Home Corona Healthy Canadian Doctors Dropping Dead — Cause Mostly “Unknown”

Healthy Canadian Doctors Dropping Dead — Cause Mostly “Unknown”


Odessa Orlewicz joins Stew Peter’s report on Doctors are dropping like flies in Canada. The culprit is the deadly vaccine forced upon them by their tyrannical government. Canada is raising the requirements to be considered fully jabbed, and it is killing people!

Above, Rowan Dean on Brett Sutton’s disgraceful backflip and on how Australia’s health bureaucrats, state premiers, federal politicians should hang their heads in SHAME.

And an article from The Gateway Pundit July 25, 2022 by Julian Conradson:

“Deaths From “Unknown” Causes Are Now the Leading Killer in Alberta, Canada.

“Public health officials in the Canadian Province of Alberta are sounding the alarm after they recorded an unprecedented rise in deaths from “unknown” or “ill-defined” causes in 2020 and 2021. The total number of these deaths began rising at the start of the Covid pandemic but really began ballooning out of control following the rollout of the experimental jab.

“According to the most recent data published by the Government of Alberta, deaths from “unknown” causes became the leading killer in the province – claiming more lives than heart disease, diabetes, and strokes, COMBINED – in 2021. When compared to pre-pandemic data the total number of deaths without a known cause is a staggering 7x higher than it was in 2019.

“In total, there were 3,362 of these deaths in 2021, which is more than double the 1,464 in 2020. In 2019, there were only 522.”

Continue reading HERE

D-dimer micro thrombi blood clot test

What a catastrophic situation these leaders have put people in.

This article from Dr Paul Alexander:

“Doctors (everyone) who took COVID injection, must demand D-dimer micro thrombi blood clot test; POVIDONE oral-nasal wash; ASPIRIN!

This is what he suggests…

“D-dimer test is type of blood test that measures and quantifies D-dimer which is a type of protein fragment that your body makes whenever a blood clot is dissolved in your body. The micro-thrombi post COVID vaccine can be silent, very small, but numerous and can kill you and are killing you…so demand the blood test. If D-dimer is elevated, insist you go on heparin/coumadin/warfarin/high dose aspirin…ask for enoxaparin, it is also an anti-coagulant, many people I know use high dose aspirin (325 mg daily) if not already on blood thinners for a while post shot…assuming they have clots. Talk to your doctor please. 

“Doctors must use daily 2-3 times nasal-oral wash povidone-iodine or hydrogen peroxide to wash out mouth and Q tip to clean the nostrils. The virus hangs out in the gumline and back of the throat/pharynx etc. Use this please doctors and everyone, every person, no swallow, swish and spit. Prevention for higher risk people.”



    • I did not listen to the whole discourse but the first bit reminded me of just why the very first Commandment after the first three condemning idolatry, blasphemy, and careless dismissal of the order and purpose of we ‘yoomans is the Commandment to “honour your father and mother”. Father is the progenitor (perhaps nation) from which you are derived but the mother is the culture in which you are formed.

      Many years ago I observed that a “socially and economically deprived” child could survive reasonably intact with a good mother even if the father was a reprobate waster or other kind of narcissist. On the other hand, the children of and a gallant and virtuous father have almost no chance against a cruel and vicious woman and the children … are, at best. detached if not disordered.

      All the good of human society, including the valour of its sons, and the wisdom of its daughters can be attributed to the mothers that formed them. “Male and female He made them” each with their role and purpose. Blardy hell! the older I get the more I appreciate the Divine wisdom in “male and female He created them”.

      • I listen at playback speed x 2. The way Monika describes the weaponisation of language and certain words is quite articulate. Thanks for watching. All we can do is share moments of our own journey for anyone interested, without implied obligation.

        • All well and good, but what about the uncharted bystander casualties, those who’re being precluded from basic medical attention per the mandate-engendered loss of medical personnel within a system that was already under duress. Said walk-out has naturally created a situation that has hit many compliant staff as being intolerable, hence an avalanche effect. Albany’s emergency unit currently has 10 vacated full-time positions and there’s no prospect of any relief

  1. What kind of fool is Dr Paul Alexander?

    These highly paid assassins from the Medical Mafia committed, and/or were complicit in the murder of millions, including children, and this idiot wants to save their lives.

    Shut up, mate, and let us have at least a little bit of justice in this world. If I have my way, each of these jabbin’ doctors and nurses will receive a new mRNA booster each month until dead.

    Doctors are so brainwashed to believe they are exceptional; that they are a cut above non-medical citizens, that they even think their guilt for democide must be forgivin… because they are doctors.

    The most intelligent person I ever met was a UK doctor, and he explaned to me how the first six weeks of medical school was to convince medical students they were above normal ethics and morality; that they are demigods.

    I can honestly say that the the other doctors I have met were invariably unintelligent, arrogant, and essentially dishonest. Every single one of them has the capacity and opportunity to discover that all vaccines are dangerous and that they do not work. The evidence is available and is indisputable. They simply do not want to look at actual scientific evidence and confront killer cancer treatments or genuine unconventional cures (18 to my knowledge) or that the mRNA is a bioweapon.

    With a few courageous exceptions, whose names are fast becoming household words, the only good doctors are deceased doctors.

    • “If I have my way, each of these jabbin’ doctors and nurses will receive a new mRNA booster each month until dead.”

      Oh-oh, Tony’s been reading Leviticus 24 again:

      17 “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death. 18 Whoever takes an animal’s life shall make it good, life for life. 19 If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him, 20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him. 21 Whoever kills an animal shall make it good, and whoever kills a person shall be put to death. 22

    • They know they are rats because they scurry back into their hole as soon as they are seen. Meanwhile the Queensland government is declaring war on schoolteachers, take a pay cut or else we give you the death-jab. Funny way to deal with a teacher shortage but that’s our governments for you, they no longer care if anything they do makes sense. They have become deranged maniacs. The sheeple are mostly brain-dead anyway, and go along with the red/green blue/teal system.

      • Speaking about reduced wages as everything else escalates to oblivion.
        Went to fish markets, former Italian Portuguese Chinese Aussies all replaced by new workers from Indian subcontinent supervised by Chinese. Soon they’ll be too expensive, so who’s next?
        From prosperity to third world in two decades since 911.

  2. 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs for Expectant Mothers Anyway. Report
    By Debra Heine, August 19, 2022

    More than 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine trial suffered miscarriages, according internal Pfizer documents, recently released under court order. Despite this, Pfizer, and the Biden administration insisted that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women.
    Read more


  3. The most dangerous ‘virus’ affecting all people is a core group of satanic psychopaths in control of money and finance who have purposely built this beast system. Loaded on all bases, always using plots, schemes and scams to rip us off, dull our minds, poison us with vaccines and spray the skies with toxic metals and nano-particles and enslave us in a cashless dystopian hell on earth.

    • With digital they’ve turned the whole planet into a prison, so that rebellion is impossible. We are ruled by freaks who ram their products and agendas down our throats 24/7. This gangster system relies on political bribery and secret society machinations by lobby groups, greedy murderers always lusting for more.

      • Our creepy government is not short of minions who will do any bidding because they are controlled by centralised digital money. We now see the old “bankcard” of the 1970’s with its 666 logo was no accident. They were telling us what was coming, loud and clear. Now 50 years (2 generations) later, the sheeple have already forgotten, they prefer their card, it’s convenient. Now their card links to experimental blood-clot injections, they still wave their card.


      Zionism is from the Babylonian Talmud, which today has replaced the Torah as the basis of Judaism. Talmudic Judaism in Jesus Christ’s time was known as Pharisaism, which Jesus Christ called the “Synagogue of Satan” (Rev 2:9, 3:9). It was the Pharisees’ oral traditions which were later compiled as the Babylonian Talmud.

      The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.

      Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC

      http://www.balderexlibris.com/public/ebook/Weisman Charles_A._Who_is_Esau-Edom.zip

      Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows

      • “Christian Identity proponents believe the word “Jew” means “Edomite” and the Jews, who interacted with Jesus in the Gospels, were really Edomites, rather than the descendants of Jacob, the subject of the Old Testament. Christian Identity proponents claim they are Christians, yet they do not see the Bible as their source of truth and authority. (The fact that the Christian Identity movement is full of racists and criminals also casts doubts on the genuineness of their Christianity.) The way they carry on about the Jews supposedly being Edomites, you would think it is as important as Jesus dying for our sins (if we are white). The Bible does not say Jews are Edomites. The New Testament does not even tell us that Herod the Great was an Edomite, which we know from Josephus. “

        “Many Christian Identity proponents quote the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906 or 1925 as saying “Edom is modern Jewry” or “Edom is in modern Jewry”. It is even supposed to be Volume 5, page 41 of the 1925 edition.
        However, the 1906 edition is online. Its entry on Edom can be found here and it does not say “Edom is modern Jewry” or “Edom is in modern Jewry”.

        Likewise, on the  The Christogenea Christian Identity Forum  one contributor said he bought the 1925 edition and could not find the quote. It looks like some Christian Identity supporter made up the quote and others have been repeating it  without bothering to check if it is authentic.
        The Christian Identity movement believes the Old Testament conflict between Jacob and Esau is still going on today. The white nations are the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob, while the Jews are really Edomites, the descendants of Esau. They believe they are being oppressed by an international Jewish conspiracy. However, if they are Israel and the Jews are Edomites, their hatred of the Jews disobeys God’s command to Israel, “You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother.” (Deuteronomy 23:7)

        • ““You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother.””

          Its in our hearts, I’m late to the game but … Boy Friday.

          I will not be a wheel or a spindle, but I’m yours

          • Isaiah 5:20

            Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
            Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
            Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

        • Esau is assumed to be the progenitor of the Edomites. His character reflects the disposition of this warlike people. The stories in Genesis purpose to account for their relations with the Israelites (Gen. xxv. 27, xxxii. 4, xxxiii. 1 et seq.), as well as to throw light on the fact that the “younger brother”—that is, the tribe or tribes that gained a foothold in the country at a later date—crowded out the “older,” and thus acquired the “birthright” (Gen. xxv. 29 et seq., xxvii. 28 et seq.). These narratives belong to both the Elohist and the Jahvist writers, as does Gen. xxxvi., which reflects, in the form of a genealogy, the historical fact of Esau’s mixture with Canaanites (Hittites) and Ishmaelites. To the priestly writer is due the statement that Esau’s marriage, distasteful to his parents, leads to Jacob’s being sent away (Gen. xxvi. 34, 35). The same authority is partly responsible for other names connected with Esau in Gen. xxxvi. 2, 3; xxvii. 46; xxviii. 1 et seq. Esau, according to this source (P), remains with his parents (Gen. xxxv. 29), and, after Jacob’s return, leaves only because of the lack of room (Gen. xxxvi. 6, 7).

        • http://www.balderexlibris.com/public/ebook/Weisman_Charles_A_-_Who_is_Esau-Edom.zip

          Judah married a Canaanite. Genesis 38:1-2.

          No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite] was allowed in the line chosen to antecede Jesus Christ.

          Judah also began a pure blood line through Tamar. Genesis 38:13-30

          Jesus Christ is the end of the pure blood Chosen line — Judah/Tamar, Pharez, Naason, David — Ruth, Mary that was chosen to antecede Him. Christ has not fathered physical descendents, therefore there is no pure blood – physical line of Judah that can be said to have descended from Christ. Those who hate Christianity and call themselves Gods Chosen People in the flesh are liars – those of all nations who call on the name of Christ are of Judah in Spirit and therefore Semites. Jesus Christ – the King of Judah. Gen. 38 11-30, Ruth 4 18-22

          Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]

          “Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.

          The Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.

          To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) .

  4. Well done Dee.
    Your article in full with comments has been linked from:
    whatreallyhappened.com. New.
    The Walkley award fake club owes you a kookaburra stamp.

  5. the new normal?

    “German zoophiles have taken to the streets in protest against laws that forbid sex with animals. According to a pride marcher…’It is much easier to build a relationship with animals than humans’.
    The protester also brought his dog to the March to ‘share the love’ and told the interviewer that the first dog he had a sexual relationship with was a male, however he is currently in a relationship with a ‘German shepherd bitch’.”

    Baxter Dmitry newspunch.com

    • you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still beastiality.

      the typo signature, the joke open source. Spread it like a monkey pox

  6. Klaus Swab again
    ” All in the mind
    Brain implants take us one step further and allow us to tap straight into the body’s “operating system”.
    The limits on implants are going to be set by ethical arguments rather than scientific capacity. For example, should you implant a tracking chip in your child? There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety.
    Another important element is security. Remember when Former American Vice President Dick Cheney’s pacemaker was modified to prevent hacking?
    Chile is already a step ahead. Last year, the country pioneered a bill to amend its constitution to protect personal brain data. Several countries are now exploring how to address these issues surrounding (brain) implants. ”


    • Monica is sweet, young, genuine and beautiful. Avi whilst short is a full trained commando(you can tell).
      Something we all can agree, Melbourne knows good food.
      last time there 1996, I can still taste that good tucker, hope you all down those parts, have at least, that still. Arrest Dan

      Conclusion; Hijacked

  7. Biden Admin Running ‘World’s Epicenter’ of Child Trafficking, According to Former WH Adviser


    A recent report revealed that some 250,000 children crossed into the US border and were sent to “sponsors” since President Joe Biden entered office last year. Former Trump White House adviser, Stephen Miller, accused the Biden administration of turning the United States into the “world’s epicenter” of child trafficking, due to the administration’s border policies. Adult and child migrants are trafficked for both labor and sex. Miller wrote, “Biden, with the unflinching aid of 50 Senate Democrats, is running the largest child smuggling operation our world has ever seen.” He noted that the number of child and adult migrants is so astronomical, there is no historical comparison………

    Record-Breaking Two Million Migrants Encountered At U.S. Southern Border
    26,523 views Aug 20, 2022

  8. Purim Fest Recalls of the Jewish Act of Genocide*

    “…….The Jewish festival of Purim, March 23-24, may seem benign, but it has a dark contemporary meaning. It manifests the Jewish determination to exterminate all those who stand in the way of Israel and the New World Order. This includes Palestinians, Iranians and Christians.

    “A race war thousands of years old is invoked in deliberations of the President of the United States concerning our nation’s war policy” — Michael Hoffman

    Read on –


    • “Why Should Christians Celebrate Purim? – Christians should celebrate the fact that the Jews were saved because they were God’s chosen people and from the lineage of their King David came the savior of the Jews and Gentiles: Jesus Christ.

      Christianity was initially considered a sect of Judaism until it grew in numbers and became its own branch of religions. In addition, Jesus grew up as a Jew and learned Jewish teachings. He went against many of those teachings with his own pronouncements about God and salvation.

      There is a growing desire among Christians to once again integrate the Biblical festivals into their religion. Although Purim is not Biblically-mandated like Passover, Sukkot or Yom Kippur, it is founded on Biblical events and is the only festival that that is based on an entire book of the Bible (Esther). That makes Purim relevant for anyone who lives their life according to the Word of God.

      Christians can celebrate Purim as a means to repent for the actions of the church fathers toward the Jews. The prophet Daniel is a model for this repentance. When Daniel knew that the 70 years of exile for Judah were coming.

      How Purim relates to Christians – First and foremost, Purim is a story of God’s faithfulness. The Book of Esther recounts His faithfulness to the children of Israel when they are threatened by the second most powerful man in the ancient Persian Empire—Haman. The lesson is simple. God is faithful to all His.

      It also is about God turning bad situations into blessings. Because of the Jewish people’s faithful prayers and fasting, Queen Esther is given the courage to intervene with the king and disclose Haman’s plans to wipe out the Jews. In a declaration, the king gives the Jews the right to defend themselves and rob their attackers.

      In spite of relying on divine leadership and strength, God isn’t mentioned once in the Book of Esther. This reminds many of us that faith in God has nothing to do with religion as much as it is a personal devotion to the Lord that should so infiltrate every part of our lives. Esther and Mordechai didn’t need to openly announce that they were depending on God. Doing so was so much a part of who they were that it would have been obvious to those who knew them.

      In Israel, Purim is marked by dressing up in costumes, a universal symbol of merrymaking, and holding grand parties. While not the biggest or most important of Israel’s holidays, it is without question the festival that is most noticeable and accompanied by the most public merriment.

  9. elspeth, your reading and understanding is illogical.

    Judah married a Canaanite. Genesis 38:1-2. Under oral tradition the racial identity was taken from the mother.

    No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite] was allowed in the line chosen to antecede Jesus Christ.

    Judah also began a pure blood line through Tamar. Genesis 38:13-30

    Jesus Christ is the end of the pure blood Chosen line — Judah/Tamar, Pharez, Naason, David — Ruth, Mary that was chosen to antecede Him. Christ has not fathered physical descendents, therefore there is no pure blood – physical line of Judah that can be said to have descended from Christ. Those who hate Christianity and call themselves Gods Chosen People in the flesh are liars – those of all nations who call on the name of Christ are of Judah in Spirit and therefore Semites. Jesus Christ – the King of Judah. Gen. 38 11-30, Ruth 4 18-22

    Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]

    “Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.

    The Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.

    To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) .

    • “your reading and understanding is illogical”

      Which is just an oblique way of saying the book of Esther is illogical

      And dismissing any part of the Bible like so is simply a reminder that:

      “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
      1 CORINTHIANS 1:18

      • “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
        Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
        And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
        MATHEW 7: 21 – 23

    • The nature of the cult you’re caught up in is self-evident:

      “The Christian Identity Movement is not true Christianity. They may claim to believe in Jesus Christ, but the god they worship is nothing like Jesus, who offered salvation to all who would believe (John 3:16) and died to make that salvation possible. The only person who is excluded from Christ’s kingdom is the person who chooses not to be there. Faith in Jesus Christ is the way for all men; He makes no other distinction. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to promise” (Galatians 3:28–29)”.

      • “Unmasking the Cults” Alan W. Gomes

        “In this introduction to the Zondervan Guide to Cults and Religious Movements, Dr. Gomes defines the characteristics of a “cult of Christianity” and why such a group subverts the search for spiritual truth. He explains the emotional and spiritual appeal of cults, who is susceptible, and the techniques cult leaders use to attract members. This book, in dealing with a wide range of issues relating to cults and religious movements in general, complements the other books in the series, all of which focus on specific religious groups. — Why this series? This is an age when countless groups and movements, old and new, mark the religious landscape in our culture, leaving many people confused or uncertain in their search for spiritual truth and meaning. Because few people have the time or opportunity to research these movements fully, these books provide essential information and insights for their spiritual journeys. Except for this book, each book in the series has five sections: – A concise introduction to the group – An overview of the group’s theology — in its own words – Tips for witnessing effectively to members of the group – A bibliography with sources for further study – A comparison chart that shows the essential differences between biblical Christianity and the group — The writers of these volumes are well qualified to present clear and reliable information and help us discern religious truth from falsehood.”

  10. Protein busting enzymes work to dissolve clots in minutes.
    Nasttokinhase serrapeptase etc. Cheap and effective.
    No LD50.
    No deaths by bleeding out, unlike blood thinners.
    The immune system protects its DNA by killing individuals who have an infection. Pretects whole speices. Clotting is the most potent form of immune activity. The dissolved clots end up in the lungs, hence we cough up phlegm.

    Let the idiots die?

    They will get in the way of others in the coming famines ….

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