being Murdered”

    ‘Gone are the days of the mass murderers of history, gone also are the gulag labor camps of the stalin era and the rude coarse manner of your exterminator forcing you to dig your own grave. Nowadays ‘our exterminators’ are very polite individuals.

    They will smoulder you with politeness and exterminate you with a smile and a joke. They will give sweets and toys to your child while exterminating them too. They can act all humane towards you while knowingly participating in genocide.

    History will be rewritten to show these ‘new breed’ of exterminators to be ‘heroes’ saving humanity whereas in reality they participated in a genocide worse than Stalin or Hitler. Marxist Stalin had reputedly murdered 20 million people while chairman Mao holds the world record with the CCP eportedly killing 100 million people.

    These ‘pathetic’ figures pale into insignificance compared to the globalist NWO figures with their ‘fake’ orchestrated plandemic’ to usher in their ‘vaccine’ clotshot of many varieties.

    Our globalist leaders are the current holders of genocide records… by a very long way.”.


    UK Midazolam Murders, Dr. Mike Yeadon With Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (4:33)


  9. Just a reminder.
    For the normies, uninformed, ABC, SBS and the forgetful.
    The title may be found at rense.com OR
    Basically a Dr Day exposed the NWO program in a lecture to about 60-80 fellow paediatricians at Philadelphia university.
    A Dr Dunegan gave a taped recollection of the lecture in about 1989+.
    Look it up and read it at rense or here.
    Anyone over 70 years of age must have a brain and experience TO KNOW that the WHOLE NWO PROGRAM HAS BEEN IMPLEMENTED.
    Just to concentrate on one paragraph:
    THE PLAN WAS TO HAVE YOU DEAD AT 75 years of age by means of what was referred to as:


    very catchy description for 💀💀💀💀💀xxxxx.
    Now, do the normies, the forgetful and uninformed, SBS and ABC FOOLS NOW understand what is happening?

    Pity the Shrubs, Soros’, Howards, Her Majesty et.al., reneged on the plan. Then we old nuisance pissants would not now be in this pickle.
    My pill Nursie! NO NO, NOT THAT ONE, they are for our politicians and media useless eaters! And the ABC ignoramus’.
    Sell the fake ABC. and SBS! (sorry ‘guys’, they want your grandparents and parents DEAD TOO, wish them a happy ‘Demised Day’.)

    • Diary note:
      Arrange the production of birthday cards for grand parents, parents and friends for their 75th birth-demise day.
      Arrange copyright to be registered.
      Come on, one has to take the opportunities to see a profit …… for the kids and grandchildren.
      “Nursie, what is your birthday”?.
      Anyone else want to buy a few dozen cards?…..some personalised with a headstone and name etc? Bit extra for the printing.
      Hmmmm, now for specialised personal coffins on order?

      • “They will smoulder you with politeness and exterminate you with a smile and a joke…. they will act all humanely to you knowing, they are participating in genocide” Mike Yeadon

        • Per Dr Day, the family will also be all smiles with a celebration lunch for a good life. Then you are dead.
          Then they move into your house🤡
          Somehow, I think the NWO and ‘Bilderbergs’ from the early 50s (54) realised that there was a flaw and be not effective enough for them.
          But Dr Day forecast NEW DISEASES.
          TERRORIST EVENTS.💀🧌🧌🧌🧌 operation NATO,s Gladio, anyone? What about 911?
          This might seem strange, but I recall decades ago passing a ABC? Program that demonstrated a typical family Demise party’.
          Never noticed the topic mentioned again. Till I found it at Jeff rense.com not long before having MM put it in her 2015 (c) publication: ‘Truth in Journalism’ which reported the lecture that takes about 15 pages for the chapter.
          Could I get anyone to read 15 pages? Just 2 or 3. Sick of brick walls!
          What is amusing and telling ….. the plan is from European killers.
          How can I tell?
          Well soccer will be promoted as the world’s (colosseum) entertainment😩😩 ever noticed how soccer is now promoted with all the hype?
          If it was a Anglo plan, the sport/s would be cricket and rugby.
          For heaps more, read Dr Dunegan’s recollections.
          SELL THE traitorous ABC and expel the complicit politicians.

          • PS. No soccer game is ever watched in our home.
            Anyway, it is as boring as the public’s BRICK SKULL.
            Ban soccer, as a terrorist organisation’s distraction and sell SBS.

          • How about we just donate the ABC to the Salvos., the SBS to Vinnies and you can take your round ball and go home

          • Right you about Gladio Ned

            Operation Gladio: terrorism directed against the people by secret armies funded and organised by NATO and answerable to deep state elements within NATO, MI6 and the CIA rather than the respective governments is so shocking that the initial reaction of most people would be to reject it. And yet the claims have been substantiated by juridical inquiries in Italy,


          • Read backwards Euro style I guess
            Association Football International Federation
            or something like that, means = soccer
            Yes the “international game” ” the beautiful game” all bankrolled from Zurich globalists like all the other stuff

            Just sit there and be hypnotised

  10. Holding Governments Hostage Through “Public-Private Cooperation”

    ‘In the past, sovereign governments were elected by voters and decided on policies to please domestic voters or, at most, domestic businesses.

    ‘In the last few decades, a new concept of global stakeholders has evolved. Those are large international businesses or private forums, not selected via any electoral process but possessing outsized influence on previously sovereign governments.”

    Global Social Network Stakeholders Blocked Undesirable Opposition

    Global stakeholders such as Google and Facebook banned anti-lockdown protests and pages, so opponents of lockdowns could not voice their opposition:

    The media, busy forming “public opinion,” was generously sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The BMGF gave $319 million to a variety of news media organizations. The UK media sponsored by Bill Gates includes:

    The Daily Telegraph – $3,446,801

    The Guardian (including TheGuardian.org)- $12,951,391

    Rockhopper Productions (U.K.) – $2,480,392

    Financial Times – $2,309,845

    Pandemic Modeling with an Agenda

    The UK government, during the pandemic, was using “pandemic models” that intentionally overstated projected deaths,

    ‘The main institutions developing “pandemic models” were Johns Hopkins and Imperial College.

    Johns Hopkins was a major pandemic preparedness player.. that sponsored the above-mentioned Event 201 and received $1,048,972,282 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    Imperial College, based in the UK, received $318,891,807 from Bill Gates.

    ‘The excessive death predictions produced by modelers were a part of the plan of those who sponsored them. The models helped to keep lockdowns and human misery in place until rushed “vaccines” were ready to be administered.people”.

    Sure!..But the question is: just how many of these ‘independent’-looking think tanks and so-called ‘private’ companies are merely weaponized shop front extensions of the nefarious US Pentagon’s extensive weapons programs [deceptively deemed as amorphous ‘globalists’ by the US military-controlled ‘controlled opposition ‘Alt-media outlets[?

  11. OK we’re woke now it’s Khazarian Mafia

    As above, so below.
    Down here below we have “Judeo-Christian” which popped up and became official, a bit like China just absorbed Tibet on the Chinese maps. So a Hegelian clash is set up, however we call that in anthropology.
    Meanwhile above, Khazarians come from Babylon, supposedly, somewhere like that, you know, “Irak”, to Ukraina, whatever. They include Soros, Rotschilds, Warburgs etc., supposedly. They scooted north up the Eastern Roman Empire then infiltrated everything via religion posturing, eventually owning the whole world.
    So that’s the story.
    The reality, the 2nd son of Cleopatra ( by Mark Anthony ) went with his entourage up to Rome and just disappeared ( the “heir” got killed by Octavian and Alexander Helios was the “spare” ). A few centuries later the Vatikan was founded and those well-meaning Christians lined up to die when asked nicely. Others resisted but were encouraged to pay tithes ( point-of-sword conversion ) notably by Charlemagne. Meanwhile Venice was slowly building up power to usurp Constantinople’s position on the Silk Road. Basically, Islam was devised to defend against Christianity.
    All the loot of centuries eventually made its way to Swissyland, notably Charlemagne’s fortress Zurich. And they call the 1st Reich “German”. Ho-ho.
    Knights Templars, Vatikan tithes, Venetian conquests, business of all types, all HQ’d in Swissyland, Geneva, Sion, Zurich, Bern, Locarno.
    Interests based in Swissyland dominate the 20th Century, and now the 21st too. These bloodlines, starting in Egypt and roughly following the Western Roman Empire, are all hushed up, the history of city-state Venice never appears in Hollywood, Swissyland is always nice, super low profile and never any bad press, and we are all supposed to believe a bunch of Khazars jumped in and usurped everything from this crowd. AS IF !!!

    • China didnt just absorb Tibet….it was over run with CIA agents and mercenaries,…(like Ukraine re Russia)..The US never stop in their pursuit of world domination….They installed the imposter Dalai Lama puppet and put him on the US payroll….15,% aristocratic corrupt priests in that little anachronistic mon-archy.. CIA haul “their boy” Dalai out whenever they want to propagandize and put pressure on the Chinese over the annexation (liberation?) of the formerly ‘priest-dominated’ Tibet: He is their go-to boy. He stays in $1000 a night hotels whenever he travels. Multi-millionaire Hollywood ‘actors’ like Richard Gere grease the rails and help romantically sell him to an idiotic and adoring public. Fake Mahayana Buddhists temples suddenly spring up in all Wetsren nations to push the ‘free Tibet’- anti China bandwagon around..’ NYT: “The Dalai Lama’s administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960’s from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000”

      Liberate yourself from the CIA claptrap


    • imposterors are impostors, they seem to have hidden their origins well. I have deeply researched this and i can agree with your assement on the face of it. I admit it is becoming harder to find stuff on the ‘internet’ i have resorted to old books and maps. Nice job Joe B.

  12. How subtle controlled opposition operates: Robert Malone’s Deep State connections

    MALONE works/worked for the US Pentagon’s D.O.D. & D.A.R.P.A; B.A.R.D.A; H.H.S; F.D.A.

    “In January 2020, Malone published on ResearchGate an elaborate scientific paper with MIT researcher Darrell O. Ricke as the first author in which the two concluded that all COVID-19 vaccines, including mRNA, were too deadly to be given even experimentally to humans……As Malone became famous, especially among health freedom researchers and activists, he never disclosed the online publications…..In the section on Vaccine Risks for Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE), Ricke and Malone write that their research “leads to the prediction that new attempts to create … SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have potentially higher risks for inducing ADE in humans…” This is a critically important dire statement about a very dangerous situation.

    Malone Generates Audiences in the Millions Without Disclosing His Most Important Scientific Knowledge

    ‘The rollout of the vaccines on December 14, 2020, occurred almost a full year after the publication of the Ricke and Malone article in January 2020. Malone had nearly twelve months to warn the world about the potentially tragic consequences…. Malone crushed informed consent by continuing to withhold his most crucial information of all — that his own published research had conclusively demonstrated that experimental COVID vaccines were already proven to be too dangerous to experiment with on humans…..Then on June 11, 2021, Malone gave his first well-known known media show directed at the freedom health movements and the general public. It was titled “How to Save the World in Three Easy Steps. Malone could have begun the process of genuinely trying to save the world simply by telling the audience about his heavily documented scientific conclusions published almost a year and a half earlier

    What If Malone Had Warned All of Us and the Public Three Years Ago?

    “As already noted, it was not until a short time ago, on February 2, 2023, that Robert W. Malone, MD, called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID vaccines. Given how many others had already come to that decision, it had little impact. It arrived two or three years too late. On the Joe Rogan Podcast that made Malone famous to millions, Joe himself brought up ADE as an issue, and they discussed it without Malone mentioning he had written and published a paper about it, warning against testing the new vaccines on humans.”


    “In the 2020 scientific paper, Dr. Malone lists himself as the Medical Director of a biotech company called Alchem. On its website, Alchem lists a number of “Partners,” including many corporations and agencies within the Department of Defense. One partner is the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA)/ Department of Defense (DoD), Another partner, CATO Research, boasts of its deep connections to the DoD. Malone himself, in a CV from 2017, stated that the Department of Defense provided 90% of his income to his personal, professional corporation. Microsoft Word – RWM CV March 2017.doc (akamaihd.net)

    On Joe Rogan’s show on December 31, 2021, Malone described his elaborate personal connections in the political arena surrounding virology and COVID-19:10

    ‘I’ve won literally billions of dollars in federal grants and contracts. I’m often brought in by NIH to serve as a study section chair for awarding, you know, 80 to 120 million dollar contracts in vaccines and biodefense. I’ve spent countless hours at the CDC at the AC ACIP meetings. I have multiple friends at the CDC. I work closely with defense threat reduction agency DTRA…..I work with the chem biodefense group there’s other branches um, including the other this is not the branch that funded the Wuhan labs that’s another branch of DTRA um I’ve got many friends in the intelligence community so I’m I’m kind of a pretty deep insider in terms of the government. I know Tony Fauci personally. I’ve dealt with him my whole career and then and then we had this particular outbreak, and um I was uh tip of the spear on bringing the Ebola vaccine forward that we now call the merc Ebola vaccine. I’m the one that got Merck involved.’

    Malone continues to boast about his former Deep State and CIA connections. On February 3, 2023, he told an interviewer:11

    “I don’t know this for a fact. But I speculate that Tony Fauci must be deeply embedded in the intelligence community or he wouldn’t have the job that he used to have. Because he wasn’t just head of he wasn’t just head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. He was in charge of the entire biodefense slash bioweapons program across both NIH and Department of Defense. So he had amassed that power. That’s why he got his big bonus was when he took over the program oversight for DOD. (interviewer interjects, “Yes” Ah. I… I… ah… the intelligence community is… is… wrapped around this from soup to nuts. Yeah. And they they don’t play nice. They’re trained liars. They… I know this because I’ve worked with them. I used to have a business partner who’s retired CIA. He told me about their training, how they get trained.…Malone documents in a 2017 resume and elsewhere that he was awarded approximately 10 billion dollars (yes, billion) in grants to manage during five years ending in 2017.’

    ‘As he tried and succeeded in becoming a central figure in the health freedom movement, Malone would state that he had become free of all these Deep State attachments.14 However, according to a Declaration he made as an expert in a legal case dated November 20, 2021, he stated, “I currently sit on the NIH/FNIH ACTIV COVID-19 Drug development panel.”15 ACTIV is a powerful HHS agency bringing together private groups like the Gates Foundation and 20 of the world’s top drug companies, including Pfizer and Moderna, and numerous agencies, including the NIH, FDA, BARDA, CDC, and Department of Defense.16

    “In the same Declaration on November 20, 2021, he wrote, “I currently serve as CEO and Principal Consultant for RW Malone MD LLC, primarily supporting the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency (via contracts held by Leidos and MIT-Lincoln Lab).” https://www.nih.gov/research-training/medical-research-initiatives/activ#organizations

    “All these Department of Defense and ACTIV affiliations, from our perspective, make Malone deeply mired in the military-industrial complex and the health-industrial complex, involving global public-private partnerships characteristic of globalism and the Great Reset. How Dr. Malone has managed to present himself as a health freedom fighter remains something of a mystery to us.”

      • US Exceptionalism and the Wars in Syria and Ukraine
        Posted by Internationalist 360° on March 5, 2023


        Syria has been at war since 2011. The conflict is in a stalemate. US troops control nearly a third of the country. The US finances the operation and a secessionist army with oil and wheat they take from the area. It funds them and deprives the Syrian government of its own resources. In the northern province of Idlib, the Syrian version of Al Qaeda is in control, receiving the majority of aid from Europe while the 90% of Syrians who live in government-controlled areas go hungry and have electricity only three hours per day.

        Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the bloodshed continues as Russian troops battle Ukrainian soldiers while the US and NATO pour in weapons. Russian troops have taken control of much of the eastern region, the Donbass.

        How did we get here and what is driving the process?

        The Rise of the US Exceptionalism

        Read on –


  13. Thanks CC….indeed.as stated…”It is high time to end US delusions of superiority and exceptionalism. The USA should become a normal nation” .

    • Maybe the Africans were lucky they were never allowed to achieve a centralised power, when you look at what’s happening in the US, Europe and even here.

      • The Tanzanian President was a touch unlucky in losing his life after opposing the US D.O.D.- W.H.O.hot shots..WORLD centralized power resides in Washington but some folks want us to believe Switzerland rules the wor;d…AS IF

          • 2nd amendment
            A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

          • Yep..the bloody Swiss Empire is the greatest danger to world peace and stability….or is it that US zillionaire capitalists just do their banking there? Watch out for those Swiss..they collect countries one after another! …or so the cover story goes…/what if it is just rampant, hegemonistic world cartel Capitalism that has bred the issue … [turning the page… Commies have been infiltrating Washington..next page Jews have been infiltrating Washington…next page zzzzzz.

          • the US exports its ‘militias’ along with ‘democracy’ to other countries..if a country won’t come to their brand of ‘democracy’ they export it to them…like AIDS [whether they want it or not]

          • Last war they lost was against Afghanistan
            Since Bushs the US has been self destructing, this is not a well functioning empire, it’s totally a corrupt shell and Washington is part of it. It has been self-destructing by design, the hidden hand, people who aren’t even known, along with muppets like Swab and Augustin Carstens.
            You say it’s hegemonic world capitalism, that’s not a person, it’s a thing.

          • What you are probably really amazed at is that people refuse to see what you see. Your focus is on ‘personalities’ of the System [a capitalist bourgeois ideological position flogged to death in State-based History classes wherein rulers are deemed to be the drivers of Historical events ] rather than the System itself. This just positions you as an apologist of the system.

            For you its is the generalized leaders who run the show not the nature of the show itself. For you its is the “Swabs, Cartens, Bushes, Commies, Swizzie” etc. but this is a distorted view which deletes so much information for the reader. Capitalism re-presents Life in mere fiscal terms…and it positions humans against each other in class warfare….it is an illusion..the ever-replenishing ‘leaders’ of the system tinker here..tinker there..but the system that reduces everything to economic exigences marches on…..regardless of who pulls the strings. Until it is destroyed and buried we are all locked into a death roll in the grips of these economic system sharks who scour the un-netted beaches of our lives.

            If people cannot see what you want them to see it is most probably because they are so myopic and so filled with metallic nano-particulates from chemtrails and vaccines that they cannot distinguish the individual trees from the larger forrest. I would recommend that you chunk up from your overly nitty-gritty position you seem to be locked into and come to see the universal aspects underpinning the corrupt and soul-destroying Capitalist paradigm that the world is locked in.

          • That’s all very well but you overlook the bloodlines, this is not all a natural evolution of greed induced chaos but you could call it “directed evolution” ( as they do ).

          • So called ‘Bloodlines’ (literally unprovable) and the idea of six degrees of separation that only exists between all of us are incompatible ideas. Fill me in on how you reconcile the difference. How bloodlines operate outside of economic contexts and How you know exactly what you think you know about the ‘special attributes to the so called special bloodlines myth that does the usual rounds on cointelpro Alt media? In other words how does anything you posit not have an historically deterministic economic origin

          • I have already explained, on this page, under the heading “OK we’re woke now it’s Khazarian Mafia”.
            You need to start somewhere and work backwards or forwards.
            eg. Priory of Sion = Elders of Zion.
            Fact checkers in massive denial !!!
            The entire “jew” subterfuge and installed frontman system
            The rogue states Russia and USA, the latter infiltrated to turn on the former, Krupp Gmbh and ALL the others, the industrial backbone of Swissyland ( Pharma, Insurance etc ), the principalities of Europe and British tax havens, the North/South clash that always arises everywhere based on climate, the broad sweep of history from even before slaves floating down the Nile, Ziggurats leading to pyramids, and all leading to the big pyramid that controls us, with the British flag on top, up in the snowy mountains of New South Wales.
            It’s not random at all, it’s filled with intent and purpose.
            Vatikan bank, Swiss guard.
            Clues everywhere.

          • Don’t forget the flag on top is replaceable, like Malcolm Turnbull ( currently trying to blame others for “RoboDebt” or some similar scandal ).

          • Try Tavistock and CIA for created twisted mind-controlled stories fed to the unwary that masquerade as “Alt media” “The jews did COVID” “W.E.F. did covid’ .Gates controlled COVID”…..How these fairytales vanished quickly when the U.S. PENTAGON via D.O.D. was discovered behind the whole shenanigans !!!

            fyi The US owns Europe..it is a mere satellite state of the US…How many Swiss bankers own a proportion of the 900 military bases world-wide? How many Karzarians own military bases? Did the Karzarians kill Holt and install 12 US bases here?


            How many are aware that the US UK & France for instance actually deposed the Shah of Iran and installed the mullahs?

            It’s all theatrical grist for the mill by the most powerful empire that has ever existed…and their propaganda machines….and for once-seeing eyes…nothing is as it seems..I should have added above in that post….”next page..the Kazarian mafia”…some people will fall for anything…….

          • all the pharma companies are shop fronts for the US D.O.D. no matter where they are situated….most bioweapon development for these companies takes place in US owned Ukraina ..gives us a break from the Elders of Zion cartoon story please……while commentors on here were blaming the Chinese, the commies, the Jews, the ‘globalists’ how many knew of dendrimers, AI hydrogel and q dots in the DOD-ordered and controlled shots? Literary no-one until I introduced those little gems via Karen to the reading audience and why? because all were signing from neatly placed CIA song sheets..some still are as the race to take toxic Ivermectin in the crazed belief another pharmaceutical made by monstrous Merck can miraculously counter other toxic injected pharmaceuticals and heavy metal nanoparticles entering their bodies from raining chemtrails….it used to be a catch cry of rebels once that the revolution doesn’t need idiots..well the revolution still doesn’t need idiots

          • Britain handed over hegemony in 1947 as you are aware, hence military bases. ( There’s always a bigger and better island, from Sealand to Britain to Columbia ).
            Elders of Zion is of interest because it was generated in Priory of Sion and all the fact checkers will tell you, no !!!
            We all heard of q dots and mark of beast stuff years ago. Everyone was listening to Karen Kingston long ago. BigPharma companies are an offshoot of the chemical industry so they permeate all levels of gov’t and private industry. Gates “fairytale” comes out of his own mouth.
            Anyway apart from refuting most of your diatribe, “things are not as they seem” is well understood by many at various levels of understanding.
            Now back to Egypt-Rome-Vatikan-Constantinople-Venice-Zurich-Geneva vs. Babylon-Khazaria-Rotschilds own the world ,,, you have digressed ,,, you have totally bypassed a great opportunity to clarify and rationalise the story of the last 2000 years.
            In the end it’s your loss.

          • Disambiguation:

            The origin of the Danish name Sjælland is not exactly known. Sjæl in modern Danish means “soul”; a derivation from siô/sæ (meaning “lake” or “sea”) has been assumed. However, today a common hypothesis is that the Old Danish form Siâland is based on the word *selha- with the ending *wundia-. The latter means “indicates, resembles”. The word *selha- may have two different meanings: “seal” (in modern Danish sæl) or “deep bay, fjord”. Since Roskilde is a major and ancient settlement on Zealand, accessible by sea through the narrow Roskilde Fjord (branched from the Isefjord), it has been assumed that the sailors named the island after this.
            The English form may be borrowed from the German form Seeland. These forms might be based on the assumption that the first part means sea or lake (German See), or they could simply be based on an alternative Danish form of the name, Sælland, which was common until the 19th century.
            Unlike the Danish island, the Pacific nation of New Zealand is named after the Dutch province of Zeeland.
            [ from YGLpedia ]

            Svein Forkbeard was probably the most famous of the early Kings of Britain+Denmark, those Vikings were always on the hunt for better islands.

          • “We all heard of q dots and mark of beast stuff years ago. Everyone was listening to Karen Kingston long ago.” Holy shit!..evidence please? Any past post will do prior to nOV 2022…ANY…..Chunk up you are LOST in details….BUT it is how you keep projecting your persona look at your last post..total tripe mad odg chasing its tail round and round and barking loudly as the spiel unspins..oh what about Assange I suppose the whole crew (club) here had that pinned as well..gotta laugh at the fragility of egos….

          • All wrong and powered by hubris, Assange was your most cutting edge story, Bechamp arguments are not news.
            Go and look up KK on rumble or bitchute, she has been around since about 2021, you have forgotten, nobody wanted to be injected at school age 5 or so with whatever they were injecting back then. Mark of beast came up with the injections, but everyone knew about it before then of course. It was in the horror movie Damien the Omen, we knew about it as kids. Everyone knows about animal rights and vegan, when I was about 20 I stopped eating eggs because nobody sold free-range in those days. My brain kept working anyway without them.

  14. Melbourne version of own-state-destroyer Zelenskyy, the insane freak Chief Hoax Officer has popped up !!!
    He is brother-in-law to Jane the Drain, the Australian ambassador to BigPharma who wants to drain us of billions of dollars for new va666ines next year for new flu strains, they don’t even know what they are, they are just going to have a guess and shoot you right up with their junk like any junky laying dead in a doorway in Fitzroy St.
    And they want to shoot up your kids with their junk again and again and they don’t give a damn if your kid drops dead while they’re asleep or playing sport, why all this you ask, because that’s what they get paid to do !!! They are paid, do you get it yet !!!
    It’s their job, that’s what they’re paid to do, to get you injected with junk again and again, until you end up in hospital as their full-time customer.

  15. Sutton the COVID glutton…..has no one explained A.D.E [anti-body dependent enhancement] to him? Get him on the phone with Malone..even that treacherous snake understands that phenomena “In the section on Vaccine Risks for Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE), Ricke and Malone write that their research “leads to the prediction that new attempts to create … SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have potentially higher risks for inducing ADE in humans…” This is a critically important dire statement about a very dangerous situation. Then they warn in their Summary that new safety measures would have to be found because of “vaccine efforts which have failed due to ADE in animal models.”

    Interesting that the mad hatter Sutton uses a mechanistic mobile phone re-charging analogy…isn’t he aware that the more you charge a phone battery the less charge the battery eventually holds? https://www.androidcentral.com/why-does-battery-life-get-worse-over-time

    Someone please plug him into a 240 volt socket and give us all some peace.

    • Dr. Merritt interview with Poornima Wagh, PhD virology (Translation edition)
      August 16, 2022


      “…………..There’s no spike protein coded into the mRNA, nothing. Zero. And massive amounts of heavy metal contamination: tungsten, osmium, silica, a lot of silver and gold particles. What else? They have nickel, some amount of lead. I mean, talk about heavy metal contamination! There’s massive amounts of aluminum in there. And all this stuff is very stable. You know, when you put that into the human body, it sits in adipose tissue and other places, and it causes problems. It causes irritation and inflammation. That’s what’s causing all these vascular problems that we’re seeing. The blood vessel problems. And the graphene oxide has an extremely weak positive piezoelectric charge. And everything in our body, and especially the heart and the brain, are negatively charged………………..” 

      Tim Spector, metallic taste after vaccination

      Vaccinated populations suffering strange new illness


      The Secret Covenant: A Member of the Illuminati Tells All

      “An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.

      “………………“We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

      The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

      The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

      “They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.

      When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison…………………”


      • I agree with scientist Poornimah Wagh that there is no virus in the modern English definition, but there is a virus in the Latin dictionary definition.

        The way I see it Poornimah told an untruth on her CV and got crucified for that – not for the truth of her scientific research.

        • The application of the word vaccine is “an untruth” as well as the use of he singular instead of the plural, the correct term is “the injections” because it’s well known there exists a great variety of mixtures. Another example of plural / singular switching these days is the authorised word of “freedoms” for “freedom”. We either have freedom or we don’t. “Freedoms” implies we live in a state of total restriction, with certain specified privileges being curtailed at the pleasure of the authorities.
          Using the terms “vaccine” and “freedoms” plays into the hands of the Globalist establishment who authorise these terms, just as “gambling” was sanitised to “gaming” even to the extent that the relevant government department is Ministry of x,y,z and Gaming.
          It’s all deliberate deceit.

          • Correct CC

            Stefan Lanka “Viruses are not microbes
            and have no infectious capacity”(1 of 3)”

            “Stefan Lanka”Viruses are not microbes
            and have no infectious capacity” English (2 of 3)”

            “Stefan Lanka “Viruses are not microbes
            and have no infectious capacity” (3 of 3)”


            No one has ever taken a sample directly from a diseased patient and “isolated” it, meaning to “separate it from all other things”. Therefore no one can make the claim that what they are looking for, which hasn’t been shown to exist, is in the patient and furthermore, no claim can be made that what they haven’t shown to exist is the cause of any dis-ease.

            The way virologists claim to find a “virus” is by taking a sample from a diseased patient. They make the assumption that a “virus” is present in the sample without ever verifying this claim. Next they put the sample into a cell culture of monkey kidney cells where they add fetal bovine serum and other genetic material along with various toxins like antibiotics and antimycotics; which starve the cells of nutrients. After 5 days the cells start dying and they call that the cytopathic effect, proof a “virus” and falsely call this process “isolation”.

            All claims of alleged “viruses” refer to anti-scientific experiments with cell cultures; they are entirely meaningless as they lack proper controls and all fall under the unproven assumption that the samples they use contain a “virus”.
            “Virologists” take as proof of the existence of a virus that cells die in a cell culture, even though this cell death has been shown to occur without the addition of any “virus”, or what they are claiming to be a “virus”..

            “If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue.”
            – Rudolph Virchow

            “Nothing is lost, nothing is created … all is transformed. Nothing is the prey of death.
            All is the prey of life.”
            – Antoine Béchamp

            “The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
            – Florence Nightingale


            take out xxxx

        • Dr Stefan Lanka on Virology, COVID-19, PCR, HIV & Measles

          The theory of infection with Dr Stefan Lanka, Dawn Lester & David Parker:

          The ancient origins of germ theory with Dr Stefan Lanka:

          “Virologists” – by Dr Stefan Lanka

          “No Panic – Dr Stefan Lanka On Bird Flu, AIDS And The Corruption Of Medicine”

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