Comment by DM
A shocking firsthand account from a SpaceX engineer in storm-battered North Carolina reveals that Biden-Harris’ Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) blocked shipments of critical goods for relief efforts into the region. There have been numerous reports this week of FEMA actively hindering relief efforts in the western part of the state, including threatening private helicopter pilots with arrests for conducting rescue missions. We also learned that the Biden-Harris administration drained FEMA funds to support illegal aliens, prioritizing non-citizens (future voters) over American citizens.
Around lunchtime, Elon Musk shared a dire message from one of his SpaceX engineers on the ground in the storm-ravaged state. Musk said:
“FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!”
This was published in Reuters in their attempts to counter conspiracies emerging:
“”Oct 5 (Reuters) – In the wake of the devastation of Hurricane Helene in the United States this week, a new storm emerged on social media – false rumors about how disaster funds have been used, and even claims that officials control the weather. Local and national government officials say they are trying to combat the rumors, including one spread by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
“One of the more far-fetched rumors is that Helene was an engineered storm to allow corporations to mine regional lithium deposits. Others accuse the administration of President Joe Biden of using federal disaster funds to help migrants in the country illegally, or suggest officials are deliberately abandoning bodies in the cleanup.
“Republican Congress member Marjorie Taylor Greene posted on X Thursday night: “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done”.”
Ned’s link to 100MonkeeZ — GLOBAL COASTAL EVENT:
Also From about 17 mins Joe, re the world coastal disaster ‘forecast’ from Clif High.
There is a C H update recently at about 20 mins.…
Basically it is theorised that next week (?17) there will be tidal intrusions ‘worldwide’ ( 100 ft high and persistent) from remote viewers.
Separately, High places a possible ‘event’ from a 2013 High observation of related situations separate to the event. Such as hyper inflation metals rising etc. by that means there is a assessment of timing with collateral situations of grief etc as assessed by Clif. Release can be positive or negative.
So assessments come from two separate methods…..THAT MATCH – at least a serious event’.
As explained
As readers are aware, I know that predictions by different methods can be accurate. If you have not experienced such, just shut up you do not have the knowledge and cannot contribute.
I wonder if Helene is the ‘event’ and there is another ‘controlled’? Hurricane on its way to ‘dove tale’ ? With Helene and finish the place off.
Our mass media is a waste of space and have proven history of not caring about humanity.
Matter not for ignorant normies, they will just have to await for the event and release language and perhaps JUST SUFFER.
I will just go to BIN and se if it is still there.
But my own thought reminds me of a Q post that we have been trying to work out.
So what did Q hint when he said “WATCH THE WATER”🙀💁🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️🤷♂️
Our stupid gullible fools proved their worth by saving us from covid💁🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
President Reagan was a misinformation dim wit when he stated: that there are nine dangerous words that government
[We are not fake or r-s-oles]
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I could not locate the remote viewers report on the coastal ‘event’ from Algite ? And friends.
I was trying to put this altogether after midnight last night and trying to be bored enough to get some sleep. It was the reports of some detail of the tidal event.
Bloody BIN now puts in an advertisement. Every now and then and requires the distraction to turn over and ‘skip’ the ad.
Anyway, from the comments appearing below, no one gives a stuff, so why should I suffer all the exasperation just to give you some serious warnings when last I noted it was 3am.
Just go and read Elspeth.
As I have previously posted David Dubyne has been discussing this possible scenario for some time as a consequence of the alignment of the four gas giants due 19-24 October 2024.
In fact there are three potential reset events in the next six months.
Seth Holehouse from Maninamerica.com and I talked about three potential civilization resetting events within the next six months and this as a possible reason for the world shifting so greatly over the last four years. There is a timeline that needs to be followed as signs in the heavens become obvious.
FOUND It – THE COASTAL DISASTER REMOTE VIEWERS LINK – In my sent E mail messages after a few minutes when I started to listen. Later I sent the subject article as I noted the DOT.
I sent it to a few late last night, including to Dee and Terry S.
Please Dee or Terry put that link here under…. It is appropriately titled,
Terry, I received your reply after 6 am this morning and Dee logged the report in this article… it was a hard and disturbing night.
So if you lot do not bother to take note of ALL THE INFORMATION, do NOT whinge to me that your location is drowned and you did not know it might happen. You have BEEN TOLD.
Our friends in government and telcos are very insistent we get new phones by, what date, can’t remember maybe it was Hallowe’en.
Clif High – Web Bot, Global Costal Event, October 2024, Remote Viewing, Future Predictions
Gas giant alignment event referring to David Dubyne Adapt 2030 channel.Dick Allgire.Future Forecasting Group.
Q4 2024 Future Predictions [Part 1] Poisoning, Coup, and Global Unrest Remote Viewed
If it is worldwide and you think you are safe at Pilliga, think again on the flow in affects rippling out from the affected coastal areas.
Need medical treatment? Where will you find the specialists?
For God’s sake normies. Use your brain, if you can locate one if such an event occurs …. Well, work it out for your selves…..
That’s a good idea if you want to redevelop places and 6uild 6ack 6etter, like Lahaina, like Gaza, like western North Carolina, just clear it and everyone in the shanty towns can move on, they do it in Asia all the time. Because the super-rich are running out of things to do with their money to increase their wealth, and there are too many unauthorised squatters on their planet.
Meanwhile we can now see who is really causing the Global Warming, it’s the Coca Cola Company with all their carbonated drinks:
Daily production: Coca cola (1.8b) and carbonated drinks (assumed same)
g666gle: One can of Coca-Cola (330ml) is equivalent to 0.09m3 of CO2 Gas.
This means 11 cans = one cubic metre of CO2 ( assumed at sea level ) so world daily emissions more than 300 million cubic metres of CO2 from soft drinks.
Someone call Greta Thunderbox, stop the coke before we end up in WaterWorld
AfA press release 23 August 2024: Immediate release of lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich
The following has been translated from German to English using an online translator.
Göttingen lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich has now been in custody for over 10 months [now nearly 12 months] after he was arrested at Frankfurt Airport on 13 October 2023. The maximum duration for pre-trial detention in Germany may in principle be “only” 6 months (§ 121 para. 1 StPO). “There are no special or important reasons for extending the pre-trial detention beyond the 6 months,” said defence attorney Katja Wörmer in a statement to the Lawyers for Enlightenment.
Dr. Reiner Füllmich had previously been “kidnapped” from Mexico, where he had been staying until then. There was only one German and one European arrest warrant against him. A lengthy international extradition procedure was to be circumvented. For this purpose, the Göttingen public prosecutor’s office worked closely with liaison officers from the LKA Interpol Lower Saxony and the Federal Criminal Police Office, who were on-site in Mexico. They exchanged views on the “pretext” under which “pretext” “Reiner Füllmich” could be “lured” into the Mexican consulate so that he could sign his passport and then have him arrested by the Mexican migration authorities. This was done trickily on 11 October 2023.
“The unlawful expulsion from Mexico without a valid legal basis has been pointed out several times by the defence and also by Dr. Reiner Füllmich himself, already in the first presentation date before the Göttingen District Court and later repeatedly during the main hearings,” said lawyer Wörmer. “The kidnapping of my client from Mexico to Frankfurt raises significant national and international legal questions that stand in the way of continuing his pre-trial detention,” explains Katja Wörmer.
In the Rosdorf prison near Göttingen, Dr. Reiner Füllmich is isolated from all fellow prisoners, he has to carry out the daily courtyard walks alone, and he is completely forbidden to talk or otherwise contact his fellow prisoners. He is only allowed to make phone calls to his defence attorneys if the other prisoners on his ward are in their cells. Private visits are limited to 3 hours per month.
Thank you for this update on the continuing Global pretense of LAW in action. Is there not a country on this planet to stand up for law and order? No! Every country’s lead politicians seem to be putty in the hands of criminals. In other words they themselves are the criminals.
Dr. Reiner Füllmich’s personal message from Rosdorf Prison on 29th of April 2024.
I am asking interested persons to help me concoct a new word.
I think the circumstances under which Reiner was arrested is sufficient to tell us that the arrest is malicious. In fact I would like to use the word “reiner” to mean that some single, small event can give the game away. “Yeah that was a reiner for sure.”
If I recall correctly, he was proceeding to do the Nuremberg 2 trial (as it were). (Hey I did a moot court trial for Martin Bryant and for Jahar Tsarnaev — it’s easy.) I think it was a Maori group in NZ that has an independent justice system which was hosting Fuellmich. Then he needed to renew his passport so he went to the Mexican embassy. There, he got kidnapped.
If you recall from Adolph Eichman’s 1960 trial in Israel, he got there by kidnap. Under both International Law and US law (I’m not sure about EU law), the manner in which you arrive at court will not be taken into consideration. (I think Mordechai Vanunu was also kidnapped to Israel re Dimona?)
The charge against Fuellmich was financial. I think Vivienne accused him of grabbing donations to buy a house. (I keep saying “I think” as I cannot spare the time to go back and check.) I think he has good proof that the people from whom he borrowed the cash had agreed to this and that he signed to the deal’s details.
Can anyone cite a case like this in which a small part of the event gives away that we are not dealing kosher here?
That said , Hurricane Helene is not a reiner but it sure is a Katrina.
To me , a Reiner will always be a “Meathead”.
And he’s sure hiding something .
Hans, why would you want to make such a statement. It seems that Reiner was a hero, to stand at big odds, against the criminal Big Pharma industry. Since he first took a stand against these criminals, many others have come up with massive amounts of evidence of mal-practice by these conspirators.
It’s not exactly hard to see that his criminality has served to discredit a just cause, thereby making him quite useful to the medical establishment he was purportedly opposing.
Which of course means that his supporters are just archetypal useful idiots
Their blunder goes to a childish goodie-baddie worldview: an unwillingness to concede that being endowed with some insight re one matter doesn’t render one inviolable to corruption re another
And it goes without saying that the same childishness is also known by an unwillingness to concede that the World System can only be overcome on an individual basis via zealous personal inventory
I be referring to famous American actor Rob Reiner , and what the Reiner name has meant to me my entire life .
The most famous interview in television history (3 min)
We can then. Assume then that you are not a resident of North Carolina, or even Gaza.
FEMA antics have become more commonplace in recent years .Many of the “unwoke” even are aware .
With so much crappening , one begins to question why continue the facade of politics as usual ? Are more lives really being spared this way ?
The body count in my neck of the woods is getting unacceptably high .
If I am correct, North Carolina is one place in US which runs it own financial affairs. That is they have their own banking system. Could be this attack on the State was retaliation by the Cabalists for being so audacious. With the financial situation about to collapse they don’t want the world to see what may be the only surviving, financial system that others may want to follow after the coming disaster.
HAARP, Weather War & Spraying the Sky-6mins
My question to Il Donaldo Trumpo would be: If the White Hats are in control, what has HAARP not been taken off line?
Comet Is Coming with Record Floods and Destroyed Rail Lines
What are ‘Weather Wars’? Is weather manipulation, a Black Hat operation only, or are the White Hats able to counter, within limits, the weather manipulation that the Black Hats cause?
Such White Hat limitation would seem to be when Hurricanes become monster weather systems.
Are you aware that a monster hurricane is also headed for the UK?
I have noted a pattern of weather that seems to becoming too consistent, during Spring and Summer, especially over the past four years. Such as, three or four days of hot northerly winds, followed by southerly windy and rainy changes, that tend to replenish what the hot winds have dried out, and has been countering, what the Bureau of Meteorology has been putting out with almost clockwork timings, at winter’s end, concerning severe fire warnings and hot dry summers.
Maybe the Bureau of Meteorology is working hand in glove with the Black Hats?
Did anyone notice this year, how winter came to an abrupt end two weeks prior to the end of August?
Have you noticed the warmer than average Spring?
They’ve been manipulating weather since 1947 – so – of all the catastrophic events since that time, which ones were natural, and which were man caused?
God knows, we’ve had plenty of our own weather related disasters in this country repeatedly, since the 1940s.
Atrocity Inc: How Israel Sells Its Destruction Of Gaza
The Grayzon
In an exclusive new documentary, Max Blumenthal rips the cover off the media deceptions and atrocity hoaxes Israel pushed after October 7 to create political space for its gruesome assault on the Gaza Strip. Blumenthal exposes the US mainstream media’s role as a megaphone for the Israeli government, introducing new lies even after their initial ones were debunked.
Atrocity Inc raises serious questions about the official narrative of October 7, while revealing how Israel’s army has consciously engaged in the same hideous atrocities which it falsely accused Palestinian militants of committing.
SEVENTH of October 2024 : situation update WTPN AT beforeitsnews.com – people powered news with real Mary for seventeen minutes.
For your own survival, just wake THE F up for Seventeen minutes.
At least!
BIN, if you keep it up you can FO. I suppose that is on purpose?💁
I have been sitting on this experience for a month or so but now raise it,
I have been trying to wake up many dumbed down ‘intelligent’ normies for years without much success. Even references to Derek Johnson, as here at gumshoe, has not AROUSED any acknowledgement or curiosity.
I have also quietly suggested that they just check out various news sites such as gumshoenews.com.
I have been perplexed when trying to follow up, that they appear stupid and dumb, too busy etc and have excuses.
Recently I found an answer as to why some may well feel reticent to follow up my suggestions.
A occasion eventuated and I brought to notice a report that should be of interest to examine.
Then it struck.!
He explained that part of his employment contract, as a senior manager, he was required to provide details of all his private research every xxxx weeks to his employer by providing his phone records (and laptops?) , being interests etc and therefore his contacts. Of course it was only for work related administration!
Sell me a bridge💁🤪
I presume he was provided with or had to account for use of corporate equipment provided. (or maybe other private devices💁🤪😎)
Upon this basic disclosure I did not pry further. Counsel learns not to pursue the obvious if no worthwhile result would be forthcoming at that time.
Despite his ‘contract restrictions’ another way around was suggested that I wonder if it resolved his self censorship to protect his position.
I bring this to notice of all persons ‘blackmailed’ by their employment conditions set up by the globalist control freak centre of control and subservient promotions
There is a simple manoutve,
If I was a Nazi, I would also be covertly arranging to bug his family’s communications and interests, if signalled as a matter of interest or benefit.
Think on that. MASS MEDIA EMPLOYED JOURNALISTS AND CORPORATE CEOs 💁🙀😎 they have you by the ….. just as with the doctors poisoning their patients for pharma profits and politician’s ‘feather nesting’
I look forward to some anonymous responses….. yea right, send a letter by post to gumshoenews.com, better still, privately deliver it.
“I have been sitting on this experience for a month or so but now raise it,
I have been trying to wake up many dumbed down ‘intelligent’ normies for years without much success.” – Yeah, been there, done that. – One of my associates up here on the mountain has/had a father that was a DEEP ‘normie’. He rubbished everything I said about the Covid hysteria and ignored my comments about Ivermectin, laughed at it actually, “horse medicine”. He ‘died suddenly’ three days ago.
It sounds harsh, but, good riddance. He won’t be around to rubbish anymore truth. He never knew it, but he was working for the bad guys.
Look, these academic pursuits are all well and good. We need to hone our skills and parse the time.
Don’t get distracted though, always have a grounding, or a path back to the, “spark” that brought you to this place. To the here and now.
Part of the learning is to not give yourself away, back yourself, not Cliff, David or Reiner. Sure let them talk, to influence you but if your not interacting with them, why jump in bed with them.
Most stuff is self evident once the “stuff” is defined. I’m more influenced by David judging by less distraction, so maybe hear .25 of his words and take. Identified and pending, controlled opposition I hear 100 percent.
I don’t mean to Reiner on, but we do share jail in Spandau and there is lots of gardening to do.
For me this — follows on from my recent comments -threads- a must watch
I had a very threatening phone call last night and woke to this – gave me great affirmation of my role and my existence
Kozyrev’s toaster -Part 1
Haven’t watched Part 2
Thought with Pastor Paul for tomorrow
Kozyrev’s Toaster – Part 2
Toast is all about time…
I am dubious to say the least about Clif’s explanation re the reason for the uptick in hurricane activity somehow being controlled by TPTB.
The explanation can be seen in the earth,planetary and solar events currently unfolding.
The “controllers” have always been cognisant of these cycles etc but not the exact timing.
The speed of onset has forced their agenda deadlines to be revised back decades and in the process evoked panic in the ranks.
The Sun Intensifies Tropical Storms
“FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!” – Perhaps just a wake-up call to the politicians/academics/morons that believe that the U.S. will come to the aid of Australia in a crisis. Hell, if the U.S. won’t come to the aid of its own citizens that live in the U.S., then why would anyone think they would come to the aid of Ozzies that live half-way around the world on another continent.
“……that believe that the US the US will come to the aid of Australia in a crisis…”
Who are they?
Only fools and idiots……. We would be sold and partitioned to a few buyers.
One only has to remember the UK after the fall of Singapore. Churchill wanted our ‘rats’ (Tobruk) at his beck and call. So much so, he tried to stop our troops in TRANSIT TO DEFEND AUSTRALIA. By ‘counter-ordering ‘ our Prime Minister’s orders. From memory HE ordered the transport fleet to India?
So why did not Churchill ever visit Australia? Maybe he thought we would stone him?
In any case, his electorate did half the job for us.
I recall a Ben Fulford report that the Cabal/kharzarian mafia ( you there EB?),tried to be refinanced by China, by offering Australia to China and the Chinese said NO! Well why would they finance the Rs who controlled the communists (CCO) when Zi was getting the bastards under control? That is one reason the Rs are stuffed- broke and one R had a fire sale!
In any case, China could get Australia for sixpence and our politicians would take it.
They have already sold our people and country via the UN ‘LIMA DECLARATION’ IN 1975 by the ‘Whitless’ traitors and inheritors ever since.
‘CCO’ should be ‘CCP’.
Crikey, people in Florida are freaking out about running out of gas to get out of danger. Like, what the hell is wrong with people? They go freaking nuts over just a perceived lack of toilet paper. – Why not prepare for problems in the future?
The lack of substance in humans comes out during a crisis. Dumb-shits will always be dumb-shits. If they find themselves without water, food or fuel, they freak out and attack/steal from those that have prepared. – It is like it is YOUR job to provide for their existence, you know, FOR THE COMMON GOOD!
Protect yourself, nobody else will…
According to Bosi, only 20% of the Aussie population are awake enough to prepare for what is surely coming – if you want a detailed analysis of which ‘hats’ the current population are wearing, and the numbers in percentages, then his analysis makes perfect sense to me.
Many will never wake up – that is a fact that cannot be ignored – so we have to skirt around those folk, who for whatever reason, just cannot grasp what is coming their way.